- Abercrombie, General, 87, 165
- Abou, Bakr, Rock, 132
- Abou el Nawatir, Hill, 96, 165
- Aboukir, 176-184
- Abousir, 191-192
- Aboumna, 195
- Abyssinians, 76
- Achilles Tatius, bishop and novelist, 104
- Actium, Battle, 26
- Adonis—Festival, 32-33
- Akhmin Tapestries, 110, 112
- Alexander the Great, 8-9, 27, 115
- Alexandria, passim
- Alexandrian Year
- Alison, General, 95-96, 165
- Allenby, General, 156
- Ammon, St., 50
- Ammonius Saccas, philosopher 65
- Amr, 54-57
- Amrieh, 190-191
- Anfouchi Catacombs, 126-129
- Annianus, St., 45
- Antirrhodus, island, 17
- Antoniadis Villa, 92, 96, 157
- Antoninus, philosopher, 180
- Antony, Mark, 25-27
- Antony, St., 50
- Apis, 18
- Apollonius of Perga, mathematician, 37
- Apollonius of Rhodes, poet, 30-31
- Arab Conquest, 52-59
- Arabi Pacha, 93-96
- Arcadius, Emperor, 195
- Aristarchus of Samos, astronomer, 41
- Arius and Arianism, 71-72
- De Monconys (old map), 84
- Dinocrates, architect, 8, 20
- Diocletian, Emperor, 46, 146
- Dioscurus, Patriarch, 51
- Dryden’s “All for Love” 215-216.
- Earle, General, 102
- Edku, 184-185
- Egypt passim
- Egyptian Government Hospital, 162
- El Deraoui, poet, 137
- Ennaton Monastery, 50
- Ephraim, St., 207
- “Era of Martyrs”, 47
- Erasistratus, physiologist, 42
- Eratosthenes, astronomer, 37, 37, 40, 41
- Euclid, mathematician, 37
- Farkha Canal, 152, 155
- Fay, Mrs. Eliza, visitor, 84
- Fayoum, 110, 113, 114, 118, 120
- Forts:
- Adda, 94, 132
- Agame, 6, 171
- Kait Bey, 81, 94, 133-140: see Pharos
- Kait Bey, Aboukir, 182
- Kom-el-Dik 106
- Kom-el-Nadoura (Cafarelli), 170
- Ramleh, Aboukir, 183
- Saba, Aboukir, 182
- St. Julien, Rosetta, 188
- Tewfikieh, Aboukir, 180
- Foxe, John, visitor, 82
- Frazer, General, 89, 106
- French
- French War Memorial, 156
- Furness, R. A., v, 30, 68
- Gabbari, 171
- Gardens:
- Gate of the Moon, 53
- Gate of the Sun (Rosetta Gate), 121
- Gelal ed Din ben Mokram, poet, vi
27, 44 - Ophites, 71
- Origen, Theologian, 46, 73-74
- Osiris, 18
- Palace, Ptolemaic, 23, 24, 28, 29, 162
- Paneum, 106
- Paris and Helen, 176
- Patriarchates, 52
- Persians, 8, 53
- Pharos Island, 6, 24, 80
- Philo 63, 64, 66
- Philosophy under Ptolemies, 36
- Jewish, 62
- Neo-Platonic, 64-68
- Place Mohammed Ali
- Place Said, 154
- Place St. Catherine, 142
- Plato, 64
- Plotinus, 65-68
- Plutarch, 214
- Pocock, R., visitor, 84
- Pompey, 23
- Porphyry, philosopher, 68
- Proteus, 7
- Pschoi, St., 205
- Ptolemies, 11-27
- Ptolemy I, 11
- II, 14, 36
- III, 15, 185
- IV, 21
- VII, 21
- XIII, 22,
- XIV, 23-
PLAN OF ALEXANDRIA (Click on the map to see a higher-resolution version.) - Transcriber’s Notes:
- A higher resolution color map of Alexandria has been added to the book. Click on the map to see the higher-resolution version.
- Missing or obscured punctuation was corrected.
- Unbalanced quotation marks were left as the author intended.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.