A Acton, 23, 27, 29 Adams, John, 28, 35, 151, 152 Adams, John Quincy, 151 Adams, Joseph, 33 Adams, Samuel, 22, 23, 24, 26 Alamance, 15, 20, 21 Allston, Washington, 85, 86 America, Song, 11 American Monthly Magazine Quoted from, 12, 20, 34, 45, 71, 87, 153, 154, 160, 168, 184, 197, 227, 251, 276, 283, 292, 297 Anderson, Major George W., 58 Andre, Major, 19 Arnett, Mrs. Hanna, 293, 297 Art and Artists of the Revolution, 84, 87 Atlanta, 59 Augusta, 57, 171 Austin, James Waddy, 307 B Baber, Ambrose, 313 Bacon, Nathaniel, 47 Baker, Colonel, 77 Baker, John, 170 Baker's Creek, 67 Bancroft's History, 34 Barksdale, Lucy, 136-138 Barrett, Colonel, 29 Barry, Margaret Katherine, 81, 84 Barry, Richard, 81 Bartlett, 35 Baxter, 189 Beach, Edward, 131 Beach, Ephraim, 130 Bedford, 27 Bennington, 187, 188, 207, 208 Billerica, 31 Blackshear, General, 237, 238 Blanchard, Luther, 29 Blue Laws of Old Virginia, 259-263 Blue Lick, Ky., 328 Bon Homme, Richard, 20, 134 Boone, Daniel, 180, 181, 328, 336, 337 Boston Port Bill, 165 Boston Tea Party, 15 Boy and his Arrow, 351, 352 Boyd, British Colonel, 109, 110 Brandywine, 37, 72, 74, 323 Bratton, Mrs., 117 Braxton, 36 Brewton, Mrs., 189, 190 Brookline, 33 Brooks, John, 31 Brown, Jonas, 29 Brown, Thomas, British Colonel, 63, 171 Bruton Church, 46 Bryan, Jonathan, 168 Buford, Colonel, 82, 83 Bulloch, Archibald, 140, 170 Bunker Hill, 34, 206 Burgoyne, John, 186, 187 Burnham, Florence, I. W., 197 Burnley, Harry, 136, 138 Burr, Aaron, 19 Burr, Theodosia, 293 Buttrick, Major John, 29 Byne, Annie, 108 Byne, Edmund, 104 Byron, Lord (quoted), 18 C Cahokia, 180, 183, 184 Calhoun Plantation, 65 Cambridge, 22, 33, 34, 206 Camden, 82, 115 Cameron, Alexander, 68, 69 Cameron, Capt. Charles, 139 Campbell, British Colonel, 170 Campbell, John A., 128 Carlisle, 27 Carlton, Kitty, 102 Carlton, Will, 161 Carmack, E. W., 152 Carroll, 36 Caswell, Richard, 277 Catherine II of Russia, 20 Cedar Springs, 81 Chain, Isaiah, 22 Charles River, 22 Charlestown, Mass, 22 Charlestown Neck, 22 Charlestown (now Charleston) S. C., 114, 171, 316 Chase, 36 Chatham, Earl of, 28 Chehaw (Indian Town), 237 Chelmsford, 27 Chelsea, 32 Cherokees, 100 Chew, Sallie, 37 Chidsey, Mrs. Will, 347 Childers, J. S., 312 Chivers, Sabina, 216 Christie, Colonel, 70 Clark, George Rogers (Major; then Colonel, then Brig. General), 180-184 Clark, 35 Clarke, Elijah (Colonel; then General), 63, 109, 110, 171, 172, 253, 264, 266 Clarke, Mrs. Hannah, 215 Clarke, John, 172, 214-220 Clarke, Miss Frances, 56 Clarke, Nancy, 219 Clayton, Mrs. Mary C. B., 175 Clayton, Mrs. R. B., 182 Cleghorn, Wm., 257-259 Clemson College, 65 Clergy Hall, 65 Clifton, Mrs. Annie Daniel, 324-326 Clymer, George, 238 Cockspur Island, 58 Cole, Mrs. H. G., 101 Cole, Thomas, 87 Coleraine, Treaty of, 238 Coligny, Admiral, 56 Collier, St. George, Admiral, 178 Collier, Edna Jones, 160 Colonial Congress, 15 Committee of Safety, 22 Concord, 26, 30-34 Concord River, 27 Conner, R. D. W., 283 Continental Congress, 15 Continentals, 16 Conway, General, 74 Cook, Mrs. Mary, 344 Copeland, Edna Arnold, 300 Copely, John S., 84 Cornwallis, Lord, 53, 75, 168 Corn-acre or Coronaca Creek, 67 Cothran, Mrs. Barrett, 131 Counties of Georgia with Indian Names, 330, 331 Cowpens, 81 Crany Island, 178 Crawford, Wm. H., 78 Cunningham, Bill, Noted Tory, 114 Custis, Martha (Mrs. Geo. Washington), 160 Cylmer, 36 D Daddy, Cyrus, 53, 54 Danvers, 33 Davenport, John, 136, 138 Davie, Colonel, then General, 90 Davis, Captain Isaac, 29, 30 Davis, Mrs. Isaac, 29, 30 Davis, Wm. Warren, 334 Dawes, Wm., 22, 23 Declaration of Independence and Names of Signers, 36 Dedham, 32 De Grasse, 180 DeKalb, 115 Derry, Joseph T., 369, 370 D'Estaing, 74, 171 Detroit, 181 De Vaughn, Mrs. M. S., 53 Dies, M
adam, 129, 130 Dillard, Mrs., 117 Doocy, Miss Helen T., 12 Dooly, John, 63, 109, 110, 171, 172, 253 Dorchester, 33 Dozier, Margaret, 123, 124 Drake, 318 Drayton, Mrs. Henry, 113 Dreher, Dr. T. H., 197 Dunmore, Governor, 177 Driver Stephen (and "Old Glory"), 323 Dunlap, Gabriel, 353, 358 E Education of Men and Women, 243, 251 Eisenberg, Mrs. Harriet D., 37 Elbert County, Ga., 63 Elbert, Samuel, 170 Eliot, Apostle of the Indians, 26 Ellery, 35 Emanuel, David, 170 Emerson, Arthur, 178 Emerson, Wm., 29, 34 Etowah Chapter, D. A. R., 65 Eugene, Prince of Savoy, 17 Eutaw Springs, S. C., 188 F Fauquier, Francis, 47 Federation Magazine, 192 Federal Hall, 13 Ferguson, Colonel (British), 255 Few, Benjamin, Colonel, 171 Few, William, Colonel, 171 Fisher, Mrs., 191 Fisher's Hill, 31 Fitch, George, 209 Flag of our Country, 154 Flag Day, 317, 318, 319, 328 Flag of Columbus, 319, 320 Flag of the Cabots, 320 Flag (Red Cross of St. George), 320 Flag Union Jack, 320 Flag of United States, 321, 323 Styled Flower-Flag, 321 Flag of France, 321 Flag of Great Britain, 321 Fletchall, Noted Tory, 114 Floyd, Wm., 35 Folsom, Glorianna, 120, 121 Fordyce, British Captain, 177 Fort Andrew, 56 Fort35 Hopkinson, 35 Horry, Peter, 188, 189 Horne, Joab, 79, 80 Hosmer, Abner, 29 Houston, John, 140 Howe, Robert, 141 Howell, Mrs. Annie Davidson, 138 Huger, General, 316 Huguenots, 56, 113 Huntington, 35 I Illinois, 180, 181 Independence Day, 101, 125, 126 Indian Mound (Early County), 344, 345 Indian Names of Counties in Georgia, 330, 331 Indian Names of States, 346, 347 Indians, 62 Irwin, Jane, 241 Irwin, Jared, 240 Irwin, (Gov. Jared Irwin) Chapter, D. A. R., 242 J Jackson, Argus, 366 Jackson, James, 77, 79, 170, 173 Jasper, Wm., Sergeant, 119, 171 Jefferson, Thomas, 28, 36, 46, 143-149, 181 Jennings, Edmund, 47 Jones, John Paul, 20, 132, 133, 134, 323 Jones, Noble Wimberly, 140, 168, 169 K Kansas City Star, 213 Kaskaskia, 180, 182, 183 Keim, Mrs. De B. Randolph, 243 Kentucky, 180, 181 Kettle Creek, Ga., Battle of, 108-110, 171, 172, 215 Key, Francis Scott of Maryland, Author of the Star Spangled Banner, 324 King's Mountain, 255, 256, 265 Kinzie, John, 332 L Lamar, Henry G., 312 Lamar, L. Q. C., 128 LaFayette, Marquis, 72, 76, 168, 180, 312-316 Larey, 115 Laurens, John, 116 Lee, Charles, 73 Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 36 Lee, Harry (Light Horse Harry), 116, 121, 122, 172, 274-276 Lee, Richard Henry, 36, 173 Lewis, Francis, 35 Lexington, Mass., 14, 20, 21, 22-34, 206 Lexington Common, 24 Liberty County, Ga., 169 Lincoln, Benjamin (American General), 170, 171, 172 Little, Mrs. R. C., 100 Littleton, 27, 31 Livingston, 35 Lockwood, Mrs. Mary, 293 Lords Proprietors, 14 Lover's Leap, near Columbus, Ga., 337 Louis XVI. King of France, 20 Louisburg, 25 Lynch, 36 Lynch, Thomas, 113 Mc McCall, E., 312 McCall, R., 312 McClain, Mrs. Bessie Carolyn, 72 McCrady, 66 McGirth, Noted Tory, 171 McGray, Major, 328 McIlhenny, Rev. James, 65 McIntosh, Lachlan, 299-300 McIntosh, The Chief, 364 McIntosh Trail, 367, 368 McKean, 36 M Mackey, Charles, 88-93 Mackey, Mrs. Charles, 88-93 Madison, James, 46, 147 Malvern Hill, 75 Manchester, Anna B., 168 Manning, a Virginia Lieutenant, 188 Marietta, 100 Marion, Francis (The Swamp Fox), 53, 79, 89, 266-274 Martin, Grace and Rachael, 111, 121, 122 Martin, John, 204, 205 Mason, George of Va., 181 Massey, Katharine B., 95 Matthews, Major, 178 Maury Public School, 12 Mayhew, Jonathan, 150 Meadow Garden, 142 Mecklenburg Declaration, 15 Medford, 23 Mell, Mrs. P. H., 65 Men of Mark in Georgia (quoted), 140-142 Mercer, Jesse, 214-216 Merriam's Corner, 31 Miami Indians, 19 Middleton, 36 Middleton, Arthur, 113 Milledge, John, 169, 170 Minute Men, 23, 24, 32 Moffattsville, 67 Moncrief, Colonel, 190 Monmouth, Battle of, 73, 75 Monroe, James, 117 Moore, Charles, 83 Moore, Hall, 41 Moore, Rosa, 81, 82 Moore's Creek, 277-283 Morgan, Daniel, 82, 83 Morgan, Mrs. John H., 264 Morgan, Mrs. Joseph, 307 Morris, Gouverneur, 131 Morris, 36 Morris, Lewis, 35 Morrow, Miss Emily G., 87 Morton, 36 Motte, Mrs. Rebecca, 117, 121, 122 Mount Claire, N. Y., 327 Mugford, James Captain, 211-213 Munroe, Robert, 25 Murphey, James, 65 Musgrove's Mill, 81 Muzzey, Isaac, 25 N National Magazine, 195 National Song of the D. A. R. by Dr. Francis H. Orme, 52 Nelson, 36 Nesbit, British Officer at Concord, 31 Nesbit, Wilbur D., 175 Nixon, Capt., 30 Norfolk, Va., 178, 179 North Bridge at Concord, 27 Nye, Bill (quoted), 187, 188, 191 O Oconore Creek, 68 Oglethorpe, James Edward, 17, 59-61, 168 O'Hara, C. M. Mrs., 55, 101 Old Virginia Gentleman, 157-160 Olmstead, Colonel Charles H., 58 Olney, Captain Stephen, 167-168 Orators of the American Revolution, 150-153 Orme, Dr. Francis H., 52 Orme, Mrs. Francis H., 93, 274 Otis, James, 151 Our Legacy, 276 P Paca, 36 Page, Thomas Nelson (Quoted), 147, 153 Paine, Robert, 35 Park, Mrs. Emily Hendree, 46 Park, M. M., 205 Parker, John, 24, 31 Parker, Jonas, 25 Party Relations in England and their effect on the American Revolution, 221-227 Patterson, Caroline, 79 Patterson, Clara D., 235 Payne, John H
oward, 334 Payson, Rev., 32 Penn, 36 Pepperell, General, 32 Percy, Lord, 32, 34 Petersburg, Va., 179 Philips, British General, 75 Pickens, Andrew, American General, 109, 110, 115, 171, 172, 238 Pinckney, Charles Catesworth, 117 Pinckney, Thomas, 117 Piquet, Lea Motte (French Naval Officer), 133 Pitcairn, British Major., 24, 25 Pitcher, Mollie, 195 Pitt, Wm. Earl of Chatham, 16 Pittman, Philip, 131, 132 Poor Richard's Almanac, 17 Porter, Asabel, 25 Portsmouth, Va., 179 Prescott, Samuel, 23, 29 Prescott, Wm., 32 Princeton University, 146 Provincial Congress, 26 Pulaski, Count Casimir, 171 Q Quincy, Josiah, 151, 152 R Raleigh, Sir Walter, 46 Randolph, Jane, 143 Randolph, Peyton, 46 Ranger, Ship of Paul Jones, 133, 322 Ray, Ruby Felder, 128 Reading, 31 Real Georgia Cracker, 135 Reid, 36 Regulators, 21 Revolutionary Puzzle, 112 Revolutionary Relics, 196, 197 Revere, Paul, 22, 23 Rhode Island in the American Revolution, 162-168 Ribault (Rebo). John, 56 Ridge, Indian Chief, 332, 333 Robert, Elizabeth, 53, 54 Robert, John, 53, 54 Robinson, John (Lieut. Colonel), 29 Rochambeau, (French General), 74, 180 Rodney, 36 Ross, 36 Ross, Betsy, 133, 321 Roxbury, 183, 184 Virginia Revolutionary Forts, 175-184 W Waites, Judge, 316 Waldo, Dr., 37 Walker, Mrs. J. L., 195 Walmsley, James Elliott, 221 Walton, George, 36, 118, 140-142, 170 Ward, General Artemas, 211-212 Wardlaw, G. B., 312 War Hill (Scene of Battle of Kettle Creek), 109 Warren, Joseph, 22, 23, 151 Washington, George, 12, 13, 18, 28, 37-45, 160, 161, 168, 179, 180, 289-292 Washington, Mrs., 41, 160, 161 Waxhaws, S. C., 83 Wayne, Anthony, 19, 77 Wereat, John, 77, 170 West, Benjamin, 85 West Cambridge, 33 Westford, 27, 29 Whigs in England and America during the Revolution, 221-227 Whipple, 35 White, 336, 337 White, Captain, then Colonel John, 177 William and Mary College, 48, 49, 146 Williamsburg, Va., 46 Williams, 35 Williams, James, 115 Williamson, Andrew, 115 Williamson, Micajah, 127 Williamson, Sarah Gilliam, 127 Williamson, Major, 67, 68, 69 Wilson, Clarissa, 321 Wilson Jonathan, 27, 31, 35 Wilson, Sarah, 322 Wilson, signer of Declaration of Independence, 36 Wilson, Samuel, 87 Wimpy, Mrs. W. C., 134 Wing, John, 47 Winn, Captain Richard, 57 Winthrop, John, 26 Witherspoon, 35 Woburn, 25 Wolcott, 35 Wood, Mrs. James S., 84 Wright, Sir James, 61 Wythe, George, 36, 48, 181 Y Yamacraw Bluff, 59 Yankee Doodle, 32 Yazoo Fraud, 78, 241 Yorktown, 14, 18, 168, 179, 180 TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Except for those changes noted below, misspelling by the authors, inconsistent or archaic usage, has been retained. TOC 'John Clark' changed to 'John Clarke'. TOC 'Elijah Clark' changed to 'Elijah Clarke'. TOC 'Somersett' changed to 'Somerset'. TOC 'Chief Van' changed to 'Chief Vann'. p14 'curosity' changed to 'curiosity'. p31 'Wodburn' changed to 'Woburn'. p32 'Fusileers' changed to 'Fusiliers'. p36 'MeKean' changed to 'McKean'. p45 'prosterity' changed to 'posterity'. p45 'Monthty' changed to 'Monthly'. p47 'indentified' changed to 'identified'. p49 'Releigh' changed to 'Raleigh'. p57 'Fort Sherrill's' changed to 'Sherrill's Fort'. p58 'du Pont' changed to 'DuPont'. p63 'Elizah Clarke' changed to 'Elijah Clarke'. p75 'unusued' changed to 'unused'. p77 'tryant' changed to 'tyrant'. p82 'beside' changed to 'bedside'. p84 'adso' changed to 'also'. p89 'near Tarleston's' changed to 'near Tarleton's'. p89 'auxiety' changed to 'anxiety'. p92 'woudd inquire' changed to 'would inquire'. p100 'dripped' changed to 'dropped'. p100 'even them' changed to 'even then'. p103 'humning bird' changed to 'humming bird'. p107 'reconteur' changed to 'raconteur'. p118 'chariman' changed to 'chairman'. p126 'day are' changed to 'days are'. p127 'Macajah' changed to 'Micajah'. p139 'strugling' changed to 'struggling'. p152 'conmenced' changed to 'commenced'. p153 'Ceasar' changed to 'Caesar'. p167 'Deleware' changed to 'Delaware'. p167 'astaunded' changed to 'astounded'. p171 'ignorinous' changed to 'ignominious'. p173 'Governo' changed to 'Governor'. p177 'importansce' changed to 'importance'. p180 'endeavorers' changed to 'endeavors'. p195 'Mommouth' changed to 'Monmouth'. p200 'Truetlen' changed to 'Treutlen'. p204 'diffcult' changed to 'difficult'. p205 'Afteh' changed to 'After'. p207 'nighborhood' changed to 'neighborhood'. p214 'tapestry or' changed to 'tapestry of'. p215 'inpetuous' changed to 'impetuous'. p217 'gubernational' changed to 'gubernatorial'. p218 'unconcious' changed to 'unconscious'. p220 'toombstones' changed to 'tombstones'. p225 'Westminister' changed to 'Westminster'. p232 'co-called' changed to 'so-called'. p236 'intrepreter' changed to 'interpreter'. p241 'eGorgia' changed to 'Georgia'. p249 'acros sthe' changed to 'across the'. p254 'sprank' changed to 'sprang'. p257 'apportunity' changed to 'opportunity'. p263 'carrid' changed to 'carried'. p263 'narby' changed to 'nearby'. p264 'Independenct' changed to 'Independence'. p266 'guson' changed to 'action'. p267 'ignorminy' changed to 'ignominy'. p269 'curosity' changed to 'curiosity'. p279 'nag is' changed to 'nag as'. p280 'she know' changed to 'she knew'. p282 'Codgell' changed to 'Cogdell'. p282 'sudsided' changed to 'subsided'. p285 'Anges' changed to 'Agnes'. p288 'Shirwood' changed to 'Sherwood'. p300 'ta raise' changed to 'to raise'. p308 'trooops' changed to 'troops'. p313 'rceeive' changed to 'receive'. p314 'Massonry' changed to 'Masonry'. p314 'continue ti' changed to 'continue to'. p322 'Betsey' changed to 'Betsy'. p326 'spectotors' changed to 'spectators'. p332 'CHIEF VAN' changed to 'CHIEF VANN'. p333 'Chief Van' changed to 'Chief Vann'. (3 occurrences) p334 'Chief Van' changed to 'Chief Vann'. p334 'revaled' changed to 'revealed'. p346 'Arkanses' changed to 'Arkansas'. p346 'Mississippi ... ' duplicate line deleted. p351 'Winward Islands' changed to 'Windward Islands'. p359 'affllicted' changed to 'afflicted'. p364 'arond' changed to 'around'. p364 'Roy Pork' changed to 'Ray Park'. p367 'M'INTOSH' changed to 'McINTOSH'. p370 'refuge form' changed to 'refuge from'. Index: 'Allamance' changed to 'Alamance'. Index: 'Carswell' changed to 'Caswell'. Index: 'Cornacre' changed to 'Corn-acre'. Index: 'Corthran' changed to 'Cothran'. Index: 'De Kalb' changed to 'DeKalb'. Index: 'Dier' changed to 'Dies'. Index: 'Drehan' changed to 'Dreher'. Index: Added 'E' at front of E entries. Index: 'Fanquier' changed to 'Fauquier'. Index: 'Flower Flag' changed to 'Flower-Flag'. Index: Added 'H' at front of H entries. Index: 'Rochaebeau' changed to 'Rochambeau'. Index: 'Steben' changed to 'Steuben'. Index: 'Van' changed to 'Vann'.