href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@49369@49369-h@49369-h-15.htm.html#Page_190" class="pginternal">190 „ John de, 86 Bolton–le–Sands, 58, 229 „ „ „ Church, 187, 188, 190 „ „ „ Free School, 161 Bone, Christopher, 66 Book of Sports, The, 121, 123 Bootle, 53 Bordarii, 54, 56 Borwick, 58 Boteler, Thomas, 89 „ Richard, 165 „ William le, 60, 80, 82 Bothe, John, 89 Boulton and Watt, 270 Bowness Church, 193 Bradford, John, 214, 215 „ (in Salford), 73 Bradshaigh, Sir William, 286, 287 Bradshaw, Captain, 131 Bragot Sunday, 291 Brerley, Alice, 103 Bridgeman, Orlando, 125 Bridgewater Canal, 21 Briercliffe, 11 Brigantes, 8, 17, 133 Bright, Colonel, 151 Brindle, 229 Brindley, James, 259 Brining, 57 British Cairns, 11 „ Canoes, 9 „ Forts, 11 „ Implements, 11 „ Mural huts, 9, 10 „ Pottery, 10 „ Settlements, 9, 11, 12 „ Tumuli, 11 Britons, The, 13, 16, 18, 40, 41 Brockhole Eses, Tumulus at, 50 Bromfield, Dr., 166, 167 Bronze torque, 11, 12 Brook, 36 58, 69, 229 „ Saxon remains at, 50 „ Tumulus, 50 Cleworth Hall, 113 Clifton, 57 „ Colonel, 147 „ Cuthbert, 89 „ Gilbert, 124 „ Sir Thomas, 171 „ Thomas, 102 Clitheroe, 100, 103, 173, 257 „ Castle, 3, 65, 70, 72, 126, 153 „ Chapel, 202 „ Fair, 61 Cliverton, 58 Cliviger coals, 73 Clothiers, 163, 164 Cloth trade, 163, 164 Coaches, Stage, 258, 275 Coal–fields, 4 „ Worked, 71, 73, 100, 101 Cockerham, 46, 58, 168, 169, 229 Cockersand Abbey, 63, 198, 199 Cock–fighting, 223 Cock–penny, 289 Coifi (pagan priest), 178, 179 Coins, Roman, 16, 26, 27, 30 Colchester, 14 Collyhurst Common, 94 Colne, 134, 173, 271 „ Chapel, 207 „ Skirmish at, 148 Colton, 230 Coninger Tumulus, 49 Conishead Priory, 2, 139 Coniston, 9 „ Leper’s Hospital, 198 &
l#Page_173" class="pginternal">173 Halsall, 49, 53, 58, 69, 173, 186, 229 Hambleton, 57 „ Duke of, 150 Harcla, Sir Andrew, 68 Hargreaves, James, 264, 265 Harkirke in Sefton, 50 “Harmonious Consent, The,” 230, 232 Harrington, Sir James, 88 „ Lord Robert, 88 Harris, William, 248 Harrison, Colonel, 151–154 „ John, 125 „ Rev. John, 165, 234 „ William, 8, 258 Harsnett, Samuel, 115 Harthacnut, 45 Haslingden, 173, 257, 274 „ Chapel, 202 „ Press, 272 Hatfield, Battle of, 42 Hawcoat, 193 Hawkshead, 9, 103, 230 „ Park, 10 Haydock, 36 Heaton, 58, 173 „ Park, 276 Heathwaite, 10 „ Fell, 9 Heneage, T., Chancellor, 224 Henry, Bolingbroke, 77, 78 „ Earl of Lancaster, 76, 84 „ V., 78 „ VI., 79 „ VII. in Lancashire, 89 Heralds’ Visitation, 110, 111, 163 Herle, Rev. Charles, 165 Hert, 58 Hesketh, Bartholomew, 221 „ Gabriel, 245 „ Sir Thomas, 221 Heyricke, Rev. Richard, 157, 230, 231 Heysham, 53 Labourne, James, 221 Lacy, Edmund de, 62 „ Henry de, 60, 68, 70, 208 „ Ilbert de, 60 „ Roger de, 61, 70 Lake District, 2, 5 Lambert, Major–General, 154 Lancashire, Area, 1 „ Boundaries, 1 „ Coast, Level of, 6 „ Forests, 2, 8, 15, 54–56, 63–67, 70 „ Hundreds, 1, 2 „ Members of Parliament, 1640, 125 „ Part of Northumbria, 42 „ Parliamentary Divisions, 1 „ Plot, The, 166–172 „ Witches, 115–120 Lancaster, 2, 8, 13, 33, 35–37, 49, 54, 58, 82, 103, 138, 152, 153, 157, 161, 173, 228, 229, 243, 260, 272 Lancaster Assizes, 97, 218 „ Borough created, 61 „ Castle, 97, 126, 137, 203, 215, 235, 236 „ Church, 184–186 „ Duchy of, 78, 80 „ Dukes of, 76, et seq. „ Earls of, 74 „ Eighteenth century, 255
369-h-15.htm.html#Page_202" class="pginternal">202 „ Estuary, 12, 15 Morte, Adam, 136 Mosley, Anthony, 163 „ Nicholas, 157 „ Sir Edward, 133 Moss and Fen, 15 Mountains, Height of, 2, 7 Mountjoy, Lord, 288 Mowbrick, 120 Mowroad, Find at, 11 Much Woolton, 53 “Mule,” The, Invented, 268, 269 Mural Huts, British, 9, 10 Murray, Lord Charles, 248 Musbury Park, 70, 73 Mutun, Walter de, 205 Myerscough Forest, 2, 70, 73, 122 „ Lodge, 122 Mythorp, 57 Nairn, Major, 248 Nateby, 57 Natland, 36 Nectansmere Battle, 43 Neolithic Flora, 7 „ Man, 6, 7 Newbarns, 193 Newchurch, 274 Newcome, Rev. Henry, 234 Newsham, 57 Newsome, 58 Newton Heath, 21 „ Hundred, 53, 54, 56 „ in Lonsdale, 58 „ le Willows, 28 „ with Scales, 57 Nightingale, Rev. B., 237 Nineteenth Century. See Chap. XII. Nithsdale, Earl of, 248 Nonjurors, 249 Norman Churches, 86 Normans, The. See Chap. VI. Norres, Hugh, 286 „ Mabel, 286 Norris, Henry, 165 „ Sir William, 91 North Meols, 229 „ „ Church, 200, 207 „ „ Fishery, 72 North
st@g@html@files@49369@49369-h@49369-h-3.htm.html#Page_4" class="pginternal">4, 103, 170, 173, 229, 257 „ Church, 207, 213 Press, The, in Lancashire, 271, 272 Preston, 2, 8, 34, 36, 46, 57, 61, 69, 82–84, 91, 130, 133–135, 138, 140, 149, 152, 172, 174, 228, 229, 257, 260, 265, 273 Preston after Civil Wars, 158 „ Attack on, 244–247 „ Battle at, in 1316, 75 „ Church, 187, 199, 210, 213 „ Eighteenth Century, 255 „ Fairs, 162 „ Free School, 102 „ Grey Friars, 3, 199 „ Guilds, 96, 97 „ Hospital for Lepers, 3 „ „ St. Mary Magdalen, 74 „ In Civil Wars, 128, 150 „ James I. at, 122 „ Newspapers, 272 „ Population, Sixteenth Century, 97 „ Port in 1338, 84 „ Press, 272 „ Pretender, The, at, 256 „ Roads, 256 „ Sessions at, 81 „ Sieges of, 135, 136, 140, 141, 150–152 Preston, Thomas, 165 “Preston Wives,” 136 Steam–engines, 270 „ Ships, 282 Stephen, 194 „ Earl of Bologne, 60 Stirzaker, John, 286 Stockport, 1, 21, 276, 279 „ Robert de, 60 Stone circles, 11 „ Hammers, 35 Stoneyhurst, 150 „ College, 31 Stout, William, 161 Strange, Lord, 126, 128–131 Strathclyde, Kingdom of, 41 Stretford, 21, 257 “Stubbin Nook,” 34 Stydd Chapel, 206, 207 „ Hospital at, 205, 206 Submerged forests, 6 Sunday–Schools, 281 Surey demoniac, 120, 121 Surnames, Local, 280 Swarth, 58 Swarthmore Hall, 235, 239 Sweating sickness, 89 “Sworn men,” 226 Syddal, Thomas, 242–244, 248 Sylvester, Dr., 120 Syngleton, Alan de, 205 Syon Monastery, 190 Talbot, John, 124 „ Nicholas, 206 Tarleton, 174 Tatham, 8, 35, 58, 69, 229 „ Church, 185 Taylor, Rev. Zachary, 121 “Teanlay” night, 291 Teinterer, William le, 82 Theatres, 272, 273 Theodosius, 17 Therf–cake, 83 Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, 200 Thornborough, William, 89 Thornburn, Captain, 267 Thornham, 58 Thornhaugh Castle, 184 Werdhyll, Nicholas de, 64 Wesley, Rev. John, 239 Wesleyan Chapels, 240 West Derby, 54, 60 „ „ Hundred, 4, 53–55, 60, 207, 249 West Houghton, 174, 260 „ Sir Thomas, 93–96 Westby, 46, 57 Whalley, 50, 103, 174, 219, 229 „ Abbey, 3, 201–205 „ Church, 55, 201, 202 Wharton, Lord, 168 Wheatley, 57 Whitaker, John, 21, 22 White, Colonel, 267 Whiteside, Ethart, 273 Whittaker, Dr., 121 Whittingham, 57 Whittington, 58, 229 Whittle, Ann, 116, 117 Whitworth, 101 Whytington, 69 Widdrington, Lord, 243, 248 Wigan, 4, 36, 82, 91, 132, 133, 137, 138, 141, 152, 153, 174, 175, 228, 229, 245, 248, 257, 259, 267, 282, 286, 287 Wigan, Borough, 62 „ Church, 55, 100, 207 „ Coal, |