The list of names belonging to the Intermediate Normal Class should have been inserted in The Chautauquan for November. PRIZE PAPERS. - Mary D. Coles, 1st prize, 1367 Frankford Avenue, Phila., Pa.
- Dr. John A. Steven, 2d prize, 164 High street, Hartford, Conn.
- Wm. B. Stevenson, 3d prize, Leech’s Corners, Mercer Co., Pa.
DESERVING SPECIAL MENTION. - Mrs. Mary W. Clark, West Brattleboro, Vt.
- Anna C. Cobb, 1001 Fourth Avenue, New York.
- Mary A. Lilley, Ypsilanti, Mich.
- John L. Lowes, Canonsburg, Pa.
- Anna M. Poppins, New Wilmington, Pa.
- Nellie H. Skidmore, Fredonia, N. Y.
- Emilie E. Streeter, W. Brattleboro, Vt.
- Junia D. Uart, Dayton, O.
ADDITIONAL PAPERS. - Emma L. Abbott, 3 Linden St., Provisena, R. I.
- Mrs. W. C. Armor, Bradford, McKean Co., Pa.
- Ida A. Baker, Hydetown, Pa.
- Hattie Bierbower, 120 Chestnut St., Evansville, Ind.
- Mrs. H. R. Blaisdell, Paris, Ky.
- Ray B. Borden, Merchantville, N. J.
- Clara J. Brown, Morning Sun, O.
- Mrs. Vinolia A. Brown, Morning Sun, O.
- Martha Buck, Carbondale, Ill.
- E. W. Bushnell, Springfield, O.
- Lizzie A. Call, Stafford, Gen. Co., N. Y.
- Mrs. Hattie E. Chambers, Bradford, Pa.
- Rev. H. L. Crumley, 29 E. Pine St., Atlanta, Ga.
- Mary Dayton, 109 N. Chapin St., Binghamton, N. Y.
- Mrs. H. M. S. Dithridge, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
- Harriet E. Elder, 1128 S. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind.
- Ruie M. Ely, Bantam, Clermont Co., O.
- Alice C. Ennig, Ennigsville, York Co., Pa.
- Flora A. Ennig, Ennigsville, York Co., Pa.
- Mary J. Ennig, Ennigsville, York Co., Pa.
- Martha J. Evarts, Clarendon, N. Y.
- Emma L. Firth, Titusville, Pa.
- W. J. Fischer, Box 384, Alton, Ill.
- Alice Foster, Leech’s Corners, Mercer Co., Pa.
- Rev. James M. Foster, Leech’s Corners, Mercer Co., Pa.
- Jennie Foster, Leech’s Corners, Mercer Co., Pa.
- Mrs. Albert Gleaves, Evansville, Ind.
- Ida E. Goodrich, Geneva, O.
- Rev. W. H. Groves, Fayetteville, Tenn.
- Miriam J. Guernsey, Canton, Pa.
- Lizzie Heald, Moline, Ill.
- Mary Herring, Tecumseh, Mich.
- Emma K. Hine, Poland, O.
- Cora J. Hoover, Flushing, Mich.
- Myrtie C. Hudson, Ann Arbor, Mich.
- Jennie H. Hunt, Olean, N. Y.
- Arthur Hutchinson, Holley, N. Y.
- Juliet W. Jennings, Ashtabula, O.
- Maria R. Jones, Meriden, Conn.
- Anna M. Lane, Liberty Falls, N. Y.
- Mrs. O. S. Ludlow, Parma, Mich.
- Sadie Lyle, 37 Liberty Street, Allegheny, Pa.
- Emma L. Manchester, 247 Friendship St., Providence, R. I.
- Jennie E. Martin, West Henrietta, N. Y.
- Mrs. Ada T. McCollin, Sugar Grove, Pa.
- Mina B. McCollister, Col. Inst., Ft. Edward, N. Y.
- Amelia McGranahan, Kennard, Pa.
- Maria McKitterick, Burlington, Iowa.
- Sarah A. Mie, 267 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
- Addie B. Morgan, Stapleton, Richmond Co., N. Y.
- Mrs. C. O. Norris, W. Farmington, O.
- Nellie M. Norris, W. Farmington, O.
- Bartie Page, Frewsburg, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
- Mrs. M. E. Page, Frewsburg, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
- M. R. Palmer, 1011 Up. 6th St., Evansville, Ind.
- Mrs. P. P. Pinney, Clarion, Pa.
- Lucie A. Pooley, Bridgeville, Pa.
- Mary C. Robinson, Albion, Mich.
- Nannie M. Schenck, Osage City, Kansas.
- Mary Scotten, Great Bend Village, Pa.
- Mrs. Josiah Smith, Jeffersonville, N. Y.
- Mrs. Rev. Wm. Smith, Howell, Mich.
- Mary A. Sowers, Carbondale, Ill.
- Rev. Orange H. Spoor, Charlotte, Mich.
- Mary Stevenson, Leech’s Corners, Mercer Co., Pa.
- Mrs. M. S. Stephenson, Herridon, Va.
- Kittie M. Thorpe, Napoli, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.
- Mrs. Flora A. Wachter, St. Petersburg, Pa.
- Minnie Ware, Stapleton, Richmond Co., N. Y.
- Margaret A. Watts, 13th and Main Sts., Louisville, Ky.
- Mattie R. Weaver, Latrobe, Pa.
- Ella C. Webster, Tecumseh, Mich.
- Mattie Wilcox, Chautauqua, N. Y.
- Mrs. S. T. Williams, Sheffield, Pa.
- Mrs. A. R. Worth, Indianola, Iowa.
decorative line Royal Baking Powder. Absoloutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall Street, New York. decorative line Transcriber’s Notes: Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Page 132, “Bagbad” changed to “Bagdad” (The Caliph of Bagdad) Page 142, “Sansorino” changed to “Sansovino” (Contucci, better known as Sansovino) Page 142, “unparalled” changed to “unparalleled” (unparalleled in beauty) Page 143, “WÜrzburg” changed to “WÜrtzburg” (in the WÜrtzburg cathedral) Page 145, “SteinhaÜser” changed to “SteinhÄuser” (Carl SteinhÄuser) Page 145, “unforgetable” changed to “unforgettable” (piquant and unforgettable flavors) Page 146, “antithises” changed to “antitheses” (and pointed antitheses) Page 151, “chipmuck” changed to “chipmunk” (the chipping squirrel, chipmunk) Page 159, “until” added (not entirely superseded by implements of steel until the latter part of last century) Page 174, “unicellar” changed to “unicellular” (the unicellular plants) Page 182, “pensÊe” changed to “pensÉe” (une pensÉe sauvage) Page 187, “Posidon” changed to “Poseidon” (The Poseidon of the Greeks.) Page 187, accents added to InnsbrÜck, BlÜcher, and SteinhÄuser. |