

Acle (wood), 313

AcuÑa, Gov.-General Bravo de, 74

Adasaolan, the Moro chief, 129

Aetas tribe, the, 37, 120, 145, 163

AgaÑa (Guam Is.), 41

Agius, Monsignor Ambrogio, papal legate, 607

AglÍpay, Gregorio, career of, 603; heads the Independent Church, 604; throws off allegiance to Rome, 605

Agno River, 14

Agoncillo, Felipe, 472, 485, 495

Agriculture, 269; proposed Bank of, 624; the Bureau of, 625

Aguinaldo, Emilio, 370; claims independence, 394; goes into exile, 399; goes to Singapore, 419; returns to Hong-Kong, 421; becomes Dictator, 436; becomes President of The Revolutionary Government, 469; triumphal entry into Malolos of, 470; capture of, 507; swears allegiance to America, 509; home of, 510; as witness in El Renacimiento prosecution, 550. Vide War of Independence

Agusan River, 14

Albinos, 128

Alcayceria, the, 110

AlcocÉr, Father Martin Garcia, 597, 602

AlfÉrez Real, 50

Alva, Francisco, 31

Alcalde-Governors, 212

Alcalde Mayor, 213

Alguacil, 226

Ali, Datto, 529, 5802

Allocution of the Archbishop of Madrid, 423

Alvarez, Vicente, the Tamagun Datto, 532

Ambutong, Datto, 585

Amor seco, 324

Anagap (wood), 313

Anathema, the Letter of, 82

Anda y SalazÁr, Simon de, usurps gov.-generalship, 91; offers rewards for British heads, 95; rewards to, 99; character of, 99; becomes Gov.-General, 99; death of, 100

Andrew, Saint, patron of Manila, 50, 560

Animals, 336 et seq.

Anobing (wood), 313

Anson, Admiral, 246

Anting-anting, the, 237

Antipolo, Virgin of, 184

Antipolo (wood), 313

Antwerp, the Treaty of, 72

Aparcero (labour) system, 274

Apiton (wood), 313

Araudia, Gov.-General Pedro de, 61, 80, 138

Araneta, General Pablo, 514, 517

Araneta, Juan, 520

Aranga (wood), 313

Archbishopric created, 56

Areca-nut, 303

Army, the (under Spain) 53, 77; pay of, 53, 230; statistics of, 22930; the first barracks, 231; Halberdier Guard, 232; strength of, at the outbreak of the Rebellion, 364; in 1898, 466; (under America) strength of, during War of Independence, 553; arms captured by, 553; strength of, in 1904, 569; general officers' pay, 569; privates' pay, 569; the three departments of, 569; scout corps; military prison, 570

Arolas, Colonel Juan, captures Maybun, 144; death of, 144 (footnote)

Artists, native, 196

Asiento Contract, the, 257

Assembly of Reformists, the, 362

Asuan (evil spirit), 181

AthenÆum, the, 194

Augusti, General Basilio, succeeds Gen. Primo de Rivera, 413; issues a call to arms, 424; issues a proclamation against Americans, 425; quits Manila before the American occupation, 464

Austin friars, 55

Axa, 274

Ayala, Antonio de, 367 (footnote)

AzcÁrraga, General Marcelo, 105 (footnote)

Bacoor town, rebel headquarters, 499

Badiao destroyed, 16

Bagobos, the Moro tribe of, 145

Bagsacay weapon, 147

Baibailanes, sect of the, 608

BalÁbac Island, 160; slaughter of Spaniards in, 478

Balambangan, slaughter of British at, 139

Balangiga, slaughter of Americans at, 536

Balanguigui Island, Corcuera's victory in, 139

Balate (trepang), 312

Baler garrison captives, 494

Balugas tribe, the, 163

Bamboos, 308

Banaba (wood), 313

Banana fruit, 317

Bancal (wood), 314

Banco EspaÑol-Filipino, the, 258; run on the, 435, 638

Bandits, notorious, 2389, 5469, 582, Vide Brigands

Banks, foreign and Philippine, 258, 638; American, 637

Bansalague (wood), 314

Barangay chiefs, 189, 2223, 225 (footnote)

Barasoain town, 469 (footnote), 567

Barbosa, Duarte de, 28

Barong weapon, 147

Barracks, the first, 231

Basa, JosÉ M., 106; biographical note of, 108 (footnote)

Basan tribe, the, 128

Batac tribe, the, 158 (footnote;

Bates Agreement, the, 571

BatitÍnan (wood), 313

BatÓ Lake, 15

Bats, 340

Battle— of Playa Honda, 75; of Saint Juan del Monte, 368; of Binacayan, 373; of Cavite, 427; of Paco, 487; of Marilao, 490

Bautista, Ambrosio Rianzares, 106

Bautista, Fray Pedro, martyr-saint, 64

Bay Lake, 15

Bayabos, the Moro tribe of, 145

Bejuco (rattan), 310

Benguet Road, the, 615 (footnote)

Berenguer y Marquina, Gov-General, 80

Beri-beri disease, 197

Betel, 303

Betis (wood), 313

Biac-na-batÓ, the alleged Treaty of, 396, 414 (footnote)

Bicol River, 14, 37

Bigaycaya, the, 178

BilibÍd jail, 557

Binacayan, Battle of, 373

Birds, 341

Birds'-nests, edible, 311

Bishop of Manila, the first, 51, 56

Blanco, Gov.-General Ramon, 377

Blood Compact, the, 28, 369

Boar, 340

Boayan Lake, 15

Bocayo, 305

Bojo, 310

Bojol Island, rebellion in, 101; American occupation of, 528; Pedro Sanson, the insurgent leader in, 528

Boleta shipping-warrant, the, 244

Bombon Lake, 15

Bongso, Rajah, 130

Bonifacio, AndrÉs, 370

Borneo Island, Spanish relations with, 29, 165

Botanical specimens, 321

Braganza, Duke of, 81

Braganza, Major, execution of the rebel, 537

Brewery, the first Philippine, 264

Bridge of Spain, 349

Brigands— the tulisÁn; the pulajÁn, 235, 547 et seq.; haunts of, 238; the remontado, 205; “Guards of Honour,” 550. Vide Bandits

British North Borneo Co., 141

British— corsairs, 54; occupation of Manila by, 87

Bronchial affections, 197

Brunei, Sultanate of, 29, 141, 157, 165

Budgets, 227 et seq.; of 1757, 251, 629

Buffaloes, 337; rinderpest epidemic, 338, 621; efforts of Government to replace the stocks of, 622

Buffalo hides, shipments of, 640

Buhi Lake, 15

Bull-ring, 350

Buluan Lake, 15

Bureaux of the Insular Government, 561

Burgos, Dr. Jose, 106; executed, 107

Buri palm, 308

Bush-rope, 310

Bustamente Bustillo, Gov.-General, murder of, 60

Bustos, 924

Butler, John B., 257

Butterflies, 340

Butuan River, 14

Buyo, 303

Cabeza de barangay, 189, 2223

Cable service, 2678

Cacao, 301; cultivation of, 302

Cachil Corralat, King, 133

Cachila or Castila, 169, 515 (footnote)

CagayÁn, river of, 14; lake of, 15

Cagaaua destroyed, 16

Cagsaysay, Our Lady of, 18, 19, 184

Cahapon, n?gayon at Bucas,” the seditious play of, 554

Caida, 353

Caidas, 224

Cailles, General Juan, 507; as provincial governor, 507

Caja de comunidad, 217

Calderon, Rita, 139

Calinga tribe, the, 125

Calle de Camba tragedy, the, 401

CamagÓn (wood), 314

Camaguin Volcano, 16

Camerino, the rebel, 106, 397 (footnote)

Camote, 303

CampilÁn weapon, 147

Campo de Bagumbayan, 369

Canga-ArgÜelles, Felipe, 143, 158, 161

CanlaÚan Volcano, 16

CÁnovas Ministry, 378, 384, 417

Capers, 321

CapitÁn municipal, 225

Capsicums, 321

Captives, the Spanish, 537; why detained, 539; Baron Du Marais murdered, 540; the captors' terms of release, 541

Capture of Manila— attempted by Li-ma-hong, 47; threatened by Japanese Emperor, 64; threatened by the Dutch, 75; threatened by Koxinga, 76; by the British, 87; by the Americans, 464

Caraballo, Juan, 29

Carabaos (buffaloes), 337

Caroline Islands, the discovery of, 41, 43; seized by Germany, 44; governor of, murdered, 45; sold to Germany, 46

Carrillo Theatre, the, 349

Carromata, 559 (footnote)

Carrying-trade, the inter-island, 262; regulated by the Shipping Law of 1904, 6289, 647

Cartagena, Juan de, 26

Casa Misericordia loan office, 247

Cassava, 321

Castila or Cachila, 169, 515 (footnote)

Castor-oil, 302

CatapÚsan, the, 179 (footnote)

Cathedral of Manila, the, 55

Catipad, 177

Cauit, 371 (footnote)

Cavite the conspiracy of 1872, 106, 363; fort of, 2334; executions in 1896, 374

Cayinin, the, 555

CebÚ, discovery of, 27; Legaspi in, 34; the “Holy Child” of, 183; the patron saint of, 183; the port of, 261; rising in, 402 et seq.; executions of rebels in, 405; native government in the Island of, 521; American occupation of the City of, 523; General Hughes' expedition to, 525; the City of, 526

Cedar (wood), 314

CÉdula personal, the, 224

Census, the, 355, 6156

Centro CatÁlico, El, 602

Chabucano dialect, the, 535

Chaffee, Maj.-General A.R., 563

Chambers of Commerce, 261

Chamorro dialect, the, 40

Champaca, 325

Chapdiki, 351 (footnote)

Chapelle, Monsignor P.L., papal legate, 595 and footnote

Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, the, 258, 435, 637

Chillies, 321

Chinese, the, 54, 109; slaughter of the Moluccas expedition leader by, 73; revolt of, 77; banishment of, 111; restrictions on, 111; as immigrants, 112; taxes first levied on, 112; social position of, under Spanish rule, 113; riots of, 114; mandarins come to seek the “Mount of Gold” in Cavite, 114; Saint Francis' victory over, 115; massacre by, 115; massacre of, 77, 93, 115; as traders, 117, 263; Guilds of, 117; patron saint of, 118; population of, 118; Macao, 118; Sangley, 118; Suya, 118; secret societies, 119; Exclusion Act, 119, 633; before the Spanish advent, 166; Club, 558; social position of, under American rule, 634; future probable effect of the exclusion of, 635

Chocolate, 301

Cholera epidemic, 116, 197

Church— relations of, to the State, 50; Dominican friars, 51 (footnote); first bishop of Manila, 51, 56; tithes to, 55; Austin friars, 55; Mendicant friars, 55; friars' term of residence, 55; Manila Cathedral, 55; the Inquisition, 55, 59, 82; archbishopric created, 56; indulgences granted, 56; relics in cathedral, 57; excommunications, 58, 67, 604; archbishop banished, 58; quarrels with the State authorities, 578, 99, 20910; Chap. vii; the martyrs of Japan, 669; the High Host is stolen, 82; Letter of Anathema, 82; the Hierarchy, 206; revenue and expenditure of the, 207, 209; position of the regular clergy after 1898, 594; Archbishop Nozaleda, 594, 597; Father MartÍn Garcia AlcocÉr, 597, 602; attitude of the native clergy towards the, after 1898, 596; Monsignor P.L. Chapelle, 595; Monsignor G.B. Guidi, 601; Monsignor A. Agius, 607; the friars'-7lands question, 597601; the Aglipayan Schism, 604. Vide Friars; Religious Orders

Church, the Philippine Independent. Vide Independent

Cigars, 299; shipments of, 644

Cinnamon, 311

Civil—governor, duties of the Spanish, 215; his position, 216; guard (constabulary), the, 231; the title of Civil Governor, 561; Service, the, 565; Commission, the, 560, 565; rule established, 566

Claudio, Juan, 81

Claveria, expedition against the Moros by, 139

Clergy, the native, capacity of, 607. Vide Church; Friars

ClÍmaco, Arsenio, 522, 525

ClÍmaco, General Juan, 522

Climate, 22; of the south, 157

Clubs, 558

Coal, 326, comparative analyses, 328

Cock-fighting, 351

Cocoanuts, 304

Cocoanut-oil, 305; export values of, 645

Coffee, 289; caracolillo, 289; where grown, 289; dealing, 290; cultivation, 291; statistics, 291; shipments of, 646

Cogon-grass, 307

Coir, 305

Colerin disease, 197

Coloram, sect of the, 608

Comenge, Rafael, inflammatory speech of, 400

CompaÑia General de Tabacos, 299

CompaÑia Guipuzcoana de Caracas, 252

Conant peso, the, 6357

Concentration circuits, 391, 549

Congressional Relief Fund, the, 621, 623

Consulado trading-ring, the, 244

Constabulary statistics (Spanish), 231; (American), 550, 553, 567

Contentions, State and Church, 58

Convent of Santa Clara, 81

Convicts, corps of, 231; in Bilibid jail, 557

Cooper Bill, the, 627, 629

Copper, 334

Coprah, 305; shipments of, 645

Corcuera, Gov.-General Hurtado de, 58, 79, 81; in Sulu, 131

Cordage, shipments of, 640

Cornish, Admiral, 87

Corregidor Island, 345 (footnote), 556

Corsairs, British, 54

Cotta de San Pedro (CebÚ), 402

Cottabato, meaning of, 142 (footnote); Spanish evacuation of, 529; native rule in, 529; slaughter of Christians in, 530; American intervention at, 530

Cotton-tree, 307

Council of Trent, the, 605 (footnote)

Count—of Albay, 105; of La Union, 124; of Manila, 139; of LizÁrraga, 210

Courts of Justice, cost of the Spanish, 234; American, 618

Criminal law procedure, Spanish-Philippine, 241

Cruz, Apolinario de la, “King of the TagÁlogs,” 105

Cuadrillero guard, the, 224

Cuba, America liberates, 417

Cubang-aso, 166 (footnote)

Cueva del InglÉs, the, 21

Cuevas, Datto Pedro, career of, 582; his death, 583; his justice, 586

Currency, the, under Spain, 244, 259; under America, 6357

Custom-houses, 261, 467, 626

Customs duty, the first levied, 53; under America, 62930

Dabas n?g pilac,” the seditious play of, 554

DagÓhoy's rebellion, 101

Dalahican camp, 374

Danao River, 15

Dancing, the balÍtao, the comÍtan, 180

DasmariÑas, Gov.-General Perez, 56, 78

Datto. Vide Moros

Dayfusama, Emperor of Japan, 69

Death-rate, 198

Deer, 340

Delgado, General Martin, 51314, 51718

Demarcation of Spanish and Portuguese spheres by papal bull, 25

Democratic Labour Union, the, 632

Departments of the Insular Government, 561

Descent of Filipinos, theory of the, 120

Despujols, Gov.-General, 383

Dewey, Admiral George, 419, 427, 430, 432

Diario de Manila, El, founded 352, suspended, 401

Diaz, Julio, 520

Diezmos prediales, 55

Dilao village, 63

Dimas alang, 389

Dimasangcay, King of Mindanao, 129

Dinagat Island, 27

Dinglas (wood), 314

DiÓcno, Ananias, 513, 516

Directorcillo, 222

Disciplinary (convict) corps, 231

Discovery of the Philippines, 24 et seq.

Diseases, the prevalent, 197

DitÀ (quinine), 308

Divisions of the Colony under Spain, 213

Djimbangan, Datto, 530, 580

Dollars, Mexican, first introduced, 244

Doll-saints, 188

Dominican friars, 51 (footnote)

Donkeys, 388

Dowries for native women, 53

Draper, Brig.-General, 8791

Duarte de Barbosa, 28

Du Marais, Baron, 540 (footnote)

DÚngon (wood), 314

Dutch, naval battles with the, 72 et seq.

Dwelling-houses, 353

Dye saps, 312

Earthquakes, 23, 356

Ebony (wood), 314

Eco de Filipinas, the seditious organ, 106

Education, under Spain, school-teachers, 192; State aid for, 193; the AthenÆum syllabus, 194; the Santa Isabel College curriculum, 194; girls' schools, 194; St. Thomas' University, 194; the Nautical School, 195; the provincial student, 195; in agriculture, 228; under America, 608; the Normal School syllabus, 609; the Nautical School, 609; the School for Chinese, 610; University and remaining Spanish schools, 610; the English language for Orientals, 611; in agriculture, 625

Egbert, Colonel, death of, 489

Elcano, Juan Sebastian, 29; voyage round the world of, 30; reward to, 31; death of, 31

El Filibusterismo,” 383

El Nuevo Dia newspaper, 524

Emoluments of Spanish officials, 214; of American officials, 561

Encomiendas, 211

Espinosa, Gonzalo Gomez de, 29, 31

Exchange fluctuations, 647

Exclusion, of foreigners in general, 258; of Chinese in particular, 111, 119, 6335

Excommunications, 58, 67, 604

Executions of monks in Japan, 66, 69

Exhortations and proclamations, rebel and insurgent, definition of demands, 392; claim of independence, 394, 421, 433, 436, 454, 486, 502

Expenditure and revenue, under Spain, 227 et seq., 251; curious items of, 229; under America, 629

Exports, duty first levied on, 53; table of values of, 639; of produce, 63946

Fajardo de Tua, Gov.-General, 70, 75; kills his wife, 80

Fallas tax, 224

“Family Compact,” the, 72, 87

Family names, 179

Farranda Kiemon, the Japanese Ambassador, 645

Federal party, the, 547

Felizardo, Cornelio, the famous bandit, 548 (footnote), 549

Field of Bagumbayan, 369

Filibusterismo, El,” 383

Filipino, the, meaning of the term, 120 (footnote), 165; theory of the descent of, 163 et seq.; meaning of the term “TagÁlog,” 164; at the St. Louis Exhibition, 165; character of, 167; characteristics of, 16871; notion of sleep of, 169; “Castila!” 169; hospitality of, 172, 563; good qualities of, 1734, 176; female activity, 173; aversion to discipline, 175; bravery of, 175; troops in Tonquin, 175; physiognomy of, 177; marriages of, 1779; minors' rights, 178; widows of, 178; family names of, 179; mixed marriages of, 181; belief in evil spirits, 181; conception of religion of, 189, 6078; penance, 188; talent of, 196; as artists, 196; as politicians, 547; the “Irreconcilables,” 547, 553, 613; capacity for self-government of, 614

Firewoods, 324

Fish, 339

Flowers, 321

Flores, Luis, 5223

Fondos locales, 217. Vide Government.

Forests, inspection of, 228; produce of, 307 et seq.

Formosa Island, Spanish colony in, 76

Fort of YlÍgan, 77, 231; of Zamboanga, 77, 133 (footnote), 233; of Sampanilla (Mindanao Is.), 131; of JolÓ, 150; of Labo and Taytay (PalaÚan Is.), 231; of Cavite, 2334; of CebÚ, 402; of Santiago (Manila), 427, 430; of San Antonio Abad (Malate), 463

Fortification of Manila, 54, 231, 343 (footnote)

Fowls, 341

“Frailuno,” the term, 603 (footnote)

Francis of Tears, Saint, 183

Free trade penalties, Spanish, 250

Freemasonry, 363, 365 (footnote)

Friars, the Spanish, the Mendicant Order of, 55; term of residence of, 55; in open riot, 61; attitude of, during the British occupation (1762–3), 913, 96; fighting, 116, 133; as parish priests, 202; the several Orders of, 207; as traders, 250; position of, after 1898, 594; causes of the anti-friar feeling, 595; attitude of the native clergy towards, 596; number of, at the time of the rebellion (1896), 596; position of, after 1898, determined, 597; the question of the real estate of, 597, et seq.; America's negotiations with Rome, 598600; acreage of real estate of, 601; the term “frailuno,” 603 (footnote). Vide Church; Religious Orders

Fruits, 317 et seq.

Fuerza del Pilar, 133 (footnote)

Funcion votiva de San AndrÉs, 50

Funston, Colonel, 491, 496; captures Aguinaldo, 507; reward to, 509

Fuset, Antonio, 539

Gabi, 303

Gaddanes tribe, the, 122

Gales, Nicolas, 520

Galleons, to and from Mexico, 243; officers' pay, 243; royal dues, 249

Gigantes, Paseo de los, 134 (footnote)

Gilolo Island, 32

Ginger, 321

Gobernadorcillo, 221

Gogo, 302

Goiti, Martin de, 35, 37

Gold, mining, 328 et seq.; coin, 259; imports and exports of, after 1898, 647

Gomez, Father Mariano, executed, 107

GonzÁlez Parrado, General, 145, 150, 572

Government, under Spain, 211 et seq.; cost of, 214, et seq., 629; of towns, 221 et seq.; under America, 560 et seq., 576; cost of, 629; provincial, 5667, 5789

Governor-General, the, Legaspi, Miguel de, 334, 36; Lavezares, Guido de, 35 (footnote), 47; ZabÁlburu, Domingo, 42; powers of, 54; Perez DasmariÑas, 56, 73; Corcuera, Hurtado de, 58, 79, 131; quarrels of, with the clergy, 58; Lara, Manrique de, 59; Salcedo, Diego, 59; Leon, Manuel de, 60; Nargas, Juan de, 60; Bustamente Bustillo murdered, 60; Torralba, JosÉ, 60, 79, 80; Arandia, Pedro de, 61, 80; Moriones, Domingo, 62; Raon, JosÉ, 62, 99; Fajardo de Tua, 70, 75, 80; Bravo de AcuÑa, 74; Silva, Juan de, 74; Silva, Fernando de, 76; Vargas, Juan, 79; peculations of, 79, 80, 212, 2201; Berenguer y Marquina, 80; La Torre, Francisco, 97; Obando, JosÉ de, 134; Jovellar, Joaquin, 211; Despujols, 383; Primo de Rivera, Fernando, 124, 211, 389, 391, 399, 408; Blanco, Ramon, 377; Polavieja, Camilo, 3789; Augusti, Basilio, 413, 4245, 464; Weyler 4178, 431

Grants of land, 54, 211, 592

Grapes, 320

Guadalupe church, legend of, 361

Guaranty Trust Company, 637

“Guards of Honour,” the, 550

Guava fruit, 320

Guidi, Monsignor G.B., papal legate, 601

Guijo (wood), 314

Guillermo, Faustino, the bandit, 546

Gum mastic, 311; shipments of, 646

Gumapos, “Count,” 103

Gutta-percha, 311

Gypsum, 334

Hadji, title of, 571 (footnote).

Halberdiers (Bodyguard), 232

Hale, General, 488, 4901, 4978

Hall, General, 488, 492

Hamabar, King, 28

Harbour-masters, Spanish, 234

Hardwoods, 312; relative strengths of, 317

Harun Narrasid, Sultan, 141, 142 (footnote)

Harty, Monsignor, J.J., 602

Headhunters, the, 1245

Hemp, 281; various uses of, 282; extraction of, 282; experiments in British India, 283; statistics of, 284; cultivation of, 285; qualities of, 285; labour difficulties, 286; shipments of, 639

Hendryx, Captain, the sad fate of, 552

Heredia, Pedro de, 74

Hierarchy, the, 206

High Host stolen, the, 82

Hindi aco patay, the seditious play of, 554

Hindoos, the, 128

“Historical Manifest,” the, 136

Histrionic art, 349

“Holy Child” of CebÚ, the, 183

Homestead Law, the, 592 (footnote)

Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp., the 240, 258, 435, 637

Horses, 336

Hospitals, 54

Hughes, General, 489, 525, 528

Hurricanes, 355

Husi, 282

Ibanac tribe, the, 123

Identity document, the, 224

Igorrote tribe, the, 123

Igorrote-Chinese tribe, the, 126

Illiterates, 192, 615

Ilocos rebellion, 100

Imbog, the Moro, 129

Imports, table of values of, 639; proportionate table of Rice, 650

Imus, 372 (footnote)

Indemnity to British for Manila, 89

Independent Church, the Philippine, initiation of, 603; severance from Rome of, 605; conflicts between Catholics and Schismatics of, 606; doctrine of, 607

Indigo, shipments of, 6401

Indulgences granted, 56

Industries, native, 264, 347

Inquisition, the, 55, 59, 82

Insanity, 198

Insects, 339; edible, 342

Insular Government. Vide Government

Intellectuals, 192

International Banking Corp., 637

Ipil (wood), 314

Iron, 332

Irreconcilables, the, 547, 553; demands of, 613

Islas, del Poniente, 28; del Oriente, 28; Philipina, 32; de los Pintados, 34 (footnote)

Islands, the chief, 13; ancient names of, 13

Itavis tribe, the, 123

JÁbul dress, 147

Jalajala, 360

Japan—the Ambassador Farranda Kiemon, 645; Taycosama, Emperor of, 65; Catholic missions to, 6470, 164 (footnote); the martyrs of, 66, 69, 71; Dayfusama, Emperor of, 69; Xogusama, Emperor of, 69; To-Kogunsama, Emperor of, 70

Japanese, the, 63, 164; pre-Spanish immigration of, 166; industry of, 166; in Vigan, Malalos, Taal and PagsanjÁn, 166; expulsion of the, 164 (footnote); under American rule, 557

Jaramillo, General NicolÁs, during the Rebellion, 374; in Zamboanga, 530; as agent for the liberation of Spanish prisoners, 540

Jaro, the See of, 515 (footnote)

Jesuits, rivalry with friars, 58; in Nagasaki, 657; expulsion of, 99, 206; number of, in the Islands in 1896, 206 (footnote)

Jinrikisha, the, 635

JolÓ, capture of, 139; annexation of, 140; town of, 149, 587; port of, 262; American occupation of, 571

Jomonjol Island, 27

Journalism, 106, 352, 363, 382, 412, 468, 524, 550

Jovellar, Gov.—General Joaquin, 211

Judicial statistics, Spanish, 234; American, 561, 61819

Judicial Governors, 212

Junta pÁtriotica, the, 419

Jurado v. the Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp., 240

Juramentado, the, 146, 148, 150, 583; runs Ámok, 152

Justice, of the peace, first appointed, 56; in municipalities, 225, 619; administration of, 618; provincial courts of, 619

Kalbi, Datto, 586

Katipunan League, the, 364, 365 (footnote), 595; demands of the, 393

Kiemon Farranda, 645

“King of the TagÁlogs,” 105

Koxinga, threatened invasion by, 76

Kudaran?gan, Sultan of, 143; vanquished by General Wood, 581; cotta of, 580 (footnote), 581

Labo fort, 231

Labour, problem, 225, 286, 3323, 611, 631; on sugar estates, 274; “The Democratic Labour Union,” 632; Consul-General Wildman quoted, 633

Lacandola, Rajah, 357, 51; descendants of, 35 (footnote)

Lachambre, General, 379

Lacson, Aniceto, 520

Ladrone Islands, discovery of, 27; sighted, 34; visited, 40

Laguna de Bay, 15

Lakes, 15

Lamurrec Island, King of, 42

Lanao Lake, 15

Land, grants of, 54; tenure of, 270; measure of, 271; the Homestead Law, 592 (footnote); problem, 555, 5923, 6245

Lanete (wood), 314

La Patria newspaper, 412

Lara, Gov.-General Manrique de, 59

Latitude of the Islands, 13

La Torre, Gov.-General, 97

LaÚan (wood), 314

Lavezares, Guido de, 35 (footnote), 47

Law Spanish lawsuits, 56, 239; Spanish criminal law procedure, 2412; under American rule, 6189

Lawton, General, 493, 498500; death of, 504

Leeches, 340

Legaspi, the expedition of, 33; in CebÚ, 34; death of, 36

Leon, Gov.-General Manuel de, 60

Lepers, 70, 197, 351

Letter of Anathema, 82

Leyes de Indias, 51

Leyte Is., rebellion in, 102; insurgency in, 547

Ligusan Lake, 15

Li-ma-hong, the Chinese corsair, 47

Limasaba, Prince of, 410

Lipa destroyed, 18

Lizares, Simon, 520

Llaneras, General, 374

Llorente, Julio, 5212, 524

Loaisa expedition, the, 31

Loan, the first Philippine, 541 (footnote)

Local funds, 217

Locust bean, 324

Locusts, 341

Logarta, Miguel, 522, 525

Loney, Nicholas, 255

Longitude of the Islands, 13

Los BaÑos, 359

Losa, Diego de, 67

LÖwenstein, Prince Ludwig von, 488, 510

Lucban, Vicente, 535; capture of, 545

Luga, Mateo, 525

Luna, General Antonio, 4968; on the battlefield, 496; death of, 501

Luneta Esplanade, the, 353

Lung diseases, 197

LÚpis, 282

Lutao (CebÚ) destroyed, 403

Mabini, Apolinario, 478, 486, 546

Mabolo fruit, 320

Macabebe, the, 446 (footnote)

Macao (Chinese), 118

Macacus radiata, 177

Macao, the colony of, 81 (footnote); Spanish attempt to capture, 81

Macasin (wood), 316

Maceo, Antonio, 417

Macui, the Moro tribe of, 145

Madrecacao tree, 291

Maestre del Campo, 48 (footnote)

Magellan Straits discovered, 27

Maghallanes, Hernando de, 24; discovers the Straits of Magellan and Ladrone Islands, 27; reaches CebÚ Island, 27; death of, 28; monuments to, 28

Maghayin, BartolomÉ, 37

Magtan Island, 28, 403

Maguindanao Lake, 15

MaguinoÓ, the, 409, 411

Mahamad Alimudin, Sultan, 92, 98; vicissitudes of, 1349

Mahometans, chap. x. Vide Moros

Mail service, 262

Maine, American warship, 418 (footnote)

Maize, 300

MalÁbang fort, 131

Malahi military prison, 570

Malanao Moros, 145

Malatana tribe, the, 46

Malatapay (wood), 316

Malhou Island, 27

Malinao destroyed, 16

Malolos, Father MoÏses Santos murdered at, 408; becomes the insurgent capital, 469; Revolutionary congress convened at, 469; becomes the new capital of Bulacan Province, 567

Malong's rebellion, “King,” 103

Malvar, General Miguel, in Taal, 505; defeat and surrender of, 545

Mancono (wood), 316

Mandi, Rajahmudah Datto, in CebÚ, 407; at home, 533; his daughter's marriage, 534

Mangachapuy (wood), 316

Mango fruit, 317

Manguiancs tribe, the, 128

Manguiguin, the, 131; visits Zamboanga, 589

Mani, 303

Manila Province, 212 (footnote), 560

Manila, proclaimed capital, 36; City Council of, 36; the city walls and fosse of, 54, 231, 343 (footnote); opened to foreigners, 256; public buildings, 344; port works, 344; the Bay of, 345; the public lighting of, 346; the business quarter of, 347; La Escolta, 347, 557; Easter week in, 348; vehicle traffic in, 348; theatres, 349, 558; bull-ring, 350; hotels, 352, 558; the Press, 352, 468, 559; botanical gardens, 353; Luneta Esplanade, 353; dwelling-houses, 353; society in, 354; population of, 355, 6156; climate of, 354; earthquakes affecting, 356; dress in, 357; after 1898, 556; refrigerated meat-stores, 556; innovations in, 557; BilÍbid jail, 557; clubs, theatres, hotels, 558; drinking “Saloons,” 559; new feast-days, 560; the municipality of, 560; as seat of Insular Government, 560; the Federal zone of, 560

Manobos, the Moro tribe of, 145

Marahui campaign, the, 144

Marble, 334

MarivÉles, 345 (footnote)

Marriages, 17781, 618

Marti, the Cuban patriot, 417

Martin, GerÓnimo, 51

Martyrs, the, of Japan, 6671; Philippine, 107

Massacre of Chinese, 93, 1156; of other foreigners, 116

Matamis na macapano, 305

Matienza, Dr. Sancho, 26

Maxilom, General Arcadio, 5246

Mayon Volcano, 16; eruption of in 1897, 17

McArthur, Maj.-General A., in the War of Independence, 48991, 4968; 563

Medicinal herbs, 324

Mejia, Pablo, 522; assassinated, 523

Melliza, Raymundo, 511, 514

Mendicant friars, 55

Mendoza, Father Agustin, 106

Mendoza, Luis de, 26

Merritt, General Wesley, 463, 466, 467

Mestizo, the, 176; character of, 182

Middlemen, 263

Midel, Isidoro, 532

Military departments, the, 569. Vide Army

Military service, Spanish, 231. Vide Army

Miller, General, 511 et seq.

Mineral oil, 335

Mineral products, 326 et seq.

Miraculous saints, 187

Mirs Bay, 419 (footnote), 427

Mixed races, 176, marriages of, 181

Mohammad Jamalul Kiram, Sultan, 141, 5878

Molasses, 273

Molave (wood) 315

Moluccas Islands, tragic end of the Philippine expedition to, 73; abandonment of the, 77

Money, under Spain, 244, 259; lending, 2556, 269; 246 (footnote) 624; under America, 6357.

Monks, the. Vide Religious Orders; Friars

Monsoon region, 23

MontalÓn, Julian, the famous bandit, 549

Montera, General, in CebÚ, 402, 521; in Zamboanga, 530 et seq.

Montilla, JosÉ, 520

Montojo, Admiral Patricio, sword of honour presented to, 400; 419, 428, 429 (footnote)

Montoya, Gabriel, 37

Moraga, Fray Hernando de, 78

Moriones, Gov.-General Domingo, 62

Moro Moro, 349

Moro Province, the, 576 et seq.; constitution of, 577; sub-division of, under Spanish rule, 577 (footnote); municipalities, tribal wards and districts of, 5789; finances of, 579; armed forces in, 580; America's policy in, 588, 591, 593; education in, 591

Moros, the, Brunei Sultanate, 29, 141, 157, 165; Dimasangeay, King of Mindanao, 129; Adasaolan, the chief, 129; Bongso, Rajah, 130; Rodriguez's expedition against, 130; the Manguiguin of Mindanao, 131, 589; Corcuera's expedition against, 131; Cachil Corralat, King, 133; friars take the field against, 133; Gastambide's expedition against, 137; Claveria's and Urbiztondo's expeditions against, 139; slaughter of British at Balambangan by, 139; Corcuera's victory over, in Balanguigui Island, 139; population of, 140; Malcampo's expedition against, 140; agreement with the British North Borneo Co., 141; Harun Narrasid, Sultan, 1412; Mohammad Jamalul Kiram, Sultan, 141, 5878; Terrero's expedition against, 143; Arolas' expedition against, 144; Blanco's expedition against; Marahui campaign, 144; Spanish occupation of Lake Lanao, 145; Buille's (the last Spanish punitive) expedition against, 145; the chief tribes of, 145; dress of, 1467, 154; physique of, 146; character, arts, weapons, trade of, 147; the pandita, the datto, customs of, 148, 1556; slavery among the, 151; pensions to the, 139, 140, 151, 571, 580; the juramentado, 146, 148, 150, 152, 583; as divers, 155; Ali, Datto, 529, 5802; Djimbangan, Datto, 530, 580; the Tamagun Datto, 532; American occupation of JolÓ, 571; Bates' agreement with the Sultan of Sulu, 571; engagements with warlike dattos, 5734, 581, 5845; Lieut. Forsyth's expedition, 573; Gen. Baldwin's and Capt. Pershing's expeditions against, 574; Gen. Wood's expeditions against, 5801, 584; Gen. Wood's victory at Kudarangan, 581; Major Hugh L. Scott's expedition, 5845; capture of Panglima Hassan, 584; Hassan escapes and Major Scott vanquishes him, 585; a bichÂra with Datto Ambutong, 585. Vide Sulu

Morong district, 212 (footnote), 560

Mother-of-pearl shell, shipments of, 640

Moths, 340

“Mount of Gold,” the, in Cavite, 114

Mountains, heights of, 13

Mules, 338

Municipal government, under Spain, 225; under America, 567. Vide Government

Music, natives' passion for, 190

Nagasaki, the Jesuits in, 657

Names, of islands, the ancient, 13; of places, obsolete, 13, 129, 131, 560, 567; of families, 179

Nao de Acapulco, the, 243, 249

Nargas, Gov.-General Juan de, 60

Narra (wood), 316

Natives, the civilized. Vide Filipino

Naujan Lake, 15

Navarrete, Luis de, 67

Navy, statistics of the Spanish, 2334; the insurgent, 553

Negrito tribe, the, 120, 163

Negros Island, the development of, 255; Spaniards capitulate to the rebels in, 520; native government in, 520

Newspapers, 106, 352, 363, 382, 412, 468, 524, 550

Nipa palm, 307

Noli me tÓngere, 382

Notaries' offices, 54

Novales, AndrÉs, rebellion of, 104

Nozaleda, Archbishop, 594, 597 (footnote)

Nuevo Dia, El, newspaper, 524

Obando, Gov.-General JosÉ de, 134

Obras Pias, the, 245, 252

Occupation of Manila, by the British, 87; agreed indemnity to British in, 89; by the Americans, 464

Officers' pay, Spanish, 280. Vide Army

Oil, mineral, 335

Onayans, the Moro tribe of, 145

Opium, restrictions on the use of, 630

Orchids, 323

Oriente, Islas del, 28

Origin of Filipinos, 120. Vide Filipino

OsmeÑa, Sergio, 521, 524

Otis, General E.S., in the War of Independence, 488, 4904, 497, 5023; 563

Otong, 519 (footnote)

Our Lady of Cagsaysay, 18, 19

Outlaws, 236 et seq., 517

Pacto de sangre, the, 28, 369

Pagbuaya, Prince, 34

Paguian Goan, the Princess, 129

Paguian Tindig, the Moro, 129

PalÁsan, 310

PalaÚan Island, Spanish colonization of, 157; across the, 158, 160; produce of, 160; concession to Canga-ArgÜelles in, 161 (footnote)

Palma brava, 308

Palma, Rafael, 524

Palmero family, the, 105

Palo Maria de playa (wood), 316

Paloma de puÑalada, 341

Panay Island, the war in, 51118; Araneta, General Pablo, 514, 517; peace concluded, 518

Pandita, 148, 1556

Pansipit River, 15, 37

PangasinÁn, revolt in, 103

Panguingui, 351 (footnote)

Papal legate, Maillard de Touruon, 845; Chapelle, P.L., 595; Guidi, G.B., 601; Agius, Ambrogio, 607

Papaw fruit, 318

PÁran, Feliciano, revolt of, 105

ParÁgua Island, 157. Vide PalaÚan

Parian, the, 110

Paris Peace Commission. Vide Peace of Paris

Parrado, General GonzÁlez, 145, 150, 572

Paseo de los gigantes, 134 (footnote)

Paseo del Real Pendon, 50

Pasig River, 15

Paterno, Maximo, 106; biographical note of, 411

Paterno, Pedro A., 106, 394; negotiates peace, 395; claims a title, 409; biographical note of, 411; pro-Spanish manifesto of, 489; becomes President of the Revolutionary Congress, 469; capture of, 504; in prison, 505; intervenes in the Spanish captives negotiations, 542; as playwright, 554

Patria, La, newspaper, 412

Patriarch Maillard de Tournon, 845

Peace of Paris, of 1763, 96; of 1898, 470 et seq.; concluded, 472; text of the treaty, 478; ratified, 487 (footnote)

Peculations, of governors, 7980, 212, 22021; of other officials, 564

Pelew Islands, 41; the people of, 42

PeÑaranda, Florentino, 547

Penitentiaries, 54; statistics of Spanish, 285; of San Ramon, 238

Perez DasmariÑas, Gov.-General, 56, 73

Perfumes, 325

Peso, the first introduced, 244; the Spanish-Philippine, 259; the “Conant,” 6357

Petty-governors, 221

Philippine Assembly, the, 612, 6145

Philippine Commission, the, 560; as legislative body, 563

Philippine Islands named, 32

“Philippines for the Filipinos,” doctrine of the, 564

Piang, Datto, 529, 581

Piernavieja, Father, 203

Pilar, General Pio del, 485; capture of, 305

PiÑa (stuff), 282

Pindan, BernabÉ, 37

Pineapple, 320

Pintados, Islas de los, 34 (footnote)

Piracy, Moro, 132

Playa Honda, Battle of, 75

Poblete, Archbishop, 59

Polavieja, Gov.-General Camilo, 3789

Poll-tax, 224

Poniente, Islas del, 28

Ponies, 336; the surra epidemic, 622

Pontoon bridge, the, 349

Population, of Chinese, 118; of Moros, 140, 355, 6156; of Visayos, of Tagalogs, in Manila, 615; of 40 provincial towns, 616; classified by birth, 616

Portugal and Spain, united, 72; separated, 81

Posadillo, Governor of the Carolines, murdered, 45

Potatoes, 303

Press, the, 106, 352, 363, 382, 412, 468, 524, 550, 559

Principalia, 2223

Prisoners, the Spanish, 537; why detained, 539; Baron du Marais murdered, 540; the captors' terms of release, 541

Prohibition on trade, Spain's, 24850

Protocol of Peace, with rebels, 396; between America and Spain, 459

Provincial Government, under Spain, 213, 225; under America, 567. Vide Government.

Public Works, under Spain, 218

Pudtli, Ranee, 143

Puente de Barcas, 98

Puerta Princesa, 1578

Pulajan, the, 235, 547, 551

Quesada, Gaspar de, 267

Quiapo, 324

Quinine, 308

Rada, Martin, 51

Railway, the first, 265; in project, 627

Rain, 22

Rajah Lacandola, 357, 51

Rajah Soliman, 35, 51

Rajahmudah, the, 131

Rama, Esteban de la, 520

Raon, Gov.-General JosÉ, 62, 99

Rattan-cane, 310

Real CompaÑia de Filipinas, the 252

Real quinto, the, 53

Real situado, the, 244

Rebellion of 1896, the Tagalog—362; acts conducive to, 364; the Katipanan League, 3645; arrests of citizens, 366; Pedro P. Rojas' case, 366; F.L. Rojas executed, 367; first overt act of, 367; Battle of San Juan del Monte, 368; first executions of rebels in Manila, 369; in Cavite, 374; Bonifacio AndrÉs and Emilio Aguinaldo, 370; rebels capture Imus, 372; Spanish defeat at Binacayan, 373; Spaniards at Dalahican, 374; rebel General Llaneras, 374; Gov.-General Ramon Blanco, 377; definition of demands, 392; claim of independence, 394; treaty of Biac-na-batÓ, 396, 414 (footnote); Rafael Comenge's inflammatory speech, 400; the Calle de Camba tragedy, 401; rising in CebÚ, 402, et seq.; execution of rebels in CebÚ, 405; American intervention, 417; the rebels' aspirations, 420; rebels attack the Spaniards in Panay Island, 475; Spanish Governor of Negros Island capitulates, 476

Rebellion, of Diego de Silan, in llocos, 100; of DagÓhoy, in Bojol Island, 101; in Leyte Island, SÁmar Island, and Surigao, 102; of “King” MÁlong and of Sumoroy, 103; of AndrÉs Novales, 104; of Apolinario de la Cruz, 105; of Feliciano PÁran, 105, 396 (footnote); in Tayabas, 105; of Camerino, 106, 397 (footnote); of Cuesta, 106; in Negros Island, 106

Regalado, Pedro, 520

Regidor, Dr. Antonio M., biographical note of, 108 (footnote)

Regium exequatur, the, 85

Relics in cathedral, 57

Religion, fanaticism in, 1879, 521, 602; shrines, 187; coercion in, 189 (footnote); freedom in, 594 and footnote; infidel tendency in, 6078

Religious Orders, the, 199; power and influence of, 200; opinions for and against, 201; function of the regium morum, 201; social origin of, 201; as parish priests, 202; frailties of, 203; persecution by, 205; the hierarchy, 206; outcry against, 207; dates of foundation and arrival of, 207; revenues of, 207, 209; emoluments of, 207; training-colleges in Spain for, 209; jealousy and rivalry between, 209. Vide Friars; Church

Remontado, the, 174, 205

Renacimiento, El, prosecution of, 550

Reptiles, 339

Revenue and expenditure, under Spain, 227 et seq., 251; curious items of, 229; under America, 629.

Revolts in provinces. Vide Rebellion

Revolutionary Government, the, 448; statutes of, 44854; President's message to, 454; appeal to the Powers by, 457; Malolos becomes the capital of, 469; first Congress of, convened at Malolos, 469; ratification of Philippine independence by, 470

Ricarte, Artemio, 546

Riccio, Vittorio, 76

Rice, measures of, 276; machinery for husking of, 277; tiki-tiki, 277; Macan and Paga, yield of, 278; planting of, 279; trade in, 281

Rio de la Plata, 26

Rio Grande, de la Pampanga, 14; de Mindanao, 15

Rios, General Diego de los, 374, 474 et seq., 494 (footnote); evacuates Panay, 477, 511; as agent for the liberation of Spanish prisoners, 539

Rivalry of Church and State, 578. Vide Church.

Rivera, General Primo de, attempts to subdue the Igorrotes, 124; reappointed Gov.-General to suppress the Rebellion of 1896, 211, 389; edict of concentration by, 391; reward to, for closing first period of the Rebellion, 399; recalled to Spain, 408

Rivers, 14, 23

Rizal, Dr. Jose, 366, 381 et .seq.; “My last Thought,” poem by, 386; the widow of, 386; public subscription to monument of, 389 (footnote); “Dimas alang,” 389 (footnote)

Rizal Province, 212 (footnote), 560

Roads, under Spain, 218; under America, 627

Rodas, Miguel de, 31

Rodriguez, Estevan, 131

Rojas, Pedro P., biographical note of, 366 (footnote)

Rojo, Archbishop-Governor, 62, 88, 97

Rosario, Pantaleon E. del, 5245, 528

Russell & Sturgis, 255, 257

Sabas, Colonel, 107

Sago, 321

Sala destroyed, 18

Salas, Quintin, 5167

Salaries, of Spanish officials, 214; of municipal officers, 560; of American officials, 561; of mayors, 567

Salazar, Domingo, Bishop of Manila, 51, 56

Salcedo, Gov.-General Diego, 59

Salcedo, Juan, 35, 51, 212 (footnote)

Samales, the Moro tribe of, 145

Samar Island, rebellion in, 102; insurgency in, 535; slaughter of Americans in, 536; pulajanes in, 551

Sampaguita, 323

San Juan del Monte, Battle of, 368

San Miguel, the bandit, 546

Sanchez, Alonso, 52

Sanctorum tax, 53

Sangdugong Panaguinip, 412

Sangley (Chinese), 118

Sanitation, 198

Sanson, Melanio, 582

Sanson, Pedro, 528

Santa Clara Convent, 81

San Victores, Fray Diego de, 39

Santo Officio, 59

Santones, 189, 521

Santos, Father MoÏses, murdered, 408

Sapan-wood, 312; shipments of, 646

Saps of trees, 312

Schools. Vide Education.

SchÜck, Captain, 587 (footnote)

Schurman Commission, the, 498, 562

Scott, Major Hugh L., 5836, 588

Scout corps, 570

Sculpture, 196

Seasons, 22

Secret Police Service, 567

Sedition, 553; seditious plays, 554; law passed, 545

Separation of Spain and Portugal, 81

Serrano, Juan R., 26, 28

Sevilla, Dr. Mariano, 5967, 6045

Sheep, 338

Shipping Law of 1904, the, 620

Shrines, 187

Siao (Moluccas), King of, 734

Sibucao, 312

Sibuguey, the Prince of, 131

Siguey shells, 243

Silan, Diego de, rebellion of, 100

Silva, Geromino de, 76

Silva, Gov.-General Fernando de, 76

Silva, Gov.-General Juan de, 74

Silver, imports and exports of, 647

Simbilin weapon, 147

Sinamnay stuff, 282

Singson, Father, 597

Sioco, 48

Situado, the real, 244

Slavery, 54, 55 (footnote), 191; among Moros, 151

Small-pox, 197

Smugglers, in Mexico, 247, 260, 262, 626

Snakes, 339

Soldiers in olden times, 231

Solidaridud, La, the seditionary organ, 363, 382

Soliman, Rajah, 35, 51

Solis River, 26

Soman?galit, CristÓbal, 37

Spiritualists, 608

Saint Lazarus, Archipelago of, 28

State and Church feuds, 58

Statistics of trade, 63950

Steamships introduced, 132

Stone, 334

Stotsenberg, Colonel, death of, 495

Sual port, 261

Subsidy, the Mexican, 244

SubuÁnos, the Moro tribe of, 1456, 155

Sugar-cane, yield of, 271; cultivation of, 272; sugar-extraction from, 278; molasses yield, 273; sugar-blends, 275; world's production of sugar, 275

Sugar, the duty on, in America, 623; shipments of, 6423

Sulphur, 21, 334

Sultan Mahamad Alimudin, 134; treaty with, 138

Sulu, the Sultan of, 140; the present Sultan, 141, 5878; visits Manila, 588; pension to him and chiefs, 151, 571, 580; titles of, 151; dress of, 153; across Sulu to Maybun, 153; produce of Sulu, 153; official reception by, 154; the Sultanas of, 154. Vide Moros

Sumoroy's rebellion, 103

Supa (wood), 316

Supreme Court, abolished, 56; re-established, 57; of CebÚ, 57

Surigao, revolt in, 102

Surra, the disease, 622

Suya(Chinese), 118

Taal, volcano of, 17; town of, destroyed, 1820, 166

Taft Commission, the, 5623

Taft, William II., biographical note of, 562 (footnote); his policy in the Islands, 564; appointed Secretary of War, 564; 613

Tagalog, meaning of the term, 164; character of, 171; hospitality of, 172

Tagalog rebellion, the, 362 et seq. Vide Rebellion of 1896

TagbanÚas tribe, the, 158; dress, customs, country of, 159

Taguban tribe, the, 146

Taguima, 129 (footnote)

Tamarind, 320

TanaÚan destroyed, 18

Tancad, the bandit, 239

Tan?ga (edible insect), 342

Tattarassa, Sultan, 142 (footnote), 585

Taxation, of land, 625, 629; the Internal Revenue Law of 1904, 630

Taxes under Spain, 217, 224, 228

Tayabas rebellion, 105

Taycosama, Emperor of Japan, 65

Taytay fort, 231

Telegraph service, 267

Temperature, 22; of Illana Hay coast (Mindanao Is.), 157; of Zamboanga, 535

Teng-teng, Datto, 139

Theatres, 349, 558

Tiangui, 304 (footnote)

Tidal wave, 23

Tiki-tiki, 277

Timbang, Datto, 585

Timber, 312; relative strengths of, 317

Tinaja, 273 (footnote)

Tindalo (wood), 316

Tindig, Paguian, the Moro, 129

Tinguian tribe, the, 126

Tinio, General Manuel, 545 (footnote)

Tiruraya tribe, the, 146

Tithes to the Church, 55

Tobacco, 292; under monopoly, 293; free trade in, 296; risks of trade in, 298; qualities and districts, 298; cigar values, 299; CompaÑia General de Tabacos, 299; the duty on, in America, 625; shipments of, 644

To-Kogunsama, Emperor of Japan, 70

Tonnage, 628, 647

Tordesillas, Treaty of, 25 (footnote)

Torralba, acting Gov.-General, 60; impeachment of, 79; dies a beggar, 80

Torres, Fray Juan de, 116

Tournon, Mons. Maillard de, 84

Town Hall, 217, 226

Trade (under Spain), the early history of, 243 et seq.; the Mexican subsidy, 244; the Consulado trading-ring, 244; the boleta shipping-warrant, 244; the galleons, 245; the Obras Pias, 245; losses of treasure, 246; prohibitions on, 248; penalties on free-traders, 250; the budget in 1757, 251; Spanish company failures, 252; the Real CompaÑia de Filipinas, 252; the CompaÑia Guipuzcoana de Caracas, 252; foreign traders admitted, 255; Russell & Sturgis, 255; Nicholas Loney, 255; Manila port opened to foreign trade, 256; first foreign traders, 257; Banks, 258; the CompaÑia General de Tabacos, 299 (under America), 620; effect of the war on, 621; the carrying-trade, 628; American traders, 628; proportion of tonnage, 628; total tonnage, 647; the new currency, 6357; Banks, 6378; statistical tables, 63950; produce shipments, 63946; gold and silver exports and imports, 647; exchange fluctuations, 647; proportionate table of imports and exports, 64850

Trading Governors, 212

Tragedy of the Calle de Camba, 401

Travellers, regulations affecting alien, 617

Treaties made with rebels, 396 (footnote)

Treaty of Paris (1898), text of the, 478 et seq.

Treaty, of Tordesillas, 25 (footnote), 253; of Antwerp, 72, 253; of the “Family Compact,” 72, 87; of Paris (1703), 96; with Sultan Mahamad Alimudin, 138; of Utrecht and the Asiento Contract, 257; of MalacaÑan, 396 (footnote); of Biac-na-batÓ, 396, 414 (footnote); of Navotas, 397 (footnote); of Paris (1898), 472, 478

Tree-saps, 312

Trent, Council of, the, 605 (footnote)

Trepang (balate), 312

Trias, General Manuel, 544, 5489

Tribunal, 217, 226

Tribute, 53, 224

Tuba (beverage), 304

Talisan, the, 235, 547; outrages by, 236, 239, 5489

Tupas, King of CebÚ, 35

Typhoons, 355

Ualang sugat,” the seditious play of, 554

Union of Spain and Portugal, 72

Urbiztondo, expedition against Moros by, 139

Urdaneta, AndrÉs de, 31, 33, 35

Utrecht, the Peace of, 257

Utto, Datto, 142

Vagrant Act, the, 568

Valenzuela, Prime Minister, banished, 83

Valenzuela, Sancho, 368; execution of, 369

Vanilla, 321

Vargas, Gov.-General Juan, impeachment of, 79

Vegetable produce, 321

Veteran civil guard, 231

Vicars, Camp, 574 (footnote)

Villa Corta, 94, 96, 98

Villalobos expedition, the, 32

Villa Fernandina, 48

Vilo, Roman, 529

Virgin of Antipolo, 267

Visayo, characteristics of the, 172

Volcano, Mayou, 16; Taal, 17

Volcano Island discovered, 32

War, the Spanish-American, 117; allocution of the Archbishop of Madrid, 423; General Augusti's call to arms, 424; General Augusti's proclamation, 425; volunteers reorganized, 426; the Battle of Cavite, 427; Cavite occupied, 429; Spain makes peace overtures, 458; text of the Protocol of Peace, 459; Americans attack Manila, 462; surrender of the city, 464; capitulation signed, 465

War of Independence, the, 484; the Philippine Republic, 486; opening shot and Battle of Paco, 487; fight at Coloocan, 487; fight at Gagalanging, 488; the Igorrote contingent, 488; Malabon and Malinta captured, 489; death of Col. Egbert, 489; Santa Cruz (Manila) in flames, 489; Battle of Marilao, 490; Malolos captured, 491; insurgent retreat to Calumpit, 492; American proclamation of intentions, 492; Santa Cruz (La Laguna) captured, 494; Lieut. Gilmore's expedition to Baler captured, 494; American reverse at Gingua, 495; crossing the Bagbag River, 496; Calumpit captured, 496; burning of S.S. Saturnus, 503; death of Gen. Lawton, 504; fight at Narvican, 505; capture of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, 507; American occupation of Yloilo, 5116 —of CebÚ, 523—of Bojol Island, 528—of Zamboanga, 532; capture of Vicente Lucban, 545

Water-cure, 517 (footnote)

Wax, 311

Weyler, General, 4178, 431

Wheaton, General, 48891, 497

White ants, 340

Wild boar, 340

Wild tribes, the, percentage of in the population, 120

Wood, General Leonard, biographical note of, 576 (footnote); victory of, at Kudarangan, 581; captures Panglima Hassan, 584

Woods, 312; relative strengths of, 317

Wright, Governor Luke E., biographical note of, 564

Xogusama, Emperor of Japan, 69

Yacal (wood), 316

Ylang-Ylang, 325

YlÍgan fort, 77, 231

Yloilo, the port of, 261; native government in, 511; Gen. Miller's expedition to, 511; the Panay insurgent army, 512; panic in, 513; incendiarism and looting in, 515; bombardment of, 516; surrenders of insurgent leaders, 517; general surrender at Jaro, 518; the town of, 518

ZabÁlburu, Gov.-General Domingo, 42

Zaguan, 353

Zamboanga, the fort of, 77, 133, 233; the port of, 2612; critical position of the Spaniards at, 531; anarchy in, 532; American occupation of, 532; the town of, 535

Zamora, Father Jacinto, executed, 107

Zobel, Jacobo, 367 (footnote)

Printed and Bound by Hazell, Watson and Viney, LD London and Aylesbury


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