"Telling of two boys who go into the vegetable and flower-raising business instead of humdrum commercial pursuits. The characters and situations are realistic."—PHILADELPHIA TELEGRAPH LITTLE DAME TROT One of the most pleasing of juveniles, made pathetic by the strength with which the author pictures the central figure, a little girl made miserable by her mother's strict adherence to a pet "method" of training. THE LITTLE WOMAN IN THE SPOUT "This pleasing story may have been developed from real life, from real children, so true a picture does it portray of girlish life and sports."—GRAND RAPIDS HERALD ROY AND ROSYROCKS A glowing Christmas tale, fresh and natural in situations, that will interest both boys and girls. It tells how two poor children anticipate the joys of the holiday, and how heartily they enter into doing their part to make the day merry for themselves and others. PEGGY-ALONE The chronicles of the Happy-Go-Luckys, a crowd of girls who did not depend upon riches for good times. This club was very stretchible as to membership, so they elected Peggy-Alone from pity of her loneliness. Freed from governess, nurse and solicitous mother, she has the jolliest summer of her life.