Genealogy of the American Folsoms VII
Parentage IX
Time and Place of Birth IX
Earliest Recollections IX
Removal to Bloomfield, Maine X
First Essay at Logging X
Commencing Life XI
Lost in the Snow XIII
Adventure on Moosehead Lake XII
On the Penobscot XII
Reminiscences of Maine XIII
Moosehead Lake XIII
Ascent of Kinneo Mountain XIV
Moose Hunting XIV
Mount Bigelow XV
Lumbering in Maine XVI
Going West. 1
Lakes Huron and Michigan 3
Chicago and Milwaukee 5
On Foot to Galena 6
The Northwestern Territory 7
Arrival at Dubuque 7
Reminiscences of Dubuque 8
Arrival at Prairie du Chien 9
Early History of Prairie du Chien 9
Ancient Document 10
Forts Shelby—McKay—Crawford 11
First Commissioners at Prairie du Chien 11
Organization of Crawford County 12
Indian Troubles 12
Running the Gauntlet 13
Fort Crawford Robbed 13
Early Justice 14
A Southward Journey 15
New Orleans, Vicksburg 15
Return to Prairie du Chien 16
Privations 16
A Perilous Journey 17
Return to Maine—Mountains of New Hampshire 17
Marriage 18
Prairie du Chien in 1837 18
American Residents 19
James Duane Doty 19
James H. Lockwood 20
Indian Troubles 21
John S. Lockwood 22
Samuel Gilbert 23
Michael Brisbois 23
Pierre La Point 24
Joseph Rolette 24
Hercules Dousman 24
Rev. David Lowry 25
Chief Justice Charles Dunn 25
Rev. Alfred Brunson 26
Ira Brunson 27
John H. Folsom 28
Ezekiel Tainter 28
Judge Wyram Knowlton 29
Robert Lester 29
Thomas Pendleton Burnett 30
General Henry Dodge 30
General George W. Jones 31
S. G. and S. L. Tainter, John Thomas 31
From Prairie du Chien to Stillwater 32
Stillwater in 1845 33
St. Croix County 33
First Settlement in 1838 34
Dismemberment of St. Croix Valley from Crawford County 34
Judge Irwin's Court in 1840 35
Events in 1840, First Commissioners' Meeting 35
Election Precincts in 1841 36
Early History of Stillwater 37
The First Saw Mill 37
Copy of Agreement of Mill Company 38
Agreement of Land Claims 40
Bateau Voyage up the St. Croix 41
Indian Drunks 42
Skiff Voyage to Prairie du Chien 42
Mail Carrying 43
Claim and Mill at Arcola 43
Stillwater in 1846, Events 44
Overland Trip to Prairie du Chien 44
Return, Adventure 45
A Pioneer Cat 45
Stillwater in 1847 46
Territorial Election 46
Arrest of Nodin and Ne-she-ke-o-ge-ma 46
Visit to Sunrise, Connor's Camp 47
Murder of Henry Rust 47
Funeral, Indignation Meeting 48
First District Court in Stillwater 48
Nodin and Ne-she-ke-o-ge-ma Acquitted 49
Steamer War Eagle and Raft 49
Society Ball in Stillwater 49
Stillwater in 1848 50
Joseph Renshaw Brown 52
Paul Carli 53
Dr. Christopher Carli 53
Lydia Ann Carli 54
Phineas Lawrence 54
Jacob Fisher 55
James S. Anderson 55
Emanuel D. Farmer 56
Col. John Greely 56
Mrs. Hannah Greely 57
Elam Greely 57
Himan Greely 57
Aquilla Greely 58
Elias McKean 58
Calvin F. Leach 58
Socrates Nelson 58
Mrs. Socrates Nelson 59
Edward Blake 59
Walter R Vail 59
John E Mower 60
Martin Mower 61
William Willim 61
Albert Harris 61
Cornelius Lyman 62
David B Loomis 62
William E Cove 63
John Smith 63
John Morgan 63
Anson Northrup 63
Robert Kennedy 64
Harvey Wilson 65
Andrew Jackson Short 65
James D McComb 65
William Rutherford 66
Albion Masterman 66
Joseph N Masterman 66
Mahlon Black 66
Morton S Wilkinson 67
William Stanchfield 67
Thomas Ramsdell 68
Charles Macey 68
Jonathan E McKusick 68
John McKusick 68
William McKusick 69
Noah McKusick 69
Royal McKusick 69
Ivory E McKusick 69
Charles E Leonard 69
Daniel McLean 70
Robert Simpson 70
William H Hooper 70
James H Spencer 71
John T Blackburn 71
Joseph T Blackburn 71
Horace McKinstry 71
Seth M Sawyer 71
Henry Sawyer 72
Alvah D Heaton 72
John McKenzie 72
George McKenzie 72
Henry Kattenberg 72
Julius F Brunswick 73
Henry McLean 73
Hugh Burns 73
Sylvanus Trask 73
Ariel Eldridge 73
Edward White Durant 74
Oliver Parsons 75
Albert Stimson 75
Abraham Van Voorhees 75
Michael E Owens 76
Joseph Bonin 77
Marcel Gagnon 77
Sebastian Marty 77
John Marty 77
Adam Marty 77
Michael McHale 77
George Watson 78
Rev Eleazer A Greenleaf 78
J B Covey 78
John Shaesby 78
John S Proctor 78
Barron Proctor 79
Henry Westing 79
Thomas Dunn 79
Charles J Gardiner 79
Samuel Staples 79
Josiah Staples 80
Joel M Darling 80
Early River Pilots 80
Joe Perro 80
James McPhail 80
John Cormack 81
John Hanford 81
John Leach 81
Stephen B Hanks 81
Samuel S Hanks 81
Description and History 82
Franklin Steele, the First Pioneer 82
His Account of the Settlement 83
The St Croix Falls Lumbering Company 83
Organization and History 83
St Croix River, Origin of Name 84
Treaty and Purchase of 1838 85
History of Polk County 85
County Seat located at St. Croix Falls 86
First Election County Officers 86
First Happenings 87
The Liquor Traffic 87
Melancholy Results 88
Death of Hall and Livingston 88
Indian "Jamboree." 88
Frontier Justice 89
Balsam Lake Murders 89
Execution of an Indian 89
Population of St. Croix Falls in 1848 90
Natural Language 90
Drowning of H. H. Perkins 90
A Quailtown Murder 90
Mineral Permits 91
Marriage under Difficulties 91
An Indian Scare 152
Original Claimants 153
First Survey, etc. 153
First Deed Recorded 154
City Government 155
Mayors of the City 155
City Schools 155
Military Institute 156
Mills and Manufactories 156
Banks 156
Oliver Wendell Holmes Hospital 157
Water Works 158
Hotels, the Great Fire, 1866 158
Social and Benevolent Organizations 159
Louis Massey 159
Peter Bouchea 160
William Steets 160
Capt. John B. Page 160
Dr. Philip Aldrich 160
The Nobles Family 161
James Purinton 161
Ammah Andrews 162
James Walstow 162
James Sanders 162
J. W. Stone 162
Joseph Bowron 163
Moses Perin 163
John O. Henning 163
Moses S. Gibson 164
Col. James Hughes 164
Daniel Anderson 165
Alfred Day 165
Dr. Otis Hoyt 165
S. S. N. Fuller 166
Miles H. Van Meter 166
Philip B. Jewell 166
John Tobin 166
Horace A. Taylor 167
Jeremiah Whaley 167
Simon Hunt 167
John S. Moffatt 167
James H. Childs 168
William Dwelley 168
James M. Fulton 168
Marcus A. Fulton 168
David C. Fulton 168
N. S. Holden 168
William H. Semmes 169
Sterling Jones 169
D. R. Bailey 169
Henry C. Baker 169
Mert Herrick 169
D. A. Baldwin 170
John Comstock 170
Lucius P. Wetherby 170
John C. Spooner 170
Thomas Porter 171
Herman L. Humphrey 171
Theodore Cogswell 172
Frank P. Catlin 172
Charles Y. Denniston 173
A. E. Jefferson 173
Samuel C. Symonds 173
John E. Glover 173
Lemuel North 173
Edgar Nye 173
William T. Price 173
E. B. Bundy 174
Towns and Biographies.
Baldwin 174
Baldwin Village 174
Woodville Village 175
Cady 175
Cylon 175
Eau Galle 176
Emerald 176
Erin Prairie 176
Forest 177
Glenwood 177
Hammond 177
Hammond Village 178
John Thayer 178
Rev. William Egbert 178
Hudson 178
James Kelly 178
Daniel Coit 179
James Virtue 179
Theodore M. Bradley 179
William Dailey 179
Robert and Wm. McDiarmid 179
William Martin 179
Paschal Aldrich 180
Kinnikinic 180
Duncan McGregor 180
W. B. and James A. Mapes 181
Pleasant Valley 182
Richmond 182
Boardman Village 183
Gridley Village 183
New Richmond Village 183
New Richmond City 183
Bank, High School 184
Benjamin B.C. Foster 184
Robert Philbrick 185
Linden Coombs 185
Eben Quinby 185
Lewis Oaks 185
Henry Russell 185
Joseph D. Johnson 185
Joel Bartlett 185
Francis W. Bartlett 186
George C. Hough 186
Silas Staples 186
Dr. Henry Murdock 187
Steven N. Hawkins 187
Rush River 188
Somerset 188
Somerset Village 189
Gen. Samuel Harriman 189
St. Joseph 190
Houlton Village 191
Burkhardt Village 191
Springfield 191
Hersey Village 191
Wilson Village 192
Stanton 192
Star Prairie 192
Huntington Village 192
Star Prairie Village 192
Hon. R. K. Fay 192
Troy 193
James Chinnock 193
William L. Perrin 193
Warren 194
James Hill 194
Village Plats 195
Descriptive 196
History, First Events 197
County Seat Changed to Ellsworth 198
Railroads 199
Miscellaneous Statistics 199
Village Plats 199
Organization of Towns 200
Clifton 200
George W. McMurphy 201
Osborne Strahl 201
Charles B. Cox 201
Ephraim Harnsberger 201
Diamond Bluff 202
Capt. John Paine 202
John Day 202
Sarah A. Vance 203
Allen R. Wilson 203
E. S. Coulter 203
James Bamber 203
Jacob Mead 203
Charles Walbridge 203
Charles F. Hoyt 203
Enoch Quinby 203
The First Settler 203
El Paso 204
Ellsworth 205
Ellsworth Village 205
Anthony Huddleston 206
Perry D. Pierce 206
Hans B. Warner 207
Gilman 207
Hartland 208
Isabelle 208
Maiden Rock 209
Christopher L. Taylor 209
Martell 209
Oak Grove 210
Lewis M. Harnsberger 210
Prescott City 210
History 211
[Pg xxviii]Platted in 1857 212
First Official Board 212
Statistics, First Events 212
Churches 212
Fair Grounds 213
Cemetery 213
Destructive Fires 213
Philander Prescott 214
George Schaser 214
William S. Lockwood 215
James Monroe Bailey 215
Adolph Werkman 215
Joseph Manese 215
Hilton Doe 215
Lute A. Taylor 215
John Huitt 216
John M. Rice 216
An Indian Battle 216
River Falls 217
First Happenings 217
Water Powers 217
Schools at River Falls 218
River Falls Academy 218
Churches 219
Associations 219
Bank, Railroad 220
Fires 220
River Falls City, Organization 220
Falls of Kinnikinic 220
The Cave Cabin 221
The Fourth State Normal School 221
Joel Foster 224
Jesse B. Thayer 224
A. D. Andrews 224
Joseph A. Short 225
Prof. Allen H. Weld 225
Allen P.
Weld 225
George W. Nichols 225
W. D. Parker 226
William Powell 226
Lyman Powell 226
Nathaniel N. Powell 226
Oliver S. Powell 226
Nils P. Haugen 227
H. L. Wadsworth 227
Rock Elm 227
Salem 227
Spring Lake 228
Trenton 228
Trimbelle 229
M. B. Williams 229
Union 229
Burnett County.
Location and Description 230
Organization 231
Pine Barrens 231
Murders 232
Old Geezhic 233
The First Mission 234
The Chippewas of Wood Lake 236
Grantsburg 237
Canute Anderson 237
The Hickerson Family 238
The Anderson Family 238
Robert A. Doty 238
The Cranberry Marshes 239
Washburn County.
Description, Town Organization 240
First Events 240
Shell Lake, Summit Lake 241
First Board of County Officers 241
Shell Lake Lumber Company 241
Sawyer Creek 242
Spooner Station 242
Veazie Village 242
Sawyer County.
Organization, Description 242
County Indebtedness 243
Town of Hayward 243
Village of Hayward 243
First Events, Schools, Churches, etc. 244
Bank, Lumber Company 244
Malcomb Dobie 245
Milton V. Stratton 245
Barron County.
Description, Organization 245
Milacca, Village of 294
Bridgman, Village of 294
Princeton, Village of 294
Samuel Ross 296
Joseph L. Cater 296
M. V. B. Cater 296
Edwin Allen 296
John H. Allen 296
A. B. Damon 296
C. H. Chadbourne 296
Location, Surface, Scenery 298
Chisago Lake 298
Dalles of the St. Croix 299
Origin of the Formation 300
The Devil's Chair 300
The Wells 301
Settlement and Organization 302
Joe R. Brown to the Front 303
Prehistoric Remains 303
Robinet in Possession 303
Robinet Bought Off, First Improvements 304
Death of B. F. Baker 304
The First Log House Built 305
First Crops Raised 305
First Election 305
Chisago County Named 306
First Commissioners 307
County Seat Located at Taylor's Falls 307
Removed to Centre City 307
Amador 307
First Supervisors 308
Thornton Bishop 308
William Holmes 308
James M. Martin 309
North Branch Station 309
Henry L. Ingalls 310
Mrs. Lavina L. Ingalls 310
Chisago Lake, First Settlers 310
First Crops 311
Swedish Lutheran Church 311
Centre City 312
Andrew Swenson 312
John S. Van Rensselaer 312
Axel Dahliam 313
Nels Nord 313
Join A. Hallberg 314
Charles A. Bush 313
Lars Johan Stark 313
Frank Mobeck 313
Robert Currie 314
Andrew N. Holm 313
Cemetery and other Associations 314
Incorporation 314
Indian Dance 314
Lindstrom Village 314
Daniel Lindstrom 315
Magnus S. Shaleen 315
Chisago City 315
Otto Wallmark 316
Andrew Wallmark 316
Fish Lake 316
Peter Berg 317
Benjamin Franklin 317
Franconia 317
Franconia Village 318
Ansel Smith 318
Henry F. and Leonard P. Day 318
Henry Wills 318
The Clark Brothers 319
David Smith 319
Jonas Lindall 319
William Peaslee 319
Charles Vitalis 319
August J. Anderson 320
Frank N. Peterson 320
Harris 321
Harris Village 321
Lent 322
Nessell 322
Robert Nessell 323
Stephen B. Clark 323
Rush Seba 323
Rush City 323
Thomas Flynn 324
Patrick Flynn 324
Rufus Crocker 324
Frank H. Pratt 324
Voloro D. Eddy 325
F. S. Christianson 326
Shafer 326
Jacob Shafer 326
Peter Wickland 327
Tuver Walmarson 327
Andros Anderson 327
Eric Byland 327
Jacob Peterson 327
Ambrose C. Seavey 327
Sunrise 328
Sunrise Village 328
Kost Village 329
Chippewa 329
Dronthiem 329
Nashua 330
Washington 330
John A. Brown 330
Patten W. Davis 330
James F. Harvey 330
Floyd S. Bates 330
Isaac H. Warner 331
Charles F. Lowe 331
Wells Farr 331
John G. Mold 331
George L. Blood 331
Joel G. Ryder 332
John Dean 332
Taylor's Falls 332
First Post Office and Mail Service 332
Mills, First Events 333
Religious Organizations 333
Bridge Company 334
Banks, Mining Companies 334
Jesse Taylor 336
Joshua L. Taylor 336
Nathan C. D. Taylor 337
Thomas F. Morton 337
Henry N. Setzer 337
Patrick Fox 338
William F. Colby 339
Oscar Roos 339
Samuel Thomson 339
Susan Thomson Mears 339
George De Attly 340
Jacob Markley 340
John Dobney 340
William Dobney 340
Henry H. Newbury 340
Emil Munch 340
A. M. Wilmarth 341
Lucius K. Stannard 341
James W. Mullen 342
David Caneday 342
George B. Folsom 343
Aaron M. Chase 343
Peter Abear 343
Levi W. Folsom 344
Eddington Knowles 344
Dr. Lucius B. Smith 344
William Comer 344
E. Whiting and Brothers 345
Frederic Tang, Sr. 346
Ward W. Folsom 346
George W. Seymour 346
James A. Woolley 346
Patrick Carroll 347
Joseph Carroll 347
E. E. Edwards 347
Stephen J. Merrill 348
Noah Marcus Humphrey 348
Royal C. Gray 349
John P. Owens 349
Andrew Clendenning 350
Smith Ellison 350
Wyoming—Settlement and Organization 350
Wyoming Village 352
Deer Garden 352
L. O. Tombler 352
Dr. John Woolman Comfort 353
Isaac Markley 353
Joel Wright 353
Randall Wright 353
Frederic Tepel 353
[Pg xxxiii]Charles Henry Sauer 354
Organization in 1849 355
First Board of Officers 355
Afton 356
Afton Village 357
South Afton 357
Valley Creek 357
St. Mary Village 357
Joseph Haskell 358
Lemuel Bolles 358
Taylor F. Randolph 358
Elijah Bissell 358
Andrew Mackey 358
Baytown Settlement 359
Baytown Village 359
Bangor 360
Middletown 360
South Stillwater 360
Mills, etc. 360
Docks, Factories, Cemeteries 360
Cottage Grove 361
Cottage Grove Village 361
Langdon 362
Joseph W. Furber 362
Samuel W. Furber 362
Theodore Furber 363
James S. Norris 363
Lewis Hill 363
Jacob Moshier 363
William Ferguson 363
John Atkinson 363
Denmark 364
Point Douglas 364
Levi Hertzell 365
Oscar Burris 365
David Hone 365
William B. Dibble 366
George Harris 366
Harley D. White 367
Thomas Hetherington 367
James Shearer 367
Simon Shingledecker 367
Caleb Truax 367
Abraham Truax 368
George W. Campbell 368
Forest Lake, History of 368
Captain Michael Marsh 369
Forest Lake Village 369
Grant, History of 369
Dellwood 370
Eagle City 370
Mahtomedi 370
Wildwood 370
William Elliott 371
Frederick Lamb 371
James Rutherford 371
Jesse H. Soule 371
Lakeland, Description and History of 372
Lakeland Village 372
Henry W. Crosby 373
Reuben H. Sanderson 373
Newton McKusick 373
Captain John Oliver 373
Captain Asa Barlow Green 374
L. A. Huntoon 374
Marine, Origin of Settlement 374
First Settlers 375
The Mill Completed 375
Marine Mills Village 376
First Lawsuit 376
Churches, Improvements 377
Losses by Fire 378
Vasa Village 378
Orange Walker 378
Lewis Walker 379
Samuel Burkelo 379
Asa S. Parker 379
Hiram Berkey 380
George B. Judd 380
James Hale 380
John Holt 380
George Holt 381
William Town 381
Matthias Welshance 381
Benj. T. Otis 382
William Clark 382
James R. Meredith 438
James Keough 438
Loren W. Collins 438
Henry C. Waite 439
Gen. S. B. Lowry 439
A. and Joseph Edelbrock 439
John Rengel 440
Louis A. Evans 440
Ambrose Freeman 440
Nathan F. Barnes 440
Nehemiah P. Clark 441
Oscar E. Garrison 441
Charles A. Gilman 441
Other Citizens 442
Anoka County.
Organization 442
First Settlers, Commissioners 443
Anoka, Town of 443
Anoka, City of 443
Incorporation 444
Fires, Public Buildings 445
Manufactures, Banks 445
Bethel, Town of 446
Blaine, Town of 446
Burns, Town of 446
Centreville, Town of 446
Centreville Village 446
Columbus, Town of 447
Fridley, Town of 447
John Banfil 448
Grow, Town of 448
Ham Lake, Town of 448
Linwood, Town of 448
L. S. Arnold 449
S. Ridge 449
J. G. Green 449
S. W. Haskell 449
M. M. Ryan 449
Hurley Family 449
Oak Grove, Town of 449
Ramsey, Town of 449
St. Francis, Town of 450
An Indian Riot 450
Jared Benson 451
James C. Frost 451
A. J. McKenney 451
John Henry Batzle 452
John R. Bean 452
A. McC. Fridley 452
William Staples 452
Capt. James Starkey 453
Sherburne County.
Description 453
Organization 453
Towns of Sherburne County 454
Villages of Sherburne County 455
Orono, Elk River 455
East St. Cloud 456
Clear Lake 456
Becker 456
Big Lake 456
J. Q. A. Nickerson 456
Henry Bittner 456
Francis DeLille 457
Mrs. F. DeLille 457
Howard M. Atkins 457
B. F. Hildreth 458
Samuel Hayden 458
Joseph Jerome 458
Joshua O. Cater 458
J. F. Bean 458
J. H. Felch 458
James Brady 458
Joshua Briggs 458
Robert Orrock 458
John G. Jamieson 458
A. B. Heath 458
Dr. B. R. Palmer 459
Judge Moses Sherburne 459
Charles F. George 459
Royal George 459
W. L. Babcock 459
Benton County.
Description 460
First Settlers, Organization 461
Towns of Benton County 461
Villages 461
Sauk Rapids, Incorporation 461
Dam and Public Buildings 462
The Cyclone of 1886 462
Watab Village 462
Philip Beaupre 462
David Gilman 463
James Beatty 463
Ellis Kling 463
George W. Benedict 464
J. Q. A. Wood 464
William H. Wood 464
Mrs. Wm. H. Wood 465
A. DeLacy Wood 465
P. H. Wood 465
Rev. Sherman Hall 465
Jeremiah Russell 466
Edgar O. Hamlin 467
Morrison County.
Description 468
History 468
Indian Feuds 469
Organization 469
Winnebago Indiana 470
Towns of Morrison County 471
Little Falls Village 471
Little Falls Water Power 472
Incorporation 473
Schools and Churches 473
Royalton Village 473
Incorporation, First Officers 473
Peter Roy 473
William Sturgis 474
James Fergus 474
Nathan Richardson 475
[Pg xxxvii]Moses La Fond 475
O. A. Churchill 475
John M. Kidder 476
Warren Kobe 476
Ola K. Black 476
Ira W. Bouch 476
Robert Russell 476
Peter A. Green 476
Rodolphus D. Kinney 476
John D. Logan 476
Crow Wing County.
Description 477
First Settlers 477
Organization 478
Reorganization 478
Murderers Lynched 478
Brainerd 478
First Settlers 479
Northern Pacific Sanitarium 480
The Kindred Dam 480
L. P. White 480
Allen Morrison 480
Charles F. Kindred 481
Aitkin County.
Description 482
Organization, Officers 482
Aitkin Village 483
William A. Aitkin 483
Alfred Aitkin 483
Nathaniel Tibbett 484
Carlton County.
History and Organization 484
Towns of Carlton County 485
Thomson Village 485
Cloquet Village 485
Moose Lake Station 485
Barnum Station 486
Mahtowa Station 486
North Pacific Junction 486
Francis A. Watkins 486
St. Louis County.
Description 486
Picturesque Scenery 487
Commissioners' Meetings 487
List of Commissioners 488
Duluth, Early History 488
Growth, Population 489
Mills, Warehouses, Shipments 489
Duluth Harbor 490
Fish Commission 490
Fond du Lac Village 491
Oneota Village 492
Clifton Village 492
Portland Village 492
Endion Village 492
Middleton Village 492
Montezuma Village 492
Buchanan Village 492
St. Louis Falls Village 492
Fremont Island 493
Tower 493
George R. Stuntz 494
George E. Stone 494
Charles H. Graves 494
Ozro P. Stearns 494
Lake County.
Description 495
Two Harbors 496
Cook County.
History and Organization 496
Organization and History, Towns 497
Fort Snelling 497
Treaty of 1837 499
First Land Claims, 1838 499
Cheever's Tower 500
St. Anthony Village Platted 500
First Marriage in the Territory 500
[Pg xxxviii]First Courts, School, Post Office 501
Church Organizations 501
The Suspension Bridge Built 502
St. Anthony Incorporated 1855 502
Annexation to Minneapolis, 1872 502
St. Anthony Falls 502
La Salle's Description 502
Minneapolis, Early Settlers 502
Early Land Claims 504
Business Enterprises 505
Mills Erected 505
St. Anthony Water Power Company 506
Minneapolis Named, Land Office 506
Incorporation as a City, 1867 506
Annexation of St. Anthony 506
List of Mayors 507
Water vs. Steam 507
Terrific Explosion at the Flo
ur Mills 508
Suburban Resorts 508
List of Public Buildings 509
Post Office Statistics 510
Lumber Manufactured 511
Bonded Debt, Taxes, Expenses 511
West Minneapolis 511
Calvin A. Tuttle 512
Cyrus Aldrich 512
Dr. Alfred E. Ames 514
Dr. Albert A. Ames 514
Jesse Ames 515
Cadwallader C. Washburn 515
William D. Washburn 517
Joseph C. Whitney 517
Charles Hoag 518
Franklin Steele 518
Roswell P. Russell 519
Horatio P. Van Cleve 520
Charlotte O. Van Cleve 520
Ard Godfrey 520
Richard Chute 521
Lucius N. Parker 521
Captain John Rollins 521
John G. Lennon 521
John H. Stevens 522
Caleb D. Dorr 522
Rev. Edward D. Neill 522
John Wensignor 523
Robert H. Hasty 524
Stephen Pratt 524
Capt. John Tapper 524
R. W. Cummings 524
Elias H. Conner 524
C. F. Stimson 524
William Dugas 524
David Gorham 525
Edwin Hedderly 525
Louis Neudeck 525
Andrew J. Foster 525
A. D. Foster 525
Charles E. Vanderburgh 525
Dorillius Morrison 526
H. G. O. Morrison 526
F. R. E. Cornell 526
Gen. A. B. Nettleton 527
Isaac Atwater 527
Charles McClure 600
Horace B. Wilson 600
Wabasha County.
Wabasha Village 601
Bailey and Sons 602
Nathaniel S. Tefft 602
James Wells 602
Winona County.
Scenery 602
Winona City 603
Daniel S. Norton 603
William Windom 603
Charles H. Berry 604
Thomas Wilson 604
Thomas Simpson 605
Wm. H. Yale 605
Pierre Bottineau 606
Andrew G. Chatfield 606
Hazen Mooers 607
John McDonough Berry 607
Mark H. Dunnell 608
James H. Baker 608
Horace B. Strait 609
Judson Wade Bishop 610
John L. McDonald 610
Thomas H. Armstrong 611
Augustus Armstrong 611
Moses K. Armstrong 611
James B. Wakefield 611
William Wallace Braden 611
Reuben Butters 612
Michael Doran 612
Andrew McCrea 613
John W. Blake 613
Knute Nelson 613
William R. Denny
Brief History of the Northwest Territory 616
Spanish Claims 616
French Claims 617
Louisiana in 1711 618
Settlement of Marietta, Ohio 618
Ohio Territory 619
Statistics 619
Boundary Question 625
Wisconsin Constitutional Convention, 1846 625
Wisconsin Constitutional Convention, 1847 626
Some Resolutions 627
Under What Government? 628
H. H. Sibley Elected Congressional Delegate 628
Queries 629
Minnesota Territory Created 629
Land Office at Stillwater 629
Indian Treaties 629
Treaty with the Sioux (Mendota) 1805 629
Treaty with the Chippewas (Mendota) 1837 630
Treaty with the Sioux (Washington) 1837 630
Treaty with the Winnebagoes (Washington) 1837 631
Treaty with the Chippewas (Fond du Lac) 1847 631
Treaty with the Pillager Band (Leech Lake) 1847 632
Treaty with the Sioux (Traverse des Sioux) 1851 632
Treaty with the Sioux (Mendota) 1851 632
Treaty with the Chippewas (La Pointe) 1854 634
Treaty with the Pillagers (Washington) 1855 634
Treaty with the Chippewas (Red Lake River) 1863 634
Gen. Pike and the Indians 635
Treaty of 1805 636
Pike's Address to the Council 636
Details of Treaty 636
Pike Hospitably Entertained 637
United States Surveys in the Northwest 637
Establishment of Land Offices 638
Establishment of the Present System of Surveys 638
The First Surveyor General's Office at Marietta, O 638
United States Land Offices in the Northwest 639
List of Registers and Receivers, Wisconsin 639
First Entries 640
First Auction Sale of Land 641
List of Registers and Receivers, Minnesota 641
List of Wisconsin Territorial and State Officers, Governors, Senators, and Representatives from St. Croix Valley 641
Legislative Representation 642
First and Second Constitutional Conventions 643
Governors of Wisconsin 643
United States Senators 643
United States Representatives 644
District Judges 644
State Legislature 644
List of Minnesota Territorial and State Officers 647
Census of the Territory in 1849 647
First Territorial Legislature 648
First Prohibition Law 649
Constitutional Convention 649
List of State Officers and Judicial 649
Senators and Representatives 650
Minnesota State Legislatures 651
Constitutional Convention of 1857 654
Division of Convention 654
Union of Conventions on a Constitution 656
Have We a Constitution 656
First, Minnesota State Legislature 657
Protests Against Legislation 657
Five Million Bill Passed and Adopted 657
State Seal Adopted 658
State Seal Design 659
Adjourned Session of Legislature 660
Protests Against Recognizing Gov. Medary 660
Reports on Protests 661
Land Grants—Railroad Surveys and Construction 665
Northern Pacific Railroad 665
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad 667
St. Paul & Duluth Railroad 668
Minnesota & Manitoba Railroad 669
Stillwater, White Bear & St. Paul Railroad 670
St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls Railroad 671
Wisconsin Central Railroad 671
Taylor's Falls & Lake Superior Railroad 672
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 672
A Memorial for "Soo" Railroad 673
Organization of Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlantic Railroad 674
Mileage of Railroads Centring in St. Paul and Minneapolis 675
Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad 675
Congressional Appropriations 675
Inland Navigation 676
George R. Stuntz on Lake Superior and St. Croix Canal 680
Waterways Convention, 1885 682
E. W. Durant's Valuable Statistics 683
Resolution for St. Croix and Superior Canal 685
Early Steamboat Navigation 686
Steamboat Accommodations 687
First Mississippi Steamboat Officers 689
First Mississippi Steamboat Organizations 689
List of Steamboats 690
Later Navigation on Northwest Rivers 691
Steamboating on the St. Croix 692
Ice Boats 693
James W. Mullen's Reminiscences, 1846 694
St. Croix Boom Company 696
Surveyors General of Logs 696
Organization 696
Conflict over State Boundary 697
Language of Logs 698
Logs Cut from 1837 to 1888 700
Chartered Dams 701
Lumbering and Lumbermen in 1845 702
Lumbering and Lumbermen in 1887 705
St. Croix Dalles Log Jams 706
Population of Northwest Territory in 1790 709
Population of Wisconsin Territory in 1836 709
Subsequent Census 709
Population of Minnesota in 1849 709
Minnesota State Capitol 710
Burning of State House 711
Selkirk Visitors 712
Cyclones 713
Isanti and Chisago Cyclone 713
Cottage Grove and Lake Elmo Cyclone 715
Washington County and Wisconsin Cyclone 717
St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids Cyclone 718
Curious Lightning Freaks 721
Asiatic Cholera on the Royal Arch 721
First Decree of Minnesota Citizenship 722
International Hotel, St. Paul, Burned 723
Grasshoppers 723
Ancient Mounds 724
Lake Itasca, Schoolcraft and Boutwell Form the Name Itasca.
Description of Itasca 726
Elk and Boutwell Lakes 727
Capt. Glazier's False Claim 727
Copper Mining on St. Croix 728
Rev. Julius S. Webber; Reminiscences 729
Judge Hamlin—Amusing Incident 730
Minnesota Old Settlers Association 731
St. Croix Valley Old Settlers Association 740
Newspaper History 741
Gen. Scott, Maj. Anderson, and Jeff. Davis 752
Jeff. Davis' Marriage at Fort Crawford 753
Dred Scott at Fort Snelling 754
Incidents in Dred Scott's History 755
Old Betz and Descendants 757
Military History of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1865 759
Gov. Alex. Ramsey's Address to Loyal Legion 759
Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth Legislative Sessions of Wisconsin 762