Dick’s One Hundred Amusements for Evening Parties, Picnics and Social Gatherings. This book is full of Original Novelties. It contains: New and Attractive Games, clearly illustrated by means of Witty Examples, showing how each may be most successfully played. Surprising Tricks, easy of performance. Musical and other innocent sells. A variety of new and ingenious puzzles. Comical Illusions, fully described. These surprising and grotesque illusions are very startling in their effects, and present little or no difficulty in their preparation. Also an Entirely New Version of the Celebrated THE FLEXIBLE GIANT. A COMIC ILLUSION. Illustrated and explained by sixty fine wood engravings. The Art and Etiquette of Making Love. A Manual of Love, Courtship and Matrimony. It tells Cherubs playing leapfrog
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Two hands holding coins The tricks are all illustrated by Engravings and Tables, so as to make them easily understood and practiced. As a volume for the amusement of an evening party, this book cannot be surpassed. East Lynne; or, The Earl’s Daughter. Library edition, complete and unabridged. This novel is Mrs. Henry Wood’s masterpiece, and stands in the very front rank of all the works of fiction ever written; it has scarcely a rival as a brilliant creation of literary genius, and is prominent among the very few works of its class that have stood the test of time, and achieved a lasting reputation. In originality of design, and masterly and dramatic development of the subject, East Lynne stands unrivaled; it will be read and re-read long after the majority of the ephemeral romances of to-day have passed out of existence and been forgotten. A handsome 12mo volume of 598 pages, from new electrotype plates, printed on fine toned paper, and elegantly bound in cloth, in black and gold FONTAINE’S DICK & FITZGERALD, PUBLISHERS, THE GOLDEN WHEEL FORTUNE TELLER. Title Page THE |