Trade Statistics


Total Import and Export Values (exclusive of Silver and Gold)

Period. Imports. Exports. Total Import and Export Trade. Excess of Imports. Excess of Exports.
Annual Average. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $.
1880–84 19,500,274 20,838,325 40,338,599 1,338,051
1885–89 15,789,165 20,991,265 36,780,430 5,202,100
1890–94 15,827,694 19,751,293 35,578,987 3,923,599
1899 13,113,010 12,306,912 25,479,922 746,098
1900 20,601,436 19,751,068 40,352,504 850,368
1901 30,279,406 23,214,948 53,494,354 7,064,458
1902 32,141,842 23,927,679 56,069,521 8,214,163
1903 32,971,882 33,121,780 66,093,662 149,898

Great Britain and the United States are the most important foreign markets for Philippine hemp, the distribution of shipments in 1850 and in five recent years having been as follows:—

Hemp Shipments to United States, United Kingdom, and Other Countries

Year. To United States. To Great Britain. To Other Countries. Total.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
1850 7,387 1,092 323 8,802
1899 26,713 21,511 26,808 75,092
1900 20,304 46,419 22,715 89,438
1901 30,336 82,190 11,731 124,257
1902 60,384 44,813 6,303 111,500
1903 69,912 59,189 8,651 137,752

Hemp Shipments

Year. Total.
1850 8,802
1855 14,936
1860 24,812
1865 24,862
1870 30,535
1875 32,864
1880 49,934
1885 52,141
1890 63,269
1895 104,040
1896 95,736
1897 112,755
1898 99,076
1899 75,092
1900 89,438
1901 124,257
1902 111,500
1903 137,752

Total Chief Exports from the Philippine Islands

1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
Sugar Manila 65,678 84,204 83,469 91,628 92,856 48,071 73,296 67,996 107,003
CebÚ 28,195 18,140 17,815 16,694 11,862 3,455 8,762 18,388 16,962
Yloilo 109,609 83,456 77,847 76,997 114,207 96,000 85,104 165,407 137,716
Total 203,482 185,800 179,131 185,319 218,925 147,526 167,162 251,791 261,681
Hemp Manila 43,927 39,268 56,709 71,881 59,455 56,201 68,256 87,778 70,174
CebÚ 8,214 7,192 7,663 11,298 11,616 7,068 11,087 11,035 10,010
Total 52,141 46,460 64,372 82,679 71,071 63,269 79,343 98,813 80,184
Sapan-wood Manila 2,911 1,885 962 750 574 1,385 880 1,574 3,332
Yloilo and CebÚ 1,100 2,943 4,260 5,853 4,018 1,415 3,317 2,207 1,586
Total 4,011 4,828 5,222 6,603 4,592 2,800 4,197 8,841 4,918
Coprah tons 4,653 17,875 22,439 11,519

Shipped from Manila only.

1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.
Coffee tons 5,209 7,337 4,998 6,702 5,841 4,796 2,869 1,326 307
Cigars thousands 114,821 102,717 99,562 109,109 121,674 109,636 97,740 137,059 137,458
Tobacco-Leaf tons 6,799 6,039 4,841 10,229 10,161 8,952 9,803 12,714 11,534
Buffalo-Hides tons 632 666 566 1,888 755 394 272 327
Indigo tons 84 64 111 232 221 19 89 278
Gum Mastic tons 195 205 404 330 490 188 303 136
Cordage tons 265 187 175 124 94 196 149 100
M.O.P. Shell tons 10 8 13 12 23 31 18 10

Total Chief Exports from the Philippine Islandscontinued

1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1858.
Under American Occupation. According to Sir John Bowring.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
Sugar Manila 94,656 107,221 97,705 57,382 5,041 27,473 5,567 421 368
CebÚ 10,198 13,335 7,701 15,257 12,363 3,731 8,283 4,595 6,202
Yloilo 88,533 110,527 124,648 130,542 71,982 36,312 45,070 97,129 81,308
Total 193,387 231,083 230,054 203,181 89,386 67,536 58,920 102,145 88,378 34,821
Hemp Manila 82,693 93,595 83,172 102,721
CebÚ 16,804 10,445 12,564 10,034
Total 99,497 104,040 95,736 112,755 75,092 89,438 124,257 111,500 137,752 25,781
Sapanwood Manila 1,292 1,619 898 1,022 No quantities stated in the Office Returns since 1898.
Yloilo & CebÚ 1,633 694 2,743 3,165
Total 2,925 2,313 3,551 4,187 Included in Table of Total Export Values, p. 639. 4,201
Coprah tons 33,265 37,104 37,970 50,714 15,906 65,355 32,655 59,287 83,411
Shipped from Manila only. Coffee tons 309 194 89 136 34 13 30 7 4 1,560
Cigars thousands 137,877 164,430 183,667 156,916 No quantities officially stated. 85,142
Tobacco-Leaf tons 9,545 10,368 10,986 15,836 6,272 9,834 7,764 9,016 8,593 4,106
Buffalo-Hides tons 398 467 397 728 402
Indigo tons 72 27 23 33 114 5 8 247 40 36
Gum Mastic tons 189 275 172 223 No quantities officially stated.
Cordage tons 170 198 194 239
M.O.P. Shell tons 54 79 13 42

Total Export of Sugar from the Phillipine Islands During 18 Years

1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
Manila Dry 47,542 62,594 62,167 63,890 33,233 50,342 51,718 72,007
Wet 18,136 21,610 21,302 27,738 14,838 22,954 16,278 34,996
Total 65,678 84,204 83,469 91,628 92,856 48,071 73,296 67,996 107,003
CebÚ Dry 23,676 15,190 12,765 13,094 3,145 7,562 17,488 16,712
Wet 4,519 2,950 5,050 3,600 310 1,200 900 250
Total 23,195 18,140 17,815 16,694 11,862 3,455 8,762 18,388 16,962
Yliolo Dry 102,369 81,201 71,722 72,882 87,966 82,515 160,050 135,191
Wet 7,240 2,255 6,125 4,115 8,034 2,589 5,357 2,525
Total 109,609 83,456 77,847 76,997 114,207 96,000 85,104 165,407 137,716
Grand Total 203,482 185,800 179,131 185,319 213,925 147,526 167,162 251,791 261,631

Total Export of Sugar from the Phillipine Islands During 18 Yearscontinued

1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1902. 1903.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
Under American Occupation
Manila Dry 65,189 81,502 77,676 46,345
Wet 18,136 21,610 21,302 27,738 5,041 27,473 5,567 421 868
Total 94,656 107,221 97,703 57,382 5,041 27,473 5,567 421 868
CebÚ Dry 10,198 13,085 7,484 15,137
Wet 250 217 120 12,363 3,751 8,283 4,595 6,202
Total 10,198 13,335 7,701 15,257 12,363 3,751 8,283 4,595 6,202
Yliolo Dry 123,720 129,174
Wet 928 1,368 71,982 36,312 45,070 97,129 81,308
Total 88,533 110,527 124,648 130,542 71,982 36,312 45,070 97,129 81,308
Grand Total 193,387 231,083 230,054 203,181 89,386 67,536 58,920 102,145 88,378

N.B.—The total export of sugar in the year 1861 was 53,114 tons. Trade Statistics

Tobacco and Cigar Shipments Before American Occupation

Year. Cigars. Leaf. Year. Cigars. Leaf.
Thousands. Tons. Thousands. Tons.
Under Monopoly 1880 82,783 8,657 1889 121,674 10,161
1881 89,502 7,027 1890 109,636 8,952
1882 103,597 6,195 1891 97,740 9,803
1883 190,079 7,267 1892 137,059 12,714
1884 125,091 7,181 1893 137,458 11,534
1885 114,821 6,799 1894 137,877 9,545
1886 102,717 6,039 1895 164,430 10,368
1887 99,562 4,841 1896 183,667 10,986
1888 109,109 10,229 1897 156,916 15,836

Tobacco-leaf Shipments Since American Occupation

1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
6,272 9,834 7,764 9,016 8,593

Cigar Shipments Since American Occupation

The official returns do not state the quantities shipped

Year. United States. British Empire.1 Other Countries. Total Value.
Value. Value. Value.
Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $.
1899 3,405 430,013 512,281 945,699
1900 5,662 937,872 214,883 1,158,417
1901 908 1,604,470 227,071 1,832,449
1902 11,006 813,083 164,429 988,518
1903 1,900 757,783 201,672 961,355

Coprah Shipments

Year. Manila. CebÚ. Total.
Tons. Tons. Tons.
1890 4,653 4,653
1891 17,875
1892 22,439
1893 11,519 11,519
1894 32,045 1,220 33,265
1895 34,332 2,772 37,104
1896 34,895 3,075 37,970
1897 47,814 2,900 50,714
1899 13,356 2,378 15,906
1900 62,469 2,886 65,355
1901 30,347 2,308 32,655
1902 41,816 17,471 59,287
1903 69,189 14,222 83,411

Coprah Shipment Values

Year. United States. British Empire. Other Countries. Total Value
Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $.
1899 72,095 654,558 726,653
1900 4,450 246,243 2,931,788 3,182,481
1901 91,793 1,520,045 1,611,838
1902 9,057 531,421 2,161,247 2,701,725
1903 9,354 311,606 3,498,833 3,819,793

Cocoanut-oil Shipment Values

1893 1894 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903
Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $.
10,336 33,333 None 105 20 346 81

It will be observed that with the increase of coprah shipment, the export of cocoanut-oil has decreased.

Sapan-wood Shipments Before American Occupation

Year. Tons.
1880 5,527
1881 4,253
1882 5,003
1883 2,924
1884 2,868
1885 4,011
1886 4,828
1887 5,222
1888 6,603
1889 4,592
1890 2,800
1891 4,197
1892 3,841
1893 4,918
1894 2,925
1895 2,313
1896 3,551
1897 4,187

The official returns, since 1898, do not state the quantities of sapan-wood shipments.

Gum-mastic Shipments

Year. Tons.
1880 431
1881 440
1882 339
1883 235
1884 245
1885 195
1886 205
1887 404
1888 330
1889 490
1890 188
1891 303
1892 136
1894 189
1895 275
1896 172
1897 223

The official figures of quantity are not procurable since 1897. The values of the shipments are as follows:—In 1901, $154,801; in 1902, $189,193; in 1903, $143,093.

Coffee Shipments

Year. Tons.
1856 437
1858 1,560
1865 2,350
1871 3,335
1880 5,059
1881 5,383
1882 5,052
1883 7,451
1884 7,252
1885 5,209
1886 7,337
1887 4,998
1888 6,702
1889 5,841
1890 4,796
1891 2,869
1892 1,326
1893 307
1894 309
1895 194
1896 89
1897 136
1899 34
1900 13
1901 30
1902 7
1903 4

Gold and Silver Imports and Exports Since American Occupation

Year Imports Exports
Gold. Silver. Gold. Silver.
Gold $. Gold $. Gold $. Gold $.
1899 109,965 1,141,392 3,487,050 939,756
1900 71,058 2,830,263 593,143 3,147,946
1901 751,909 6,269,613 857,563 637,844
1902 3,110 4,226,924 314,295 4,173,776
1903 50,730 1,403,475 63,540 7,494,347

Tonnage Entered in Philippine Ports Since American Occupation

Year. Steamers. Net Tonnage. Sailing-ships Net Tonnage.
1899 1,562 767,605 313 58,980
1900 2,969 1,278,740 3,252 147,153
1901 3,649 1,630,176 6,333 208,092
1902 3,744 1,819,547 7,222 242,669
1903 4,679 2,343,904 6,111 251,116

Exchange Fluctuations (Of the Peso or Mexican Dollar).

Sight on London.
Year. Highest. Lowest.
1869 4/5¼ 4/1¾
1879 3/11 3/9
1880 3/11¾ 3/9¾
1881 4/1½ 3/11
1882 4/1 3/11½
1883 4/0¼ 3/9½
1884 3/9¼ 3/7¾
1885 3/10¼ 3/8½
1886 3/9¾ 3/7½
1887 3/8½ 3/3
1888 3/6¾ 3/2¾
1889 3/6¼ 3/3
1890 3/10½ 3/2¼
1892 3/3¾ 3/–
1897 2/2 1/2¾
1898 2/0? 1/9½
1899 2/0 ?5/16? 1/11?
1900 2/0? 1/11?
1901 2/0½ 1/10 ?5/16?
1902 1/10 ?13/16? 1/6¼
1903 1/11 ?5/16? 1/6 ?11/16?
1904 Local Currency
1/11 ?9/16? 1/9 ?11/16?
“Conant” Peso
2/0 ?13/16? 2/0 ?3/16?

Proportionate Table of Exports (Exclusive of Gold and Silver) Years 1899–1903

Year 1899
United States ==================
British Empire ===================
Spain ======
Other Countries ==========================
Year 1900
United States ====================
British Empire =======================================
Spain ========
Other Countries =======================================
Year 1901
United States ======================
British Empire ====================================================
Spain =======
Other Countries ===============================
Year 1902
United States ===================================================
British Empire =======================================
Spain =====
Other Countries ==================================
Year 1903
United States =========================================================
British Empire =============================================
Spain ======
Other Countries =====================================

Proportionate Table of Imports (Exclusive of Gold, Silver, and U.S. Govt. Supplies) Years 1899–1903

Year 1899
United States =======
British Empire ==================
Spain ============
Other Countries ==================================================
Year 1900
United States ===========
British Empire ==================================
Spain ==========
Other Countries ============================================================
Year 1901
United States =================
British Empire ========================================
Spain =========
Other Countries ====================================================================
Year 1902
United States ===================
British Empire ================================
Spain ==============
Other Countries ====================================================================
Year 1903
United States =================
British Empire ================================
Spain ==========
Other Countries ====================================================================

Proportionate Table of Hemp, Coprah, and Sugar Exports, and Rice Imports in the Years 1899–1903

1899 ===================
1900 ======================
1901 ===============================
1902 ===========================
1903 ===================================
1899 =========
1900 ========================================
1901 ====================
1902 ==================================
1903 ==============================================
1899 ==========================================
1900 ================================
1901 ============================
1902 ===================================================
1903 ===========================================
Rice (Import).
1899 ===================
1900 ======================
1901 ==========================
1902 ===========================================
1903 ====================================================

1 Shipments to Hong-Kong are often goods in transit for United States.


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