| | PAGE |
1. | First wherby husbande-men do lyue. fo. i.[19] | 9 |
2. | Of dyuers maner of plowes. fol. eod. | 9 |
3. | To knowe the names of all the partes of the ploughe. fol. ii. | 10 |
4. | The temprynge of plowes. fo. iii. | 12 |
5. | ¶ The necessary thynges that belonge to a plowe, carte, or wayne. fol. iiii. | 14 |
6. | ¶ Whether is better, a plowe of oxen or a plowe of horses. fol. v. | 15 |
7. | ¶ The dylygence and the attendaunce that a husbande shulde gyue to his warke, in maner of an other prologue, and a specyall grounde of all this treatyse. fol. vi. | 16 |
8. | ¶ Howe a manne shulde plowe all maner of landes all tymes of the yere. fo. vii. | 17 |
9. | To plowe for pees and beanes. fol. viii. | 18 |
10. | Howe to sowe bothe pees and beanes. fol. viii. | 18 |
11. | Sede of Discrecyon. fol. ix. | 20 |
12. | Howe all maner of corne shulde be sowen. folio eodem | 21 |
13. | To sowe barley. fol. x. | 22 |
14. | To sowe otes. fol. xi. | 23 |
15. | To harowe all maner of cornes. fol. xii. | 24 |
16. | To falowe. fol. xiii. | 25 |
17. | To carry out donge or mucke, and to sprede it. fol. xiiii. | 27 |
18. | To set out the shepe-folde. fol. xv. | 28 |
19. | To cary wode and other necessaries. fol. xvi. | 29 |
20. | To knowe dyuers maner of wedes. fol. eod. | 29 |
21. | To wede corne. fol. xvii. | 31 |
22. | The fyrste sturrynge: and (23) to mowe grasse. foli. xviii. | 32 |
24. | How forkes and rakes shuld be made. fo. xix. | 33 |
25. | To tedde and make hey. fol. eod. | 33 |
26. | Howe rye shulde be shorne. fol. xx. | 35 |
27. | Howe to shere whete. fol. xxi. | 35 |
28. | To mowe or shere barley and otes. fol. eod. | 36 |
29. | To repe or mowe pees and beanes. fol. xxii. | 36 |
30. | Howe all maner of corne shoulde be tythed. folio eodem | 37 |
31. | Howe all maner of corne shoulde be couered. fol. xxiii. | 38 |
32. | To lode corne and mowe it. fol. eod. | 38 |
33. | The seconde sturrynge. fo. xxiiii. | 39 |
34. | To sowe whete and rye. fol. eodem | 39 |
35. | To thresshe and wynowe corne. fol. xxv. | 41 |
36. | To seuer beanes, pees, and fetches. fol. eod. | 41 |
37. | Of shepe, and what tyme of the y
s="tdrx c1">138. | Howe to graffe. fol. eod. | 88 |
139. | To graffe bytwene the barke and the tree. fol. lxii. | 89 |
140. | To nourysshe all maner of stone fruyte and nuttes. fol. lxiii. | 90 |
141. | A shorte information for a yonge gentyllman that entendeth to thryue. fol. eod. | 90 |
142. | A lesson made in Englysshe verses, that a gentylmans seruaunte shall forget none of his gere in his inne behynde hym. fo. lxv. | 93 |
143. | A prologe for the wyues occupation. fo. eod. | 93 |
144. | A lesson for the wyfe. fol. eod. | 94 |
145. | What thynges the wyfe of ryghte is bounde to do. fol. lxvi. | 94 |
146. | What warkes the wyfe oughte to doo generally. fo. eod. | 95 |
147. | To kepe measure in spendynge. fo. lxvii. | 98 |
148. | To eate within thy tedure. fo. lxviii. | 99 |
149. | A shorte lesson vnto the husbande. fol. lxix. | 101 |
150. | Howe menne of hye degree do kepe measure. fol. eodem | 101 |
151. | Prodygalytie in outragyous and costelye araye. fol. lxx. | 102 |
152. | Of delycyous meates and drynkes. fol. eod. | 103 |
153. | Of outragious playe and game. fo. lxxi. | 104 |
154. | A prologue of the thyrde sayinge of the philosopher. fo. lxxii. | 105 |
155. | A dyuersytie bytwene predycation and doctryne. fol. eodem | 105 |
156. | What is rychesse. fo. lxxiii. | 106 |
157. | What is the propertie of a rych man. fo. lxxiiii. | 108 |
158. | What ioyes & pleasures are in heuen. fo. lxxv. | 109 |
159. | What thynge pleaseth god most. fol. lxxvi. | 109 |
160. | What be goddes commaundementes. fo. eod. | 110 |
161. | Howe a man shulde loue god and please hym. fol. eodem | 110 |
162. | Howe a man shoulde loue his neyghbour. fol. lxxvii. | 111 |
163. | Of prayer that pleaseth god verye moche. folio lxxviii. | 112 |
164. | What thynge letteth prayer. fol. eod. | 112 |
165. | Howe a man shulde praye. fo. lxxix. | 113 |
166. | A mean to put away ydle thoughtes in prayenge. fol. lxxx. | 115 |
167. | A meane to auoyde temptation. fol. lxxxi. | 116 |
168. | Almes-dedes pleaseth god moche. fo. lxxxii. | 118 |
169. | The fyrst maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiii. | 119 |
170. | The ii. maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiiii. | 120 |
171. | The iii. maner of almes dede. fol. lxxxv. | 121 |
172. | What is the greattest offence that a man maye doo and offende god in. fo. lxxxvi. | 122 |