- A
- Abbas Hilmi, Khedive of Egypt, pro-Turkish attitude, vi: 68.
- Abbatiale Farm, captured by 28th Div., Oct, 4, '18, v: 239.
- Abbeville agreement,
- on U. S. military participation in War, v: I28, 284;
- text, v: 378.
- Abi Dinas, Sudanese leader, defeated at Eli Tasher, iii: 191.
- Abo, occupied by Germans, Mar. 16, '18, i: 395.
- Aboukir, British cruiser, sunk by U-9, Sept. 22, '14, iv: 205, x: 274-280, xi: 234.
- Absinthe, sale forbidden in France, Jan. 7, '15, i: 378.
- Acceleration, in projectiles viii: 111.
- Achi Baba,
- key to southern Gallipoli, iii: 170;
- see also Gallipoli Campaign.
- Acre taken by British, Sept. 23, '18, iii: 199.
- Activism, Swedish pro-German movement, vi: 394.
- Adana, British objective in Turkish Campaigns, ii: 90.
- Adler, Friedrich, kills Austrian Premier, Count Carl Sturgkh, Oct. 21, '16, vi: 312.
- Adkinson, Sgt. Joseph B., gets Congressional Medal ofHonor, x: 395.
- Admiral Charner, French cruiser torpedoed, Feb. 13, '16, i: 384.
- Ador, Gustave, becomes head of Swiss Foreign Office, vi: 380.
- Adramyti Gulf of, British bombard Turks, Mar. 3, '15, iv: 44.
- Adrian barracks, description, v: 8.
- Adriatic coast, disputed territory between Latin and Slav, vi: 359.
- Advisory Labor Council, U. S., activities, xii: 71.
- A. E. G. bombing airplanes, viii: 221.
- Aerial photography,
- in range-finding, ii: 126, viii: 14;
- gun cameras, description, viii: 216;
- value, viii: 226, 331;
- diffculties, viii: 228;
- U. S. photographers in War, viii: 228-235;
- future, viii: 234;
- see also Photography.
- Aeronautics:
- Airplanes,
- conditions for effectiveness, ii: 123;
- use of depth bombs by, iv: 332;
- torpedo planes, iv: 335;
- number shot down by U. S. pilots, v: 309;
- as war weapon, viii: Intro., xi: 214;
- detection by sounds rangers, viii: 20;
- machine-gun mountings on, types, viii: 86, 189-192, 196, 208-216;
- Allied and German equipment at start of War, viii: 189;
- Farman plane, viii: 189;
- utility in scouting, viii: 189;
- albatross pursuit planes, viii: 192;
- Nieuport scout planes, viii: 192;
- Allied and German types compared, viii: 194;
- Spad biplanes, viii: 194;
- General utility planes, viii: 196;
- Gotha biplanes, viii: 196;
- Handley-Page bombers, viii: 196, 204, 223;
- aero engines, development of, vii: 198-200;
- Liberty motor, viii: 199;
- construction, essentials in, viii: 200;
- maneuvering, types of, viii: 200;
- Allied strength at end of war, viii: 201;
- French types, viii: 202, 206;
- British types, viii: 203-206;
- British planes, viii: 203;
- D. H. 10 British bombers, viii: 204;
- German equipment, viii: 206;
- Pre-War record flights, viii: 206;
- National supremacy, viii: 207;
- Machine-gun fire synchronizer, viii: 208;
- aerial marksmanship, viii: 210;
- "C. C. Gear," for timing gunfire through propeller blades, viii: 214-216;
- navigating instruments, viii: 217-221;
- bombing planes, types, viii: 221-224;
- A. E. G. bombing planes, viii: 221;
- Gotha bombers, viii: 221;
- Lizenz bombing planes, viii: 222;
- Caproni triplanes, viii: 223;
- Caudron bombers, viii: 223;
- Letord bombers, viii: 223;
- Voisin bombers, viii: 223;
- Breguet bombers, viii: 224;
- spruce in aircraft construction, viii: 308;
- signals for landing in dark, viii: 335;
- value in directing artillery fire, viii 337, xi: 277;
- ambulance planes, viii: 379;
- U. S., in War, xi: 218;
- development, xi: 219;
- Use against submarine, xi: 239;
- commercial uses xii: 103.
- Aviators,
- duties, iii: 392;
- kinds of patrol, iii: 392;
- fitness test by orientator, viii: 356-358;
- qualifications, xi: 215.
- Balloons,
- development for war use, iv: 288;
- in naval operations, iv: 289;
- number shot down by U. S. pilots, v: 309;
- functions and handling of captive balloons, viii: 257-264;
- parachutes use by military balloonists, viii: 260-263;
- hydrogen, use in inflation of, viii: 263.
- Dirigibles, use in coast patrol, iv: 290;
- compared with airplanes, viii: 241-245;
- in long-distance transportation, Pg531 243-245;
- British types, viii: 245;
- R-34, description, viii: 245, 254;
- R-34, crosses Atlantic, viii: 2445;
- U. S. types, viii: 245, 255-257;
- U. S. "Blimps," viii: 245, 255-257;
- U. S. C-class, viii: 245, 255-257;
- mooring masts, viii: 245;
- development in different countries, iii: 254;
- R-33, sister ship of R-34, viii: 254;
- Zeppelins, see below under Aeronautics.
- Navigation, rules for, Peace Treaty provisions,
- battle of, Apr., '17, ii: 341, iii: 70-72;
- Vimy Ridge captured by Canadians, iii: 70;
- British capture "Oppy Line," iii: 72;
- German casualties, iii: 72;
- results, iii: 72.
- Arras-Roye sector, British offensive, Mar., '17, iii: 68.
- Arsiero,
- captured by Austrians, May 28, '16, i: 385, iii: 238;
- retaken by Italians, June 27, '16, i: 386.
- Artificial eyes, for war blind, viii: 391.
- Artificial limbs, for war cripples, viii: 384-390.
- Artillery:
- Anti-aircraft, v: 308.
- Bore,
- explained, viii: 7, 111;
- bore pressure in modern guns, viii: 7;
- rifling, viii: 7, 111.
- Durability, viii: 7, 26, xi: 280.
- Field,
- French 75-mm. gun, ii: 287;
- German and Austrian, viii: 22;
- structure and operation, viii: 22;
- U. S. pre-War equipment, viii: 22-25;
- U. S. 3-in. gun, viii: 23;
- U. S. 2.95-in. mountain gun, viii: 24;
- U. S. 4.7-in. gun, viii: 24;
- development of light guns to accompany infantry, viii: 140;
- French 37-mm. quick firers, viii: 140.
- Heavy,
- mobile German guns, ii: 287;
- German superiority, ii: 288;
- U. S. Naval Batteries on Western Front, iv: 323, viii: 42-45;
- use in offensive, v: 304;
- French 155-mm. G. P. F. gun, v: 308;
- U. S. railway-mount guns, viii: 36-39;
- U. S. caterpillar-mount guns, viii: 39;
- long-range bombardment of Paris, viii: 45-47, xi: 271-274;
- structure of shells hitting Paris, viii: 46;
- super-range guns impractical, viii: 47;
- U. S. 121-mile range super-gun, viii: 48-51;
- British naval super-guns, viii: 53;
- manufacture of big guns, viii: 54-58;
- shell velocity of, viii: 314;
- destructive power of 16-in. gun, viii: 336;
- kinds used during War, xi: 274;
- naval, xi: 280-282.
- Howitzers,
- Skoda, viii: 22, xi: 278;
- U. S. pre-War types, viii: 24;
- U. S. railway-mount types, viii, 38, 39;
- French 520-mm. (21-in.) gun, viii: 51-53;
- use against forts and trench systems, xi: 274.
- Importance, Field Marshal Haig's report on, ii: 123-131.
- Mortars,
- limitations, viii: 30;
- range of latest U. S. types, viii: 31;
- German 11-in. siege mortars, viii: 34-36;
- absence of rifling in bore, viii: 112;
- device for rotating shell during flight, viii: 112;
- functions, viii: 118;
- Stokes mortar, viii: 141;
- trench mortars captured by A. E. F., xii: 288.
- Range-finding,
- muzzle velocity, viii: 7;
- by sight, viii: 8-14;
- telescopic range-finder, viii: 9;
- problem of marksmanship, viii: 10-13;
- use of aircraft in, viii: 13;
- by sound, viii: 14-16;
- use of photography in, viii: 14;
- direct and indirect fire, viii: 28;
- zones of fire, viii: 32;
- altering range by change of projectile and powder charge, viii: 32;
- air-resistance to flying projectile, viii: 113.
- See also under each country.
- Artistic rights, Peace Treaty provisions for re-establishment of, xii: 244-246.
- Artois,
- Allied offensive in, '15, ii: 148, iii: 46;
- battle of, May, '14, iii: 42.
- Asiago, Austrians reach, May 28, '16, i: 385, iii: 238.
- Asir, Principate of, established, '18, xii: 279.
- Askold, Russian cruiser at Gallipoli, iv: 41.
- Asquith, Herbert Henry,
- responsibility for Gallipoli disaster, ii: 198, 200, 202, 204;
- biography, ix: 30-35.
- Association of Highland Societies of Edinburgh, viii: 95.
- Astor, Mrs. Vincent, "Y" worker in Paris, vii: 267.
- Asturias, British hospital ship torpedoed, Mar. 20, '17, iv: 232.
- Athletics, for A. E. F., see Sports.
- Atkins, Tommy,
- nickname for British soldier, origin of, vi: 230;
- fighting qualities, xi: 181-189.
- Atrocities,
- German, summary of crimes, i: 400;
- Ludendorff's explanation, ii: 346;
- burning of Louvain, iii: 273-277;
- in Marne district, iii: 297-300;
- at Senlis, iii: 334-337;
- in Belgium, vi: 84;
- destruction of Rheims Cathedral, vi: 97.
- Aubers Ridge, battle of, iii: 42.
- Audacious, British battleship sunk by U-boat, Oct. 27, '14, i: 376.
- Audenarde, taken by 91st Div., Nov. 2, '18, v: 279.
- Auffenberg, Gen. von, commands Austrian army invading Poland, iii: 118.
- Augustovo, battle of, German defeat at, iii: 118.
- Australia,
- war casualties, iii: 404, 405;
- army strength, iii: 405;
- naval strength, iv: 58;
- history prior to '14, vi: 37;
- area and population, vi: 37;
- pro-War platform of Liberal Party, vi: 39;
- recruiting opposed by Socialists, vi: 40;
- conscription opposed by Labor Party, vii: 41, 42;
- conscription defeated by referendum, Oct., '16, vi: 41;
- labor unrest, '16, vi: 42;
- Labor Party split on conscription, vi: 42;
- coalition government formed, Feb., '17, vi: 42;
- "Commonwealth War Government" takes office, Feb., '17, vi: 42;
- Australian Workers' Union, similar to American Federation of Labor, vi: 45;
- "One Big Union" movement, vi: 45;
- labor vote defeats conscription referendum second time, '17, vi: 45;
- war legislation by Nationalists, vi: 45;
- soviet government favored by labor, vi: 46;
- war cost, Aug., '14—Mar., '19, xii: 107;
- rise in public debt, xii: 114;
- Peace Conference delegates, xii: 179.
- Austria,
- Republic established, Nov. 13, '18, vi: 318;
- Germany acknowledges independence of, '19, xii: 197;
- area and population, xii: 279.
- Austria-Hungary:
- Army,
- German estimate of effectiveness, ii: 4;
- pre-War organization, iii: 7, 105;
- requirements reduced, '15, vi: 311;
- for military operations, see name of campaign.
- Blockade of, vi: 253;
- food shortage due to, vi: 312.
- Casualties,
- total in War, ii: 116, iii: 404;
- battle deaths, v: 363;
- Aug., '14—Aug., '15, vi: 311;
- money equivalent of manpower lost, xii: 25.
- Coal, production, '13—'17, xii: 48.
- Cost of living, per cent. rise during War, Intro. x.
- Declarations of war,
- ultimatum to Serbia, July 23, '14, i: 112, 375, vi: 306, 357, xi: 4;
- on Serbia, July 28, '14, 1: 115, 375;
- reasons for war on Serbia, i: 243;
- on Russia, Aug. 6, '14, i: 375;
- by Great Britain, Aug. 12, '14, i: 375;
- on Belgium, Aug. 28, '14, 1: 375;
- by Rumania, Aug. 27, '16, 1: 386;
- diplomatic relations broken with U. S., Apr. 8, '17, i: 389;
- by China, Aug. 14, '17, i: 390;
- by U. S., Dec. 7, '
ra, commander of Battalion of Death, x: 183-185, xi: 205.
- Botha, Gen. Louis,
- commander of British South African troops, iii: 253;
- policy as Prime Minister of Union of South Africa, vi: 47;
- biography, ix: 191-193.
- Bott, Capt. Alan, British ace, experiences as Turkish prisoner, x: 235-237.
- Bourassa, Henri,
- Canadian Nationalist leader, vi: 30;
- opposition to Canadian participation in War, vi: 30.
- Bouresches, objective in Belleau Wood action, v: 37, 133, 137.
- Bourgeois, Leon, advocate of League of Nations, xii: 155.
- Bourmont, training area for 2nd Div., v: 6.
- Bouvet,
- French battleship at Gallipoli, iv: 31;
- sunk by mine, Mar. 18, '15, iv: 35, 47, 375.
- Bovington, U. S. Tank School at, v: 314.
- Boy-Ed, Capt. Karl, German Naval AttachÉ in U. S.,
- dismissed, i: 276;
- share in passport frauds, i: 315;
- German arch-spy in U. S., x: 329.
- Boy Scouts, war-time activities,
- British, xi: 94;
- Belgian, xi: 98;
- French, xi: 98;
- American, xi: 100-116.
- Boycott, anti-German, Allied proposals for, xii: 102.
- Boyemia River, French withdraw to, in Salonika Campaign, iii: 204.
- Boyle, Lieut.-Com. E. C., commander of British submarine E-14, iv: 209.
- Boyon Wood, taken by 18th and 28th Inf., Oct. 5, '18, v: 240.
- BrabanÇonne, La, Belgian national hymn, xi: 327.
- Brabant, A. E. F. engineers bridge Meuse at, Oct. 8, '18, v: 245.
- Bradley, Brig.-Gen. Alfred E., Chief Surgeon, A. E. F., v: 345.
- Brady, Father John J., heroic chaplain of U. S. Marines, x: 100.
- Brandeville, occupied by 5th Div., Nov. 7, '18, v: 271.
- Brazil,
- German population of, i: 79;
- severs diplomatic relations with Germany, Apr. 11, '17, i: 389;
- declares war on Germany, Oct. 26, '17, i: 392, vi: 390;
- Peace Conference delegates, xii: 180.
- Bread, daily consumption by A. E. F., v: 330.
- Breguet bombing airplanes, viii: 224.
- Breheville, taken by 5th Div., Nov. 8, '18, v: 272.
- Bremen, German cruiser sunk by British submarine, Dec. 18, '15, i: 382.
- Bremen, Spartacide uprising in, Feb., '19, vi: 294.
- Breshkovsky, Catherine,
- leader of Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, vi: 148;
- prophecy on Russia, ix: 231;
- biography, ix: 348.
- Breslau, German cruiser,
- outwits Allied fleets and escapes to Bosphorus, Aug., '14, i: 375, iv: 13;
- sunk, Jan. 20, '18, i: 393.
- Brest, embarkation port for returning A. E. F., v: 396.
- Brest-Litovsk, captured by Germans, Aug. 25, '15, i: 381, iii: 138.
- Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of, between Russia and Germany,
- a dictated "German peace," ii: 63, vi: 183, vi: 268;
- effect of Austro-Hungarian demands for peace on, vi: 314;
- abrogated by Treaty of Versailles, '19, xii: 205.
- Bretelle, definition of, v: 16.
- Breton, J. L., inventor of armored barbed-wire cutter, viii: 152.
- Briand, Aristide, forms French Cabinet, Oct., '15, vi: 100.
- Bridges,
- pontoons, viii: 299;
- portable steel, viii: 301.
- Brieulles-sur-Bar, captured by 78th Div., Nov. 4, '18, v: 266.
- Brieuvilles-sur-Meuse, action in Meuse-Argonne battle at, Sept. 27, '18, v: 226.
- Briey, iron area coveted by Germans, ii: 6.
- Brilliant, British cruiser in Zeebrugge raid, iv: 262.
- Briquenay, captured by 78th Div., Nov. 2, '18, v: 91.
- Bristol, British warship in battle of Falkland Islands, iv: 70.
- Bristol airplanes, viii: 203.
- Britannia, British battleship torpedoed, Nov. 9, '18, i: 399.
- Britannic, British hospital ship sunk by mine, Nov. 21, '16, i: 389.
- British American War Relief Fund, vii: 99.
- Brody, captured by Russians, July 28, '16, i: 386, iii: 120, 145.
- Broke, British destroyer, night battle with German destroyers, x: 293-295.
- Browning, Vice-Adm. Sir Montague E., head of British delegation to U. S., iv: 157.
- Browning machine-guns,
- description, viii: 84-87;
- U. S. production figures, xii: 284.
- Brunehilde position, location, v: 84.
- Brusiloff, Gen. Alexei Alexeievitch,
- commands Russian invasion of Galicia, '16, ii: 42, 235, iii: 119;
- biography, ix: 232-235.
- Brussels,
- occupied by Germans, Aug. 20, '14, iii: 14;
- German entry described by Richard Harding Davis, iii: 271-273.
- Brussels, Capt. Fryatt's ship, x: 265.
- Bryan, William Jennings,
- policy on German submarine warfare, i: 321;
- resigns as Secretary of State, i: 321.
- Buchan, John, description of Mons retreat, iii: 277-281.
- Bucharest, captured by Germans, Dec. 6, '16, iii: 222.
- Bucharest, Treaty of,
- between Rumania and Central Powers, May 6, '18, i: 395, vi: 352;
- Bulgarian attitude on, vi: 339.
- Buck, Maj.-Gen. Beaumont B.,
- cited for gallantry at Berzy-le-Sec, v: 180;
- promoted to major-general, v: 182;
- commands 3rd Div. at St. Mihiel, Sept. 12, '18, v: 202.
- Buckeye (37th) Division, see U. S., Army.
- Budapest, Bolshevik riots in, '18—'19, vi:323.
- Buenz, Dr. Karl, German secret agent in U. S., x: 331.
- Buffaloes (92nd Division), see U. S., Army.
- Bukovina, occupied by Russians, iii: 122.
- Bulair Lines, Gallipoli defenses, iv: 24.
- Bulgaria,
- German ruler of, i: 96;
- defeat and surrender to Allies, Sept. 30, '18, i: 399, ii: 94, 96, 216, iii: 213, vi: 347, xi: 48;
- key to Balkan situation, ii: 28;
- tool of Germany, ii: 28;
- enmity for Serbia, ii: 32;
- reasons for siding with Germany, ii: 32;
- enters War, Oct. 14, '15, ii: 33, vi: 343;
- Ludendorff's reasons for collapse of, ii: 329;
- mobilizes against Serbia, iii: 156, vi: 342;
- invades Rumania, Sept. 2, '16, iii: 218;
- prisoners of war, iii: 404;
- casualties, iii: 404, xii: 289;
- effect of surrender on German morale, vi: 270;
- racial characteristics, vi: 338;
- desire for Balkan supremacy, vi: 339;
- geographical position, vi: 341;
- attitude toward Allies, vi: 341;
- proclaims neutrality, '14, vi: 341;
- terms for entering War, vi: 341;
- antagonism toward Russia, vi: 342;
- Agrarian Party against War, vi: 343;
- result of Teutonic alliance, vi: 344;
- cession of Demotika to, by Turkey, vi: 344;
- friction with Germany, vi: 344;
- attitude toward Russian Revolution, vi: 344;
- dispute with Turkey, '18, vi: 345;
- Bolshevism in, vi: 346;
- terms of armistice with Allies, vi: 347;
- money equivalent of man-power lost, xii: 25;
- war cost, Oct., '15—Oct., '19, xii: 107;
- rise in national debt, xii: 114;
- for military operations, see name of campaign.
- Bullard, Lieut.-Gen. Robert Lee,
- in command of Third Army Corps, A. E. F., Aug., '18, v: 62,167, 189
2nd Div., Nov. 1, '18, v: 263.
- Cheppy, captured by 35th Div., Sept. 26, '18, v: 225.
- Chiapovano Valley, Italian objective in '17 drive, ii: 58.
- Children in the War, xi: Intro. ix-xiii, 56-84;
- letters of, xi: 60, 74-84;
- brave Belgian boys run off to war, xi: 67;
- Prudent Marius, the boy dispatch rider, xi: 69;
- "The Little Serbian Sergeant," xi: 69;
- American relief for European, xi: 84-93.
- Chile,
- neutral during War, vi: 390;
- Tacna-Arica dispute with Peru, vi: 390.
- Chiles, Capt. Marcellus H., gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 401.
- Chilly, taken by French, Sept. 4, '16, i: 386.
- China,
- under foreigners' yoke, i: 18;
- defeated by Japan in war of 1894, i: 20;
- forced to accept "open door" policy, i: 38;
- U. S. policy of "open door" in, i: 57;
- special Japanese interests in, recognized by Lansing-Ishii Note, '17, i: 58;
- international position of, '14, i: 63;
- severs diplomatic relations with Germany, Mar. 14, '17, i: 389;
- declares war on Teutonic Allies, Aug. 14, '17, i: 390;
- coolie labor in France, ii: 377, xii: 80, xii: 85;
- siege of Tsing Tau, iii: 257;
- Tsing Tau seized by Germans, 1897, iii: 259;
- origin of phrase "yellow peril," vi: 248;
- Japanese demands on, '15, vi: 385;
- coal production, '13—'15, xii: 48;
- refuses to sign Peace Treaty with Germany, xii: 167;
- delegates to Peace Conference, xii: 180;
- German rights in, surrendered under Peace Treaty, xii: 206;
- Kiao-Chau (Shantung) transferred to Japan under Peace Treaty, xii: 209;
- see also Kiau-Chau; Shantung.
- "Chinese Citizen Boy," letter from, xi: 179.
- Chipilly Ridge, 33rd Div. breaks German line at, 'Aug. 1, '18, v: 260.
- Chloride of lime, amount issued by U. S. Army, v: 324.
- Chlorine,
- first used by Germans in gas attack at Ypres, Apr., '15, iii: 42, 288, 320, xi: 316, xii: 285;
- poisonous properties of, viii: 166, 168;
- use in chemical warfare, viii: 168-170;
- manufacture of, at U. S. Edgewood Arsenal, viii: 183.
- Chlorpicrin,
- description of, v: 321;
- use in chemical warfare, viii: 171;
- manufacture of, at U. S. Edgewood Arsenal, viii: 185.
- Choising, S. S., Emdens's survivors transfer from Ayesha to, iv: 192.
- Cholm, claimed by Poland and Ukraine, vi: 248.
- Chronoscope, for measuring reaction times, viii: 352.
- Chunuk Bair,
- Turk stronghold at Gallipoli, iii: 172;
- Anzac attack on, iii: 173, 356-358;
- see also Gallipoli Campaign.
- Churchill, Winston Spencer,
- advocates Dardanelles attack, ii: Intro. x, xiv., 29, 200;
- responsibility for Gallipoli disaster, ii: 198, 200;
- member of British Cabinet War Council, ii: 198;
- defends Dardanelles campaign, ii: 205, iv: 56;
- biography, ix: 44-47.
- Cierges, attacked by 37th Div., Sept. 28, '18, v: 229.
- Ciezkowice, captured by Germans, May 2, '15, i: 380.
- Cimone, Mt., taken by Italians, July 25, '16, i: 386.
- Citizenship, Bureau of, educational work among A. E. F., vii: 282.
- Cividale, taken by Germans, Oct. 28, '17, iii: 247.
- Civil War, Gen. Maurice on strategy of, compared with World War, ii: Intro. xiii.
- Civilian deaths,
- due to War, iii: 405;
- money value of, xii: 25.
- Clam-Martinitz, Premier of Austria-Hungary, appointment as, vi: 313.
- Clarkson, Grosvenor B.,
- Director of U. S. Council of National Defense, xii: 115;
- on causes of high cost of living, xii: 142-148.
- Clausewitz, Gen. Karl von, influence on development of German militarism, i: 166.
- Clay, Capt. W. L., inventor of armor-piercing bullet, viii: 60.
- Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, between U. S. and Great Britain on Panama Canal, i: 86.
- Clemenceau, Georges,
- makes Bonnet Rouge disclosures, vi: 105;
- forms new War Cabinet, Nov., '17, vi: 106;
- disagrees with Pres. Wilson's peace aims, vi: 108;
- publishes letter of Emperor Charles to Prince Sixtus offering to make peace, vi: 315;
- biography, ix: 1-13, xi: 125;
- record as Premier, ix: 12;
- view of "Fourteen Points," ix: 13;
- bibliography, ix: 13;
- faith in Foch, ix: 151;
- at the Peace Conference, xii: 149-163;
- excludes Germans from, xii: 162.
- Clermont-Ferrand, U. S. Air-Service Training School at, v: 313.
- ClÉry-le-Grand, taken by 60th Inf., Nov. 1, '18, v: 262.
- ClÉry-le-Petit, captured by 5th Div., Nov. 2, '18. v: 264.
- Clifford, Rev. J. H., "Doc of the Fifth," chaplain of U. S. Marines, x: 32-35.
- Clocks, for airplanes, viii: 220.
- Cloth, anti-gas, amount issued by U. S. Army, v: 324.
- Coal,
- abundance secret of German power, i: 267;
- German production, 1880—1913, i: 267;
- seizure of French mines by Germany, ii: 20;
- consumption of, by A. E. F., v: 331;
- Dutch supply from Germany, vi: 377;
- U. S. production, '18—'19, xii: 46;
- production by chief countries, '13—'17, xii: 47;
- war-time price of, xii: 48;
- Peace Treaty requirements for German deliveries to France, Belgium, Italy, xii: 224.
- Coast Guard, Boy Scouts in, xi: 104.
- "Coastals," type of U. S. dirigibles, viii: 245, 256.
- Coblenz,
- bombed by Allied airmen, Oct. 1, '17, i: 392;
- bridgehead at, occupied by A. E. F., Dec. 8, '18, i: 400, v: 394;
- conditions for Allied withdrawal from, xii: 261.
- Cochin, Lieut., French submarine commander, feat in clearing minefield, iv: 375.
- Codes, detection of, v: 319.
- Coetquidan, artillery training camp in Brittany, v: 6.
- Coffin, H. E.,
- Chairman of Committee on Industrial Preparedness, xii: 69;
- views on industrial preparedness, xii: 69;
- member of Advisory
eat German fleet, Dec. 8, '14, i: 376, iv: 69-85, ix: 308;
- strength of opposing fleets, iv: 70;
- von Spee's strategy, criticism of, iv: 70;
- Sturdee's tactics, iv: 71;
- German cruiser Dresden escapes, iv: 74;
- British casualties, iv: 74;
- German loss in men and ships, iv: 74;
- importance of victory, iv: 74;
- Admiral Sturdee's official report, iv: 75-79;
- eye-witness accounts, iv: 80-85.
- Fallon, Capt. David, brave tank commander, x: 165.
- Falmouth, British cruiser,
- sunk, Aug. 19, '16, i: 386;
- at battle of Heligoland Bight, iv: 241.
- Falzarego Pass, limit of Italian advance in Cadore, iii: 234.
- Fanning, U. S. destroyer, captures German submarine, iv: 350.
- Fanning Island, Germans destroy wireless station at, Sept. 7, '14, iv: 62.
- Fao, British land at, Nov. 7, '14, iii: 180.
- Farewell, poem by Lieut. Robert Nichols, R. F. A., vii: 389.
- Farman airplane, viii: 189.
- Farnsworth, Maj.-Gen. Charles S.,
- commands 37th Div., June, '18, v: 145;
- in Marne-Aisne Offensive, Sept., '18, v: 219.
- Fay, Robert, German agent, plots to blow up ships, x: 369-377.
- Fay-en-Haye, location in St. Mihiel salient, v: 199.
- Fayolle, Gen.,
- commands Allied forces opposing German drive on Paris, '18, ii: 152;
- decorated for Somme campaign, iii: 60.
- Fearless, British cruiser in battle of Heligoland Bight, iv: 240.
- Federalism, development in America and Europe, i: 30.
- Ferdinand, Archduke Francis,
- see Francis Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria.
- Ferdinand, Czar of Bulgaria,
- abdicates, Oct. 5, '18, i: 399, vi: 347;
- proclamation to army, vi: 340;
- appeals to Germany, vi: 347;
- character, ix: 378;
- biography, ix: 378-380.
- Ferdinand of Bulgaria, poem by D. S. P., ix: 376.
- Ferdinand, King of Rumania, biography, ix: 399-401.
- FÈre Forest captured by 42nd Div., July 26, '18, v: 58.
- Ferrero, Guglielmo, Italian historian,
- comparison of German militarism with Roman imperialism, ii: 365-372;
- sympathy with Allies, '14, vi: 119.
- Fertilizers, shortage in Germany during blockade, ii: 18.
- Field glasses for A. E. F., viii: 326.
- Finland,
- signs peace with Germany, Mar. 7, '18, i: 393;
- political history, 1809—1914, vi: 196;
- granted autonomy, 1809, vi: 196;
- autonomy revoked, 1899, vi: 196;
- threatened with class revolution, '05, vi: 196;
- socialist tendency in Diet, '05, vi: 196;
- nationalism assailed by Russian bureaucracy, '14, vi: 196;
- German aid against Russification, vi: 196;
- declares independence, Mar., '17, vi: 198;
- base for Russian revolutionary activities, '17, vi: 198;
- Bolshevik revolution, Nov., '17, vi: 198;
- Russia recognizes Bolshevik government, '17, vi: 198;
- Socialists demand union with Russian Soviet, Nov. '17, vi: 198;
- White Guards recalled from Germany to quell civil war, vi: 198;
- General von der Goltz sent to aid Whites, vi: 199;
- Republic established by moderate Socialists, '18, vi: 200;
- new government recognized by Great Britain and U. S., '18, vi:200;
- Bolshevism stamped out by Mannerheim, '18, vi: 200;
- origin of inhabitants, vi: 200;
- area and population, xii: 279.
- Finland, U. S. transport,
- sunk by U-boat, Nov. 2, '17, i: 392;
- torpedoed, Oct. 27, '17, iv: 337.
- Firedrake, British destroyer in battle of Heligoland Bight, iv: 241.
- First aid, importance in treatment of wounded, vii: 178.
- Fisher, Adm. Lord John,
- responsibility for Gallipoli disaster, ii: 198, 200;
- views on advisability of Dardanelles expedition, ii: 203;
- biography, ix: 288-290.
- Fisher, Prof. Irving, analysis of high cost of living, Intro.
- Fiske, Rear-Adm. Bradley T., invents torpedo plane, iv: 335.
- Fiske, Brig.-Gen. H. B., Chief of Training, A. E. F., Sept., '17, v: 102.
- Fismes,
- captured by 32nd Div., Aug. 6, '18, v: 61;
- taken and retaken by U. S. divisions, July—Aug., '18, v: 189;
- General Degoutte commends Americans for services at, Sept. 9, '18, v: 192.
- Fismette, captured by 28th Div., Aug., '18, v: 62.
- Fiume,
- conflict of Italians and Jugoslavs for, vi: 365;
- arrival of U. S. troops at, vi: 366;
- Italian delegates withdraw from Peace Conference in controversy over, vi: 368-370, xii: 159;
- occupied by D'Annunzio, vi: 370;
- awarded to Italy conditionally, vi: 370.
- Five Souls, poem by W. N. Ewer, xi: 93.
- Flabas, captured by 26th Div., Nov. 8, '18, v: 271.
- Flanders, battles of:
- Oct., '14,
- nature of terrain, iii: 38, viii: 299;
- extent of battle line, iii: 38;
- Foch cuts dikes of Yser, iii: 40;
- Germans repulsed, iii: 40.
- Aug., '17,
- failure of British offensive, ii: 56;
- Ludendorff's criticism of, ii: 343;
- description of, iii: 78-80;
- duration, iii: 78;
- objects, iii: 78;
- Allied offensive checked by rains, iii: 79;
- Passchendaele Ridge captured by Canadians, iii: 79;
- Allied gains, Sept.—Oct., '17, iii: 79;
- results, iii: 79.
- Sept., '18,
- Belgians and British renew offensive, v: 213.
- Flemings, failure of German propaganda among, vi: 86.
- Flers, captured by Allies, Sept. 15, '16, i: 388.
- Fleury, at Verdun,
- captured by French, Aug. 3, '16, i: 386;
- captured by Germans, '16, iii: 313.
- Fleville, captured by 16th Inf., Oct. 5, '18, v: 240.
- Florence H., cargo-carrier, heroism of crew, iv: 354.
- Florina,
- occupied by Allies, Sept. 18, '16, i: 388, iii: 208;
- occupied by Bulgars, Aug. 17, '16, iii: 207, 208.
- "Flying Dutchman," name applied to Emden, iv: 187.
- Foch, Marshal Ferdinand,
- strategy of, in Allied offensive, '18, ii: 76-98, 212, v: 213;
- at second Marne battle, ii: 77, 154;
- theories on strategy, ii: 80, 81, 103, 137;
- takes initiative of attack from Germans, ii: 84, v: 130;
- as Lieut.-Col., Professor of General Tactics at École de Guerre, ii: 103, 137, 220;
- share in victory at first Marne battle, ii: 103, 138-142, 182, 184, 220;
- author of Principles of War, summary, ii: 104;
- conception of mind as determining factor in victory, ii: 138;
- on functions of a general, ii: 138;
- theories on battle tactics, ii: 138;
- commands 20th Corps at Nancy, '14, ii: 138;
- organizes new French army, '14, ii: 138;
- famous despatch during first Marne battle, ii: 141, iii: 33;
- given command of French Army of the North, Oct., '14, ii: 143, iii: 38;
- floods Belgium as defense against Germans, '14, ii: 145;
- stops British retreat at Ypres, '14, ii: 145, 220;
- commands French at Somme battle, July, '16, ii: 148;
- appointed co-ordinator of Allied operations, Dec., '16, ii: 148;
- appointed Chief of Staff, French Army, Mar., '17, ii: 148;
- sends reinforcements to check Italian rout, ii: 149;
- French representative on Allied War Council, ii: 149;
- appointed Allied Commander-in-Chief on Western Front, Mar. 28, '18, ii: 151, iii: 89, v: 120, 380, xi: 41;
- analysis of weakness of German drive, '18, ii: 154;
- made Marshal of France, ii: 156, iii: 97;
- Viscount French's eulogy of, ii: 170;
- General Malleterre's eulogy of, ii: 220;
- commands 20th Corps at battle of the Selle, '14, iii: 18;
- repulses Germans at Mondement, '14, iii: 33;
- membe
- materialistic spirit of German students, i: 154;
- national egoism, i: 154;
- contributions to world culture, i: 154;
- definition and exposition of, i: 158;
- compared with culture, i: 158;
- Bernhardi's belief in supremacy of German brain, i: 160;
- right to conquest, i: 161;
- see also under Germany, Militarism.
- Liberia, rights in, surrendered under Peace Treaty, xii: 208.
- Luxemburg, violation of neutrality, see Luxemburg.
- Militarism,
- war as national policy, i: Intro. vii, 70;
- basic conception, i: 69;
- glorification of doctrine of force, i: 69;
- Henri Bergson on, i: 152;
- Professor Lamprecht's defense, i: 155;
- Bernhardi on universal military training, i: 162;
- Bernhardi on necessity of war to progress, i: 162;
- Bernhardi condemns love of peace, i: 162, 171;
- German pride in, i: 163;
- compared with Christianity, i: 165;
- compared with British policy, i: 165;
- force in place of diplomacy, i: 166;
- "World power or downfall," i: 170;
- von der Goltz's plea against peace, i: 171;
- German statement of policy, i: 171-173;
- striking quotations from Bernhardi, i: 179;
- Bernhardi on conqueror's right to annex territory, i: 181;
- German denial of, i: 182;
- compared with Allies' defensive policy, '14, ii: 1;
- statement of war aims by Chancellor Michaelis, ii: 14;
- explained by Baron von Freytag-Loringhoven, ii: 260;
- compared with Roman imperialism, by Professor Ferrero, ii: 365-372;
- pre-War preparedness, vi: 249;
- see also
- under Germany,
- Foreign policy,
- Kultur,
- Pan-Germanism.
- Morale,
- demands of War on nation, ii: 302;
- fighting spirit waning, '18, ii: 309-311;
- change between '17 and '18, v: 2.
- Morocco, rights in, surrendered under Peace Treaty, xii: 208.
- Navy,
- strength in '06, i: 101;
- negotiations with British for curbing naval program, i: 106, 194-197;
- increase in "peace strength" for '14, i: 131;
- strength threat to British security, i: 196;
- surrendered to Allies, Nov. 21, '18, i: 400, iv: 142-144;
- list and description of major units, iv: 383-384;
- German eye-witness account, iv: 385-387;
- American eye-witness account, iv: 387-390;
- British eye-witness account, iv: 390-394;
- Peace Treaty terms, xii: 213;
- hemmed in by British, ii: Intro. viii;
- efforts to break blockade by use of submarines, iv: 7, 256;
- strength of China Squadron, iv: 58;
- operations in Pacific, iv: 60;
- strategy of defense, iv: 86;
- operations of High Sea Fleet in North Sea, iv: 91;
- superior to British in destroyers, iv: 94;
- use of fleet criticized by Jellicoe, iv: 94;
- High Sea Fleet compared with British Grand Fleet, iv: 96;
- North Sea raids, iv: 136;
- mission during War, iv: 138;
- development, iv: 362;
- Bolshevik propaganda in, iv: 380;
- revolts, Nov., '18, iv: 380-383, vi: 272, 283;
- morale, iv: 294;
- mutiny suppressed, '17, vi: 266;
- Peace Treaty conditions for reduction, xii: 212-214;
- see also Submarine warfare.
- Occupation by Allies,
- Pan-Germanism,
- ideal of unification of all Teuton elements in Europe, i: 78, xi: 4;
- Pan-German League, objects, i: 79;
- propaganda in U. S., i: 79;
- policy in South America, i: 84;
- Bernhardi's statement of principles, i: 152;
- Bismarck's plan for world empire, ii: 2;
- first steps toward under William II, ii: 2;
- goal of Calais to Bagdad, ii: 13;
- Bagdad Railway important factor in, ii: 296;
- compared with Roman imperialism, by Professor Ferrero, ii: 365-372;
- expounded by Friedrich Naumann in Mitteleuropa, vi: 258;
- see also under Germany,
- Foreign policy,
- Militarism.
- Peace negotiations,
- Prince Max asks Wilson to intercede, Oct. 6, '18, i: 399, vi: 271;
- armistice, Nov. 11, '18, i: 399, iii: 402, v: 391, vi: 271, xi: 54;
- war aims expressed in secret memorandum to Austria, '16, ii: 14;
- condemned by Ludendorff, ii: 303;
- Allies reject, prior to Spring offensive, '18, ii: 316;
- Kaiser orders proposals through Queen of Holland, ii: 331;
- Ludendorff convinced Germany can't win, Sept., '18, ii: 333, 335;
- drive for "mental armistice," ii: 387-390;
- armistice with Russia, Dec. 6, '17, v: 113;
- Brest-Litovsk treaty with Russia, Mar. 3, '18, vi: 183;
- Socialists present peace manifesto, Nov., '15, vi: 258;
- Bethmann-Hollweg rejects Socialist peace demands, vi: 260;
- Bethmann-Hollweg proposes "peace of compromise," '17, vi: 262-264;
- Socialists support peace without annexations, '17. vi: 266;
- Reichstag passes resolution for peace without annexations, '17, vi: 266;
- forced to accept Versailles Peace Treaty, vi: 302-305;
- Allies' peace terms received, May 7, '19, vi: 302;
- press comment on peace terms, vi: 302-304;
- National Assembly votes to sign Peace Treaty, June 22, '19, vi: 304;
- Peace Conference delegates, xii: 179, xii: 182;
- Peace Treaty ratified, July 10, '19, xii: 264;
- see also Peace, moves for.
- Population,
- in 1860, i: 40;
- compared with France, 1874—1914, i: 61;
- emigration to U. S., i: 75, 79, 277;
- emigration to South America, i: 79;
- growth since 1870 compared with that of France, i: 262;
- relation of growth to colonial expansion, i: 262;
- rapid increase, i: 277;
- of Republic, xii: 279.
- Prisoners of war, iii: 404.
- Propaganda,
- in U. S. before War, i: 79;
- activities of Dr. Albert, i: 133;
- artificial nature of public opinion, i: 149;
- preparing German mind for war, i: 171, 181;
- appeal to Americans, Aug., '14, i: 268;
- von Jagow's defense against American criticisms, i: 273;
- activities of German agents in U. S., i: 274, 302, 314, x: 326-348;
- Dr. Dernburg's activities in U. S., i: 274;
- instigating Hindu revolutions, i: 317;
- Mexican plot-against U. S., i: 347;
- on Italian Front, iii: 247, vi: 128;
- following capture of Americans at Seicheprey, v: 123;
- in Spain, xii: 101.
- Railroads,
- war-time deterioration, viii: 283;
- efficiency under war conditions, viii: 284-285;
- Peace Treaty regulations, xii: 253.
- Reparation, views of U. S. press on, xii: 24;
- estim
eement with Germany on African expansion, i: 200;
- agreement for settling rivalries in Turkey, '14, i: 200;
- question of armed intervention in Moroccan crisis, i: 218;
- freedom from secret obligations in event of war, i: 218;
- Sir Edward Grey urges intervention in defense of Belgian neutrality, i: 224;
- offer of help to Belgium, Aug. 4, '14, i: 232;
- influence in the East, ii: 27;
- claims to Turkey under secret treaties, '16—'17, vi: 334;
- Turkish policy, announced Nov. 7, '18, vi: 334;
- see also Triple Entente.
- Industries during War,
- peace and war productivity compared, xii: 19, xii: 77-79;
- women in, xiii: 25;
- bonuses to labor, xii: 28;
- provisions for settlement of labor disputes, xii: 79.
- Internal politics,
- Imperial unity through war, i: Intro. xiv;
- political philosophy compared with German, i: 165;
- members of War Council, Nov., '14, ii: 198;
- political conditions, Aug., '14, vi: 1;
- industrial and social unrest, '15, vi: 2;
- labor opposition to conscription, vi: 6;
- Conscription Bill passed, Apr., '16, vi: 6;
- treatment of conscientious objectors, vi: 8;
- pacifists indorse Soviet peace aims, '17, vi: 12;
- Lord Lansdowne's peace letter, vi: 13;
- Defense of the Realm Act inadequate to prevent strikes, vi: 14;
- Labor Party platform, '17, vi: 14;
- conditions at close of War, vi: 15;
- general elections, '18, vi: 16-17;
- industrial strikes spread, Jan., '19, vi: 17;
- ship-builders' strike, vi: 19;
- Glasgow riots, vi: 19;
- strike in electrical trades prevented by Defense of the Realm Act, Feb., '19, vi: 20;
- Lloyd George calls Labor Peace Conference, Feb., '19, vi: 20;
- commission of inquiry into mining conditions appointed, Feb., '19, vi: 20;
- truce in labor war till completion of Peace Treaty, vi: 22;
- after-War problems, vi: 23.
- Munitions,
- exposÉ of shell shortage by Viscount French, ii: 173;
- production compared with that of Central Empires, xii: 78;
- work of Ministry of Munitions, xii: 78.
- Navy,
- protector of lines of supply, i: 15;
- rise to world supremacy, i: 28;
- strength in '06, i: 101;
- negotiations with Germany for curbing naval program, i: 106, 194-197;
- general strategy during War, ii: Intro. vii, iv: 85-93;
- ships in Mediterranean at outbreak of War, iv: 13;
- squadrons in Eastern waters, iv: 58;
- ships in West Atlantic, iv: 58;
- problem of maintaining Allied supremacy, iv: 86;
- Admiral Jellicoe appointed to command of Grand Fleet, Aug. 4, '14, iv: 88;
- minesweeping operations, iv: 91;
- convoy of troopships, iv: 92;
- bases, iv: 92;
- extracts from Jellicoe's The Grand Fleet, 1914—1916, iv: 93-97;
- unpreparedness, '14, iv: 93;
- lack of destroyers, iv: 94;
- Grand Fleet compared with German High Sea Fleet, iv: 96;
- Jellicoe's reasons for not attacking Germans, iv: 96;
- make-up of Grand Fleet, Aug., '14, iv: 97;
- make-up of Grand Fleet at battle of Jutland, iv: 119;
- Lord Fisher's views on share in Allied victory, iv: 140;
- statistics on transport of troops, '15—'18, iv: 239;
- 18-in. super naval guns, viii: 53;
- see also
- battle or engagement;
- Gallipoli Campaign.
- Peace Conference,
- delegates, xii: 179;
- see also Peace Conference.
- Peace Treaty,
- press views, vi: 22;
- ratified, July 25—31, '19, xii: 264;
- see also Peace Treaty with Germany.
- Prisoners of war, iii: 404.
- Railroads, system of war-time government control, xii: 89.
- Royal family, xi: 150-152;
- Shipping,
- tonnage, 1880—1913, compared with German, i: 77;
- government control of ship-building, xii: 95;
- tonnage in '14, xii: 95;
- yearly tonnage production, '14—'17, xii: 96;
- war-time shortage of, xii: 96.
- Strategy,
- analyzed by Maj.-Gen. Maurice, ii: Intro. vii-xxiv;
- naval, iv: 85-93.
- Trade, 1880—1913,
- compared with German, i: 77;
- pre-War position, xii: 18-19;
- pre-War and war-time compared, xii: 78.
- War cost,
- financial position at start of War, xii: 1, xii: 18;
- loans floated in U. S., Aug., '14—Jan., '17, xii: 2;
- income tax rates, compared with U. S. and French rates, xii: 4;
- debt to U. S., xii: 18;
- exchange rates with U. S., xii: 19;
- extravagance in expenditure of war funds, xii: 19-20;
- taxes, xii: 20, xii: 107, xii: 108, 111;
- money equivalent of manpower lost, xii: 25;
- value of property loss, xii: 26;
- currency inflation, xii: 27-28;
- average daily war cost, xii: 105;
- total war cost, Aug., '14—Mar., '19,
- Hotchkiss machine-gun, viii: 87.
- House, Col. E. M.,
- U. S. representative on Supreme War Council, iii: 84;
- biography, ix: 70-76.
- Howitzers, see Artillery.
- Hughes, W. M., Premier of Australia,
- advocate of closer union within British Empire, vi: 40;
- for vigorous war policy, vi: 40;
- delegate to Allied Economic Conference, June, '16, vi: 40;
- forms "Hughesite" Liberal government supporting conscription, vi: 42.
- Hulloch, British enter, Sept. 26, '14, iii: 46.
- Humber, British monitor, description, iv: 281.
- Humbert, Charles, French Senator, implicated in Bolo Pasha plots, x: 344.
- Hungary,
- war sentiment, '14, vi: 306;
- parliamentary struggle, '16, vi: 311;
- Independence Party, leaders and aims of, vi: 311;
- "Independence and 1848" Party, formation and aims of, '16, vi: 311;
- Socialist demands for peace, '16, vi: 312;
- effects of Rumanian invasion, '16, vi: 313;
- "bloodless" revolution overthrows Hapsburg rule, Oct., '18, vi: 322;
- National Council, governing body during revolution, vi: 322;
- Republic established, Nov., '18, vi: 323, ix: 146, xii: 279;
- Count Karolyi, provisional head of Republic, vi: 323;
- armistice signed with Allies, vi: 323;
- Ironworkers' Party, conflict with government, vi: 324;
- Bolshevists under Bela Kun seize control, Mar., '19, vi: 324-328;
- military occupation by Allies, Mar., '19, vi: 325;
- Allies' peace terms rejected, vi: 326;
- the Red Army, vi: 326;
- area and population, xii: 279;
- see also Austria-Hungary.
- Hunley, Confederate submarine in American Civil War, iv: 203.
- Hurley, Edward, biography, ix: 335-337.
- "Hush" ships, description of, iv: 303.
- Hussein Kamil Pasha, made KhÉdive of Egypt by British, vi: 69.
- Hutier, Gen. von,
- commands Eighteenth German Army, ii: 149;
- new method of surprise attack, general plan and tactics of, v: 41, viii: 143-145.
- Hutton, Col. P. C., Chief Surgeon, "Paris Group," A. E. F., v: 346.
- Hydrogen, use for inflating balloons, viii: 263.
- Hydrophones, use in detection of U-boats, viii: 17-20, 279-281.
- Hydroplanes, see Aeronautics.
- Hymn of Hate, German, against England, i: 194, vi: 253.
- Hymn of the Lusitania, German, i: 365.
- Karaburnu, Greek fort occupied by Allies, iii: 206.
- Karaurgan, Russians defeat Turks at, Jan. 16, '15, i: 378.
- Karlsruhe, Allied air raid on, June 15, '15, i: 380.
- Karlsruhe, German sea-raider,
- battle with British cruiser Bristol, Aug. 6, '14, iv: 63;
- career in Atlantic, iv: 196.
- Karnes, Sgt. James E., gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 396.
- Karolyi, Count Michael,
- pleads Hungary's cause in U. S., '14, vi: 307;
- leader of Hungarian Independence Party, vi: 311;
- forms "Independence and 1848" Party, '16, vi: 311;
- appointed Premier of Hungary, Nov., '18, vi: 323;
- resigns as Premier, Mar., '19, vi: 325;
- biography, ix: 144-147.
- Kars, Russians defeat Turks at, Jan. 1, '15, iii: 260.
- Katia, battle between Turks and British at, Apr., '16, iii: 191.
- Katz, Sgt. Philip C., gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 401.
- Kaufman, Sgt. Benjamin, gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 399.
- Kautsky, Herr, German Social-Democratic leader, opposes war, vi: Intro. xii.
- Kavala,
- bombarded by British warships, Aug. 27, '16, i: 386;
- occupied by Bulgars, '16, iii: 207, vi: 344.
- Kawachi, Japanese battleship blows up, July 12, '18, i: 397.
- Keeling Island, destruction on, by landing party from Emden, Nov. 9, '14, iv: 184, 190.
- Keep the Home Fires Burning, American soldiers' song, xi: 336.
- Keep Your Head Down, Fritzie Boy, American soldiers' song, xi: 337.
- Kei Hara, heads liberal Japanese Cabinet, vi: 388.
- Keirsbilk, Alois Van, Belgian hero, executed for plotting death of Kaiser, x: 357-360.
- Kellermann, Bernhard, German novelist, description of conditions at front, iii: 286.
- Kelley, Col., British commander against Sudanese, iii: 191.
- Kelly, Pvt. John Joseph, gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 389.
- Kem, captured by Anglo-American forces, July 15, '18, i: 397.
- Kemmel, Mount,
- stormed and captured by Germans, Apr., '18, i: 395, iii: 91, 360;
- occupied by Anglo-American troops, Aug. 19, '18, i: 397;
- key-point in defense of Channel ports, iii: 381;
- 27th and 30th Divs. in sector, v: 286.
- Kennedy, Maj.-Gen. C. W., commands 85th Div., Aug., '18, v: 197.
- Kent, British cruiser,
- at battle of Falklands, armament, iv: 70;
- sinks NÜrnberg, iv: 74.
- Kerensky, Alexander Feodorovitch,
- speech in Duma predicting revolution, vi: 144;
- leader of Socialist-Revolutionary Party, vi: 148;
- pacifies revolting Petrograd troops, Mar. 12, '17, vi: 151;
- Minister of Justice in Prince Lvov's Cabinet, vi: 155;
- character sketch, vi: 155;
- abolishes death penalty, vi: 157;
- Minister of War in Lvov's coalition Cabinet, vi: 160;
- member of "Group of Toil," vi: 160;
- becomes Premier and dictator of Russia, vi: 165;
- struggle with Kornilov for supreme power, vi: 167-171;
- declares himself Commander-in-Chief, vi: 171;
- struggle with Soviets, vi: 175-179;
- overthrown by Bolsheviki, vi: 179-181;
- biography, ix: 104-109;
- bibliography, ix: 109.
- Kermanshah, captured by Russians, Feb. 25, '16, i: 384.
- Kerosene, amount used by A. E. F., v: 331.
- Kessler, Count, expelled from Poland, vi: 220.
- Kessler, George A., starts Blind Relief War Fund, vii: 255.
- Keystone (28th) Division, see U. S., Army.
- Kharga, British base in Libyan Desert, iii: 191.
- Kheyr-ed-Din-Barbarossa, Turkish battleship sunk by British submarine, Aug. 9, '15, i: 381.
- Khvostov, Russian Minister of Interior, removed from office, Feb., '16, vi: 140.
- Kiau-Chau (Kiao-Chau),
- seized by Germany, 1897, i: 15, 82;
- siege and conquest of Tsing Tau by Japanese, Aug. 24—Nov. 7, '14, iii: 257-259, iv: 367, vi: 382-383;
- German rights transferred to Japan under Peace Treaty, xii: 209;
- area and population, xii: 279;
- see also Shantung.
- Kiel Canal, Peace Treaty provisions for navigation of, xii: 255.
- Kienzle, Herbert, in German plot to blow up ships at sea, x: 372.
- Kiev, captured by Germans, Mar. 2, '18, i: 393.
- Kilid-Bahr,
- fortification of, on Gallipoli, ii: 29, iv: 24, 45;
- objective of British landing forces, iii: 167;
- bombarded, Mar. 5, '15, iv: 45;
- see also Gallipoli Campaign.
- Killingholme, England, U. S. seaplane station at, iv: 359.
- Kimigayo, Japanese national anthem, xi: 328.
- King Edward VII, British battleship sunk by mine, Jan. 10, '16, i: 384.
- Kiribaba Pass, seized by Russians, Jan. 16, '15, i: 378.
- Kitchener, Field-Marshal Lord Horatio Herbert,
- drowned in sinking of cruiser Hampshire, June 5, '16, i: 385, ix: 168;
- attitude on Dardanelles campaign, ii: Intro. xv;
- dispute with Field-Marshal French, ii: 164-169;
- member of British Cabinet War Council, ii: 198;
- responsibility for Dardanelles disaster, ii: 198, 202;
- influence in War Council described by Winston Churchill, ii: 202;
- biography, ix: 168-176;
- bibliography, ix: 176;
- military commandments, xi: 55.
- K-K-K-Katy, American soldiers' song, xi: 335.
- Kluck, Gen. Alexander von,
- leads invasion of Belgium and France, Aug., '14, ii: 8, iii: 10, xi: 10;
- occupies Brussels, Aug. 20, '14, ii: 8, iii: 21;
- defeated at first Marne battle and forced to retreat, Sept., '14, ii: 9, 184, iii: 30-34;
- strategy of Aug., '14 advance, criticism of, by Field-Marshal French, ii: 168;
- avoids Paris and crosses the Marne, iii: 28;
- biography, ix: 266-268.
- Knights of Columbus,
- war-time activities of, vii: 328-339;
- organizing for war work, vii: 330;
- funds raised, vii: 331;
- war work expenditures, vii: 332;
- War Activities Committee, vii: 334;
- employment bureaus for discharged service men, vii: 338.
- Knotty Ash Camp, Liverpool, American Y. M. C. A. at, vii: 287.
- Knox peace resolution,
- declaring war between U. S. and Germany at end, passed by Congress in substitution for Treaty of Versailles, xii: 273-277;
- text of original resolution asking the President to make separate peace, xii: 273-274;
- text of amended resolution, xii: 277;
- vetoed by President Wilson, xii: 277;
- President's veto message, xii: 278.
- Kocak, Sgt. Matej, gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 389.
- Koenig, Paul,
- head of Hamburg-American Line secret service, i: 317;
- German spy in U. S., x: 347.
- Koenig, Capt. Paul, commander of German commerce submarine Deutschland, personal account of trans-Atlantic trip, iv: 214-216, x: 271-274.
- Koja Chemen Tepe,
- at Gallipoli, dominates Anzac positions, iii: 172;
- Anzac assault on, iii: 173;
- see also Gallipoli Campaign.
- Kolchak, Adm. Aleksandr Vasiliyevich,
- Siberian government of, recognized by Allies, vi: 188;
- declares himself dictator of Siberia, vi: 194;
- xii: 78;
- appeal to munition workers, vi: 5, ix: 27;
- speeds up British war efforts, vi: 10;
- statement of Allied war aims, vi: 12;
- indorses President Wilson's Fourteen Points, vi: 14;
- conciliatory policy between labor and capital, vi: 20;
- biography, ix: 21-30;
- bibliography, ix: 30;
- see also Peace Conference.
- Loans, raised by belligerents for conduct of War, xii: 111.
- Locomotives,
- number shipped to France from U. S., xii: 95, xii: 286;
- see also Railroads.
- Lodge, Senator Henry Cabot,
- leads opposition to Peace Treaty, xii: 264;
- original reservations to Peace Treaty, text, xii: 265;
- revised reservations to Peace Treaty, text, xii: 269.
- Lodz, occupied by Germans, Nov. 27, '14, iii: 129.
- Logan, Col. James A., Chief of Administration (G-1), G. H. Q., A. E. F., v: 101.
- Loman, Pvt. Berger, gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 397.
- Lome, surrender to British, Aug., '14, iii: 252.
- London,
- air raids on,
- Aug. 17, '15, i: 381;
- Sept. 8, '15, i: 381;
- Oct. 13, '15, i: 382;
- Dec. 24, '14, iii: 41;
- welcome to Pershing, June, '17, v: 97;
- American Y. M. C. A. in, vii: 288.
- London, British battleship at Gallipoli, iv: 33.
- London Volunteer Motor Corps, vii: 107.
- Long, Long Trail, American soldiers' song, xi: 335.
- Longueval, objective in Somme battle, iii: 58.
- Longwy,
- abandoned by Allies, Aug. 28, '14, i: 375;
- iron area coveted by Germans, '14, ii: 6.
- Loos,
- British attempt to pierce German lines at, '15, ii: 25;
- captured by British, Sept. 26, '15, iii: 46;
- faulty British generalship in battle of, iii: 375.
- Lord Nelson, British battleship at Gallipoli, iv: 31.
- Lorraine,
- value of iron deposits, i: 267;
- French offensive in, Aug., '14, iii: 16.
- Losnitza, Austrians cross Drina at, iii: 151.
- Losses,
- see
- Casualties;
- Prisoners of war.
- "Lost Battalion," under Major Whittlesey,
- cut off from 77th Div., Oct. 2, '18, v: 231, 239;
- attempts at relief of, fail, v: 241, 242;
- rescued, Oct. 7, '18, v: 243;
- units composing, v: 363.
- Loti, Pierre, description of gas victims, iii: 320-322.
- Lough Foyle, Ireland, U. S. naval air station at, iv: 357.
- Louppy, captured by 5th Div., Nov. 10, '18, v: 272.
- "Lousy Champagne," location, v: 43.
- Louvain,
- captured by Germans, Aug. 19, '14, i: 375, iii: 14;
- burned by Germans, Aug. 26, '14, i: 375, iii: 14;
- description of burning by Richard Harding Davis, iii: 273-277.
- Louvain, University of, Peace Treaty provisions for restoration by Germany of books destroyed, xii: 225.
- Lowenstein, Milton B., Boy Scout in air service, xi: 116.
- Lowestoft, attacked by German battle cruiser squadron, Apr. 25, '16, i: 385.
- Lowicz, occupied by Germans, Dec. 18, '14, i: 376.
- Lublin, occupied by Austrians, July 30, '15, i: 381.
- Lublin-Cholm Railway, cut by Germans in '15 offensive, iii: 138.
- Lubomirsky, Prince, appointed by Germany to Regency Council of Poland, vi: 214.
- "Lucky Bag," explanation of term, iv: 171.
- Lucy-la-Bocage, important point near ChÂteau-Thierry, v: 132.
- Ludendorff, Gen. Erich von,
- War account, ii: 298-365;
- estimate of own importance to German victories, ii: 298, 300;
- appointed First Quartermaster-General, Aug. 29, '16, ii: 326, iii: 61;
- denies being Germany's dictator, ii: 333;
- resignation forced, Oct. 26, '18, ii: 336, vi: 271;
- opinion of A. E. F., ii: 337;
- war attitude, explained by himself, ii: 344;
- brigade commander at start of War, ii: 345;
- share in capture of LiÉge, ii: 348;
- appointed Chief of Staff to Hindenburg in East Prussia, Aug., '14, ii: 351;
- account of first meeting with Hindenburg, Aug. 23, '14, ii: 353;
- appointed Chief of Staff for operations on southeastern front, Sept., '14, ii: 357;
- failure of "Spring Drive" loses War, '18, vi: 270;
- biography, ix: 250-257.
- Luderitz Bay, captured by British, iii: 254.
- Lufberry, Maj. Raoul, American ace, story of, x: 191-196.
- Luke, Lieut. Frank, Jr.,
- American aviator, story of, x: 211-214;
- gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 393.
- Lukin, Gen., heads expedition against Sollum, iii: 191.
- Lullaby for a Baby Tank, poem by H. T. Craven, xi: 270.
- Lumber, uses in war, viii: 306-309.
- Lunacharsky, member of Bolshevik presidium, vi: 179.
- LunÉville,
- captured by Germans, Aug. 21—23, '14, i: 375, iii: 20;
- retaken by French, Sept. 11, '14, i: 375.
- Lupkow Pass, occupied by Russians, Dec., '14, iii: 127.
- Lurcher, British destroyer at battle of Heligoland Bight, iv: 241.
- Lusitania, S. S.,
- German warning against travelling on, May 1, '15, i: 319;
- sunk by German submarine, May 7, '15, i: 319, 358, 380, xi: 20, 237;
- Lord Mersey's official report, i: 362-365;
- loss of life, i: 319, 362;
- U. S. note to Germany on sinking, May 13, '15, i: 320;
- Roosevelt's statement on, i: 320;
- Taft's view of action by U. S. over sinking, i: 320;
- U. S. demands disavowal of sinking by Germany, i: 323;
- summary of controversy between U. S. and Germany over sinking, i: 358;
- dimensions, i: 362;
- number and nationality of passengers on last trip, i: 362;
- number in crew, i: 362;
- not armed, i: 363;
- German hymn of glory over sinking of, i: 365;
- eye-witness accounts of sinking, iv: 220-222;
- Capt. Turner's account, iv: 222;
- Germans celebrate destruction as naval victory, iv: 223.
- Lutsk,
- captured by Germans, Sept. 1, '15, i: 381;
- recaptured by Russians, Sept. 23, '15, i: 382;
- recaptured by Germans, Sept. 27, '15, i: 382;
- captured by Russians, June 6, '16, i: 385, iii: 142.
- LÜtzow, German battle cruiser sunk at Jutland, eye-witness account, iv: 256.
- Luxemburg, Duchess of, see Marie Adelaide.
- Luxemburg, Grand Duchy of,
- invaded by Germans, Aug. 2, '14, i: 144, iii: 10, vi: 93, xi: 10;
- annexation sought by Belgium and France, '19, vi: 94;
- Peace Treaty provisions concerning, xii: 189.
- Luxemburg, Rosa,
- German radical leader, protest against War, '14, vi: 249;
- imprisoned, '16, vi: 262;
- leads Spartacides, Nov., '18, vi: 278;
- killed during Spartacide uprising, Jan. 14, '19, vi: 289;
- views on social revolution, ix: 147.
- Lvov, Prince George E.,
- Premier under Russian Provisional Government, Mar. 14, '17, vi: 155;
- manifesto on war aims, Apr. 9, '17, vi: 159;
- forms Coalition Cabinet, vi: 160;
- biography, ix: 100-102;
- Presi
- joins Jugoslav union, vi: 366;
- battle deaths, xii: 288.
- Montfaucon,
- German stronghold in Meuse-Argonne sector, v: 78, 218;
- captured by 79th Div., Sept. 27, '18, v: 224-225.
- Montfaucon Wood, captured by 37th Div., Sept. 26, '18, v: 224.
- MontmÉdy, captured by Germans, Aug. 27, '14, i: 375.
- Montmirail,
- German objective in last drive on Paris, v: 36;
- headquarters of 28th Div., June, '18, v: 143.
- Montrebeau Wood, captured by 1st Div., Oct. 4, '18, v: 237.
- Montrieul-aux-Lions, headquarters of 2nd Div., June, '18, v: 143.
- Moore, Rear-Adm. Sir Archibald, second in command of British in battle of Dogger Bank, iv: 246.
- Morale,
- Allied and German during winter, '17—'18, v: 1;
- German, weakened by failure of great offensive, July, '18, v: 53;
- American, under hardships of Meuse-Argonne Offensive, v: 87, 232;
- Allied and German, Sept., '18, v: 213.
- Moranville, taken by 322nd Inf., Nov. 9, '18, v: 277.
- Morava-Maritza Valley, approach to Constantinople through Serbia, iii: 150.
- Moravia,
- early history, vi: 396;
- nationalistic aspirations, vi: 396.
- Moresnet, ceded to Belgium under Peace Treaty, vi: 89, xii: 188.
- Moreuil salient,
- military operations in, Aug.—Sept., '18, iii: 98;
- Allied attack on Albert-Montdidier line, iii: 98;
- Albert captured by British, Aug., '18, iii: 98;
- British attack on the Scarpe, Sept., '18, iii: 98.
- Morgan, Miss Anne, war relief activities, vii: 92.
- Morine Wood, captured by 32nd Div., Oct. 5, '18, v: 240.
- Morocco,
- French control of, recognized by Great Britain, '04, i: 99, 202;
- Kaiser's famous speech at Tangier on German policy, Mar., '05, i: 99, 202;
- European crisis on dispatch of German gunboat Panther to Agadir, July, '11, i: 104, 203;
- storm center of European diplomacy, i: 202;
- Prince Lichnowsky's views on German policy, i: 204;
- German rights in, surrendered under Peace Treaty, xii: 208.
- Mort Homme,
- Mortars, see Artillery.
- Morton, Maj.-Gen. Charles G.,
- commands 29th Div., June, '18, v: 146;
- takes command of sector on right bank of Meuse, Oct. 10, '18, v: 246.
- Moscow,
- municipal elections annulled by reactionary Protopopov, '17, vi: 143;
- Conference called by Kerensky, '17, vi: 167;
- meeting of Soviet Congress, Mar., '18, vi: 185.
- Moselle River, German attempt to enter France through valley of, '14, v: 199.
- Mosley, Brig.-Gen. G. Van H., Chief of Co-ordination, G. H. Q., A. E. F., Sept., '17, v: 102.
- Motors,
- Motor Transport Corps, U. S., see U. S., Army.
- Motor trucks,
- important function in Verdun defense, iii: 50, viii: 289-291;
- mobile ordnance repair shops, description and functions, v: 350, v: 294-298;
- armored cars, viii: 286;
- Paris buses as war transports, viii: 286;
- use as ambulances, viii: 287;
- number in use by belligerents, Aug., '14, viii: 288;
- number in use at front, June, '15, viii: 288;
- number shipped to France from U. S., viii: 288, xii: 95, xii: 286;
- Liberty truck, development and description, viii: 291-294.
- Mott, Dr. John R., General Secretary, Y. M. C. A. War Work Council, vii: 261.
- Mount Vernon, U. S. transport torpedoed, Sept. 5, '17, iv: 337.
- Mousquet, French destroyer sunk by Emden, Oct. 28, '14, iv: 181.
- Mouzay, captured by 5th Div., Nov. 9, '18, v: 94, 272.
- MÜcke, Lieut. Hellmuth von, account of exploits of German raider Emden, iv: 167-187, 190-194.
- Mudros, British advance base for Gallipoli campaign, iii: 164, iv: 30.
- MÜhlon, Dr. William, disclosures of German complicity in forcing War, i: 133-136, 250-254.
- Muir, Maj.-Gen. Charles H.,
- commands 28th Div., May, '18, v: 128;
- in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept., '18, v: 220.
- Mules, number shipped to France by U. S., xii: 95, xii: 286.
- MÜlhausen, captured by French, Aug. 8, '14, iii: 16.
- MÜller, Capt. Karl von, commander of German raider Emden, iv: 166.
- Munich,
- murder of Kurt Eisner and Spartacide uprising in, Feb., '19, vi: 298;
- Spartacides establish Soviet, vi: 300;
- Soviet overthrown by Noske, May, '19, vi: 301.
- MÜnsterberg, Prof. Hugo, on "Russian Peril," vi: 250.
- Murfin, Capt. O. G., in charge of U. S. Navy mine bases, iv: 325.
- Murman Region,
- Military Government of, established, July, '18, xii: 279;
- area and population, xii: 279.
- Murmansk, fighting between Allies and Bolsheviki at, vi: 187.
- Murray, Gen., commands British troops defending Suez, iii: 191.
- Mush,
- captured by Russians, Feb. 18, '16, i: 384, iii: 263;
- evacuated by Russians, Aug. 8, '16, i: 386.
- Mushi, captured by British, Mar. 13, '16, i: 384.
- Mustard gas,
- use in chemical warfare, v: 321, viii: 171-172, xi: 321;
- use of "Sag Paste," as protection against, v: 324;
- manufacture of, at U. S. Edgewood Arsenal, viii: 186.
- N
- Namazieh Battery, at Gallipoli, iv: 45.
- Namur, forts of,
- constructed, 1890, i: 143;
- captured by Germans, Aug., '14, i: 375, iii: 14-15.
- Nancy,
- German advance on, checked, Aug., '14, iii: 19;
- important frontier fortress, v: 199, 215.
- Nantillois, captured by 315th Inf., Sept. 28, '18, v: 228.
- Napier, Rear-Adm. T. D. W., commander of British 3rd Light Cruiser Squadron at Jutland, iv: 120.
- Naples, bombed by German aviators, Mar. 11, '18, i: 395.
- Napoleon, Fort, at Gallipoli, bombarded by French battleship Gaulois, Mar. 2, '15, iv: 43.
- Narew, Russian Army of the, invades East Prussia, iii: 111.
- Narodna Odbrana, Serbian patriotic society, accused of responsibility for murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, i: 112.
- Narodni Savetz, Bulgarian patriotic organization, vi: 341.
- Narrows, at Dardanelles, defenses of bombarded by Allies, Mar. 5, '15, iv: 45.
- Narva, captured by Germans, Mar. 5, '18, i: 393.
- Nasarie, taken by British, '15, iii: 181.
- Nasmith, Lieut.-Com., captain of British submarine E-11 in Sea of Marmora, iv: 210.
- Nasrullah Khan, instigator of Habibullah Khan's assassination, vi: 80.
- National Allied Relief Committee, vii: 87;
- National anthems, wo
of Irish Republic, vi: 60, ix: 53.
- Peck, Pvt. Archie A., gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 400.
- Penang harbor, attacked by Emden, Oct. 28, '14, iv: 178.
- People's Relief Committee, for Jewish relief, formation, vii: 354.
- Pepper Hill, at Verdun, attacked by Germans, Apr. 18, '16, iii: 52, 304.
- Periscope, description, viii: 165, xi: 245.
- Perkins, Pvt. Michael J., gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 391.
- Permanent Blind Relief War Fund, organization and activities, vii: 255-259.
- PÉronne,
- French objective in Somme battle, iii: 55;
- captured by British, Mar. 18, '17, iii: 68.
- PÉronne-Ham sector, Allied drive on, Sept., '18, ii: 158.
- Pershing, Gen. John J.,
- offers A. E. F. to Foch, Mar. 28, '18, v: 30, 120, 380, ix: 153;
- sails for Europe, May, '17, v: 97;
- reception in England, June, '17, v: 97;
- reception in France, June, '17, v: 97;
- reasons for selection of American Army zone, '18, v: 110;
- farewell speech to 1st Div., Chaumont-en-Vixen, Apr., '18, v: 121;
- urges attack with A. E. F., July, '18, v: 158;
- extract from report on Aisne-Marne Offensive, July, '18, v: 182;
- assumes tactical command of American forces in battle area, v: 192, 384, ix: 205;
- extract from report on St. Mihiel attack, v: 212;
- starts Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept., '18, v: 213;
- extract from report on preparation for Meuse-Argonne attack, v: 218;
- divides A. E. F. combat units into two Armies, Oct. 9, '18, v: 246, 390;
- personal message to each soldier in A. E. F., v: 353;
- official report on A. E. F., v: 373-404;
- appeal to War Dept. for troops, Dec., '17, v: 373;
- insists on independent American Army in France, v: 385;
- Alsatian ancestry, ix: 166;
- origin of name, ix: 166;
- biography, ix: 199-210.
- Pershing Stadium, vii: 313.
- Persia,
- divided into " spheres of influence" by Anglo-Russian agreement, '07, i: 104, vi: 335;
- sympathy with Turkey, vi: 330;
- pro-German sentiment, vi: 336-337;
- Great Britain in control, '19, vi: 338.
- Persia, S. S., British merchantman,
- sunk in Mediterranean, Dec. 30, '15, i: 384;
- eye-witness account, iv: 224.
- Peru,
- dispute with Chile over Tacna-Arica district, vi: 390;
- delegate to Peace Conference, xii: 180.
- PÉtain, Marshal Henri Philippe,
- defender of Verdun, ii: 189, iii: 50, 54, 304, xi: 22;
- eulogy of, by Gen. Malleterre, ii: 220;
- biography, ix: 164-166.
- Peter I, King of Serbia,
- accompanies his nation in retreat, iii: 281, 284;
- reËnters Belgrade, Dec. 15, '14, iii: 397;
- foreign policy, vi: 355;
- biography, ix. 398-399.
- Petrograd,
- food shortage in, vi: 141;
- workmen's delegates on War Industrial Committee arrested, vi: 143;
- during the Revolution, vi: 144-153.
- Petroseny, captured by Rumanians, Sept. 1, '16, i: 386.
- Peuvillers, captured by 128th Inf. Regt., Nov. 10, '18, v: 272.
- Peyton, Maj.-Gen., British commander in western Egypt, iii: 191.
- Pflanzer, Gen. von, Austrian commander in Bukovina, iii: 132.
- Philippines, acquired by U. S., i: 56.
- Phillipeville, bombarded by Goeben, Aug. 4, '14, iv: 14.
- Phonotelemeter, description of, viii: 20.
- Phosgene (Carbonyl chloride),
- use in chemical warfare, v: 321, viii: 168-170;
- manufacture of, at U. S. Edgewood Arsenal, viii: 184.
- Photography in war,
- work of U. S. Signal Corps, v: 319;
- use in artillery range-finding, viii: 14;
- value of aerial photography, viii: 226, 331;
- types of aerial cameras, viii: 228, 332-334;
- De Ram automatic camera for aerial photography, viii: 228, 333;
- work of U. S. aerial photographers, viii: 228, 235;
- personnel of Photographic Section, U. S. Air Service, viii: 234;
- future, viii: 234;
- making pictorial history of War, viii: 329-331;
- production of photographic supplies by U. S., viii: 355;
- mobile developing laboratories, viii: 335;
- see also Aerial photography.
- Piave River, Italian stand at, after Caporetto rout, ii: 58, 250, iii: 248.
- Picardy Front,
- German choice for final drive, '18, ii: 69;
- advantages of, for German offensive, '18, ii: 69.
- Pichon, Stephen, French Foreign Minister, speech before Chamber of Deputies on secret Entente agreements of '16—'17, vi: 334.
- Pigeons, war uses, v: 239, 319, viii: 328.
- Pike, Lieut.-Col. Emory J., gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 400.
- Pill-boxes,
- description, iii: 79, viii: 130;
- battle tactics in use of, viii: 130-133.
- Pilsudski,
- Gen. Joseph, leads Polish troops against Russia, vi: 202;
- jailed by Germans, vi: 214;
- assumes dictatorship of Poland, vi: 219;
- dictatorship not recognized by Allies, vi: 222;
- Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paderewski cabinet, vi: 223;
- becomes president of Polish Republic, vi: 225;
- biography, ix: 92-95.
- Pirot, occupied by Bulgars, Oct. 28, '15, i: 382.
- Pistols,
- Schwarzlose automatic pistol, mechanism, viii: 90;
- use as military weapon, viii: 116-117.
- "Place in the sun,"
- speech by Kaiser, '01, i: 95;
- definition of phrase, ii: 27;
- German control of Balkans as means of attaining, ii: 27.
- Plava, captured by Italians June 10, '15, i: 380, iii: 244.
- Players, The, poem by Francis Bickley, ix: 290.
- Pleinchamps Farm, captured by 28th Div., Oct. 4, '18, v: 239.
- Ploechti, captured by Germans, Dec. 6, '16, iii: 222.
- Plumer, Gen. Sir Herbert,
- commander of British Second Army, ii: 214;
- a great military chief, iii: 375;
- offensive in Flanders, Sept., '18, v: 213.
- Plunkett, Rear-Adm. Chas. P., commander of U. S. Naval Railway Batteries on Western Front, v: 306, viii: 45.
- Plunkett, Sir Horace, Irish leader, chairman of Irish Convention, '18, vi: 62.
- Plymouth, England, U. S. subchaser base, iv: 359.
- PoincarÉ, Raymond,
- President of French Republic, biography, ix: 14-19;
- bibliography, ix: 19.
- Points d'Appui, definition, v: 13.
- Pola,
- Italian naval raid on, Nov. 2, '16, iv: 369;
- Italians sink Austrian dreadnought at, May 14, '18, iv: 372;
- Austrian dreadnought Viribus Unitis blown up by Italians at, Nov. 1, '18, x: 297-303.
- Poland,
- topography, iii: 106-108;
- German invasion of, and unsuccessful attacks on Warsaw,
- Sept., '14—Feb., '15, iii: 116-118, 124-127, 128-132;
- Austrian invasion of, iii: 118-120;
- conquered by Austro-German forces, July—Sept., '15, iii: 137-141, vi: 311;
- battle of the Salients, July, '15, iii: 138;
- Warsaw captured by Germans, Aug. 4, '15, iii: 138;
- civilian deaths due to war-time privation, iii: 406;
- early history and pre-War condition, vi: 201;
- Russian promise of autonomy, '14, vi: 201;
- Austrian Poles support Central Powers, vi: 202;
- Poles under Pilsudski fight against Russia, vi: 202;
- war-time destitution in, vi: 204-210;
- German reforms in, vi: 208;
- German policy, vi: 210-213;
- Germany promises reËstablishment of Polish Kingdom, Nov. 5, '16, vi: 210;
- Germany demands Polish troops, vi: 213;
- freed by Russian Revolution, vi: 213;
- Germany sets up Regency, vi: 214;
- denied representation at Brest-Litovsk by Germany, vi: 214;
- revolt against Teuton domination, '18, vi: 216;
- capture of Lemberg from Ruthenians, Nov. 5, '18, vi: 217;
- proclamation of Republic, vi: 218-219;
- Pilsudski becomes dictator, Nov., '18, vi: 219;
- Ger
- narrow-gauge, at the front, viii: 302;
- see also Bagdad Railway.
- Railway Artillery Reserve,
- U. S., formation, v: 305;
- units composing, v: 305;
- engagements on Western Front, v: 306-308;
- see also U. S. Army, Artillery.
- Rainbow (42nd) Division, see U. S., Army.
- Rambucourt, on Toul sector, v: 116.
- Ramscappelle, German success at, Oct. 30, '14, iii: 40.
- Ramsey, British patrol boat, sunk by German auxiliary cruiser Meteor, iv, 197.
- Ramsgate, bombarded by German destroyers, Nov. 25, '16, i: 389.
- Range-finder, telescopic, structure and use of, viii: 9.
- Range-finding, see
- Artillery;
- Hydrophones;
- Microphone;
- Phonotelemeter.
- Rapallo Conference, iii: 84.
- Rappes, Bois des, captured by 3rd Div., Oct., '18, v: 85.
- Rasputin, Gregory,
- influence over Czarina and Russian court, vi: 141;
- assassinated, '16, vi: 141;
- influence places Protopopov in power, vi: 143;
- biography, ix: 345-347.
- Ravaruska,
- Russian success in battle of, Sept. 4—10, '14, iii: 122;
- captured by Austro-German forces, June 20, '15, iii: 136.
- Rawlinson, Gen., commander of British Fourth Army, ii: 214, iii: 371.
- Raynal, Major, defender of Fort Vaux, iii: 55, 313.
- Read, Maj.-Gen. George W., commander,
- 30th Div., June, '18, v: 146;
- commands 2nd Corps, v: 290, 382, 394;
- biography, ix: 223-224.
- Read, Lieut.-Com., pilots N-C-4, first airplane across Atlantic, viii: 240.
- Rebais, Germans beaten back at, in first Marne battle, iii: 32.
- Reconstruction of devastated war areas, German obligations under Peace Treaty, xii: 223.
- Reconstruction of disabled,
- American help for vocational training of French disabled, vii: 79, 92-95;
- program of European belligerents, vii: 175;
- in U. S. Army, vii: 175-186, 210-216, 222, 233-239;
- importance of first aid, vii: 178;
- treatment of shell-shock, vii: 179;
- percent. of injured returned to service, vii: 180;
- system of vocational training for U. S. service men, vii: 180-182, 210-216, 236-239;
- educational personnel for training of U. S. service men, vii: 180, 185;
- care of blinded U. S. service men, vii: 182, 213;
- correcting speech defects in U. S. military hospitals, vii: 182, 213;
- work of U. S. dental officers, vii: 210;
- in civilian industries, vii: 240-245;
- mechanical treatments for injured limbs, viii: 381-384;
- artificial arms for war cripples, viii: 384-388;
- artificial legs for war cripples, viii: 388-390;
- remaking shell-torn faces, viii: 390;
- artificial eyes for war blind, viii: 391;
- see also
- Medical science;
- Surgery.
- Recouly, Raymond,
- account of first Marne battle, ii: 182-186;
- account of Verdun battle, ii: 186-189.
- Recreation, for service men, see
- Recruiting, see under country.
- Red Army,
- in Russia, organized by Trotzky, vi: 185;
- in Munich, raised by Munich Soviet, vi: 300;
- in Hungary, under Communist Government, vi: 326.
- Red Cross:
- American,
- relief work in Italy, ii: 250, vii: 42, 82;
- Henry P. Davison, Chairman of War Council, vii: 1;
- war-time activities, summary, vii: 1;
- amount of contributions to, vii: 1;
- increase in membership, vii: 1;
- personnel in France, vii: 1;
- Clara Barton, mother of, vii: 12;
- peace time activities, vii: 14;
- war organization, vii: 15-27;
- raising war funds, vii: 15-27;
- total relief expenditures, vii: 27;
- range of activities, vii: 29;
- location of base hospitals, vii: 30;
- location of ambulance companies, vii: 30-31;
- sanitary service, vii: 31-32;
- nursing personnel, vii: 33;
- canteen service, vii: 33, 42, 47-49, 54, 57;
- auxiliary activities for service men's comfort, vii: 34;
- recruiting services of nation's womanhood, vii: 34;
- home service work, vii: 35;
- services abroad, vii: 35-40;
- hospital work in France, vii: 37, 45;
- work for American prisoners in Germany, vii: 37-39, 71;
- relief activities in England, vii: 40, 45;
- with the Navy, vii: 41;
- relief work among belligerents during U. S. neutrality, vii: 43-46;
- hospital work in Germany, vii: 45;
- hospital work in Austria-Hungary, vii: 45;
- relief for Serbia, vii: 45, 84;
- stories of overseas service with fighting men, vii: 47-72;
- work for wounded, vii: 49-54, 56, 60-64;
- ambulance service at the front, vii: 49-51;
- tales of wounded, vii: 51-54;
- hotels for service men in Paris, vii: 54;
- supplying delicacies to wounded, vii: 56;
- huts, vii: 59;
- entertainment, vii: 60;
- as bureau of information, vii: 62-64;
- helping doughboys shop in France, vii: 64;
- department store for overseas service men, vii: 66;
- production of surgical dressings, vii: 67;
- production of nitrous oxide, vii: 68;
- baths and laundries behind the lines, vii: 70;
- Children's Bureau, activities for welfare of child war sufferers, vii: 72, 76-79, xi: 85-90;
- relief among Allied civilians, vii: 73-85;
- relief among French refugees, vii: 73;
- fight against tuberculosis in France, vii: 75;
- education of French disabled, vii: 79;
- relief for Belgian refugees, vii: 82;
- relief in Rumania, vii: 84;
- work in Palestine, vii: 84;
- Institute for the Blind, vii: 259;
- letters of appreciation from refugee children, xi: 60;
- Junior American Red Cross, activities, xi: 90-93;
- help by Boy Scouts, xi: 108;
- letter from "Chinese citizen boy," xi: 179.
- International, in Switzerland, vi: 380;
- World League of, vii: 3;
- history of development, vii: 4-14;
- Florence Nightingale, first field nurse, vii: 11;
- U. S. becomes member, vii: 14.
- Red Cross Nurse, poem by Edith Thomas, vii: 279.
- "Red Monday," during Russian Revolution, Mar. 12, '17, vi: 150.
- "Red Week," rioting during, in Italy, June, '14, vi: 114.
- "Reds," see Bolshevism.
- Reeves, Col. Ira L., mlitary superintendent, A. E. F. University at Beaune, vii: 283.
- Refrigerating plants, constructed by A. E. F. in France, v: 403.
- Refugees, see War relief.
- Regan, 2nd Lieut. Patrick, gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 395.
- Reichstag, German,
- limitations as legislative body, i: 71;
- composition and powers, i: 156.
- Reims (Rheims),
- abandoned by Allies, Aug. 28, '14, i: 375;
- re-occupied by French, Sept. 15, '14, i: 376;
- Cathedral bombarded by Germans, iii: 74, vi: 97;
- attacked by Crown Prince, June, '18, iii: 95;
- description of surrounding country, v: 43;
- gateway between Germany and France, v: 215.
- Reiter's Morganlied, German air, xi: 335.
- Relief, see War relief.
- Religion,
- diversity of, obstacle to world federation, i: 25;
- work of Y. M. C. A. with troops overseas, vii: 283-285.
- Remington self-loading rifle,
- description, viii: 89;
- see also Rifles.
- Remonville,
- location, v: 217;
- captured by 89th Div., Nov. 1, '18, v: 262.
- Remounts,
- construction of depots for, by A. E. F., v: 333;
- procuring of, for A. E. F., v: 399.
- Renault tank,
- description, viii: 156;
- see also Tanks.
- Rennenkampf, Gen.,
- Russian Front,
- German analysis of strength and strategic importance, Aug., '14, ii: 12-16;
- strategic plans of Russia and Central Powers, ii: 22, iii: 109-110;
- Gen. Gourko's explanation, ii: 225;
- Russian invasion of Galicia, '14—'15, ii: 22-24, 26, iii: 118-124, 127, 132-134;
- Lemberg captured by Russians, Sept. 3, '14, ii: 23, iii: 121;
- operations in East Prussia, '14, ii: 24, iii: 110-116;
- Gen. Gourko's account, ii: 227-229;
- Ludendorff's account, ii: 353-357;
- battle of Tannenberg, Aug., '14, ii: 24, iii: 112-116;
- campaigns in Poland, ii: 25, 26, 229, iii: 116-120, 124-127, 128-132, 137-141;
- Ludendorff's account,ii: 361-365;
- Przemysl, siege and capture by Russians, ii: 26, iii: 123, 125, 127, 134, 292, xi: 16;
- successful Teuton counter-offensive in Galicia under Mackensen, May, '15, ii: 26, 233, iii: 135-137, 294-296, vi: 258, 311;
- Ludendorff's account, ii: 360;
- Warsaw, German attacks on and capture, ii: 26, iii: 128-130, 131, 138;
- Brusiloff's offensive in Galicia, '16, ii: 42-44, 235, iii: 141-145;
- Russian collapse, '17, ii: 54, iii: 146, v: 113, vi: 157, 164;
- Ludendorff on, ii: 340;
- Gen. Denikin's report, iii: 267-270;
- campaigns in Caucasus and Armenia, ii: 91-92, iii: 260-263, vi: 331, xi: 29;
- capture of Erzerum, Feb. 16, '16, ii: 91, iii: 262-263;
- effect of invasion of East Prussia on first Marne battle, ii: 227;
- reasons for weakness of Russian fortresses, ii: 230;
- Przemysl recaptured by Teuton forces, June 1—2, '15, ii: 234, iii: 136;
- Lemberg recaptured by Austrians, June 22, '15, ii: 234, iii: 137;
- topography, iii: 106-109;
- last Russian offensive in Galicia, July, '17, iii: 146;
- battle experiences on, iii: 316;
- activities of A. E. F. against Bolsheviki, v: 394, vi: 187, 193;
- description of Russian trenches, viii: 123;
- see also
- East Prussia;
- Galicia;
- Mazurian Lakes;
- Poland.
- Russky, Gen., commander of Russian forces invading Galicia, iii: 119.
- Ruthenians,
- clash with Poles for control of eastern Galicia, vi: 217, 248;
- cultural freedom under Austrian rule, vi: 241;
- attempts at forced Russification during Russian occupation of Galicia, vi: 243.
- Ryan, Michael J., Irish-American delegate to Peace Conference vi: 66.
tion, xi: 189. - Spain,
- as a naval power, i: 28;
- loss of colonial empire, i: 35;
- international position in '14, i: 62;
- policy of neutrality during War, vi: 370;
- growing dislike for Germans, vi: 371;
- war-time prosperity, vi: 372;
- German propaganda in, xii: 101.
- Spartacides, German,
- beginnings, vi: 260;
- leaders, vi: 278;
- excluded by Ebert from Provisional Government, Nov., '18, vi: 278;
- urge social revolution, vi: 279;
- allied with Russian Bolsheviki, vi: 280-281;
- program rejected by Central Council of Delegates, Dec., '18, vi: 283;
- plan revolution against government of Majority Socialists, vi: 283;
- insurrection of Jan., '19, vi: 287-290;
- Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg killed, vi: 289;
- defeated in elections for National Assembly, Jan., '19, vi: 290;
- instigate labor strikes, vi: 294;
- establish Soviet in Munich, Feb., '19, vi: 298, 300-301;
- establish Soviet in Leipzig, Feb., '19, vi: 299;
- second Berlin insurrection suppressed by Noske, Mar., '19, vi: 299-300;
- see also Germany, Internal politics.
- Spee, Adm. Count Maximilian,
- commander of German Far East Squadron, strategy of operations, iv: 59-62;
- defeats British in battle off Coronel, Nov. 1, '14, iv: 64-69;
- biography, ix: 306-309.
- Sperry gyro-compass, viii: 348.
- Spheres of influence, of Great Powers, i: 18.
- Spies,
- German, in United States, x: 326-348, 350;
- in England, x: 348;
- the "spy mill," x: 355;
- disclosure of tank secret by Mata-Hari, x: 360;
- dynamiting of Canadian railroad bridge, x: 368;
- plot to blow up Allied ships, x: 369-377;
- within French lines, x: 379.
- Spires of Oxford, poem by Winifred M. Letts, xi: 210.
- Spitaals-Bosschen, captured by 91st Div., Oct. 31, '18, v: 279.
- Sports, in A. E. F.,
- at Winchester Camp, vii: 288;
- in Army of Occupation, vii: 293;
- general athletic program under Y. M. C. A., vii: 313-317.
- Springfield rifle,
- standard arm of U. S. troops before War, v: 347;
- reason for abandonment during War and adoption of British type, v: 347, viii: 96;
- comparison of new U. S. type with, viii: 102-105;
- see also Rifles.
- Spruce, use in aircraft construction, viii: 308.
- Srpska Narodna Himna, Serbian national anthem, xi: 328.
- Stage Women's War Relief, organization and activities, vii: 343-349.
- Stanislau,
- captured by Austrians, Feb., '15, iii: 132;
- recaptured by Russians, Mar., '15, iii: 132;
- recaptured by Austrians, June, '15, iii: 136.
- Star shells, iv: 334, viii: 334.
- Star-spangled Banner, American national anthem, xi: 325.
- Stark, Col. Alexander, Chief Surgeon, First Army, v: 346.
- Stefanik, Gen., member of Czechoslovak provisional government, vi: 399.
- Stenay, captured by 90th Div., Nov. 10, '18, v: 272.
- Stern, Lieut.-Col. Sir A. G., share in development of tanks, viii: 155.
- Stock Exchange, New York, effect of War on, xii: 32.
- Stokes, Anson Phelps, Secretary of Yale University, educational survey of A. E. F., vii: 281.
- Stokes mortar, use as "artillery of accompaniment," viii: 141.
- Stone, Lieut.-Com. A. J., inventor of "Y" gun for launching depth bombs, iv: 332.
- Stonne, captured by 77th Div., Nov. 5, '18, v: 268.
- Storage tanks built by A. E. F. Engineers in France, v: 334.
- Storstad, S. S., Belgian relief ship sunk by U-boat, Mar. 8, '17, iv: 229.
- Strassburg, German cruiser in battle of Heligoland Bight, iv: 240.
- Strategy, of the War,
- Maj.-Gen. Maurice on, ii: Intro. vii-xxiv;
- Allied miscalculation of German strength, Aug., '14, ii: Intro. vii;
- British policy of combined land and naval attack, ii: Intro. viii;
- factors in formation of British military policy, ii: Intro. viii;
- importance of Eastern and Western theaters of war compared, ii: Intro. x-xxiii, 11-14, 87-90;
- Field-Marshal French's opinion, ii: 171-172;
- Lloyd George favors aggressive campaign against Austria, ii: Intro. x, xx;
- comparative advantages for Allies of Dardanelles and Austrian campaigns, ii: Intro. xii;
- advantageous position of Central Powers, ii: Intro. xiii;
- comparison of, in World War with that of Civil War, ii: Intro. xiii;
- value of Mesopotamian campaign, ii: Intro. xvi, 87-90;
- reasons for British campaign in Palestine, ii: Intro. xviii, xxi, 87-90;
- British position in secondary theaters of war, '17, ii: Intro. xix;
- advisability of Salonika expedition, ii: Intro. xix;
- Allies' problem, ii: Intro. xxi;
- Allies at strategical advantage, Aug., '18, ii: Intro. xxiii;
- general German war plans, '14, ii: 1-6, iv: 4-6, viii: 133;
- French plans, '14, ii: 6-11;
- German mistake in attacking France instead of Russia first, Aug., '14, ii: 11-16;
- probable results of a vigorous German offensive against Russia in '14, ii: 13;
- economic strategy, Allied blockade and German U-boat warfare, ii: 16-22;
- absence of unified Allied plan prior to '16, ii: 40;
- German battle positions compared with Allied, ii: 41;
- Allied plan for overcoming German advantage of position, ii: 41;
- German plans for '17, ii: 53;
- Allied plans for '17, ii: 54;
- reasons for German offensive of '18 and choice of front, ii: 63-69, 288;
- object of war, ii: 68;
- choice of Picardy front by Germans for final drive, '18, ii: 69;
- importance of Amiens, ii: 69;
- German operations in final drive, spring, '18, ii: 70-80, 97;
- Foch's defense against German drive, spring, '18, ii: 76, 77;
- theories of Foch on, ii: 80-82, 103-110, 137;
- destruction of opposing army the essential, ii: 80;
- of Foch, in Allied counter-offensive, July—Nov., '18, ii: 82-87, 97, v: 213;
- Allied, in Turkey, ii: 87-94;
- causes for failure of German war plans, ii: 99;
- German in '14, compared with that in wars of 1866 and 1870, ii: 115;
- necessity of frontal attacks on Western Front, ii: 116;
- Field-Marshal Haig's theories on, ii: 118-120;
- war of position on Western Front, ii: 148;
- task of Allied reserves during German offensive, '18, ii: 151;
- Russian war plans, explained by Chief of Staff Gen. Gourko, ii: 225;
- Germans defeated in open warfare, '18, ii: 288-290;
- importance of Bagdad railway, ii: 290;
- defined, iv: 1;
- relation of naval, to land, iv: 2;
- offensive defined, iv: 4;
- essentials of naval, iv: 4;
- criticism of Allied lack of action in Mediterranean, iv: 13;
- British and German aims in North Sea, iv: 86;
- Lord Fisher's criticism of British, iv: 140;
- German alternatives, '17—'18, v: 3;
- old-fashioned studies useless in present War, v: 40;
- see also
- campaign, engagement, or front;
- Foch;
- Germany;
- Tactics.
- Strauss, Rear-Adm. Joseph, in command of U. S. mine laying operations, iv: 328.
- Stretchers, improved types, viii: 377.
- Strong, Maj.-Gen. Frederick S., commander 40th Div., Aug., '18, v: 197.
- Strong, Dr. Richard P., in charge of U. S. typhus relief in Serbia, iii: 398, vii: 148.
- Strumnitza, French headquarters established at, Oct., '15, iii: 204.
- Stryj, captured by Germans June 1, '15, iii: 136.
- Strypa River, crossed by Russians June 8, '16, iii: 144.
- Sturdee, Vice-Adm. Sir Frederick, British commander at Battle of Falklands, iv: 69, ix: 308.
- StÜrgkh, Carl, Austrian Premier, killed, Oct. 21, '14, vi: 312.
- StÜrmer, Boris,
- Russian cabinet member, German agent, ii: 59;
- Torpedoes,
- description and use, iv: 307, viii: 266, xi: 245-258;
- device for launching from air, iv: 335.
- Toul,
- headquarters of First Army, Aug., '18, v: 193;
- important fortified city, v: 199.
- Toul sector, taken over by A. E. F., Jan. 19, '18, v: 115.
- Tours,
- A. E. F. Air Service Training School at, v: 313;
- headquarters of S. O. S., v: 332.
- Towers, Commander, in command of N-C flying boats on trans-Atlantic flight, viii: 240.
- Townshend, Gen. Sir Charles,
- besieged in Kut-el-Amara by Turks, iii: 183, 318-320, xi: 29;
- forced to surrender Apr. 29, '16, iii: 183, 319, xi: 29;
- biography, ix: 194.
- Tracer bullets, viii: 211.
- Tractors, artillery,
- U. S., number in use in France, v: 350;
- supplant horses, viii: 40.
- Transloy-Loupart line, captured by British, Mar.,'17, iii: 66.
- Transports,
- Ludendorff's account of German efforts to sink U. S. troopships, ii: 317-318;
- account by Adm. Gleaves of first expedition of U. S. troops to France, June,'17, iv: 157-162;
- list of ships carrying U. S. troops across Atlantic for first time, June,'17, iv: 160;
- equipment and escort of, by U. S. Navy, iv: 160, 165;
- transportation of A. E. F. overseas, with statistics on number of troops carried and number and nationality of troopships and convoys used, iv: 162-165 , v: 285, 379, xii: 94-95, xii: 283;
- British, statistics on troops carried, iv: 239;
- U. S., attacked by submarines, accounts of, iv: 335-343.
- Transvaal, see South Africa, Union of.
- Transylvania,
- invasion of, by Rumanians, Aug.,'16, ii: 60, iii: 217-218;
- desire for possession cause of Rumania's entry into War, iii: 214, vi: 349;
- topography of frontier, iii: 214;
- Rumanians defeated and expelled from, by Falkenhayn, Sept.—Oct.,'16, iii: 220;
- attitude of inhabitants to Rumanian invasion, vi: 313.
- Trawlers,
- use in patrol and minesweeping, iv: 292;
- battle with submarine, iv: 294.
- Treaties,
- Allied agreement not to make separate peace, i: 146;
- treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Russia and Germany, Mar.,' 18, ii: 63, 273, vi: 183, 268;
- Quadruple Treaty (Treaty of London) between Italy and Allies, price for Italian participation in War, Apr., '15, vi: 122, 361;
- Trotzky publishes Russian secret treaties, vi: 183, ix: 118;
- secret agreements among Allies for partition of Turkey, '16—'17, vi: 334;
- agreement between Rumania and Allies as price for Rumanian entry into War, '16, vi: 349;
- treaty of Bucharest between Rumania and Central Powers, May,'17, vi: 352;
- pre-War agreements between Germany and Allies revived by Treaty of Versailles, xii: 231;
- agreements among Central Powers abrogated by Treaty of Versailles, xii: 232;
- treaties between Germany and Rumania abrogated by Treaty of Versailles, xii: 232;
- treaties between Germany and Russia abrogated by Treaty of Versailles, xii: 232;
- see also
- Alliances;
- Peace Treaty with Germany, Versailles, '19.
- Trebizond, captured by Russians, Apr. 18,'16, ii: 92, iii: 263.
- Treitschke, Heinrich von,
- German historian, exposition of Kultur, i: 66;
- theory of supremacy of State, i: 148;
- biography, i: 174;
- philosophy compared with Carlyle's, i: 175;
- theory of German greatness, i: 175;
- hatred for England, i: 175;
- summary of political philosophy, i: 177;
- American student's recollection of, i: 178.
- Trench Duty, poem by Siegfried Sassoon, ix: 282.
- Trench feet, viii: 396.
- Trench warfare,
- adoption by Germans after retreat from Marne, Sept., '14, ii: Intro. vii, 11, iii: 37, viii: 134, xi: 12, 253;
- opposed by Field-Marshal French, ii: 171;
- compared with "war of movement" by German military critic, ii: 259;
- description of German trench system, ii: 275, viii: 124-130;
- use of barbed wire as defensive barrier, ii: 276, viii: 136, 152;
- value of tanks in, ii: 276, viii: 140-143, 150, 161;
- use of machine guns in, ii: 288, viii: 134-136;
- life in, iii: 286, x: 65-71, xi: 171-173;
- French defensive system, v: 12-17;
- night fighting, viii: 74;
- reasons for adoption in place of open warfare, viii: 123;
- kinds of trenches, viii: 123;
- description of Russian trenches, viii: 123;
- disadvantages of trenches as defensive system, viii: 129;
- "pill-boxes," viii: 130-132;
- use of artillery in, viii: 132-133, 136-141;
- see also
- Barbed wire;
- Machine gun;
- Tanks.
- Trentino, see Italian Front.
- Trepov, Russian Premier, forced to resign, '17, vi: 143.
- Treves,
- bombed by French airmen, Sept. 13, '15, i: 382;
- Oct. 1, '17, i: 392.
- Trevier, Belgian relief ship sunk by U-boat, iv: 230.
- Trieste,
- unsuccessful Italian offensives against,' 16—'17, ii: 52, 246, iii: 246, xi: 26;
- promised by Allies to Italy as war prize, vi: 122, 361;
- American troops landed at, to preserve peace between Italians and Jugoslavs, vi: 366;
- sinking of Austrian battleships Wien and Monarch in harbor of, by Italians, x: 290.
- Trinitrotoluol (T. N. T.),
- composition and explosive properties, viii: 6;
- American output of, xii: 285.
- Triple Alliance, of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy,
- formation, 1882, i: 95;
- terms, i: 95;
- military strength, i: 95;
- solidity of union between Germany and Austria, i: 208;
- Italian position in, i: 255;
- French estimate of, ii: 4;
- repudiated by Italy, ii: 48, vi: 115;
- see also Foreign policy, under name of country.
- Triple Entente, of France, Russia, and Great Britain, formation, i: 98, 106;
- not a treaty-bound alliance, i: 103, 218;
- Franco-Russian treaty of July,'12, i: 107;
- Anglo-French agreement for united action against "third power," Nov., '12, i: 107, 220;
- attitude to outbreak of War, i: 129;
- agreement not to make separate peace, Aug. 4,'14, i: 146;
- German estimate of military effectiveness, ii: 2;
- see also Foreign policy, under name of country.
- Tripoli,
- Turkish territory in north Africa, seized by Italy, i: 109;
- town in Syria, captured by Allies, Oct.,'18, iii: 199.
- Tritton, Sir William, share in developing tank as fighting machine, viii: 155, xi: 257.
- Triumph, British battleship.
- at Gallipoli, iv: 31;
- sunk by U-boat, May 26, '15, iv: 50.
- Trois Fontaines, conference between Marshal Foch and Secretary Baker at, Oct. 4, '18, xii: 285.
- Tronsol Farm, captured by 182nd Brig., Sept. 28, '18, v: 229.
- Trophies of War, Peace Treaty provisions for return of, by Germany, to France,
- arrival and training overseas, v: 197;
- summary of history, v: 357;
- units composing, v: 357;
- casualties, v: 357.
7th Division, - arrival and training in France, v: 198;
- starts first offensive as part of Second Army, Nov. 10, '18, v: 277, 279;
- summary of history, v: 357;
- casualties, v: 357;
- units composing, v: 358.
8th Division, - summary of history, v: 368;
- in Siberia, v: 368;
- in Germany, v: 368;
- units composing, v: 368.
26th Division, - arrival and training in France, v: 6-12, 108, 117-118;
- raided by Germans at Seicheprey, Apr. 20, '18, v: 28, 122;
- goes into position on Marne sector, July 9, '18, v: 46, 138;
- in second battle of the Marne, July 15—24, '18, v: 56, 58, 130, 155, 168, 183, 184-186, x: 76-78;
- tributes from Pershing and Degoutte, v: 191-192;
- in St. Mihiel drive, Sept., '18, v: 65, 68, 202, 211, 386;
- in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Oct.—Nov., '18, v: 86-87, 220, 252, 270-272, x: 78-79;
- goes into Toul sector, Apr., '18, v: 120;
- casualties in second Marne battle, July, '18, v: 186;
- summary of history, v: 358;
- units composing, v: 358;
- total casualties, v: 358;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 358.
27th Division, - organization and training in U. S., v: 196, 281-284, 358;
- arrival and training in France, v: 196, 284-286;
- war record, v: 358, 393;
- by Maj.-Gen. O'Ryan, v: 281-300;
- with Gen. Byng's Third British Army, July, '18, v: 286;
- operations with British in Flanders, July—Aug., '18, v: 286-290;
- breaks through Hindenburg Line with British Fourth Army, Sept.—Oct., '18, v: 290-297, 393;
- casualties in assault of Hindenburg Line, v: 295;
- return to U. S., v: 299;
- commendation from Field-Marshal Haig, v: 299;
- total casualties, v: 358;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 358.
28th Division, - in second battle of the Marne and pursuit of Germans across Vesle River, July—Aug., '18, v: 53, 56, 60, 62, 130, 153-154, 183-184, 188, 190, 383;
- praise by Pershing and Degoutte, v: 191-192;
- drives Germans from the Vesle to the Aisne, Aug.—Sept., '18, v: 62, 260, 383-384;
- in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept.—Oct., '18, v: 74, 78, 218, 220-221, 225, 227, 229, 231, 237-239, 241, 243, 388;
- arrival in France, v: 128;
- training in France, v: 143;
- sent to Marne sector as reserve to French army defending road to Paris, June, '18, v: 143, 153;
- casualties in second Marne battle, July 15—21, '18, v: 184;
- captures AprÉmont, Sept. 28, '18, v: 229;
- captures Le ChÊne Tondu, Oct. 4, '18, v: 239;
- captures ChÂtel Chehery, Oct. 7, '18, v: 243;
- operations as part of Second Army in direction of Metz and Briey, Nov., '18, v: 274-279;
- summary of history, v: 358;
- units composing, v: 359;
- total casualties, v: 359;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 359.
29th Division, - in Meuse-Argonne Offensive,
- Sept.—Oct. '18, v: 74, 86, 244, 246, 252;
- captures Etraye ridge, Oct. 23, '18, v: 86, 252;
- organization and arrival in France, v: 146, 359;
- casualties in Meuse-Argonne battles, v: 253;
- summary of history, v: 359;
- units composing, v: 359;
- total casualties, v: 359;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 359.
30th Division, - arrival and training in France, v: 146, 300;
- with British in Belgium, July—Aug., '18, v: 286, 300;
- summary of organization, v: 300, 359;
- breaks through St. Quentin Tunnel sector of Hindenburg Line, Sept.—Oct., '18, v: 301-303, 393; casualties, v: 359;
- units composing, v: 360;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 360.
31st Division, - history, v: 368;
- units composing, v: 368.
32nd Division, - drives Germans to Vesle in Allied counter-offensive on Marne salient, July—Aug., '18, v: 60-61, 62, 130, 188-190, 383;
- praise by Pershing and Degoutte, v: 191-192;
- captures Cierges, July 31, '18, v: 60, 188;
- captures Fismes, Aug. 6, '18, v: 61, 189;
- captures Juvigny, Aug. 30, '18, v: 62, 258-259, 384;
- in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept.—Oct., '18, v: 74, 80, 83-85, 231, 237, 240-241, 245, 247-248, 250, 252, 389;
- captures Gesnes, Oct. 5, '18, v: 81, 240;
- captures Bantheville, Oct. 18, '18, v: 84-85, 252;
- arrival in France, v: 119, 360;
- casualties in Marne offensive, July—Aug., '18, v: 190;
- captures Romagne, Oct. 14, '18, v: 250;
- summary of history, v: 360;
- units composing, casualties, v: 360;
- in Army of Occupation, 360, 395.
33rd Division, - in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept.—Oct., '18, v: 74, 78, 83, 219, 224-225, 228, 230, 234, 236, 244, 246, 388;
- arrival and training in France under British, v: 144, 260;
- attack on Hamel with Australians, July 4, '18, v: 144, 260;
- with British in attack near Amiens, Aug., '18, v: 260;
- summary of history, v: 360;
- units composing, v: 360;
- casualties, v: 360;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 360.
34th Division, - summary of history, v: 368;
- units composing, v: 369.
35th Division, - in First Army reserve in St. Mihiel drive, Sept., '18, v: 66, 203;
- in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept., '18, v: 74, 220, 225, 227, 229, 231, 388;
- arrival and training in France, v: 128, 197;
- captures Charpentry and Baulny, Sept. 27, '18, v: 227;
- unsuccessful attack on Exermont, Sept. 29, '18, v: 231;
- summary of history, v: 361;
- units composing, v: 361;
- casualties, v: 361;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 361.
36th Division, - arrival in France, v: 196;
- operations with French Fourth Army in Champagne, Oct., '18, v: 254, 257-258, 393;
- casualties in Champagne, v: 258;
- summary of history, v: 361;
- units composing, v: 361;
- total casualties, v: 361;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 361.
37th Division, in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept., '18, v: 74, 78-79, 219, 224, 227, 229-231, 388; - operations in Belgium, Oct.—Nov., '18, v: 83, 279-280, 393;
- arrival in France, v: 145;
- casualties in Belgian campaign, v: 280;
- summary of history, v: 361;
- units composing, v: 362;
- total casualties, v: 362;
- prisoners and guns captured, v: 362.
38th Division, - organization and summary of history, v: 369;
- units composing, v: 369.
39th Division (5th Depot), - organization and summary of history, v: 198, 369;
- units composing, v: 369.
40th Division (6th Depot), - organization and summary of history, v: 197, 369;
- units composing, v: 370.
41st Division (1st Depot), - organization and summary of history, v: 109, 370;
- units composing, v: 370.
42nd Division, - arrival and training in France, v: 6-12, 21, 109, 118, 142;
- in the Vosges (Baccarat) sector, v: 21, 28, 118, 142;
- joins French Fourth Army in Champagne defensive, July, '18, v: 44-51, 129-130, 142-143, 155-158;
- in Allied counter-offensive on Marne salient, July 25—Aug. 2, '18, v: 56, 58-61, 130, 186-189, 383;
- praise by Pershing and Degoutte, v: 191-192;
- takes ForÊt de FÈre and crosses Ourcq in pursuit of Germans, July 26—28, '18, v:
rop acreage, '10—'18, xii: 38;
- crop yields, '10—'18, xii: 39;
- Hoover's report on European relief, xii: 42;
- war-time government control, xii: 46, xii: 59, xii: 140;
- Sugar Equalization Board, functions, xii: 46;
- war-time sugar distribution, xii: 46;
- potato crop, xii: 47;
- "fair price" lists, xii: 54;
- functions of Food Administration, xii: 59, xii: 140;
- statistics on quantity and prices, June, '18—June, '19, xii: 61-65;
- price comparisons, '13—'19, xii: 64;
- wheat exports to Allies, July 1, '17—July 1, '18, xii: 141;
- consumption statistics, xii: 142;
- production statistics, '18—'19, xii: 143;
- wheat production, '18—'19, xii: 143;
- meat production, '18—'19, xii: 144;
- corn crop, '18, xii: 144;
- reasons for high prices, xii: 144;
- see also under U. S., Cost of living.
Food Administration, see under U. S., Food. Foreign relations, - policy of isolation, i: 50;
- abandonment of policy of isolation, i: 52-58;
- early relations with China and Japan, i: 53;
- African interests, i: 54;
- Congo policy, i: 54;
- armed expeditions sent beyond borders, 1836—1861, i: 54;
- intervention in Cuba, i: 56;
- "open door" policy in China, i: 57;
- Root-Takahira agreement, '08, i: 57;
- Lansing-Ishii Note, '17, i: 58;
- policy in Venezuelan controversy with Germany, '02, i: 86;
- participation in European conferences, i: 86;
- participation in Algeciras Conference, '06, i: 86;
- German plans for subjugation of U. S., i: 87-88;
- arbitration treaties, i: 103;
- emergence from War as World Power, i: 371;
- after-War mission, i: 372.
Fuel Administration, see under U. S., Coal. German-owned property, extent, xii: 33-34. Industries during War, - regulations for conservation of leather by War Industries Board, xii: 53;
- duties and powers of War Industries Board, xii: 72;
- priority system, xii: 73-75;
- distribution of war contracts, xii: 74;
- response to war needs, xii: 115;
- creation of Council of National Defense, xii: 115;
- duties of Council of National Defense, xii: 116;
- pre-War movement for industrial preparedness, xii: 117;
- pre-War activities of Advisory Commission, Council of National Defense, xii: 118;
- committees of Council of National Defense, xii: 122;
- organization and personnel of War Industries Board, xii: 125;
- share in final victory, xii: 126;
- see also under U. S., Council of National Defense, Labor.
Labor, - women in war industries, xii: 25;
- war-time safeguards for workers, xii: 66;
- organizing for war production, xii: 67;
- Employment Service of Department of Labor, war-time activities, xii: 67;
- war-time strikes, xii: 68;
- importance in winning War, xii: 68-69;
- size of working population, xii: 71;
- immigration as source of labor supply, xii: 71;
- war-time dislocation, xii: 71;
- Mediation Commission for settling labor unrest, xii: 71;
- activities of Advisory Labor Council, xii: 71;
- Gen. Crowder's "Work or fight" order, xii: 72;
- women as railway workers during War, xii: 84;
- settlement of war-time disputes in shipyards,
- established, May, '18, xii: 279;
- area and population, xii: 279.
Yankee (26th) Division, see U. S., Army. Yarmouth, bombarded by German raiders, Nov. 3, '14, iv: 244. Yemen, Imamate of, established, '18, xii: 279. York, Sgt. Alvin C., - account of exploits as fighter, x: 13-18;
- gets Congressional Medal of Honor, x: 400.
Young, Lt.-Com. E. Hilton, account of Zeebrugge Raid, iv: 269-279. Young, Lieut. I. E. R., account of air battle against German raiders over London, x: 215. Young Men's Christian Association: - American, organization for war work and program of activities, vii: 261-266;
- recognition by War Department as welfare agency, vii: 262;
- personnel, number and character, vii: 266;
- casualties in overseas service, vii: 267;
- women's work with, overseas, vii: 267-271;
- Work in A. E. F. leave areas, vii: 269;
- at the front with combat troops, vii: 271-277;
- award of Distinguished Service Crosses to workers, vii: 272;
- with the "Lost Battalion," vii: 273;
- huts used as targets by Germans, vii: 274;
- awards of Croix de Guerre to workers, vii: 275, 313;
- hotels for service men, vii: 277;
- entertainment for service men, vii: 277-279;
- educational work for A. E. F., vii: 280-283, 290;
- religious activities among troops, vii: 283-285;
- activities for A. E. F. in United Kingdom, vii: 286-290;
- Eagle Hut in London, vii: 288, 300; in Italy, vii: 290;
- with Army of Occupation, vii: 291-293;
- with A. E. F. in Russia and Siberia, vii: 293-298;
- Navy service, vii: 298-302;
- Navy Hut at Brest, vii: 302;
- work among prisoners of war, Allied and Teuton, vii: 302-310;
- care of American war prisoners in Germany, vii: 309;
- Foyers du Soldats for French soldiers, vii: 310-313;
- Foyers du Marin for French sailors, vii: 313;
- athletics for A. E. F., vii: 313-317;
- work for Russian army and civilians, vii: 318-319.
- British,
- in Egypt, vii: 321, 322;
- at Gallipoli, vii: 321;
- in Sudan, vii: 322;
- in Palestine and Jerusalem, vii: 322-323;
- in Mesopotamia, vii: 324.
- Indian, welfare work in India, vii: 327.
- International,
- in Egypt, vii: 322;
- in Mesopotamia, vii: 324-327.
Young Turks, force constitutional government in Turkey, '08, i: 109. Ypres, battles of: - Oct.—Nov., '14, ii: 144, iii: 41;
- Field-Marshal French's account, ii: 170-171.
- Apr., '15, first use of gas in warfare by Germans, ii: 222, iii: 42, 288, 320, xi: 316.
- July—Oct., '17, iii: 78-79;
- Haig's account of use of artillery in, ii: 128.
- Apr., '18, ii: 153;
- description by Philip Gibbs, iii: 360-363.
Yser, battles of, - Oct., '14, ii: 220, iii: 40;
- July, '17, iii: 77-78.
Yudenitch, Gen., Russian commander, campaign against and capture of Erzerum, iii: 262-263. - Z
- Zabern incident, i: 72.
- Zeebrugge Raid,
- British exploit in blocking German submarine base on Belgian coast, Apr., '18, iv: 261-279;
- ships participating, iv: 262;
- official Admiralty report, iv: 262-265;
- Capt. Carpenter's account, iv: 266-268;
- British casualties, iv: 268;
- account of Lieut.-Com. Young of Vindictive, iv: 269-279.
- Zemstvos, Russian, congress of,
- prohibited by Protopopov, vi: 143;
- succeeded by local "soviets," vi: 164;
- war-time activities, xii: 82.
- Zemtchug, Russian cruiser sunk by German raider Emden, Oct. 28, '14, iv: 179.
- Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand von, inventor of Zeppelin dirigible airships, biography, ix: 250-252.
- Zeppelins,
- description of structural features, with discussion of utility during war and peace, ii: 262-269, viii: 241-254;
- raids on England, ii: 266, iii: 41, viii: 246, see also Air raids;
- exploit of Sub-Lieut. Warneford in bringing down first Zeppelin of War, ii: 269, x: 223-225;
- development in construction, '14—'18, viii: 241;
- compared with airplanes, viii: 241-245;
- flight of L-59 to Egypt, viii: 243.
- Zigzagging, as defense against U-boat attack, iv: 310.
- Zimmermann, Dr. Alfred F. M., German Foreign Secretary,
- attempt to force from Ambassador Gerard guarantees for German-owned property in U. S., i: 345;
- text of note attempting to involve Mexico and Japan in war against U. S., i: 347.
- Zouaves, description, xi: 189.