1. Odes. Done into English out of the original Greek by Wood, Cowley, Oldham and Willis. Oxford. 1683. 8o 2. The Cup. Translated by John Oldham [in his poems]. 1683. 8o 3. Odes of Anacreon, Bion and Moschus. Translated by Thomas Stanley, with notes. 1683. 8o Reprinted: 1815; 1893; [privately printed] 1906. American Reprints: New York, 1892; [Edit. A. H. Bullen] New York, 1894. 4. Anacreon and Sappho. Translated by Addison. 1735. 8o [Gk.-Eng.] 5. Ode III. Translated by J. Hughes [in his Works]. 1739. 8o 6. Pastorals, Epistles, Odes, and other original poems, with translations from Pindar, Anacreon, and Sappho. By Ambrose Philips. 1748. 12o Reprinted: 1765; [Johnson's Poets] 1779-81. [pg 017]7. The works of Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musaeus. Translated into English by a Gentleman of Cambridge [F. Fawkes]. 1760. 12o Reprinted: 1789; [Anderson's Poets of Great Britain] 1792-94; [Chalmer's English Poets] 1810; [Works of the Greek and Roman Poets] 1813; [Bion only, published with Hesiod translated by C. A. Elton] 1832. American Reprint: [Antique gems from the Greek and Latin] Philadelphia, 1902. 8. Selections. Translated by Rev. W. Cooke in Poetical Essays on Several Occasions. 1776. 9. Odes. Translated from the Greek by D. H. Urquhart. 1787. 8o 10. ?? t? ??a??e??t?? ?da? literally translated into English prose. [Gk.-Eng.] York. 1796. 8o 11. The Odes of Anacreon. Translated into English verse, with notes by Thomas Moore. 1800. 4o Reprinted: 1802; Dublin, 1803; 2 vol., 1804; 2 vol., 1806; 2 vol., 1815; 2 vol., 1820; 1869; 1870; 1904. American Reprints: Philadelphia, 1804; New York, 1870; [Antique Gems from the Greek and Latin] Philadelphia, 1902; New York, 1903. 12. Select Odes [translated in verse] with critical annotations. To which are added translations and imitations of other ancient authors. By H. Younge. 1802. 13. The Odes translated into English verse by Thomas Girdlestone. Yarmouth. 1803. 8o Reprinted: 1804; 1809. 14. The Odes. Literally translated by Thomas Gilpin. 1806. 8o 15. Anacreon. Translated by Lord Thurlow. 1822. 12o 16. The Odes of Anacreon of Teos. Translated by William Richardson. Oxford. 1824. 8o 17. The Odes of Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Orger. 1825. 12o [pg 018]18. The First Twenty-Eight Odes in Greek and English. By J. B. Roche. 1827. 12o 19. Works. Translated by T. Bourne. 1830. 16o American Reprint: [Antique Gems from the Greek and Latin] Philadelphia, 1902. 20. Odes with an English translation. By T. W. C. Edwards. 1830. 12o 21. Odes. [Translated by] J. Usher. 1833. 8o 22. The Odes of Anacreon rendered into English metre, with notes and parallel passages. By F. J. Manning. 1869. 8o 23. Anacreon in English, attempted in the metres of the original. By T. J. Arnold. 1869. 8o American Translations1. Anacreon. Odes; translated by S. C. Irving. Evanston, Ill. 1902. 2. The Anacreontea; translated by Judson France Davidson. New York. 1915. 12o |