1. Caltha palustris and Primula farinosa on the upper fields of Champex towards the end of May Frontispiece
2. Gentiana verna and Primula farinosa on the lower fields of Champex towards the end of May, with part of the massif of Saleinaz in the background 2
3. Lac Champex in cloudland at the end of May; Caltha palustris and Primula farinosa by the water-edge 8
4. The upper fields of Champex early in June, with the Grand Combin in the distance 13
5. Trollius europÆus, the Globe Flower, on the cloud-swept fields in early June 17
6. Anemone sulphurea and Viola calcarata in the Val d’Arpette in June 25
7. Early-June fields beyond Praz de Fort in the Val Ferret, backed by the Groupe du Grand Saint-Bernard et du Grand Golliaz 32
8. The Paradise Lily (Paradisia Liliastrum) near the Glacier de Trient about the middle of June 40
9. June meadows of Salvia, Lychnis, etc., in the Val Ferret, just before arriving at the village of Praz de Fort 48
10. Field of Campanula rhomboidalis on the Col de la Forclaz about the beginning of July 57
11. In the early-July fields at Champex 65
12. Evening among the fields of pink Bistort at Lac Champex; sunset-glow on the Grand Combin, July 73
13. Haymaking at Champex in the middle of July 81
14. The Autumn Crocus in the fields near the village of Trient, with the Aiguille du Tour in the background, September 88
15. Anemone sulphurea and Gentiana excisa painted directly in the fields at the end of May 97
16. Primula farinosa, Gentiana verna, Micheli’s Daisy, Bartsia alpina, Polygala alpina, and the two Pinguiculas or Butterworts, painted directly in the fields at the end of May 105
17. Gentiana verna, the type-plant, and some of its forms 113
18. Geranium sylvaticum, Potentilla rupestris, Centaurea montana, the pink Bistort, the little Alpine Bistort, painted on the spot in the fields at the beginning of July 122
19. Paradisia Liliastrum, the Paradise or St. Bruno’s Lily 129
20. Rosa alpina, the thornless Alpine Eglantine 136
21. Young plants of Veratrum album, together with Salvia pratensis, Phyteuma betonicÆfolium, P. orbiculare, the white and the yellow Euphrasia, and the yellow Clover, drawn on the spot at the beginning of July 144
22. Arnica, the Brown Gentian (G. purpurea), Campanula barbata, and the fiery little Hieracium aurantiacum, painted from life in the fields towards the middle of July 152
23. The tall yellow Hypochoeris uniflora, Centaurea uniflora, the Golden Hawkweed (Crepis aurea) drawn from life in the July fields 160
24. Gentiana campestris and Gentiana bavarica 169
25. Astrantia major, A. minor, and the Apollo butterfly 176
26. The Willow Gentian (G. asclepiadea) and the Alpine Cotton Grass (Eriophorum Scheuchzeri) 182


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