A - Abel, 240
- Acetylene gas, 219
- Acheson, 312
- Ægeans, 55, 56
- Aerial Age, 326
- Age of Bronze, 15
- Age of Copper, 15
- Age of Iron, 19
- Age of Steam, 179 et seq
- Air-brake, 278
- Air-pump, 142, 143
- Airships, 326
- Alchemy, 208
- Alexander, 69 to 97
- Alexandria, 77
- Alphabet, 58
- Aluminum, 213, 302
- AmpÈre, 198, 199
- Analine dyes, 265
- Antipyrene, 298
- Antiseptic surgery, 274
- Antitoxin, 328
- Appleby, 292
- Application of hot air to furnaces, 213
- Arago, 198
- Arc-light, 183, 235
- Archimedes, 78, 79, 149, 176
- Aristotle, 139
- Arithmetic, 35
- Arkwright, 172
- Artificial limbs, 239
- Artificial silk, 304
- Assur, 38
- Assyria, 39, 40
- Astrology, 31
- Astronomy, 24, 29
- Atlantic cable, 266
- Atomic Theory, 210
- Atwood's machine, 163
- Automatic arc-light, 235
- Automatic car-coupler, 285
- Automatic grain-binder, 273, 292
- Automatic piano, 221
- Autoplate, 318
B - Babbage, 201
- Babbitt metal, 220
- Babylonian measures, 32
- Babylonian religion, 38
- Bacillus of cholera, 298
- Bacillus of diphtheria, 298
- Bacillus of hydrophobia, 298
- Bacillus of infantile paralysis, 329
- Bacillus of lockjaw, 298
- Bacillus of tuberculosis, 298
- Bacillus of typhus fever, 329
- Bacon, Francis, 139, 140, 162
- Bacon, Roger, 124
- Baldwin, 217
- Balista, 44
- Band wood-saw, 184, 302
- Barbed-wire fence, 273
- Barometer, 142
- Battle of the Nile, 189, 190
- Bazaine, 281
- BÉmont, 314
- Becquerel Rays, 313, 314
- Behel, 273
- Bell, 287, 302
- Berliner, 292
- Bernoulli, 164
- Bessemer's process, 248
- Bicycle, 265
- Bismarck, 283
- Black, 171, 175
- Blake telephone-transmitter, 294
- Bonaparte, 177, 178
- Bourdon, 244
- Bow and arrow, 4, 5
- Bowers, 302
- Boyle, 141
- Braithwaite, 214
- Branca, 152
- Brandenburg, 164
- Branly's coherer, 305
- Brewster, 186, 244
- Britain, 91, 92
- Brugnatelli, 182
- Buddhism, 39, 263
- Bullock, 274
- Bunsen, 266
- Burden, 218
- Burleigh, 275
C - Cable-car, 265
- CÆsar, 7, 85 to 95, 279
- Calculating machine, 201
- Carbide of calcium, 273
- Carbolic acid, 218
- Carbon telephone-transmitter, 292
- Carborundum, 312
- CarrÉ, 269
- Carthage, 83, 84, 85
- Cartwright, 175
- Cash-carrier, 286
- Cash-register, 286
- Catapult, 44
- Cathode rays, 292
- Caus, 151
- Cavallo, 175
- Cavendish, 170, 171, 175
- Cawley, 153
- Celluloid, 284
- Cerebro-spinal meningitis antitoxin, 328
- Channing, 246
- Charlotte Dundas, 180
- Chemistry, 208
- Chloral hydrate, 217
- Chloroform, 215
- Christian Science, 277
- Christianity, 50, 263
- Chrome process of tanning, 302
- Cigarette machine, 291
- Circulation of blood, 140
- Civil War in America, 269 et seq
- Clay tablets, 24
- Clerk Maxwell, 284, 285
- Clermont, 180
- Clock, 162
- Coal-gas, 184
- Cocaine, 248
- Coins, 48
- Color photography, 327
- Colt, 219
- Columbus, 125 et seq
- Compressed-air rock drill, 275, 284
- Confucianism, 39
- Congress of Vienna, 260
- Congress, U.S. S., 270, 271, 272
- Constant battery, 219
- Constantinople, 96, 97, 113
- Constitution of the United States, 263
- Cooke, 220
- Copenhagen, 192
- Copernicus, 132, 133, 134
- Corliss cut-off, 244
- Cornwallis, 174, 175
- Cortez, 128, 129
- Corvus, 84, 85
- Cowles, 302
- Craske, 269
- Crawford, 220
- Cretans, 48
- Croesus, 48
- Crookes, 292
- Cumberland, U.S. S., 270, 271, 272
- Cuneiform writing, 28
- Curie, 314
- Curtiss, Glenn, 327
- Curved stereoplates, 269
- Customs union, 261
- Cyanide process, 303
- Cyrus, 39
D - DÆdalus, 57
- Daguerre, 181, 182
- Dalton, 210, 211
- Daniell, 219
- Daniels, 328, 330
- Darius, 59
- Davy, 181, 182, 183
- Davy, Edmund, 219
- De Chardonnet, 304
- De Grasse, 174, 175
- De Lesseps, 237
- Decimal system, 32
- Deisel Engine, 291
- Della Porta, 151
- Dennison, 242
- Depth bomb, 339
- Dewar, 201
- Dias, Bartholomew, 125
- Diet at Spires, 131
- Diet at Worms, 131
- Disc for polishing, 43
- Divine Right of kings, 146, 147
- Dodge, 274
- Domestication of brutes, 13
- Drager, 327
- Draper, 221
- Drebel, 142
- Dry-plate photography, 265
- Duodecimal system, 31, 32
- Duplex telegraph, 285
- Dynamics, 159
- Dynamite, 277
- Dynamo electric machine, 275
E - East India Company, 257
- Eastman, 304
- Eberth, 295
- Eddy, 277
- Edison, 123, 292, 310, 328, 285
- Egyptian religion, 38
- Electric light, 149
- Telegraph, 215
- Cautery, 239
- Locomotive, 245
- Candle, 290
- Railway, first, 293
- Welding, 302
- Furnace, 312
- Motor, 217, 218
- Electrically propelled boat, 221
- Electricity, 148 et seq
- Electromagnetic theory of light, 284
- Electron, 293
- Electroplating, 182
- Electrostatic induction, 247
- Elevator, 272
- Embalming, 35
- Ericsson, 10, 68, 214, 220, 270, 271, 272
- Ether as an anÆsthetic, 221
F - Fahrenheit, 142
- Faraday, 138, 199, 214, 247
- Farmer, 246
- Faure storage battery, 294
- Feudal system, 145, 146
- Field, Cyrus, 266
- Finlay, 327
- Finsen, 313
- Fire alarm telegraph, 247
- Fire, 5
- First American locomotive, 217
- First electric telegraph, 232
- First successful aeroplane flight, 326
- Fiske, 312, 326, 328
- Fitch, 180
- Flexner, 328, 329
- Flute, 49
- Flying boat, 327
- Foucault, 235
- Fox, Talbot, 247
- Foy, 294
- Franklin, 168, 169, 170, 256
- Frederick the Great, 166 et seq
- Frederick William, 165, 166, 279
- French Revolution, 260
- Friction matches, 213
- Fulton, 180
G - Galileo, 135, 136
- Galvani, 138, 200
- Galvanization, 220
- Galvanometer, 200
- Gardner, 265
- Gas engine, 291
- Gas mantle, 302
- Gatling gun, 273
- Gaul, 86 to 95
- Gaza, 73
- Ged, 164
- Geometry, 37
- German Confederation, 261
- Giffard, 265
- Gilbert, 137, 138
- Gimlet, 57
- Goldschmidt, 327
- Goodyear, 220, 284
- Gorham, 286
- Gorrie, 245
- Gramme, 283
- Graphophone, 302
- Gravitation, Law of, 144
- Great Eastern, 266
- Greece, 45
- Greek fire, 96, 97
- Green, 269
- Greener's hammerless gun, 294
- Groves gas battery, 267
- Guericke, 142, 143, 148, 149, 216
- Gun carriage, 108
- Gun-cotton, 240
- Gun director system, 312
- Gun, 101 to 110
- Gunpowder, 39
- Guthrie, 215
- Guttenberg, 7, 111
- Gyroscopic compass, 326
- Gyroscopic stabilizer, 327
H - Hadley, 145
- Hales, 184
- Hall, 308
- Hammurabi, 38
- Hanaman, 327
- Hand photographic camera, 298
- Hannibal, 84, 85
- Hargreaves, 172
- Harvey, 140, 141
- Harveyized armor, 304
- Heat, a measure of work, 212
- Hebrews, 45
- Hellenistic civilization, 76, 77
- Helmholtz, 246
- Henry, 214, 216, 252
- Herman, 247
- Hero, 149, 150, 151
- Hertz, 304, 305
- Hewitt, 326
- Hibbert, 244
- High speed printing press, 327
- Hoe, 235, 242
- Holy Alliance, 260
- Homer, 205
- Hooke, 145, 162
- Horseshoe machine, 218
- Howe, 236
- Huygens, 162
- Hyatt, 284
- Hydraulic dredge, 302
- Hydraulic jack, 176
I - Ice machine, 245, 287
- Illuminating water-gas, 286
- Image making, 117, 118
- Incandescent lamp, 292
- Induced currents, 214
- Induction transmitter, 293
- Ingersoll, 284
- Internal combustion engine, 291
- Interrupted thread screw, 242
- Invasion of England, 193, 194
- Ironclads, 248
J - Jablochkoff, 290
- Jacobi, 218, 221
- James, 217
- Janney, 285
- Jansen, 135
- Jewish religion, 45, 46
- Joly, 327
- Judaism, 263
K - Kaleidoscope, 186, 187
- Kepler, 134
- Kinetograph and kinetoscope, 310, 328
- Kingsland, 265
- Kirchoff, 266
- Knitting machine, 184
- Koch, 295, 298
- Kodak camera, 304
- KÖnig, 186
- KÖniggratz, 280
- Krag-Jorgensen rifle, 309
- Krupp, 243
- Kuno, 298
L - La Gloire, 265
- Laennec, 197
- Laplace, 209
- Laughing gas, 234
- Lavoisier, 171, 172, 208, 211
- Laws of electrolysis, 247
- Laws of electromagnetic induction, 247
- Laws of electrostatic induction, 247
- League of Armed Neutrality, 192
- Lee magazine rifle, 294
- Leges JuliÆ, 85
- Legion, 83
- Leibig, 215, 217
- Leupold, 153
- Leyden jar, 168, 169
- Liberal government, 255 et seq
- Light, 235
- Linde, 312
- Link motion, 217
- Linotype machine, 301
- Lippman, 327
- Liquefaction of air, 312
- Liquefaction of gases, 201
- Lister, 274
- Lithography, 177
- Locomotive, 185
- Loeffler, 298
- Long, 221
- Loom, positive motion weaving, 284
- Lowe, 286
- LumiÈre, 327
- Lundstrom, 247
- Luther, 130 et seq
- Lyall, 284
M - Machine for making barbed-wire, 286
- Mack, 194
- Maddox, 284
- Magazine gun, 243
- Magellan, 128
- Magneto electric machine, 216, 217
- Malleable iron castings, 184
- Marathon, 59, 60
- Marble, 302
- Marconi, 306, 313
- Martel, Charles, 110
- Martin's steel process, 274
- Match-making machine, 242
- Matteson, 302
- Maxim, 327
- McCormick Reaper, 218
- McMahon, 281
- Melhuish, 247
- Merchant adventurers, 257
- Mercury-vapor light, 326
- Mergenthaler, 301, 308
- Merkle, 177
- Merrimac, C.S. S., 68, 270, 271, 272
- Metternich, 261, 262
- Michoux, 265
- Middlings purifier, 287
- Militarism, 282
- Military machine, 279 et seq
- Miller, 180
- Miltiades, 59, 60
- Milton, 205
- Miners' safety lamp, 183, 184
- Mohammedanism, 263
- Moltke, 279
- Moncrief's disappearing gun-carriage, 276
- Monitor, 68, 270, 271, 272
- Monroe Doctrine, 256
- Montgolfier, 175
- Morse, 215, 232, 233, 234
- Morton, 215
- Motion, Laws of, 144
- Multiphase currents, 303
- Mungo Ponton, 221
- Murdock, 184
- Muschenbroek, 168
- Musical telephone, 267
- Muybridge, 310
- Mythology, 53
N - Napier, 136, 137
- Napoleon, 187 et seq, 257
- Nasmyth, 221
- Needle telegraph, 220
- Nege, 277
- Neilson, 213
- Nelson, 190, 192, 194, 197
- Newcomer, 153
- Newton, Isaac, 143, 144, 145
- Nicholson, 186
- Nickel steel, 308
- Nicolaier, 298
- Niepce, 181
- Nineveh, 39
- Nitroglycerin, 241
- Nobel, 277
O - Oersted, 198, 199, 200
- Ohm, 213
- Oleomargarine, 277
- Omphalopsychites, 345
- Open-hearth process for steel-making, 274
- Ophthalmoscope, 245
- Otis, 272
- Otto, 291
P - Pacinnotti, 217, 283
- Page, 245
- Painting, 56
- Paper, 101
- Papin, 153
- Papyrus, 25, 33
- Parson's steam turbine, 309
- Pasteur, 298
- Patent office, 111
- Paul, 172
- Peloponnesian War, 63, 66
- Pericles, 62
- Perkins, 265
- Perry, 315
- Persian Gates, 74
- Phalanx, 68, 69
- Philip of Macedon, 66, 67
- Phoenicians, 45
- Phoenix, 181
- Phonetic writing, 27
- Phonograph, 291
- Photographic roll films, 247
- Photography, 181, 221
- Photometer, 212
- Pictet, 287
- Picture-writing, 27
- Pitt, 261, 262
- Pixii, 216
- Pizarro, 129
- PlantÉ, 266
- Platinotype process, 285
- Plotz, 329
- Pneumatic caissons, 221
- Pneumatic tire, 235
- Pneumonia bacillus, 295
- Poetry, 62
- Portable fire engine, 214
- Portland cement, 291
- Porus, 75
- Potassium, 182
- Power-loom, 175
- Prehistoric inventor, 23
- Prescott, 302
- Priestley, 171
- Primeval weapons, 1 to 20
- Princeton, U.S. S., 220
- Principia, 143
- Printing press, 186
- Printing telegraph, 237
- Printing, 110 to 115
- Pulmotor, 327
- Pump, 243
- Punic Wars, 84, 85
- Pyramids, 35, 36
Q - Quadruplex telegraphy, 285
R - Radio activity, 314
- Radio control of moving vessels, 326
- Radium, 314
- Ramsay, 180
- Rear driven chain for bicycles, 302
- Reece, 298
- Regenerative furnace, 265
- Reis, 267
- Renaissance, 112
- Revolver, 219
- Rock drill, 247
- Rocket, 185
- RÖntgen, 293, 312
- Rubicon, 94
- Ruhmkorff coil, 246, 293
- Ruin of the machine of civilization, 226–230
- Rumford, 212
- Runge, 218
- Russian campaign, 196, 197
S - Sadowa, 280
- Safety matches, 247
- Sailing vessels, 47
- Salamis, 61
- Santos Dumont, 326
- Sargon, 41
- Savage, 241
- Savannah, first ocean steamship, 202
- Savery, 152, 153
- Schmid, 298
- Schneider, 308
- Schonbein, 240
- Schultz, 302
- Schultze, 273
- Schweigg, 200
- Scott Archer, 245
- Screw propeller, 220
- Sculpture, 62
- Secondary battery, 266
- Seebeck, 200
- Self-binding reaper, 286
- Self-induction, 215
- Selligne, 221
- Senefelder, 177
- Sennacherib, 41
- Sewing-machine, 236
- Sextant, 145
- Seymour, 245
- Seytre, 221
- Shakespeare, 205
- Shell ejector, 274
- Shintoism, 263
- Shoemaking machine, 269
- Sholes, 276
- Siemens, 216, 265, 275, 294
- Silencer for fire arms, 327
- Sleeping-car, 265
- Smeaton, 153
- Smith and Wesson revolver, 247
- Smokeless gunpowder, 273
- Sobrero, 241
- Sodium, 182
- Soubeiran, 215
- Sparta, 62
- Spectroscope, 266
- Sperry, 326
- Spinning machine, 172
- Sprague electric railway and motor, 303
- St. Vincent, 190
- Statuary, 56
- Steam engine, 150 et seq
- Steam hammer, 221
- Steam plough, 294
- Steam presser gauge, 244
- Steam saw-mill, 291
- Steam whistle, 218
- Steel pen, 184
- Stephenson, 185, 218
- Stereoscope, 244
- Stereotyping, 164
- Sternberg, 295
- Stethoscope, 197, 246
- Stevens, 181
- Sturgeon, 217
- Suez Canal, 237
- Sulphite process, 276
- Syphon, 286
- Syria, 45
T - Tainter, 302
- Talbot, 221
- Talleyrand, 261, 262
- Taoism, 39, 263
- Taupenot, 265
- Telephone, 287
- Telescope sight for ships' guns, 312
- Telescope, 135, 136
- Tesla, 303
- Themistocles, 61
- Thermit welding, 327
- Thermometer, 142
- Thermopile, 200, 201
- Thermos bottle, 201
- Thompson, Elihu, 302
- Thomson, Benjamin, 212
- Thomson, Sir William, 286
- Thorium, 314
- Threshing-machine, 177
- Thurber, 231
- Tilghman, 276
- Time-lock, 241
- Torpedoplane, 328
- Torricelli, 142
- Toulon, 177
- Trafalgar, 195
- Triger, 221
- Tubular boiler, 214
- Tungsten electric light, 327
- Turtle for printing presses, 245
- Twine-binder, 286
- Typewriter, 231, 276
- Typhoid bacillus, 295
- Tyre, 72, 73
- Tyrian Dyes, 48
U - Ulm, 194
- Uranium, 314
- Use of collodion in photography, 245
- Uxian pass, 74
V - Van Depoele, 302
- Vasco da Gama, 128
- Veneti, 90
- Vercingetorix, 93, 94
- Vieille, 273
- Villeneuve, 193, 194
- Visibility of objects, 116, 117
- Volta, 138, 170, 171
- Voltaic arc, 182, 183
- Vulcanizing rubber, 220
W - Walker, 213
- Walkers, 304
- War-chariot, 42
- Washington, 173 et seq
- Watch, 162
- Watch-making machine, 245
- Water-gas, 221
- Watt, 154 et seq
- Webb-feeding printing press, 274
- Wedgwood, 181
- Wegmann, 286
- Wells, 234
- Welsbach, 302
- Westinghouse, 278, 285
- Wheatstone bridge, 285
- Wheatstone, 220
- Wheel, 42, 43
- Whitehead torpedo, 275
- Whitney, 177
- Wilde, 275
- Willis, 285
- Wireless telegraph, 305, 306
- WÖhler, 213
- Wood pulp, 247
- Wood, Henry A. Wise, 318, 327
- Woodruff, 265
- Worm, 245
- Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 326