Title | Author | Published | An Essay on the History and Theory of Music, and of the Qualities and Capacity of the Human Voice | Isaac Nathan | London, 1823. | Elements of Vocal Science | Richard Mackenzie Bacon | London, 1824. | Orthophony; or the Cultivation of the Voice in Elocution | William Russell | Boston, 1859. | Vocal Physiology | Charles Alex. Guilmette | New York, 1860. | Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage fÜr die theorie der Musik | H.L.F. Helmholtz | Brunswick, 1863. | The Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music (Translation of above) | H.L.F. Helmholtz (Translated by A.J. Ellis) | London, 1875. | Sound | John Tyndall | London, 1867. | Principles of Elocution and Voice Culture | Benj. W. Atwell | Providence, 1868. | The Voice, Its Artistic Production, Development and Preservation | George J. Lee | London, 1870. | The Cultivation of the Speaking Voice | John Pyke Hullah | Oxford, 1870. | Voice Building | Horace R. Streeter | Boston, 1871. | Principles of Elocution and Voice Culture | Benjamin Atwell | Boston, 1872. | Hints for Pronunciation in Singing | Georgiana Weldon | London, 1872. | The Voice in Singing | Emma Seiler | Philadelphia, 1872. | The Voice as an Instrument | Ange A. Pattou | New York, 1878. | The Vocal Process | John Howard | New York, 1878. | Speech in Song | Alexander J. Ellis | London, 1878. | Voice and Vocalization | Wm. P. Robert | London, 1879. | The Human Voice and Connected Parts | Joseph Montgomery Farrar | London, 1881. | The Mechanism of the Human Voice | Emil Behnke | London, 1882. | Gymnastics of the Voice | Oskar Guttmann | Albany, 1882. | The Art of Voice Production with Special Reference to the Methods of Correct Breathing | Ange A. Pattou | New York, 1882. | The Old Italian School of Singing | Leo Kofler | Albany, 1882. | The Secrets of the Voice in Singing | Emilio Belari | New York, 1883. | Deep Breathing | Sophia A. Ciccolina | New York, 1883. | Artistic Voice in Speech and Song | Charles Lunn | London, 1884. | Voice, Song and Speech | Lennox Browne and Emil Behnke | London, 1884. | Modern Singing Methods, Their Use and Abuse | John Franklin Botume | Boston, 1885. | The Diaphragm and Its Functions | J.M.W. Kitchen | Albany, 1885. | The Voice from a Practical Standpoint | Edmund J. Meyer | New York, 1886. | The Hygiene of the Vocal Organs | Morrell Mackenzie, M.D. | London, 1886. | How to Sing | Wm. Henry Daniell | New York, 1887. | The Art of Breathing as the Basis for Tone Production | Leo Kofler | New York, 1887. | The Voice. How to Train It | Edward Barrett Warman | Boston, 1890. | Scientific Voice. Artistic Singing and Effective Singing | Thomas Chater | London, 1890. | Voice Figures | Mrs. Margaret Watts Hughes | London, 1891. | The Human Voice; Its Cultivation | W.H. Griffiths | London, 1892. | The Philosophy of Singing | Clara Kathleen Rogers | New York, 1893. | The What and How of Vocal Culture | F. Rowena Medini | New York, 1893. | Exercises in Vocal Technique | John Franklin Botume | Boston, 1894. | Text-Book on the Natural Use of the Voice | George E. Thorp and William Nicholl | London, 1895. | Respiration for Advanced Singers | John Franklin Botume | Boston, 1897. | Voice Building and Tone Placing | Henry Holbrook Curtis, M.D. | New York, 1896. | Twenty Lessons on the Development of the Voice | George E. Thorp | London, 1896. | Voxometric Revelation (The Problem Surrounding the Production of the Human Voice Finally Discovered) | Alfred Augustus North | London, 1896. | The Art of Singing | Wm. Shakespeare | London and Boston, 1898. | The Rightly-Produced Voice | Edward Davidson Palmer | London, 1898. | How to Train Children's Voices | T. Maskell Hardy | London, 1899. | How to Sing (Meine Gesangskunst) | Lilli Lehmann | New York, 1902. | Scientific Tone Production | Mary Ingles James | Boston, 1903. | English Diction for Singers and Speakers | Louis Arthur Russell | Boston, 1905. | The Training of Boys' Voices | Clarke Ellsworth Johnson | Boston, 1906. | Voice Production in Singing and Speaking | Wesley Mills, M.D. | Philadelphia, 1906. | The Art of the Singer | W.J. Henderson | New York, 1906. | The Commonplaces of Vocal Art | Louis Arthur Russell | Boston, 1907. | The Singing of the Future | David Ffrangcon-Davies | London, 1908. | The Art of Singing and Vocal Declamation | Sir Charles Santley | London, 1908. |