HURRAH for the Fourth! Jack was out of bed before the sun rose. He could not wait for breakfast, but drank a cup of milk, and ran out to find the other boys. Jimmy Crow went too. Bob and Russell came up just then, with their pockets full of firecrackers, and they all began firing P retty soon Jack lighted a whole string of firecrackers, and threw it down, and all the boys ran away. Then Jimmy Crow saw his chance, and he seized the bunch of crackers and flew in at Grandma's open window! H e lighted on Pepper's perch. Pepper tried to bite him, but bang! went a firecracker! Both birds jumped, and Jimmy dropped the bunch on the carpet. Bang! went another firecracker, and bang! bang! went two firecrackers. Then a dozen flew out, banging, over the floor. C aw! Caw!" screamed Jimmy Crow. "Fire! Fire!" screamed Pepper. "Jack! Jack!" screamed Grandma. She was trying to pick up the bunch with the fire tongs, when Jack ran in. He threw a rug over the string of firecrackers, gathered them up in it, and threw all out H e brought the brush and dustpan, and swept up the litter. Then he gave Pepper a peanut and took Jimmy Crow under his arm. "Pepper didn't 'want a cracker,' that time, did she, Grandma?" said he. "Now we'll go further away." But just then the breakfast bell rang. Edith Francis Foster JIMMY CROW'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. JIMMY CROW'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. |