It was a year ago today I found Jimmy Crow," said Jack. "He must have a 'birthday' party." So Jack invited the children he and Jimmy liked best to "Jimmy's picnic." T hey all went up to the berry-pasture where Jack found Jimmy Crow. First there was little Ibelle, carrying Jimmy Crow in her arms. Next came her big brother Alden, who had a basket T ey sat down under a shady tree and divided the goodies. Jimmy Crow sat in the middle, and they each gave him a piece. After they had all eaten a stick of candy and a donut and a pear and a cookie, Jack opened the bucket. The children all put T hen they sat down again in a circle, Jack in the middle, with a spoon. He gave each one a spoonful of ice-cream in turn. Oh, how good it tasted! B ut Jimmy Crow wanted some, and when Jack would not let him eat from the spoon, he grabbed it in his beak and flew away. The children chased him until he dropped it, and then gave him a taste of T hen they picked berries, until Alden's basket and Bob's box and Louise's bag were all full. J ust as they were starting home, a little tired after all the fun—"Hurrah!" shouted Russell. "Here comes Uncle Charlie, with his wagon. He will give us a ride." So kind Uncle Charlie tossed them up into the hay, one by one—little Ibelle first—and they all rode home on the hay. Edith Francis Foster IN SCHOOL. IN SCHOOL. |