- A
- Aboukir, British cruiser, iv: 206.
- Aden, harbor of, vi: 330.
- Aerial photographs, being assembled to form map of enemy country, viii: 235.
- Aeronautics:
- Airplanes,
- Wright-Martin reconnaissance plane, ii: 124;
- directing artillery fire, ii: 129;
- in Palestine (in color), ii: facing p. 220;
- target as seen from height, ii: 354;
- Italian fighting plane, iii: 243;
- British airplanes in mass formation, iii: 383;
- attacking submarine, iv: 83, 198, 285;
- mechanism for launching from deck of battleship, iv: 141;
- construction of, viii: 218;
- in color, iv: facing p. 286;
- torpedo-plane, iv: 306;
- aviator "true-ing" plane, v: 311;
- assembling Liberty planes in France, v: 313;
- British flyer dropping wreath on comrade's grave inside German lines, vii: 188;
- aviator dropping bombs,viii: 219;
- in color, viii: frontispiece;
- plane starting flight (in color), viii: facing p. 188;
- Spad plane, viii: 190;
- Richthofen's "Traveling Circus," viii: 191;
- De Haviland-4, viii: 192, xi: 217;
- machine-gun mountings on, viii: 193, 209, 211;
- German armored plane, showing detail of construction, viii: 195;
- German night bomber, viii: 202;
- German hydroplane, viii: 203;
- Handley-Page bomber, viii: 204, 220;
- manufacture of propellers, viii: 205, 239;
- Leoning monoplane, viii: 207;
- Curtis triplane, viii: 210;
- British seaplanes, viii: 213, 237;
- camouflaged carrier-ship for, viii: 215;
- bomb-carrying devices on, viii: 219, 224, 227;
- German Albatross, viii: 222;
- Caproni triplane, viii: 223;
- Martin bomber, viii: 234;
- a U. S. two-seater (in color), viii: facing p. 348;
- airplane ambulance, viii: 368;
- A. E. F. hangar in France, x: 124;
- an air duel, x: 204;
- in battle formation, x: 217, 228;
- Burgess tractor, x: 392;
- patrolling over A. E. F. sector, xi: 138;
- Curtiss biplane, xi: 215;
- Wright warplane, xi: 218;
- inspection before flight, xi: 220;
- testing engine before installation, xi: 221;
- circling above U. S. battleship Connecticut, xi: 223;
- U. S. pursuit plane, xi: 225;
- skeleton of airplane body, xi: 227;
- planes used for carrying Pershing's mail, xi: 348.
- Balloons, French sausage type, iii: 305, viii: 260;
- operating with naval convoy, iv: 289;
- uses of hydrogen vs. helium for inflation of, viii: 244;
- U. S. sausage type, viii: 258;
- French spherical type, viii: 261;
- cable reel of kite balloon, viii: 262.
- Dirigibles, Zeppelin being guided by lighthouse, ii: 265;
- interior of a Zeppelin, ii: 269;
- British dirigible convoying U. S. troopship, iv: 291;
- French type, viii: 242;
- repairing a French type, viii: 245;
- early type of Zeppelin, viii: 247;
- Zeppelin L-49 shot down by French, viii: 249;
- interior of British R-34, viii: 251;
- fuel tanks on Zeppelin L-49, viii: 253;
- R-34 being filled with gas at Mineola, viii: 255;
- U. S. type, viii: 256;
- pilot's gondola on a Zeppelin, x: 226;
- Zeppelin L-15 sinking, x: 361.
- Aeroplanes,
- see Aeronautics, Airplanes.
- Africa,
- battle scene in, iii: 251;
- scene in German East Africa, iii: 255;
- natives, vi: 48.
- Agadir, i: 106.
- Airplanes, see Aeronautics.
- Air raids,
- funeral of English victims, ii: 300;
- London school children seeking shelter under desks, vii: 361;
- protection of French works of art against, x: 364.
- Airships, see Aeronautics, Balloons, Dirigibles.
- Aisne River,
- A. E. F. advance trenches near, v: 259;
- airplane view of French hospital on, vii: 63.
- Albatross airplane, viii: 222.
- Albert,
- ruins of, in color, i: facing p. 300;
- ruins of Church of Notre Dame, xi: 23.
- Algeciras Conference, i: 99.
- Alnwick Castle, British liner, iv: 231.
- Alpini, iii: 228.
- Alps,
- scene on Austro-Italian border, ii: 237;
- Austrian stronghold on, ii: 241.
- Alsace,
- a valley in, iii: 21;
- forest behind trenches, iii: 47;
- American troops entering, May 27, '18, v: 267.
- Alsace-Lorraine,
- German lookout tower, i: 221;
- reunion with France symbolized, ii: 391.
- Ambulances,
- group of American drivers and cars, vii: 31, 213;
- French, mounted on auto trucks, vii: 202;
- American, at Verdun, vii: 207, 251;
- improvised British, in Mesopotamia, vii: 260;
- gathering wounded after battle, vii: 400, xi: 209;
- dog-drawn, viii: 378;
- woman driver, x: 186;
- see also
- under country, Army;
- Hospita
ritish indifference to American submarine losses, iv: 229;
- frightfulness of war, iv: 232;
- use of works of art as defense, v: 13.
- Italian,
- extent of British Empire, i: 122;
- on U. S. entry into war, i: 299;
- on Italian neutrality, ii: 359;
- Germany's invasion of Belgium, iii: 274.
- Japanese, German reverses, iv: 175.
- Norwegian, German conception of freedom of the sea, i: 357.
- Unidentified, intervention of Powers to save Turkey, 1878, i: 41.
- Cartridges, kinds, viii: 60.
- Casement, Sir Roger, German passport of, ix: 52.
- Castle, Vernon, flying, xi: 214.
- Catapult,
- used for launching airplanes, iv: 141;
- use in hauling grenades, viii: 119.
- Cavell, Edith,
- funeral procession entering Westminster Abbey, x: 177;
- Norwich memorial to, x: 180.
- Chamber of Deputies, French, xi: 2.
- Chasseur Alpin, in color, ii: frontispiece.
- ChÂteau-Thierry,
- river front, ii: 82;
- bird's-eye view, ii: 156, v: 34: x. 4;
- ruins of, ii: 272;
- street barricade, v: 61;
- company of 26th Div. going out of action at, v: 153.
- Chaumont, Pershing's headquarters at, vii: 317.
- Chavaniac, ChÂteau of,
- Lafayette's birthplace, vii: 110, xi: 6;
- interior view, vii: 113.
- Chemical warfare,
- gas mask adjusted for use, v: 140;
- filling tanks with phosgene, v: 322;
- filling shells with mustard gas, v: 323, viii: 165;
- testing an American gas mask, v: 325;
- American "Model 1919" gas mask, v: 326;
- gas training for American troops, viii: 121;
- poison gas in iron drums, viii: 163;
- effect of gas on leather gloves, viii: 167;
- filling shells with phosgene, viii: 169;
- frozen cube of mustard gas, viii: 172;
- early types of gas masks, viii: 174, 175;
- French "Model M-2" gas mask, viii: 175;
- American "Model K. T." gas mask, viii: 176;
- types of gas masks used by different belligerents, viii: 177;
- diagram of gas mask, viii: 178;
- views of U. S. poison gas plant at Edgewood Arsenal, viii: 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187;
- gas masks for horses, xi: 315;
- Germans under gas attack, xi: 317;
- a gas attack before invention of masks, xi: 319.
- Chemin des Dames, soldiers exploring captured territory, ii: 78.
- Children in war:
- American,
- cultivating war garden, ii: 17;
- new commander-in-chief (in color), xi: facing p. 368.
- Armenian, refugees from Turkey at Salonika, vii: 369.
- Belgian,
- greeting British relief worker, vii: 134;
- wounded, vii: 242;
- under care of Red Cross, xi: 85;
- refugees in France, xi: 86.
- British,
- London school-children in air raid drill, vii: 361;
- as war gardeners, xi: 364, 367.
- French,
- making friends with American soldiers, v: 164, xi: 81;
- outfitted with clothing by American Fund for French Wounded, vii: 102;
- cared for by Red Cross, vii: 200, 201, 368;
- war nurseries, vii: 211, 217;
- going to school with gas masks, vii: 352;
- being photographed with mothers by Germans for identification, xi: 59;
- school in war zone, xi: 66;
- little soldier asleep, xi: 70;
- repatriated war refugees, xi: 75;
- seeking safety in cellars, xi: 76;
- offering prayers of thanksgiving, xi: 78;
- treasuring presents of toys, xi: 79;
- American Red Cross worker with little refugee, xi: 87;
- Red Cross sketches used in educational campaign for proper care of, xi: 87-90;
- refugees at La JonchÈre Sanatorium, xi: 91;
- playing at war, xi: 120, 374, 376, 379, 381, 383, 385;
- posing for doughboy (in color), xi: facing p. 270;
- tribute to marching U.S. soldiers (in color), xi: facing p. 324;
- school-girls waiting to welcome Gen. PÉtain, xii: 114.
- German, day home for soldiers' children in Berlin, xi: 64.
- Italian,
- group of war refugees, xi: 67;
- young hero, xi: 68;
- in underground Venetian school, xi: 69;
- refugees in London, xi: 92.
- Russian, Archangel school-children, xi: 379.
- Serbian,
- war orphans, vii: 148;
- the little sergeant, xi: 71;
- war sufferers, xi: 73.
- See also
- Christmas card for Kaiser from Uncle Sam (in color), xi: facing p. 248.
- City of Portland, U. S. motor ship, launching of, xii: 96.
- Clemenceau, Georges,
- boyhood home, ix: 4;
- scene of attempted assassination, ix: 9;
- pen with which signed Peace Treaty, ix: 13.
- Cleveland, view of docks and shipping, xii: 148.
- Colmar, iii: 66.
- Cologne, bridge across Rhine at, i: 157.
- Colt machine-gun, viii: 80;
- mounted on motor cycle, viii: 81;
- use against air craft, viii: 83.
- Committee of Mercy,
- caring for Belgian children, vii: 134;
- helping refugees from Louvain, vii: 137.
- Congress, U. S., President Wilson addressing, i: 329.
- Connecticut, U. S. battleship, xi: 222.
- Constantinople,
- general view, i: 60, iii: 369, vi: 345;
- Galata Bridge, iii: 165;
- Golden Horn, iv: 29, vi: 337;
- Mosque of St. Sophia, vi: 232;
- Imperial Treasury, vi: 233.
- Constanza, harbor of, i: 199.
- Convoy system, Allied, iv: 7.
- Copenhagen, bird's-eye view, i: 132.
- Cornell University, machine-gun squad, xi: 157.
- Cornwallis, British, battleship in action at Dardanelles, iv: 42.
- Cossack troops, ii: 233, iii: 130, vi: 195.
- Cracow,
- Florian Gate, vi: 203;
- Cathedral, vi: 204.
- Craonne, ruins of French church after bombardment, i: 396.
- Crillon, Hotel, headquarters of American peace delegation at Paris, xii: 245.
- Culebra Cut, Panama Canal, i: 85.
- Curtis triplane, viii: 210.
- Curtiss biplane, xi: 215.
- Cyprus, scene during ceremonies of British annexation of, i: 176.
- Czechoslovak girls in native dress, vi: 398.
- D
- Daffodil, British ferry boat, after Zeebrugge raid, iv: 270.
- Danton, French battleship, iv: 377.
- Danube River, iii: 217.
- Danzig, vi: 296.
- Dardanelles, iv: 21, vi: 329;
- night bombardment at, by British warships, x: 36.
- Dartmouth College, student regiment at drill, xi: 157.
- De Haviland-4 airplane, viii: 192, xi: 217.
- De Wet, Gen., surrender to Gen. Botha, iii: 254.
- Dead,
- after a battle in Flanders, ii: 117;
- field strewn with Allied dead, ii: 194;
- poilu saluting grave of comrade (in color), iii: facing p. 100;
- Serbians killed in defending Belgrade, iii: 283;
- German outposts killed on Galician front, iii: 291;
- loading trawlers with the killed in Gallipoli fighting for burial at sea, iv: 52;
- Italians killed in front of Austrian positions, vi: 310;
- Armenians murdered by Turks, vii: 96;
- gravestones for A. E. F. buried in France, x: 115;
- cartload of, from battlefield, x: 349.
- Decorations,
- German Crown Prince bestowing Iron Cross, ii: 39;
- first recipients of Croix de Guerre, iii: 12;
- Clemenceau decorating a priest, iii: 85;
- Rumani
el Hill,
- fight for, ii: 152;
- French post on, v: 289.
- Kiel,
- harbor of, ii: 56;
- U-boat dry dock in Canal, iv: 202.
- Kiev,
- street scene, vi: 240;
- history museum, vi: 244.
- Knights of Columbus,
- serving members of "Lost Battalion" after rescue, vii: 329;
- group of secretaries at Lafayette Monument, Paris, vii: 330;
- providing music for troops on leave, vii: 332;
- hut on Broadway, New York City, vii: 333;
- group of workers in battle area, vii: 335;
- helping wounded, vii: 336;
- in Verdun, vii: 337;
- in the Argonne, vii: 338.
- Knitting,
- in Central Park, New York, vii: 123;
- New York firemen doing their bit, vii: 125.
- KÖniggrÄtz,
- defeat of Austrians by Prussians in battle of, i: 42;
- occupation by Prussians, 1866, i: 47.
- KÖnigsberg, iii: 290.
- Kremlin, the, Moscow, ii: 234.
- Kronprinz Wilhelm, German sea raider, iv: 196.
- Krupp works, Essen, ii: 106.
- Kut-el-Amara,
- native bazaar, iii: 181;
- banks of Tigris at, iii: 183;
- group of venerable inhabitants, iii: 318.
- L
- L-15, German Zeppelin, sinking, x: 361.
- L-49, Zeppelin,
- captured by French, viii: 249;
- fuel tanks on, viii: 253.
- Lafayette, Marquis de,
- tomb, Pershing's visit to, v: 99;
- birthplace, vii: 110, xi: 7;
- Paris Monument, vii: 330;
- Brooklyn Monument, xi: 7.
- Lafayette Fund, soldier's kit, vii: 88.
- Laundry, on wheels for army, viii: 288.
- Le Mans, Y. W. C. A. hostess house at, vii: 272.
- Leipzig, German cruiser, iv: 75.
- Lemberg, iii: 121, vi: 160;
- German troops entering, xi: 203.
- Leoning monoplane, viii: 207.
- Leviathan, U.S. transport,
- bringing home 27th Div., v: 298;
- entering N.Y. harbor, vii: 382.
- Lewis machine-gun, v: 240, viii: 86.
- Liberty Bell, vi: 227.
- Liberty Loan, posters, x: 339, 353, xi: 109, xii: 7, xii: 14, xii: 128, xii: 131.
- Liberty Motor, viii: 194, 197, 198, 199.
- LiÉge,
- bird's-eye view, i: 336;
- Meuse bridge, iii: 6.
- Ligny, battle of, in Franco-Prussian War, i: 65.
- Lille,
- German troops in, i: 172;
- airplane view of, viii: 231.
- Lion, flagship of Adm. Beatty,
- at battle of Jutland, iv: 147;
- after battle off Dogger Bank, iv: 252.
- Liquid fire, x: 19.
- Lisbon, celebrating declaration of war, vi: 374.
- Locomotives, U. S.,
- ready for shipment overseas, v: 195;
- building of (in color), viii: facing p. 282;
- being assembled in France x: 391.
- Locust Point, ruins of fire suspected of German incendiary origin, i: 279.
- London,
- Buckingham Palace and Queen Victoria's monument, i: 127;
- scene in front of Buckingham Palace on night of declaration of war, i: 138;
- crowd in front of Royal Exchange listening to King's reading of war proclamation, i: 145;
- night illumination for search of German air raiders, i: 151;
- mass meeting to urge internment of Germans, ii: 259;
- view from Westminster Abbey, vi: 4;
- anti-conscription demonstration, vi: 7;
- recruiting scene, vi: 8;
- Lord Mayor's Show, vi: 9;
- Tower of, vi: 11;
- anti-German riot, x: 334.
- London Scottish, charging at Messines, x: 45.
- "Lost Battalion," members of, being fed at Knights of Columbus field kitchen, vii: 329.
- Louvain,
- ruins of Library, i: 239;
- refugees from, vii: Intro. xii.
- Lucy-le-Bocage, ruins of, v: 134.
- Luresnes, American Cemetery at, vii: 224.
- Lusitania,
- sinking of, i: 291;
- float representing sinking, i: 296;
- facsimile of German warning against sailing on, i: 319;
- attempt to save passengers while sinking, iv: 219;
- popular German postcard depicting torpedoing, iv: 221;
- German medal celebrating destruction, iv: 222;
- appeal to revenge sinking of (in color), iv: facing p. 222;
- funeral procession of victims, iv: 225;
- on last voyage, iv: 226, xi: 20.
- Luxemburg, City of, vi: 93.
- M
- Machine-guns,
- Lewis, v: 240, viii: 86;
- Colt, viii: 80, 81, 83;
- Benet-Mercier, viii: 82;
- German, viii: 85;
- Browning, viii: 85;
- on airplanes, viii: 193, 209, 211.
- Madrid, Bolshevik demonstration, vi: 372.
- Mainz, vi: 295.
- Mainz, German cruiser, sinking off Heligoland, iv: 243.
- Majestic, British battleship, ii: 204.
- Matines, Cathedral, vi: 102.
- Malingering, tests for detection of, viii: 359, 363.
- Malmaison, Fort, German defenses at, ii: 41.
- Mancourt, French machine gunners repulsing German attacks, ii: 43.
- Marines, U. S., see U. S., Marines.
- Markgraf, German battleship surrendered at Scapa Flow, iv: 389.
- Marne, battles of,
- dead and debris on battlefield, iii: 25, 94;
- Germans forcing crossing of river, iii: 32;
- French celebrating anniversary of, iii: 34.
- Marne River,
- at ChÂteau-Thierry, ii: 82, x: 4;
- Allied airplanes flying over, ii: 83;
- Germans crossing, iii: 32;
- U. S. troops resting near, v: 42.
- Marseillaise, singing of, xi: 327.
- Marseilles, arrival of Russian troops at, i: 251.
- Martin bombing plane, viii: 234.
- Mascots,
- lion mascots of Maj. Lufberry, xi: 229;
- baboon mascot of Royal Engineers, xi: 230.
- Masks, for shell-torn faces, viii: 389, 391.
- Maubeuge, ruin of fort at, ii: 11.
- Maude, Gen., grave of, iii: 187.
- McPherson, Fort, U. S. army student officers at, v: 301.
- Melbourne,
- Australian army embarking for Gallipoli, ii: 201;
- Alexandra Gardens, vi: 43.
- Mercy, U. S. hospital ship,
- view of a ward, viii: 370;
- operating room, viii: 371;
- X-ray apparatus, viii: 374.
- Mesopotamia,
- New Zealanders digging trenches, ii: 91;
- bridge across Tigris, iii: 319;
- native silver-smiths, iii: 330;
- camel caravan, iii: 367;
- bridge across Narin River destroyed by Turks, vi: 222.
- Messines, battle of, iii: 360.
- Metz, i: 332.
- Meuse River,
- ruins of bridge destroyed by Germans, i: 313;
- at Verdun, ii: 37, iii: 61, 303;
- French scouts reconnoitering on, ii: 45;
- at LiÉge, iii: 6;
- near Dinant, iii: 13;
- passing through country north of Verdun, iii: 309;
- wreckage on banks, iii: 328.
- Milan, pro-war demonstration, vi: 119, 124.
- Mine-field, viii: 273, 275.
- Mine-layers, iv: 200, 329, 372;
- plan of German mine-laying submarine, viii: 267.
- Mine-laying, iv: 324, 326, 331.
- Mines, iv: 325, 327;
- Mine-sweepers, iv: 51, 260.
- Mobile repair shop, viii: 295.
- Moltke, German battle cruiser, with crew, iv: 257.
- Monastir, vi: 355.
- Monitors, see Great
- awaiting first aid, vii: 196;
- being carried by French soldiers to dressing-station, vii: 232;
- awaiting transportation, vii: 238;
- method of transporting in Mesopotamia, vii: 260;
- Canadians at home of Lady Astor, vii: 281;
- at Neuve Chapelle, xi: 187.
- French,
- first recipients of Croix de Guerre, iii: 12;
- being supported by American soldier, v: 50;
- being brought in by American soldiers, v: 386;
- being greeted in Switzerland, vi: 381;
- being removed from field, vii: 8;
- receiving first aid on field, vii: 53;
- at a fÊte for, vii: 59;
- being treated at dressing-station behind the lines, vii: 65;
- at Verdun, vii: 66;
- promenading with their nurses, vii: 98;
- in a hospital train, vii: 239;
- resting, x: 112.
- German,
- being treated by A. E. F. medical officers, vii: 46;
- too seriously wounded to be transported, vii: 80;
- being brought in on improvised stretcher, vii: 88;
- being nursed by Dutch nuns at Red Cross Hospital, Maastricht, vii: 174;
- getting a smoke from British Tommy, vii: 186;
- being removed from field, vii: 208;
- awaiting transportation, vii: 238.
- Italian, being cared for by American Red Cross workers (in color), vii: facing p. 300, facing p. 374.
- Russian,
- in Siberian hospital, vii: 79;
- too seriously wounded to be transported, vii: 80;
- Cossack officer, vii: 363.
- Unclassified,
- being helped by comrades, vi: 237;
- being attended by medical unit men on field, vii: 182;
- blind learning modelling, vii: 256;
- blind learning basket-making, vii: 259;
- being visited in hospitals by Y. M. C. A. workers, vii: 289, 311;
- being brought to surface from dugout by windlass, vii: 304;
- moved by means of trench trolley, vii: 306;
- awaiting the stretcher bearers, vii: 309;
- on board hospital ship, vii: 396;
- being picked up by ambulance men, vii: 400.
- See also
- Ambulances;
- Battle scenes;
- Dead;
- Hospitals;
- also Army under country.
Wright warplane, xi: 218. Wright-Martin reconnaissance airplane, ii: 124. Wyoming, U. S. battleship, iv: 397, x: 336. - X
- X-ray,
- apparatus on U. S. hospital ship Mercy, viii: 374;
- use by custom inspectors to detect smuggling, xii: 99.
- Y
- "Y" gun, for launching depth bombs, iv: 332.
- Yarmouth, England, after German air raid, ii: 257.
- Young Men's Christian Association:
- American,
- motor kitchen, vii: 216;
- Chicago gymnasium turned into sleeping quarters for service men, vii: 262;
- Brooklyn hospital unit in training, vii: 263, 278;
- Eagle Hut, London, vii: 264, 288, 320;
- Eagle Hut, New York City, vii: 265;
- women canteen workers, vii: 269, 270;
- ruins of hut blown by German mine, vii: 273;
- in zone of German bombardment, vii: 274;
- visiting wounded in hospitals, vii: 289, 311;
- in Italy, vii: 291;
- baths and beds for service men, vii: 295;
- in dugouts, vii: 307;
- sports for service men, vii: 315.
- British,
- leading party of service men sightseeing in London, vii: 285;
- providing service men in London with over-night accommodation, vii: 287;
- in Egypt, vii: 325.
- Canadian, at a Toronto camp, vii: 305.
- Young Women's Christian Association, American,
- Hostess House at Le Mans, France, vii: 272;
- social center for negro troops, vii: 275;
- Inter-Allied Club for Women at Le Havre, France, vii: 276;
- vacation house for American women at Chaumont, France, vii: 317.
- Ypres,
- ruins of (in color), i: facing p. 98;
- ruins of, ii: 145, x: 356;
- veterans of second battle of, i: 379;
- Highlanders attacking at, ii: 213.
- Yser River, a Belgian bridge across, iii: 77.
- Z
- Zeebrugge raid,
- British cruiser Vindictive at, iv: 263, 271, 273, 278;
- British landing party battling, iv: 265;
- officers and men of Vindictive, iv: 266, 267, 273;
- British ships sunk in canal to block channel, iv: 269;
- British ferry-boats Iris and Daffodil after taking part in, iv: 270.
- Zeppelins,
- being guided by lighthouse, ii: 265;
- interior, ii: 269;
- early type, viii: 247;
- L-49 brought down by French, viii: 249;
- fuel tanks on L-49, viii: 253;
- pilot's gondola, x: 226;
- L-15 sinking, x: 361.
- Zrinyi, Austrian battleship, iv: 363.