- Alfred, King—IX-3, "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Anselm, St.—XI-6. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Arndt, Johann—IX-1; X-1. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Arnold, Thomas—VII-5. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Bacon, Francis—VII-2. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Beecher, Henry Ward—I-4; I-7; II-7; III-5; III-7; IV-7; V-7; VI-6; X-5. "A Book of Public Prayer."
- Book Of Common Prayer—XII-6.
- Dawson, George—X-4. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Hale, Sir Matthew—VII-4. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Hunter, John—I-1; IV-5; XI-2; XI-3; XII-7. "Devotional Services for Public Worship."
- Jenks, Benjamin—X-2. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- McComb, Samuel—I-6; II-1; III-1; VI-3; VIII-1; VIII-2; VIII-3; VIII-5; VIII-6; VIII-7; IX-2; XI-1; XII-2; XII-4. "A Book of Prayers for Public and Personal Use."
- Martineau, James—III-4; IV-4; V-2; VI-2; XII-1. "Prayers in the Congregation and in College."
- Newman, Francis W.—VI-1; VI-7. "A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages," by S. F. Fox.
- Orchard, W. E.—I-2; I-3; II-2; II-3; II-4; II-5; II-6; III-2; IV-3; IV-6; V-1; V-3; V-6; VI-5; VII-1; VII-3; VII-7; VIII-4;