I offer you in this work, my dear reader, all that can be collected in reference to dreams. Notwithstanding the proverbial saying, “All dreams are lies,” we frequently see the realization of them, and by them we are informed of more or less interesting events which afterward happen to us. A prudent and enlightened man will therefore examine carefully his dreams to know which he ought to interpret, neglecting those which are extravagant because of too exalted an imagination or of a disturbed digestion. In consulting this book with attention, in seeking in it for the explanation of your dreams, and calculating the causes which have produced them, you will rarely depart from the truth, because you will be following the rules of a wise combination, which will prevent you from falling into an illusory if not fatal error. FOREKNOWLEDGE, OR INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS. In the Holy Scriptures God says, that he “will pour his Spirit on all flesh, that the young men and maidens shall prophesy, the old men shall see visions, and the young men dream dreams.” Both sacred and profane history are full of so many examples of the fulfilment of dreams, that he must be very skeptical and but little versed in natural science who would refuse to have faith in them. Hippocrates says that when the body is asleep the soul is awake, and transports itself everywhere, where the body would be able to go, that it knows and sees all that the body could know or see were it awake; that it touches all the body could touch, in a word, that it performs all the actions that the body of a sleeping man could do were he awake. There are five kinds of dreams, differently named according to their different qualities. The first is dream, the second vision, the third oracle, the fourth revery, and the fifth apparition. A dream is that which, while we are asleep, shows us the truth hidden under certain figures, as when Joseph interpreted to king Pharaoh the dream concerning the seven lean kine that devoured the seven fat ones; the dream of the seven full ears of corn, etc. A vision is simply a dream happening when the body is awake instead of sleeping, as Vespasian when he saw the surgeon who had extracted Nero’s tooth. The oracle is a revelation, or information given us by some angel or other celestial spirit who does God’s bidding. The angel appearing to Joseph the husband of the Virgin, and to the wise men, are examples of this. Revery occurs when the passions are so vehement that they destroy the mental equilibrium for a time. Then what one thinks of during the day he will dream of at night, as a lover who has been thinking during the day of his beloved one will continue to do so at night while he is sleeping. Sometimes when one fears to meet a person, he will dream at night that he has met him; having fasted during the day, he will dream of eating, or, having been thirsty, of drinking. Avarice will make the miser dream of his gold, and speak of it when sleeping, as he would not do when awake. Apparition is named Phantom by the Greeks, and is only that nocturnal vision sometimes presented to children and weak-minded persons, who imagine they see objects presented to intimidate or pain them. Of these five kinds of dreams, the three first have an appearance of truth, but the last two are absolutely false. It is to be remarked, with regard to all dreams, that those of which only parts are remembered, signify nothing at all; that those that memory retains are good and true; that they ought to occur about day-break, or at least after midnight, because until that time the senses and the body are occupied in the labor of digestion, and the mind disturbed by the remembrance of dinner, can dream of nothing reasonable. Nevertheless Artemidorus says, that a sober, temperate, and tranquil man can dream at any hour of the night, or even during the day, and that the fulfilment of such dreams will be certain. Some authors divide dreams into three kinds, namely, dreams of natural objects, of animals, and of celestial objects. The natural things are those by which physicians judge of the temperament; dreams of animals show the passions and cares that the mind has felt during the day; those of celestial objects are the intimations of divine things, as for example, the statue that the king of Babylon saw when asleep, which is so well explained by the prophet Daniel. There are few persons who have the gift of dreaming that which will be fulfilled, fewer still who know how to interpret them, because it is necessary to observe many things not generally known. There are two principal kinds of dreams, the speculative or contemplative, and the allegorical or significative. To these one ought to pay attention, the speculative happening in the fulfilment as it occurred in dreams, for example: A prisoner in a small prison at Paris dreamed that a cord was being attached to his neck to hang him, that after it was done a stranger appeared with a sword who severed the cord and delivered him from death; this was fulfilled the next day, for the judge having pronounced his sentence, and given him to the hangman, he was delivered by unknown persons employed by his friends. Allegorical dreams on the contrary never happen as one has dreamed. Thus, to dream of an angel, signifies revelation or good news, but to see a serpent which tries to bite one signifies troubles arising from the envy of others. Speculative dreams are soon fulfilled, allegorical ones not so quickly; a day or two often intervening between the dream and its completion. ABOUT THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS. “Dreams? Nonsense!” I hear some grave-faced person cry. Indeed! And where did this grave-faced person learn his wisdom? Not from experience, I will engage. No, experience teaches us the reverse of this. Dreams are by no means nonsense. This I maintain openly in the face of all the world. I maintain even that every dream has its signification. Not that it always discloses the future, I am far from asserting that. I say only it has its signification. Commonly a dream "permits us to cast a glance into the soul or into the heart of man. The thoughts which dwell in the former, and the feelings which sway the latter, shape themselves in sleep into various images, which throw a strong light upon the character. There have no doubt been many extravagant fictions palmed off as facts relative to dreams, but yet enough credible evidence exists of their importance to make any strange dream the subject of reflection and examination on the part of the dreamer; and it cannot be denied that many things in our dreams are actually omens. A List of Dreams, with their True Interpretation, together with the Lucky Numbers of the Lottery which they signify. ABOVE. To dream you see any thing hanging above you signifies you will improve in your worldly prospects, and soon be in a better situation than you were before you had the dream. 76, 62, 14.ABSENCE. To dream of absent persons, signifies that they will soon return. It also denotes success in business. 4, 22.ABSCESS. If you dream you have an abscess, or running sore on your person, it foretells good fortune and good health, to be preceded by sickness. 3, 27.ABUSE. To dream that you are abused and insulted, is a sign that some dispute will happen between you and some person with whom you have business; if you are in love, be assured that some one has attempted to injure you with the object of your affections, and that they have in a great measure succeeded. 6, 38, 44.ABUNDANCE. If you dream you have an over-abundance of any thing, it goes by contrary, and is a sign of a scarcity; as if a farmer should dream that he had a great crop, it would predict a scarcity—not perhaps of that particular article of which he dreamed, but of something that would be important to him. 15.ABYSS. To see an abyss, or deep hole, is a warning; avoid, after such a dream, taking a journey by land, or a voyage by sea, for eight-and forty hours, because it forebodes accidents by travelling. 62, 19.ACCIDENT. To dream that an accident has happened to you, or to any one of your household, or with whom you live, foretells that you will see some one whom you little expect to see. 72, 3, 11.ACCOUNTS. Dreams that relate to making up accounts are good omens. If you dream you found an error in your money account, it foretells that you will have a piece of good luck. Accounts blotted with ink is a sign of sickness. 14.ACCUSE. To dream a person accuses you of any thing, is favorable to the dreamer. 66, 4.ACORN. (See Oak.) To dream you see swine eating acorns denotes that you will have reverses in business, and lose if you are not very careful; to dream of picking acorns signifies that a rich relative will leave you a fortune. 65.ACQUAINTANCE. To dream you quarrel or fight with an acquaintance, forebodes divisions in your own family; in love, unfaithfulness; and losses in business. 42, 6.ACTRESS. If you dream you love her, it is a sign you will meet with adversities. If you dream you see her on the stage you will be successful in all your undertakings. 68, 5, 18.ADDER. To dream of this reptile is a sign that some one whom you think friendly to you will injure you in some way. 19, 2.ADULTERY. It is in most cases a bad omen to dream that you have perpetrated this act. If the person you dreamed about is married, or is a prostitute, you may almost be sure that some misfortune will overtake you. If she is a virgin, it merely predicts that you will shortly have an invitation to a wedding. For a married woman to dream of adultery is a sign she will soon conceive and have a girl. To an unmarried woman such a dream is a sign of misfortune. 51, 7, 3.AGUE. To dream that you have one, warns you against an inclination to strong drink; to dream your sweetheart has an ague, denotes affection and happiness. 39, 6, 1.AIR. To dream that you see it clear and serene, shows that you shall be beloved and esteemed by most people; if at law, success. In short, all good is denoted by clear and serene air. But to dream that the air is thick, cloudy, dark, and troubled, denotes to the dreamer, grief, sickness, loss of good, hindrance of business, and crosses in love. 12, 9.ALMONDS. Signify riches and happiness; to eat them shows you will have good luck in love matters. 73, 18, 10.ALLIGATOR. (See Reptile.)ALMS. To dream they are begged of you, and you refuse them, shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream you give them freely, is a sign of joy and long life. 11, 13, 4.ALTAR. To dream of an altar, betokens gladness, and affection in love. Of an Ark, the same. 71, 63, 4.ANCHOR. To dream you see one, signifies unexpected success in love; but in business, it shows the success to be distant, and only obtainable with care. 47, 36.ANGEL. To dream you see angels in your sleep, is a sign some are near you, and that the rest of your dream will come to pass. To see many angels, is a sign of many children, and much prosperity. 16, 8, 24.ANGER. (See Rage.) To dream that you have been provoked to anger, shows that you have powerful enemies; and warns you to be careful that all you do should be strictly honorable; but it also signifies you will hear good news, and be in a good humor. 44, 16.ANGLING. (See Fish.)ANTS. To dream of ants, is unlucky; and to dream too often of them, shows the dreamer not to be long lived. 7, 49, 20.APES. (See Monkey.) To dream you have seen or had any thing to do with them, signifies malicious, though secret enemies; and warns you against carrying on law-suits. 17, 6.APPARITION. To dream you see an apparition or spirit, clothed in white, signifies deceit, temptation to sin, and disappointment in love. 57. The following is an old prediction in verse: APPAREL. (See Silks and Satins.) To dream that your clothes are good, denotes prosperity and happiness; of white apparel, is good only for clergymen; to others it is a sign of trouble; to mechanics, decline of business; to the sick, death. If of black, however, it is of their recovery; of rich scarlet apparel, is good for rich men, signifying honor; but is death to the sick, and loss or captivity to the poor; to dream of women’s apparel, is good for the unmarried; but to a married man loss of his wife or sickness. 17, 20.APPLES, or APPLE-TREES. (See Orchard.) If sweet, denote joy and pleasure, especially to women and maids. Sour apples signify contention and sedition. 4, 11, 44.APRICOTS. Content, health, and pleasure, if in season; if otherwise, vain hopes, bad fortune. 22, 5, 64.ARMS. To dream your arms are withered or lean, denotes affliction, sickness and poverty; and if a woman, she is in danger of being a widow. If any person dream his arms are hairy it denotes increase of riches. 7.ARMED MEN. (See Zouave.)ASHES. Great misfortune is at hand; to a lover or sweetheart, such a dream forebodes that he or she will be jealous because of seeing some one in company with their intended. 70.ASP. To dream of the asp or adder, is a sign of designing enemies; but it is good, if they do not bite you. 17, 4.ASS. To dream you hear an ass bray, shows you will meet with some loss; to see an ass run, signifies misfortune. 62, 18, 20.ATTORNEYS. (See Lawyer.) To dream you are speaking with them, shows hindrance of business, and that it requires much circumspection to insure success in your affairs. It also denotes loss of property. 16.AWAKING. To dream you awake yourself is a happy end to all sorrow. To awake another is a sign you will inspire with love the one you wish. 61, 4.BACK. To dream that your back is broken, hurt, or scabby, shows that your enemies will get the better of you. To dream of the backbone, signifies health and much joy. To see your back denotes misfortune. 2, 19, 42.BACKGAMMON. (See Dice.)BACON. To dream of bacon or pork, denotes the death of some friend or relation, and that enemies will endeavor to do you a mischief; in love, it denotes a disappointment of some kind. 74.BAGPIPES. To dream of bagpipes, signifies trouble, contention, and loss of a lawsuit. 20, 1.BAKING. (See Oven.) For a woman to dream she is baking bread, foretells thrift. If she is a farmer’s wife, it is a sign of good crops. If she burns her bread it is a sign that she will have a miscarriage. 18, 54.BALL. (See Dancing.) If you dream you are at a ball, and are dancing with a lady, it is a sign you will marry her; if you dream that she is gone, and you are looking round to find her and cannot, it foretells that she will not live long after marriage. Dreaming of playing ball, or seeing it played, foretells the speedy receipt of money; to see the ball roll about, signifies delay in its reception. 54, 11, 55.BALLOON. Signifies you will undertake many visionary things in business, and success will not attend you. 46.BANANA. To dream of this delicious fruit is a good omen; if you dream you are eating a banana, it is a sign you will be rich and happy. To dream you see bananas growing denotes success in love matters. If a girl dreams that her lover presents her with a ripe banana it foretells she will soon be married, or ought to be. 4, 11, 44.BANK. If you dream you go to a large bank, and have money there, it is a sign that you will be poor at some future period of your life. 5, 78. BANK-BILLS. (See Money.)BANKRUPT. A bad dream, your business is in a dangerous position, and without great care you will be forced to stop. 17, 60, 46.BARBER. To dream of a barber, denotes losses. 55.BARN. If you dream that you are in a barn that is well stored with hay and grain, it predicts that you will marry rich, or else inherit land. If the barn be empty, it will be the reverse of this, or else you will meet with a loss. 4, 75.BARKING DOGS. Is a sign you have enemies who will detract, and insult you. 17, 61.BARRELS. Signify wealth if they appear full; if empty, poverty. 14, 1, 7.BASIN. If you dream that it is full money; if empty, you will make many debts. 2, 13, 69.BATH, or BATHING. To dream you are at a bath where you see people bathing, is a sign you will have good luck in some undertaking. If you are in, bathing yourself, it predicts that you will confer a benefit on some person who will be very grateful. This dream also foretells a change of residence. 20, 31.BAT. To dream of a bat, or bats, is a sign you will go on a bootless journey, or one that is not satisfactory. 42.BATTLE. If you dream you are engaged in a battle, or see a battle, it is a sign that you will soon undertake some new enterprise, and will leave off the business or calling in which you are then engaged; it also predicts to a girl that she will meet a young man in whom she is much interested; to a soldier it foretells that he will be advanced in rank. 14.BAYONET. To dream of a bayonet indicates that you have vindictive enemies. 64, 7.BEAM. This signifies you will attain a high position in life. 9.BEANS. To dream of eating beans is a sign of trouble. If you are picking beans, it denotes poverty. 72, 18, 11.BEAR. To dream of seeing a bear, or bears, is a sign you have one or more enemies; if a bear attacks you, it predicts that you will overcome your enemy. 68.BEARD. To dream you have a very little beard, signifies suits at law; if it is a long thick beard, the dream is a good one, for it shows success; for a person to dream of his beard falling out, he will lose some near relative, or will come to disgrace. 47, 3.BEATING. For married people to dream of beating some one, shows that they will live a peaceful life; to bachelors, good fortune in their amours; if a lover beats his mistress, or a lady her suitor, it shows that the match will be broken off. 5.BED. To dream that you are lying in bed, signifies that you are in danger; being in bed and not able to sleep, sickness; to see a stranger in your bed, brings quarrels in married life; a well-made bed, shows that you will become established in life. 63, 9. BED-BUGS. Denote strife, and quarrels. 2, 10.BEER. To dream you are drinking beer, is a sure sign of domestic troubles. 6, 8.BEES. (See Sting.) It is good and lucky to dream of bees; to a farmer it predicts good crops; to a lover, excellent success with his sweetheart; to a maid it promises a good and wealthy husband. 17, 62, 4.BEGGARS. To dream that a beggar annoys you, is a sign of misfortune, or some piece of bad luck. To a young girl who has a suitor, it predicts that if she marries him she will be poor. 26.BEHEADING. To dream that you see a person that is going to be beheaded, or if you see one beheaded, it is an excellent sign; in love you will be successful; in prison you will be released; and any trouble you have will soon vanish; it is also a sign you will soon meet a long absent friend who will be glad to see you. 74, 19, 10.BELLS. To dream that you hear bells ringing merrily is a sign of a wedding, or else that you will soon hear some good news. If the bell tolls solemnly, it foretells a funeral or bad news. To a girl, the tolling of a bell predicts that some one will deceive her. 16.BELLY. To dream one’s belly is bigger and fuller than ordinary, shows his family and estate will increase; if one dreams his belly is grown lean and shrunk up, he will be joyfully delivered of some bad accident; if any one dreams that his belly is swelled, and yet notwithstanding be empty, he will become poor; if a girl dreams of a big belly, it is a sign of marriage. 24, 77.BET. To dream that you bet with any one, shows that you will suffer from your own imprudence. 66, 12, 72.BIRDS. To dream of birds is much better for the rich than the poor; to dream of little birds, the contrary; to dream that you hear birds chirp is a good sign; to see birds fighting, signifies adversity; to see birds fly over your head, signifies prejudice by enemies. 14, 77.BIRDS’ NESTS. To dream that you find one is a good sign; to dream that you find one without either eggs or birds, shows you will meet with great disappointment. 64.BIRTH. (See Still-born.) To dream of a birth is good for a poor man; to the sick it denotes death. 18, 42.BITE. To dream that you are bitten, foretells much jealousy and sorrow. 15, 19.BLASPHEMY. If you dream that you are cursing, it foretells bad fortune; if you are cursed, all your expectations will be fulfilled. 4, 72.BLEEDING. (See Fingers.) To dream of bleeding at the nose signifies loss of goods, and decay of riches; to a young girl it foretells the loss of her lover. 75, 19, 5.BLIND. (See Eye.) To dream of being blind shows that you are deceived in a supposed friend; this dream also threatens the dreamer with want of money; to a lover, it predicts that his sweetheart is untrue to him; this dream also foretells death. 66.BLOOD. To dream you vomit blood, is good for him that is poor, for he shall soon get a sum of money. It is also very good for him that has no children, and whose kindred are in a strange country; the first shall see a child of his own; the other will hear favorable news of his kindred, or see them returning home. 11, 19.BLOSSOMS. If you dream you see trees or plants in blossom, it predicts that you will get some money, or some article that you little expected. It also signifies that you will be pleased at something that will soon happen. 43, 14, 7.BOAT. (See Oar, and Rudder.) To dream you are sailing in a boat in pleasant weather, and enjoying yourself, denotes good success in business; to lovers it foretells happiness; if the weather is boisterous, it predicts quarrels, which will be speedily settled; dreams of sailing smoothly in boats are emphatically good ones to all kinds of people. 71, 10. To dream of being in a boat, Does show that maidens’ fancies float; And whether sink or swim they do, To try love’s sport their skill they’ll show. BOOKS. To be reading serious books, shows honor and station in life; to read lascivious books, shame and disgrace. 4.BOOTS. (See Shoes.) To dream of new boots and shoes, indicates sweethearts to the single, and friends to the married; old shoes or boots show separation, and dirty or old ones are a sign of poverty and sorrow. 33.BOTTLES. To dream of bottles is a good sign; to a man, success in business; to a maid, speedy marriage; if they are broken, they signify sorrow. 56, 34.BOUQUET. To receive one, much pleasure; to give one, signifies that your lover is constant. 43, 7.BOY. If a lady dreams that she is delivered of a boy, her life will be a pleasant one. 52.BREAD. (See Thick.) To dream of bread is an excellent sign. If you see a good deal, the better the dream. It foretells good fortune to either man or woman. To lovers it predicts that they will make a good match and be well off, if not rich. To farmers it promises full and abundant crops. 1, 15.BREAKFAST. To dream that you are eating breakfast shows you will do something of which you will be sorry. 21, 4.BRASS. (See Metals.)BREAST. (See Milk.) To dream of breasts, denotes great gain and profit to men; but to a woman, losses. If a young woman dreams that her breasts are full of milk, it signifies she is near her marriage. 76, 1, 10.BREWING. To dream of brewing is a sign you should be up and doing; in love, it denotes idleness in your sweetheart; if in trade, you will sustain losses. 31. To dream of brewing and of baking, Does signify a match is making, Between a maiden and some other, Both by her father and her mother. BRIDGE. To dream you are crossing over a bridge, denotes prosperity in life, and success in love; but to dream you are passing under a bridge, indicates difficulties in life, both in love and business; if you meet with obstructions, either on or under the bridge, it foretells illness. To dream a bridge breaks down with you, denotes sudden death. 56, 2.BRIARS. To dream that you are among briars and get pricked, foretells that you will have an angry dispute with somebody. If a young girl who has a lover dreams it, she will probably get vexed at him. 39, 78.BROTH. To dream of eating broths, or soups, is a good sign, and denotes profit and gain. 32, 9.BROTHERS. To dream you see your brothers and sisters, signifies long life to the dreamer, but it portends a death in your family. 24, 8.BUILDING. To dream of seeing a large building is a sign that you will be introduced to some one with whom you will afterward become intimate. To a young lady it predicts that she will have a new admirer. 17, 25, 1.BULL. To dream that you have been gored, or received some hurt from a bull, shows you are likely to receive some harm from a great man. To dream you are pursued by a bull, denotes loss of friends and ill reports; if in love, your sweetheart will be in danger, and you will narrowly escape some misfortune. 64, 7.BURNING. (See Fire.) To see, in your dream, one or more houses burning, but not wholly destroyed, signifies, for the poor, that they will become rich, and for the rich man, that his riches will be augmented; but if the fire is furious, and the houses fall down, the dreamer may expect losses, disappointments, shame, and death. To dream you burn yourself is a sign the malice of a stupid enemy will be foiled. Play your age first.BURIED ALIVE. To dream that you are buried alive denotes that you will be rich and powerful. To wealthy people it is a sign of addition to their wealth. 11, 14.BUSINESS. To dream of being full of business, is significant of some unexpected good fortune; to finish it, marriage; if the business appears to be bad, it is a good sign. 41.BUTCHER. If, in your dream, you see a butcher killing any animal, it is a sign of the death of a friend or near relative. If a farmer dreams of seeing sheep killed, he will probably have a prolific flock. 73, 33, 16.BUTTER. If you eat it, you will be surprised by some good fortune, but mixed with sadness. 11, 7.BUTTERMILK. Losses from an extension of business. To the sick it is a sign of speedy convalescence. 71.BUTTERFLIES. To dream you see gaudy butterflies, portends much happiness and luxury. 46, 18.BUYING. To dream you buy all sorts of things that one uses, is good; to buy that which is only for victuals and relief, is good for the poor; but to the rich it signifies expenses and great charges. 19, 2, 69.CABBAGE. To dream of cabbage, signifies very bad news from abroad. 16.CAGE. To dream of letting birds out of a cage, is a sign that you will lose something. If a young girl dreams this, it predicts a loss of her chastity. 36, 5.CAKES. (See Thick.) If a housewife dreams of making round cakes, it predicts that her husband will have a good store of luck and will make her a present. To dream of eating cakes, is also a favorable dream. 18, 78.CALF. To dream of a calf, is a sign of good luck. 14, 1.CALIFORNIA. If you dream of going there, it predicts to you a misfortune; but if, in your dream, you imagine you are in California, and that it is a pleasant country, it foretells that you will receive a valuable present, or a legacy, or else that you will draw a prize in the lottery. 71, 10, 6.CANDLES. To dream of lighted candles, is a sign that you will become religious, or will be soon visited by a minister who will tell you good news. To see a candle extinguished, is a sign of a funeral. To light a candle, success in what you undertake. 21, 67, 46.CANNON. Beware of treacherous friends. To dream you hear a cannon, is a sign of sickness or death. 57.CANNON BALL. To see a cannon ball, denotes misfortune. 6, 2.CANDY. To dream of candy, is a sign of domestic tranquillity. 47, 8.CANCER. (See Abscess.)CANE. To dream of a cane, is considered a most inauspicious dream; and some authors forbid the dreamer to undertake any business on that day. 24, 2.CAP. To put one on, be careful in your love affairs; to take one down, shows that that which you wish to hide will be discovered; if you receive a cap you will soon be married. 64, 38.CARDS. Playing at cards, dice, or any other game in a dream, shows the party will be fortunate in love affairs; for the tables and cards allude to love. 76, 17.CARROTS. To dream of carrots, or parsnips, signifies profit and strength to those who are at law for an inheritance. 10, 35.CARRIAGE. To dream you ride in a carriage, is a sign of success in business and love. If the carriage breaks down, it is a sign you will meet with sudden losses. 31, 67, 3.CARRYING. To dream that one is carrying another, is better than to dream one is carried; to be carried by a woman, a child, or a poor person, means profit and success; by a rich person, the contrary. 4, 44, 1.CART. To dream of being tied to a cart to draw like a horse, denotes servitude and pain; but to dream that you are carried in a cart, the contrary. 6, 5, 17.CASH. (See Money.)CATS. To see cats is hidden enmity; to be bitten by them, denotes misfortune; to be scratched, care and trouble; to caress them, false friends; to kill one is triumph over your enemies; to dream of cats is also a sign of loss by thieves. 54, 42, 16.CATERPILLARS. To dream you see caterpillars, denotes misfortune by secret enemies. 71, 77.CATTLE. (See Pasture, Pound, and Yoke.) To dream you see cattle feeding, denotes great prosperity, and unexpected success; to a lover, it foretells a happy marriage, with many children; and to a married man, it shows that his wife will receive some unexpected legacy; to dream you are driving cattle, denotes that you will become rich by industry; if you see fat cattle, it denotes a plentiful year; if you see lean and hungry cattle in your dream, it denotes scarcity and famine. 6, 11, 66.CAVERN, OR CAVE. (See Grotto.)CELLAR. To dream you are in a cellar, is a sign of sickness and an unlucky law suit. 75, 2.CELLERY. To dream of cellery is a good omen, it portends success in business and love. 48, 1.CHAIN. If you dream of gold chains it is a sign of a wedding; if a girl dreams she is presented with one, it is a sure sign of a speedy marriage. Such a dream to a man in business predicts that he will be prevented from doing something that he specially desires to do. 15, 11.CHAIR. To dream you are sitting on a chair, is a sign you will soon have an increase in your family; if a maiden has this dream it is a sign she soon will be married. To dream you are sitting in a rocking chair, denotes you will very soon better your condition. 25.CHARITY. For a rich person to dream that he is charitable, signifies loss of fortune; if a lady dreams it, she will bestow her affections on an unworthy person. 17, 42, 5.CHEESE. To dream you eat cheese, signifies profit and gain in trade; in love, deceit. 65, 3.CHEMISE. (See Smock and Shifts.)CHESS. To play at, denotes gain by lying and deceit; to see another play, loss by craftiness. Anselmus Julianus regarded this dream as indicative of the success which would attend the dreamer in his undertaking, according to his fancied success in his dream. 8, 78.CHESTNUTS. To dream you are eating raw chestnuts, shows you will be fortunate in love affairs. Boiled chestnuts, signifies you will be fortunate in business. To dream you prick your hand with a chestnut burr, is a sign your confidence will be abused by a pretended friend. 7, 18.CHERRIES. To dream of ripe cherries foretells that you will hear good news, or that some one will do you a favor. After such a dream you can easily borrow money if you wish to. If the cherries are green or mixed, your news will be a mixture of good and bad. 14, 54.CHICKEN. To dream of a hen, or chicken, signifies losses in trade, and deceit in love. 19.CHILD. (See Boy.) Dreaming of children is a good omen. If a Woman dreams she is about to have a child, it foretells a rich legacy or other good fortune: if she is a maid that has this dream, she must be on her guard, or she will lose her virtue. 5, 56.CHIMNEY. To dream of sitting in the chimney corner, to a maid, shows speedy marriage; if there is a fire burning brightly, you will become heir to some money. 61.CHOCOLATE. To dream of chocolate, signifies trouble, brought about by gossiping. 47, 15.CHRISTENING. To dream that you are present at a christening, is a good sign, you will get what you hope for; to a maid, it signifies that she will soon be married. 70, 50, 1.CHURCH. To dream one is at church, and praying there, signifies joy and comfort. To dream of singing in church, is a dream of bad consequence. 13, 6.CHURCHYARD. To dream of a churchyard, is a sign you will have a long and happy life. 76.CLAMS. To a lover, this dream is a sign he will be successful with his sweetheart; if the clams are large, it signifies he will get through the world easy, but if they are small he may get into difficulties, and be caught in a tight place. 49, 24.CLIMB. If you dream of climbing, it is a sign you will have some dignity conferred upon you, or that your circumstances in life will improve. To unmarried people it predicts that they will marry above their station. 4, 19.CLOCK. To dream you hear the clock strike, denotes speedy marriage; if you dream the clock falls or breaks, it denotes danger. To dream of counting the hours of the forenoon, is lucky; the afternoon, unlucky. 72, 3, 12.CLOUDS. To dream of white clouds, signifies prosperity, clouds mounting high from the earth, denotes voyages, the return of the absent, and revealing of secrets; clouds red and inflamed, show an ill-issue of affairs; dark and obscure clouds, obstructions in love 47, 8.CLOTHING. (See Apparel.)COAL. To dream you see dead coal, signifies expedition in business; but to dream you see burning coal, threatens you with shame and reproach. 12.COACH. (See Carriage.)COCK. (See Rooster.) To dream you see a cock in the house, is a good sign to those who would marry; to hear a cock crow denotes great prosperity. 19, 10.COFFEE. To dream of coffee, signifies loss of reputation. For a young girl to have such a dream, predicts the loss of her virtue. 39, 17.COFFIN. To dream of one, denotes the death of a friend, or some near relation. 74, 6.COMEDY. To dream you see a comedy, or farce, is a good omen. To the business man it betokens success, and to the maiden a speedy marriage to the one she loves. 22.CONCERT. To dream of being at a concert, foretells the enjoyment of good health; to the sick, recovery. 12, 22.COMMAND. To dream you command any one, shows trouble; to dream you see one command, signifies anger and authority. 14, 62, 7.COOK. To dream you see a cook in the house, is good to those who would marry, and to the poor; but it is also the revealing of secrets; to dream of cooking, is also a sign of a wedding. 6, 34.COPPER. (See Metals.)CORN. To dream that you see corn eared, and gather it, signifies profit and riches; to dream that you see stacks of corn, signifies wealth and abundance to the dreamer; and on the contrary, to see a small quantity, denotes poverty. 69.CORNS. For a man to dream his flesh is full of corns, shows he will grow rich proportionably to his corns. 70, 12.CORPSE. (See Shroud.) To dream you see a corpse, is a sign of long life. 39, 11. Dreams of rivers, ships and horses, Of snow and frost, and of dead corpses, Are signs by which it may be read, Your sweetheart’s love is cold or dead.COWS. If you dream of seeing large herds of cows, it predicts prosperity and wealth. To see one cow in your dream is a sign of a good piece of luck of some kind. If a young girl dreams of cows, it is a sign she will marry a rich man, and have numerous children. 4, 26, 1.CRABS, signify you will quarrel with a friend. To the married, this dream is a sign of separation. 49, 19.CRIMINAL. (See Reprieve.) To dream that you are a criminal, shows that disgrace and danger are in store for you. 9, 61.CRADLE. To dream you are rocking a cradle, is a good omen, and signifies a long and prosperous life. To the married, it is a sign of domestic happiness, and to the single a sign of speedy marriage with the object of their affection. To dream you upset a cradle, portends sickness or a loss in business. 46, 5.CROCODILE. (See Reptile.) To dream of a crocodile, signifies pirates or robbers by sea, or deceitful persons, and troubles. 18, 2.CROSS. To dream you see a cross, signifies sadness. 68.CROW. A crow indicates expedition in business, adultery, or a thief; if croaking, an ill omen; if it flies on to the head of a child, the child will be in great danger of a misfortune. 74, 6.CROWN. To dream a golden crown is placed upon your head, foretells that success and great honor await you; if the crown be silver, you will enjoy good health; if crowned with green leaves, friends and fortune will forsake you. 52, 6, 13.CRYING. (See Weeping.)CRUTCHES. If you dream you use them, your love will forsake you; if you only see them, some infirmity will press upon you; if you break them, you will recover from sickness. 46, 19.CUCUMBERS. To dream of these vegetables, signifies that your business will not be very prosperous; for a sick person to dream of them, foretells a speedy recovery. 16, 8.CURRANTS. Red currants denote happiness in life, and success in love. White currants portend that your partner will fall into difficulties, and will have a long illness. 12, 5, 60.DAGGER. To dream of a dagger, you may expect news of absent persons, and your dearest hope will be fulfilled. 9.DAHLIA. To dream of these flowers, is a sign of thrift. If a lady dreams of them, it foretells that her husband will make money rapidly. To a young girl, it predicts the same of her lover. 19, 20, 12.DAIRY. To dream you are in a dairy, busy at work, is a very favorable omen; to the maid it indicates that her lover will be of an industrious turn and will rise to honor. To the farmer, it denotes that his crops will be abundant; to the tradesman, good news. 71, 2.DANCING. (See Ball.) To dream you are dancing at a ball or entertainment, foretells that you will shortly receive joyful news; it also foretells success and happiness in love. To see others dance there, signifies pleasure and an inheritance. 55, 27.DANGER. To dream of being in danger, shows success in life; to shun it, misfortune. (See Difficulty.) 27, 17.DARKNESS. To dream you are in a dark place, is an unfavorable omen; to the lovers it denotes, loss of sweethearts, to the trader, loss of goods; but to dream of getting out of darkness into light, is good; if you are in poverty, it foretells riches; if in love, a happy marriage. 4, 16.DATES. Dates denote many enemies, and you will receive much injury by a person you little expect. 6, 44.DAY. To dream of a clear, sunshiny day, portends long life and happiness, but to dream of a dark, cloudy, and stormy day, is an unlucky omen. 3, 33, 9.DAYBREAK. Good fortune in every thing you undertake. 64, 7.DEATH. To dream you see death, denotes happiness and long life; that you will be either speedily married yourself, or assist at a wedding. To dream you see another person dead, denotes hasty news from friends. 61, 4.DEBT. To dream of paying a debt with money, foretells that you will soon receive some. If you imagine that you owe a debt, and are worrying to get the money to pay, it is a sign of sickness. 18, 64.DEEDS. To sign your name to deeds, is a bad sign; to a man, loss in business; to a woman, the inconstancy of her lover. 7, 8.DEER. If you see these animals in your dream, it shows that you will hear some unexpected news—no matter what—perhaps a marriage, a death, an accident, or a legacy has been left to you; or that some one is in love with you. 12.DEVIL. To dream of this enemy to the human race, denotes that many dangers threaten you, all of which you will overcome if you carefully withstand all temptations to do evil; in love it forebodes loss of the affections; in trade, opposition; to dream you are pursued by an evil spirit, is also a bad omen. 61, 18.DIAMONDS. To dream you wear a diamond, denotes that you will be crossed in love, and that your lover is unfaithful. For a man of business to dream that he is dealing in diamonds, is good, it is a sure thing with him, that he will become wealthy, and retire to private life much respected. 33, 3.DICE. To dream you are playing at dice, backgammon, or draughts, denotes much good to the dreamer, in either love, marriage, or business. To a young girl, engaged to be married, dreaming of dice foretells that her lover will be wild and not of much account. 54.DIFFICULTY. If you imagine in your dream that you are in great difficulty, or in personal danger of any kind, it is a favorable sign, as such dreams always go by contrary. 17, 27.DIGGING. To dream of digging in clean and healthy ground, is a sign of thrift, and good luck generally: if the ground be dirty or wet, it shows trouble: if you are digging for gold, and find large and rich lumps, it shows you’ll have some good luck, but if the product is meagre, or if you don’t find any, it foretells disappointment. If you lose any of your tools it is a sign of a quarrel. 14, 71.DINNER. If you dream of sitting down to dinner with a large company, it is a sign you will either go a journey, or change the present location either of your dwelling or business. 76, 11.DIRT. To dream of dirty dirt or mud, signifies that some one will speak ill of you. If it is clean sand or soil, and you do not get befouled with it, it is a sign of thrift and good fortune. If some one throws dirt on you, it foretells that you will be abused. 22, 41.DISEASE. If you dream you have any contagious or foul disease on you, it foretells luck and benefit, as such a dream goes by contrary. 18, 2.DITCHES. To dream of ditches, steep mountains, rocks, and other eminences, foretells danger and misfortune: expect thieves to rob your dwelling, or that your children will be undutiful, and bring you into trouble; if you are in love, it foretells unhappiness if you marry your present sweetheart: if you are in trade, it denotes loss of goods, and other trouble: to farmers, it foretells accidents to their live stock, loss of sheep, &c. 73, 8.DOGS. (See Mad Dog.) To dream of those animals, has very different significations; if they fawn and fondle upon you, it is a lucky omen; if you are in love, it portends marriage and happiness; but if they bark and snarl at you, it denotes that enemies are endeavoring to destroy your reputation and happiness; if in love, crosses. 17, 61.DOLL. If a girl dreams she has a new doll with which she is greatly pleased, it foretells a disappointment. 61.DOLPHINS. To dream of seeing these beautiful fishes playing in the water, denotes the death of some dear friend or relative. 5, 4.DOMESTICS. (See Servants.) To dream of having a great number of servants, is illness. 71, 11.DOORS. To dream you knock at a door, and gain admittance, shows success in your undertakings; if you cannot obtain entrance, it shows disappointment. 16, 9.DOVE. To dream you see these emblems of love, denotes good fortune to the dreamer. 36.DROWNING. (See Water and Resuscitate.) To dream you are drowning, or that you see another drowned, portends good to the dreamer; to the lover, good-tempered sweethearts and marriage; but to a girl it is a sign she should keep an eye on her lover. 54, 18, 1.DREAMS. (See Sleep.) To dream you relate your dreams to any one, shows something unlooked for will take place. 41, 18.DROUGHT. For a farmer or planter to dream of seeing his grass or crops drying up for want of rain, denotes that an accident will happen to him or his property during a storm, or that some of his live stock will die or meet an accident. 12.DRINK. To dream you drink cold water, is good to all; hot, sickness and hindrance; wine, is good; sweet wine, success in love; oil, sickness; from vessels of gold, or silver, or earthenware, intends tranquillity; of horn, implies good; glass, evil. 67. If maids do dream of drawing drink In cellars, they may waking think, That their sweethearts without delay, Will leave them, and soon run away.DRUM. To dream you hear the rolling of a drum signifies that you will be called away from your home or business unexpectedly. If you see soldiers marching when you hear the drum, it shows that though you may not have to leave, yet you will receive an unexpected message that will cause you trouble or excitement. 49.DRUNKENNESS. To dream you are drunk, is loss in business; but success in love; to a woman, it denotes she will be beloved by a stranger; and to a man that he will be married to a rich young widow. To the married it denotes domestic bliss. To see a drunken man, shows that you will be guilty of some foolish action. 18, 20.DUCK. To hear ducks quacking, or to see these fowls in your dream, denotes that somebody is coming to see you who is hungry, or that you will shortly have a visitor in your family who will stop to dinner. 73, 1.DUET. To dream you sing a duet with a lady shows that you can win her if you desire. To dream you sing with a man shows you have a secret but powerful enemy, and is a sign you will never marry. To hear a duet denotes business troubles. 50, 51.DUMB. If you dream that you are dumb, or that any of your speaking friends are so afflicted, it foretells sickness or misfortune. But should you dream that a deaf mute of your acquaintance speaks, it foretells joy and gladness at something that will happen. 14.DUN. If you are troubled in your dreams by imagining that people are dunning you for money, it is a sure sign you will get some unexpectedly. 41.DUST. If you dream you are in a room or in the road where the dust is flying so as to choke you, it shows that some one is plotting to injure you in some way or to make a speculation out of you. 64, 2.DWARF. Should a single lady dream she sees a very small man or Dwarf, it indicates that her husband will be a very large man, or have a great intellect. If a single man has this dream it is a sign he will marry a scold. For married people to dream of dwarfs shows that their children will give them much trouble.EAGLES. To dream you see an eagle soaring very high in the air, denotes prosperity, riches and honors: to the lover, it foretells success in love and marriage. 48.EARS. To dream of boring many ears denotes obedience and readiness; to dream of cleansing them, good news; of having your ears boxed, ill news; of having large ears, prosperity and honor; of being hurt or slit, offence and treachery; of loss of ears, loss of friendship; of loss of hearing, betrayal of secrets; and to a woman, ruin. 3, 19. EAR-RINGS. To dream of purchasing a pair of ear-rings is a good dream to the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; to those that have no children, that they shall have children; and to those that have husbands and children, purchases and riches; for as women are provided with these deckings, so shall they be stored with husbands, children, and goods. 32.EARTHQUAKES. Change of estate, injuries, death; to see a town destroyed by, famine, war, and desolation. 17.EATING. If you dream of eating a good meal with a relish, it foretells good crops to a farmer, and successful business to any one. 70, 14.ECLIPSE. For one to dream he sees the sun in eclipse, signifies the loss of his father; if he sees the moon eclipsed, it denotes the death of his mother; but if he has neither father nor mother, then it denotes the death of a relation. 8.EELS. To dream of catching or handling eels, denotes that you will have good fortune, but difficulty. If the eels slip through your hands and escape from you, it shows that you will experience a loss. 41, 6.EGGS. (See Rotten.) If married people dream of eggs it is a sign they will be prolific of children. If a newly married lady dreams of finding a nest full of eggs, it foretells that her first born will be twins or triplets. If a young girl dreams such a dream, it is a sign that she will soon be married, or get in a condition that she ought to be a wife. 4, 47.ELDERBERRIES. To dream of elderberries augurs content and riches: to a maiden they bespeak a speedy marriage; to a married woman, that she will shortly be with child; to the tradesman, success in business; to the farmer, good crops. 30, 33.ELEPHANT. To dream of an elephant is a very fortunate dream, for it denotes an acquirement of riches: if you are in love, it foretells a speedy marriage with your sweetheart, and many children, chiefly boys, who will distinguish themselves by their learning. 33.ELOPEMENT. For a young girl to dream she elopes with her beau, is a sign her parents will give their consent and she will soon be married to the one she loves. If a man dreams that he elopes with his sweetheart, it portends that he will be “cut out” by a stranger. 4, 44, 8.ENEMY. If you dream that some one is trying to injure you, or that a person who you know is your enemy endeavors to work to your disadvantage, it foretells good fortune and success. Such dreams always go by contrary, and you may calculate a benefit just in proportion to the injury you dream you are about to sustain. 69, 78.ENTRAILS. This is a good dream for the poor, but to the rich it portends loss of riches. To sweethearts and beaus it shows that they will be happy in their loves. 10, 20.EMBRACE. To dream of embracing relatives is a warning of treachery; if friends, disappointments; if one unknown embrace you, you will travel; the embrace of a woman brings good luck. 3, 11, 33.ERRAND. To dream that you are sent of an errand, signifies great loss to the married; to the lover it denotes success in his pursuits, and that he will shortly marry a very amiable and accomplished maiden. 39.EXECUTION. (See Hanged and Gallows.) To dream of seeing a man hanged denotes that some friend or relative will shortly come to good fortune. If you dream that you yourself are going to be hanged, you may safely calculate on good luck for that year: if you are in business you will be successful. 7, 6, 10.EYE. (See Squinting and Blind.) If you dream you see a person with a defective eye, it denotes disappointment: to see a glaring squint eye in your dream, shows that you will be defeated or crossed in some enterprise. To dream that your own eyes are defective, or squint, is a sure sign of bad luck: sore eyes denote sickness: blindness, death, or deception. 66, 49, 78.EYEBROWS. Thick eyebrows are a sign of friends; thin, ill-will and vexation; black, good luck. 18.FACE. To dream that your face is swelled, indicates an augmentation of wealth and honor; but if it grows pale or emaciated, you will be severely disappointed. Of a fresh smiling face, friendship and joy; black face, long life; washing, repentance. 5, 11, 55.FACTION OR SEDITION. Denotes health, and trouble, and shame. 16, 10.FAINTING. To dream you see a person fainting indicates that you will soon hear of the death of a dear friend. 64.FAIR. To dream you are at a fair, is a bad omen; it denotes that some pretended friend is about to do you an injury; if you are in trade, keep a keen look out, for some swindler will certainly attempt to defraud you. 31, 15.FAIRY. If you dream of seeing a fairy, you will meet a woman, who will seduce you from the path of propriety, and make your life vexatious. 2, 22. To dream of blust’ring storms of wind, Does show inconstancy of mind; But if you dream of elves and fairies, Beware the girls and night-vagaries.FALL. To dream you are falling from an eminence, shows you will have some dignity conferred upon you, or else will marry above your sphere. If a young girl dreams this, it is a sign she will marry a rich husband. 65, 70.FAMILY. If a man or woman dreams that they have a large family, it is a sign of thrift and riches. Such a dream is a lucky one to anybody. 18, 41.FAMINE. If a farmer dreams that his crops have failed, or of any scarcity of food, it shows that there will be a quarrel, which, though it may not be among his people, yet he will witness or hear about it, and it will worry him. 34, 8, 26.FAN. To dream you see your sweetheart fanning herself, signifies that a stranger will step in some fine day and “cut you out.” If a maid dreams that her beau presents her with a fan, or offers to fan her, it is a sign he will attempt to take improper liberties with her. 41, 18.FAREWELL. To say farewell, or to hear another say it, is a bad sign, you will hear painful news. 45, 9.FARM. (See Land.) If a man dreams he has a good farm, well enclosed, with pleasant pastures, bestowed upon him, he will have a handsome wife; but if the land seems spacious, and not enclosed, that denotes pleasure, joy, and riches. To dream you are working on a farm, denotes you will soon receive a legacy from a distant relative. 42.FAST. (See Hungry.) To dream of fasting, or going without food until you are very hungry, is a sign of a quarrel; but it foretells success in love and business. 29, 7.FAT. To dream you are growing fat, if you are a married woman, signifies you will soon have a son; to a maiden, it signifies she will soon be engaged; to men, it is a sign of success in business. To dream you are cutting or eating fat, portends sickness and misfortune. 66, 3.FATHER. To dream you see your father, is fortunate; to see him die, is unlucky and portends sickness. 28.FATIGUE. To dream you are very much fatigued, portends that you will be successful in business, but it is a sign of sickness. 4, 78.FAULT. If you dream you commit a fault, be very careful in your conduct; if you see a fault in a lady who is very dear to you, should you trust her, she will be faithful to you in every thing. 22, 13, 27.FAVOR. If you dream that you ask a favor of a friend, and he grants it, it foretells that he has been talking about you; but if he refuses it, it shows that some other person has spoken ill of you to him. 16, 71.FEAR. To feel fear, signifies that you will be courageous in your waking moments; to dream of frightening others, shows that your courage is weak. 68.FEAST. If you dream of feasting at a friend’s house, or eating with him anywhere, it shows you will make a new acquaintance through his means. If a girl dreams this, it is a sign she will soon have a lover from that very house or place where she dreams of feasting. 76, 18.FEET. (See Corns.) To dream of washing your feet, denotes trouble of some kind; of scratching or tickling the soles of your feet, shows that you will be flattered by some one to your disadvantage; dreaming of dirty feet predicts sickness or trouble; if, in your dream, you imagine your feet are covered with corns, you will have great riches. 51.FESTER. Dreaming that you have a fester on your hand, or fingers, is a sign that you will give somebody a present; if on your feet, or legs, it shows you will go to see some one who will be glad to see you. 76, 14.FIDDLE. If you dream that you are playing on a fiddle, or hearing the music of one, it is a sign you will soon attend a funeral. Such a dream is a bad omen to girls, as it points to the death of a lover, or of some dear friend. 61.FIELDS. (See Meadow and Green.) To dream you are in a ploughed field, forebodes some severe disputes that will be brought upon you by some person who has no children; to dream you are in a meadow covered with flowers, is a very handsome wife, who will bring you lovely children and make you very happy; to a woman, it denotes that she will marry a handsome young fellow, by whom she will have beautiful children, that they will become rich, and live to a good old age. 16, 72, 6.FIFE. For a girl to dream she hears the shrill music of a fife, is a sign she will soon have a beau, and that he will be a smart and desirable young man. 77, 5.FIGS. To dream of eating good figs, signifies joy and happiness; if the figs are mouldy or defective, your pleasure will be marred by some disagreeable event. 6, 29.FIGHT. If you dream of being engaged in a fight, it foretells to a man of business that he will soon engage in some new enterprise that will be successful; to a laboring man, it predicts increased pay. 44, 78.FIGURES. Any number above one, and below seventy-eight, is deemed to portend good fortune to the dreamer, but forty-nine is the most lucky. All numbers above seventy-eight are uncertain, except three hundred and forty-three, and that is a very lucky number. 49, 10, 13.FINGERS. To dream that you cut your fingers, if they bleed, is a very good omen; you will be successful in love, and your sweetheart will prove kind and true. 1, 2.FIRE. (See Burning.) If in your dream, you see a house on fire other than your own, it foretells that some event will happen to make you melancholy and sorrowful, such as the death or ruin of some esteemed friend. If you dream your own house or place of business is burning, it is an omen of good fortune. If you dream of playing with fire, it is a sign of a quarrel in bed. For this dream play your age first. 26. To dream of sitting by the fire, When it is late, doth show desire; But if you sit till the fire’s out, Your love will prove false out of doubt. FIRE-ARMS. (See Gun, Pistol, and Cannon.)FISH. To dream of catching fish is a sign of excellent good fortune, particularly if you haul up large ones; if the fish fall off your hook, it predicts troublesome fortune. If you dream of fishing without catching any, it shows that you will fail in some undertaking or speculation; and to a lover it is a sign that he will get the mitten. To dream that you see an abundance of fish, foretells the receipt of money, or success in collecting it. 14, 71.FLAG. To dream you see a flag waving, betokens great danger from enemies, or sickness. To dream you carry a flag, signifies you will receive some mark of distinction from your fellow-citizens. If a maid dream she is making a flag, it is a sign she will marry a rich officer in the Army or Navy; but if a married woman has this dream, it foretells the birth of a son who will become a great general. 13, 35, 61.FLEAS. To dream you are tormented with these little insects, is of an unfavorable kind; evil and malicious enemies will do you much injury; your sweetheart will prove false. 45.FLIES. To dream of a swarm of flies, denotes that you have many enemies; it also denotes that your sweetheart is not sincere, and cares but little about you; to dream you kill them is a very good omen; it denotes success in love and trade. 21, 49.FLOOD. (See Overflow.) To dream of a flood, generally denotes riches and plenty, particularly if the water is calm, it shows that though you may lose something, you will be fortunate in other ways sufficient to counterbalance it. 2, 66, 9.FLOUR. (See Mill.) To dream that you buy flour is a bad omen, and portends sickness, or the death of a near friend. 41.FLOWERS. (See Blossom.) To dream you are gathering flowers, is a very favorable omen: expect to thrive in every thing you undertake, and that you will be successful in love, marry happily, and have beautiful children; should the flowers wither under your hands, it foretells heavy losses in trade; that your sweetheart will die; or if you are married, that you will lose your husband or wife, or perhaps your favorite child. 14, 7, 43.FLUTE. To dream you play or hear playing on a flute, signifies trouble and contention with your friends. 47, 8. If your kind fancy you present With playing on an instrument, Your sweetheart shall not you disdain, But yield true love for love again.FLYING. To dream you are flying is a very excellent omen; if you are in love, your sweetheart will be true to you; and if you marry, you will have many children, who will all do very well and be happy. 35.FORK. To dream of a fork indicates that a false friend will attempt your ruin by flattery. 69.FORTUNE. If you dream that some one told your fortune, you may calculate every thing will go pretty nearly the reverse of what was assured to you: if you were promised money you will get poverty, and vice versa. To dream of making a sudden fortune is a sign of want. All dreams of this kind go by the rule of contrary. 76, 8, 4.FOUNTAIN. To dream you are at a fountain, is a favorable omen; if the water is clear, it denotes riches and honors; and in love, it foretells happiness in marriage; but if muddy, it denotes vexation and trouble. 71, 20, 18.FOX. A sign of thieves; to dream of fighting with them, shows that you will have to deal with some cunning enemy; to keep a tame fox, signifies that you will love a lewd woman, or have a bad servant, who will rob you. A number of foxes, false friends. 11, 17.FREE MASON. To dream you are a free mason denotes you will soon make a number of new friends who will treat you on the square, it also foretells you will take a journey to the east. If you are already a member of that celebrated Order, and dream you attend a meeting of the lodge it portends sickness, and a heavy loss of property, to dream you are expelled from the Order shows you will attain a higher station in life. 2, 78.FROG. If you dream of seeing a large frog, or a number of frogs, or of hearing frogs croak, it is a good omen as regards your health. To dream of catching frogs alive, without killing them, foretells some piece of good fortune; but if you kill them it is a sign some accident will befall you. 22, 3.FRUIT. To dream of fruit which is ripe and fair to look upon is an excellent omen, as it foretells the most perfect success in all worldly matters: if the fruit is green or defective, it indicates trouble with your success. If you dream of eating fruit that proves to be sour or rotten, it shows disappointment: if a young girl dreams this, it is a sign that her lover will deceive her. 32.FUNERAL. To dream of attending a funeral shows that you will probably be soon at a wedding or some gay party. If, in your dream, you see a funeral pass, it denotes a pleasure party out of doors, such as a pic-nic or excursion. 18, 1.FUR. To dream of fur signifies much good; it denotes that your sweetheart is kind and true, and that if you marry, you will be very happy; it denotes to the merchant a good establishment in business, to the sailor a profitable voyage. 61, 78.GAG. If you dream that your mouth is stopped by a gag, it denotes that you will soon thereafter be kissed by a pretty girl. To a young girl, such a dream predicts that she will see some gentleman who takes her fancy, and perhaps will fall in love with him. 13.GAIN. If acquired justly, you may hope for wealth; if by injustice, you will lose your fortune. 33, 14.GALLOWS. (See Execution and Hanged.) To dream of a gallows is a good omen, as it denotes that you will have a chance to make money, and if you are smart enough to avail yourself of the opportunity, it will be all right. To those embarking in new enterprises, such a dream foretells success. 10, 7, 6.GAMBLING. (See Raffling.) To dream of gambling is a sign of poverty and disgrace. If, in your dream, you see others gamble, and do not engage in it yourself, it shows that some of your friends or relatives will have a reverse of fortune and become poor. 8, 44.GARDEN. To see a beautiful and thrifty garden in your dream, denotes good luck and abundance: if the garden is run to weeds, you may still have luck, but much trouble and vexation will accompany it: if you see rats or pigs in the garden, it denotes thieves to annoy you. 31, 17.GARLIC. For a man to dream he eats garlic, signifies he shall discover hidden secrets, and meet with some domestic jars; yet to dream he has it in the house is good. 6, 11, 66.GARTER. This is a good dream to the lover, as it signifies he will soon be united to his sweetheart. To the married this dream portends much domestic trouble from jealousy. 4, 16.GAS. If you dream of bright and pleasant gas-lights, it shows success in love matters. If the gas is dim and looks unnatural, your beau or sweetheart will either leave you, or die. 36.GEESE. To dream of these birds is generally a good omen: if you see them quietly feeding it denotes success and pleasure in your undertakings; but if they are alarmed and cackling, it foretells trouble and annoyance, but yet nothing that will seriously affect you. 15, 69.GHOST. (See Apparition.)GIANT. If a lady dreams of seeing a very large man, or giant, and if she is pleased with his appearance, it shows that her future husband will be a small fellow, or else a man of small intellect: if she is disgusted with the giant, it is a sign that she will marry such a man herself, or else a man of great mind. For married people to dream of giants shows a prospect of smart children. 31, 4.GIFT. (See Present.) To dream that a friend presents you with a valuable gift, predicts that you will lose something. If a girl dreams that her lover gives her a present, it is a sign that she will allow him the husband’s privilege before marriage. 64, 21.GIG. To dream of riding alone in a gig, denotes delay, and that something you expected to happen will be put off: if you imagine you ride in a gig with your sweetheart, it foretells that your marriage day will be postponed, or will be far distant. 46, 1.GIN. To dream of this liquor is a sign of poverty and disgrace: if you imagine you are drinking it, it foretells that you will lose money or property by some foolish act of your own. 74, 78.GIPSY. If you dream of these wandering vagrants, it foretells that you will have trouble of some kind—either a vexatious loss, or else something will happen to worry you: to dream that a gipsy tells your fortune, shows that some one will rob you. 16, 57.GLASS. To dream of receiving a glass of water, signifies that you will soon be married; if you break it, your lover will forsake you. 11, 64.GLOBE. To dream you are looking at a globe, foretells much good, and that you will be a great traveller. 19.GLOVES. To dream of wearing good gloves, brings happiness; if the gloves are torn, many disappointments. To the lover this dream is a sign he will get the mitten from his sweetheart. 25, 9.GOAT. If you dream of seeing goats on a high place in a mountain, it shows that riches or honors await you: if the goats are merely on the road, or in a building, it predicts good luck. 64, 34.GOGGLES. To dream that you are wearing these glasses to protect the eyes, is a sign that you will see something disagreeable. If a lover dreams such a dream, he will be apt to see some young fellow making love, or saying soft things, to his sweetheart. 45, 3.GOLD. (See Metals, also Money.) To dream of receiving gold, is a very good omen: it denotes success in your present undertakings, after experiencing some little difficulties. If you pay gold, it betokens increase of friends and business. 49, 7. GOLD-FISH. To dream of these beautiful fish is a sign of good fortune generally: if you dream of catching a large one, it foretells that you will soon get a large sum of money: any kind of a dream about these fish is lucky. 20, 6.GOOSEBERRIES. To dream of gooseberries indicate many children, chiefly sons, and the accomplishment of your present pursuits. To the maiden they foretell a cheerful husband; they also denote happiness in marriage, and success in trade. 19, 8.GOVERNOR. If you dream of seeing the Governor, or chief magistrate of a State, it foretells that something will soon happen to please you: if you shake hands with him, and he smiles upon you, the dream is all the better, as it predicts that you will have honors conferred upon you. 10, 11.GRAIN. To dream of regular fields of ripe grain is a good omen, as it is a sign of thrift: if the grain is broken down or imperfect, it shows trouble with the thrift: if it is mouldy or mildewed, you will experience losses. An abundance of grain in bulk is likewise a sign of plenty; but scattered grain is the reverse of this. 69.GRAPES. To dream of an abundance of grapes is a good omen, as is also a dream that you eat grapes of a pleasant flavor; but if the grapes are sour and broken, it shows that you will have sorrow. If a young girl dreams she has a present of beautiful grapes, she will marry well within the year, and be prolific of children. 70. GRASS. Green grass, denotes long life; to cut grass, great trouble. 14, 6.GRASSPLAT. Is a sign of a wedding. 16, 18, 46.GRAZING. To see cattle grazing, denotes that you will be fortunate; to the lover it is a sign he will marry a rich wife, and to the merchant it foretells a great increase of business. 76, 10.GRASSHOPPERS. This is an unfavorable dream to the sick, but to a healthy person it foretells long life. 17, 66.GRAVE. To dream of a fresh made grave, is a sign of losses: a man of business will probably lose money that is owing to him. But to lovers, this sign is apt to be a “grave to their dearest hopes:” such a dream is decidedly a bad one for them. 21, 72.GRAVEL. To see heaps of clean gravel, denotes that you will soon go a journey by land, which will be a pleasant or profitable one. 44, 19, 22, 1.GREASE. If you dream of grease, it foretells that any undertaking you may then be engaged in will go right, and according to your mind: if the grease is dirty you will experience difficulties, but will get through them. Lovers who dream of grease, will be able to get married pretty easy, and have things go slick afterward. 4, 11, 44.GREEN. If you see green things, such as fruit, grass, green fields, &c., in your dream, it is a sign of long life, but if the color has faded it is a sign of trouble. 2, 18.GRIEF. Dreaming of grief is a sign of a jolly time, as such dreams go by the rule of contrary. Thus, if you dream you are in great grief at the death of a friend or relative, you may calculate that a happy Wedding is soon to come off, at which you will be present. 24, 62.GRIN. If you dream you see people grinning at you, it shows that you will do something of which you are ashamed: if you imagine that ladies are grinning at you, you will probably have some adventure with one that will make you appear ridiculous. 71, 6.GRIP, or GRIPPE. To dream you have griping sensations in the bowels, denotes an accident causing a flesh wound: if you dream that a man takes you by the hand, or any part of your body, by a hard grip that hurts you, it is a sign that you will have a pressing invitation to go somewhere—perhaps a summons to court. 19, 16.GROAN. To hear groans of agony in your dream, denotes that you will soon go to a frolic, or to a place where you will be much entertained: if you see and recognize people groaning, it shows that they will soon do something to amuse or please you. 41, 8.GROG. To dream of drinking grog, foretells poverty, or disgrace, or both. If you dream of drinking toddy that tastes very pleasant and agreeable, it shows that something will occur which will make you miserable. 55.GROTTO. To dream of being in a grotto, or cavern in the earth, shows that you will soon meet a near and dear relative: if you live away from home, something will occur to cause your return: such a dream always foretells meeting your absent friends. 49, 2.GROVE. (See Pic-Nic.) To dream of pleasant and verdant groves or woods, is an excellent sign, as it foretells happiness and success: if the groves are barren of leaves, it is the reverse, and you will be poor and unhappy. 65, 78. A maid who dreams of verdant groves, Will surely have the man she loves; But if the groves are nipped with frost, She’ll be as sure in marriage crossed. GROW. If you dream that a tree or shrub grows fast, it is a sign that you will do something in a hurry that you will afterward be sorry for: if it be your son, or daughter, or any near young relative that you imagine to grow very rapidly, it foretells an accident to them. 1, 19.GRUB. (See Worm.) To dream of clean-looking, white fat grubs, is a sign of good crops to farmers, but to dream of black or dirty looking grubs is the reverse. For a girl to dream of grubs is a bad sign, as it puts her in peril of losing her virtue; but to a married woman it is a good sign, for the reason that she will soon be in the family way. 49, 70, 65.GRUEL. To dream of drinking gruel, is a good sign if you are sick, as it shows a speedy recovery; but if you are well, it is a sign that some one will overreach you in a bargain, or that you will do some foolish act. 2, 11, 22.GUITAR. This dream denotes luck in love affairs, if the dreamer sings and plays on the instrument at the same time. 45, 24.GUN. To dream of firing a gun, or hearing the report of a gun, denotes strife: if you imagine some friend fires it, it shows that there Will be a difficulty with him. If you dream of killing a bird, squirrel, or other animal, by shooting it, it foretells that you will act rashly in some quarrel. For a lover to dream of firing a gun, is a sign he will have trouble with his sweetheart. 21, 57, 16.GUTS. (See Entrails.)GUTTER. If you dream of lying in a gutter, or of seeing a man so reclining, it foretells that some honor awaits you, or some one in whose success you take an interest. If a girl dreams of a broken gutter, she should be careful of allowing her lover to be too familiar with her person, or some accident may happen. 27, 65.HACK. (See Carriage.) If you see, in your dream, a row of hacks, or carriages at a funeral, it shows that you’ll soon attend a wedding or a jolly party. 32, 19.HAIL. To dream of a hail-storm, is a sign that you will make a good bargain, or will be lucky in some undertaking, provided the hail is white or in crystals; black hail, denotes sorrow and death, therefore you should never dream of that kind of hail if you can help it. To dream of seeing white hail lying on the ground intimates that you’ll soon get plenty of cash in some transaction. 21, 72.HAIR. If you dream that your hair is thick and bushy, it shows that you’ll grow rich or powerful; if you dream it is curly and kinky, when in fact it is not, it is a sign you’ll do something that you will afterward be ashamed of; if, in your dream, you imagine that your hair has fallen off, or that it has become extremely thin, it is a bad omen, as it shadows forth sickness, and perhaps death. 42.HAM. Dreaming of fine-looking hams is a good omen; but if they are wormy or in any way blemished, it spoils all the luck, and shows that you will be unfortunate. To dream of eating fine-tasting hams is a sign that you will do something noted that will create a talk, but all in your favor; if the ham that you eat is bad and wormy, the said talk will be a scandal against you. 30, 1.HAMMER. To dream that you see or hear hammering, denotes thrift to some one of your friends; if you are using the hammer yourself, it shows that you will be fortunate. A hammer is a good article to dream about. 3.HAND. If you dream that your right hand is injured, or any thing is the matter with it, it shows that you will soon be called upon to assist a friend in distress; if it is your left hand, assistance will be solicited from you for an unfortunate stranger. 22, 78.HANGED. (See Execution.) To dream of being hanged is an excellent omen, as it foretells that you will become either rich or distinguished. If you dream you are going to be hanged, it is nearly as good, as it betokens success in all your undertakings; but should you imagine that you eluded the officers of the law and escaped, that is a bad omen, as it foretells disappointment and ill-luck. The theory of such dreams is, that they always work by contraries. 10, 7, 6.HARP. To dream you play upon the harp, indicates that you have some envious enemies who seek to injure you with slander. To dream you hear any person play upon the harp, is a sign that if you have sick friends they will recover. In love affairs this dream is very lucky. 5, 11.HARVEST. To dream of a harvest field is a good omen. If you dream you are working in one it indicates success in business. To lovers, this is one of the most fortunate signs; to a young man, it signifies he will wed a rich and beautiful bride; to a young maiden, it is a sign she will soon be engaged to the object of her affections; to the married, it signifies domestic bliss. 4, 11, 44.HASTE. (See Running and Walking.)HAT. For a man to dream he has got a new hat shadows forth good luck and advancement; dreaming of an old or shabby hat is a sign he will soon fall in love; and if he dreams he is wearing such a hat, the omen is not so favorable, for he will probably endeavor to take improper liberties with his sweetheart and be successful. 21, 6.HATCHING. To dream of hatching fowls of any kind is a sign of thrift; if you imagine, in your dream, that a hen comes off with a very large brood of chickens, it shadows forth so much cash to be made by you in some bargain. 24, 68.HATRED. To dream that you hate any particular person is a sign that he or she has been talking bad about you. If a girl should ever be so silly as to dream such a dream about her lover, it shows that he meditates an attack upon her chastity; on the contrary, if she dreams that he hates her, it is a sign that she possesses his whole heart. 44.HAWK. If you dream of seeing a very large hawk, it shows that you will soon begin a new enterprise; if the hawk darts down and takes a chicken, a bird, or a fish, you will probably be successful; if little birds attack the hawk and drive it away, you will have difficulties in your undertaking and may possibly fail in it. 5, 55.HAY. (See Raking and Harvest.) To dream of making hay, signifies success in all your undertakings. This is a good omen to young lovers. To dream you are selling hay is a bad omen, and portends losses in business and dangerous accidents. 49, 11.HEAD. To dream of heads in any way is a good omen: if you dream your own head is very large, it shows that you will probably become distinguished; if you see a large-headed person in your dream, it is a sign you will make the acquaintance of some one who will benefit you. 65, 9.HEAL. If you dream of having a sore on your person that was healed up quick, it is a sign that some one will cut your acquaintance; if you have a sweetheart or lover, it is probable something will happen to break off the intimacy. 20.HEART. To dream of a heart is a bad omen. If you lose your heart it signifies sickness and death. To the married it denotes infidelity of their marital vows. To dream you see a human heart shows you are sincerely beloved; but to dream you have a pain or palpitation in your heart shows you are doomed to suffer through treachery. 46, 11.HEAT. If you dream of being in a place that is extremely hot, or if the weather is so hot that the heat affects you, it shows that some person is preparing either to attack you or give you a good scolding. 71, 6.HEN. (See Chicken.)HIDE, or HIDDEN. To dream of concealing anything by hiding it, or putting it in an out-of-the-way place, is a sign that some one will reveal a secret that you have told. It is a bad omen for lovers to dream of hiding things, as it predicts that their intimacy will be talked about as suspicious. 45, 78.HILL. To dream of going up a hill is a sign you will rise in the world, and of going down hill the reverse; if, in your dream, you seem to be approaching a smooth high hill, it shows that you will shortly have a piece of good fortune; but if the hill be rugged and stony, it foretells difficulties in connection with the good fortune. 1, 46, 18. To dream of mountains, hills, or rocks, Does signify, slouts, scoffs, and mocks; Their pains in passing over shew, That she whom you love, loves not you. HISSING. To dream of hearing hissing noises, such as steam makes, or of geese hissing, is a sign of shame. If a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will do something she is ashamed of: to a man it is a sign he will do an undignified act, or one that will injure his prospects. 47.HOG. To dream of well-kept and happy-looking hogs is a good omen, as it foretells luck and success: but if you see lean and hungry-looking hogs squealing, it shows that any speculation you may enter into about that time will not be of much account if it does not result in a loss. 64. HOG’S-BRISTLES. This dream denotes great violence and danger. 21, 7.HOLE. (See Abyss.)HOMINY. To dream of eating hominy with a relish is a sign that you will marry below your station in life, or else you will entertain a new acquaintance who is much below you in position, who will eventually command your esteem. To an educated young girl such a dream predicts a runaway match. 2, 10.HONEY. This dream denotes you will have a long and happy life. If you dream you are eating honey it denotes that something will happen that will give you great joy or pleasure. To a young girl it is a sign that she will soon have a lover that will please her. 49, 3, 1.HOPS. To dream of seeing a large garden of hops in full leaf, denotes thrift and wealth: if you see dried hops, and smell their fragrance, it shows that you will shortly come into a good lump of money from a legacy or a successful speculation. 27, 9. To maid who dreams of fragrant hops, A lover soon the question pops! And marries, too, with quick dispatch— Nine children fair will bless that match! HORNS. To see horns on the head of another person, danger to the dreamer on your own wealth and importance. To dream you are gored by a horned animal denotes unhappiness. To lovers it usually predicts that they will have difficulty in connection with their desires; if they think of marrying, some obstacle will be placed in the way of their union, though perhaps not prevent it in the end. 9, 18, 36.HORSE. If you dream of riding well and easily on the back of this noble animal, your fortune is sure to advance in the world: but if you imagine you are thrown from a horse, it is a sign of disgrace. To dream of swapping horses shows that some one will cheat you in a bargain; of selling a horse, it is a sign of loss; but of buying one, predicts that you will make money by some speculation, or else by selling property. Horses are excellent animals to dream about. 2, 11, 22.HOUSE. (See Repairing.) To dream you build a house denotes you will have a comfortable life: to burn your house signifies increased riches: to dream you spill water in a house is a sign of care and affliction: to dream you see a house fall denotes death. Dreaming of building houses, wearing fine clothes, and talking with ladies, is a sign that the parties will suddenly marry. 47, 66.HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. The pot denotes the life; the platter the actions of life; the candlestick intends the wife; the light, or lantern, the husband; the hearth the estate; vessels of wine are the servants; the stores cupboards, and cabinets mean the wife. 24, 7.HUG. If a young girl dreams of being fondled and hugged by her lover, it is a sign he will soon get sick of her and want to be off: it is not half so bad to let him hug her in real earnest as it is to dream of it. The same sign holds good with the other sex. 2, 11.HUNGRY. (See Fast.) To dream of being hungry foretells that you will soon engage in some new enterprise which will prove successful. Hungry dreams are excellent omens to lovers, as they denote energy and success. If a girl dreams that a gentleman comes to see her who is hungry, it is a sign that he will woo her in such an earnest and affectionate manner as to win her heart. 19, 37.HUSBANDRY. To dream of implements in husbandry, has a variety of interpretations: to dream of a plough, denotes success in life, and a good marriage; to dream of a yoke, is unfavorable, unless it be broken; to dream of a team, death in a family, to dream of a scythe signifies sickness. 76, 44.HUNTING. To dream of going a hunting brings an accusation of dishonesty: if you are returning from the chase, good fortune awaits you. 8, 10.HUT. To dream that you live in a small hut is a sign that you will shortly have a house of your own. If in your dream, you visit a little hut which is inhabited, it shows that you will be invited to partake of the hospitalities of some family. 29, 70.ICE. (See Skating and Sliding.) To dream of walking on slippery ice in winter, is a sign that misfortune threatens you: if you slip down, it foreshadows bad luck: if you dream of gliding or skating easily over smooth ice, it shows that you will probably have a difficulty of some kind, but will overcome it and get through handsomely. For lovers to dream of going over ice is a bad omen. 4, 28.ILLNESS. (See Sickness.) To dream that you are ill and confined to your bed is a sign that some one will overreach you in a bargain, or cheat you in some way. Such a dream is a bad omen to loves, as it predicts false vows. 16, 38.ILLUMINATION. To dream of an illumination augurs success in life and much happiness; if the light begins to disappear, sorrow and many tears will be your portion. 24, 68.IMPERTINENCE. If a girl dreams that she meets a gentleman who is impertinent toward her in conversation, it is a sign she will make a new male acquaintance who will be very agreeable to her: if she gets angry at the said impertinence she will probably fall in love with her new friend and either marry him or be on improper intimate terms with him. 1, 11.INDIGO. To dream of indigo, denotes to a female that she will cross the ocean. When she dreams of putting the indigo in water, and it gives no color, she may be assured she will arrive in India. But to embrace the water in the usual way, no such thing will come to pass. 27, 15.INFANT. (See Child.) Dreaming of a young infant is an excellent omen, as it foretells joy and gladness, good luck, and success generally. Lovers who dream such a dream may be sure of a happy and thrifty marriage. To a business man this dream predicts a new and successful enterprise. 29, 76.INK. To dream that you see splashes of ink on white paper, or on anything, is a sign of scandal: after such a dream, you may be sure that somebody will be talking pretty hard about you: the larger the splashes the bigger will be the stories that are told. 41.INN. To dream of being at an inn, is very unfavorable; it denotes poverty and unsuccessfulness in business; to the lover, the unfaithfulness of his sweetheart; to the tradesman, loss of business and dishonest agents. 46, 33.INQUEST. To dream that you are present at a coroner’s inquest, is a bad sign; you will soon squander your fortune. 49, 16.INSULT. (See Abuse.)INUNDATION. (See Overflow.)IRON. (See Metals.)ITCH. To dream that you have the itch, or that your body itches, shows that you will shortly receive money. 40, 9.ISLAND. To dream that you are on a deserted island shows that you will commit some act to disgust your friends and make them cut your acquaintance; be careful how you behave after dreaming such a dream. 19, 65, 22.IVORY. To dream of ivory, signifies that you will be very successful in business. To the single it is a sign they will soon fall in love and be fortunate in their courtship. To the married it denotes domestic happiness. 4, 75, 30.IVY. To dream of seeing this vine running over and covering any house, is a sign of poverty, particularly if the ivy grows thick and abundant: if you dream that it covers your own house, the sign is still more sure: for a farmer to dream that he sees ivy covering a tree, denotes bad crops. A girl who dreams of being in a bower covered with ivy, will probably marry a poor and shiftless man. 2.JAIL. (See Prison.) If a man dreams he is confined in a prison or jail, it shows that he will have honors or dignities conferred upon him, as such dreams go contrariwise: if his arrest and imprisonment worries him, it only shows that he will be the more delighted with his new dignities. 46.JAR. To dream that a house is jarred or shook by an earthquake, an explosion, or anything that may occur outside, is a sign that the head of the family in that house will be sick. Jars of preserved fruit or jellies, seen in a dream, are good omens; if you dream you are presented with one or more of them, it shows you will be long lived and thrifty. 15, 39.JEALOUSY. To dream you are jealous of your sweetheart, or wife, signifies that they will betray you; for a maiden to dream she is jealous of her sweetheart is a sign some particular friend will “cut her out;” for a wife to dream she is jealous of her husband, foretells the loss of his love. 28, 6.JELLY. To dream of having pots of jelly given to you, or that you are eating jelly, and that plenty of it is around, is a sure sign of long life and good fortune generally; as many pots as are given to you, or as you may have, so many generations will you live to see. The same rule applies to preserved fruits. 65, 18, 78.JEW. If you dream that a genuine Israelite comes along and annoys you in any way, it is a sign you will quarrel with your father; if you imagine that he cheats you in a bargain, it predicts that you will probably receive a present from some near relative; on the contrary, if he gives you an advantage in the bargain, it shows that your father, or some elderly relative, will ask a favor of you. 58, 21.JEWELS. Chains, pearls, or precious stones, etc., and all adornings upon the heads and necks of women, are good dreams for the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; and to those that are married, riches. If a man dreams of possessing jewels, it is a sure sign he will lose something of great value. 46, 75.JIG. To dream of dancing a jig with a lady is a sign she is in love with you, or is pleased with you; and if you like her you may go in at once for her favor with much confidence. The omen is the same to a girl who dreams of jigging with a young man. 1, 65, 14.JOLLY. If you dream you are in company and feel particularly hilarious, or jolly, it is a sign of sorrow; mark well who it is that contributes most to your mirth, for he or she may cause you pain. If a girl dreams this of a young man, let her beware of him for a gay seducer. 20.JOY. To dream that you are in the ecstasy of joy at anything that has happened, bodes pain and trouble; something will be sure to occur to make you unhappy. 46.JUMPING. (See Leaping.)JURY. If a man dreams he is serving on a jury, it is a sign some friend will ask a favor of him that he will hesitate to grant. 38, 3.KALEIDOSCOPE. To dream you are looking through one of these curious instruments, and if you are delighted with the changes that present themselves, it is a sign, that you will either travel in distant countries or be very discontented at home. 36, 75.KEG. To dream of an empty one is a sign you will soon leave home; a keg of small fish, or oysters, denotes the receipt of money; a keg of spirits of any kind, promises poverty; a keg of powder foretells misfortune; a keg of paint predicts compliments to be paid you. 14.KEY. If you dream of finding a key, or a bunch of keys, it is a sign that some one will tell you a secret; to dream of losing a key, or keys, is a bad omen, as it predicts that you will come to shame. Such a dream is particularly unfortunate to a young lady. 41, 8.KID. To dream of a young and sportful kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. 70.KING. To dream of a king denotes that the dreamer is ambitious and will be disappointed. If you dream you speak to a king it is a happy omen, and is a sign of riches and honor. 4, 14.KILL. If you dream of wantonly killing any animal, or insect, it predicts bad luck and poverty; but if the killing be done by accident, it shows that, though you may have a misfortune in consequence, it will not materially affect your interest. For butchers or farmers to dream of killing fat and healthy animals for food, is a sign of thrift and abundance; but if they dream of killing a hog that does not squeal, it shadows forth a death in the family. 41.KISSING. (See Stranger.) Dreams of kissing work curiously: if a girl dreams that she is kissed by a young man in whom she takes no particular interest, it may be a good omen, and it may not; for if he happens to be a silly fellow who imagines that she is in love with him, it is a sign she will be slandered in a way that will make her unhappy; but if he has no such sentiment, then the sign is exactly the reverse—that is, some one will speak well of her to those whom she esteems highly—perhaps to her lover. If a girl dreams she is kissed by her lover, it predicts that he will say something unpleasant to her at their next meeting; if a lover dreams that his sweetheart kisses him the sign is similar. 1.KITE. To dream of flying a kite is a sign that you will soon write a letter to some friend or acquaintance. For a girl to dream of seeing a kite in the air, predicts that she will receive a letter from a young man—whether a lover or not, is uncertain. 53, 62.KNEE. To dream of falling on the knees, denotes misfortune in business. To see a woman’s knees, good luck and marriage to the girl of your choice. For a woman to see a man’s knee, shows that she will have many male children. 22, 37, 35.KNIVES. To dream of knives is a bad omen; it betokens law-suits, poverty, disgrace, and strife. In love, it shows quarrels and bad tempers. 33, 9.LABOR. To dream you are hard at work, shows you will go a painful journey, unless you be very circumspect; but to see others at work, betokens good fortune. If a girl dreams she sees her lover at work, it signifies that he will try and seduce her. 27, 9.LADDER. To dream of going up a ladder signifies that you will be a person of some consequence, yet poor: if you imagine you are in danger of falling, it shows that a person who envies your position will attempt to injure you; if you dream of going down a ladder it particularly denotes poverty, though it may allude to some misfortune that will overtake you. 14, 55.LADIES. To see one, a sign of weakness; many ladies bring calumny and slander. To see a light-haired one, is a happy event to the dreamer; a brunette, sickness; a pregnant lady, brings good news; a naked lady, signifies the death of a relative. To hear a lady speak, without seeing her, foretells departure. 47, 51, 11.LAKE. If you dream of sailing on a smooth and clear lake, it foreshadows success in all your undertakings; if the lake is rough, but yet has clear water, the sign still holds good, though you will encounter difficulties; if it is muddy water, it denotes sickness, and losses through dishonest people about you. 49, 17.LAMBS. To see young lambs frisking around their mother, is an excellent omen, as it denotes thrift, and also happiness in your family ties; if you see them sucking, it is a sign of an increase in your family by the birth of a child. For lovers to dream of young lambs, foretells a speedy and happy marriage. 24, 60.LAMP. To dream of dropping or breaking a lighted lamp, denotes disappointment. If, in your dream, you see the bright light of a lamp at a distance from you in the dark, and you approach it, it shows that you will either have good luck, or will be invited to visit somewhere and meet an agreeable person of the opposite sex. 19.LAND. To dream of buying or inheriting land, is an excellent omen, as it foretells health and wealth; but to sell land in your dream, denotes sickness and poverty. If a young man dreams of buying land, it is a sign he will marry a rich wife. 34, 61, 18.LANTERN. To dream of carrying a lantern in a dark night is a good sign, provided you have no difficulty in finding your way, for it shows that you will easily accomplish some fortunate object you may have in view; if you stumble, or have difficulty in finding your way with the lantern, it denotes trouble and vexation, though success will be achieved at last. 28, 10.LARK. To dream of the lark, shows speedy increase of fortune. To lovers, this is a very favorable omen, and is a sign that the course of true love runs smooth. 47, 68.LAUGHTER. This omen is unfavorable, and is a sign of tears; it also denotes that you will be worsted by your business engagements; if a lover dreams he sees his sweetheart laugh, it is a sign she will jilt him for a stranger; to the married it signifies domestic trouble. 40.LAUREL or OLIVE. Denotes victory and pleasure; to the married, inheritance and children; to the single, marriage. 71, 13, 1.LAW. To dream of instituting a suit at law, or entering a criminal complaint against any one, shows that some enemy will injure you pecuniarily, or that you will lose money by speculation or trade; if you dream you are sued, or prosecuted criminally, the sign is the reverse; you will probably receive money unexpectedly, or be uncommonly successful in your pursuits. 21, 8.LAWYER. To dream of meeting a lawyer, brings bad tidings; if you speak to him, you will lose some property; if you hear some one speaking in his favor, you will meet with some misfortune. 16.LAZY. To dream that you see lazy people lounging around, and that you are vexed with them, is a sign of bad luck to some of your relatives, who will depend upon you to assist them: if, in your dream, you imagine yourself to be lazy and sleepy over your work, it foretells either sickness or that you will meet with a loss. 62, 39, 69.LEAD. (See Metals.)LEAPING. To dream you are leaping over walls, doors or gates, is a sign that you will encounter many difficulties in your present pursuits and that your sweetheart will not marry you. 9, 31.LEAVES. To dream you see leaves growing freshly on a tree or plant, is a good sign, and shows you will live long and be happy; but to see leaves wither and fall to the ground, is a sign of sickness and death. 47, 21.LEGS. To dream of thick and fat legs is a bad omen, as it foreshadows sickness: thin, spindleshank legs are excellent ones to dream about, as they denote a successful race with fortune. It is not to be supposed that a lover will ever dream of his sweetheart’s legs, but if he should do so, he will probably imagine them to be round, plump, and of an alabaster whiteness; this is a bad dream, and he should by all means avoid thinking of her legs when he goes to sleep: if a lady dreams that her lover’s legs are thin, it foretells that he will be a rich man. 48, 5.LEMONS. To dream of lemons denotes contentions in your family and uneasiness on account of children; they announce the death of some relation and disappointment in love. 22.LEOPARD. To dream of this animal, signifies that you have many false friends, who are endeavoring to ruin you, it also betokens family quarrels and domestic unhappiness. 24, 76.LETTERS. These paper missives are good to dream about: if you dream you receive a great number of letters, it foretells that honors await you: to receive one letter in your dream, denotes that some one is praising you behind your back. If a girl dreams that she receives a love-letter from her beau, it shows that he adores her: a gentleman who has a similar dream of a letter from his sweetheart, may rest satisfied that he only possesses her heart. 28, 54, 1.LETTER CARRIER. To dream of a letter carrier, indicates you will hear from an absent one whom you love. 18, 50.LETTUCE. To dream of eating lettuce, is a sign of health and happiness, provided that it looks green and nice, and tastes good; wilted or wormy lettuce shadows forth vexation and trouble. 47, 6.LIAR. To dream that any one offends you by lying, or defaming your family by lies, is a sign you will receive a benefit at the hands of a stranger. 36.LIBERTY. To dream of taking liberties with any one, bids you be careful of them; if others take liberties with you, it shows they intend to cheat you. 39, 40.LICE. To dream of lice denotes sickness and poverty. 3.LIE. To dream of telling a lie about a woman, is a sign you will kiss a black one: to dream that you lie about your business, denotes that a colored man will rob you: lies generally, imagined in dreams, denote either injuries or caresses by colored people. 14, 64.LIGHT. (See Candles, Lamp and Torch.) To dream you see a great light, is a happy presage; it denotes that you will attain honors, and become rich; in love it shows a sweetheart of an amiable disposition. 8, 70, 2.LIGHTNING. To dream of bright and vivid white lightning, denotes that you will soon go on a pleasant trip or journey: blueish silver forked lightning foretells good crops and excellent success in business; red forked lightning the same, but attended with calamity, or the death of relatives by violence. 24.LILIES. If you dream of an abundance of these beautiful flowers in your garden or door-yard, it foretells good luck in getting servants or people to work for you; it also denotes thrift generally about a farm. If a young girl dreams about lilies, it is a sign she will marry a smart and industrious man and live happily with him. 61.LIMEKILN. To dream of burning lime in a kiln, or of seeing a kiln in full blast, is a sign of health and abundant crops; but to see a dilapidated and empty limekiln in your dream is the reverse of this, as far as the crops are concerned. 77, 5, 15.LINEN. To dream you are arrayed in clean linen denotes that you will shortly receive some glad tidings; and that your sweetheart is faithful; if it is dirty, then it denotes poverty and disappointment in love. White linen, if dressed in it, presages death; colored linen, removal; shifts, a gay sweetheart; gowns, a gift. 24, 71.LION. If you dream of seeing the king of beasts, and if he is mild and gentle looking, it shows that you will easily rise in the world to a better position than you now occupy: to dream of an angry and roaring lion, who tries to get at you, shows, that although you may rise in position, jealous people will annoy and try to injure you. 14. Dreams of lions, bears, bulls, bees, Nests of wasps or hornets, these Are emblems whereby are expressed Discord with those whom you love best. LIPS. (See Mouth.)LIQUOR. If you dream of seeing large quantities of liquor, or of buying brandy, rum, whisky, &c., it foretells poverty and disgrace; to dream of drinking it is the same, only worse if possible. 2.LIZARD. To dream of lizards, is a sign you have secret enemies who will injure you if they can. If a girl dreams this, it shows that some one will question her virtue. 3.LOG. To dream of seeing large logs around, is a sign that you will soon move into a new house; but if you imagine that you are splitting the logs, it will spoil all this, for it shows that you will want a house badly without being able to get one to your mind. 21, 78. LOOKING-GLASS. To dream of a looking-glass, is a bad omen, and signifies that you will be surrounded with false friends, who will rob you until your property dwindles to a shadow. To dream you see your face in a looking-glass is a sign of sickness. To break a looking-glass portends death. If a girl dreams she sees her lover in a looking-glass, it is a sign he will desert or seduce her. 18, 61.LOSSES. To dream of losing your hat is a sign you will entertain a large company, either by making a speech, or otherwise attracting their attention: dreaming of the loss of money, a watch, or any valuables of that kind, predicts that you will gain as much and perhaps more than your loss amounts to: if a girl dreams of losing her shoe-strings, she will be kissed by an agreeable young man; any article of clothing that you may dream of having lost, shows that you will rig yourself out in a new suit. 47, 6.LOTTERY. (See Prize.)LOVE. To dream you are in love is a sign you will make a fool of yourself and do something silly, of which you may afterwards be ashamed—thus showing that the dream works contrariwise—for love is anything but a silly sentiment unless indulged in by fools. For a young girl to dream of falling in love foretells that she will be laughed at and ridiculed for some folly. 64, 52, 1.LUCK. To imagine in your dream that you have had excellent luck, in any enterprise, predicts a misfortune: if a man has had a quarrel with his sweetheart, and dreams that it is all made up, he may be sure that the quarrel will continue a great deal longer than is agreeable to him: to a young lady, the sign is the same relative to her beau. 18.MAD DOG. To dream of seeing such an animal frothing at the mouth and running, is a sign you will be wrongfully accused of a dishonorable action or crime. 4, 12, 61.MAGGOTS. To dream of seeing any thing putrid and covered with maggots, is a sign of death; but the death may be that of your favorite dog, cat, or bird, though such a dream often foretells the death of a relative or friend. 5.MAID. (See Virgin.) If you dream you are pleased with a pretty chambermaid, milkmaid, or any nice-looking young girl, whose occupation carries with it the title of maid, it is a good omen, for it predicts an excellent match, and plenty of children: it also foretells, in many cases, that the dreamer will marry a rich wife. 75, 39.MAN. To dream of a man dressed in black is lucky; in white, a bad omen: to dream of a murdered man, is a sign of long life. To dream you meet a strange man, is a sign you have a vindictive enemy. For a girl to dream she sees her lover by her bedside, is a sign he will attempt some very improper things. 74, 60, 7.MANNERS. To dream of ill-mannered people, who annoy you by their awkwardness and selfish conduct, shows that you will shortly go on a journey, and be introduced to a fool. 6, 65.MAP. To dream of looking over a map, is a sign of an agreeable surprise by the arrival of some dear friend from a distance. If a girl dreams this when her lover is away, he will return unexpectedly. 24, 17.MARKET. To dream you are in a large market, where all kinds of meats and vegetables are sold, is a sign you will want money that it will be difficult and perhaps impossible to raise; it is a bad sign for tradesmen and others who have notes to pay. 31, 9.MARRIAGE. (See Wedding.) If any one should be so unfortunate as to dream that he or she was present at a happy and jolly wedding, it denotes that they will attend a funeral; it will not necessarily be at the burial of either of the persons you dreamed you saw married, but you will undoubtedly be called to mourn some friend or relative. To dream of being married yourself, foretells your death. 2, 78, 42.MASK. To dream you see a person wearing a mask, is a sign of hypocrisy; to the lover, it shows that his sweetheart loves some one better than himself; to a girl, it signifies that her lover is engaged to another. To married people, it portends infidelity to the wedding-ring. 46, 8.MASS. To dream of going to this religious celebration, is a sign that some one will either cheat you or rob your house. If a girl dreams this, let her look out that her lover does not prove to be a worthless scamp. 13.MEADOW. (See Field and Green.) If you dream of walking in a green and pleasant meadow, where the grass grows regular and looks smooth, it is an excellent omen, for it denotes thrift and good luck generally. Such a dream to a farmer, is a sign of good crops and plenty of money. To lovers, it foretells a happy and speedy marriage. 72, 6.MEANNESS. To dream you are treated in a mean and shabby manner by anybody, is a sign you will have unexpected honors thrust upon you. If a girl dreams that her lover has behaved meanly, she may be sure he will do something to command her admiration. 9, 50, 51.MEASLES. To dream you have this troublesome disorder shows that you will be fortunate, provided you engage in some disreputable or dishonest speculation, or in a robbery of money: but to conscientious people the omen does not hold good. If a girl dreams of having the measles, it predicts that a rogue will make love to her. 33, 4.MEAT. To dream of sweet and wholesome fresh meat is a sign you will be coquetted by a lady, and perhaps fall in love with her; but if the meat is putrid or maggoty, it foreshadows sickness and death. 8, 16.MEDICINE. (See Physic.) To take medicine foretells poverty, to give any one medicine, gain. 22, 37, 8.MELONS. To dream of ripe, fine looking melons, is an excellent omen, as it foretells good health, good luck, and much happiness. A watermelon full of black seeds denotes so much money to be paid to you. If a married woman dreams this, it promises her many children. 46.METALS. To dream of metals has different signification and interpretations according to the metal you dream of. To enable our readers to more readily discover the meaning of their dreams, we subjoin a list of the metals with their explanations. Brass. To dream that you see a brass ornament, is a sign your sweetheart will be false to you. To see any one working in brass, or cleaning that metal is a sign you will hear of the death of a distant relative who will leave you a legacy. 43, 11. Copper. To dream of copper, signifies that your sweetheart is deceitful and loves another, it also shows secret enemies. 54, 8, 40. Gold. To dream of receiving gold is a good sign, and shows you will be successful in all your undertakings. To dream you pay gold betokens increase of friends. 49, 7. Iron. For one to dream that he is hurt with iron, signifies that he shall receive some damage. 44, 5. Lead. To dream of lead denotes sickness, but to dream of leaden bullets good news. If you dream you are wounded by a leaden bullet it is a sign you will be successful in love. 49, 50. Quicksilver. To dream of this metal is a sign your friends will all be false to you, it is also a sign of losses in property. 49, 19. Silver. To dream that you are presented with spoons, or any silver plate for household use, foretells that you or some near relative, will shortly marry: if you dream of buying these articles, it is a sign of poverty: to dream of silver dollars, or bars of silver, used in commerce, is a sign that you will gain money either by a legacy or speculation. 49, 6. Steel. To break a piece in a dream, shows that you will overcome your enemies; if you only touch it, your position in life is secure; if you try to bend it, and cannot, you will meet with many serious accidents. 41, 50. Tin. To dream of tin is a good omen and signifies you will marry a rich wife, and make money at business. 41, 8. Zink. To dream of this metal denotes happiness and prosperity to the dreamer. To lovers it is a sign of success in love affairs. 48.MIDWIFE. To see a midwife denotes revealing of secrets; to the sick, it is death. 18, 4.MILK. (See Pitcher and Breast.) Dreaming of milk predicts, to a man, the love of a lady. If a newly married lady dream that she has a full breast of milk, it is a sign that she will be happily delivered of a fine child; to an old woman, it portends much money. 45, 60.MILL. If you dream of going to a flouring-mill, where you see plenty of grain and flour, it is a good omen, as it shadows forth thrift and abundance; but to imagine in your dream that you are in any manufactory of cloth fabrics called a mill, is a sign of poverty and want. Girls who work in such places should be careful never to dream of them. 55.MISER. To dream of a miser is a sign of waste, loss or destruction: if you see him counting and hoarding money, it foretells you will either lose or be robbed of some: to see him patching his clothes or his house or barn denotes a calamity, such as a robbery or a fire. 14, 62.MISFORTUNE. To dream you have a misfortune denotes luck and success: thus; dreaming of the loss of money is a sign you will get some: if you imagine your house is burned, you will be successful in a speculation: if you dream of being robbed, it foretells a legacy or the finding of something valuable, &c. 41.MISTAKE. If any one dreams of being vexed, annoyed, or injured by reason of making a mistake, it shadows forth disgrace. Mistaking one person for another in your dream, denotes scandal: thus if a young girl should dream that she hailed a young man as her lover, and found it was a stranger, it shows that some malicious person will talk lightly of her character. 78, 16.MONEY. (See Purse and Pocket Book.) To dream of finding money is an excellent omen, as it foretells that you will soon get some: if, in your dream, you see bank bills of a large denomination, or large gold pieces, the sign is similar: to see small pieces of money is not so good, though it is a pretty fair dream. To dream of receiving money is a good omen; in love, it foretells marriage and children. To dream you lose money, is a proof you will be unsuccessful in some favorite pursuit. 18, 4.MONKEY. To dream that you see a monkey, and are pleased with his antics, shows that you will make the acquaintance of a fool. For a girl to dream of playing with a monkey is a sign she will do something she is ashamed of, and perhaps lose her virtue. Monkeys are also a sign of law suits and secret enemies. 17, 6.MOON. To dream of a sharp new moon with horns pointing upwards is a sign you will be rich: if the horns point sideways or downward, it foretells poverty: seeing a full moon in your dream denotes a thrifty and happy marriage: a half moon shadows forth the loss of a wife or husband by death or desertion. Dreaming of seeing a half moon is fatal to the prospects of lovers. 19, 18.MOUNTAIN. To dream of approaching beautiful smooth-looking mountains, dressed in verdure, denotes thrift and happiness, and that you will rise in the world: if the mountains look steep, rugged and rocky, it foreshadows difficulties and danger, which you may overcome by energy: to dream of successfully climbing a mountain, is a sure sign that some honor awaits you, or that you will make a good deal of money: difficulties in climbing show troubles and vexations in getting your honors or your money. 64.MOTH. To dream of moth is a sign some one is robbing you, it also predicts slander by a supposed friend. To dream you see a moth burn its wings in a flame signifies that an enemy will die. 22.MOTHER. If you dream of quarreling with your mother, it is a sign she will do some generous act, or confer a benefit that will delight you: to dream of fondling your mother shadows forth her loss by death, or that you will be parted from her: if you dream she makes you a present, the dream will come true so far that she will probably present you with a new brother or sister. 46, 34.MOURNING. To dream that you are dressed in mourning for the death of a relative, is a sign that a wedding will soon take place in your family, or that of some blood relation. To see people dressed in black, and be among them, foretells an invitation to a wedding or to be present at a marriage ceremony. 32, 12.MOUSE. (See Trap.) To dream of killing a mouse is a sign you will detect a thief in stealing from you: if, in your dream, you see a mouse, or a number of mice, it foretells that you will soon have thieves in the house. For a girl to dream that she pets a mouse, shows that she will have a light-fingered or dishonest lover. 75, 70.MOUTH. Dreaming of a large mouth and big lips is a sure sign you will be kissed by some one of the opposite sex: to dream of a mouth out of shape, or with a hare lip, denotes to a woman that she will have a deformed child, and to a man that he will get into a difficulty by means of his intimacy with a woman: to dream of a small mouth and thin lips is a sign of loud and angry words, and that some one will give you a scolding. 27, 6, 3.MOVING. To dream of moving your residence or place of business, under any circumstances, is a sign of poverty: if, in your dream, you see other people moving, it foretells that some one of your relatives will come to poverty, and you will have to assist him. 55.MUD. To dream of getting covered with mud by having it splashed over you, is a sign that you will be belied and talked about. 29.MULBERRIES. To dream of mulberries denotes to the maiden, a happy marriage; to the married, affection and constancy. 64, 70, 3.MULATTO. (See Negro.) To see a mulatto in sleep, brings good luck; a female mulatto, dangerous sickness. 4, 11, 44.MULE. To dream of riding a mule, or driving one, is a sign of celibacy: gentlemen or ladies who dream this may safely calculate that they will live single for the rest of their lives, unless some more vivid dream with a favorable omen should counterbalance the influence of this one. If married people dream of mules, it foretells that they will be childless. 4, 51, 66.MUSHROOM. To dream you eat mushrooms is a sign you will live to a good old age, but to dream you see them grow, or gather them, is a sign you will get rich by a splendid speculation, and then get poor as suddenly as you got wealthy. 49, 59.MUSIC. (See Singing.) To dream of hearing strains of sweet music, denotes joy and happiness. If a girl who has a lover dreams this, he will surprise her either with a splendid present, or with an invitation to go somewhere where she will be delighted and enjoy herself much. 74, 18.MUSTARD. To dream of mustard or mustard seed, is a bad omen, and foretells sickness and perhaps death. To dream you eat mustard, is a sign your sweetheart or lover is false to you. To married persons this dream indicates domestic quarrels. 4.MYRTLE. To dream of myrtle, is a sign you will receive a declaration of love. To the married it signifies domestic happiness. 3, 11, 33.NAILS. To dream that one’s nails are longer than usual, signifies profit, and the contrary, loss: to dream your nails are cut off, signifies loss and disgrace, and contention with friends and relations. If one dreams his nails are pulled off, it threatens with misery and affliction, and danger of death: for a man to dream he bites his nails, shows quarrels and dissensions: to dream of paring your nails, foretells a lingering sickness. 57, 8.NAKEDNESS. To dream you see a man naked, signifies fear and terror: to dream you see a woman naked, signifies honor and joy, provided she be fair-skinned and handsome; but if she is crooked, old, wrinkled, or otherwise ill made, and black withal, it signifies shame, repentance, and ill luck. For a woman to dream she sees her husband naked, signifies success in her enterprises and a good number of children. 14.NAPKIN. A white napkin denotes orderly conduct, which will bring happiness; a dirty napkin, disorderly behavior. 70, 6.NAVEL. If you dream that your navel is out of shape, or looks queer, it is a sign of misfortune in connection with the opposite sex, unless you are married, in which case it denotes the birth of a child: for unmarried people to dream such dreams foretells trouble and disgrace. 35, 17.NECK. If a woman or girl dreams that her neck is large and thick, it is a sure sign she will bear many children: if it seems smaller than usual, it denotes to a married woman a miscarriage, and to a girl the loss of her beau: if a woman dreams that her neck is fair and beautiful, it foretells that some gentleman will make love to her. 22.NECKLACE. For a girl to dream that a gentleman presents her with a necklace, is a sign that some one meditates an attempt to seduce her: if a married woman dreams that her husband gives her a necklace, it shows that she will soon be in the family way. 69, 12, 21.NEEDLES. To dream of needles, signifies that you will be grievously injured by the deceit of supposed friends. For a girl to dream that she pricks herself with a needle, is a sign that her beau will attempt improper liberties. 8, 49.NEGRO. To dream of being frightened or assaulted by a negro, is a good sign, as it denotes safety: if the negro comes towards you in a pleasant and agreeable way, it shows that you will meet with a loss or be robbed: to see a grinning, pleasant-looking negro in your dream, forebodes trouble through the conduct of a dependent. 32.NEW YEAR’S PRESENT. To dream you give a New Year’s present, signifies you will hear good news. To receive one, is a sign you will soon get into trouble. 64, 19.NIAGARA. As every one has heard of this great cataract, and multitudes have seen it, it is not strange that a good many people dream of going there: such a dream is a sign that you will be embarrassed in company by a sensation of some kind. 13, 49, 6.NIGHT. (See Stars.) To dream of a clear beautiful night when the stars are shining, indicates that you will have a long and happy life and be very successful in all your undertakings. To dream you are courting your sweetheart on such a night shows that she is true to you. To dream of a cloudy night portends disasters in business, and to dream of a stormy night indicates sickness. 5, 19.NIGHTCAP. For a girl to dream that she forgot to take off her nightcap, but received company in it, is a sign she will be kissed by a strange gentleman, or that some stranger will be smitten by her charms: if a married woman dreams this, it foretells that her husband will be jealous of her, and perhaps not without cause. 70.NIGHTINGALE. To dream of this bird signifies light amours; to hear it sing, happiness. 48.NOBILITY. Should anybody be so foolish as to dream that they are created a Duke, an Earl, or that they have conferred upon them any patent of nobility, it is a sign of shiftlessness and poverty. If a girl dreams that a lord is in love with her, she will be apt to marry a shiftless and needy fellow. 21, 19.NOISE. If you dream of hearing strange or mysterious noises, it is a sign that the spirit of some dead relative hovers near you, and has an influence upon your actions. 20.NOSE. To dream of big-nosed people is generally a good omen, as such persons are usually smart and energetic. To dream of snub noses is a sign of a quarrel, or that you will be abused by somebody. 48.NUGGET. This is an English word for a lump of gold: to dream of digging a big nugget of pure gold, is a sign of wealth and honors. Dreams relative to gold or silver promise good fortune always. 4, 11, 44.NUN. For a young girl to dream of seeing a sober-looking nun, is a sign of celibacy; if she imagines she speaks to the nun she may safely calculate on being an old maid; if a young man dreams this, it foretells that he will suspect his sweetheart of being untrue to him, and probably discard her altogether. 29, 65.NURSE. Dreaming of a nurse for lying-in women foreshadows luck and plenty of cash; to a farmer, such a dream prognosticates abundant crops, and to newly married people good crops of children. 28.NUTS. To dream of nuts denotes riches and happiness; to the lover, success; if you are gathering them, it is a good omen; but if you crack them, unfavorable. 48, 6.OAK. To dream of seeing a very large oak tree, and of gathering acorns under it, is a sign that some wealthy relative will leave you a fortune by will: if anybody dreams this who does not happen to have wealthy relations, it may turn out that somebody else will take the liberty of making a will in his or her favor; if not, a streak of good luck will come in some other way to make the matter right. 65.OAR. If you dream of sailing in a boat, and losing one or more of the oars, it is a sign of the death of your father, mother, or guardian, or of some one to whom you look for protection: if an engaged young girl or a married woman dreams this, it foretells the death of a lover or husband. 2.OATH. To dream of taking a solemn oath before a magistrate, or in a court of justice, foretells quarreling and litigation: even if you are a timid and quiet person, such a dream promises that some one will quarrel with you. 20.OATS. To dream of this grain foretells a journey by land: if an engaged young girl dreams of oats, it denotes that her wedding tour is not far off. 69.OCEAN. (See Sea.)ODD FELLOW. To dream of joining a society of this order foretells sickness and distress: if you are already an Odd Fellow, and dream of strife in the Lodge, and that you are in danger of being turned out, it is a sign that you will attain a higher station in life by riches or honors. 2.OFFICER. (See Police.) To dream that a military officer is in your company shadows forth beggary and disgrace. If a girl dreams that she has such a person for a lover, she may calculate that her first suitor will be a poor shoat, of no account whatever. 70, 28.OIL. To dream it is spilled on the floor, signifies damage; to spill it on yourself, profit. 1, 41.OLD MAN. To dream of seeing a man bowed down with age is a sign of good luck in business, and to a politician it denotes advancement. This is not a good dream for females, for to them it denotes want. 63.OLD WOMAN. To dream of an aged woman is generally a good omen, as it shadows forth domestic happiness: to a married woman such a dream foretells the birth of a child: to a young girl, that she will have an offer of marriage. 3.ONIONS. To dream of this vegetable, denotes both good and bad luck: if you are eating them, you will soon receive some money; your sweetheart will be faithful, but cross, and you will be engaged in some dispute; if you are throwing onions away, it is the forerunner of mischief; in love, quarrels; in trade, opposition. 5, 8, 48.OPERA. To dream of going to the opera is a sign you will travel: if you hear a new singer that delights you, it foretells that you will make a new acquaintance on some journey: if an engaged young lady dreams of the opera, her wedding journey is thus shadowed forth. 27, 55.OPIUM. To dream of this drug foretells sickness and poverty: if you imagine that you see some one under the influence of opium, and in danger of dying, it foretells a misfortune either to yourself or some near relative. 64.ORANGE. To dream of having an abundance of oranges, shadows forth that you will get just so much yellow gold: if you dream of eating them, it promises you health: if you give them to friends, it foretells that you will be honored and esteemed: if a girl dreams that her lover presents her with fine-looking oranges, he will undoubtedly bring her a fortune when she marries. 3, 12, 36.ORCHARD. If, in your dream, you imagine you are in a fine orchard, and the fruit looks fair and tempting, and you eat of it, it foretells that you will shortly be engaged in some pleasant adventure either of love or intrigue: if you see rotten, wormy, or scraggy-looking apples, it shows that you will be thrown into mean and low company, much to your disgrace. Such dreams are bad ones for young girls. 18, 12.ORGAN. To dream of hearing the solemn and enchanting music of a church organ is a sad omen to young girls, as it foretells their early death: if a gentleman dreams this, it points to the death of some young girl in whom he takes an interest, and perhaps to his sweetheart, if he has one. To imagine you hear some lively tune on a street organ is also a bad omen, as it foretells that you will soon attend a funeral. 55, 3.OVEN. (See Baking.)OVERFLOW. (See Flood.) To dream that a river, or any stream, overflows its banks and surrounds your house with water, is a sign of wealth; that is, you will acquire riches in proportion to the quantity of water around, and the ground it covers: if you fancy that any one is drowned in the water, it foretells a misfortune in connection with your riches. 9, 66, 18.OWL. To dream of seeing one of these birds of night in a roosting position, is a sign that you will discover an important secret that relates to yourself: to see an owl flying foretells that some secret of your own will get out. 3.OXEN. (See Cattle.)OYSTERS. If, in your dream, you imagine you are eating oysters, it denotes that you will have difficulties relative to money matters: but to rake them out of the water is a sign of money-getting: to dream of opening nice fat oysters for other people to eat is also a favorable omen, as it shows that you will have plenty of cash. 7, 53.PAINTING. To dream of painting your house is a sign of sickness in the family, but at the same time thrift and good luck in business: if, in your dream, you see a white house newly painted outside, you will probably soon be summoned to attend a funeral: to see any other colored house newly painted, foretells that you will hear of the sickness of a friend or relative: dreaming of beautiful paintings of landscapes, portraits, &c., is an omen of bad luck and poverty. 22, 11, 5. PALL-BEARER. For a man to dream that he is a pall-bearer at a funeral, denotes that he will be married within a year: to dream of seeing pall-bearers, is a sign you will be invited to a wedding. 49, 6.PANCAKE. (See Thick.) For a girl to dream of baking pancakes, is a sign that some gentleman is in love with her; and if a married woman has such a dream, she may be sure that some man, other than her husband, admires her; to dream of eating pancakes, foretells falling in love, to either sex; and if you relish them, you will be successful in your love. 36.PANTALOONS. If you dream you have a new pair of pantaloons, it is a sign you will be prosperous; if they do not fit, and are too tight, it is a sign you will be pinched in money matters; if they are dark, it is a sign of long life, but if light, it denotes sickness. Young girls should try and not dream about pantaloons, for such an omen is very dangerous to them. 46, 8.PANTHER. To dream that you see one of these animals, and are terrified by it, shows that you will be disgusted at the ingratitude of a friend you have served: if, in your dream, you see a tame panther, and caress it, it foretells that you have some ungrateful person in your household, (perhaps a servant,) or else a false-hearted friend. 41.PAPER. To dream of smooth paper, is a good omen; but if it appears rumpled, it will give you much pain. To dream of paper that is wet, signifies success in love matters. 21, 18.PARADE. To dream of a parade of soldiers, and that you are delighted with the military display, foretells that some one will deceive you: to a business man it is an omen of losses by bad debts or dull trade: to a young girl it foreshadows a gay but false lover: to a married woman it is a sign that her husband, though kind, will be false to his vows. 58, 1.PARASOL. If a young woman dreams she has got a new parasol, it predicts for her a new lover: if she imagines she has broken her parasol, her lover (if she has one) will leave her; if not, then some male friend, in whom she placed confidence or derived advantage, will fail her: to a married woman, dreaming of a broken parasol is a very bad omen, as it predicts ruin to her husband. 34.PARDON. To dream of asking pardon for an offence, is a bad omen under any circumstances, as it foretells humiliation and disgrace: for a criminal to imagine, in his dream, that the Governor has pardoned him, is a sign that he will not only not be pardoned, but that he will suffer much remorse and unhappiness in his imprisonment. 19, 3, 40.PARROT. To dream that you are pleased with the chattering of one of these birds, is a sign that some deceitful person will flatter you: if an engaged young girl has such a dream, she should look sharp to the antecedents of her lover before marriage, as it is ten to one that he is not worthy of her confidence: the dream may, however, point to some other flatterer. 15, 2, 33.PARTING. To dream of parting from friends with regret, is a sign of disappointment: if a girl dreams that her lover is going away anywhere, and she feels bad when he takes his leave, it predicts that he will not “go raving distracted with delight” the next time he comes to see her, and she will consequently be disappointed at his supposed coolness; but all this may not amount to anything more than to make her feel bad for the time being. 4.PARTNER. (See Ball.) To dream that your partner in a dance slights or snubs you, is a sign that some one is enamored of you: this applies to either sex: if you dream of a particularly agreeable and attractive partner, it shows that you will quarrel with somebody of the opposite sex: for a man in business to dream of taking a partner, foretells that he will be robbed. 17, 38.PARTY. To dream of giving a large and sumptuous party to your friends, is a sign of losses and poverty: if you imagine you go to such a party, it foretells that you will be asked to assist some one in distress. 77, 18, 42.PASTURE. (See Cattle.) To dream of seeing cattle feeding in a green and rich pasture, foretells thrift and wealth: if the grass is sun-burnt and only green in patches, and the cattle look lean, the sign is the reverse; and such a dream denotes short crops to farmers. 6, 11, 66.PATCHES. For a woman to dream of patching the clothes of her husband or children, is an excellent omen, as it denotes that each patch will be a good lump of money brought into the family. 5.PATENT RIGHT. To dream of procuring a patent for an invention of your own, shows that you will never realize anything from it: if money is to be made by it, some one else will get the benefit: if you dream of getting a patent for some other person, it is a sign of good luck in a speculation. 33, 17.PATHS. To dream you are walking in a broad, good pathway, denotes health and success; in love it shows you will meet with a sweetheart, who will make you happy, but if the path is crooked it foretells trouble to the dreamer. 44.PAUPER. To dream that you visit the poor-house and see the inmates, is a sign to a woman that she will bear many children, and to a man that he will raise a large family, such a dream to a young girl foretells that she will be apt to become a mother before she is a wife. 21.PAWNBROKER. If you dream of pawning any of your goods at a pawnbroker’s, provided you have never patronized such a place, it foretells that fortune is about to smile on you, and if you take advantage of the circumstance, you will surely get rich. To lazy and shiftless people, such a dream would not be of much account. 4, 11, 22.PEACHES. To dream of fine, ripe, yellow peaches, denotes that you will get just so much yellow gold, which makes this dream a splendid one for gold-diggers: if the peaches you dream about are very red, or look small and wilted, it shows that your gold will turn out to be about half copper, or that your luck will not amount to much. 17, 1, 9.PEACOCK. To dream of this proud bird, is a sign of poverty; if you imagine that he spreads his tail, and exhibits all his finery, so much the worse. For a girl to dream of a peacock, shows that she will have an empty-headed fop for a lover, who will turn out to be as poor as a rat. 65, 54.PEANUTS. To dream of an abundance of ground-nuts, or peanuts, shows that you will be poor, but contented, healthy and happy. If a married woman in the family-way dreams of them, it is a sign she will have a boy. 11.PEAS. To dream of eating green peas, is a sign of health; and if you imagine that you eat crooked dry peas, it foretells both health and thrift. If you dream of feeding any animal with dry peas, it foreshadows good luck. 6.PEARLS. To dream of these gems, denotes poverty and misery; if a girl dreams that a lover gives her a piece of jewelry set in pearls, it shows that he will never be well off; and if she imagines that he presents her with a string or necklace of pearls, she may safely calculate that he will turn out to be a wretchedly poor man. 56.PEARS. To dream of ripe, mellow pears, portends elevation in life, riches, honors, and constancy in love. If a woman with child dream of them, she will have a daughter. To dream of unripe, choke-pears, is a sign of misfortunes, and inconstancy in love. 33.PEDDLER. If you dream of buying things of a peddler, it is a sign that some one will cheat you, or that one of your debtors will mysteriously disappear, which amounts to about the same thing: if a lady housekeeper dreams this, let her look sharp that her servants do not rob or swindle her in some way. 42, 13. PEN-KNIFE. To dream of a pen-knife, is a bad omen, and foretells loss in trade, attacks by thieves, and unfaithfulness in love. 29, 47.PENS. To dream of writing with a steel pen, is a sign you will get yourself into a bad scrape, by tattling about your friends and neighbors. If the pen be gold, it foreshadows good news, and success in business and love affairs. To dream you are making a quill pen, is a sign you have many enemies, but that you will triumph over them, and be successful in all you undertake. But this dream does not amount to much, as it is only a “set-off” to dreaming of a pen-knife, which is a bad omen. 28, 6.PEPPERS. To dream of picking pepper-pods, foretells to married people smart children, if they have any. A girl who dreams this, will have a smart man for a lover, but he will not pet her much either as a sweetheart or wife. 9.PERFUMERY. To dream of pleasant and delicate perfumes, foreshadows sluttish habits in a woman: if a lover dreams of perfumes in connection with the beloved object, it shows that when he marries, he will find her to be a slut. A girl who dreams this, will be apt to have a shiftless lover. 71, 1.PERJURY. To dream that any one injures you by false swearing, or by perjury in court, is a sign that you will discover some friend or acquaintance to be dishonest, or guilty of a crime, or of mean conduct; if a girl dream this, it is a similar omen relative to her lover. 52.PET. If a girl dreams she has a pet animal of any kind, (a child, of course, excepted,) it is a sign she will never marry: if she dreams of a pet child, or one whom she adores, it foretells for her a prolific marriage. 49.PHYSIC. (See Medicine.) In a dream-book published 1751, is this prediction: “If any man doth dreme he taketh much physicke, it foretelleth a bad lyver, and a quarell with ye doctor; but a virgin who dremeth this dreme, will marry ye doctor first, and quarell thereafter.” 37, 8.PIANO. To dream of hearing pleasant and lively tunes on the piano, is a sign of thrift and domestic happiness; but if you dream of buying, or that any one presents you with a piano, it foreshadows poverty; it is a bad omen for a girl to dream she has got a new piano. 72.PICKLES. If a girl dreams of eating pickles, it is a sign some old bachelor will kiss her: if a young man dreams of pickles, he will be beloved by a maid older than himself, and probably of a sour and crabbed temper. 39, 2.PICNIC. For a young man to dream of going with a pic-nic party into the woods, is a sign that some silly girl will fall in love with him: if a young girl dreams this, some vain fellow will probably pay her attentions and compliments merely to gratify his own vanity. 37, 12.PICTURES. To dream of seeing pictures is a sign of joy without profit. 48, 7.PIES. To dream of eating pie is a sign that you will soon be in want. To dream you are making pies is a sign of pleasure and happiness. 38.PIGEONS. To dream of pigeons is a sign of content and delight, and success in business. 39.PIGS. To dream of seeing pigs is good; if you are in trade you will have great increase in your business from foreign parts; if you are in love, your sweetheart is thereby denoted to be of a good temper, faithful and sincere to you, and that if you marry you will become happy. 4, 12, 48.PINEAPPLE. To dream of this fruit is a sign of gold; if you see an abundance of it, you will receive plenty of gold soon after: a young girl who dreams of pineapples will probably get a rich husband. 22, 9, 78.PINKS. If a lady dreams of pinks, it foretells she will soon have a new bonnet that she will be delighted with: if a gentleman dreams of them, his wife or sweetheart will get a new bonnet that will please him. That’s all. 34.PINS. To dream of pins signifies that you will have small troubles all through life, but no great disasters; to dream you find a pin is a sign of success in business; if a girl dream she is pricked with a pin, she must keep a sharp look out for her lover or she may get in trouble. 3, 71.PIPE. To dream you smoke a pipe is an omen of success in business; if the pipe goes out three times it is a sign you will meet with losses. To dream you break a pipe foretells a quarrel that will injure your prospects. 49, 7, 9.PIRATE. To dream you are captured by pirates is a sign you will travel in foreign countries and eventually make your fortune: if a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will marry a foreigner who, dying, will leave her a fortune. 6. PISS-ABED. To dream that you wet the bed in your sleep, is a sign you will lose something by fire: your house may not burn, but some article will either fall in the fire or be damaged by it—perhaps your servant may spoil some clothing while ironing. 5, 11, 55.PISTOL. To dream of arming yourself with a pistol foretells that you will lose caste, and perhaps become poor: if a girl dreams that her lover carries a pistol, she may be sure that he is below her in social life, and therefore an unpropitious or unsuitable match. 16, 21, 57.PITCH. To dream that you get pitch on your person is a sign that some one has been scandalizing you by telling lies: a girl who dreams this, may be sure that her fair fame has been questioned somewhere. 54, 14.PITCHER. (See Jug.) To dream you drink water or milk from a pitcher is a good omen, and signifies you will be prosperous in love and business. To dream you spill anything out of a pitcher foretells losses from the treachery of supposed friends, and to dream you break a pitcher portends sickness, and accident while on a journey. To dream of breaking a pitcher is also a sign of bankruptcy through carelessness. 49, 20.PLAINS. To dream of being on a beautiful plain signifies health, happiness and riches, but portends some crosses in love. 4, 12, 48. Dreams of wandering over plains, Walking in cross ways and lanes, And being in thick woods quite lost, Declare that lovers shall be crost. PLANTS. (See Blossom.) To dream of healthy, thriving plants is a good omen, as it foretells success in life, and smart children: such a dream is an excellent one for lovers, as it denotes an early and happy marriage. 43, 14, 7.PLASTER. For a girl to dream of having a plaster on her person is a sign that some one will offer her an insult, or perhaps make an attempt upon her chastity: if a man dreams this, the same will probably happen to his wife or sweetheart. 72, 8.PLENTY. (See Abundance.)PLOW. (See Husbandry.)PLOWING. For a farmer to dream that he is plowing on smooth and even ground, denotes heavy crops, and good luck generally: if he plows up stones it is all the better, but if his plow gets hitched into a rock or stump, it denotes vexation and trouble with his good luck. 41.PLUMS. To dream of an abundance of this fruit is a sign of health but yet you are liable to lose your life by an accident: if a girl dreams she is presented with plums, it foretells her early death. 36, 14, 77. POCKET-BOOK. To dream of finding a pocket-book full of money is a sign of riches, but if it contains no money, it foretells a disappointment: if you dream you lose your pocket-book, it foreshadows success in business. 19, 78.POET. If any young person should be so silly as to dream of writing poetry, it foretells poverty; and for one to dream of having a poetical lover or sweetheart, is a sign that they will fall in love with a fool. 64, 50.POISON. To dream that you are poisoned is a sign you will get into bad or unworthy company: if you imagine that any friend or acquaintance is poisoned, it is a similar omen as regards them: if, in your dream, you think any one has given you poison to murder you, it foretells that some base proposal will be made to you. 3, 9. POLE-CAT. If a man dream he sees one, he will marry a beautiful woman; if a woman, she will marry a handsome man. If this delightful animal make an attack on you it is a sign you will suffer from the slander of enemies. 68, 2.POLICE. If any respectable person dreams of being arrested by police officers, it is a sign that some distinguished honor will be conferred on him: if a young girl should dream that policemen took her lover into custody, she will hear of his advancement in the world. 46, 30.POLITE. To dream of polite people is a sign that a stranger will visit, or be introduced to you: if a girl dreams that her beau is stiff and formal in addressing her, it foretells that she will soon have a new admirer. 61.POOR. To dream of poverty is a sign of good luck, but if you imagine you are so poor as to be induced to beg, it foretells that some one will either insult you or hurt your feelings, but yet your luck will not be impaired. 8, 2.PORK. (See Bacon and Ham.)PORTRAIT. To dream of having your portrait taken, is a sign some one will compliment your good looks; but if you are dissatisfied and think it a bad likeness, the compliment will run in a contrary direction, and you will be called frightfully ugly-looking behind your back. 12.POUND. For a farmer to dream that any of his cattle are taken to pound, is a sign that they will increase: if he dreams of seeing strange cattle in a pound, it foretells that he will soon buy some. 19, 55.PRAISE. To dream that any one praises or flatters you, is a sign of scandal: if a girl dreams that her lover praises her good looks or amiability, she bad better discard him as a false-hearted person who cares nothing about her, but is merely flattering his own vanity. 35, 17.PRAYER. To dream of prayer, or of joining in a prayer with others, is a sign you will ask a favor of some one who will refuse you: if you dream of hearing prayers at church, or in any public place, it shows that you will be requested to do something which you will refuse to do, and thereby make an enemy. 34, 77.PREGNANCY. For a woman to dream that she is pregnant when she is not, is a sign of some special good fortune; she will either have a handsome present, or else her husband will be lucky in some business transaction and give her a part of the money: if a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will get married about as sudden as if the dream were a reality. 4, 11, 44.PRESENT. (See Gift.) To dream of receiving a present, is usually a sign of disappointment; but if a married woman dreams that she is presented with fruit, it shows that she will soon become pregnant: if a girl imagines she is presented by her lover with gold jewelry, it predicts that he covets the possession of her person rather than her heart. 64, 21.PRESERVES. To dream that you make or eat them, foretells the acquisition of much money and property, also health and happiness. 3, 33, 9.PRETTY GIRL. For a young man to dream of admiring a pretty girl, is a sign he will marry a simpleton: if a girl dreams she has a nice and pretty-looking lover, she will be apt to take up with a putty-head. Here is an ancient rhyming prediction: 4, 13. To dream you love a girl who’s pretty, Foretells that you’ll in sorrow part; But if you dream she’s wise and witty, She’ll be the darling of your heart! PRICK. If a lady dreams of pricking her finger while sewing, she must put it in her mouth on awaking, and make a wish, and she will realize it within one month, provided it relates to love matters: a wish of any other kind will doubtless come true some time or other, as the omen is an excellent one: if a lady dreams she pricks herself with a pin, the omen is not so good. (See Pin and Briar.) 498.PRIEST. To dream that a priest offers you service, or visits you for any purpose, is a sign that you will be robbed; if you dream you go to one for advice, it foretells that some misfortune will overtake you: any dream about a priest is a bad one. 39.PRISON. (See Jail.) To dream you are put in prison, foretells that honor awaits you: but this omen does not apply to rogues or dishonest people, though such a dream by them favors their desires: if a girl dreams that her lover has gone to prison, she will soon hear of his advancement. 46.PRIZE. To dream of drawing a prize in the lottery, is a sign of poverty and misery: if you dream that you bought a lottery ticket with a majority of odd numbers on it, you may perchance be successful with those numbers, but even numbers are worthless in dreams. To dream of getting prizes in any way is a bad omen. 4, 11, 44.PROCESSION. To dream of seeing a long military or civic procession, is a sign that some of your friends will come to poverty and ask your assistance; if you imagine that you are in such a procession yourself, it foretells that you will either make a loss, or be very short of money. 2.PROFIT. If a man dreams that he made a large and liberal profit by any transaction or speculation, it foretells losses and disaster. 48, 16.PROMISE. To dream of broken promises on the part of a friend, is a sign that he will confer a benefit on you: if a girl dreams that her lover has broken his promise to marry, it foreshadows a speedy performance of the ceremony. 3.PROPERTY. To dream of the loss of property, is a sign of good luck, and you may calculate to acquire as much as you dreamed was lost, for such dreams always work contrariwise. 45, 1, 14.PROSTITUTE. For a young man to dream of associating with prostitutes, is a sign of poverty and disgrace: if he dreams of seeing these girls anywhere, it foretells misfortune or bad luck: for a girl to dream of them, is a sign that her chastity is in danger. 35, 9.PROUD. To dream of proud people who disgust you, foretells that you will rise in the world: a girl who dreams this of her lover, will probably marry a rich or distinguished man. 3, 32, 13.PUDDING. To dream of a hard-boiled plum pudding, or a hard roll of pudding of any kind, is a sign you will be invited to a dinner party; but if you imagine the pudding looks soft and mussy, it foretells that you will go to some entertainment where there will be a row. 19, 70.PULPIT. If any one dreams of going into a pulpit, it is a sign he or she will visit a place of disrepute, as such dreams work contrariwise: for a girl to dream that she assists in ornamenting or dressing a pulpit, foretells that she will do some act that she afterwards regrets, because of an unworthy person being connected therewith. 62.PUMP. Dreaming of a pump is an excellent omen: if you dream of pumping clear water from one, it shows that you will have good luck in business, or in a speculation: pumping dirty water is a sign of sickness. 29, 4, 20.PUNCH. To dream of making this beverage, or of drinking it, is a sign of poverty or disgrace; if a girl dreams that her lover treats her to punch, she had better discard him at once, as he will undoubtedly turn out to be a poor and shiftless fellow. 19, 32.PUNISHMENT. (See Stick.) To dream of punishing a child, foretells good fortune to the victim, and honors to yourself. For any one to dream of being punished by whipping, is a sign they will rise in the world, or be honored for some act. 7.PURSE. To dream of finding an empty purse, shadows forth disappointment; if the purse has plenty of money in it, your luck will be excellent—the more money, the better fortune: if it has in it large gold pieces, or large bills, you will become rich either by marriage or inheritance. 78.PUTTY. To dream of putty, is a sign of poverty: puttying up holes foretells losses—the larger the hole, the more extensive the loss. If you are putting glass into a window with putty, it foretells that you will soon remove into a meaner place than you now occupy. 6, 4.PUZZLE. To dream of bothering your brains with a puzzle, foretells frivolity; if you succeed, you will do something that works to your disadvantage: if you imagine that the puzzle puzzles you, it is a sign that some silly person will do you an unintentional injury. 21, 17.QUAIL. To dream of these birds is a good omen: if you imagine you see young quail feeding, it is a sign of thrift, particularly to farmers: to be successful in shooting them in the proper season, also foretells good luck and success in any undertaking. 76, 14.QUAKER. To dream of business intercourse with genuine broad-brims, is a sign you will make a bad bargain. If, in your dream, you see a concourse of quakers, it foretells that you will not be fortunate in business matters. This omen is supposed to be predicated on the fact that the Quakers monopolize all the good chances when they are around. 24, 30.QUARREL. To dream of quarreling with a stranger, is a sign you will make a new friend or acquaintance; if you imagine that you quarrel with a friend, it shows that you will soon have a pleasant and agreeable time with him: lovers who dream of quarrels, will be apt to bill and coo harder than ever. 2, 12, 24.QUEEN. For a man to dream of seeing a queen, foretells the loss of money, either by robbery or bad debts: if he is presented to a queen, the dream is still worse in respect to losses. 39, 60.QUICKSILVER. (See Metals.)QUILTING. If a lady dreams of going to a quilting party, it foretells for her and her family thrift and good luck: gentlemen, who dream of being much entertained at such a party, will have the very best success in love matters. 71, 54.QUINCES. To dream of quinces, is an excellent omen: if you imagine you are gathering quinces from trees full of fine-looking, yellow ones, it predicts that you will get just so much yellow gold, which will be a fortune. 49, 6.QUOITS. If a man dreams he is playing quoits, it is a sign he will soon have a quarrel. If a woman dreams she is playing quoits, it foretells she will have much trouble through life. To dream of quoits, is not a good omen to lovers. 57, 3.RABBITS. To dream of these animals, foretells many small children: if a newly married woman dreams of them it is a sign that she will have twins or triplets within a year: such a dream will not be very pleasant to a young girl unless she means to marry right sudden, for rabbits do not predict anything else but breeding children. 44, 13.RACCOON. To dream of simply treeing a raccoon, is a good omen, for you will probably either gain a sum of money, or have it left to you as a legacy: if you imagine that you shoot the animal, and he falls to the ground, this will spoil the luck; you should stop dreaming as soon as the ’coon is up the tree. 61, 12.RACES. (See Run.) To dream of running a race on foot and winning it, is a sign of success in any undertaking—losing it, foretells disappointment. If you dream of going to a horse-race, it predicts poverty and shiftlessness. 46, 7.RADISHES. To dream of this vegetable, signifies that a secret will be discovered, which will occasion a muss in the family. To a girl, it is a sign she will lose her beau, and to a lover, it foreshadows he will be “cut out” by some other nice young man. 38, 13.RAFFLE. Raffling in your dream is the same as gambling; it foretells poverty and disgrace: to dream of raffling for poultry is a sign that your family (if you have one) will want bread; if you are single, it shows that you will be apt to get seedy and loaferish. 8, 44.RAFT. To dream of seeing a raft foretells a journey—the longer the raft, the more extensive the line of travel: if you dream of sailing on a raft, it is a sign you will travel, with good success, in distant countries. 10.RAGE. (See Anger.) If you dream that you are in a great rage in consequence of a mishap, or disagreeable event, it is a sign that some pleasant episode in connection therewith will occur to put you in an excellent humor, as such dreams work contrariwise. 44, 16.RAGGED. To dream that your clothes are ragged, indicates that a young girl will banter you: if, in your dream, you see ragged people, it is a sign that you will suffer ridicule at your next meeting with a party of ladies and gentlemen. Rags and ridicule go together in dreams. 19.RAILROAD. To dream of traveling by railroad, foretells to people who keep house that they will break up their establishment: to young persons it indicates the loss of their home: to lovers it is a sign that if they marry they will not keep house long, if at all. 3, 11, 33.RAIN. To dream of a gentle rain is a good omen, as it foretells success in any undertaking: if you dream of a violent rain-storm accompanied by wind and thunder and lightning, it predicts much trouble and misfortune, though ultimate success in your undertakings. 21, 72.RAINBOW. It is an excellent dream to imagine you see a brilliant rainbow—the brighter the better: it denotes health and general prosperity: to lovers it foretells a happy marriage, and riches. A young girl who dreams of a rainbow will either get an agreeable lover or a present. 45.RAKING. For a girl to dream of raking newly mown hay, is a sign she will be married before the hay is eaten: young fellows who dream of raking hay with their sweethearts had better get ready their necks for the matrimonial noose, as they are past praying for. 4, 11.RAM. To dream that a ram runs at you for butting purposes, shadows forth to a young man that his society will be coveted by the girls, and that he will be fortunate in love matters generally: if a girl dreams this, she will probably have her choice of lovers, as all the young fellows around there will fall in love with her: if the ram succeeds in butting her, she will surely be taken captive and brought as Cupid’s prisoner into the matrimonial ranks. 19.RAPE. If a female (married or single) dreams of an outrage on her person, (whether attempted, or successful,) it is a sign that some one of the opposite sex is in love with her: if she is married, the dream alludes to some man other than her husband. Such dreams bode no good. 31.RASPBERRIES. To dream of an abundance of this fruit is a sign of health and riches: if you dream you are eating raspberries, it shows that you will be engaged in some enterprise that will bring you in a good deal of cash, most of which will be spent lavishly. 3, 66.RATS. (See Trap and Mouse.) To dream of rats is a sign that thieves are around: if you see any of these animals, it shows that some friend will be robbed, but if you hear them gnawing, you will suffer a loss from robbery yourself. If a girl, who has a lover, dreams of rats, she had better be careful and not let him be too free with her person, or he may rob her of that which cannot be restored. 54, 21.RAVEN. (See Crow.)READING. To dream you are reading, indicates you will be successful in your love; in trade, it is particularly propitious; but if it appear to be painful or irksome to read, it signifies that you shall not succeed without exertion, 65, 2.REAPING. (See Harvest.) To dream of reaping grain is an excellent omen, as it foretells thrift and abundance, as well as plenty of money in gold; this applies to a prolific field of ripe yellow grain; if the grain is meagre and looks rusty, the sign is entirely different, as it betokens scarcity and penury. 4, 11, 44.RELATIONS. If you dream of being annoyed at home by your relations, it is a sign that you will be the subject of much scandal: if, on the contrary, you imagine that your relatives visit you and give you great pleasure by their society, it foretells that you are talked about a good deal, but always with respect and veneration. 70.RELIGIOUS. For any one to dream of becoming religious, foretells that they will be cheated or swindled in some way, as such a dream works contrariwise: if you dream that a minister, or any religious person, exhorts you to become pious, you had better look out sharp, for some rogue is around, contriving how to victimize you. 54.RENT. To dream of paying your rent foretells that you will get some money unexpectedly; but if you dream that you owe it, without having the money to pay, and are worried in consequence, it foreshadows a loss of property. 3.REPRIEVE. If a criminal under sentence of death dream of a reprieve or pardon, he may make up his mind that it is all over with him; and if any friend, who is interested in his fate, dreams this, it amounts to about the same thing. 76, 5.REPTILE. To dream of any animal that is called a reptile, such as snakes, toads, alligators, and the like, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine you are bitten, it shows that you will come out second best, or badly injured either in person or reputation. If a girl dreams of a reptile, let her look sharp that her lover don’t play her false. 34, 3.RESCUE. If you dream of rescuing anyone from peril, it is a sign you will rise in the world, either by means of increased wealth, or new honors: to dream that you are rescued from drowning or from any other mode of death, shows that you will go into some successful business speculation with a partner. To lovers, such a dream foretells a speedy and happy union. 64, 9.RESIGN. If a person who holds an office, or a trust of any kind, dreams of resigning, it is a sign of advancement: to any one who cannot be advanced, it shows that he will rise above his present position in society. 41, 17.RESUSCITATE. To dream of resuscitating a drowned person, foretells that you will engage in some enterprise that attracts public attention: if the person thus brought to life is a female, it shadows forth marriage with a lady of public fame. 16, 9, 78.REVENGE. To dream of revenging an injury, is a sign of disgrace: if, in your dream, you imagine that you have caused any one to be locked up in prison from motives of revenge, it predicts that you yourself will be imprisoned for some degrading act. 74, 50.REVIVAL. To dream of a religious revival, or of being where a great many people are holding a revival meeting, is a sign that you will go into a disreputable public place and lose caste: if you take part in the meeting, it foretells that you will come to disgrace, as all such dreams work contrariwise. 13, 57.REWARD. To dream of receiving a reward for any act which is a public benefit, such as detecting a criminal, is a sign that you will have honors conferred upon you: if you dream of getting a reward for finding money or other property, it foreshadows good fortune and riches. 41.RHEUMATISM. To dream of this painful disease, is an omen of health: if you imagine a friend is thus afflicted, it shows that he will soon offer to do you a favor, or benefit you in some way. 52, 16.RHINOCEROS. To dream of this East India animal, denotes success to the man of business, but disappointment in love matters; but to dream they injure you, is unfavorable to the dreamer. If you dream you see one dead, you’ll soon leave a relative. 47.RIBBONS. For a girl to dream that she has got new, and beautiful ribbons on her bonnet or dress, is a sign some one will flatter her to her disadvantage: if she does not like the ribbon, it shows that she will hear of some scandal relative to herself; and if the ribbon is red, the scandal will impeach her chastity. 39, 6.RICE. To dream of eating rice, denotes health: if you imagine that you see large quantities of rice, it foretells to one who does not live in a rice country, a successful and pleasant journey; and to those who live there, it predicts gain and riches. 12, 2, 24.RICH. To dream you are rich or that you have inherited a fortune, is a sign of poverty and bad luck; but if you imagine that some one pays you large sums of money enough to make you rich, your dream will be realized so far that you will acquire property. If a person dreams that a legacy is paid to him in money, it has an entirely different meaning from a dream that you are enriched from a legacy, but do not see the money. 15, 3.RIDING. (See Carriage, Stage-coach, and Gig.) To dream you are riding, if it be with a woman, is unfortunate: in trade, decay of business; in love, disappointments; but if it be with men, then, by care, the reverse of these things will happen. Riding in a railcar, or a stage, foretells success in business matters. 6, 12, 72.RING. For a lady to dream that a gentleman presents her with a ring, or that she has a ring belonging to a gentleman, is a sign of a wedding. If a young man dreams that he has got a lady’s ring, the omen is similar. To dream of finding a ring, foretells that the person finding it will marry within a year. 4, 20.RIOT. To dream of a public tumult or riot, is a sign of scarcity and bad crops to farmers, and dull business to tradesmen and mechanics: if any friend or relative is injured in the riot, you or they will probably suffer from misfortune, but if they are successful and pacify the crowd, it foretells that you will overcome your difficulties. 2.RIVAL. For a lover to dream that he has a rival who annoys him, is a sign that he is in high favor with his sweetheart; such a dream to a young lady has a similar omen, and she has only to name the happy day to settle the matter to her mind. 1, 70.RIVER. To dream of crossing a large and clear river, foretells a splendid fortune: if the water is muddy or riled, it predicts difficulties, but they will be overcome provided you get safe over the river without accident. If a girl dreams this, it is a sign she will travel somewhere and get a rich husband. 34, 20.ROBBERY. (See Thief and Stealing.)ROBIN. To dream of seeing robins around your house, is a good omen, as it foretells abundance to farmers and success to any one; if you do not see them, but hear them trilling, it foreshadows sickness, and perhaps death. 6.ROCKET. To dream of seeing rockets flying in the air, foretells joy and gladness at some event about to happen: to married people it denotes the birth of a child, or the marriage of a daughter if they have one old enough. If a young girl dreams of seeing a rocket, she needn’t trouble herself further, as her speedy marriage is certain. 15. ROCKING-CHAIR. (See Chair.)ROCKS. (See Mountain.)ROOSTER. (See Cock.) If a girl dreams of hearing a cock crow, it foretells that she will soon have a new lover; if a lover dreams this, it is a sign that he has a formidable rival: if a married man or woman dreams of roosters, it shows that some outsider is enamored of the wife. 10, 19.ROSE. To dream of roses is a sign of troubles: the old saying that every rose has its thorn, is exemplified in such a dream, because every rose you see brings along a trouble: dreaming of white roses signifies a marriage which will bring much vexation. 47, 9.ROSEMARY. To the married, denotes loss of their mates and children; to the lover, trouble through his or her sweetheart. 49, 7.ROTTEN. To dream of rotten things of any kind (except eggs), foretells sickness and death: to imagine that you handle rotten eggs, foreshadows disgrace. 35.ROWING. To dream of rowing a boat in clear water, is a sign of good luck generally: if the water is muddy, it shows trouble and difficulties which may be overcome; if a lover dreams of rowing a boat with his lady-love in it, he will doubtless make a happy match, 20.RUDDER. To dream of a broken rudder in a boat or vessel in which you are sailing, foretells that one of the persons who you imagine are in the boat, will be drowned, or come to a sudden death. 27, 75.RUIN. If you dream that you are looking at old ruins, or castles, or buildings, it is a sign you will travel in distant countries: to dream of the ruins of a house that has been burnt down, foretells that you will experience a loss of property: if, in your dream, you see the ruins of a house that has fallen down, it denotes the death of a friend or acquaintance. 5, 12, 60.RUN. (See Race.) To dream of running swift, is a sign of good success in your undertakings; but if you stumble or fall, it denotes accidents or misfortune: if you imagine that you see people run, while you are still, it foretells disappointment. 7.RUST. To dream of rust is a bad omen: rusty knives, or tools of any kind, denote the destruction of property: rusty pails or utensils are so many signs of poverty. 54.RYE. To dream of this grain is a sign you will be fortunate in money matters; it also foretells success in love affairs: to the married it foreshadows domestic happiness. 69.SAFFRON. To dream of gathering saffron, or of drinking a decoction of the herb, is a sign of health and wealth: if the flowers that you gather look clear and healthy, it foretells that you will get just so much gold. 19, 24.SAILING. To dream of fair sailing on clear water, is an excellent omen, as it foretells abundance and success: heavy winds that endanger your boat, or muddy waters, point out difficulties which will probably be overcome. (See Boat, Yacht and Ship.) 20.SAUSAGES. To dream of eating fried sausages, foretells that you will come in contact with some person who is very poor, and will be disagreeable to you: a girl who dreams this, will be very sure to get a shiftless and needy lover, and perhaps marry him if she is in much of a hurry to get married. 38, 16.SAWING. To dream of sawing wood, or boards, foretells that you will do something that you will afterwards regret: if a young fellow dreams this, he will probably offer some indignity to his sweetheart, which he will find it hard work to get overlooked. 3, 17, 55.SCAFFOLD. To dream of going upon a high scaffold, shows that you will rise in the world: if, in your dream, you imagine that you fall from a scaffold, or from any high place, it shadows forth a misfortune that will make you poorer: a girl who dreams of climbing upon a scaffold, will positively marry a rich man, or one of distinction, who is far above her in position. 33, 7.SCALDED. To dream of being scalded with hot water, is usually a sign of injuries by the elements; it may foretell losses by floods, by fire, or by winds, or by thunder-storms: if you dream of scalding your tongue with hot tea, it is a sign that you will scandalize a neighbor with some ill-natured remark. 3, 12, 36.SCALES. To dream you are weighing any article, is a good omen, and signifies that you will be happy and long-lived; but to dream you see another using the scales, is a sign you will be ruined by law-suits. 68, 40.SCARCITY. To dream of a scarcity of anything is a sign that some of the article dreamed about is on its way to you; as if a farmer were to dream of a scarcity of hay, it shows that his next hay crop will be very abundant; or, if a girl should dream of a scarcity of compliments, she will probably be overwhelmed by them from gentlemen, when she next goes into company. 27, 9.SCHOOL. To dream of attending school, is a sign of advancement and good fortune: if you dream of studying, and succeed well, it shadows forth that you will rise to a position in society above your present one: if you find it difficult to learn, you will have trouble in getting along, but will rise at last. 42, 72.SCISSORS. To dream of a pair of scissors, is a sign of a marriage; if a girl dreams of them she will positively be married within a year: to a married woman such a dream is a bad omen, as it denotes some gay seducer will flatter her, and probably succeed in enticing her from the path of virtue. Here is an old prediction in rhyme: 47. SCOLD. For a man to dream he has a scolding, shrewish wife, is a sign that he will be lucky in everything he undertakes: if a lover dreams that his sweetheart scolds at him, it is a sign that her love is strong and unalterable. 65, 16.SCRATCH. To dream of having your face scratched, is a sign that somebody has been disparaging your good looks: if a girl imagines in her dream that she has scratched herself with a pin, it foretells that scandal is afloat relative to her conduct with her lover, or some other gentleman. 3.SCREW. To dream of a small screw, is a good sign, and indicates success in all you undertake; but to dream of a large bed-screw portends trouble brought about by love affairs. 4, 11, 44.SCYTHE. (See Husbandry.)SEA. To dream of going to sea in a ship or steamer, is a sign that you will be fortunate in money matters: storms and perils at sea foretell difficulties which may be overcome: if you dream you are seasick, it denotes continued health. If a girl dreams of going to sea, and having a pleasant voyage, she will marry rich, and love her husband; but storms and perils point to quarrels with him. 6.SECRET. If a young girl dreams that a friend has intrusted her with an important secret, it is a sign that the friend will become her enemy: if her lover tells her a secret, they will surely quarrel within a week; if she dreams of disclosing a secret to a friend, she will be much vexed at some scandal that is afloat respecting her. 4, 2, 8.SEDUCER. If a young woman dreams that her lover’s conduct is that of a gay seducer, she will find him to be very sincere in his attachment: a married woman who dreams that she is over-persuaded by a seducer to yield to his desires, will come to much honor, as such dreams work contrariwise. If a man dreams of seducing a virtuous girl, it foreshadows that he will be disgraced. 35, 8.SEGAR. (See Tobacco.) To dream you are smoking a segar, is a sign you will have misfortunes and troubles with your business matters: if you imagine the fire of your segar goes out, it is a sign you will meet with losses: in love matters this dream is a bad omen. 49, 7, 9.SEPARATION. If a woman dreams that she is about to live separate from her husband, it promises that she will shortly find herself in the family way: such a dream to a man is a sign that some woman or girl, other than his wife, is in love with him. 26, 17.SERVANTS. (See Domestics.) To dream that you are robbed by your servants, is a sign that some one among them that you think the most of is deceiving you: if, in your dream, you imagine you have had your silver stolen by a servant, it shows that you will have a difficulty, and discharge one who will be replaced by a dishonest person. 71, 40, 11.SHARK. To dream of seeing a shark in the water, is an excellent omen, as it foretells that you will escape a great danger that menaces you: if you dream of capturing the shark, you will soon thereafter get a big lump of money. Catching fish of any kind foretells money-getting. 31.SHAVE. For a man to dream that he is shaving, is a sign he will get in debt: to dream that any one shaved you in a bargain, foretells that some debt will be paid to you which you had given up as lost. 5, 7, 54.SHAWL. If a girl dreams of getting a new shawl, it foretells that she will soon have a new beau who will be very attentive and affable. 3, 19.SHEEP. To dream of large flocks of sheep, is a sign of thrift and abundance, particularly to farmers, to whom the omen promises large crops: if many of the sheep have young lambs, it foretells domestic happiness and an excellent crop of children. 12, 5, 60.SHELL. (See Oysters and Clams.) To dream you find an empty shell is a sign you will meet with losses in business, but if, in your dream, you imagine the shell to be full, it foretells you will be successful in all your undertakings. If you dream you are opening any kind of shell fish for others to eat it foreshadows that you will have plenty of funds. 19, 53.SHERIFF. If you dream the sheriff is after you with a writ, or a warrant, and that you dodge and escape him, it is a sign of bad luck and losses; but if he arrests and locks you up in prison, it foretells that some good fortune is coming. Soon after such a dream you will be lucky in anything you undertake. 62, 21.SHIFT. (See Linen and Smock.)SHIP. To dream of seeing a ship under full sail, while you stand on the shore, is a sign you will soon fall in love with a pretty girl, who will favor your addresses; but if you see this ship while you are on the water in some other vessel, it shows that your sweetheart will be jealous of you. To dream of being shipwrecked and losing your property, foretells good luck in business matters, but quarrels in love affairs. 29, 8.SHIRT. To dream that your shirt is ragged and without buttons, is a sign of poverty: if you imagine that you have a new shirt, with a stylish bosom, it foretells some disagreeable adventure in which your self-esteem will be keenly wounded, such as being placed in a ridiculous position before ladies, or before company in public. 44, 18.SHOES. (See Boots.) If you dream that one of your shoes has a hole in it, it foretells that your sweetheart will offend you by favoring a supposed rival: if a girl dreams this, her lover will be jealous of her: for a young man to dream that he has lost a shoe-string, is a sign that he will be kissed by a lady with whom he had no previous acquaintance. 33.SHROUD. (See Corpse.) To dream of a shroud is a sign of a wedding: to see, in your dream, a woman laid out in her shroud, foretells to a young person that he or she will either be present at a marriage, or will become a victim of Cupid’s archery. 39, 11.SICKNESS. (See Disease.) If you dream you have had a long sickness, and are recovering, it foretells bad luck and difficulties: should you imagine that you are sick and are going to die, the omen is the reverse, for some good fortune awaits you: if a girl dreams that she is sick abed, and her lover visits her, it foretells a smooth courtship and happy marriage. 2.SILKS. For a lady to dream of silks and satins, and that she is having fine dresses made of those fabrics, foretells poverty and want: if she imagines that she is presented with a plain cheap dress, and is pleased with the present, it is a sign she will have some excellent luck; but if she dislikes it, it shows that she will refuse an offer that will cause her after regrets. 8, 7, 56.SILVER. (See Metals.)SINGING. To dream of singing solemn music in a choir, is a sign of the death of a young girl who is your esteemed friend or relative: to lovers, such a dream foretells the loss of sweethearts: if you imagine you are singing some lively tune by yourself, it is a sign of sorrow, though it may not be connected with any death. 34, 18.SINGLE. If a married woman dreams that she is single, and that attentions are being paid to her by a beau, it foretells that her husband has become captivated by a new love, and will probably be false to his vows: the omen is similar to a married man who dreams that he is either a bachelor or widower. 69, 72.SISTER. (See Brothers.) To dream you see your sister denotes a speedy death in your family, and that the dreamer will be long-lived: if you are in love, it is a favorable omen. 24, 8.SKATING. To dream of skating over smooth ice, and gliding along without much effort, is a sign of success and good luck: if you are skating with ladies, it foretells that your love matters will go smoothly; if the ice be broken or lumpy, it denotes difficulties; and if you imagine you fall down, you will probably experience a misfortune or have great trouble. 4, 7, 28.SKY. A clear sky denotes a marriage, speedy, and happy; a red sky, increase of wealth; if you ascend into the sky, you may look for much honor; a cloudy sky shows misfortune. 2, 11, 24. SLAUGHTER-HOUSE. To dream of being in an empty slaughter-house, shows that you are in danger, but can avoid it by precaution. To see animals slaughtered is a good sign, if the blood flow freely; if the blood does not flow, you will meet with some accident. 26, 12.SLAVE. To dream that a favorite slave has become ungrateful, and run away, is a sign that some one has been tampering with him or her, but without effect; if, in your dream, you imagine that one of your favorite negroes has been impertinent or neglectful, and is to be flogged, and that you feel bad about it, it shows that some one will try to injure you through the medium of your slaves, and you should therefore look sharp to the characters of white people around. 62, 4. SLEIGH-RIDE. To dream of a sleigh-ride, where the sleighing is good, and the sleigh glides free and noiseless, is an excellent omen, as it foretells success and good fortune generally, particularly to farmers: but if you imagine the sleighing is poor, and that the runners screech on the ground, it foretells trouble and unhappiness. Young men who dream of sleigh-riding with girls, stopping at taverns, drinking, getting the girls boozy, and then performing unnamable pranks, are thus forewarned that they will be poor and shiftless, as such dreams are certain omens of misery and disgrace. 67, 46.SLIDING. (See Ice.) To dream of sliding on smooth ice, foretells good luck: if a girl dreams that a young man assists her in sliding, and that she enjoys it, she will soon get an agreeable lover: ragged or wet ice, or holes in the ice, foreshadow difficulties. If a girl dreams of falling down on the ice, and that her lover falls with her, and overtops her, they may as well go to the parson at once, and have the knot tied, as it is a sure thing to happen. 4, 28. SMALL-POX. (See Sores.) To dream that you have this disease, foretells health and good fortune: if a lover should be so ungallant, as to imagine that his sweetheart is thus afflicted, it is a sign that he will marry a great beauty; if she happens to be a beauty, it will be all right, of course; if not, he will look out for number two. 41, 32.SMOCK. (See Linen.) If a girl dreams that she has a ragged undergarment, it foretells that some rich greenhorn will try to seduce her, and failing, will offer her marriage: if she dreams that she has a good supply of beautiful worked undergarments, it is a sign that she will sigh in vain for a lover; if she imagines that a gentleman gives her a new smock, she will be in danger of losing her chastity. 12.SMOKE. To dream of being in a room full of smoke, foretells that you will engage in an angry controversy, and perhaps quarrel: lovers who dream of smoke, will nose out the fire when they next meet, and it will prove to be either one of anger or of lust. 76, 5.SNAKE. To dream of snakes is a sign of an enemy, or that some one is slandering you; it also denotes quarrels and angry disputes: if an engaged young lady dreams of them, she had better ascertain positively whether her lover is all right before she marries him. 47, 50.SNEEZE. To dream you sneeze, is a sign of long life. 55.SNOW. (See Sleigh-Ride and Thaw.) To dream that the ground is covered with clean, white snow, is a sign of joy and pleasure: if you walk in it, it foretells that you will go on a pleasant journey; to eat it, denotes health: if the snow is dirty, or melted in patches, you will have troubles, but they will not amount to much. To dream of a regular storm, is a sign you will be very successful in all your love and business affairs. 21, 67, 46.SNUFF. (See Tobacco.)SNUFFERS. (See Candles.) To dream of snuffing out a candle, is a sign of a death in the family: if you imagine that you snuff it too short, without putting it out, it foretells that you will do something that will make a female friend shed tears. 40.SOAP. Signifies trouble in business, but it will soon depart. 66, 3, 11. SOLDIER’S DRUM. (See Zouave, Parade and Procession.)SORES. To dream of your body being covered with blotches, shows that a great fortune will fall to you. To have the arms full of sores, shows ill success in business. 19, 74.SOW. To dream of a sow with a large litter of pigs, denotes abundance to a farmer, but is a sign of ill-health to a tradesman or mechanic: if a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will soon marry a man in bad health. 4, 12, 48.SPIDER. To dream that you see a spider coming toward you, is a sign that some one will soon pay you money: if you imagine that the spider spins down before your face, the omen is similar, for you will make a good lot of money in some way. If a married woman dreams of seeing a large spider, it foretells that she will have a miscarriage, which she will not be sorry for. 72, 16. SPY-GLASS. To dream of looking through one of these instruments and observing objects at a distance, is a sign that you will enlarge your possessions; if you are a farmer, you will add to your farm; if a man of business, enlarge your business, &c.; but to a poor devil who hasn’t got much of anything, it predicts that he will increase his family for the want of something else to enlarge. 14.SQUINTING. (See Eye.) If a girl dreams of seeing a good-looking young man who squints, it is a sign that some one has fallen in love with her, and only waits an opportunity to demonstrate his passion: if a gentleman dreams that his sweetheart squints, it foretells that she is thinking about some one else rather than him, and would not break her heart if he refused to “come to tea.” 49.SQUIRREL. To dream of these animals is a sign of good fortune; they denote abundant crops to a farmer, and success to any one: if a man dreams of being bitten by a squirrel, it foretells that he will lose something by robbery; if he catches the animal when it bites him, and puts it in a cage, the omen is different, for he will have a piece of good luck—though a robbery may be mixed up in it. 21.STABLE. To dream of a stable denotes hospitality and good entertainment. 2, 11. STAGE-COACH. To dream of riding in one signifies good luck in business: if you run after one, you will be out of employment for a long season: to see one pass, will rid you of troublesome friends. If you are in a stage-coach and it turns over without injuring you, you will be lucky in your speculations; if you dream you are killed by the fall, you must expect misfortune. (See Riding and Coach.) 6, 12, 72.STAIN. For a girl to dream of stains on her dress, is a sign of scandal: if she imagines that the stains are in front, she will be accused of an improper intimacy with a gentleman; if on the right sleeve, it will be insinuated that she took what did not belong to her; if on the left sleeve, some one will be disparaging her veracity. If a lover dreams that his sweetheart’s dress is stained behind, it shows that she is untrue to him. 65, 13.STARS. (See Night.) To dream of seeing multitudes of bright stars in a clear sky, is a sign (to a lady) that she will have a great many children, and troops of good friends: to a man of business, such a dream denotes as many customers as he sees stars in a clear sky. If a girl dreams of seeing stars, and notices one or more to be brighter than the rest, those bright ones are lovers, and the small ones are her children or friends. 4, 19.STATUE. To dream of marble statues is a sign of advancement; those who imagine that they see beautiful statuary will be sure to rise above their present position in society. 3, 13.STEALING. (See Thief.) If you dream of being robbed, it is a sign that you will make a good speculation of some kind; to dream of stealing any particular article yourself, foretells that you will soon want just that thing; thus, if you imagine that you steal money, you will be badly in want of some. 49, 16.STEEL. (See Metals.)STEEPLE. (See Tower.) To dream of going up to the top of a steeple, and looking off at a distance, is a sign that you will increase your property or effects: if a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will marry above her present position. 6.STICK. To hold a stick foretells mourning; to use it as a prop, instability of fortune; to any one with it shows that you are charitable; to receive a beating with one, predicts you will better your position in life. 7, 7[TN: illegible].STILLBORN. If a woman dreams that she gives birth to a stillborn child, it foretells that her next child will be an uncommon bright one: a childless woman who dreams this, will realize her fondest hopes. 49, 77.STING. To dream of being stung by a bee or wasp, foretells an injury by unjust and scandalous reports: a young lady who dreams that a bee stings her, will probably have her chastity questioned. 64, 18.STOCKINGS. To dream of cotton-stockings, foretells moderate happiness; of silk, poverty. To take them off, denotes the reception of money. Stockings with holes in them, signify the loss of property. 47, 71.STORM. (See Rain, Hail and Snow.) To dream of a devastating storm, foretells losses and trouble: a violent rain-storm denotes that you will have good luck, but that misfortunes will nevertheless injure your prospects: gentle showers promise the luck without the adverse omen. 21, 72.STOVE. To dream of a stove is a sign of wealth, if there be a fire in it; but if cold, a sign of poverty. 8, 60.STRANGER. For a girl to dream that she is kissed by a stranger, promises her a new lover: a married woman who dreams this will probably soon present her husband with a stranger in the shape of a new baby, and he will unhappily doubt its paternity. 62, 8.STRAW. To dream of a bundle of straw denotes abundance; if scattered about, poverty. 4, 51, 78.STRAWBERRIES. To dream of this fruit, denotes success in love affairs, and a happy marriage. 39, 78.SUCKLE. (See Wet-Nurse.) If a married woman dreams of suckling a child, it foretells that she will soon give birth to another; should a bachelor dream of seeing a child suckled, he had better make up his mind that he will soon have a young lady’s board to pay, whether he marries or not; but as the latter would be the better course let him be looking round for a wife at once. A married man who dreams this, will soon become a happy father. 7, 9, 63.SUGAR. To dream of sugar denotes purity: if a lover dreams that his sweetheart presents him with white loaf-sugar, it shows that her affection for him is pure and disinterested; it is therefore a good sign for him to dream of taking tea with her, as she would naturally put such sugar in his tea: to dream of sugar of any kind, or sugar candy, is an excellent omen. 19, 48. An old prediction runs as follows: Dreams of sugar and sweetmeat, Or drinking wine with pleasure great, And all dreams pleasant in condition, Show sports of love, and love’s fruition. SUN. To dream that the sun blinds you, foretells that you will be overwhelmed with good fortune: to see a beautiful bright sun, is a sign of success in anything you may undertake: a red sun denotes mishaps and accidents: if the sun looks dim and smoky, it foreshadows trouble and difficulties. To dream of seeing the sun rise brings good news and luck; the setting sun, misfortune. 2, 10, 20.SWALLOWS. To dream of these birds, is a good omen, as it foretells health and abundant crops to farmers: if you dream of killing a swallow, it is a sign of a misfortune; if you catch the bird, you will have splendid luck and get plenty of money; but if, after capturing, you dream you let him go, a fortune will slip through your fingers. 25.SWAN. To dream of a white swan, signifies riches; a black one, domestic sorrow. Its song denotes death. 9, 18.SWEARING. (See Blasphemy.) To dream that you hear violent altercations and profane swearing, is a sign that you will lose caste, and go down in the world: if a man dreams that in his anger he curses and swears, it foretells that he will come to poverty. 72, 4.SWEEPING. For a girl to dream of sweeping the house, foretells that a lover will soon make his appearance: if a married woman dreams this, it shows that some outsider is charmed with her, and may venture to make dishonorable proposals. 39, 12.SWIMMING. To dream of swimming is an excellent omen, as it foretells success and good fortune generally: if you dream you are swimming, or bathing in clear water with ladies, it predicts that you will soon marry the one of your choice, particularly if she be present; and to dream you are naked and swimming in clear water, is a sign of excellent luck in business matters. 54, 18.SWORD. To dream of having a sword, is a sign of poverty: if you dream of seeing a man flourish one of these weapons, it foretells you will make a loss. A young girl who imagines her lover wears a sword, had better give up all ideas of silks and satins, and learn how to cook and wash, for she will be a poor man’s wife. 17. TABLE-CLOTH. To dream of a dirty table-cloth foretells that you will have plenty to eat. 51.TAILOR. If a girl dreams that she has a tailor for her beau, and is pleased with him, it is a sign that she will marry a softly sort of a fellow, who will allow her to be both master and mistress after marriage. Here is a popular rhyme in illustration: 19, 70. The maid who dreams a tailor she would wed, Will marry one who’ll be a log in bed; And she’ll be master, too, of all his riches, And, in the vulgar parlance, “wear the breeches!”TALL. If a young lady dreams that her beau is a very tall man, it is a sign that her future husband will be a “wee bit of a fellow,” and not of much account. 4.TAMARINDS. To dream of tamarinds shows much vexation and uneasiness through a woman, bad success in trade, a rainy season, and news from beyond sea that is disagreeable: in love they denote disappointment. 77, 16.TANNERY. To dream of being in a tannery is a sign of health and riches: if a girl dreams that her beau is a tanner, she will probably get a good husband, and one who is well off, and will live to a good old age, for your tanners are usually tough customers. 52, 7.TAR. To dream of tar is a sign you will travel by water: if you dream you get it on your hands or clothes, it shows that you will have difficulties; and to imagine you accidentally seat yourself on tar, and get stuck to the seat, foretells that you will be detained against your will in some foreign country. 12, 6, 72.TAVERN. (See Inn.)TEA. To dream of drinking tea, or being present at a tea-party, is a sign of thrift and domestic happiness: a girl who dreams of meeting her lover at such a party, or of drinking tea with him, may be sure that he’s all right, and she can close her matrimonial bargain with him at once without any risk. 61, 19.TEARS. To dream of shedding tears of sympathy, is a sign that some one is in love with you; this applies to both sexes, but more particularly to girls who cry easy: if you imagine you cry from grief, some good fortune awaits you, and you will have riches in proportion to the tears shed: if you dream that you shed tears from vexation, it shows that you will experience a loss just in proportion to the tears, or that some one will injure your prospects by circulating a scandal. 14.TEETH. To dream you lose your teeth, denotes the loss of friends, troubles, and misfortunes; to the lover it shows the loss of your sweetheart’s affections: to dream you cut a new tooth, denotes the birth of a child who will make a figure in the world. 33, 11, 2.TELEGRAPH. To dream of one denotes tidings from abroad, in a short space of time, and still more speedily if you think the telegraph is at work. 47, 10, 78.TELESCOPE. (See Spy-Glass.) To dream of looking through a telescope at a distance over farm lands, is a sign you will either purchase a farm or inherit one: if you dream of looking at the stars, it shows that you will rise in the world—if at the moon, and you are delighted with the view, it predicts for you great riches. 7, 14.TEMPEST. (See Storm.) To dream of long-continuing and great tempests, signifies affliction, troubles, dangers, losses and perils; to the poor, repose. 57, 8. TEN-PINS. To dream of playing ten-pins, foretells disgrace; if the centre pin falls, one of the players will die; if many pins fall, all of the players will suffer loss. 10, 2, 20.THAW. To dream of a thaw, and walking in splashy snow, foretells trouble and losses: if a young fellow dreams that he walks through splashy snow to go a courting, it is a sign that he will quarrel with his sweetheart. 34, 18.THEATRE. For a young man to dream of taking his sweetheart to the theatre, is a sign that she will favor a new beau: if he dreams of going to the theatre alone, and seeing his lady-love among the audience, it shows that she has already seen and spoken to a gentleman that she likes better than him: if a lady dreams this of her beau, the omen is similar. 2, 4, 8.THIEF. (See Stealing.) To dream that thieves break into your house and rob you, is a sign of honor or profit—the greater the robbery, the more extensive will be your good fortune: if you dream that you catch a thief and deliver him over to the officers of justice, it denotes that you will have trouble in connection with your good fortune. 49, 16, 3.THIRST. If any one dream of thirst or of drinking water, if the water appear clear and acceptable, he will live joyfully and become wealthy; if the water be troubled, warm, or offensive, it forewarns him that without prudence, he will end his days in affliction. 20, 49.THORN. For a girl to dream of accidentally sticking a thorn into her finger is a sign she will have a ring presented to her, probably a wedding ring: if a married woman dreams this, some outsider will make love to her by first offering a ring. If any one dreams of sticking a thorn in either foot or leg, it foretells improper intimacy with the opposite sex which will not end in disgrace, but in marriage: married people who dream this will do the same thing and not be found out. 39.THROAT. For a married woman to dream that her throat is sore, or swelled, or out of order, is a sign she is in the family way; and a girl who dreams this had better be careful and keep pretty clear of the young fellows, for fear of accidents. 60, 18.THUMB. If a girl dreams that her beau hurts her by pinching her thumb, it is a sign that if she marries him she will have to get her own living, and help to support him besides: for a man to dream of losing his thumb, or of an injury to it, foretells poverty—on the contrary, to dream of a big thumb denotes much wealth. 36, 5.THUNDER. To dream of heavy thunder denotes large crops to farmers: to tradesmen, mechanics, or speculators, it foretells a big business, or a successful speculation: if you are terrified by thunder, so much the better. 51.TIGER. To dream of seeing one of these animals in a rage, is a sign that you have a treacherous friend who will endanger your reputation: to see, in your dream, a sleeping or quiet tiger, foretells that you will soon make the acquaintance of a treacherous or unworthy person. If a girl dreams this, she had better be suspicious of the next young man who offers her his attentions. 59, 62.TOAD. To dream of seeing a toad is a sign of a rain storm: if, in your dream, you see multitudes of small toads, it foretells good crops to farmers, and excellent luck to anybody: if a newly married woman dreams this, it shadows forth that she will have as many smart children as she sees toads—three or four at a time, perhaps—and if she don’t, her husband will beget them elsewhere. 3.TOBACCO. For a boy to dream of chewing tobacco, is a sign of poverty, as rum and tobacco-chewing go together: to dream of smoking foretells waste, but is not exactly an omen of poverty, though waste always precedes that state. The best way is not to dream of using tobacco at all. If you dream of seeing large piles of tobacco, it is a sign of bad luck and loss in some speculation. To dream you take snuff is a bad omen in love affairs, but if you dream you sneeze when you take it, it is a sign of long life. 49, 7, 55.TOMATOES. To dream of this valuable vegetable, denotes prosperity in life; if you have children, they will thrive; if you are in love, your suit will be successful. If a maiden dreams of them, it denotes that she will marry her present sweetheart, have many children, and be very happy; to a farmer it denotes abundant crops. 78, 6.TOMB. To dream of visiting a large and magnificent tomb-stone foreshadows that you will fall in love with some one above you in social position: visiting a cemetery or grave-yard in your dream, is a sign that your turn will soon come to join the matrimonial ranks. 48.TONGUE. If a lady dreams of having a sore on her tongue, it is a sign that she has uttered a slander. 54. TOOTH-ACHE. To dream that you have the tooth-ache is a sign of trouble: if you imagine that you are about to have the tooth pulled, it foretells that your trouble will end by a piece of good luck; and if you dream that the tooth is out, and you have it in your hand, you will soon gain a good lump of money. 8, 5, 34.TORCH. To see a bright torch-light at a distance in a dark night, and go toward it, foretells a successful journey; but if you stumble by the way you will experience an accident: to dream of carrying a lighted torch at night, is a sign that some distant friend will pay you a visit. 20.TOWER. (See Steeple.) To dream of going upon a high tower, and looking off on a beautiful landscape, foretells that you will acquire land either by purchase or inheritance: if you look off upon the water, it is a sign of a journey by sea, during which you will acquire riches: if birds are flying around the tower, they foretell so many troubles. 58.TRAP. To dream of setting a trap to catch rats or mice, is a sign, to a girl, that she will receive the attentions of a dishonest lover: if she dreams of catching any, she will probably marry a great scamp, or be seduced by one. 6.TRAVELING. To dream of traveling by railroad or steamboat is a very good omen, as it denotes thrift and success in your business; but if you dream you are journeying in your own private coach, it foreshadows poverty in the end, though you may have temporary good luck: if you dream you have crossed the ocean, and find yourself in a foreign country, you may be sure that good fortune will attend all your business transactions. 6, 11, 66.TREES. (See Blossom.) To dream of green and flourishing trees is an excellent omen, as it foretells riches—the larger the trees, the better the fortune: if you dream of climbing into a high tree, you will not only be rich, but will come to great distinction. If a girl should dream of seeing her lover up a tree, she will marry a wealthy and distinguished man. 4.TRIPE. If a woman dreams of cleaning tripe, it foretells that she will either be untrue to her husband or an outrage will be perpetrated upon her: to dream of eating tripe is about as bad, for it shows to a man that he will be engaged in some affair with a female (not his wife) which will bring him to disgrace. 28, 9.TRIPLETS. If a woman dreams that she gives birth to three children at one parturition, it foretells riches and honors: if a husband dreams that his wife is so delivered, the omen is the same: if any one dreams of seeing triplets who are healthy and well-formed, it foretells good luck and success, particularly in love matters. 46, 5.TROUT. To dream of catching trout is an excellent omen, as it foretells that you will get money—the larger the trout, the more cash you will receive. It is stated in some of the books that to newly married people such a dream foretells the birth of a child, but I have been unable to verify this, because most young married people will have children whether they dream of trout or not. 29, 5.TRUMPET. To dream you hear the sound of a trumpet, is a bad omen, and denotes trouble and misfortune; to the tradesman it presages the loss of business; to the farmer, bad crops; to the lover, insincerity in the object of your affections. 46, 9.TRUNK. To dream of a full trunk, shows the necessity of economy; an empty one, signifies that you may expect to receive money. 39, 62, 1.TUB. To dream of a tub is a bad omen: if it be filled with water, you have evil to fear; an empty tub signifies trouble; and to run against one, sorrow. 46, 9.TULIPS. To dream of these beautiful flowers is a sign of abundance: if you imagine you see a garden full of them belonging to yourself, it foretells that you will become rich and distinguished: if a girl dreams that her lover presents her with tulips, she will undoubtedly marry well, and probably her husband will be wealthy. 48.TURKEY. To dream of seeing a flock of turkeys denotes to a tradesman, or a farmer, that he will have a transaction which will bring him in a considerable sum in ready money: if a lover who is about to be married dreams of turkeys, he will find that his sweetheart has got a marriage portion in ready money. 72, 15.TURNIP. To dream of turnips signifies the discovery of secrets and domestic quarrels. 29, 52.TURTLE. To dream of turtles is a sign of long life: an engaged young lady who dreams of these animals will probably marry according to her wishes, and live with her husband until they become an old couple; but her husband will be one of the slow and easy kind. 67, 49, 5.TWINS. To dream of having twins, brings good news, and is a sign of honor or riches; it is also a good omen in love matters if a man dreams it, but if a girl has this dream she must look out for the boys. 44, 4.UMBRELLA. If a young girl dreams that she has got a new umbrella, it foretells a new lover: if a married woman dreams this, it is a sign that some other gentleman besides her husband is enamored of her. A man who dreams of buying an umbrella will have a narrow escape from threatened danger. 70, 30, 1.UNDER GROUND. To dream that you go down under ground, whether into a well, a deep cellar or vault, or a cave, denotes your early death; but if you dream that you are digging in the ground, and are in a hole which you have dug, the omen is different, for it denotes riches and long life. 5, 9, 45.UNDRESS. To see your wife undress, signifies wantonness; to undress in the presence of others, slander; to undress in your room alone, the discovery of secrets. 48, 3.VACCINATED. To dream of being vaccinated foretells good health; and if you imagine that you have a large sore on your arm from vaccination, it is a sign that you will present to some one a liberal gift, and receive much honor. 49.VARNISHING. To dream that your house or furniture is being, or has been, newly varnished, is a sign of a funeral; but if you imagine that you are varnishing anything, it merely foretells a loss with out a death. 59, 76.VAULT. An unexpected estate will fall to you, if you dream of a vault. 21, 18.VEAL. To dream of veal being roasted is good; but boiled, shows sickness; and raw, a great disappointment; particularly to those who have recently formed an attachment or any new connection. 48, 2.VELVET. If a lady dreams of new velvet dresses, it foretells poverty: velvet cushions, slippers or bonnets, are signs of waste and want. 36, 18.VENISON. To dream of eating venison is a sign that you will travel: if you imagine you see large saddles of venison in market, it foretells a journey for business purposes which will be profitable. 42, 70.VERMIN. To dream of any kind of vermin, is ominous of ill-luck and enemies, especially if they are in the house, or near the fireplace; but if out of the house, they are unimportant. 27, 62.VEXATION. To dream of being much vexed, foretells the reverse, and that you will shortly be much pleased. 33, 61.VINEGAR. To dream you drink vinegar, signifies sickness and sharp words: to use it in pickling, is a sign of gain. 29, 6, 76.VINES. To dream of seeing or pruning grape-vines, or gathering grapes, is prosperity to persons in trade, journeys to the rich, employment to the poor, and comfort to those in affliction. 38, 17.VIOLIN. (See Fiddle.)VIRGIN. If a man dreams that he defloured a virgin, it is a sign that he will be disgraced by some act of his own: to dream of seeing the Virgin Mary, foretells that great honors await you: such a dream, to an honest business man, promises him riches and honor; but to a dishonest one, it foretells disaster. 54, 3.VOMITING. To dream of vomiting is usually a sign of health: if you imagine that you vomit up worms, it foretells that you will have good luck in preventing a loss, or a robbery. 14, 65.VOTE. To dream you are voting, is bad, particularly to a sick person: for a newly married woman to dream of voting, is a sure sign that her first child will be a boy, who will come to great honors. 9.VOW. To dream that you have made a vow and broken it, is bad to all. 21, 78.VULTURE. To dream of the vulture is unfortunate to all, except sick persons, to whom it foretells a speedy recovery. 41, 62.WADING. If a girl dreams of wading in clear water, it is a sign that she will soon marry, and be delighted with her husband’s embraces: if she imagines that the water is rily or muddy, it foretells that she will enjoy the pleasures of illicit love. If a man dreams of wading, it denotes that he will be engaged in some intrigue with a female—the deeper the water, the more difficult the realization of his wishes: muddy water denotes loose women. 20, 16.WAKE. To dream of going to a wake where drinking and howling is going on, is a sign of poverty and misery: if a girl dreams this, it foretells her speedy marriage with a man who will turn out to be a miserable drunkard. If a young man dreams of seeing his sweetheart at a wake, he had better back out from the bargain, as she will never be of much account, and may become a drunkard. 8.WALKING. To dream you are walking in a dirty and muddy place, foretells sickness and vexation: in love, it denotes bad temper and disappointment. 47.WALLS. To dream you are walking on, or climbing over walls, denotes some dangerous enterprise, trouble, and vexation: if you get down without the wall falling, or hurting yourself, you will succeed; if not, be disappointed. 71, 4.WALNUTS. To dream of them denotes riches and happiness; to the lover, success and a good tempered sweetheart. 37, 16.WAR. To dream that war exists, and that you see bodies of troops marching, foretells quarrels and troubles in your family, if you have one, and if not, among your relatives: if you imagine you see a battle, the omen is still worse, as the quarrel will probably become public and notorious. 4, 6, 24. WARMING-PAN. If any single person dreams that his or her bed is warmed with one of these utensils, it is a positive forerunner of their marriage: if a married woman dreams this, it is a sign that she will go to bed with a strange bedfellow (whether male or female, is not known). 16.WARTS. To dream of warts on your left hand is a sign you will receive some money; if they are on the right hand, it foretells that you will pay away money: to dream of a wart on the nose, signifies that you will be distinguished; on the neck or bosom of a female, denotes riches. 65.WASHING. To dream of washing, foretells change of abode, and if you wash in clear, cold water, the dream is an omen of good; but If the water is dirty or turbid, it is the reverse. If a woman dream she is washing clothes, it is a sign she will hear good news within twenty-four hours. 20, 16.WASP. (See Sting.) To dream of wasps denotes thrift and abundance, particularly to farmers and those who have fruit-trees. If a girl dreams that she is stung by a mud-wasp, it foretells that she will marry a gentleman who will love her dearly. 62, 18.WASTE. To dream of waste is a sign of beggary, provided you are the cause of the waste; but if you feel bad and try to prevent it, the omen is one of losses, which may not end in beggary. 29, 17.WATCH. (See Clock.) If you dream of buying a gold watch, it is a sign of poverty; but if you imagine that you are presented with one, it foretells good luck and money-getting: to dream of losing your gold watch is also a good omen, as it denotes success in business. 42, 11.WATCHMAN. To dream of calling in one, gives confidence: to see a person taken to prison by a watchman, shows that you must be careful in conducting your business. If the watchman take hold of you, it is a very good sign. To see many watchmen together, signifies the loss of money. 67, 52.WATER. To dream of being on the water, is good, if the water be clear; but if muddy or troubled, the reverse. To see a wide expanse of water, over or on which you wish to get, but cannot, shows that you are about to embark in some undertaking without first securing the means of success. (See Bathing, Fountain, Pump, Pitcher, River, Rowing, Sailing, Swimming, Thirst, Washing and Well.) 42, 18.WATERMELONS. (See Melons.)WEDDING. (See Marriage.) To dream of being at a jolly wedding, is a sign of a funeral: if you imagine that you kiss the bride, it foretells the death of a dear friend or relative. In an old dream-book, published 1808, it is stated that to dream of kissing the bride, is a sign of your own death, but on referring to the best authorities, I find it is necessary to dream that the bride should herself be the kissing party, and that an impressive kiss from her on the occasion denotes the death of the person kissed. 42, 78, 2.WELL. To dream of looking into a deep well, is a sign you will find a treasure: if you dream of falling into a deep well, it foretells your death: if you imagine you draw clear water from a well, and drink it, you will surely have good fortune of some kind. 7, 14, 77. WET-NURSE. To dream of seeing a wet-nurse suckling a child, is a sign of venery: to a married man it foretells that he will break his marriage vows; and to unmarried girls it denotes shame. 7, 9, 63.WHALE. To dream of seeing one of these monsters alive in the ocean, is a sign that you will be in great peril of losing either your life or property: if you dream that you spear or harpoon a whale successfully, it foretells great and abundant fortune. 37, 22, 61.WHEAT. (See Grain.)WHISKERS. If a man dreams that he has very long whiskers or beard, it foretells that he will commit some folly in connection with a female; to a married man it shows that he will appear ridiculous from neglect of his wife and attentions to other women who flatter him; to a single man, that he will lose caste by foolish, though perhaps not criminal conduct toward silly girls. 78.WHIST. (See Cards.)WHITEWASH. To dream of having your house or place of business whitewashed, is an excellent omen, as it promises you good health, and a good name and repute among your friends: if a woman dreams of whitewashing her house, or any part of it, it foretells that she will have a son who will be distinguished, or that some act of hers will attract public attention. 42, 77.WHORE. If a man dreams of associating with one of this class of women, it foretells losses and disgrace: should a girl dream of playing the whore, when in fact she is chaste, it foretells her speedy marriage, and that she will love her husband. 19.WHORTLEBERRIES. For a girl to dream of picking these berries in abundance, is a sign she will marry very young and get a good husband, though not a rich one: to dream of eating whortleberries, denotes health. 69, 30.WIDOW. If a girl dreams that she is a widow, it foretells that she will have many lovers: such a dream to a married woman, denotes that some man beside her husband is in love with her. 38, 60.WIG. To dream of wearing a wig is a good omen to a bald bachelor, as it foretells that some lady has a design to catch the poor fellow, and will not scruple as to the means she uses to accomplish it: if a young man dreams of wearing a wig, it is a sign that he will sleep with his sweetheart before he marries her. 3, 6, 69.WILL. To dream of making your will is a sign of long life, and good fortune generally: if you imagine that you make your will to give a legacy to a lady, it foretells to a man (whether married or single) that he will marry. 22.WILLOW. To dream of weeping willows is a sign of sickness and death: if they hang over a stream, it foretells sickness only. 12, 70.WINE. To dream of drinking wine is a sign of poverty: if a lover dreams that his sweetheart treats him to a glass of wine, it foretells that she will be an unthrifty wife. 39.WITCH. To dream of a witch foretells that you will leave your home and sojourn among strangers: if the witch attempts to injure you, it denotes that you will be dependent upon strangers for your support. No intelligent person believes in witches, yet a great many dream of them, and the above is the horoscope of such a dream. 17.WOLF. To dream of being chased by one of these animals, foretells that you will be cheated in a trade or bargain: if a girl dreams of being frightened by a wolf, it shows that her lover (if she has one) is a bad man, and she had better discard him; if she has no lover, some black-hearted fellow will try to make her acquaintance. 45.WOODCHUCK. To dream of catching one of these animals, is a sign that you will be robbed, and that the thief will be detected: if you imagine you kill the woodchuck, you will probably recover your stolen property. 36, 19.WOODS. (See Grove and Picnic.)WORK. (See Harvest.) To dream that you were working hard, and are very tired, is a sign of sickness: if you imagine that you see men at work, it foretells a successful business. 77.WORMS. (See Grub.) To dream of fish-worms, such as are dug in the garden, is a sign of health and good fortune; dreaming of any destructive worms foretells sickness and losses: if you dream that worms spin down from a tree and light upon you, it denotes difficulties and bad luck. 65, 4, 70.WOUND. To dream that you are wounded by being stabbed or shot by an enemy, foretells losses and poverty; if the wounds are accidental, it still denotes losses, though your general fortune may not be affected. 13, 42.WREN. To dream that one of these musical little birds makes her nest anywhere on your premises, is a sign of joy and riches; a girl who dreams this will make a happy match, though perhaps not a rich one, as the riches only come to the family that lives in the house. 1, 73.WRINKLES. If a lady dreams that her face has become wrinkled, it is a sign that some one is, or has been, praising her good looks; an old bachelor who dreams this, “had better believe” that some young lady is in love with him, for there is no accounting for taste. 66, 4.WRIST. If a girl dreams that her wrist is large or mis-shapen, it foretells that she will come to poverty after marriage; if she imagines that there is a tumor or swelling, or even a wart on it, it is a sign that she will be dependent on some one for her bread, and that person may or may not be her husband. 7, 57, 19.WRITING. (See Pen and Accounts.) To dream of writing a letter, foretells that absent friends are about to visit you: if a girl dreams of writing a love-letter, it is a sign that her lover will soon return and clasp her in his arms, if she allows any such familiarities. To dream you make a blot while writing, is a sign of sickness. 14.YACHT. To dream you see a yacht under full sail, while you are on shore, is a sign you will soon fall in love with a pretty maid, or widow. To dream you are sailing in a yacht with a pleasant breeze, is a good omen, and denotes success in business, and to lovers, happiness. Dreams of sailing on smooth water are good to all persons, but to dream the weather is stormy, predicts quarrels and strife. (See Ship and Boat.) 71, 29.YELLOW. To dream of having any yellow article presented to you, is a sign you will get gold: if a girl dreams that her lover gives her yellow flowers, it foretells that she will marry rich. 60, 41.YOKE. To dream of seeing sleek and healthy cattle yoked together and acting in harmony, is a sign of a happy marriage: if a girl dreams this, she will be apt to put her own neck in Hymen’s yoke before a great while. To imagine you see yoked cattle wrangling, and trying to get their necks out of the yoke, foretells matrimonial troubles, though it still denotes wedlock to the unmarried. 6, 11.YOUNG. If an old or middle aged person dreams that they are young, it foretells their death: for a young person to dream that he or she is a child, the omen is similar; but to dream of youths, is a sign that you will live to a great age. 69, 4.ZEBRA. To dream of seeing a zebra, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine that somebody presented you with one of these animals, or that you have purchased it, it foretells, to a young man, that he will marry a rich but quarrelsome wife, and that she will be constantly annoying him by bragging of her property. 39, 70, 32.ZOUAVE. (See Parade.) To dream you see Zouaves, as well as other soldiers and armed men, denotes, that you will have quarrels and trouble in your family, if you have one, and if you have not, among your relatives: to the single man, this dream foreshadows that his sweetheart loves another better than himself; and to the maiden it signifies her lover will try and seduce her. 58, 1, 77.ZINK. (See Metals.) LIST OF DREAMS, WITHOUT INTERPRETATIONS, BUT WITH THE NUMBERS THEY SIGNIFY. - Afternoon, 46.
- Alabaster, 13, 78, 3.
- Album, 63, 18.
- Alley, 2, 55.
- Alloy, 9.
- Alum, 62, 12.
- Anchovy, 73, 1, 62.
- Andiron, 33.
- Apprentice, 54.
- Apron, 8.
- Arch, 4, 37, 9.
- Archbishop, 13, 6.
- Architect, 72, 3.
- Armory, 54.
- Army, 44.
- Arrow, 37, 20.
- Arrow-root, 49, 7, 8.
- Ascent, 4.
- Asparagus, 16, 40, 1.
- Assistance, 71, 33.
- Attack, 69.
- Axe, 49, 74.
- Band-box, 21, 44.
- Bantem Fowl, 34.
- Bark of Dogs, 64, 18.
- Bark of Trees, 77.
- Barley, 3, 19, 10.
- Bar-room, 14.
- Basket, 46, 31, 2.
- Basque, 17.
- Bass-viol, 37, 54.
- Bass-voice, 53, 72, 14.
- Bathroom, 11, 76, 1.
- Batter, 4, 18.
- Bedfellow, 72.
- Bedstead, 15.
- Bee-hive, 22, 1.
- Beef, 27, 71, 8.
- Beef, boiled, 8, 4, 32.
- Beef, corned, 64, 8.
- Beef, roasted, 16, 64.
- Bell-ringer, 51.
- Belly-ache, 78, 2.
- Belly-band, 13.
- Bier, 47, 6.
- Billiards, 9, 6, 54.
- Billiard Table, 6, 9, 72.
- Birthday, Play your age.
- Bishop, 63.
- Blackbird, 41, 3.
- Black-eye, 57.
- Blacksmith, 35, 61, 2.
- Blanket, 7, 53.
- Blarny, 18.
- Blind Man or Woman, 78.
- Blind Man’s Buff, 31.
- Blue-stocking, 28, 10.
- Blushing, 71, 49, 8.
- Boarding-house, 65, 5.
- Boasting, 4.
- Boatswain, 12.
- Bomb-shell, 39, 58.
- Bones, 3, 9, 70.
- Book-binder, 28.
- Book-store, 65, 2, 11.
- Borrowing, 45, 3.
- Bosom, 53.
- Bottle, 10, 19.
- Box, 68, 13.
- Box in a Theatre, 12, 4, 48.
- Box-tree, 71, 6.
- Box-wood, 8.
- Boxing, 61.
- Boxing-gloves, 16, 59, 10.
- Bracelets, 78.
- Brains, 37, 18, 4.
- Breeches, 18, 41.
- Bride, 61.
- Bridegroom, 6.
- Bridesmaid, 32.
- Brimstone, 35, 17.
- Broom, 8, 1.
- Buffalo, 59.
- Builder, 66, 3, 47.
- Building, 77, 41.
- Burglar, 7, 70.
- Burr, 36, 5, 48.
- Burying-ground, 69.
- Button of Bone, 35, 14.
- Button of Gold, 19, 1.
- Button of Silver, 58.
- Calendar, 40.
- Calves, 68.
- Camp, 78, 20, 54.
- Camp-meeting, 21, 5.
- Candle-stick, 2.
- Capers, 46.
- Capmaker, 64, 19.
- Capon, 39, 14, 72.
- Captain, 63, 27.
- Card de visite, 1, 20.
- Cardmaker, 36, 2.
- Carnival, 51, 62.
- Carpenter, 48.
- Cartridge, 37, 1.
- Cash-box, 19, 7.
- Cashier, 63.
- Castor-oil, 21.
- Cavalry, 76.
- Celestial Signs, 57, 10.
- Chairmaker, 3, 15.
- Chairman, 18.
- Chalice, 70.
- Chalk, 19.
- Chamber, 37.
- Champagne, 72, 60.
- Champion, (of any thing,) 62.
- Chandelier, 6.
- Changing Money, 53, 1.
- Chapel, 18.
- Charcoal, 10.
- Charm, 57.
- Checkers, 16.
- Childbed, 72, 12.
- Chin, 44.
- Choir, 2, 7, 14.
- Church Meeting, 55, 1.
- Cider, 31.
- Circle, 8.
- Cistern, 61, 30.
- Clergyman, 29, 6.
- Clerk, 5.
- Cloak, 69, 70.
- Cloister, 54, 9, 11.
- Cloth, 34.
- Cloves, 65.
- Coat, 40.
- Cobbler, 16.
- Cock-fight, 21, 33.
- Coffee, 70.
- Coffee-house, 1, 17, 6.
- Coffee-mill, 71, 30.
- Cold, 71.
- College, 16, 3.
- Colonel, 64.
- Color, 43, 16, 1.
- Comb, 21.
- Comb-maker, 47, 3.
- Combing the Hair, 50.
- Commander, 34.
- Commandments, 41.
- Commerce, 73.
- Commodore, 16, 4.
- Companion, 37.
- Confectioner, 64, 22.
- Confessions, 67.
- Confidence, 58.
- Conflagration, 2, 71.
- Confusion, 30.
- Conjurer, 48.
- Conscience, 46, 19.
- Conspiracy, 4.
- Consume, 31.
- Consumption, 75.
- Convent, 32, 60.
- Convention, 1, 73.
- Cooking, 68.
- Cooking Stove, 5[TN: illegible]
- Cooper, 10, 27.
- Copperas, 15.
- Copperplate, 48.
- Coppersmith, 78, 3.
- Copying, 2.
- Coral, Red, 41.
- Coral, White, 49.
- Coronation, 16, 5.
- Cot, 17, 76.
- Cotton, 70.
- Cotton-gin, 63, 1.
- Cough, 31.
- Counter, 26.
- Counterfeit Money, 18.
- Courage, 74.
- Court, 47, 50.
- Courting, 30.
- Cousin, 5.
- Cover, 74.
- Coverlid, 1, 11.
- Creek, 47, 5.
- Crinoline, 68.
- Crop, 4.
- Cruelty, 37.
- Crystal, 45.
- Cunning, 18, 71.
- Cup, 34.
- Cup of Coffee, 14.
- Cup of Tea, 43, 8.
- Cup of Water, 50.
- Curtains, 58.
- Custom House, 19.
- Cut, 1, 8.
- Cutler, 40.
- Dahlgren Gun, 52.
- Dairy Maid, 70.
- Dancing Master, 69, 2.
- Dandelion, 46, 18.
- Delay, 64, 1.
- Desert, 16, 5, 2.
- Desk, 78.
- Devil, 7.
- Diarrhoea. 33, 52.
- Distrust, 19, 8.
- Divorce, 41, 70, 4.
- Dominoes, 32.
- Dower, 41, 6, 77.
- Dragon, 13, 50.
- Dressing, 43.
- Drill, 5, 78, 60.
- Driver, 1, 63.
- Dromedary, 3.
- Drug Store, 9, 16, 29.
- Drummer, 11, 26.
- Dryness, 31.
- Ducats, 70.
- Dung-fork, 25, 62.
- Dunghill, 77.
- Ear-rings, 39, 43.
- Ebony, 44.
- Elbow, 52.
- Election, 2, 78.
- Embalming, 15, 5, 39.
- Emperor, 9.
- Empire, 26, 39.
- Engineer, 20, 62.
- Ensign, 7, 28.
- Entanglement, 77.
- Entrance, 39, 2, 44.
- Envy, 17.
- Epaulettes, 60, 65.
- Errands, 19, 38.
- Exchange Office, 52, 45, 69.
- Exile, 26.
- Expulsion, 7, 13.
- Ecstasy, 74, 47, 56.
- Falsehood, 8, 11, 29.
- Farrier, 2.
- Fashion, 72, 1, 23.
- Fast Horse, 23, 40, 2.
- Father-in-law, 55.
- Fencing Master, 47.
- Fencing School, 77, 38.
- Fig Tree, 36.
- File, 5, 56.
- Finding anything, 10, 32, 60.
- Firebrand, 57, 1.
- Fire Buckets, 39, 26.
- Fire Engine, 20, 3.
- Firepan, 6, 47, 52.
- Fireplace, 12.
- Fire-tongs, 28, 13.
- Firework, 16, 32.
- Fish-bone, 29, 37, 21.
- Fisherman, 16.
- Fish-hook, 63, 9.
- Fish-market, 53, 3, 67.
- Fish-net, 47.
- Fish-pond, 18.
- Flame, 38.
- Flannel, 25, 64.
- Flattery, 46, 5, 13.
- Flax, 66.
- Flax-dresser, 17, 46.
- Flax-spinning, 9, 27, 69.
- Foal, 4, 12.
- Foreigner, 73.
- Foreman, 8.
- Foot, 29, 42, 3.
- Fort, 11.
- Founder, 47, 58, 7.
- Fox, 22.
- Friend, 21.
- Fruit-seller, 70, 15.
- Fruit Trees, 29, 57.
- Furnace, 13, 39, 6.
- Furniture, 45.
- Gallery, 56, 61, 7.
- Gardener, 16, 47.
- Garland, 62, 4.
- Garment, 39, 47, 8.
- Garret, 4, 10, 74.
- Garrison, 1, 42, 59.
- Genealogical Tree, 27.
- Gilder, 23, 15, 63.
- Gilliflower, 53, 6, 9.
- Gingerbread, 44.
- Girl, 12, 19, 27.
- Glass-house, 67, 73.
- Glazier, 10.
- Gnat, 25, 64.
- Goldbeater, 37, 52.
- Gold-leaves, 19.
- Gooseberries, 54.
- Grandfather, 77, 53, 39.
- Grandmother, 68.
- Gratitude, 44, 26, 21.
- Greek, 5.
- Grocery, 39, 27, 6.
- Guardian, 21.
- Guests, 13, 55.
- Gymnast, 61, 28.
- Hair brush, 7.
- Handkerchief, 30, 65, 10.
- Harness, 15.
- Hatmaker, 59, 77.
- Hayloft, 43, 25, 6.
- Hay-wagon, 16.
- Hazelnut, 2.
- Head, 47, 69, 9.
- Headache, 29.
- Hedgehog, 15.
- Helping anyone, 6, 73.
- Hemp, 19.
- Hempseed, 64, 39.
- Henroost, 23, 77, 9.
- Herbs, 27.
- Herdsman, 44, 29.
- Hermit, 4, 9, 16.
- Herring, 1, 27.
- High School, 15.
- High Tide, 68.
- Hill, 45, 22.
- Hip, 73, 5.
- History, 49, 58.
- Holyday, 22, 39.
- Home, 10.
- Homicide, 4, 37, 69.
- Hoof, 56, 18, 22.
- Horseshoe, 6.
- Horse-cart, 59.
- Hotel-keeper, 17, 34.
- Housekeeper, 49.
- Humpback, 77, 9.
- Hunter, 69.
- Husband, 31.
- Hyacinth, 36, 7, 19.
- Hypocrite, 55, 66.
- Imitation, 42.
- Impatience, 29, 31.
- Inauguration, 17, 3.
- Indian Corn, 10.
- Ingratitude, 33, 29.
- Inheritance, 9, 15.
- Inkstand, 75, 69.
- Inquisition, 57, 29.
- Inscription, 6, 39, 73.
- Interpreter, 46, 22.
- Intestines, 49, 52.
- Introduction, 22.
- Invalid, 9, 4.
- Invitation, 30, 77, 5.
- Ironing, 29, 42.
- Jailer, 18.
- Jasmine, 2, 38.
- Jeweller, 69.
- Jewess, 17, 23.
- Jewsharp, 70.
- Journeyman, 21, 68, 6.
- Judge, 9.
- Juniper, 44.
- Justice, 39, 47.
- Kettle, 28, 51.
- Kitchen, 69, 7, 74.
- Kitchen-ware, 27, 39, 1.
- Knifegrinder, 6, 47.
- Knitting, 18, 33.
- Lace String, 2.
- Ladies’ Maid, 35, 20.
- Lame Person, 15.
- Lance, 13, 19.
- Lap, 26, 29.Lapidary, 77.
- Leak, 22, 49.
- Leather, 15, 52.
- Legislature, 42.
- Lemonade, 6, 10.
- Loadstone, 55.
- Locks, 73, 4.
- Locksmith, 2.
- Locusts, 19, 61.
- Lodging, 29, 21, 9.
- Lodging-house, 41, 7, 56.
- Lottery Ticket, 2, 12.
- Maccaroni, 26.
- Machine, 1, 9.
- Magazine, 16, 18.
- Magistrate, 49.
- Mahogany, 29, 26.
- Major, 5, 9.
- Major General, 14, 45.
- Mariner, 3.
- Mark, 16.
- Mason, 9, 19, 45.
- Mast, 6, 39.
- Master, 24, 64.
- Matting, 10.
- Mattress, 3, 7, 26.
- Mattress-maker, 29.
- Meal, 11, 19.
- Measure, 52, 63.
- Melancholy, 19.
- Memorial, 6, 14.
- Merchants, 73.
- Mermaid, 41, 65.
- Messenger, 13.
- Miller, 25, 47.
- Mine, 56.
- Minerals, 39, 1.
- Mineral Water, 67, 9, 77.
- Mixture, 71, 6.
- Model, 10.
- Mole, 26, 39.
- Morning, 6.
- Morocco, 30, 71.
- Mortar, 45.
- Moss, 19, 49.
- Mother-in-law, 45.
- Mouse-trap, 4, 16, 64.
- Murder, 53, 32, 29.
- Murderer, 17.
- Musician, 44, 56.
- Musk, 21.
- Musket, 5, 45.
- Muskrat, 59.
- Myrrh, 73, 9.
- Necromancer, 14.
- Neighbor, 78.
- Nest, 29, 45.
- New Moon, 38.
- New Year, 18, 46.
- Noon, 56, 8.
- Notary, 49.
- Nutmeg, 29.
- Oil Can, 46.
- Oil Dealer, 19, 43.
- Olives, 33.
- One-eyed, 7.
- Orator, 29, 44.
- Organist, 37, 6, 3.
- Ornament, 52.
- Ostrich, 44, 11.
- Overcoat, 15.
- Package, 13, 29.
- Pail, 22.
- Pain, 7.
- Painter, 21, 49.
- Paper Mill, 41.
- Parchment, 19, 28, 14.
- Pardon, 6.
- Parents, 29, 49.
- Parson, 67.
- Partridge, 46, 77.
- Passion, 26.
- Pastry, 4, 9.
- Pasteboard, 18.
- Patient, 49, 1.
- Patriot, 5, 76.
- Patrol, 26, 13, 44.
- Pawn Ticket, 2, 9.
- Pencil, 3.
- Pen-holder, 71, 19.
- Persecution, 56.
- Perspiration, 78.
- Pestle, 48, 6.
- Petticoat, 22, 47, 1.
- Pheasant, 1.
- Philosopher, 34, 71.
- Physician, 19, 33, 2.
- Piazza, 6, 73.
- Pickpockets, 66.
- Pillory, 10, 55.
- Pine Tree, 17.
- Pine Wood, 29, 59.
- Plane, 18.
- Planet, 39, 4, 70.
- Planting, 27, 74.
- Plate, 9.
- Pleasure, 25, 57.
- Pocket, 20, 41.
- Pocket Knife, 6.
- Pomatum, 19.
- Pool, 27, 56.
- Poorhouse, 39.
- Poor People, 57, 78.
- Poplar Tree, 5.
- Porcelain, 27, 34.
- Porcupine, 49.
- Postage, 5, 28.
- Pot, 16, 63.
- Potatoes, 72, 10, 1.
- Potter, 57.
- Poultry, 52.
- Poultry-seller, 49, 32.
- Powder, 29.
- Preacher, 19, 41.
- Prelate, 28, 59, 3.
- Presumption, 71, 4.
- Prince, 69.
- Princess, 19, 44.
- Print, 13.
- Printer, 29, 50.
- Printing Office, 69.
- Printing Press, 47, 7.
- Printseller, 21.
- Privacy, 52, 77.
- Prize-fighter, 9, 17, 49.
- Professor, 15.
- Prophet, 3, 38.
- Prudence, 10.
- Purchaser, 49, 75, 6.
- Quack Doctor, 44, 2.
- Quack Medicine, 19, 38.
- Quadrupeds, 27.
- Raisins, 21, 45.
- Rake, 39.
- Raw Meat, 46, 77.
- Receipts, 44.
- Reconciliation, 7.
- Reed, 29, 64, 2.
- Register, 37, 19.
- Republic, 59, 1.
- Resurrection, 4.
- Review, 37, 57.
- Riding School, 10, 44.
- Rifle, 21.
- Ringing Bells, 59.
- Riot, 30.
- Rogue, 29, 48.
- Romance, 51, 13, 8.
- Rope, 19, 62.
- Rope-maker, 73.
- Rose-bud, 1.
- Rose Bush, 43, 47.
- Rosin, 9.
- Rupture, 20.
- Saddle, 2, 7.
- Saddler, 37.
- Sailmaker, 71, 3, 20.
- Salt, 68.
- Saltpetre, 15, 61.
- Salve, 7.
- Sampler, 13, 46.
- Sawdust, 66.
- Saw, 1, 63, 9.
- Sawyer, 30.
- Scabbard, 32, 49.
- Scandal, 57.
- School Teacher, 10, 78.
- Scorpion, 29.
- Scoundrel, 40, 42.
- Scrap Book, 39, 44.
- Scratch the head, 55, 73, 22.
- Scull, 29.
- Sculptor, 3, 39.
- Scum, 17.
- Seal, 24.
- Seaman, 42, 55, 31.
- Seamstress, 49, 60.
- Seashore, 30, 67.
- Secretary, 52, 17.
- Security, 12, 38.
- Seed, 47.
- Seed-seller, 66.
- Seat, 6, 33.
- Sentinel, 29, 64.
- Separation, 32.
- Sew, 43, 56.
- Shame, 38, 19.
- Shears, 59.
- Sheep’s-wool, 1, 29, 4[TN: missing digit].
- Sheet Iron, 15.
- Shell-fish, 20, 45.
- Shoemaker, 64, 9.
- Shot-gun, 12.
- Shovel, 19, 28.
- Siege, 36, 48, 30.
- Sieve, 77, 6.
- Sign, 13.
- Silk Merchant, 49.
- Silk Stockings, 26, 41.
- Silkworm, 67.
- Silversmith, 13, 28.
- Skates, 20.
- Slander, 55, 6.
- Sleigh, 40, 29.
- Smith, 37.
- Smoking, 10.
- Snail, 27, 9, 47.
- Snipe, 36, 46.
- Snuff-box, 30, 49.
- Soapboiler, 26.
- Sole-leather, 64, 10.
- Son, 19, 73.
- Song, 40.
- Soot, 74, 7.
- Sorcerer, 56, 62.
- Soup, 39, 41, 44.
- Sparrow, 8.
- Spectacles, 24, 13.
- Spice, 6, 67.
- Spider’s-web, 39.
- Spinach, 56, 49.
- Spindle, 43, 10.
- Spinning, 20, 69.
- Spinster, 63.
- Spirit, 17, 29.
- Spitting, 44, 14.
- Splendor, 37, 19.
- Spoon, 59, 17.
- Spot, 30, 47.
- Sprinkling, 66.
- Squandering, 78, 2.
- Staff, 29, 41, 22.
- Stage-driver, 11.
- Stairs, 19, 39.
- Stall, 42.
- Stallion, 7.
- Stamping, 25, 1.
- Steps, 49, 16.
- Step-sister, 52.
- Steward, 33, 11.
- Stomach, 9.
- Stone, 18.
- Stones, precious, 77, 2.
- Street, 14, 22, 63.
- Strings, 57.
- Storekeeper, 10, 64.
- Swelling, 42, 16.
- Sweet Oil, 27.
- Sweet Taste, 62, 19, 6[TN: missing digit].
- Swindler, 49, 28.
- Swindling, 8.
- Switch, 25, 42.
- Synagogue, 38, 60.
- Table, 11.
- Tailoress, 9.
- Tanner, 47, 14.
- Tape, 33, 68, 20.
- Tapestry, 58.
- Tart, 73, 10.
- Tassels, 5, 29.
- Teacher, 16.
- Temptation, 44.
- Tenant, 78, 66.
- Titles, 29, 49.
- Timepiece, 25, 62.
- Timber, 56.
- Tongs, 30.
- Tooth-pick, 3, 17, 33.
- Torture, 41.
- Tow, 10, 58.
- Traitor, 66.
- Traveller, 1, 52.
- Treasure, 7.
- Trembling, 41, 58, 17.
- Trial, 28, 42.
- Triumph, 69, 3.
- Trophy, 38, 17.
- Tumbler, 50, 68, 44.
- Turner, 59.
- Turpentine, 19.
- Type, 49, 69.
- Under-clothes, 26.
- Union, 10, 35.
- Uproar, 4, 11.
- Vengeance, 38.
- Vermacilla, 46.
- Vexation, 55, 2, 13.
- Vice, 70, 19.
- Victory, 68.
- Village, 25, 38.
- Viper, 40.
- Wages, 7, 78.
- Wagon, 67.
- Waiter, 32.
- Walls, 56, 48, 3.
- Wanderer, 9, 36.
- Want, 18.
- Wash-house, 1.
- Wash-kettle, 75, 7.
- Washer-woman, 44.
- Washing-tub, 30, 54.
- Watchmaker, 6, 46.
- Water-bucket, 29, 33, 22.
- Weasel, 57.
- Weaver, 10, 76.
- Weaving, 66, 11.
- Wedding-clothes, 23.
- Wedding-cake, 3, 68.
- Wedding-ring, 19.
- Wheel, 47, 24.
- Wheelwright, 20, 11.
- Whisper, 59, 76, 4.
- White, 39, 8.
- White Lead, 56.
- Whitewasher, 67.
- Widower, 6, 45.
- Wife, 70, 29.
- Wig-maker, 4, 77.
- Wild Animals, 25, 13.
- Wild Geese, 49.
- Wind, 56, 20, 2.
- Windmill, 33, 10.
- Wine-cellar, 18, 67.
- Wine-glass, 7.
- Winter, 39, 70.
- Witness, 29.
- Woman, 50.
- Woodcock, 6.
- Woodcutter, 28, 49.
- Wooden Spoon, 71, 5, 6.
- Woodpile, 33.
- Wool, 44, 62.
- Worship, 18, 44.
- Wound, 3.
- Wreath, 68.
- Wrestling, 2.
- Abel, 8.
- Abraham, 4.
- Adam, 3.
- Adolphus, 2.
- Albert, 55, 8.
- Alexander, 70.
- Alfred, 41, 74.
- Ambrose, 30, 8, 21.
- Amos, 14.
- Andrew, 6, 49.
- Anthony, 54.
- Archibald, 61.
- Arnold, 9.
- Arthur, 34, 19.
- Augustin, 10, 75.
- Augustus, 27.
- Bartholomew, 9.
- Benjamin, 18.
- Bernard, 20.
- Bertram, 49.
- Boniface, 65.
- CÆsar, 70.
- Caleb, 29.
- Cecil, 3.
- Charles, 1, 10.
- Christopher, 35.
- Clement, 49, 7.
- Conrad, 30.
- Constantine, 75.
- Cuthbert, 19, 47.
- Daniel, 63.
- David, 78.
- Denis, 21, 6.
- Edgar, 2, 60, 5.
- Edmund, 74, 4.
- Edward, 21, 8.
- Edwin, 4.
- Egbert, 28.
- Elijah, 16.
- Elisha, 14.
- Ephraim, 25, 2.
- Erasmus, 44.
- Ernest, 72.
- Eugene, 4, 13.
- Eustace, 19.
- Everard, 47, 3.
- Ezekiel, 32, 60.
- Felix, 54.
- Ferdinand, 69.
- Francis, 20.
- Frederic, 15.
- Gabriel, 17.
- Geoffrey, 33.
- George, 27, 13, 1.
- Gideon, 75, 2.
- Gilbert, 16, 30.
- Giles, 27.
- Godfrey, 55.
- Guy, 59, 5.
- Hannibal, 72.
- Harold, 4, 11.
- Hector, 13, 2.
- Henry, 18.
- Herbert, 20, 1.
- Hezekiah, 17.
- Horatio, 6.
- Hubert, 79.
- Hugh, 14.
- Humphrey, 37, 6.
- Jacob, 78.
- James, 44, 6.
- Job, 4, 10.
- Joel, 30.
- John, 4.
- Jonah, 7.
- Jonathan, 1.
- Joseph, 41.
- Joshua, 2.
- Josias, 16.
- Isaac, 58.
- Laurence, 5.
- Lazarus, 28.
- Leonard, 4.
- Leopold, 5.
- Lewis, 25.
- Lionel, 13.
- Lucius, 77, 4.
- Luke, 28.
- Mark, 47, 3.
- Martin, 34.
- Matthew, 65.
- Maurice, 3.
- Michael, 7.
- Moses, 34, 8.
- Nathaniel, 75.
- Nicolas, 6.
- Norman, 10.
- Obadiah, 40.
- Oliver, 2, 18.
- Orlando, 7.
- Owen, 53.
- Patrick, 5.
- Paul, 14.
- Percival, 11.
- Peregrine, 15, 60.
- Peter, 42.
- Philip, 19.
- Phineas, 28.
- Ralph, 24, 6.
- Reuben, 2, 11.
- Richard, 35.
- Robert, 60.
- Roger, 3, 78.
- Rowland, 75.
- Rufus, 29.
- Samson, 49.
- Samuel, 76, 4, 13.
- Saul, 5.
- Sebastian, 34.
- Simeon, 18.
- Simon, 75.
- Solomon, 12, 17.
- Stephen, 64.
- Theodore, 19.
- Theophilus, 34, 5.
- Thomas, 11.
- Timothy, 29.
- Toby or Tobias, 44.
- Valentine, 50, 1, 6.
- Vincent, 31.
- Vivian, 5.
- Walter, 11, 6.
- William, 22.
- Zaccheus, 1.
- Zachary, 10.
- Zebedee, 16.
- Zedekiah, 30.
- Adeline, 7, 17, 70.
- Agatha, 9.
- Agnes, 41, 2.
- Alethea, 12.
- Alice, 42.
- Althea, 1, 70.
- Amy, Amelia, 51.
- Anna, Anne, or Hannah, 62.
- Arabella, 78.
- Aureola, 41, 6.
- Barbara, 21.
- Beatrice, 18.
- Benedicta, 6.
- Bernice, 54.
- Bertha, 3.
- Blanche, 1.
- Bridget, 61.
- Caroline, 40.
- Cassandra, 5.
- Catharine, 58.
- Cecilia, 18, 1.
- Charity, 70.
- Charlotte, 8.
- Chloe, 20, 4.
- Christiana, 10.
- Cicely, 15.
- Clara, 70.
- Constance, 68.
- Deborah, 34.
- Diana, 65.
- Dorcas, 2, 18.
- Dorothy, 2, 74.
- Edith, 29.
- Eleanor, 50.
- Eliza, Elizabeth, 2.
- Emily, 28.
- Emma, 66, 4, 8.
- Esther, 2, 17.
- Eunice, 16, 52.
- Eve, 41.
- Frances, 17, 20, 1.
- Gertrude, 75.
- Grace, 69.
- Hagar, 44.
- Helena, 51, 6.
- Isabella, 20, 71.
- Jane, 22.
- Janet, 2.
- Joan, 4.
- Joyce, 36.
- Judith, 30.
- Julia, Juliana, 47.
- Letitia, 38, 5.
- Lucretia, 7.
- Lucy, 62.
- Lydia, 41.
- Mabel, 17, 1.
- Magdalene, 4.
- Margaret, 3, 41.
- Martha, 20.
- Mary, 3, 11, 33.
- Maud, Matilda, 1, 18.
- Mercy, 53, 9.
- Mildred, 24.
- Miriam, 3.
- Nicola, 42.
- Olympia, 2, 78.
- Patience, 5, 2.
- Paulina, 21.
- Penelope, 45.
- Philippa, 3.
- Phoebe, 19.
- Phyllis, 65.
- Priscilla, 10, 11.
- Prudence, 17.
- Rachel, 6.
- Rebecca, 45.
- Rhode, 49.
- Rosa, 19.
- Rosabella, 11.
- Rosamund, 2.
- Rosecleer, 5, 14.
- Ruth, 76.
- Sapphira, 7, 19.
- Sarah, 10.
- Sophia, 73.
- Susan, Susanna, 21.
- Tabitha, 4.
- Temperance, 16.
- Theodosia, 76.
- Theresa, 14.
- Ursula, 1.
NUMBERS FOR DREAMS OF CARDS. Spades. | Hearts. | King, | 65. | King, | 54, 7. | Queen, | 77, 8. | Queen, | 65. | Knave, | 4, 17. | Knave, | 24. | Ten, | 3. | Ten, | 40, 11. | Nine, | 19, 62. | Nine, | 3, 48. | Eight, | 41, 6, 30. | Eight, | 70, 2. | Seven, | 24. | Seven, | 8, 60, 3. | Six, | 2. | Six, | 27. | Five, | 78, 12. | Five, | 2. | Four, | 55. | Four, | 6, 21. | Trey, | 30. | Trey, | 45. | Deuce, | 27. | Deuce, | 34, 18, 4. | Ace, | 77, 52. | Ace, | 29. | Clubs. | Diamonds. | King, | 11. | King, | 65. | Queen, | 22, 5. | Queen, | 30, 9. | Knave, | 8, 4. | Knave, | 47. | Ten, | 30, 1. | Ten, | 3, 11. | Nine, | 18. | Nine, | 64, 30, 4. | Eight, | 77. | Eight, | 58. | Seven, | 6, 70. | Seven, | 55, 5, 1. | Six, | 20. | Six, | 47, 2. | Five, | 74, 12. | Five, | 51, 78. | Four, | 58. | Four, | 16. | Trey, | 33. | Trey, | 49. | Deuce, | 24. | Deuce, | 7, 12. | Ace, | 51, 7. | Ace, | 6. | NUMBERS FOR THE DREAMS OF DOMINOES. Double-Six, | 48. | Double-Four, | 78. | Six-Five, | 71, 6. | Four-Three, | 4. | Six-Four, | 30. | Four-Two, | 21, 2. | Six-Three, | 5. | Four-One, | 50. | Six-Two, | 8. | Four-Blank, | 48. | Six-One, | 54, 2. | | Six-Blank, | 35. | Double-Three, | 65. | | | Three-Two, | 24. | Double-Five, | 33, 8. | Three-One, | 16. | Five-Four, | 16. | Three-Blank, | 30, 16, 4. | Five-Three, | 41, 5, 7. | | Five-Two, | 30. | Double-Two, | 41, 3. | Five-One, | 21. | Two-One, | 5, 17. | Five-Blank, | 2. | Two-Blank, | 2. | | | | Double-Four, | 78. | Double-One, | 21. | Four-Three, | 4. | One-Blank, | 10. | Four-Two, | 21, 2. | Double Blank, | (Don’t play.) |
NUMBERS FOR DREAMS OF THE MONTHS. January, | 26. | July, | 22. | February, | 18. | August, | 37. | March, | 44. | September, | 18. | April, | 17. | October, | 3. | May, | 3. | November, | 2. | June, | 75. | December, | 55. | FOR THE DAYS OF THE WEEK. Monday, | 45. | Friday, | 2. | Tuesday, | 18. | Saturday, | 7. | Wednesday, | 2. | Sunday, | 1. | Thursday, | 16. |