The woodworker soon discovers that arithmetic is a very practical and necessary subject. He will meet many problems both in drawing and in actual construction which test his ability and call for some knowledge even of elementary geometry. It is important to be able to estimate from his drawing just how much lumber will be needed. He will soon discover through intercourse with dealers in lumber that there are certain standard sizes, and he should make his designs as far as possible conform at least to standard thicknesses. Common boards are sawed 1 inch thick. When dressed on two sides the thickness is reduced to 7/8 . In planning some part of a structure to be 1 inch thick it is better to make the dimension 7/8 inch, else it will be necessary to have heavier material planed to 1 inch and the cost will be that of the heavier lumber, plus the expense of planing. In buying 1/2-inch dressed lumber, very often inch MEASUREMENTSA measurement is a comparison. We measure the length of a lot by comparing it with the standard of length, the yard or foot. We measure a farm by comparing its area with the standard unit of surface measure, the acre, square rod, or square yard. In every measurement we must first have an accepted standard unit. The history of units of measurement is a very interesting one, and its difficulty arises from the fact that no two things in nature are the same. One of the ancient units Our own standards are copied from those of Great Britain, and although congress is empowered to prescribe what shall be our units, little has been changed, so that with few exceptions we are still using English measurements. The almost hopeless confusion and unnecessary complication of figures is shown in the following tables as compared with the metric system:
In measures of volumes we are as badly off:
As if this were not enough, when we go to sea we use another system. The depth of water is measured in fathoms (6 feet = 1 fathom), the mile is 6086.07 feet long = 1.152664 land miles, and 3 sea miles = 1 league. In our cubic measure:
The contents of any piece of timber reduced to cubic inches can be found in board feet by dividing by 144, or from cubic feet by multiplying by 12. As simple examples: How many board feet in a piece of lumber containing 2,880 cubic inches? 2880/144 = 20 board feet. How much wood in a joist 16 feet long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches thick? 16 × 1 × 1/2 = 8 cubic feet: 8 × 12 = 96 board feet. A simpler method may be used in most cases. How much wood in a beam 9 inches × 6 inches, 14 feet long? Imagine this timber built up of 1-inch boards. As there are nine of them, and each 14 ft. × 1/2 foot × 1 inch and contains 7 board feet (Fig. 235), 7 × 9 = 63 board feet. Again, how much wood in a timber 8 inches × 4 inches, 18 feet long? This is equivalent to 4 boards 1 inch thick and 8 inches or 2/3 foot wide. Each board is 18 × 2/3 × 1 = 12 board feet, and 12 × 4 = 48, answer. (See b, Fig. 235).
It is not likely that a boy would often need to figure such an example, but if the approximate weight of such a timber were desired, this method could be used, reducing the answer to cubic feet and multiplying by the weight per cubic foot. A knowledge of square root is often of great value to the woodworker for estimating diagonals or squaring foundations. The latter is usually based on the known relation of an hypothenuse to its base and altitude. It is the carpenters' 3-4-5 rule. The square of the base added to the square of the altitude = square of the hypothenuse. 3² = 9, 4² = 16; 9 + 16 = 25. The square root of 25 is 5. (See Fig. 235). To square the corner of his foundation the carpenter measures 6 feet one way and 8 the other. If his 10-foot pole just touches the two marks, the corner is square. 6² = 36, 8² = 64; 36 + 64 = 100. v100 = 10. This method was used in laying out the To take a more practical case, suppose we are called upon to estimate exactly, without any allowance for waste, the amount of lumber in a packing case built of one-inch stock, whose outside dimensions are 4 feet 8 inches × 3 feet 2 inches × 2 feet 8 inches. Referring to the drawing (Fig. 235, d), we draw up the following bill of material:
The top and bottom, extending full length and width, are the full dimensions of the box, while the sides, although full length, are not the full height, on account of the thickness of the top and bottom pieces—hence the dimensions, 2 feet 6 inches. From the ends must be deducted two inches from each dimension, for the same reason. In multiplying, simplify as much as possible. There are four pieces 2 feet 6 inches wide; as their combined length is 15 feet 4 inches, we have 151/3 feet × 21/2 feet = 381/3 square feet. The combined length of top and bottom is 9 feet 4 inches = 91/3 × 31/6 = 295/5 , and 381/3 + 295/5 = 678/5 or 68 board feet, ignoring such a small amount as 1/5 of a foot. This is close figuring, As a good example of estimation, take the hexagonal tabourette shown in Fig. 178; the five pieces, aside from the hexagon under and supporting the top, which may be made from scrap lumber, are shown laid out in Fig. 236. The board must be at least twelve inches wide in order to get out of it the large hexagon. The legs may be laid out as shown with space left between for sawing, yet even by this method considerable waste will result, and it should be kept constantly in mind that as far as possible waste is to be reduced to a minimum. "Wood butcher" is the common shop name for The great advantage of making out a bill of material before starting is that it not only makes you study your drawing, but causes you to consider the best method of laying out the blank pieces. Fig. 236. Laying out the pieces for a tabourette It is often necessary to find the areas of figures other than the square or parallelogram. Assume that we are to floor a room in an octagonal tower or summer house. If the distance across the flat sides of the octagon is sixteen feet, leaving out the item of waste, how many square feet will be required? Fig. 237. Finding the area of an octagon The octagon may be drawn in a square and its area will be that of the square, less the four triangles in the corners. (Fig. 237). So the problem resolves itself into finding the area of one of these triangles. If we knew the length of one of the sides of the octagon, the solution would be simple, but we only know that the eight sides are equal. The following method may be worked out: Find the diagonal Fig. 238. Problem of the hexagon Assume that our problem is to find the narrowest board we can use to cut out a hexagon whose diameter is fourteen inches. As shown in Chapter IV, the hexagon is drawn in a circle. One of the sides is equal to the radius or half the diameter. This gives us the arrangement shown in Fig. 238, in which our problem is confined to the right-angled triangle whose base is seven and hypothenuse fourteen. From our knowledge of triangles, we deduct the square of seven (49) from the square of These examples are given to show the close connection between woodwork and arithmetic. |