Class No.
ml@files@57169@57169-h@57169-h-3.htm.html#class3" class="pginternal">3 Iron pipe, 43 Railing, 43 Vitrified, 3 Y, 43 Benzine, 47 Bibb cocks, 43 Bicarbonate of potash, 47 Bicarbonate of soda, 47 Billets, steel for loco rods, 17 Billiard cloth, 24 Binder bolts, 11 Binder plates for ferry boats, 35 Binding, carpet, 24 Birch lumber, 30 Biscuit, rat, 47 Bits: - Auger, 45
- Car machine, 45
- Drill, 45
- Hollow chisel, 45
- Machine, 45
- Track drill, 1C
Bituminous coal: - Shop use, 27
- Locomotives, 39
- Stations and car, 40
Black oxide, manganese, 47 Black smaltz, 47 Blacking, stove, 36 Blacksmith anvils, 45 Blacksmith coal, 27 Blades: - Dwarf for mechanical signals, 2A
- Dwarf for electro pneumatic signals, 2A
- Eccentric, 17
- Hack saw, 45
- Semaphore, 2A
Blasting caps, 3 Blasting fuse, 3 Blasting powder, 3 Bleeder cocks, 43 Blind fasteners: Blind pulls: Blinds for buildings, 4 Blinds for cars, 30 Blizzard lamps, 36 Blizzard lamps: Block signals, 2A Blocks: - Cement, 3
- Concrete, 3
- Cast-iron heel for frogs, 1A
- Cast-iron heel for switches, 1A
- Cast-iron for guard rail, 1A
- Paving, 3
- Sighting, 1C
- Pulley, wood or steel, 45
- Snatch, wood or steel, 45
Blocking: - Frog, cast-iron, 1A
- Frog, wood, 4
- Guard rail
ass24" class="pginternal">24
- Gimp, 24
Bran, 47 Branches: - Cast-iron pipe, 3
- Iron pipe, 43
- Vitrified, 3
Brass: - Bar, 14
- Castings, 21
- Journal bearings, 21
- Pipe, 14
- Rivets, 45
- Rods, 14
- Screws, machine, 45
- Screws, wood, 45
- Sheets, 15
- Spelter, 14
- Tubing, 14
- Wire, 45
Bread, 41 Bread boards, 36 Brick: - Arch, 28
- Common, 3
- Fire, for dining-car ranges, 24
- Fire, for shops, 28
- Lines, 45
- Paving, 3
- Trowels, 45
Bridge bolts, 11 Bridge jacks, 45 Bridge lumber, 4 Bridge washers, cast, 19 Bridges, iron, 6 Bridles, connecting rod, 1A Bright tin sheets, 15 Bright wood screws, 45 Brine cocks, 43 Brooms: - Carpet, 36
- Rattan, chisel point, 1C
- Warehouse, 36
- Whisk, 36
- Wire, 36
Brushes: - Carbon, 25, 26, 44, 49
- Counter, 47
- Duster, 47
- Expansion flue, 45
- File, 45
- Floor, 47
- Painter, 47
- Steel tube, 45
Buckets: - Coal, 36
- Conveyor, 9B
- Dope, 36
- Fire, 36
- Galvanized iron, 36
- Ice, 36
- Sand, 36
- Water, 36
Buckles: - Harness, 45
- Interlocking, 2A
- Turn, for cars, 18
Buffer springs, 12 Buffs, cotton, , 49 Coke, 27 Colors in oil, 47 Collars: Cold chisels, 45 Colors: Combs, toilet, 24 Commissary supplies, 41 Commutators, electric, 25, 26, 44–49 Common bar iron, 15 Common brooms, 36 Common glue, 47 Common iron wire, 45 Common soap, 36 Compound: - Boiler, 37
- Drilling, 37
- Soft soap, 37
- Welding, 47
Compression hose cocks, 43 Compressors, air, and parts, 31 Compromise bars, 1B Compromise joints, 1B Concrete blocks, 3 Concrete gravel, 3 Concrete mixers, 9C Concrete pipe, 3 Concrete reinforcing bars, 3 Condensed milk, 41 Conductors’ boxes, 36 Conduit and bushing, electric, 44, 49 Conduit, electrical, 44, 49 Connection pins: - Interlocking, 2A
- Freight brake, 18
Connecting rod bridles, 1A Connecting rods: - Switch stand, 1A
- Interlocking, 2A
Connection rod jaws, signal, 2A Connections, water and air hose, 46 Controllers, circuit, 2A, 2B, 44, 49 Conveyor buckets, 9B Conveyor machinery and parts, 9B Cooking utensils, 41 Cooler couplings, 24 Coolers: Cooling compound, 37 Copper: - Bar, 14
- Burrs, 45
- Chain, 45
- Ferrules, 14
- Gaskets, 46
- Pig, 4
- Car, 30
Derailers, 1A Derrick crabs, 9C Derricks and parts, steam, 9C Desks, 36 Devices, centering, passenger car, 20 Dial lugs, 1A Dial-lug bolts, 1A Dials, electric, 25, 26, 44 Diaphragms, Eames vacuum, 46 Die chasers, 31 Die plates, 45 Dies for power machinery, 31 Dies and stocks, 45 Dies, pipe, 45 Diggers, post-hole, 1C Dippers, tin, 36 Disks, valve, 43 Dishes, soap, 24 Disinfectant, 37 Distant signals, 2A Ditchers, steam, and parts, 9C Ditching lines, 46 Dividers, 45 Dogs, lathe, 31 Dollies: Door bolts: Door fixtures, car, 20 Door hangers: Door holders: Doorkeepers: Door knobs: Door springs: Door screens: Door straps for cars, 18 Doors: - Building, 4
- Car, 30
- Coach, 30
- Grain, 30
Dope, 37 Dope buckets, 36 Dope pails, 36 Double-end wrenches, 45 Double-faced hammers, 1C Double-faced sledges, 1C Down spout and fittings, 45 Draft castings, 20 Draft rigging, 20 Draft rods, 36 Galvanized pipe, 42 Game, all kinds, 41 Garbage cans, 36 Garden hose, 46 Garden rakes, 36 Garlock packing, 46 Gas: - Acetylene, 47
- Engines, 9A
Gas fixtures: - Passenger cars, 24
- Station, 36
Gas: - Opal globes, 36
- Pintsch material, 24
- Pliers, 45
- Tips, 24, 36
Gaskets: - Copper, 46
- Handhole plate, 46
- Leather, 46
- McKimm, 46
- Rubber, 46
Gasoline blow torches, 45 Gasoline engines for pumping stations, 9A Gasoline engine parts for pumping stations, 9A Gasoline shop fuel, 27 Gate eyebolts, stockyard, 1C Gate hinges, stockyard, 1C Gate hooks, stockyard, 1C Gate staples, stockyard, 1C Gate valves, stockyard, 43 Gates: - Coach tail, 24
- Crossing, 1C
- Crossing parts, 1C
- End coal for locomotives, 30
- Farm, iron, 3
- Farm, wood, 4
- Molasses, 43
- Oil, 43
Gauge cocks, 43 Gauge lamps, 36 Gauge plates, switch, 1A Gauges: - Air and parts, 23
- Car lighting, 24
- Steam, 23
- Steam parts, 23
- Track, 1C
- Water, 43
- Wheel, 45
Gear cutters, 31 Gear draft for freight cars, 20 Generators, electric, 25, 26, 49 Gibbs, spring hanger, 17 Gimlets, 45 Gimp, 24 Girders, bridge, 6 Girts, bridge, 4 Glass, 47 Glass cutters, 45 Glass, deck sash, 47 Glass, headlight, 36 Hektograph composition, 48 Hektograph pans, 48 Helical springs, 12 Hemp packing, 46 Hexagon head engine bolts, 11 Hexagon nuts, 11 Hickory, 30 Hinge hasps, 45 Hinges: - Coach, 24
- Standard building, 45
- Stockyard gate, 1C
- Strap, 45
- Tee, 45
Hods, coal, 36 Hoes: - Ash pan, 36
- Garden, 36
- Weed, 1C
Hoists: - Coal and parts, 9B
- Pulley (shop), 31
Holders: - Bell cord, 24
- Bottle, 24
- Door, building, 45
- Door, coach, 24
- Electric lamp, 44
- Grenade, 21
- Lamp, 36
- Shade, 36
- Soap, 21
- Toilet paper, 36
- Tool, 31
Hominy, 41 Hoods, vestibule, 24 Hook bolts, 11 Hook plates, pipe, 43 Hooks: - Bell cord, 21
- Belt, 45
- Box, 45
- Coat, coaches, 21
- Clinker, 36
- Coat, buildings, 45
- Coat and hat, passenger cars, 24
- And Eyes, 45
- Harness, 45
- Packing, 36
- Pipe conductor, 43
- Rail for wreckers, 1C
- Safety, 18
- Screw, 45
- Stockyard gate, 1C
Hopper seats: Hoppers, saloon: Hose: - Air brake, 46
- Cocks compression, 43
- Connections, rough brass, 21
- Couplings, 46
- Fire, 46
- Garden, 46
- Locomotive tender, 46
- Pneumatic, 46
- Steam, 36
- Malleable-iron castings:
- Car, 20
- Locomotive, 19
- Shop work, 19
- Miscellaneous, 19
- Manganese, black oxide, 47
- Manila rope, 46
- Manson tape, 44
- Mantles:
- Coach, gas, 24
- Welsbach gas, 36
- Manure forks, 36
- Maple lumber for buildings, 4
- Maple lumber for cars, 30
- Marlin, 46
- Mason’s hammers, 1C
- Mason’s trowels, 45
- Mats, aisle, 24
- Master taps, 45
- Matches, 36
- Match lighters, 24
- Match scratchers, 24
- Mats, rubber, 24
- Material being manufactured on shop orders, 34
- Material for electric block signals, 2A
- Material for electric headlight, 25
- Material for interlocking plants, 2A
- Material for pintsch gas, 24
- Material signal and interlocking, 2A
- Matting, corrugated, 24
- Mattocks, 1C
- Mattresses:
- Mauls:
- Spike, 1C
- Spike, handles, 36
- Post, wood face, 1C
- Post, 1C
- Measures:
- Meats, fresh, salted, and canned, 41
- Mechanical fixtures, interlocking and signal, 2A
- Medical boxes, 47
- Medical supplies, 47
- Metal, babbitt, 14
- Metal substructures for bridges, 6
- Metal-workers’ crayon, 45
- Metallic packing, 46
- Metal, expanded, 3
- Metals, soft, 14
- Meters, water, 9A
- Mica, electric, 44
- Millboard, asbestos, 46
- Mills, wind, and parts, 9A
- Milk, 41
- Mileposts, 4
- Mince meat, 41
- Mineral seal oil, 37
- Mirrors, 47
- Mixers, concrete, 9C3
- Paving stone, 3
- Pearline, 36
- Peavies, 1C
- Pedestals, car, coach, 20
- Pegamoide, curtain cloth, 24
- Pencils:
- Lead, 48
- Slate, 45
- Soapstone, 45
- Penholders, 48
- Penracks, 48
- Pens, writing, 48
- Pepper, 41
- Perforated sheet brass, 15
- Perforated sheet copper, 15
- Perforated sheet tin, 15
- Pet cocks, 43
- Picks:
- Clay, 1C
- Coal, 36
- Ice, 36
- Tamping, 1C
- Mattocks, 1C
- Pig iron, 28
- Pig copper, 14
- Pig lead, 14
- Pig tin, 14
- Pies, 41
- Pike poles, 36
- Pilots, engine, 30
- Pillows, 36
- Pillow slips, 36
- Pile drivers and parts, 9C
- Piling, sheet steel, 6
- Piling, wood, 4
- Pine lumber:
- Buildings and bridges, 4
- Car and locomotive, 30
- Pinch bars:
- Pintsch gas material, 24
- Pin trays, 48
- Pins:
- Brake, 18
- Center, 18
- Connection freight car, 18
- Connection, interlocking, 2A
- Coupler, 18
- Coach tail, 18
- Crank, 17
- Crosshead, 17
- Drawbar, 17
- Driving brake, 11
- Drift, 11
- Escutcheon, building, 45
- Escutcheon, coach, 24
- Insulator, 2B
- Knuckle, 18
- Knuckle joint, 17
- Round flat head, 11
- Valve motion, 17
- Wrist, 17
- Pipe bends, 43
- Pipe, brass, 14
- Pipe bushings, 43
- Pipe, cast iron, 18
- Brake, 18
- Brass, 14
- Connection for switches, 1A
- Cylinder, 18
- Connection, interlockers, 2A
- Cylinder lever push, 18
- Cross tie, 18
- Draft, 18
- Driving, 17
- End of cars, 18
- Hand brake, 18
- Head for switches, 1A
- Main, 17
- Piston, 17
- Release, 18
- Side, 17
- Slip switch, 1A
- Steel drill, 15
- Switch, 1A
- Tie for switches, 1A
- Top brake, 18
- Transom truss, 18
- Uncoupling, 18
Rollers: - Barn door, 45
- Car door, 20
- Flue, 45
- Vestibule curtain, 24
Roofing caps, 3 Roofing, galvanized, car, 20 Roofing gravel, 3 Roofing lumber: Roofing paper, 3 Roofing slate, 3 Roofing tin, sheets, 15 Roofs, car, paper, 3 Roofs, car, galvanized, 20 Rope: Ropes, switch, 36 Rosin, 47 Round edge steel for draft keys, 15 Round flat head pins, 11 Round head bolts, 11 Roundhouse smoke jacks, 3 Rowboats, 35 Rubber boots, 46 Rubber cloth, 46 Rubber: - Corrugated, 24
- Gaskets, 46
- Mats, 24
- Packing, 46
- Pads, 24
- Pails, 36
- Rings for flue expanders, 45
- Sheets, 46
- Tubing, 46
Rubbers: - Eames brake, 46
- Mail car, 24
Rugs, 24 Rules, 45 Rulers, 48 24 Sill steps, 18 Sills: - Car, wood, 30
- Stone, building, 3
- Tender, end, 30
Silverware, 41 Skidding tongs, 1C Skids, 36 Skins, chamois, 47 Slab zinc, 14 Slag, ballast, 7 Slash bars, 36 Slate, electrical, 26, 44, 49 Slate pencils, 45 Slate roofing, 3 Sledges, 1C Sleeves, cast-iron pipe, 3 Slide plates for switches, 1A Slip switch crossings, 1A Slip switch rods, 1A Slips, pillow, 36 Slot arms, 2A Slow posts, 4 Slow and stop boards, 4 Smaltz, 47 Smoke jacks for round house, 3 Smoke jacks for stoves, 36 Snatch blocks, 45 Snaths, scythe, 1C Snips, tinners, 45 Snow plows and parts, 9C Snow shovels, 36 Soap chips, 37 Soap, common, 36 Soap dishes, 24 Soap holders: Soap: - Jelly oil, 37
- Laundry, 36
- Toilet, 36
Soapstone, 47 Soapstone pencils, 45 Sockets: Soda ash, 47 Soda: - Arsenate of, 47
- Arseniate of, 47
- Bicarbonate of, 47
- Caustic, 47
- Sal, 47
Soft steel, 15 Soil pipe fittings, 3 Solder, 14 Soldering irons or coppers, 45 Soldering nipples, 43 Soldering sticks, 2A, Tank rivets, 11 Tank spouts, 9A Tank steel, 16 Tank valves, 9A Tank valve seats, 9A Tanks: - Locomotive, 32
- Oil, storage, 9A
- Station oil, 36
- Water and parts, 9A
Tape, electric, 2A, 25, 26, 44 Tapelines, 45 Tapes, measuring, 45 Tapers, wax, 36 Tapestry, 24 Taps: - Boiler, 45
- Bolt, 45
- Hand, 45
- Machinists’ hand, 45
- Machine nut, 45
- Master, 45
- Mud, 45
- Patch bolt, 45
- Pipe, 45
- Spindle, 45
- Stay bolt, 45
Tar, 37 Targets, switch stand, 1A Tarred paper, 3 Tassels, silk, 24 Tea, 41 T head bolts, 11 T hinges, 45 T steel, 6, 15 T cast-iron pipe, 3 T down-spout, 45 T gas pipe, 43 T soil pipe, 3 T vitrified pipe, 3 Telegraph cable, 2B Telegraph instruments and parts, 2B Telegraph keys, 2B Telegraph poles, 2B Telegraph relays, 2B Telegraph sounders, 2B Telegraph spoons, 2B Telephone arm taps, 2B Telephone cable, 2B Telephone cord, 2B Telephone instruments and parts, 2B Telephone switchboards and parts, 2B Tender truck axles, 29 Tender coupler plates, 20 Tender end sills, 30 Tender frames: Tenders, locomotive, 32 Tennes
h@57169-h-7.htm.html#class45" class="pginternal">45 Turnbuckles: Turntable engines and parts, 31 Turntable motors and parts, 31 Turntables, 6 Turpentine, 47 Twine, 48 Twist drills, 45 Twist drill sockets, 45 Typewriters, 48 U. U bolts for cars, 18 Uncoupling levers, 18 Uncoupling rod levers, 18 Uncoupling rods, 18 Unions: Uniform caps, 36 Uniforms, 36 Unloaders: - Ballast and parts, 9C
- Ledgerwoods, and parts, 9C
- Rail, and parts, 9C
Upholstering buttons, 24 Upholstering springs, 24 Upholstering tacks, 45 Urinals: V. Valley tin, 45 Valve disks, 43 Valve motion links, 17 Valve oil, 37 Valve seats, tank, 9A Valve strip springs, 12 Valve yokes for locomotives, 17 Valves: - Angle, 43
- Blow-off, 23
- Butterfly, 43
- Check, 43
- Cross, 43
- Foot, 43
- Gate, 43
- Globe, 43
- Plug, 43
- Pop, and parts, 23
- Radiator, 43
- Reducing, and parts, 23
- Relief, and parts, 23
- Rubber, 46
- Sander, 23
Varnish, 47 Vaseline, 47 Vegetables, fresh and canned, 41 Velocipedes and parts, 1C Veneer lumber, 30 Ventilator rings, 36 Ventilators, for buildings and coaches, 36 Ventilators, for shop, 3 Vestibule hoods, 24 Vestibule material, 24 Vestibule rollers, |