Abercromby, General James, ii. 296, 314; incapacity of, 322, 327; defeat at Ticonderoga, 322, 359 Abraham, Heights of, ii. 376 Acadia, ii. 241 Act of Union, amalgamation of English and Scotch military establishments by, i. 580 Ælian, Tactics of, i. 106, 152 Æneas Poliorceticus, military maxims of, i. 106 Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of, ii. 164, 191, 260, 561 Albany, Duke of, i. 118 Albemarle, George Monk, Duke of. See Monk Albemarle, Arnold van Keppel, Earl of, i. 390 Albemarle, Earl of, commands expedition against Havana, ii. 541 Alberoni, Cardinal, ii. 8 Albert, Archduke of Austria, i. 160 Alcantara, taken by allies (1706), i. 482 Alexander the Great, i. 106 Alexander of Parma, i. 144, 150 Alexius Commenus, English nobles serve under, i. 8 Alfaraz, Pass of, i. 531 Alfred, King, fyrd under, i. 5 Allaverdy Khan (1733), ii. 409 Alva, Duke of, i. 101, 141 Amherst, Jeffery, Lord, ii. 113, 314, 318; captures Louisburg, 321, 359, 364, 370; advance to Crown Point, 371, 383, 395; French capitulate to, 400; estimate of his work in Canada, 402-405, 537, 544 Andros, Colonel Sir Edmund, ii. 251 Angus, Lord, i. 364 Anhalt, Prince of, ii. 487 Annapolis, our troops in, ii. 44, 255 Anne, Queen, i. 402; strength and composition of army under, 555; hardships of officers under, 573; death, ii. 4; colonial policy under, 254 Anson, Lord, ii. 340 Anwarudeen (Nabob of Carnatic, 1744), ii. 79, 181; his treaty with the French, 185 Archers, i. 10; established by statute, 16, 17; at Bannockburn, 18, 28; the artillery of the old army, 29; pay of, 30; at Poitiers, 40, 43; Genoese cross-bowmen, 35; French archers, 50; at Roveray, 67; at Towton, 74; at Flodden, 116. See Arms, Bow Arcot, Clive's attack on, ii. 200 Argyll, Duke of, treachery to Marlborough, i. 530, 552; ii. 28, 53 Ariancopang, ii. 185 Arleux, fort of, i. 542 Arms, Armour, and Accoutrements:— Axe, i. 6, 16, 82 Badges, i. 73 Bandoliers, i. 102 Bayonet, i. 11; added to dragoon's arms, 323; increased use of, 327; alterations in, 341, 586; ii. 586 Bill, i. 16; foot-soldier armed with, 77, 116, 125, 133 Bombards, i. 53 Bow and arrows, i. 11, 16; bow and bolts, 16; long-bow encouraged by Edward I., 17, 28; its superiority, 29; used by train-bands, 120, 125; disappearance of long-bow, 129; superseded by fire-arms, 133 Buckler, carried by cavalry, i. 115 Caliver, i. 101, 128, 133 Cannon, i. 32, 66, 115; scarcity of big guns, ii. 564; the different ones used by artillery, 588 Carbine, i. 155, 322, 325; cavalry armed with, ii. 586 Cartridges, i. 102 Chain-mail, i. 6, 12; last appearance of mailed troops, 203 Chaplet, i. 12 Colours, flags of landsknechts and Swiss, i. 87; under Tudors, 111, 118; flags first called colours, 136; Scottish colours, 182; flags captured at Blenheim, 443; St. Andrew crossed with St. George after Union, 492 Corselets, i. 119, 125; worn by pikemen, 154; die out, 327 Cuirass, reintroduced by Marlborough, i. 587; worn by eighteenth-century cavalry, ii. 585 Culverin, i. 119 Dagger, i. 24, 137 Dart, i. 6 Dragoons' accoutrements, i. 323 Firelocks, i. 325 Fusil, i. 325 Gorget, last survival of armour, i. 327 Gun, early specimens of, i. 30; improvements in, 53; hand gun introduced, 77, 100, 112; foreign and English makers of, 122 Gunstones, i. 120 Habergeon, i. 12; worn by cavalry, 27 Halberd, i. 77, 82, 119, 128, 153; peculiar weapon of sergeants, 326 Hand grenades, ii. 70 Harquebus, i. 53, 101, 112, 125, 136 Hatchet, Grenadiers armed with, i. 325 Hauberk, i. 16 Helmet, i. 6, 12, 28; worn by pikemen, 154; and cavalry, 215; ii. 586 Howitzer, i. 82 Iron cap, worn by archers, i. 28; given to cavalry in 1758, ii. 585 Iron gloves, i. 28 Knife, i. 16 Lance, i. 11, 12, 24, 27, 104, 115, 133, 155 Matches for guns, i. 119 Medals, first issued after Dunbar, i. 245; ii. 583 Musket, i. 11, 101, 120; English grow expert with, 143, 153; becomes lighter, 179; dragoons armed with, 216; improved in Anne's reign, 585 Partisan, i. 214 Petronel, i. 102 Pike, i. 11, 17, 77; long pike introduced, 83; Scottish pikes, 116; morris-pike, 117; increased use of, under Henry VIII., 119; under Mary, 125; under Elizabeth, 128, 133, 153, 155; improvements in, 179; carried by captains, 214; becomes obsolete, 237, but survives as spontoon, 326; disappearance of, 584. See also Drill and Exercises Pistol, i. 82; cavalry weapon, 104, 133, 155, 215, 586 Powder, i. 137 Ramrod, ii. 51 Shell, i. 122 Shield, i. 6, 12, 24, 82 Sollerets, i. 26 Spear, i. 82 Sword, i. 16, 24; the weapon of an ensign, 214; won by cavalry, 215; ii. 586; the Highlander's broadsword, 130 Tassets, worn by pikemen, i. 154; die out, 327 Wambais, i. 12 Arrian, military maxims of, i. 106 Arrows. See Arms and Armour, Bow Artillery, rarely employed in old army, i. 66; after the Wars of the Roses, 77; French improvements in, 93; Henry VIII. encourages, 112, 118, 119; Gustavus Adolphus's reforms in, 184; in New Model, 216, 328; under William III., 388; under Anne, 555, 587; under the Georges, ii. 48; remarkable efficiency of, at Minden, 496; increases in numbers and reputation, 587. See also Regiments Arundel, Earl of, i. 34 Assize of arms, i. 4, 12, 15 Astley, Sir Jacob, i. 195, 225 Athlone, Lord. See Ginkell Atterbury, Bishop, ii. 13 Audley, Lord, i. 148 Augsburg, occupied by Marlborough, i. 444 Augustus the Strong, King of Poland, i. 503 Aurungzebe (Mogul Emperor, 1672), ii. 168, 172; granted Chandernagore to French, 173; death, 174 Axe. See Arms and Armour Baber (Mogul Emperor, 1526), ii. 167 Baden, Prince Louis of, i. 406, 412, 419, 424, 427; besieges Ingolstadt, 430, 444, 456, 465, 474; death, 490 Badges. See Arms and Armour Bahadur, Shah (Mogul Emperor, 1707), ii. 174 Bannerets, i. 26 Bar, Duke of, i. 69 Barbados, Cromwell's expedition to, i. 261; ii. 40, 347. See also West Indies Baroney, General, ii. 158 <
pan> Navarete, i. 46 Newburn, i. 184, 198 Newbury, i. 208 Newton Butler, i. 342 Nieuport, i. 161-165 NÜrnberg, i. 189 Ostend (siege), i. 160 Oudenarde, i. 497-501 Patay, i. 69 Pavia, i. 98, 184 Philipshaugh, i. 228 Pinkie, i. 124 Plassey, ii. 418 Poictiers, i. 38-41 Pondicherry (siege), ii. 189; (capture), 473 Porto Bello (siege), ii. 58 Preston, i. 234; ii. 7 Prestonpans, ii. 129, 131 Quebec, ii. 364-383 Quesnoy (siege), i. 32 Ramillies, i. 466-473 Ravenna, i. 197 Renty, i. 103 Rochelle, i. 48 Rocroi, i. 190, 200 Rossbach, ii. 313 Roucoux, ii. 153 Rouen (siege), i. 131 Roundway Down, i. 203 Roveray, i. 167 Ruremond (siege), i. 405 Rymenant, i. 143 Sainte Foy, ii. 392 St. Jacob-en-Birs, i. 83 St. Quentin, i. 105, 126 St. Venant (siege), i. 337 Sandacourt, i. 69 Saverne (siege), i. 190 Schellenberg, the, i. 423 Sempach, i. 50 Sheriffmuir, ii. 7 Sluys (siege), i. 115 Spires, i. 415 Spurs, the, i. 115 Stamford Bridge, i. 6 Standard, the, i. 10 Steenkirk, i. 361-367 Stevenswaert (siege), i. 405 Tenchbrai, i. 9 Terouenne (siege), i. 115 Ticonderoga, ii. 328 Torgau, ii. 519 Tournay (siege), i. 115, 380, 514 Towton, i. 74 Trarbach (siege), i. 444 Trichinopoly, ii. 209. See Golden Rock Valenza (siege), i. 459 Vellinghausen, ii. 527-530 Venloo (siege), i. 405 Verneuil, i. 65, 270 Villa Viciosa, i. 534 Walcourt, i. 338 Wandewash, ii. 463-470 Warburg, ii. 510 Weycondah, i. 232 Wilhelmsthal, ii. 549 Winceby, i. 204 Worcester, ii. 247 Wynendale, i. 507, 585 York (siege), i. 205 Ypres (siege), i. 273 Zenta, i. 416 Ziegenhain (siege), ii. 513 Zutphen, i. 147-150 Bauer, General, i. 187 Bavaria, Elector of, i. 406, 412, 418, 422, 427, 432, 443, 446, 471, 493; at siege of Brussels, 509; ii. 80, 86 Bayard, Chevalier, i. 22 Bayonet. See Arms and Armour Bayreuth, Margrave of, i. 470 Beaujeu, Captain, i. 274 Beckwith, Colonel, ii. 510 Bedford, John, Duke of, i. 64 Bedmar, Marquis of, i. 412 Bellasys, Brigadier, at Landen, i. 375 Belleisle, Marshal, ii. 81, 103 Belleisle, Expedition against, ii. 521 Bennett, Captain Joseph, i. 448 Bermuda, British troops in, i. 560 Berry, Duke of, i. 493 Bertrand du Guesclin, i. 43, 46 Berwick, James, Duke of, i. 304, 344; at Landen, 373, 446; commands French in Spain, 482; his Memoirs, 489; defeats Allies at Almanza, 485; at Douay, 504 Best, Captain, ii. 170 Bevere. See Oudenarde (under Battles) Bills. See Arms and Armour Birch, Colonel, i. 334 Biron, commands under VendÔme, i. 497 Black Prince, at Crecy, i. 34; in Guienne, 37; line of march into Spain, 45; defeats Henry of Trastamare, 46; siege of Limoges, 47; his death, 48; influence on European warfare, 50-53 Black Hole of Calcutta, ii. 299 Blair Castle, ii. 143 Blake, Admiral Robert, i. 249; ii. 170 Blakeney, General, ii. 68, 139, 292, 295 Blathwayt, William, i. 410 Bligh, General, ii. 342, 345 Bohemia, John, King of, i. 36 Bolingbroke. See St. John Bolton, Duke of, ii. 20 Bombards. See Arms and Armour Bombay given to Charles II., i. 292; made over to East Indian Company, ii. 171 Bonn, capitulates to Allies, i. 412 Borgard, Colonel Albert, i. 560; first Colonel of Royal Artillery, ii. 49 Boscawen, Admiral, ii. 187, 272, 315 Boswell, Life of Johnson quoted, ii. 23 Bothmar, General, at Blenheim, i. 439 Boufflers, Marshal, i. 369, 401, 411; out-generalled by Marlborough, 402-405; defence of Lille, 504, 516, 522, 529 Bougainville, French officer at Quebec, ii. 368, 376, 397 Bouquet, Colonel, ii. 323, 333, 338 Bourlamaque, French commander in Canada, ii. 371, 397 Bouvines, Marlborough's army marches over field of, i. 513 Bow. See Arms and Armour Brabant, Duke of, i. 61 Braddock, General Edward, ii. 268-273; his action at Monongahela, 274-278; his death, 279; and character, 280 Bradstreet, John, ii. 331, 338 Braine l'Alleud, Marlborough encamps near, i. 456 Brayne, Colonel Richard, i. 252 Brennier, French commander in India, ii. 226 Brereton, Major, ii. 438, 454, 468 Breslau, Treaty of, ii. 85 Brest, Expedition against, i. 377 BrÉtigny, Peace of, i. 42, 73 Bringfield, Colonel, killed at Ramillies, i. 470 Brissac, Duke of, ii. 487 Broglie, Marshal, ii. 84, 480, 495, 502, 507, 514, 523; defeat at Vellinghausen, 530; recalled to France, 547 Browne, Thomas (trooper 3rd Dragoons), ii. 98 Bruce, Robert, i. 18 Brunswick, Hereditary Prince of, ii. 495; at Fulda, 498, 503; action at Emsdorff, 506, 509, 517, 523, 525, 528; repulsed by CondÉ, 553 Buchan, Earl of, i. 62 Buckingham, George, Duke of, i. 192; assassinated, 193 Buckler. See Arms and Armour Buller, Colonel, i. 262 Burgoyne, General John, ii. 546 Burgundy, Duke of, i. 64, 66, 70 Burgundy, Duke of, commands French army in 1708, i. 493 Burnet (Governor of New York, 1727), ii. 257 Burnet, Bishop Gilbert, i. 393 Burton, Lieut.-Colonel, at Monongahela, ii. 277 Burton, Colonel, ii. 373, 543 Bussy, De, his work in India, ii. 408; recalled from Deccan by Lally, 436, 457; at Wandewash, 468 Bute, John Earl of, ii. 534; hurries on peace, 557 Butler, Gregory, i. 260 Byng, Admiral, i. 529; ii. 8, 291; retreat from Minorca, 264; shot, 295 Cabot, Sebastian, ii. 241 Cadiz, expeditions to, i. 191, 407 Cadogan, General, i. 326; Marlborough's Q.M.G., 423, 466, 495; at Wynendale, 508, 515, 542, 552; ii. 11; death, 53 Caillaud, Captain, ii. 234, 426, 434 Calais, i. 30, 37, 72 Caliver. See Arms and Armour Callender, Captain, ii. 449 Cameron of Lochiel, ii. 126 Camoys, Lord, i. 58 Campbell, Sir Duncan, ii. 49 Campbell, John, ii. 49 Campbell, General, ii. 112 Canada, growth of our sovereignty in, ii. 241 et seq. See also North America Cannon. See Arms and Armour. Canute, army of, i. 5 Cape Breton, ii. 206, 321 Captain, origin of title, i. 94 Carbine. See Arms and Armour Carbiniers, i. 442. See under Regiments, 6th Dragoon Guards Cardonnel, Adam, Marlborough's Secretary, i. 538, 552 Carlisle, capitulation of to Charles Edward, ii. 135 Carolina, British troops in, ii. 43, 60, 62 Carpenter, General, i. 531, 537 Carteret, Lord, ii. 82, 85, 103 Carthagena, the expedition against, ii. 59, 64, 79 Cartridges. See Arms and Armour Castries, Marquis of, ii. 515, 548 Catalonia, operations of 1705 in, i. 459 Cathcart, Lord, ii. 59; letters to Newcastle, 60, 62; death, 62 Cavalry, early lancers and carbiniers, i. 155; of Gustavus Adolphus, 182-184; Royalist cavalry in Civil War, 201; contrast between it and Parliamentary, 206; the growth of shock action, 215, 586; how armed in New Model, 215; and in 18th century, ii. 585. See also Regiments. Cavendish, Brigadier, at Vellinghausen, ii. 528 Cecil, Sir Edward, i. 160, 168, 191, 193 Chain-mail. See Arms and Armour Champlain, Samuel, ii. 241 Chandos, Sir John, i. 41, 44, 47 Chaplet. See Arms and Armour Charlemont, Lord, i. 460 Charles I., recalls English soldiers from Holland, i. 192; methods of raising men, 194; unfurls standard at Nottingham, 199; relations with Montrose, 222;
="@public@vhost@g@html@files@56609@56609-h@56609-h-31.htm.html#Page_487" class="pginternal">487-497 Conti, Prince of, ii. 387 Coote, Colonel Eyre, ii. 358, 413, 424, 455, 459; victory at Wandewash, 463-470; reduction of French posts in India, 471 Cope, General John, ii. 125; defeat at Prestonpans, 129-131; removed from command, 133 Cornbury, Lord, i. 306 Cornet, origin of, i. 118 Cornish, Admiral, ii. 544 Cornwallis, Colonel, ii. 263, 308 Corporal, origin of, i. 95, 136 Corselet. See Arms and Armour Craggs, James, Secretary-at-War, ii. 25 Craigie, Lord Advocate, ii. 125 Craven, William, Lord, i. 169, 307 Crawford, John, Earl of, ii. 50 Crillon, French officer in India, ii. 458 Croft, William, composes service for Marlborough's funeral, ii. 13 Cromwell, John, i. 169 Cromwell, Henry, i. 255, 274 Cromwell, Oliver, i. 200; defeats Royalists at Marston Moor, 206; first called Ironside, 207; Lieutenant-General, 223; Naseby, 227; ingratitude of Parliament to, 231; short methods with Commons, 233; Commander-in-Chief, 239; Scottish campaigns, 240-247; Lord Protector, 251; army under, 251; Irish Settlement, 256; colonial policy of, 258-266; alliance with France, 266-274; his death, 274; his system summed up, 280; fine character of his army, 282; his work, 286 Cromwell, Richard, succeeds Oliver, i. 274; death, 552 Crown Point, ii. 242, 257, 282, 315 Crump, Colonel, ii. 353, 356 Crusades, effect of on army, i. 13 Cuba, taken from Spain, ii. 543. See Havana Cuirass. See Arms and Armour Cuirassiers, i. 183 Culverin. See Arms and Armour Cumberland, Prince William, Duke of, ii. 53; at Dettingen, 101; Commander-in-Chief, 109; Fontenoy, 110; criticisms of his generalship at, 120; position after the battle, 122; recalled to England, 132; command in Scotland, 141; Culloden, 144-148; returns to Low Countries, 156; defeat at Lauffeld, 159-163, 268; his errors as a leader, 279, 287, 303; Hastenbeck and Closterzeven, 307; effect of his reforms on army, 566 Cunningham, Colonel of the 9th Foot, i. 342 Cunningham, Major of Engineers, ii. 293 Cutts, Colonel John, Lord (the Salamander), at Venloo, i. 405; at Blenheim, 434; ii. 70 Dacca, ii. 172 Dagger. See Arms and Armour Dalrymple, Governor of Guadeloupe, ii. 538 Dalton, Captain, ii. 213, 220 Dapfheim, occupied by Marlborough, i. 432 Darcy, Lord, in favour of English gunners, i. 122 Darts. See Arms and Armour Das Minas, General, i. 482 Daulhatt's Grenadiers, ii. 510 Daun, Count, ii. 157 D'AchÉ, Admiral, ii. 428-434, 457 D'AlenÇon, Duke, i. 35 D'Arco, Count, i. 422 D'Arenberg, ii. 90, 106 D'ArmentiÈres, Count, ii. 481, 497 D'Asfeld, General, i. 528 D'Assas, Chevalier, ii. 516 D'Auteuil, French general in India, ii. 211, 427 De Bay, Marquis, i. 529, 531 De Corsana, General, i. 458 D'EsprÉmÉnil, French commander at Madras, ii. 182 D'Estaing, Count, ii. 430 D'EstrÉes, Count, ii. 160, 497, 547 De la GalissoniÈre, Admiral, ii. 291 D'HumiÈres, Marshal, i. 338 De la Marck, Count, i. 141 De Leyrit, Governor of Pondicherry, ii. 407 De Monts, colonises Acadia, ii. 241 De Muy, Chevalier, ii. 507 De Noailles, Marshal, ii. 481 D'Oyley, Colonel, i. 264 De Soupire, French commander in India, ii. 430 De Stainville, French officer, ii. 551 De Tavannes, Gaspard, i. 103, 152 De Witt, i. 294 Deane, Private John, i. 572 Denis of Harfleur, ii. 241 Denmark, Prince George of, i. 402 Desertion, causes of, i. 569; ii. 32 Devonshire, Duke of, ii. 298 Diaz, Bartholomew, ii. 168 Diemel, River, Ferdinand of Brunswick's passage of, ii. 509 Dieskau, Count, ii. 281, 283 Digby, Lord, i. 290 Dinwiddie, Governor of Virginia (1753), ii. 264 Dominica, captured from French, ii. 538 Doncaster, Lord, i. 169 Douglas, Earl of, i. 65 Douglas, Sir James, ii. 538 Douglas, Sir Robert, i. 365 Douglas, Colonel, ii. 58 Dragoons, originally mounted infantry, i. 216; character of, 323. See Regiments Draper, Colonel, ii, 438, 544; conducts siege of Manila, 545 Dreve, General, ii. 486 Drill and Exercises:— Wedge formation at Hastings, i. 6, 7; Byzantine line of battle, 9, 10; English line of battle, 13th century, 17; mediÆval cavalry formation, 27; English line at Agincourt, 58; formation en haye established, 77; Swiss formation, 83; drill of landsknechts, 91; sergeants connected with drill, 94, 135; shock action by cavalry, 103, 586; squadron, 104, 106; Evolutions of Ælian, 107, 152; wings first added, 113; manoeuvres in Elizabeth's reign, 129; Garrard's description of marching, 137; pike exercise, 138, 170, 179, 213; adapted to bayonet, 586. (See also Pike); Maurice of Nassau's tactics, 152; regiments and companies, 153; formation in 16th century, 158; musket exercise, 170, 213. (See also Musket); Feu de joie first fired, 171; Gustavus Adolphus's reforms, 179; platoon established, 181; the drum march, 191; Kelly's Pallas Armata, 194; New Model formation, 214; Vernon's "drill-book," 215; after the Restoration, 323-327; order of battle in 1703, 414; platoons at Blenheim, 438; order of battle at Blenheim and Ramillies, 458, 471, 495; at Almanza, 485; firing by platoons, 585; reforms of Amherst, ii. 370, 403; excellence of British fire-discipline, 590 Drucour, M., ii. 321 Drury, General, ii. 344 Dumas, Governor of Pondicherry, ii. 176, 274 Dunbar, Major, i. 175 Dunbar, Colonel, ii. 273 Duncombe, Ensign, ii. 170; Dunkirk, operations against, in 1600, i. 159; Stair's proposed attack on, ii. 86 Dunmore, Lord, ii. 149 Dupleix, Joseph FranÇois, ii. 175; made Nabob, 178, 181, 194; fortifies Pondicherry, 189, 198, 215, 221; fall of, 236; character and work, 237 Durazzo, i. 8 Durell, Admiral, ii. 361 Durham, Bishop of, i. 17, 30 Du Rocher, French Commander in India, ii. 446 Dutch, English volunteers serve with, i. 141; war with English, 295; hamper Marlborough, 402, 412-15, 455, 517; practically responsible for his fall, 533; reluctant to co-operate with English in Seven Years' War, ii. 83; their colonial defeat in India, 456, 460 East India Company, first established, ii. 169; their settlements in 1701, 172; military negligence of, 180 Edgcumbe, Commodore, ii. 292 Edinburgh, surrender of to Cromwell, i. 245 Edmunds, Sir William, i. 160 Edward I., i. 16 Edward II., i. 21 Edward III., i. 19, 21; first campaign in France, 33; growth of army under, 44 Edward IV., military talent of, i. 74; at Barnet, 76 Elizabeth, Queen, army under, i. 4, 127-168 Elizabeth, Princess, i. 168 Elliott, Colonel George Augustus, ii. 476 Engineers, first British Engineer, i. 32; in New Model, i. 219; slow development of, ii. 589 Ensign, the, i. 94, 135 Erie, Lake, ii. 247 Erie, General, i. 503, 507 Ernest of Nassau, i. 161 Erpingham, Sir W., i. 59 Essex, Lord, at Zutphen, i. 148 Essex, Lord (Parliamentary General), i. 202, 204; capitulation of his army, 208 Eugene of Savoy, Prince, i. 416, 420, 424, 429; his attack at Blenheim, 439; his modesty, 446; commands right at Oudenarde, 499; besieges Lille, 504-511; marches on Tournay, 513; differs with Marlborough before Malplaquet, 517; his part in the action, 520; wounded, 523; prevents Marlborough from resigning, 539 Fagel, General, i. 446, 35; courage at Dettingen, 94; loyalty as an ally, 482; death, 520 George III., i. 520; correspondence with Lord North, 576 George of Denmark, Prince, i. 512 Georgia, troops in, ii. 43 Ghent, retaken by French, i. 494 Gibraltar, garrison at, i. 561; ii. 42-44, 46, 565 Gilbert, Sir Humphry, i. 142 Gingee, Bussy's capture of, ii. 196, 216 Ginkell, i. 335; campaign of 1691, 349, 401; his jealousy of Marlborough, 402, 406; death, 412 Giustiniani, describes English army in 1519, i. 117 Glaubitz, General, ii. 504 Gloves, iron. See Arms and Armour Goa, centre of Portuguese power in India, ii. 168 Godeheu, Mons., succeeds Dupleix, ii. 236; leaves India, 406 Godolphin, Sidney, i. 358, 382, 512, 538 GoËthe, story of taking of Frankfurt, ii. 479 Gonsalvo of Cordova, i. 97 Gooch, Colonel, ii. 62 Goor, General, i. 425 Goree, capture of, ii. 499 Goring, George, i. 169, 205 Grafton, Henry Duke of, i. 306 Grammont, Count of, at Dettingen, ii. 93; at Fontenoy, 113 Granby, John, Marquis of, at Minden, ii. 493; letters to Holdernesse, 507; at Warburg, 511; at Vellinghausen, 527; at Wilhelmsthal, 549; at AmÖneberg, 555 Grant, Major, ii. 49, 69, 335 Gray, James (Hannah Snell), ii. 574 Gray, Thomas, ii. 136 Grenade. See Arms and Armour Grenadiers, added to regiments, i. 324; horse grenadiers, 388; the Louisburg, ii. 361; Maxwell's at Vellinghausen, 530. See also Regiments Griffin, Admiral, ii. 186 Guadeloupe, ii. 349; taken by English, 356 Guest, General, ii. 131 Guienne, i. 48 Guiscard, Robert, i. 8 Guise, General, ii. 71 Gun. See Arms and Armour Gunstone. See Arms and Armour Gustavus Adolphus, i. 3, 17; Scots in his army, 173, 179; surgeons in his army, 182, 325; Breitenfeld, 186; his march to the Maine, 188; death, 189; authorities on, 190; his tactics adopted at Almanza, 486 Habergeon. See Arms and Armour Halberd. See Arms and Armour Hale, Colonel John, raises 17th Lancers, ii. 500 Halifax, military settlement in Nova Scotia, ii. 263 Halket, Colonel Sir Peter, ii. 276 Halket, Major, ii. 337 Hampden, John, i. 200 Handasyde, General, ii. 133 Hanoverian soldiers, ii. 119; imported into England by George II., 290 Harbord, William, i. 346 Harley, Robert, Earl of Oxford, i. 384; opposed to war, 536, 538; miserable administration of army under, 571; opposes Mutiny Act, ii. 19 Harold, army of, i. 6 Harquebus. See Arms and Armour Harquebusiers, Italian, i. 24, 137, 143 Harrison, Lieutenant, ii. 237 Harvey, General, ii. 527 Hatchet. See Arms and Armour Hauberk. See Arms and Armour Haviland, Brigadier, ii. 396, 540 Hawke, Sir Edward, Admiral, ii. 287, 308, 315, 340, 499 Hawkins, Captain, ii. 169 Hawkwood, Sir John, i. 42, 51; compared with Marlborough, 52 Hay, Lord Charles, at Fontenoy, ii. 115 Hazelrigg, Sir Arthur, i. 203 Helmet. See Arms and Armour Henry I., i. 9 Henry V., aggression against France, i. 54; army under, 54-63; success at Harfleur, 68; crosses the Somme, 56; Agincourt, 60-62; death, 63 Henry VI, i. 72 Henry VII., army at his accession, i. 109 Henry VIII. and the army, i. 111, 118; Acts against desertion, 113; his light cavalry, 114; encourages archers, 117; war with France, 118, 120; progress of army under, 121 Henry of Lancaster, our first engineer, i. 32, 37 Henry of Prussia, Prince, ii. 481 Henry of Trastamare, i. 45 Hepburn, Sir John, i. 173, 189; killed at Saverne, 190 Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, i. 169 Heron, Colonel, ii. 407 Hesse-Darmstadt, Prince George of, i. 448-461 Hessians, their gallantry as soldiers, i. 437 Heukelom, General, i. 456 Highlanders, first enlisted, ii. 49; Pitt's enlistment of, 300 Highlands, Monk's campaign in, i. 254 Hill, Colonel, appointed to command without reference to Marlborough, i. 536, 541 Hill, General, ii. 255 Hobelars, i. 27 Hoby, Sir Edward, i. 139 Hodgson, General, ii. 521 Hogarth, and the '45, ii. 136 Holburne, Admiral, ii. 305 Holdernesse, Lord, ii. 501, 535 Holles, Captain, i. 160 Holmes, Admiral, ii. 372, 499 Holstein-Beck, Prince of, i. 439 Hompesch, General, i. 440, 542 Hopson, General Peregrine, i. 347 Horne, Marshal, i. 186 Horses, armour of, i. 25; breeding of, for cavalry, 121 Houtmann, James, ii. 169 Howe, Lord, ii. 315, 325; killed, 326 Howe, Commodore, ii. 340 Howe, Colonel William, ii. 375 Howitzer. See Arms and Armour Huguenots, in Allied Army, i. 484; at Oudenarde, 501 Hundred Years' War, i. 22 Hyder Ali, ii. 471 Ilchester, Lord, ii. 290 Imhoff, General, ii. 502 India, French and English struggle for supremacy in, ii. 168-237, 406-474 Ingoldsby, Brigadier, at Fontenoy, ii. 112 Ireland, separate military establishment in, i. 283; the establishment of 1698, 389; Walpole denounces it as part of the Standing Army, ii. 18 (for differences of pay in Ireland see Appendix). Cromwell's campaign in, i. 237; Schomberg's, 343; Ginkell's, 349; Marlborough's, 350 Ireton, Henry, i. 224 Irish, in Spanish army, i. 270; in French army, 432, 533; ii. 118 Iroquois, the, ii. 248 Italy, the school of war, i. 94 Jacobites, officers favoured at close of Anne's reign, ii. 3; rebellion of 1715, 5; opposed to army, 15; rebellion of 1745, 124-148; effect of organisation of Highland regiments on, ii. 300 Jacqueline of Holland, i. 66 Jamaica, conquered under Cromwell, i. 264; troops in, ii. 40, 76 James I., i. 167; influence on army, 191 James II., his military education, i. 298; concentrates army at Hounslow, 301; disaffection of army to, 303; Irish policy of, 304; quits England, 307; lands at Cork, 336; death, 399; ii. 41; North American policy of, 250 James Stuart (Old Pretender), in French army in 1708, i. 493; ii. 36 Jefferies, Colonel, ii. 294 Jeffreys, Judge, ii. 38 Jervis, Captain John, ii. 374 Joan of Arc, i. 68 John, King, army under, i. 14 John of Montfort, i. 42 John, Archduke of Austria, i. 143 John of Austria, Don, i. 270 Johnson, Sir William, ii. 260, 269, 282, 369 Joliet, ii. 247 Jones, Colonel, i. 477 Joppa, Richard the First's march from, i. 13 Joseph, Emperor of Austria, i. 540 Joyeuse, Marshal, i. 359 Kane, Colonel, i. 552 Keane, Lieutenant, ii. 206 Keith, James, ii. 10 Keppel, Commodore, ii. 271, 346, 521 Kerjean, ii. 217 KhevenhÜller, ii. 89 Kielmannsegge, General, ii. 508, 550 Kilpatrick, Major, ii. 411, 424 Kingsley, General, ii. 521 Kinnear, Major, ii. 216 Kirke, Colonel, i. 306, 342 Klosterzeven, Convention of, ii. 339 Knife. See Arms and Armour Knight-service, i. 8 Knights, i. 10, 17, 24 Knox, Captain, ii. 449 KÖnigseck, General, ii. 111 La BassÉe, lines of, i. 513 La Bourdonnais, Bertrand, a great administrator, ii. 176; naval action off Ceylon, 180; quarrel with Dupleix, 181 La Noue, Huguenot Commander, i. 138, 143 Lally de Tollendal, Count, arrives in India, ii. 429; first successes of, 430, 433; treatment of Bussy, 437; siege of Madras, 439, 454, 457; defeated at Wandewash, 463, 470 Lambert, John, i. 239; marches against Monk, 275 Lance. See Arms and Armour. Landsknechts, i. 4, 12, 85, 87, 104; in Henry VIII.'s army, 114, 121; their influence, 135 Landwehr, the, i. 5 Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, i. 225 Las Torres, General, i. 476, 481 Oudenarde, 497-500; encamps on the Lys, 502; plan of invading France, 503; siege of Lille, 503; Wynendale, 509; invests Ghent, 510; capture of Minorca due to him, 511 1709, beginning of opposition to him at home, 512; accused of prolonging war, 513; march on Tournay, 513; dupes Villars, 515; delayed by Dutch, 517; Malplaquet, 519-526 1710, asks to be made permanent Commander-in-Chief, 536; abuse of in England, 538; threatens to resign, 539 1711, his last campaign, 540; brilliancy of his tactics, 543; penetrates French lines, 547; charged with embezzlement and dismissed, 549; Dutch deputies really responsible, 553; his patience, 493; and forethought, 589; compared with Napoleon, 590; and Wellington, 572; his reforms, 557, 575; upholds purchase, 579; Master-General of Ordnance, 584; a great artillerist, 587; his character and work, 587-591; return to England, ii. 4; induced to resume his appointments, 5; his death, 10; his funeral, 11-13 Marlborough, Charles Churchill, 2nd Duke of, ii. 288, 295, 340 Marlborough, Duchess of, ii. 536, 538 Maroons, ii. 40 Marsin, General, i. 418, 429, 432 Martin, FranÇois, ii. 174 Martinique, taken from French, ii. 541 Mary, Queen, army legislation under, i. 125; her kindness to soldiers, 329 Masham, Mrs., i. 536 Massachusetts, ii. 244, 252, 257, 441 Masulipatam, taken by French, ii. 169; stormed by Forde, ii. 449 Maubeuge, i. 516 Maurice of Nassau, i. 3, 152, 153; captures Oudenberg, 160; Nieuport, 161, 165; famous Englishmen in his army, 169; a great engineer, 184; ii. 249 Maurice, Prince (brother of Rupert), i. 169, 202 Mauritius, French colonisation of, ii. 176 Mauvillon, opinion of British troops quoted, ii. 517, 588 Maximilian I., i. 85-92 Maxwell, Colonel, commands grenadiers at Warburg, ii. 512 Mazarin, Cardinal, i. 266 Men-at-Arms, i. 25, 37, 41; decay of, 117, 125 Mendoza, i. 139 Menin, i. 513 Middleton, Earl of, ii. 252 Military Hospitals, Kilmainham, i. 328; Chelsea, 329, 579 Military music, band copied from Saracens, i. 14; the drum, 14; trumpets, 14, 30; trumpet calls, 105; drum-beat of the landsknechts, 91; bands encouraged by Henry VIII., 124; duties of trumpeters and drummers, 153; drum calls, 214; Lillibulero, 305; black drummers in India, ii. 450; regimental bands in 18th century, 583 Military pamphlets, i. 136-139, 214 Military punishments, i. 250; the wooden horse, 281; flogging with the cat, ii. 32-34; picketting, 569 Militia, developed from fyrd, i. 12, 123; decay of under Stuarts, 194; reorganised under Charles II., 292; in colonies, ii. 39; Militia Acts, 288, 299, 301; increased under George III., 521 Milton, John, affected by military spirit of his time, i. 279 Minorca, taken by English, i. 511; garrison at, 561; question of governing, ii. 42; loss of, 291 Miosson River, i. 40 Mitchelburne, Colonel, i. 410 Modyford, Colonel Thomas, i. 258 Moguls, Indian invasion of in 1193, ii. 167 Mohammed Ali (Nabob of Carnatic, 1752), ii. 196, 198, 215, 218 Molesworth, Captain, A.D.C. to Marlborough, i. 470 Monckton, Colonel, ii. 270, 282, 321, 360, 499; commands troops in West Indies, 539, 570 Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle, volunteer in Low Countries, i. 169; in Parliamentary Army, 211, 239; as a sailor, 249; his reduction of the Highlands, 252; genius in mountain warfare, 254; his policy after Cromwell's death, 275; brings back Charles II., 277; his scheme for disbandment of army, 290; first Commander-in-Chief after Restoration, 308; death, 309, 325 Monmouth, James, Duke of, serves under Turenne, i. 296; insurrection of, 299; ii. 38 Monro, Colonel, ii. 306 Mons, ii. 121, 150 Monstrelet, i. 24, 63 Montcalm, Marquis of, ii. 297, 305, 327 Montecuculi, ii. 279 Montjuich, i. 460 Montrose, Marquis of, victory at Auldearn, i. 223; other successes, 228 Moore, Commodore, ii. 347 Mordaunt, Lord, i. 425 Mordaunt, Sir Henry, ii. 307 Moreton, Colonel, ii. 58 Morgan, Sir Thomas, i. 141, 252, 267, 274, 353 Morpeth, Lord, ii. 20 Morse, Mr., ii. 180 Mortiz, Ali (Nabob of Carnatic, 1742), ii. 176, 179, 223 Mothe, Count de la, i. 412 Munden, Colonel, i. 425; ii. 11 Munro, Hector, i. 176 Munro, Robert, i. 174, 193, 304 Murray, Lord George, ii. 127, 133 Murray, James, Brigadier, under Wolf, ii. 361; at Quebec, 385, 390; defeated at Sainte Foy, 394; advance on Montreal, 397; vote of thanks to, 498, 570 Murzapha Jung (Viceroy of Deccan, 1743), ii. 193, 197 Musket. See Arms and Armour Mutiny Acts, first Act, i. 335; under William III., 348; not renewed in 1699, 387; the Act of 1701, 400; of 1703, 563, 570; ii. 5, 18; inns only quarter allowed under, 22; opposition to, 261; new clause added to in 1741, 562 Nantes, Edict of, i. 307 Nasir Jung (claimant to Deccan, 1748), ii. 193, 195 Nassau, Prince of, i. 402 Natzmar, General, commands Prussian cavalry at Oudenarde, i. 499 Nebel, River, i. 433 Neipperg, Marshal, ii. 90, 99 Nell Gwynne founds Chelsea Hospital, i. 329 New Jersey, ii. 257 New Model, i. 3, 208, 214-223; effects of first felt at Naseby, 227; soldiers rebel against disbandment of, 232-235; its work, 277 New Plymouth, ii. 243 New York, British troops in, i. 560; ii. 41, 245, 257 Newcastle, Duke of, ii. 21, 60; letters to, 62; responsible for Spanish Main disaster, 7
8, 136, 259, 268, 286; indignation against, ii. 298; resignation of, 299 Niagara, expedition against, ii. 284 Nicolls, Colonel, ii. 245 Nimeguen, i. 401 Nizam Ali, ii. 457 Nizam-ul-Mulk (Viceroy of the Deccan), ii. 176, 193 Noailles, Marshal, ii. 89; commands French at Dettingen, 93 Norfolk, Duke of, Yorkist leader, i. 74 Normandy, lost to English, i. 70 Norris, Sir John, his volunteers, i. 143; serves under Leicester, 147, 151 North America, our colonies in, ii. 254; our struggle with France for:— before Aix-la-Chapelle, 246-260; after Aix-la-Chapelle, 263-288; from 1756, 296 et seq; reverts to British, 306; Pitt's organisation of war in, 314; expedition against Quebec, 329; conquest of Canada, 360-405 North, Lord, i. 148 Nova Scotia, garrisons at, ii. 42, 243, 263 Noyelles, Count of, i. 453 Oberglau, i. 433 Ogle, Admiral, Sir Chaloner, ii. 64 Ogle, Sir John, i. 192 Okey, Colonel John, i. 256 Opdam, General, i. 404, 413 Orange, Prince of, i. 520; at Malplaquet, 522, 526 Ordnance, Office of, i. 111, 309, 328; Marlborough, Master-General of, 584, ii. 44, 563, 571 Orkney, Lord, i. 472, 515, 519, ii. 53 Ormonde, Duke of, i. 407; appointed Commander-in-Chief in Marlborough's place, 549, 572, ii. 8, 13 Osborne, Admiral, i. 315 Ostend, siege of, i. 165; Marlborough's base (1708), 507; Cumberland's (1745), ii. 123 Oswego, ii. 285, 297 Ottomond, tomb of, i. Cromwell's, 203; kidnapping resorted to, 382; discouragement to, 560; abuses of recruiting, 565; Recruiting Acts, 564, 566; short service, 567; maladministration of recruiting under Harley, 568; mere boys enlisted, 572; faggots, 573; expense of obtaining, 574; Secretary-at-War enforces recruiting, 583; character of under George I., ii. 32; fraudulent enlistment, 34; abundance of in 1739, 57; ill-faith of authorities to, 290; Pitt's endeavours to obtain, 476; Recruiting Acts, 1743, 1759, 573-579 Redoubt d'Eu, the, at Fontenoy, i. 113 Regiment, name comes into use, ii. 136 Regiments:— Cavalry— First Life Guards, i. 291, 324, 375; ii. 95 Second Life Guards, i. 291, 321 Royal Horse Guards (Blues), i. 291, 321, 388; ii. 95 (Dettingen), 119 (Fontenoy), 344, 511 (Warburg) First Dragoon Guards (King's), i. 300, 388, 511, 525; ii. 22, 95 (Dettingen), 349, 501, 511 (Warburg), 527, 555 Second Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays or Bays), i. 300, 344, 447, 458, 482, 487 (Almanza), 530; ii. 7, 501, 511 (Warburg), 527 Third Dragoon Guards, i. 300, 388, 442, 471, 475, 511, 525; ii. 340, 501, 511 (Warburg) Fourth Dragoon Guards, i. 300, 388 Fifth Dragoon Guards, i. 300, 388, 455, 511, 525 Sixth Dragoon Guards (Carbiniers), i. 300, 388, 442, 471, 475, 511, 525; ii. 501, 511 (Warburg) Seventh Dragoon Guards, i. 337, 388, 422, 511 (Oudenarde), 525; ii. 95 (Dettingen), 511 (Warburg), 527 First Dragoons (Royals), i. 292, 298, 306, 375, 388, 417, 447, 477, 530; ii. 95 (Dettingen), 119 (Fontenoy), 501, 509, 514, 527, 555 Second Dragoons (Greys), i. 323, 388, 426, 441, 475, 511 (Oudenarde), 525 (Malplaquet), 563; ii. 7, 95, 133, 153, 161, 346, 511 (Warburg), 527 Third Dragoons (now Hussars), i. 375, 388, 487, 484, 503; ii. 7, 98 (Dettingen), 133 Fourth Dragoons (now Hussars), i. 366, 375, 388, 484, 487, 503; ii. 7, 95, 162 (Lauffeld) Fifth Dragoons (now Lancers), i. 342, 511 (Oudenarde), 563 Sixth Dragoons (Inniskillings), i. 342, 375, 563; ii. 7, 95 (Dettingen), 153, 162 (Lauffeld), 341, 511 (Warburg), 514, 521 Seventh Dragoons (now Hussars), i. 376, 388, 563; ii. 4, 7, 95, 153, 162 (Lauffeld), 501, 509, 527 Eighth Dragoons (now Hussars), i. 368, 388, 479, 530, 563, 575; ii. 4, 133 Ninth Dragoons (now Lancers), ii. 6, 7, 140 Tenth Dragoons (now Hussars), ii. 6, 340, 511 (Warburg), 527 Eleventh Dragoons (now Hussars), ii. 6, 501, 511 (Warburg), 527 Twelfth Dragoons (now Lancers), ii. 6 Thirteenth Dragoons (now Hussars), ii. 6, 128, 140 Fourteenth Dragoons (now Hussars), ii. 6, 128, 140, 261 Fifteenth Light Dragoons (now Hussars), ii. 476, 501, 504 (Emsdorff), 514 Sixteenth Light Dragoons (now Lancers), ii. 500, 546 Seventeenth Light Dragoons (now Lancers), ii. 500 Royal Artillery, ii. 49, 188, 236, 300, 321 Foot Guards— Grenadiers (First), i. 291, 373, 388, 437 (Blenheim), 427, 443, 449, 459, 511 (Oudenarde), 525; ii. 113 (Fontenoy), 162 (Lauffeld), 251 Coldstream, i. 3, 240; origin of name, 276, 291, 307, 324, 374 (Landen), 388, 449, 459, 511 (Oudenarde), 525 (Malplaquet); ii. 113 (Fontenoy), 251 Scots Guards, i. 302, 373, 388, 530, 534, 563; ii. 115 (Fontenoy), 556 Infantry— First Foot (Royals), origin, i. 63, 189, 262, 302, 335, 364 (Steenkirk), 371-376 (Landen), 388, 399, 453, 459, 469, 499, 511, 514, 525, 556, 563; ii. 75, 114 (Fontenoy), 125, 140, 156, 300, 316, 396, 424, 427 Second Foot (Queen's), i. 292, 327, 342, 417, 447, 458, 486 Third Foot (Buffs), i. 295, 297, 302, 306 (Steenkirk), 371, 453, 471, 499, 511, 514, 521, 525 (Malplaquet); ii. 95 (Dettingen), 114 (Fontenoy), 140, 307, 356, 521, 546 Fourth Foot, i. 372, 449; ii. 125, 140, 292, 354, 541 Fifth Foot, i. 300, 388, 529; ii. 307, 340, 501, 527, 549 (Wilhelmsthal) Sixth Foot, i. 300, 367, 388, 459, 487 (Almanza), 511 (Oudenarde), 530; ii. 4, 75, 125, 143 Seventh Foot (Fusiliers), i. 300, 375, 388; ii. 293, 527 Eighth Foot, i. 300, 388, 390, 475, 496 (Oudenarde), 511, 514, 525; ii. 95 (Dettingen), 114 (Fontenoy), 153, 307, 340, 501, 521 Ninth Foot, i. 300, 342, 388, 399, 417, 447, 458, 487 (Almanza) Tenth Foot, i. 300, 366, 369, 388, 437 (Blenheim), 453, 469, 475, 511, 514, 525 Eleventh Foot, i.
, 361, 374 (Quebec), 541, 575 Twenty-Ninth Foot, i. 400, 469, 484, 503; ii. 4, 114, 259 Thirtieth Foot, i. 400, 450, 479; ii. 4, 42, 156, 259, 307, 340, 521 Thirty-First Foot, i. 400, 448; ii. 95 (Dettingen), 114 (Fontenoy) Thirty-Second Foot, i. 400, 448; ii. 4, 95 (Dettingen), 114 (Fontenoy) Thirty-Third Foot, i. 400, 447, 459, 487 (Almanza), 530; ii. 4, 95 (Dettingen), 153, 340, 501, 514 Thirty-Fourth Foot, i. 400, 459, 479, 481 (Barcelona); ii. 4, 60, 64, 69, 114 (Fontenoy), 133, 340, 521, 541 Thirty-Fifth Foot, i. 398, 459, 477, 487; ii. 306, 316, 361, 374, 541 Thirty-Sixth Foot, i. 398, 459, 487; ii. 7, 60, 64, 69, 340, 521 Thirty-Seventh Foot, i. 400, 469, 496 (Oudenarde), 87th (Keith's Highlanders), ii. 500 88th (Campbell's), ii. 500 89th (Morris's), ii. 472, 500 90th (Morgan's) ii. 500 91st (Blayney's), ii. 500 92nd (Gore's) ii. 500 93rd (Bagshawe's), ii. 500 94th (Vaughan's), ii. 500, 521, 538 95th (Burton's), ii. 520 96th (Monson's), ii. 520 97th (James Stuart's), ii. 520, 521 98th (Gray's), ii. 520, 521 99th (Byng's), ii. 520 100th (Colin Campbell's), ii. 520 101st (Johnston's), ii. 443, 536 102nd (Wedderburn's), ii. 443, 536 103rd (Oswald's), ii. 537 104th (Tonyn's), ii. 537 105th (Graeme's), ii. 537 106th (BarrÉ's), ii. 537 107th (Beauclerk's), ii. 537 108th (Macdougall's), ii. 537 109th (Nairn's), ii. 537 110th (Deakin's), ii. 537 111th (Markham's), ii. 537 112th (Hamilton's), ii. 537 113th (M'Lean's), ii. 537 114th (Crawford's), ii. 537 115th (Ogle's), ii. 537 Regiments not numbered but known by Colonels' Names— Aberdour's (Light Dragoons), ii. 500 Argyll's (foot), i. 369 Barrymore's (foot). See Pearce's dragoons Bolton's (foot), i. 337 Bowles's (dragoons), i. 487, 530; ii. 5 Bradshaw's (foot), i. 464 Brazier's (foot), i. 492 Bretton's (foot), i. 450, 487 Brudenell's (foot), i. 398, 458 Caldwell's (light dragoons), ii. 501 Carles's (foot), i. 492 Castletown's (foot), i. 369 Caulfield's (foot), i. 459, 503 Churchill's (dragoons), ii. 6 Clayton's (foot), i. 541 Collier's (foot), i. 334, 388 Cutts's (foot), i. 363, 367 Dalzell's (foot), i. 530, 536 De Grangue's (foot), ii. 82 Delaune's (foot), i. 492 Deloraine's (foot), i. 417 Dormer's (foot), i. 503, 530; ii. 6 Draper's (foot), ii. 314, 469 Drogheda's (light dragoons), ii. 501 Dubourgay's (foot), ii. 6 Dungannon's (foot), i. 417 Elliot's (foot), i. 411, 459 Erle's (dragoons), i. 417 Evans's (foot), i. 411, 475, 496, 514, 525 Fenwick's (foot), i. 239 Fitzpatrick's (foot), i. 334, 364 Fraser's (foot), ii. 300, 316 Goff's (foot), i. 249 Gore's (foot), i. 530; ii. 5 Gorges's (foot), i. 411, 459 Granby's (light dragoons), ii. 501 Grant's (foot), ii. 7 Hamilton's (foot), i. 388, 503 Hazelrigg's (foot), i. 239 Hill's (foot), i. 484 Honeywood's (horse), ii. 5 Hotham's (foot), i. 450; ii. 6 Ikerryn's (foot), i. 417 Inchiquin's (foot), i. 417 Ingoldsby's (foot), i. 337 Johnson's (foot), i. 503 Jones's (foot), i. 492 Kane's (foot), i. 541 Kerr's (foot), i. 464, 484, 487 Kingston's (foot), i. 337 Kingston's (later Cumberland's) light dragoons, ii. 162 Lauder's (foot), i. 363 Leigh's (foot), i. 390 Lepell's (foot), i. 450 Lisburn's (foot), i. 337 Lovelace's (foot), i. 464 Lucas's (foot), ii. 6 Macartney's (foot), i. 484, 487 Macclesfield's (horse), i. 368, 388 Mackay's (foot), i. 363, 371 Mohun's (foot), i. 400 Molesworth's (dragoons), ii. 6 Moore's (foot), i. 503 Montgomery's (foot), ii. 300, 400 Mordaunt's (foot), i. 400 Mountjoy's (foot), i. 398, 459, 477, 487 Munden's (dragoons), i. 530; ii. 5 Nassau's (dragoons), i. 530 Newton's (foot), ii. 6 Orrery's (foot), i. 417, 492, 496, 525 Paston's (foot), i. 417, 529 Pearce's (dragoons), i. 411, 480, 487 Pepperrell's (foot), ii. 284, 296 Peterborough's (dragoons), i. 464, 487 Pocock's (foot), ii. 6 Prendergast's (foot), i. 514 Price's (foot), i. 464 Rich's (foot), ii. 6 Rochford's (dragoons), i. 530 Rooke's (foot), i. 417 Roscommon's (foot), i. 337 Shannon's (foot), i. 400 Shirley's (foot), ii. 296 Slane's (foot), i. 492 Soames's (foot), i. 450 Stanhope's (foot), ii. 6 Stanwix's (foot), i. 464, 529; ii. 6 Strathnaver's (foot), i. 388 Stringer's (foot), i. 400 Sutherland's (foot), ii. 500 Sybourg's (foot) i. 464 Temple's (foot), i. 400, 514, 521 Townsend's (foot), i. 464, 503 Tunbridge's (foot), i. 464 Tyrell's (foot), ii. 6 Wolfe's (foot), ii. 58, 75 Wynne's (foot), i. 450, 503; ii. 5 Reiters, i. 102, 138; superseded by cuirassiers, 183 Renaissance, the, and the art of war, i. 106 Reynolds, John, i. 255; commands Cromwell's force in French army, 267; lost on Goodwin Sands, 269 Rhode Island, ii. 250 Rich, Barnaby, i. 138 Richard I., army under, i. 13 Richard II., i. 50, 52 Richards, Colonel John, i. 342, 528 Richelieu, Duke of, ii. 292 Richmond, Duke of, ii. 136 Riedesel, Colonel, ii. 549 Ripon, Treaty of, i. 198 Robinson, Colonel, ii. 58 Robinson, Sir T. (Secretary of State 1754), ii. 268 Rochelle, expedition to, i. 193 Rodney, Captain George, R.N., ii. 316 Rollo, Lord, ii. 321, 397, 536 RonÇevalles, Pass of, i. 45 Rooke, Admiral Sir George, i. 407, 448 Roquemaure, French officer in Canada, ii. 398 Roses, Wars of the, i. 5; changes in warfare during, 76 Ross, Christian (the female dragoon), i. 572 Ross, Ensign David, i. 176 Rottmeister, i. 181 Row, Brigadier, at Blenheim, i. 437 Rumsdorf. See Landen Rupert, Prince, i. 169, 199; at Edgehill, 200; at Marston Moor, 205; influence on cavalry, 215; at Naseby, 225, 228 Rushworth, John, i. 311 Russell, Sir William, i. 148 Russia, Treaty of George the Second with, ii. 291 Ruvigny. See Galway Ryswick, Peace of, i. 379, 399, 563; ii. 181, 253 Sabine, Brigadier, at Oudenarde, i. 496-498 Sackville, Lord George, ii. 290, 307, 341, 345, 481; at Minden, 488-493; dismissed from army, 496 St. Clair, General, ii. 156 St. Germain, Count of, ii. 502 St. Ghislain, i. 515; ii. 150 St. John, Henry (Bolingbroke), i. 416, 551, 582, 538, 571, 591; tampers with army after Utrecht, ii. 3, 255 St. Helena, ii. 171, 188 St. Kitts, ii. 62 St. Lazare, ii. 67 St. Lucia, ii. 347 St. Pierre, ii. 349 St. Ruth, General, i. 349 St. ThomÉ, ii. 194 Salabat Jung (Viceroy of Deccan 1759), ii. 197, 408, 448, 457 SaliÈres, Marquis of, ii. 160 Samiaveram, ii. 211 Sandford, Brigadier, i. 527 Sauhojee (Ruler of Tanjore 1749) ii. 192 Sankey, Brigadier, i. 530 Santiago di Cuba, British attack on, ii. 74-79 Saunders, Admiral, ii. 385, 499 Saunders, Mr., Governor of Madras, ii. 202, 405 Saxe, Maurice, MarÉchal de, i. 503; ii. 105, 106; at Fontenoy, 110-121, 150; action at Roucoux, 153; notable march from Louvain, 158; Lauffeld, 159-163 Schellenberg, the, Marlborough's march on, i. 423 Schomberg, Mainhard, Duke of, i. 447 Schomberg, Marshal, i. 268; Colonel of Royal Scots, 334, 338; commands expedition to Ireland, 343; his complaints of administration, 124 Terheyden, ii. 150 TessÉ152 "Tories," ii. 38 Tournament, its military uses, i. 11 Tournay, Marlborough's siege of, i. 513; ii. 121 Townley, Francis, ii. 135 Townsend, Brigadier George, ii. 301, 361; at Quebec, ii. 382; at Vellinghausen, 527 Train-bands, i. 119, 128, 135, 195 Transport vessels, horrors of, i. 560, 570 Trelawny, Colonel, i. 306 Trelawny, Governor of Jamaica, ii. 76 Trichinopoly, ii. 208; French and English contest for, 198, 221 Trichinopoly, Rajah of, ii. 176 Trincomalee, ii. 180 Tullibardine, Lord, ii. 9 Turenne, i. 266; commends English soldiers, 270, 274, 296, 406; ii. 279 Tyrawley, Lord, ii. 564 Tyrconnel, Richard, Earl of, i. 303, 336 Underhill, Captain John, ii. 249 Unterglau, i. 433 Utrecht, Peace of, army disbanded after, ii. 3, 32; North America and, 256 Valencia, taken by Peterborough, i. 481 Vasco da Gama, ii. 168 Vauban, i. 359, 474; fortresses of, 513; ii. 292 Vaudreuil (Governor of Quebec), ii. 322, 378 Vegetius, quoted, i. 32 Velasco, i. 460 Venables, General Robert, i. 255, 260 VendÔme, Marshal, i. 475, 491; sends detachment to Oudenarde, 495; but out-marched by Marlborough, 496; differences with Burgundy, 497; at Oudenarde, 500; campaign in Spain, 522 Vere, Francis, i. 147; his ancestors great soldiers, 155; siege of Ostend, 156; exposes corruption in army, 157, 159; at Nieuport, 161-165; death, 167 Vere, Horace, i. 156, 164, 166 Vere, Robert, i. 156 Vergor, French commander at Quebec, ii. 374 Vernon, Admiral, capture of Porto Bello, ii. 58; Carthagena expedition, 64, 79 Vezon, ii. 111 Villadarias, Marquis, i. 530 Villars, Marshal, i. 406, 412; successes in 1703, 415; replaced by Marsin, 418, 465; recalled from the Rhine, 474; commands again in 1709, 513; wounded at Malplaquet, 532, 536; campaign of 1711, 541; out-generalled by Marlborough, 546 Villeroy, Marshal, i. 411, 413, 418, 421, 429; captures Huy, 451; errors at Ramillies, 466, 473; superseded by VendÔme, 475, 491 Villiers, Elizabeth, i. 390 Virginians, clever irregular troops, ii. 281 Vlytingen, ii. 160 Von Imhoff, General, ii. 481 Wade, General, ii. 20, 26; roads in Highlands, 49, 83, 87, 102, 104, 107, 132, 137 Waldeck, Prince of, i. 338 Waldegrave, Brigadier, at Minden, ii. 491; at Warburg, 510; at Wesel, 518 Wallace, William, i. 17 Wallenstein, i. 178, 188 Waller, Sir William, i. 205 Walpole, Sir Robert, Paymaster of Forces, ii. 5; and army, 16, 18; Excise Bill, 20, 48, 55; against war, 57, 80, 567 Walpole, Horace, appreciation of Cumberland, ii. 567 Walsh, Brigadier, ii. 539 Wambais. See Arms and Armour Wandewash, Brereton's attack on, ii. 457; Coote's victory at, 464 Wangenheim, General, at Minden, ii. 485-490, 555 War Office and Army Organisation— In its early stages, i. 219; defects in organisation, 556; its want of consideration for soldiers, 562; laziness of Board of Generals, ii. 31; bad provision for Colonial troops, 43; civilian element strong at, 561; faulty records of, 562; becomes more military in 18th century, 567 Secretary-at-War— First appointed, i. 311; accompanies Commander-in-Chief on active service, 359, 392; change in his functions, 409; under Anne, 554, 581; powers of, 583; Walpole, St. John, Granville, Lansdowne, Wyndham, and Gwynne as, 582; Pulteney as, ii. 5; list of from 1714-1735, 21; increasing influence of, 21; difficulties of, 25; abuse of his powers, 27; effect on army, 28 Warren, Commodore, ii. 258 Warwick, Earl of (the King-maker), i. 73 Washington, George, ii. 265, 270, 277, 285, 323 Watson, Admiral, ii. 236, 411 Webb, Colonel, ii. 296, 306 Webb, General Richmond, i. 507, 538, 577 Wentworth, General, ii. 59, 62; letters to Newcastle, 63; Carthagena expedition, 64-74; Cuba, 75 West Indies, first British expedition to, i. 265; our troops in, 560; ii. 42. See Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, St. Kitts, St. Vincent Wesleyans in Cumberland's army, ii. 121 Westphalen, General, Chief of Staff to Ferdinand of Brunswick, ii. 496 White Company, the, i. 44 William I., i. 6, 7 William II. (Rufus), i. 8 William III. (of Orange), i. 296; invades England, 305, 330; increases army, 336; conquest of Ireland, 341; as a general, 356; war with France, 357; Steenkirk, 361-367; Landen, 372-376; invests Namur, 378; bullied into disbanding army, 385-388; disposal of Irish lands, 390; estimate of his character, 392; refuses to recognise Philip of Anjou, 398 William of Nassau, i. 142 William of Ypres, i. 23 William the Silent, i. 145 Williams, Roger, i. 139, 142; in Leicester's army, 147 Willoughby, Lord, i. 147, 193 Wilmington, Lord, ii. 82 Wimbledon. See Cecil Winslow, Edward, i. 260 Withers, General, i. 519 Wolfe, Colonel Edward, ii. 53 Wolfe, Colonel James, ii. 53, 58; mentioned in Cumberland's despatches, 157, 308, 315, 319, 359; operations against Quebec, 368-382; death, 383; criticisms on his generalship at Quebec, 387; his monument, 498; his humane qualities, 569 Wolseley, Colonel, i. 342 Worcester, ii. 38 Worge, Colonel, ii. 346 WÜrtemberg, Duke of, commands advance guard at Steenkirk, i. 362, 369, 422, 456, 470 Wutgenau, General, ii. 528 Wynyard, Colonel, ii. 58, 69 Xavier, Prince of Saxony, as ally of French, ii. 507, 527, 532, 547 Xenophon, Hipparchicus of, i. 106 Yeomanry, the, i. 133 Yeomen of the Guard, i. 110 Young, Sir William, ii. 17 York, Duke of, at Agincourt, i. 58-62, 77 York, James, Duke of, i. 270, 287, 294. See James II. Yorke, Captain, ii. 449 Zastrow, General, ii. 555 Zinghis Khan, ii. 167 Zizka, John, his tactics copied at Roveray, i. 68; his military genius, 82, 188; compared with Cromwell, 281 THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh MACMILLAN AND CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. By The Hon. J. W. FORTESCUE. A HISTORY OF THE 17th LANCERS. Royal 8vo. 25s. net. THE STORY OF A RED DEER. Fourth Thousand. Pott 4to. 4s. 6d. THE DRUMMER'S COAT. Illustrated by H. M. Brock. Pott 4to. 4s. 6d. DUNDONALD. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. [English Men of Action Series. FORTY-ONE YEARS IN INDIA. By Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, V.C. With 44 Illustrations. Extra Crown 8vo. 10s. net. A HISTORY OF THE INDIAN MUTINY AND OF THE DISTURBANCES WHICH ACCOMPANIED IT AMONG THE CIVIL POPULATION. By T. Rice Holmes. Fifth Edition, Revised throughout and slightly enlarged. With 5 Maps and 6 Plans. Extra crown 8vo. 12s. 6d. REMINISCENCES OF THE GREAT MUTINY. 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TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE All changes noted in the ERRATA (pg xxii) have been applied to the etext. The original text had two dots under the date superscripts 'th', 'st', 'nd' and 'rd'; these dots have been removed in the etext. A frequent abbreviation in the Footnotes is 'Cal. S. P. Dom.'; this stands for 'Calendar of State Papers, Domestic'. Also 'H. O. M. E. B.' stands for 'Home Office Military Entry Book'. Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, sick-list, sick list; breastwork, breast-work; situate, tragical. Pg viii, 'retreats northwards' replaced by 'retreats northward'. Pg ix, 'Aix-le-Chapelle' replaced by 'Aix-la-Chapelle'. Pg 9, 'in Ros-shire' replaced by 'in Ross-shire'. Pg 60, 'not unsucessfully' replaced by 'not unsuccessfully'. Pg 158, the missing anchor for Footnote [232] was inserted after 'opportunity was lost.' Pg 167, 'form of an independant' replaced by 'form of an independent'. Pg 170, 'petition to Parliment' replaced by 'petition to Parliament'. Pg 177, 'French assistancee' replaced by 'French assistance'. Pg 201, 'summond Clive' replaced by 'summoned Clive'. Pg 219, Sidenote ' Oct.13 Nov. 11. ' replaced by ' Oct.31 Nov. 11. '. Pg 428, 'a Madras had' replaced by 'at Madras had'. Pg 509, 'of Ochsendorf of' replaced by 'of Ochsendorf and'. Footnotes. [5] (with its anchor on) pg 6, 'Miscellaneous Oraers' replaced by 'Miscellaneous Orders'. [122] pg 52, 'Ibid' inserted before '30th October'. [125] pg 52, 'Ibid' inserted before '11th November'. [174] pg 91, 'June 2/3' replaced by 'June 2/13'. [442] pg 581, 'Full pay per week' Dragoon descriptor replaced by 'Remains to be paid weekly'. Index. Andros; 'ii. 258' replaced by 'ii. 251'. Parliament; 'ii. 1;' replaced by 'ii. 3;'. Vernon; 'Portobello' replaced by 'Porto Bello'. William III; 'Anjou, 598' replaced by 'Anjou, 398'. Zinghis; 'Zenghis' replaced by 'Zinghis'. |