Index to Legends and Myths. |
- Acis and Galatea, 532
- Adam, Eve, the Wolf, and the Dog, 362
- Adam’s Tree, 303
- Ajax, 404
- Albertus Magnus, 133
- Ali Baba and the Sesame, 544
- Amaracus, 433
- Amaranthus, 212
- Andromeda, 214
- Arabian Priests and Cinnamon, 283
- Argonauts, 81, 249
- Arjuna, the Betel Thief, 251
- Aroth, Maroth, and the Beauty, 577
- Aspen and the Flight into Egypt, 230
- Aspen and the Passion, 229
- Aspic and Balm-tree, 239
- Asses and Hemlock, 145
- Atalanta and Hippomenes, 218
- Atys and Agdistis, 210
- Atys and Cybele, 495
- Baldr and the Mistletoe, 440
- Balm Trees of Cairo, 124
- Bachelier and the Anemone, 216
- Bacchus and the Pomegranate, 499
- Batou and the Cedar, 275
- Bertram and the Heartsease, 484
- Birth of Vishnu, 241
- Blacksmith changed to a Bear, 250
- Bonze and the Mouse, 513
- Bosworth Field, 360
- Buddha, 4, 420, 491
- Buddha and MÂra, 4
- Bushman Rice, 514
- Callimachus and the Acanthus, 206
- Calchas and Mopsus, 335
- Ceres and Proserpine, 504
- Chang Ching and the Fairy, 449
- Charlemagne and the Thistle, 269
- Chinese Trees of Love, 274
- Clairon and the Violets, 581
- Clovis, 387
- Clytie and Phoebus, 365
- Cosmogonic Lotus, 419
- Cossacks and Tartars, 286
- Crocus and Smilax, 299
- Crown Imperial, 347
- Cyanus and the Cornflower, 277
- Cyparissus, 302
- Czekanka, 326
- Danes and the Thistle, 562
- Daphne and Phoebus, 404
- Daughter of the Laurel, 408
- Death of Buddha, 539
- Devil and Blackberries, 258
- Devil and the Oats, 472
- Devil and the Reed, 512
- Devil’s Brother, 451
- Dewadat and Buddha, 223
- St. Dunstan and the Apple-trees, 223
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 133, 519
- St. Francis of Assisi, 519
- St. Leonard and the Dragon, 414
- St. Margaret of Cortona, 432
- St. Martin’s Yew, 591
- St. Patrick and the Shamrock, 545
- St. Peter’s Mother, 410
- St. Rosa di Lima, 519
- St. Serf, 219
- St. Thomas and the Madonna, 413
- St. Thomas and his Tree, 130
- Syrinx and Pan, 559
- Thlaspis, 268
- Thorn of Cawdor Castle, 362
- Titteli Ture, 555
- Tree of Adam, 17, 19
- Tree of Tiberias, 132
- Trees and the Cross, 386
- Trees and the Crucifixion, 48
- Trees and their Monarch, 474
- Trees of the Sun and Moon, 123
- Ulysses and the Lotos Eaters, 418
- Ulysses and the Moly, 442
- Venus and Adonis, 214, 341, 411
- Venus and the Rose, 516
- Venus and the Violet Nymphs, 579
- Venus’ Mirror, 267
- Veronica, 550
- Vertumnus and the Nymph, 307
- Virgin Mary and St. John, 483
- Virgin Mary and the Cherry-tree, 279
- Virgin Mary and the Fig-tree, 558
- Virgin Mary and the Juniper, 395
- Virgin Mary and the Lupine, 423
- Virgin Mary and the Orange-tree, 478
- Virgin Mary and the Palm, 481
- Virgin Mary and the Pine, 496
- Virgin Mary and the Rosemary, 526
- Virgin Mary and the Strawberry, 556
- Walnut-tree of Benevento, 584
- Wandering Jew, 238
- Wang Chih and the Date-stone, 312
- Watcher of the Roads, 325, 498
- Water Lily of Paradise, 463
- White Maidens of the Fichtelgebirge, 556
- Wild Woman and the Shepherdess, 253
- William the Conqueror, 533
- Willow Nymph, 81
- Witches and Alder Wood, 209
- Withered Tree of the Sun, 130, 131
- Wonderful Linden-tree,