host@g@html@files@56033@56033-h@56033-h-10.htm.html#Page_245" class="pginternal">245, 272, 276, 281. Berkeleys, the, i. 163. Bermuda Hundred, i. 168, 224. Bermuda Islands, i. 149-151, 161, 208. Bermudez, Juan, i. 149. Berry, Sir John, ii. 92, 95. Bertrand, a Huguenot family, ii. 205. Beverages, ii. 229. Beverley, Robert, clerk of assembly, ii. 80, 89, 92, 109-114. Beverley, Robert, the historian, ii. 21, 22, 70, 196, 208-210, 255. Bichat, Xavier, ii. 260. Billingsgate, i. 57. Billy, a runaway negro, ii. 197. Birds, ii. 214. Bishop, intention to appoint one in America, ii. 116. Blackbeard, the last of the pirates, ii. 366-369. Black Death, the, i. 22. Black-eyed Susan, i. 77. Blackiston, Nehemiah, ii. 161. Blackmail in the West Indies, ii. 350. Blackstone, William, ii. 128, 340. Blair, Francis Preston, ii. 389. Blair, James, i. 234; ii. 116-123, 129, 252, 262, 389. Blair, Mrs. James, ii. 119. Blake, Joseph, ii. 291, 363. Bland, Giles, ii. 86, 87, 104. Bland, John, ii. 47-51. Blenheim, battle of, ii. 190, 370. Bliss, Wm. R., ii. 251. Blood debt, Indian ideas of, i. 108. Blue Anchor tavern, i. 57. Blue Ridge, ii. 73, 205, 383; crossed by Spotswood, ii. 385. Blunt Point, i. 209. Blunt, Tom, a Tuscarora chief, ii. 302. Bodleian Library, i. 28. Bohemia, i. 90. Bohemia Manor, ii. 149, 153. Canning, Elizabeth, ii. 183. Cape Breton, i. 12. Cape Charles, i. 168, 225. Cape Clear, i. 255. Cape Cod, i. 91, 161; ii. 4. Cape Fear River, i. 62, 63. Cape Finisterre, i. 59. Cape Henry, i. 92, 94. Cape Lookout, i. 31. Capetian monarchy in France, i. 256. Capital offences, i. 165. Cardross, Lord, ii. 288. Carey, Thomas, ii. 294. Carey’s rebellion, ii. 296. Carlton, Thomas, i. 91. Carolina, i. 63, 68, 265; ii. 53; Bacon’s watchword, ii. 86; palatinate government of, ii. 275; Algonquins in, ii. 298; Spanish gold and silver in, ii. 362. Caroni River, i. 197. Carriages, ii. 239. Carrington, Mrs. Edward, ii. 234-236. Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, ii. 172. Carroll, Charles, the elder, ii. 170-172. Cartagena, i. 33. Carter, i. 214. Carteret, Sir George, ii. 144, 272. Cary, Sir Henry, i. 68. Caspian Sea, i. 74. Cathay and its riches, i. 7, 12. Catholics in Maryland, i. 270-275; ii. 150; civil disabilities of, ii. 166-168. Cattle, i. 167, 230; ii. 2, 347. Cavalier families, ii. 25. Cavalier society reproduced only on Chesapeake Bay, ii. 337. Cavaliers in Virginia, ii. 9-29, 34-44; in South Carolina, ii. 322. Cavendish, Lord, i. 207, 214, 215, 220. Cavendish, Sir Thomas, circumnavigation of the earth by, i. 34; ii. 342. Caviar, i. 143. Cecil, Sir Robert, i. 40, 55, 144, 221. Don Quixote, i. 53. Don, the river, i. 89. Douglas, Earl of Orkney, ii. 120. Dove, the ship, i. 273, 290. Doyle, J. A., i. 42, 117, 185; ii. 18, 176. Dragon, Spanish nickname for Drake, i. 33. Drake, Sir Francis, i. 19, 24, 26, 33, 34, 59; ii. 342, 383. Draper, Lyman, ii. 245. Drayton, Michael, i. 77-79, 232. Dress of planters and their wives, ii. 236; legislation concerning, i. 246. Drinking horns, ii. 227. Drummond Lake, ii. 65. Drummond, Sarah, ii. 77, 94, 95. Drummond, William, ii. 65, 77, 87, 89, 94, 276. Drunkards, i. 246. Drysdale, Hugh, ii. 390. Duelling, ii. 265. Dunkirk, i. 36, 37. Durand, William, i. 311. Durant, George, ii. 276, 286; and the Yankee skippers, ii. 283. Durham, palatinate of, its form of government, i. 257, 259, 260, 275-279. Durham cathedral, i. 259. “Dust and Ashes,” pseudonym for Gabriel Barber, i. 234. Dutch commercial rivals of England, ii. 4, 46-51. Dutch in the East Indies, i. 10. Dutch Gap, i. 167. Dwina, the river, i. 74. Eastchurch, Governor of Albemarle and his Creole bride, ii. 282-284. East Greenwich, manor of, i. 65. East India Company, Dutch, i. 51. East India Company, English, i. 51, 66, 184. “Eastward Ho,” the comedy, i. 56. Eden, Charles, ii. 304, 367. Eden, Richard, i. 14, 273, 274, 280. Fundy, Bay of, i. 63, 170. Funerals, ii. 237. Fur trade, the, i. 286, 289. Galapagos Islands, ii. 359. Gale, Christopher, ii. 302. Gama, Vasco de, i. 12. Game, ii. 229. Gardiner, S. R., i. 201, 272; ii. 184. Garrison, W. L., ii. 192. Gates, Sir Thomas, i. 65, 147, 148, 150, 154, 162, 163, 171. Gateway of the West, ii. 399. Gay family, descended from Pocahontas, i. 173. Gayangos, Pascual de, i. 87. Geddes, Jennie, i. 236. Genealogy, importance of, ii. 26; of Washington, ii. 27. Genoa, ii. 344. Gentlemen as pioneers, i. 121. Genty, the AbbÉ, i. 4. Geographical conditions, influence of, ii. 309. Geographical knowledge, progress of, i. 41. George I., ii. 169. George III., i. 31, 130; ii. 115. Georgia, i. 63, 280; a frontier colony, ii. 333; slavery prohibited in, ii. 335; introduced there, ii. 336; Spaniards driven from, ii. 335; population of, ii. 336. Germanna Ford, ii. 372. German immigration to North Carolina, ii. 318. Germans at Werowocomoco, i. 131, 139; in Appalachian region, ii. 318; in the Mohawk Valley, ii. 318; in Shenandoah Valley, ii. 395; on the Rapidan River, ii. 372. Gerrard, Thomas, ii. 134, 161. Gibbon, John, ii. 20. Gibraltar, Venezuela, sack of by Le Basque, ii. 350; sacked by Morgan, ii. 353. Gift of God, the ship, i. 70. Gilbert, Bartholomew, i. 56, 102. Gilbert, Raleigh, i. 67, 334. Instructions for the Virginia colonists, i. 72-76. Insurrections of slaves, ii. 196; in South Carolina, ii. 329. Ireland, i. 66. Isabella, Queen, i. 51. Isle of Wight County, i. 302. Isles of Demons, i. 150. Isolation, barbarizing effects of, ii. 253, 321, 332, 333. Jack of the Feather, a chief, i. 190. Jackson, Andrew, ii. 391. Jamaica, ii. 183; conquest of, ii. 349. James I., i. 55, 62, 69, 104, 113, 147, 152, 218, 236-238, 255, 256, 263; ii. 256, 391; censures Rolfe for marrying a princess, i. 171, 193; tries to get on without a parliament, i. 196; his hatred of Raleigh, i. 197; tries to interfere with election of treasurer of Virginia Company, i. 201-203; quarrels with Parliament, i. 208; attempts to corrupt Nicholas Ferrar, i. 216. James II., ii. 8, 144, 146, 159, 160, 334. James City, i. 186, 210. James, Duke of York. See James II. James River, fight in, i. 305. James, the Old Pretender, ii. 168. James, Thomas, of New Haven, i. 303. Jamestown, i. 39; founding of, i. 39, 140; famine at, i. 153, 229; burned by Bacon, ii. 89; ruins of, ii. 120. Jay, John, ii. 254. Jefferson, Thomas, i. 221; ii. 25, 37, 42, 66, 98, 128, 175, 191, 201, 130; second charter of the, i. 144-146, 192; its third charter, i. 177; its quarter sessions, i. 178; factions form in, i. 182, 188; its overthrow, i. 196-222; some effects of its downfall, i. 238-240. Long Assembly, the, ii. 57-63, 99. Longfellow, H. W., ii. 227. Long Island Sound, i. 63. Lord lieutenant, i. 281. Lord Proprietor of Maryland, his powers, i. 270. Lords, House of, ii. 14. Lords of the manor, ii. 32. Lords of Trade, i. 301. “Lost Lady,” the, a comedy, ii. 56. Lotteries, i. 178. Louis XIV., i. 52; ii. 117, 159, 168, 360, 377, 378. Lucy, Sir Thomas, i. 69. Ludwell, Philip, ii. 87, 89, 102, 104, 290. Ludwell, Thomas, ii. 52, 89, 106. Lunenburg, ii. 9. Luther, Martin, i. 8; ii. 160. Lyly, John, i. 53. Macdonald, Flora, ii. 318. Mace, Samuel, i. 54. MacGregor, The, i. 94. Machiavelli, i. 82. McMaster, J. B., ii. 218. Madison, James, ii. 175, 250, 254. Madre de Dios, the ship, i. 54. Madrid, i. 194. Magellan, i. 26. Magog, i. 41. Maherrins, the tribe, last remnant of the Susquehannocks, ii. 299. Mahomet and the mountain, i. 114. Maine, i. 67. Maine Historical Society, i. 43. Maine Law, ii. 335. Makemie, Francis, ii. 206. Maitland, F. W., ii. 197. Malaria, ii. 121. Malay pirates, ii. 339. Malbone, Rodolphus, ii. 265. Malory, Philip, ii. 21. Manhatta
l#Page_120" class="pginternal">120-123, 129, 130, 162, 163. Nicot, Jean, i. 174. Nicotiana, name for tobacco, i. 174. Noble savage, the, i. 4. Nonesuch, i. 152, 226. North Carolina, i. 39; agriculture in, ii. 313; white trash in, ii. 315-317; German immigration to, ii. 318; negro slaves in, ii. 329. Northern Neck reserved by Culpeper, ii. 112. North Virginia, old name for New England, i. 55. Northwest Passage, attempts to find, i. 32, 44, 73, 113, 116, 126, 226; ii. 3. Norumbega, i. 28, 55. Notley, Thomas, ii. 156. Nova Scotia, i. 287. Oath at Middle Plantation, ii. 81, 97, 106. Oath of supremacy tendered to Lord Baltimore, i. 264. Ocracoke Inlet, i. 32. Octoroons, ii. 203. Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, i. 258. Oexmelin. See Exquemeling. Ogle, Cuthbert, ii. 242. Oglethorpe, James, ii. 334. Old Bailey, ii. 183. Old Field Schools, ii. 247. Oldmixon’s “British Empire,” a book full of blunders, ii. 255. Old Style, i. 1. Olonnois, the buccaneer, ii. 349. O’Neill, The, i. 94. Opekankano, i. 100-102, 124, 139, 140, 189, 224, 305; ii. 72. Orator, an Indian, i. 137. Orchards, ii. 222. Oregon, i. 27. Orinoco, the river, i. 54. Outlying slaves, ii. 197. Ovid’s Metamorphoses, i. 232. Oxford, the university, i. 28, 42, 255, 268; ii. 65, 204, 249, 376. Pollock, Thomas, ii. 197, 286, 304. Polonian or Baltic Sea, i. 74. Pompey and the Cilician pirates, ii. 338. Pone, i. 275. Poor law of 1601, i. 48. Popham, Sir John, i. 60, 68, 81, 159; ii. 102. Popular government, ii. 97. Population of England in Elizabeth’s time, i. 46. Population of New England, i. 253; of American colonies, ii. 169; of Georgia, ii. 336; of the two Carolinas, ii. 329. Pork, i. 161; ii. 207. Poropotank Creek, ii. 19. Porto Bello captured by Morgan, ii. 351. Port Royal, N. S., i. 170, 261; ii. 123. Port Royal, S. C., ii. 271, 278; burned by the Spaniards, ii. 288. Port St. Julian, i. 26. Porter, John, ii. 295. Postage rates, ii. 376. Postal service in America under Spotswood, ii. 389. Post-office Act, ii. 373-375. Postlethwayt, Malachy, ii. 180, 181-186. Potomac, the river, i. 63, 112, 161. Pott, Dr. John, i. 252, 253, 263, 287, 293, 297, 298. Pott, Francis, i. 296. Potts, Richard, i. 96. Poultry, a street in London, i. 203. Powhatan, The, i. 102-114, 116, 132-139, 168, 189. Powhatan, the village, i. 94, 127. Powhatans, the tribe, i. 94-111. Precious metals, effect of their increased quantity after the discovery of America, i. 9, 47. Presbyterians in Ulster, disabilities inflicted upon, ii. 393. Presley, a burgess, ii. 70, 94. Primary assemblies, i. 284. Pring, Martin, i. 56, 15; the Portuguese, i. 15. Sluyter, a Labadist, ii. 143. Smith, John, i. 80-118, 121, 143, 147, 151, 152-156, 159, 164-166, 172, 173; ii. 72; fiery dragons invented by, i. 84; Turks’ heads cut off by, i. 84; name for Cape Ann, i. 88; is rescued by Pocahontas, i. 102-111; his “True Relation,” i. 102; his “History of Virginia,” i. 103; his map of Virginia, i. 118; his “Rude Answer,” i. 118, 125-128; drops into poetry, i. 121; as a worker of miracles, i. 141; says, “He that will not work shall not eat,” i. 142; leaves Virginia, i. 152; his faithful portrayal of Indians, i. 157; nobility of his nature, i. 157; touching tribute by one of his comrades, i. 158; his voyage to North Virginia, i. 172; changes the name to New England, i. 172; his last years, i. 232. Smith, Robert, ii. 104. Smith, Thomas, captain of a ship, i. 293; tried for piracy and hanged, i. 300. Smith, Sir Thomas, i. 52, 66, 146, 161, 178, 182-184, 196. Smith’s Hundred, i. 186. Smith’s name for Cape Ann, i. 88. Smith’s Sound, i. 67. Smugglers, ii. 346. Smyth, J. F., ii. 230, 231, 239, 316. Soap, i. 123, 230. Social features of Maryland, ii. 267-269. Socrates, ii. 142. Somers, Sir George, i. 65, 147, 148-151, 154, 155, 161. Sothel, Seth, ii. 285; as the people’s friend, ii. 289. Soto, F. de, i. 61; ii. 91. Souls and tobacco, comparative claims of
gexternal">176. Test oaths for public officials, ii. 294. Thatch, Robert. See Blackbeard. Theatres, ii. 243. Third Supply for Virginia, i. 151, 158. Thirlestane House, i. 43. Thirty Years’ War, ii. 160. Thompson, William, of Braintree, i. 303. Thomson, Sir Peter, i. 43. Thorpe, George, murdered by Indians, i. 234. Throckmorton, Elizabeth, i. 53. Thrusting out of Governor Harvey, i. 298. Tichfield, i. 221. Tidewater Virginia, i. 224. Tilden, Marmaduke, ii. 147. Tillotson, Archbishop, ii. 116. Timour, Pasha of Nalbrits, i. 89. Tindall, Thomas, put in the pillory, i. 264. Titles of nobility in Carolina, ii. 276. Tobacco, first recorded mention of, i. 174; bull of Urban VIII. against, i. 174; James I.’s Counterblast, i. 174; its tendency to crush out other forms of industry, i. 231; monopoly of, coveted by Charles I., i. 242, 243; planted by the Dutch in the East Indies, ii. 47; and liberty, ii. 174; as currency, ii. 111; effects of, ii. 210; duty on, in Maryland, ii. 133; attempts to check its cultivation, ii. 176. Tobacco currency, effects of, in Virginia, ii. 216; upon crafts and trades, ii. 217; upon planters’ accounts, ii. 218. Todkill, Anas, i. 116, 121, 135. Toleration, religious, in Maryland, i. 267, 271, 272, 309-311. Toleration Act, so-called, passed by Maryland Puritans, i. 316. Tomocomo, his attempt to take a census of England, i. 173. Toombs, Robert, ii. 10. Tories and Whigs, i. 182. Torture by slow fire, i. 108. Totapotamoy, ii. 73. Town meetings, ii. 32-34. Towns, absence of, in Virginia, ii. 211; attempts to build, ii. 213. Townships in England, ii. 31-34. Trade between Massachusetts and Albemarle Colony, ii. 281. Tragabigzanda, Charatza, i. 88. Train-bands in New England, ii. 40. Treachery of Indians, i. 129, 136, 138. Treason committed abroad, ii. 285. Treat, John, ii.