_290" class="pginternal">290 Epidendrum, a gigantic species, 35 Species, 26 Equatorial regions, salubrity of, 47 Erythrina indica, 28 Etiquette of the court of Siam respecting shoes, 150 Of Cochin China respecting letters, 319 A pretext, 391 Euphorbia, 11 European manufactures scarcely to be met with in Cochin China, 311 Felis, 20 Factions or parties in the ministry of Siam, 203 Females the labourers in Siam, 314 Fern, 26 Fever, intermittent, unknown at Singapore, 60 Fish abundant, 269 Flying, Siamese notions respecting the art of, 238 French influence in Cochin China, 367, 395 Mandarins, 353, 403 Funeral pile, 111 Obsequies of the Siamese, 235 Fucus, a remarkable species of, 55 Fu kok, or Pau kok Island, 92, 97 Inhabitants, 98 Plants, 98, 99 Isles in its vicinity, 100 Furs procurable at Bankok for the China market, 215 Galeopithecus variegatus, 19 Gambir, or Terra Japonica, 56 Geology, 6, 36, 37, 42, 44, 79, 89, 275, 289, 295 George Town, Penang, 15 Population, 15 Houses, 15 Gold mines of Chantibond, 256 Of Tonquin, 387 Governor-general’s letter, 118 GramineÆ, singular paucity of, 288 Guns, enormous, 160 Grapes, 294 Hair, festival of cutting the lock of, 160, 186 Halicora Dugong, 52 Haya, a new genus of plants, 98 Hot winds of India, the effects of, 48 HuÉ, fort of, 351 Canal of, 348 River of, the most beautiful in Asia, 27 Pepper, 28 Quantity capable of being furnished by Siam, 132 Physiognomy of Ultra Gangetic nations, 229 Physical exterior of the Cochin Chinese, 374 Cranium, 376 Physiological comparison of the Siamese, &c., 224 Of the Malays, &c., 225 Phoenix brig, 170 Pia tac, or Pe ye tac, the Chinese King of Siam, 209 Founds Bankok, 210 History of, 244 Pigeon, 88 Plantain wild, 86 Its seeds described, 87 Supposed to be the original species, 87 Plants, 8, 11, 24, 26, 54, 55, 80, 86, 98, 113, 270, 285, 288, 289, 290, 296, 330, 333, 349, 405 Physiology of, 22, 50, 91 A new and very singular genus producing enormous tubers, 271 Players, 401 Pneumonia, the author attacked by, 208 Policy of Siam, 175 Reflections of the author upon, as regards British interests, 176 Population, 387 Portuguese interpreter, 103 Porpoise albino, 262, 275 Prachadi, 210, 221 Pra Klang, 164 Preparis Island, 2 Presents to the court of Siam, 165 Misrepresentation of the term suspected, 165 Of the Governor-general refused by the court of Cochin China, 369 The king of Cochin China’s presents to Governor-general refused, 393, 402 Pteromys petaurista, or flying squirrel, 54 Pteropus edulis, 9 Pyramid, a sepulchral shrine, 221 Pya-pee-pat of Bankok, corresponds with the governor-general, 206 Pulo Condore, LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES, Northumberland Court. |