[For Plants named after Birds and Animals, refer to chapter on that subject, p.136.] - Aaron, 228
- Acacia, 23, 37, 158, 195, 205, 539
- Acanthus, 46, 206
- Achillea matricaria, 174
- Achyranthes, 206
- Acis, 532
- Aconite, 443
- Acorn, 101, 102
- Acorus, 155, 159, 207
- Adder’s Tongue, 93, 95, 158, 207
- Adonis, 341
- Ægopodium Podagraria, 53, 374
- Affodilly, 458
- African Marigold, 198
- Agaric, 56
- Agnus Castus, 100, 106, 159, 208
- Agrimony, 104, 159, 161, 208, 328
- Air-bell, 358
- Aish-weed, 374
- Aj’amoda, 372
- Albespyne, 45, 218, 360
- Albranke, 96
- Alder, 24, 92, 209
- Alecrim, 526
- Alehoof, 391
- Alexandrian Laurel, 263
- Alisma, 236
- Alisson, 212
- Alkanet, 255
- Aller, 209
- Allgood, 355
- All-heal, 162, 442, 538
- Almond, 43, 181, 210
- Aloe, 158, 191, 211
- Alyssum, 212
- Amaracus, 27
- Amaranth, 56, 58, 194, 212
- Ambrose, 213
- Ambrosia, 213
- Amellus, 43, 213
- Ameos, 376
- Amorphophallus, 214
- Amrita, 213
- Amyris, 238
- Anagallis, 367
- Andhas, 214
- Andromeda, 214
- Anemone, 37, 70, 108, 193, 198, 214
- Angelica, 162, 216
- Angelica Archangelica, 227
- Anise, 158
- Antchar, 87
- Anthyllis, 217
- Antirrhinum, 95, 158
- Apamarga, 206
- Apium risus, 90
- Apple, 16, 24, 44, 60, 113, 116, 167, 199, 217, et seq.
- Apple of Sodom, 125, 225
- Apple of Jerusalem, 237
- Apricot, 225
- Aquapura, 88
- Aralda, 345
- Arbol de Leche, 298
- Arbor VitÆ, 43, 60, 191, 226
- Arbutus, 226
- Archangel, 54, 227
- Areca, 227
- Argentina, 109
- Aristolochia, 227
- ArjunÎ, 214
- Arka, 228
- Aronswurzel, 228
- Artemisia, 113, 228
- Arum, 90, 95, 228
- Arundhati, 228
- Asclepias acida, 106
- Ash, 6, 24, 47, 62, 96, 103, 116, 126, 159, 231
- Ashur, 256
- Asoka, 5, 22, 107, 229
- Asparagus, 158
- Aspen, 47, 49, 50, 229, 503
- Asphodel, 181, 189, 230
- Ass-bane, 87
- Ass-Parsley, 145
- Ass’s Foot, 145
- Aster, 231
- Asvattha, 5, 236
- Auguilanneuf, 441
- Auricula, 236
- Avaka, 236
- Avens, 53, 373
- Azalea, 91, 236
- Baccharis, 236
- Bachelor’s Buttons, 56, 510
- Bacia-Nicola, 246
- Baharas, 111
- Balbaja, 237
- Baldmoney, 237, 350, 550
- Balis, 237
- Balm, 44, 123, 124, 237
- Balm of Gilead, 238
- Balsam, 207, 237
- Balsam Apple, 237
- Bamboo, 36, 239
- Banana, 14, 15, 179, 240
- Baneberry, 53
- Bank-cress, 327
- Banyan, 16, 240
- Baobab, 23, 242
- Barberry, 46, 243
- Barley, 138, 168, 243
- Barnacle-tree, 118
- Barometz, 121, 243
- BÄrwurzel, 96
- Basil, 22, 195, 244
- Basilek, 278
- Basilica, 51
- Bauhinia, 247
- Bawm, 238
- Bay, 24, 37, 60, 110, 111, 199
- Beans, 41, 158, 159, 168, 195, 200, 247
- Bear-wort, 550
- Bear’s Breech, 206
- Bear’s Ear, 158
- Bear’s Garlic, 349
- Bech, 451
- Bedstraw, 41, 249
- Beech, 24, 38, 111, 249
- Beet, 158
- Beh, 369
- Belinuncia, 250
- Bella Giulia, 514
- Bell-flowers, 266
- Bel-tree, 250
- Belt of St. John, 52
- Betel, 251
- Betony, 95, 161, 251
- Bignonia, 252
- Bilberry, 252, 585
- Bindweed, 158
- Birch, 31, 51, 60, 191, 252
- Birk, 255
- Bishop’s Leaves, 252
- Bishop’s Weed, 376
- Bishop’s Wort, 398
- Bittersweet, 159, 546
- Bitter Vetch, 255
- Blackberry, 83, 200, 258
- Black-thorn, 113
- Bladder-wort, 158
- Blaeberry, 252, 585
- Blasting-root, 551
- Blessed Herb, 54, 373
- Blitz-mehl, 288
- Blood-drops of Christ, 48
- Blood-root, 155
- Bloody Men’s Fingers, 228
- Blue-bell, 255
- Blue-bottle, 277
- Bluet, 278
- BlutstrÖpfchen, 341
- Bohdda Tharanat, 268
- Bois bÉni, 194
- Bombax, 159, 192
- Borage, 158, 255
- Borgie-weed, 88
- Boriza, 126
- Bo-tree, 22, 491, 492
- Botrys, 158
- Box, 46, 58, 59, 60, 194, 197, 256
- Boxthorn, 46
- Bracken Fern, 179, 257
- Bramble, 46, 258
- Brank-ursine, 46, 206
- Brassica, 158
- Breakstone, 156
- Briony, 156, 159, 261
- Britalzar Ægyptiaca, 157
- Brompton Stock, 553
- Broom
@html@files@44638@44638-h@44638-h-18.htm.html#page-213" class="pginternal">213
- Cock’s Head, 354
- Golden Herb, 111, 542
- Golden Maidenhair, 354
- Golden Mothwort, 323
- Golden Rod, 113, 354
- Goldilocks, 354
- Golding, 454
- Goldy Flower, 373
- Golubetz, 354
- Good Henry, or Good King Harry, 355
- Good-night, 387
- Gool-achin, 355
- Gooseberry, 355
- Goose-grass, 144
- Goose Tansy, 144
- Gopher, 305
- Gorse, 356
- Gory Dew, 356
- Goss, 356
- Go-to-bed-at-noon, 354
- Goules or Goulan, 432
- Gout-wort, 374
- Gowan, 353, 354
- Grace of God, 55
- Grapes, 16, 169, 355
- Grapes of St. John, 52
- Grass, 68, 356
- Grass of Parnassus, 158
- Great Bur, 263
- Great Dragon, 155
- Great Herb, 70
- Great Maple, 559
- Grim the Collier, 359
- Grip-grass, 356
- Ground-heele, 357
- Ground Ivy, 95, 104, 159, 390
- Groundsel, 43, 357
- Guabana or Guarabana, 358
- Guelder-Rose, 59, 358
- Guinea Hen, 145
- Gyllofer, 269, 350
- HÆmanthus, 358
- Hag Taper, 94, 358
- Hair-bell, 358
- Half-Moon, 173
- Hallelujah, 358
- Hard-head, 381
- Harebell, 53, 55, 67, 358, 385
- Hart’s Tongue, 385
- Immortelles, 194, 328
- Impatiens, 237
- Ingudi, 386
- Ipecacuanha, 386
- Ipomoea, 386
- Iris, 24, 43, 158, 159, 387
- Iron-head, 381
- Irrkraut, 333
- Irrwurzel, 498
- Ivy, 24, 30, 59, 388
- Jacinth, 358, 385
- Jack-by-the-Hedge, 327
- Jacob’s Ladder, 391, 547
- Jambi, 227
- Jamboa, 23
- Jambu, 391
- Jasmine, 39, 107, 159, 193, 391
- Jatropha urens, 87
- Jerusalem Artichoke, 393
- Jerusalem Cowslip, 393
- Jerusalem Cross, 393
- Jerusalem Oak, 393
- Jerusalem Sage, 393
- Jerusalem Star, 393
- Jesuit’s Bark, 282
- Jew’s Ears, 393
- Jew’s Myrtle, 263
- Joan’s Silver Pin, 393
- Job’s Tears, 340, 393
- Johannis-blut, 51
- Johannis-wurzel, 111
- Jonah’s Gourd, 393
- Joseph’s Flower, 354
- Jove’s Flower, 397
- Judas-tree, 50, 92, 394
- Jujube, 395
- Julienne, 514
- July-flower, 553
- Jump-up-and-kiss-me, 484
- Juniper, 25, 41, 44, 91, 101, 110, 158, 181, 195, 395
#page-422" class="pginternal">422
- Love-in-Idleness, 422, 484
- Love-lies-bleeding, 213, 422
- Loveman, 422
- Luckan Gowan, 353
- Luck-flower, 112, 343, 422
- Lucky Hands, 333
- Lunary, 378
- Lunary, Lesser, 444
- Lungwort, 155, 158, 297
- Lupine, 159, 422
- Lusmore, 70, 344
- Lychnis, 55, 56, 423
- Lycoris, 193
- Lythrum Silicaria, 96
utenberg@html@files@44638@44638-h@44638-h-42.htm.html#page-585" class="pginternal">585 Old Man’s Beard, 286, 398 Old Man’s Head, 278 Old Man’s Pepper, 589 Oleander, 40, 87, 473 Olibanum, 346 Olive, 17, 25, 37, 38, 39, 46, 47, 142, 473 One-berry, 375 Onion, 23, 476 Ophiusa, 89 Ophrys, 159 Opium, 105 Orach, 156 Orange, 39, 193, 195, 477 Orchis, 24, 99, 478 Organy, 158 Origanum, 95, 101, 158 Orpine, 51, 52, 60, 111, 479 Osier, 113 Osmund Fern, 53, 56, 374, 479 Our Lady’s Bedstraw, 41, 249 Our Lady’s Bunch of Keys, 42 Our Lady’s Comb, 42 Our Lady’s Cushion, 42 Our Lady’s Fingers, 42 Our Lady’s Hair, 42 Our Lady’s Looking-glass, 42 Our Lady’s Mantle, 42, 143 Our Lady’s Seal, 42, 547 Our Lady’s Slipper, 42 Our Lady’s Smock, 42, 55, 268, 269 Our Lady’s Tears, 43 Our Lady’s Thistle, 41, 158 Our Lady’s Tresses, 228 Rampion, 510 Ramsies, or Ramsins, 349 Ranunculus, 55, 158, 159, 510 Raspberry, 511 Rasrivtrava, 112, 511 Rattle Weed, 88 Rayhan, 246 Reed, 511 Reed Mace, 46, 512 Reine Marguerite, 231 Rest Harrow, 571 Rhamnus, 25, 512 Rhubarb, 158 Rice, 513 Robin Redbreast’s Cushion, 100 Rocket, 25, 514 Rodden, 529 Rogation Flower, 58, 348, 437 Roodselken, 48 Root of the Holy Ghost, 55 Rosa MariÆ, 41 Rose, 24, 25, 43, 54, 59, 138, 158, 181, 183, 193, 195, 199, 515 Rose Apple, 23 Rose de Noel, 44 Rose of Jericho, 44, 528 Rose of Sharon, 528 Rose-bay, 87 Rose-briar, 46, 49, 524 Rosemary, 60, 196, 197, 198, 525 Rowan, 23, 102, 529 Ruddes, 432 RudrÂksha, 531 Rue, 104, 531 Rush, 44, 57, 532 Rye, 534
ternal">158, 166, 366, 557 Supercilium Veneris, 24 Supyari, 227 Swallow-herb, 276 Swallow-wort, 159 Sweet Basil, 55 Sweet Calamus, 217 Sweet Cicely, 55 Sweet Flag, 207 Sweet John, 416 Sweet Margery, 55 Sweet William, 198 Swine-Bread, 301 Sword-Flag, 352 Sycamore, 558 Syringa, 559 - Tamarind, 560
- Tamarisk, 49, 192, 560
- Tansy, 101, 561
- Tea, 561
- Tears of Isis, 572
- Teasel, 158
- TÉ-na-tsa-li, 109
- Terebinth, 61, 346, 561
- Teufelsmilch, 85
- Theomat, 109
- Therionarca, 90
- Thistle, 41, 562
- Thorn, 46, 95, 114, 174, 563
- Thorn Apple, 565
- Three-faces-under-a-hood, 484
- Throat-wort, 156, 267
- Thunder-flower, 382
- Thunderbolt-flower, 544
- Thunderbolt-thorn, 552
- Thunderbolt-wood, 552
- Thya, 226
- Thyme, 43, 198, 566
- Tirlic, 50
- Tithymallus, 157, 158, 367
- Tittle-my-fancy, 484
- Toad-Flax, 156
- Toad’s Mouth, 217
- Toadstool, 82, 566
- Tobacco, 567
- Tooth-cress, 179
- Toothed Moss, 158
- Toothed Violet,