

1. “The historie of Leander and Hero, written by Musaeus, and Englished by me a dozen yeares ago, and in print.” [So mentioned by Abraham Fleming in his Virgil's Georgics, 1589. Not otherwise known.]

2. Hero and Leander by Christopher Marlowe [Two Sestiads only] Licensed to J. Wolfe. 1593. [Edition?]

Reprinted: 1598; 1600; [The divine poem of Musaeus. First of All Bookes. Translated According to the Originall, by Geo: Chapman.] 1616; [Hero and Leander: Begun by Christopher Marloe; and finished by George Chapman] 1598, 1606, 1618, 1629, 1637, 1894.

American Reprint: [Marlowe and Chapman] Philadelphia, 1904.

3. Hero and Leander. Translated into English verse, with annotations upon the Original by Sir R. Stapylton. Oxford. 1645. 4o

Reprinted: 1647.

4. Two Essays: the former, Ovid de arte amandi, or Art of Love: the first Book. The latter, Hero and Leander of Musaeus, from the Greek, by Th. Hoy. 1682. 4o

[pg 086]

5. The poem of Musaeus on the loves of Hero and Leander. Paraphras'd in English heroick verse [by A. S. Catcott]. Oxford. 1715.

6. Hero and Leander translated in verse by Rev. Lawrence. Eusden. [In Dryden's Miscellaneous Poems] 1716.

Reprinted: Edinburgh, 1750.

7. The Hero and Leander of Musaeus translated by Mr. Theobald. [In the Grove; or a collection of original poems] 1721. 8o

8. Loves of Hero and Leander, from the Greek, by Mr. Stirling. To which are added some new translations from various Greek authors, viz., Anacreon, Sappho, Julian, Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, and Homer. By another hand. 1728. 12o

9. A miscellany of new Poems on several occasions; containing the Loves of Hero and Leander, translated from Musaeus to which are added Poemata quaedam Latina. By R. Luck, A.M. 1736. 8o

10. Loves of Hero and Leander. Translated from the Greek by G. Bally. 1747. 8o

11. Musaeus: a poetical translation by J. Slade. 1753. 4o

12. Hero and Leander [Translated by Francis Fawkes]. 1760.

Reprinted: 1789; [Anderson's Poets of Great Britain] 1792-94; [Works of the Greek and Roman Poets] 1813; [British Poets] 1822; Glasgow, 1893.

13. Hero and Leander, a poem. From the Greek of Musaeus. [By E. B. Greene] 1773.

14. Musaeus. Translated from the Greek. 1774. 4o

15. Hero and Leander. A poem translated from the Greek by E. Taylor [?]. 1783.

16. ???sa??? ta ?as? ??? ?a? ?ea?d???. (Musaeus. The Loves of Hero and Leander. [Translated by G. C. Bedford]) 1797. [Privately printed]

17. Hero and Leander, a Tale. Translated from the Greek of the ancient poet Musaeus. With other poems. By Francis Adam, Surgeon. 1822. 8o

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18. [Translated by C. A. Elton with his translation of Hesiod. See Hesiod No. 4] 1832.

19. The Three Sons-in-Law. A. F. Frere. 1871.

20. Hero and Leander. From the Greek of Musaeus by E. Arnold. [1873] 4o


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