TOP GRACES AND PRAYERS "In all things, give thanks, pray without ceasing."—Paul. The following forms of grace and prayer are intended to be suggestive helps to young people, who have the desire to be ready always to lead in prayer and conduct family worship, with interest and profit to others. Bible reading and private prayer prepare for public prayer; but the latter is rendered much easier, when it is remembered, that it should consist of expressions of thanksgiving, confession, petition and intercession. Those that lead should speak loud enough to be easily heard by everyone, and with an earnestness, that suggests sincerity. GRACE AT MEALS BREAKFAST. We thank Thee, our Father, for sweet rest and refreshment in sleep, thy bountiful supply of our wants and the right use of our faculties. Give us wisdom this day in the discharge of duty and in the employment of our time and talents for Jesus' sake. Amen. DINNER. We thank thee, our Father, that thou dost give to us health and strength to perform our labors and hast surrounded us with the blessings and comforts of life. Feed our souls with the bread of life and enable us to serve thee acceptably for Jesus' sake. Amen. SUPPER. We thank thee, our Father, that thou hast enabled us to perform the labors of the day and graciously supplied our wants. Establish the work of our hands and forgive our sins for Jesus' sake. Amen. HELPFUL FORMS OF PRAYER
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to take; And this I ask for Jesus' sake."
We thank thee, O Lord, for strength of arm to win our daily bread; for enough on which to live and some to give to those that are unfed. We thank thee for shelter from the cold and storm, a place that may be shared with a friend forlorn. We thank thee for thy wonderful love on us bestowed, that we should now be called the children of God. May thy gracious presence go with us this day. Put good thoughts into our minds and good words into our mouths. Make us strong to do that which is pleasing in thy sight, by making thy word the guide of our lives. Bless our friends that are near and dear unto us. May their lives be found precious in thy sight. Command thy blessing to rest upon our neighbors and all with whom we associate. May thy richest spiritual blessing rest upon thy servant, our pastor, and all the people to whom be ministers; so that the work of the Lord may prosper in our hands. Bless our children and youth by writing their names in the Book of life and inclining them to walk in thy commands. Forgive our sins, comfort our hearts, strengthen our faith and enable us to serve Thee acceptably; we ask it for Jesus' sake. Amen. ANOTHER ONE We thank thee our Father, for the Bible, thine own blessed word, that teaches us, what we are to believe concerning Thee, and what duties Thou requirest of us. Help us to read it with the understanding heart, that it may prove a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We thank Thee for the voice of conscience, prompting us to do right. Enable us by Thy grace to do promptly, that which we know to be right. Help us to remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy unto the Lord. Help us to set our affection on the "house of the Lord;" and when we worship Thee, may the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us. Bless our friends and neighbors; all who seek an interest in our prayers. Forgive our sins and enable us to serve thee acceptably, for Jesus' sake. Amen. A PRAYER FOR THE AGED
Ever blessed and gracious God, our Father, I humbly pray that thou wilt not cast me off in the time of old age, when my strength faileth. Preserve unto me the right use of my faculties for my soul trusteth in Thee. Comfort and strengthen my soul in the day of weakness that I may attest thy faithfulness in fulfilling all thy gracious promises. Thou hast taught me to know mine end and the measure of my days, that I might apply my heart unto wisdom; and desire to dwell in Thy presence, where there is fulness of joy; and at thy right hand, where there are pleasures for evermore. When the time comes for my inexperienced soul to leave its earthly temple, send the blessed angels to carry it to the mansions, thou hast prepared for the redeemed, who put their trust in Thee; and accord unto me an abundant entrance into the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To whom be praise, dominion and glory, now and forever. Amen. "How beautiful to be with God! To lay aside this toil-worn dress, To wear a crown of righteousness, And robes of purest white possess; And sing the sweet redemption song." —Frances Willard.