NATIVE IRON (of terrestrial origin). (Pane 4m.) Name of Iron and Place of Find. | Report of Find. | Niakornak, Jakobshavn District, West Greenland. (Rink's iron). Part of a lump obtained (1848-50) by Dr. Rink from a Greenlander who lived at Niakornak: it had been found not far from his home, lying loose on a pebble-strewn plain near the coast. | Oversigt over det koniglike danske vidensk. selsk. forh. 1854, p. 1. | Jakobshavn, West Greenland (The Pfaff-Öberg iron). Part of a lump given by Dr. Pfaff of Jakobshavn to Dr. Öberg in 1870: it was said to have been found in the neighbourhood (perhaps near Niakornak). | Geological Magazine, 1872, vol. 9, p. 520. | Ovifak, Disko Island, West Greenland. Found by Baron N. A. E. NordenskiÖld in 1870. | Geological Magazine, 1872, vol. 9, p. 460. | New Zealand (Jackson's Bay). Found in 1885, and described by Skey in the same year (Awaruite). | Trans. and Proc. of New Zealand Institute, 1885, vol. 18, p. 401. | South America. Found in an old collection; described by HÖgbom in 1902. | Bull. of the Geol. Instit. of the Univ. of Upsala, 1902, vol. 5, p. 277. |