“A wild chase was going on in the depths, and where it passed the rushes bowed their sheaves.” GRIM: THE STORY OF A PIKE Translated from the Danish of Svend Fleuron by J. Muir and J. Alexander Illustrated by Dorothy P. Lathrop New York MCMXXI Alfred A. Knopf COPYRIGHT, 1919 By SVEND FLEURON COPYRIGHT, 1921 By ALFRED A. KNOPF, Inc. Original Title: Grim PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To devour others and to avoid being devoured oneself, that is life’s end and aim. CONTENTS II: IN THE SHELTER OF THE CREEK ILLUSTRATIONS A wild chase was going on in the depths, and where it passed the rushes bowed their sheaves. With a hiss it curves its neck and turns the foil upwards, snapping and biting at its tormentors. She snaps eagerly at the nearest “worm,” but it escapes her by adroitly curling up. |