Did you ever look through a good microscope at the thin transparent web of a frog’s foot, and watch the red blood coursing along its narrow channels? If not, go and look at it at once; you will never understand any physiology till you have done so. There you will see a network of delicate passages far finer than any of your own hairs, and through those passages a tumbling crowd of tiny oval yellow globules hurrying and jostling along. Some of the passages are wider than others, and through some of the wider ones you will see a thick stream of globules rushing onwards towards the smaller channels, and spreading out among them. The globules which The larger channels which are bringing the blood down to the capillaries are the ends of vessels like those which in the rabbit you learnt to call arteries, and the other larger channels through which the blood is rushing away from the capillaries are the beginnings of veins. When you have watched this frog’s foot for some little time, turn away and reflect that in almost every part of your own body, in every square inch, in almost every square line, something very similar might be seen could the microscope be brought to bear upon it, only the corpuscles are smaller and round, the capillaries narrower and for the most part more thick-set, and the race a swifter one. In In every part of your flesh, in your brain and spinal cord, in your skin, your bones, your lungs, in all organs and in nearly every part of your body, there is the same hurrying rush through narrow tubes of red corpuscles and of the clear fluid in which these swim. If you prick your finger it bleeds. Almost any part of your body would bleed were you to prick it. So thick-set are the little blood-vessels, that wherever you thrust a needle, be it as fine a needle as you please, you will be sure to pierce and tear some little blood channel, either artery or capillary or vein, and out will come the ruddy drop. A. Moderately magnified. The red corpuscles are seen lying in rows like rolls of coins; at a and a are seen two white corpuscles. B. Red corpuscles much more highly magnified, seen in face; C. ditto, seen in profile; D. ditto, in rows, rather more highly magnified; E. a red corpuscle swollen into a sphere by imbibition of water. F. A white corpuscle magnified same as B.; G. ditto, throwing out some blunt processes; K. ditto, treated with acetic acid, and showing nucleus, magnified same as D. H. Red corpuscles puckered or crenate all over. I. Ditto, at the edge only. round bodies, the blood discs or blood corpuscles (Fig. 4, A). If you look carefully you will notice that most of them are round, as B; but every now and then you see something like C. That is one of the round ones seen sideways; for they are not round or spherical like a ball, but circular and These red corpuscles are not hard solid things, but delicate and soft, very tender, very easily broken to pieces, more like the tiniest lumps of red jelly than anything else, and yet made so as to bear all the squeezing which they get as they are driven round and round the body. Besides these red corpuscles, you may see if you look attentively other little bodies, just a little bigger than the red corpuscles, not coloured at all, and not circular and flat, but quite round like a ball (Fig. 4, a, F, G). That is to say, these are very often quite round, only they have a curious trick of changing their form. Imagine you were looking at a suet dumpling so small that about two thousand five hundred of them could be placed side by side in the length of one inch—and suppose the round dumpling while you were looking at it gradually changed into the shape of a three-cornered tart, and then into Did you ever see a pig or sheep killed? If so, you would be sure to notice that the blood ran quite fluid from the blood-vessels in the neck, ran and was spilt like so much water—but that very soon the blood caught in the pail or spilt on the stones became quite solid, so that you could pick it up in lumps. Whenever blood is shed from the living body, within a short time it becomes solid. This becoming solid is called the clotting or coagulation of blood. What makes it clot? Suppose while the blood was running from the pig’s neck into the butcher’s pail, and while it was still quite fluid, you were to take a bunch of twigs and keep slowly stirring the blood round and round in the pail. You would naturally expect that the blood would soon begin to clot, would get thicker and thicker and more and more difficult to stir. But You see, by stirring, or, as it is frequently called, whipping the blood with the bundle of twigs, you have taken the fibrin out of the blood, and so prevented its clotting. If you were to take one of the clotted lumps of blood that were spilt on the ground or a bit of the clot from a pail in which the blood had not been whipped, and wash it long enough, you would find at last that all the colour went away from the lump, and you had nothing left but a small quantity of white stringy substance. This white stringy substance is fibrin—exactly the same thing you got on your bundle of twigs. If the blood is carefully caught in a pail, and afterwards not disturbed at all, it clots into a solid mass. The whole of the blood seems to have changed into a complete jelly; and if you turn it out of the pail, as you may do, it keeps its shape, and gives you quite a mould of the pail, a great trembling red jelly just the shape of the inside of the pail. But if you were to leave the blood in the pail for What has taken place is as follows. Soon after blood is shed there is formed in it a something which was not present in it before. This something, which we call fibrin, starts as a multitude of fine tender threads which run in all directions through the mass of blood, forming a close network everywhere. So the blood is shut up in an immense number of little chambers formed by the meshes of the fibrin; and it is this which makes it seem a jelly. But each thread of fibrin as soon as it is formed begins to shrink, and the blood in each of these little chambers is squeezed by the shrinking of its walls of fibrin, and tries to make its way out. The corpuscles get caught in the meshes, but all the rest of the blood passes between the threads and comes out on the top and sides of the pail. And this goes on until you have left in the clot very little besides corpuscles entangled in a network of fibrin, and all the rest of the blood has been squeezed outside the clot, and is then called serum. Serum, then, is blood out of which the corpuscles have been strained by the process of clotting. Now I dare say you are ready to ask the question, If blood clots so readily when it is shed, why does it not clot inside the body? Why is our blood ever You know that if you were to take a basinful of pure water and boil it, it would boil away to nothing. It would all go off in steam. But if you were to try to boil a basinful of serum, you would find several curious things happen. In the first place you would not be able to boil it at all. Before you got it as hot as boiling water, your serum, which before seemed quite as liquid as water, only feeling a little sticky if you put your finger in it, would all become quite solid. You know the difference between a raw and a boiled egg. The white of the raw egg, though very sticky and ropy, or viscid as I did not say anything about what fibrin was made of; but it, like albumin, is made up of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is not quite the same thing as albumin, but first cousin to it. There is another first cousin to both of them, also containing nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which together with a great deal of water forms muscle; another forms a great part of the red corpuscles; and scattered all over the body in various places, there are first cousins to albumin, all containing nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, all combustible, and all when burnt giving off carbonic acid, water, and ammonia. All these first cousins go under one name; they are all called proteids. But I will ask you to remember this. If you take some dried blood and burn it, though you may burn all the proteids (and some other of the trifles I spoke of just now) away, you will not be able to burn the whole blood away. Burn as long as you like, you will always have left a quantity of what you have learnt from your Chemistry to call ash, and if you were to examine this ash you would find it contained ever so many elements; sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium, and iron, being the most abundant and most important. Blood, then, is a very wonderful fluid: wonderful for being made up of coloured corpuscles and colourless fluid, wonderful for its fibrin and power of clotting, wonderful for the many substances, for the proteids, for the ashes or minerals, for the rest of the things which are locked up in the corpuscles and in the serum. But you will not wonder at it when you come to see that the blood is the great circulating market of the body, in which all the things that are wanted by all parts, by the muscles, by the brain, by the skin, by the lungs, liver, and kidney, are bought and sold. What the muscle wants, it, as we have seen, buys from the blood; what it has done with it sells back to the blood; and so with every other organ and part. As long as life lasts this buying and selling is for ever going on, and this is why the blood is for ever on the move, sweeping restlessly from place to place, bringing to each part the things it wants, and carrying away those with which it has done. When the blood ceases to move, the market is blocked, the buying and selling cease, and all the organs die, starved for the lack of the things which they want, choked by the abundance of things for which they have no longer any need. We have now to learn how the blood is thus kept continually on the move. |