htm.html#Page_584" class="pginternal">584 Illustrative Games, 586 Devil and Tailors, 587 Checker Laws, 588 Losing Game, 587 Polish Draughts, 587 Chemin de fer, 526 Chess, 546 The Openings, 557 The Endings, 567 Games at Odds, 565 Knights’ Tour, 570 American Laws, 571 Chicago Pool, 633 Chinese BÉzique, 394 Chinese Fan Tan, 528 Chinese Whist, 184 Chouette BÉzique, 394 Chuck Luck, 540 Cinch, 334 Auction Cinch, 340 Blind Cinch, 340 Progressive Cinch, 340 Sixty-three, 340 Widow Cinch, 341 Illustrative Hands, 342 Cinch Laws, 344 Razzle-Dazzle, 340 Cinq-Cents, 383 Colour-ball Pool, 639 Commerce, 252 Commercial Pitch, 330 Commit, 503 Compass Whist, 113 Continuous Pool, 632 Conquian, 486 Cow-boy Pool, 634 Cushion Carroms, 626 Craps, dice, 614 Cribbage, 442 Five-card Cribbage, 460 Six-card Cribbage, 444 Seven-card Cribbage, 462 Solitaire Cribbage, 700 Three-hand Cribbage, 461 Four-hand Cribbage, 461 Cut-throat Euchre, 277 Dice Games, 611 Ace in the Pot, 617 Base-Ball, 616 Centennial, 618 Chuck-Luck, 540 Crap Shooting, 614 Going to Boston, 617 Help Your Neighbour, 619 Law of Chances, 613 Multiplication, 618 Passe Dix, 619 Poker Dice, 355 Sweepstake Hearts, 352 Three-handed Hearts, 354 Two-handed, 354 Heart Solo, 498 Heartsette, 357 Help Your Neighbour, dice, 619 High Five, 334 High-low-jack, 325 ” ” ” Pool, 633 Howell Pairs, Whist, 114 Howell’s Hearts, 352 Humbug Whist, 132 I Doubt It, 695 ImpÉrial, 476 Irish Loo, 323 Jack Pots, poker, 223 Jambone, euchre, 283 Jamboree, euchre, 283 Jass, 696 Two-hand Jass, 697 Jeu de RÈgle, ÉcartÉ, 299 Jink Game, spoil five, 315 Joker Hearts, 355 Keno, or Lotto, 539 King’s Bridge, 40 Klondike, 512 Kreutz Mariage, 413 Lansquenet, 543 Laps, euchre, 283 Law of Chances, 651 Laws of all Games, 671 Laws, Official Codes for:— Backgammon, 601 Billiards, American, 627 Billiards, English, 644 Bowling, or Ten Pins, 662 Bridge, 41 Chess, 571 Checkers, 588 Cinch, 344 Euchre, 288 Hearts, 371 Poker, 238 Skat, 435 Ten Pins, or Bowling, 662 Whist, American, 186 Whist, Duplicate, 119 Whist, English, 196 Laws of Probabilities, 651 Lift Smoke, 502 Little Corporal, 648 Loo, or Division Loo, 319 Five-card Loo, 323 Irish Loo, 323 Losing Game, draughts, 587 Lotto, 539 Luck, 651 133 Norwegian Whist, 688 Probabilities, 656 Progressive Whist, 119 Prussian Whist, 98 Scotch Whist, 159 Solo Whist, 144 Text Books, 99 Thirteen and the Odd, 132 Whist Family Laws, 186 Whist Tactics, 70 Albany Lead, 86 American Game, 94 American Laws, 186 American Leads, 88 Conventional Plays, 70 Deschapelles Coups, 91 Discarding, 80 Discard Signals, 90 Echo in Plain Suits, 90 Echo in Trumps, 86 Eleven Rule, 79 False Cards, 92 Finessing, 92 Forcing, 80 Four-signal, 86 Fourth-hand Play, 84 General Directions, 60 General Principles, 68 High-card Leads, 72 How to Study, 70 Illustrative Hands, 97 Inferences, 93 Inviting a Ruff, 88 Leader’s Partner, 78 Leading Plain Suits, 72 Leading Short Suits, 91 Leading Trumps, 71 Low Card Leads, 74 Low’s Signal, 90 Methods of Cheating, 67 Method of Playing, 61 Minneapolis Lead, 89 Partner’s Duties, 78 Placing the Lead, 92 Plain-suit Echo, 90 Playing to the Score, 92 Returning Partner’s Suits, 80 Scoring, 64 Second-hand Play, 81 Short-suit Game, 91-94 Short-suit Leads, 74-61 Signal Game, 85 Stacking Tricks, 63 Suggestions for Good Play, 67 Tenace Positions, 91 Third Hand Play, 78 Trump Signals, 85 Unblocking,