The table.

1. First wherby husbande-men do lyue. fo. i.[19] 9
2. Of dyuers maner of plowes. fol. eod. 9
3. To knowe the names of all the partes of the ploughe. fol. ii. 10
4. The temprynge of plowes. fo. iii. 12
5. ¶ The necessary thynges that belonge to a plowe, carte, or wayne. fol. iiii. 14
6. ¶ Whether is better, a plowe of oxen or a plowe of horses. fol. v. 15
7. ¶ The dylygence and the attendaunce that a husbande shulde gyue to his warke, in maner of an other prologue, and a specyall grounde of all this treatyse. fol. vi. 16
8. ¶ Howe a manne shulde plowe all maner of landes all tymes of the yere. fo. vii. 17
9. To plowe for pees and beanes. fol. viii. 18
10. Howe to sowe bothe pees and beanes. fol. viii. 18
11. Sede of Discrecyon. fol. ix. 20
12. Howe all maner of corne shulde be sowen. folio eodem 21
13. To sowe barley. fol. x. 22
14. To sowe otes. fol. xi. 23
15. To harowe all maner of cornes. fol. xii. 24
16. To falowe. fol. xiii. 25
17. To carry out donge or mucke, and to sprede it. fol. xiiii. 27
18. To set out the shepe-folde. fol. xv. 28
19. To cary wode and other necessaries. fol. xvi. 29
20. To knowe dyuers maner of wedes. fol. eod. 29
21. To wede corne. fol. xvii. 31
22. The fyrste sturrynge: and (23) to mowe grasse. foli. xviii. 32
24. How forkes and rakes shuld be made. fo. xix. 33
25. To tedde and make hey. fol. eod. 33
26. Howe rye shulde be shorne. fol. xx. 35
27. Howe to shere whete. fol. xxi. 35
28. To mowe or shere barley and otes. fol. eod. 36
29. To repe or mowe pees and beanes. fol. xxii. 36
30. Howe all maner of corne shoulde be tythed. folio eodem 37
31. Howe all maner of corne shoulde be couered. fol. xxiii. 38
32. To lode corne and mowe it. fol. eod. 38
33. The seconde sturrynge. fo. xxiiii. 39
34. To sowe whete and rye. fol. eodem 39
35. To thresshe and wynowe corne. fol. xxv. 41
36. To seuer beanes, pees, and fetches. fol. eod. 41
37. Of shepe, and what tyme of the y s="tdrx c1">138. Howe to graffe. fol. eod. 88
139. To graffe bytwene the barke and the tree. fol. lxii. 89
140. To nourysshe all maner of stone fruyte and nuttes. fol. lxiii. 90
141. A shorte information for a yonge gentyllman that entendeth to thryue. fol. eod. 90
142. A lesson made in Englysshe verses, that a gentylmans seruaunte shall forget none of his gere in his inne behynde hym. fo. lxv. 93
143. A prologe for the wyues occupation. fo. eod. 93
144. A lesson for the wyfe. fol. eod. 94
145. What thynges the wyfe of ryghte is bounde to do. fol. lxvi. 94
146. What warkes the wyfe oughte to doo generally. fo. eod. 95
147. To kepe measure in spendynge. fo. lxvii. 98
148. To eate within thy tedure. fo. lxviii. 99
149. A shorte lesson vnto the husbande. fol. lxix. 101
150. Howe menne of hye degree do kepe measure. fol. eodem 101
151. Prodygalytie in outragyous and costelye araye. fol. lxx. 102
152. Of delycyous meates and drynkes. fol. eod. 103
153. Of outragious playe and game. fo. lxxi. 104
154. A prologue of the thyrde sayinge of the philosopher. fo. lxxii. 105
155. A dyuersytie bytwene predycation and doctryne. fol. eodem 105
156. What is rychesse. fo. lxxiii. 106
157. What is the propertie of a rych man. fo. lxxiiii. 108
158. What ioyes & pleasures are in heuen. fo. lxxv. 109
159. What thynge pleaseth god most. fol. lxxvi. 109
160. What be goddes commaundementes. fo. eod. 110
161. Howe a man shulde loue god and please hym. fol. eodem 110
162. Howe a man shoulde loue his neyghbour. fol. lxxvii. 111
163. Of prayer that pleaseth god verye moche. folio lxxviii. 112
164. What thynge letteth prayer. fol. eod. 112
165. Howe a man shulde praye. fo. lxxix. 113
166. A mean to put away ydle thoughtes in prayenge. fol. lxxx. 115
167. A meane to auoyde temptation. fol. lxxxi. 116
168. Almes-dedes pleaseth god moche. fo. lxxxii. 118
169. The fyrst maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiii. 119
170. The ii. maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiiii. 120
171. The iii. maner of almes dede. fol. lxxxv. 121
172. What is the greattest offence that a man maye doo and offende god in. fo. lxxxvi. 122

Thus endeth the table.


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