| Page | Introduction | IX | The Best Results of Travel in the Orient | XIII | Japan, The Picture Country of the Orient | 1 | First Impressions of Japan and the Life of the Japanese—?The Japanese Capital and its Parks and Temples—The Most Famous City of Temples in all Japan—?In Kyoto, The Ancient Capital of Japan—?Kobe, Osaka, The Inland Sea and Nagasaki—?Development of the Japanese Sense of Beauty—?Conclusions on Japanese Life and Character—?Will the Japanese Retain Their Good Traits? | | Manila, Transformed by the Americans | 49 | First Impressions of Manila and Its Picturesque People—?American Work in the Philippine Islands—?Scenes in the City of Manila and Suburbs. | | Hongkong, Canton, Singapore and Rangoon | 63 | Hongkong, the Greatest British Port in the Orient—?A Visit to Canton in Days of Wild Panic—?Singapore, the Meeting Place of Many Races—?Strange Night Scenes in the City of Singapore—?Characteristic Sights in Burma's Largest City. | | India, The Land of Temples, Palaces and Monuments | 93 | Calcutta, the Most Beautiful of Oriental Cities—?Bathing, and Burning the Dead at Benares—?Lucknow and Cawnpore, Cities of the Mutiny—?The Taj Mahal, the World's Loveliest Building—?Delhi and Its Ancient Mohammedan Ruins—?Scenes in Bombay When the King Arrived—?Religion and Customs of the Bombay Parsees. | | Egypt, The Home of Hieroglyphs, Tombs and Mummies | 135 | Picturesque Oriental Life as Seen in Cairo—?Among the Ruins of Luxor and Karnak—?Tombs of The Kings at Ancient Thebes—?Sailing Down the Nile on a Small Steamer—?Before the Pyramids and the Sphinx. | | Hints for Travelers | 167 | Some Suggestions That May Save the Tourist Time and Money. | | Bibliography | 171 | Books Which Help One to Understand the Orient and Its People. | | Index | 175 |