Abbot, Ezra, 405.
Adams, John, 150.
Adams, Samuel, 155, 300.
Adoni-shomo, a religious community, 449-452.
Agassiz, Louis, 77, 312.
Agricultural chemistry, 73.
Alabama Claims, 172, 176.
Albigenses, crusade against the, 132.
Alger, W. R., 93.
Algol, a multiple star, 7.
Alphabet puzzle, 435.
Altruism, 113.
America, discovery of, 123, 124;
effects of its discovery upon political freedom, 127.
American history, picturesqueness of, 197-199.
Ames, Fisher, 300.
Anachronisms in Shakespeare's plays, 389.
Anaxagoras, 117.
Anglophobia of Scotchmen in former times, 181.
Anthropocentric thought, 111, 112.
Appleton, D., & Co., 89-91.
Arbitration, instances of, 176, 177;
among the ancient Greeks, 182;
among the Italian republics, 183.
Arbitration Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, 165-193.
Arnold, Matthew, on translating Homer, 353.
Arts, beginning of, 118-120.
Aryan languages, 31, 32.
Asbjoernsen's folk-tales of Norway, 325.
Astley, Sir Jacob, 160.
Astronomy at the Harvard Observatory, 309.
Athanasius, 53.
AthenÆum Press, the, 309.
Atomic theory, 28.
Augustine, 53.
Avogadro's law of gaseous volumes, 28.
Aztecs, 209.
Bacon, Delia, a paradoxer, 351, 356, 385, 399, 402, 440.
Bacon, Francis, 356, 357, 367, 370, 374, 375, 378, 379, 381, 383, 385-398, 403, 404.
Bacon-Shakespeare folly, 350-404, 410.
Baer, K. E. von, 18, 19, 25, 41.
Balance, use of, 2, 3.
Baptists, 148.
Barbarism, types of, 32-34.
Barratt, Joseph, 455-459.
Bathybius, 343-345.
Baxter, Richard, 154.
Beaumont, Francis, 374.
Beecher, Henry Ward, 92.
Bellerophon, his letter, 354.
Bessel, F. W., 6.
Biblical chronology disturbed by geologists, 9.
Bichat, X., his study of tissues, 17.
Big Crow, a Sioux chief, 240.
Biglow, Hosea, on the right to be a fool, 175;
on the Yankee dialect, 298;
on citified English, 371.
Black, Joseph, his discovery of latent heat, 10.
Blackfriars Theatre, 378.
Blake, Robert, 154.
Blue Anchor Tavern, 297.
Boccaccio, G., 359.
Bond, G. P., 309.
Bond, W. C., 309.
Bopp, Franz, 30.
Boughton, Sir T., 382.
Bouquet, Henry, 207.
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 434.
BrÉbeuf, J., 199.
Bridge, John, 293.
Bridges of Cambridge, 302.
Bridgman, Laura, 335.
Brougham, Lord, 412.
Brown, Marie, a paradoxer, 441.
Browning, Charles, 459.
BÜchner, L., 54.
Buckle, H. T., 218.
Buller, Sir Francis, his absurd charge to the jury, 382.
Bunker Hill, 301.
Bunyan, John, 403.
Burghley, Lord, 364.
Burke, Edmund, 194.
Burton, Robert, 403.
Cabanis, Pierre, 55.
Calvin, J., 130.
Cambridge, Mass., its history, 286-318;
originally intended to be capital of Massachusetts, 290;
in what sense the daughter of Cambridge, England, 295;
complex nature of its growth, 306;
its extensive manufactures, 307-309;
excellence of its municipal government, 316, 317.
Camden, William, 374.
Carlyle, Thomas, 218.
Caroline, Sister, 447, 450, 451.
Carpenter, W., a paradoxer, 421.
Catastrophes in geology, 21.
Catholics, disfranchised in Rhode Island, 139.
Causans, M. de, a circle-squarer, 434.
Cavaliers in Virginia, 142.
Cavendish, Henry, his analysis of water, 29.
Champlain, S., 199, 203, 210.
Chancery phrases seldom found in Shakespeare, 383.
Chapman, George, 357, 359, 373, 385.
Charles I., 290.
Charles II., 137, 165.
Chemical chart, devised by E. L. Youmans, 79.
Chemistry, Youmans's textbook of, 80, 81.
Christ Church in Cambridge, 298.
Cieza de Leon, 202.
Circle-squaring, 406-408, 411-417.
Cities in Massachusetts, 305.
Clan ownership, 33.
Clarendon, Earl of, 158.
Clark, J. S., 93, 100.
Class Day forty years ago, 311.
Classification of organisms, significance of, 14, 15.
Cleveland, Grover, 175;
his Venezuela message, 179.
"Coin's Financial School," 436.
Coke, Edward, 374, 393.
Columbus, Christopher, 123.
Commercial spirit and ecclesiastical spirit, antagonism between, 134-136.
Comparative method, 30-35.
Comte, Auguste, his assertion that a stellar astronomy is impossible, 6;
failure of his philosophy, 13, 14, 88.
ConÁn Maol, 327.
Congress of American Colonies, 191.
Congresses, International, 188, 189.
Connecticut, founding of, 145.
Controverted questions between the United States and Great Britain, 171, 172.
Cook, Joseph, 333-349.
Cooper, James Fenimore, unreality of his Indians, 200.
Copernicus, N., 102, 111, 125.
Copyright, international, 97.
Correlation of forces, 27, 28, 55, 97.
Cortes, H., 123.
Cotton, John, 139, 146, 225.
Criminal trials, 382.
Cromwell, Oliver, 154-164.
Culmer, Frederick, a paradoxer, 425, 426.
Culture, early stages of, 32-34.
Cumulative action, 11, 12, 77, 101.
Curtin, Jeremiah, 320-332.
Curtis, B. R., 300.
Cuvier, his classification of animals in space and time, 16, 17.
Dalton's law of proportions, 28.
Darwin, Charles, 21-24, 30, 40, 49, 77, 103-105, 335, 363, 386.
Darwin, George Howard, 8.
Defoe, Daniel, 404.
Delitzsch, Franz, 341.
De Morgan, Augustus, 411-419, 427, 435.
Derby, Earl of, 194.
Descartes, RenÉ, 125.
Dickens, Charles, 370.
Differentiation, 44.
Dingle, Edward, a paradoxer, 431.
Diogenes, on the possibility of motion, 61.
Disarmament, 191-193.
Disqualifications, religious, 143.
Dobbs, a caravan doctor, 247.
Dogberry, 395.
Donellan, John, famous case of, 382.
Donne, John, 374.
Donnelly, Ignatius, a paradoxer, 398, 403, 440.
Doyle, J. A., 155.
Dudley, Joseph, 146.
Dummkopf, Herr, substituted name for a paradoxer, 408, 409.
Dunster, Henry, 294.
Dying, how to avoid, 411-452.
Dynamical conception of the world, 36.
East Gate of Cambridge, 296.
Eccentric literature, 409-444.
Ecclesiasticism and commercialism, antagonism between, 134-136.
Edward I., 130.
Edward III., 130, 136.
Edwards, Jonathan, 147, 148, 164.
Electoral Commission of 1877, 173.
Eliot, George, 353, 354.
Eliot, John, 157.
Elizabeth, Queen, 131, 132.
Elze, K., 372.
Embryology, its lessons, 16.
Emerson, R. W., 145, 150.
Endicott, John, 143, 144.
Evolution, 35-38;
and the study of history, 42, 65, 66.
Facts vs. theories, 21.
Fairfax, Thomas, 157.
Faraday, M., his discovery of magneto-electric induction, 27.
Farmer Weathersky, 329.
Fenian legends, 327.
Fifth Monarchists, 164.
Fischer, Kuno, 386.
Fletcher, John, 374, 395.
Flighty, Mr., substituted name for a paradoxer, 452-455.
Forman, Captain, a paradoxer, 412, 413.
Forsyth, W., 194.
Foster, John, 155.
Fox-hunting, condemned by E. A. Freeman, 283.
France and England, their struggle for North America, 216.
Franklin, Benjamin, 69, 145, 150.
Freedom of thought, unpopularity of, 128, 152.
Freeman, E. A., 30;
his birth, 265;
leading events of his life, 266;
his early work in architecture, 193.
Jackson, Hughlings, 361, 362.
James I., 131.
James II., 137.
James, William, 446, 448.
Jamestown, founding of, 190
Japan, Mongolian invasion of, 437.
Jefferson, Thomas, 141, 142, 150, 305.
Jennings, Isaac, a paradoxer, 452.
Jesuits in New France, 127.
Jevons, Stanley, 388.
Johnson, Edwin, a paradoxer, 438, 439.
Johnson, Rev. Samuel, 88.
Jones, Inigo, 374.
Jonson, Ben, 357, 366-370, 374, 378, 385.
Joule, J. P., 27.
Jupiter, the planet, still feebly self-luminous, 8.
Kabaosa, 200.
Kant, Immanuel, 26, 150.
Keats, John, 359, 374.
Keely motor, 417.
Kelvin, Lord, on the size of atoms, 29.
Kepler, Johannes, 8.
King, Rufus, 300.
King of Sweden, as an umpire, 167.
Kinship, reckoned through the mother, 33.
Kirk, H. C., a paradoxer, 452.
Koch, Robert, 29.
Kuhn, Adolph, 30.
Lalemant, J., 199.
Lamb, Charles, 350.
Lander, William, a paradoxer, 419.
Landis, John, eccentric poet, 443.
Lang, Andrew, on the Homeric poems, 355.
Langdon, Samuel, 301.
Laplace, Marquis Pierre Simon de, 434.
La Salle, Robert, 199.
Lavoisier, A. L., his theory of combustion, 3, 37.
Lecturer, hardships of a, 84.
Lectures on science by E. L. Youmans, 82-87.
Leibnitz, G. W., 389.
Leslie, Alexander, 158.
LevÉe en masse, system of, 185, 186.
Lewes, G. H., 361-333.
Lewis and Clark, 203.
Light, undulatory theory of, 27.
Lindemann's researches on Pi, 407.
Linguistic Society of Paris, 21.
LinnÆus, his system of classification, 16;
his relation to evolution, 41.
Little, Brown & Co., 194, 205.
Locke, John, 125, 134.
Lollardism, 130.
London, size of, in Shakespeare's time, 375.
Longfellow, H. W., 312.
Lotze, H. R., 341.
Louis XIV., 216.
Lovering, Joseph, 454.
Lowell, J. R., 299, 312, 399.
Lubbock, Sir J., 95.
Luther, Martin, 125.
Lutherans, 142.
Lyell, Sir Charles, greatness of his work, 10-13; 7.
Macaulay, Lord, 156, 387.
Madison, James, 141-143, 157.
Maine, Sir Henry, 21, 30.
Malpighi, M., 401.
Manipulation, its importance in the evolution of man, 117, 118.
Manuscripts used by Parkman, 204.
Marie de l'Incarnation, 199.
Marlowe, Christopher, 373, 385.
Maryland, 136.
Massachusetts, growth of liberal thought in, 144-149.
Masson, David, 156.
Mastodon, 437.
Materialism, attacked by Herbert Spencer, 50.
Mather, Cotton, 294.
Maurer, K., 30.
Maurice, F. D., 341.
Mayer, J. R., 27.
Maypoles, 375.
Mega-ergaton docile, 459.
Megalomania of cranks, 410.
Memorial Hall at Cambridge, Mass., 313.
"Merchant of Venice," its crazy law, 386.
Meres, Francis, his praise of Shakespeare, 376, 377.
Mermaid Tavern, 374.
Metamorphosis of motions, 55-57.
Methodism, 148.
Mexico, conquest of, 201, 202.
Middle Ages, accumulated misery in, 183, 184.
Middlesex Fells, 227.
"Midsummer Night's Dream, A," 375.
Mill, J. S., 94, 335.
Milton, John, 125, 134, 139;
his "Lycidas," 358;
his verses on Shakespeare, 368, 369.
Minturn, R. B., 95.
Mommsen, T., 30.
Montaigne, M. de, 390, 403.
Montcalm, 201.
Montezuma, 203.
Morality, beginnings of, 110.
Morell, J. D., 87.
Morgan, Appleton, 371.
Morse, Royal, 310.
Morphology, 15.
Nash, Thomas, 384.
Nason, a paradoxer, 439.
Natural selection, 24.
Nebular theory, 26, 45, 46, 77.
Neptune, the planet, discovery of, 5.
Netherlands, toleration in, 135, 136.
New Haven Colony, suppressed by Charles II., 146.
New Netherlands, 136.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 2, 5, 6, 9, 27, 37, 66, 125, 126, 388, 418, 419.
Noble Savage, 200.
NordenskjÖld, Baron, Swedish explorer, 424, 425.
Norton, John, 146.
"Noverint, trade of," a slang expression, 384.
Octogenarian layman, an, 432-434.
Odyssey, the, 210.
Oersted, H. C., 27.
Ogillalah Indians, 240.
Old South Church, founding of, 146, 299.
Olney, Richard, 166, 175.
Ophelia, her right to Christian burial, 380.
Orang-outang, an infant, brought up by A. R. Wallace, 105, 106.
"Oregon Trail, The," by Francis Parkman, 236-248.
Orion, nebula of, 7.
Orthodoxies, new and old, 129, 151.
Ovum, shows the process of development in all its stages, 43, 44.
Owen, Orville, a paradoxer, 370, 403.
Oxenstjern, cynical remark of, 349.
Paine, Thomas, 149.
Paley, Frederick, 353.
Paris, massacres of prisoners in, 287.
Parker, Theodore, 144, 151, 230.
Parkman, Ebenezer, 223.
Parkman, Francis, as an historian, 194-222;
his birth, 223;
his boyhood, 226-230;
his first journey to Europe, 233-235;
his life among Indians, 235-246;
his ill-health, 238, 239, 246-250, 254, 256, 261;
how he composed "The Conspiracy of Pontiac," 249-251;
his marriage, 253;
his house at Jamaica Plain, 255, 256;
his garden and greenhouse, 257, 258;
his eminence in horticulture, 258;
his pamphlets, 263;
his death, 264;
greatness of his work, 264.
Parkman, Rev. Francis, 224, 225.
Parkman, Samuel, 223.
Parsons, Theophilus, 300.
Parthenogenesis, 345-348.
Passionists, a monastic order, 234.
Pasteur, Louis, 29.
Pauncefote, Sir J., 166.
Peaceful tendencies of commerce, 187, 188.
Peirce, Benjamin, 313.
Peloponnesian War, 289.
Pembroke, Earl of, 367.
Pendulum, 27.
Penn, William, 134, 138.
Pennsylvania, 137.
Perpetual motion, 417.
Perspective, historic, 195, 196.
Petersham, Mass., a religious community in, 444-452.
Phlogiston, doctrine of, 2-4.
Phokion, his estimate of popularity, 334.
Photography, application to the telescope, 8.
Pi, a geometrical symbol, 405-407, 412.
Pickering, Timothy, 300.
Pisistratus, 352.
Platte River, the, 203.
Plowden's Reports, 381.
Plutarch, 358;
his essay on superstition, edited by a paradoxer, 442.
Poetry, eccentric, 443.
"Pontiac, The Conspiracy of," 195, 249-251.
Pope, Alexander, 387.
"Popular Science Monthly, The," 98.
Positivism, weakness of, 14.
Pott, Mrs. H., a paradoxer, her edition of the Promus manuscript, 394, 395.
Proemunire statutes, 130.
Precision of detail in myths, 323-325.
Presbyterianism, 131.
Presbyterians, 142.
Prescott, William, 201, 202.
Pride's Purge, 163.
Priestley, Joseph, his discovery of oxygen, 1-4, 26, 37;
his treatise on electricity, 27;
burning of his house, 287.
Proctor, Richard, 421.
Profanity, silent, 339.
Progressiveness of man, explanation of the, 108.
"Promus of Formularies and Elegancies," 394.
Prophecy lunatics, 432-434.
Prospect Union, the, 315.
Protection run mad, 219, 220.
Prussia, revelation of her military strength, 186.
Psychology, Spencer's masterly treatment of, 48, 49.
Puritan theocracy, 145, 146.
Puritanism, origin of, 130-132.
Putnam, Israel, 201.
Pym, John, 157.
Pyramid lunatics, 428-431.
Pyramids of Egypt, 211.
Quakerism, wherein distinguished from Independency, 138.
Quimby, W., a paradoxer, 431.
Radcliffe College, 314.
Radiata, 359.
Trollope, Anthony, his controversy with E. A. Freeman as to fox-hunting, 283.
Tylor, T. B., 30.
Tyndall, John, 337.
"Uncle Good," 71.
Uniformity in geology, 10.
Union, the sentiment of, 180, 181.
Unitarian movement, the, 148-151.
Universalism, 148.
University Press in Cambridge, 297, 308.
Upham, C. W., 155.
Uranus, the planet, 5.
Vane, Sir Henry, 139, 154-165.
Vasari's "Lives of the Painters," 372.
Venice, would not accept the Inquisition, 135;
her crime against Constantinople, 287.
"Venus and Adonis," 370, 371.
Vesalius, A., 401.
"Vestiges of Creation," 77.
Vico, G. B., 352.
Vindex, a paradoxer, 442.
Vining, Edward, 400.
Virginia and religious freedom, 141, 142.
Volney, Count, 422.
Voltaire, 149;
his remark about Shakespeare, 399.
Wallace, A. R., 24, 30, 102-104.
Washington's Farewell Address, 193.
Watertown, its protest against taxation without representation, 291.
Webster, John, 373.
West, Rev. Samuel, 300.
West Gate of Cambridge, 296.
Whewell, William, 411, 435.
Whitman, Walt, 338.
Wilder, S. H., 58.
William and Mary, 138.
Williams, Roger, 134, 139-141, 161, 162.
Winthrop, John, 146.
Wolf, F. A., 352;
his theory of the Homeric poems, 352-354.
Wolf, K. F., 41.
Wolves and bears in Cambridge, 296.
Xicotencatl, 202.
Yonnondio, 200.
Youmans, E. L., 67-99, 453-455.
Youmans, Vincent, 67-71.
Young, Thomas, 27.
The Riverside Press