After the terrible tempests of the primitive period—after these great disturbances of the mineral kingdom—Nature would seem to have gathered herself together, in sublime silence, in order to proceed to the grand mystery of the creation of living beings. During the primitive epoch the temperature of the earth was too high to admit the appearance of life on its surface. The darkness of thickest night shrouded this cradle of the world; the atmosphere probably was so charged with vapours of various kinds, that the sun’s rays were powerless to pierce its opacity. Upon this heated surface, and in this perpetual night, organic life could not manifest itself. No plant, no animal, then, could exist upon the silent earth. In the seas of this epoch, therefore, only unfossiliferous strata were deposited. Nevertheless, our planet continued to be subjected to a gradual refrigeration on the one hand, and, on the other, continuous rains were purifying its atmosphere. From this time, then, the sun’s rays, being less obscured, could reach its surface, and, under their beneficent influence, life was not slow in disclosing itself. “Without light,” said the illustrious Lavoisier, “Nature was without life; it was dead and inanimate. A benevolent God, in bestowing light, has spread on the surface of the earth organisation, sentiment, and thought.” We begin, accordingly, to see upon the earth—the temperature of which was nearly that of our equatorial zone—a few plants and a few animals make their appearance. These first generations of life will be replaced by others of a higher organisation, until at the last stage of the creation, man, endowed with the supreme attribute which we call intelligence, will appear upon the earth. “The word progress, which we think peculiar to humanity, and even to modern times,” said Albert Gaudry, in a lecture on the animals of the ancient world, delivered in 1863, “was pronounced by the Deity on the day when he created the first living organism.” Did plants precede animals? We know not; but such would appear to have been the order of creation. It is certain that in the We have stated that, during the earlier ages of our globe, the waters covered a great part of its surface; and it is in them that we find the first appearance of life. When the waters had become sufficiently cool to allow of the existence of organised beings, creation was developed, and advanced with great energy; for it manifested itself by the appearance of numerous and very different species of animals and plants. Fig. 17.—Paradoxides Bohemicus—Bohemia. One of the most ancient groups of organic remains are the Brachiopoda, a group of Mollusca, particularly typified by the genus Lingula, a species of which still exist in the present seas; the Trilobites (Fig. 17), a family of Crustaceans, especially characteristic of this period; then come Productas, TerebratulÆ, and Orthoceratites—other genera of Mollusca. The Corals, which appeared at an early period, seem to have lived in all ages, and survive to the present day. Contemporaneously with these animals, plants of inferior organisation have left their impressions upon the schists; these are AlgÆ (aquatic plants, Fig. 28). As the continents enlarged, plants of a higher type made their appearance—the EquisetaceÆ, herbaceous Ferns, and other plants. These we shall have occasion to specify when noticing the periods which constitute the Primary Epoch, and which consists of the following periods: the Carboniferous, the Old Red Sandstone, and Devonian, the Silurian, and the Cambrian. Cambrian Period.The researches of geologists have discovered but scanty traces of organic remains in the rocks which form the base of this system in England. Arenicolites, or worm-tracks and burrows, have been found in Shropshire, by Mr. Salter, to occur in countless numbers through a mile of thickness in the Longmynd rocks; and others were discovered by the late Dr. Kinahan in Wicklow. In Ireland, in the picturesque tract of Bray Head, on the south and east coasts of Dublin, we find, in slaty beds of the same age as the Longmynd rocks, a peculiar zoophyte, which has been named by Edward Forbes Oldhamia, after its discoverer, Dr. Oldham, Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India. This fossil represents one of the earliest inhabitants of the ocean, which then covered the greater part of the British Isles. “In the hard, purplish, and schistose rocks of Bray Head,” says Dr. Kinahan, The Cambrian rocks consist of the Llanberis slates of Llanberis and Penrhyn in North Wales, which, with their associated sandy strata, attain a thickness of about 3,000 feet, and the Barmouth and Harlech Sandstones. In the Longmynd hills of Shropshire these last beds attain a thickness of 6,000 feet; and in some parts of Merionethshire they are of still greater thickness. Neither in North Wales, nor in the Longmynd, do the Cambrian rocks afford any indications of life, except annelide-tracks and burrows. From this circumstance, together with general absence of Mollusca in these strata, and the sudden appearance of numerous shells and trilobites in the succeeding Lingula Flags, a change of conditions seems to have ensued at the close of the Cambrian period. Believing that the red colour of rocks is frequently connected with their deposition in inland waters, Professor Ramsay conceives it to be possible, that the absence of marine mollusca in the Cambrian rocks may be due to the same cause that produced their absence in The Silurian Period.The next period of the Primary Epoch is the Silurian, a system of rocks universal in extent, overspreading the whole earth more or less completely, and covering up the rocks of older age. The term “Silurian” was given by the illustrious Murchison to the epoch which now occupies our attention, because the system of rocks formed by the marine sediments, during the period in question, form large tracts of country in Shropshire and Wales, a region formerly peopled by the Silures, a Celtic race who fought gloriously against the Romans, under Caractacus or Caradoc, the British king of those tracts. The reader may find the nomenclature strange, as applied to the vast range of rocks which it represents in all parts of the Old and New World, but it indicates, with sufficient exactness, the particular region in our own country in which the system typically prevails—reasons which led to the term being adopted, even at a time when its vast geographical extent was not suspected. VIII.—Ideal Landscape of the Silurian Period. On this subject, and on the principles which have guided geologists in their classification of rocks, Professor Sedgwick remarks in one of his papers in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society: “In every country,” he says, Fig. 18.—Back of Asaphus caudatus (Dudley, Mus. Stokes), with the eyes well preserved. (Buckland.) Fig. 19.—a, Side view of the left eye of the above, magnified, (Buckland.) b, Magnified view of a portion of the eye of Calymene macrophthalmus. (Hoeninghaus.) The characteristics of the Silurian period, of which we give an ideal view opposite (Plate VIII.), are supposed to have been shallow seas of great extent, with barren submarine reefs and isolated rocks rising here and there out of the water, covered with AlgÆ, and frequented by various Mollusca and articulated animals. The earliest traces of vegetation belong to the Thallogens, flowerless plants of the class AlgÆ (Fig. 28), without leaves or stems, which are found among the Lower Silurian rocks. To these succeed other plants, according to Dr. Hooker, belonging to the LycopodiaceÆ (Fig. 28), the seeds of which are found sparingly in the Upper Ludlow beds. Among animals, The elaborate and highly valuable “Thesaurus Siluricus” contains the names of 8,997 species of fossil remains, but it probably does not tell us of one-tenth part of the Silurian life still lying buried in rocks of that age in various parts of the world. A rich field is here offered to the geological explorer. Lower Silurian.The Silurian rocks have been estimated by Sir Roderick Murchison to occupy, altogether, an area of about 7,600 square miles in England and Wales, 18,420 square miles in Scotland, and nearly 7,000 square miles in Ireland. Thus, as regards the British Isles, the Silurian rocks rise to the surface over nearly 33,000 square miles. The Silurian rocks have been traced from Cumberland to the Land’s End, at the southern extremity of England. They lie at the base of the southern Highlands of Scotland, from the North Channel to the North Sea, and they range along the entire western coast of that country. In a westerly direction they extended to the sea, where the mountains of Wales—the Alps of the great chain—would stand out in bold relief, some of them facing the sea, others in detached groups; some clothed with a stunted vegetation, others naked and desolate; all of them wild and picturesque. But an interest surpassing all others belongs to these mountains. They are amongst the most ancient sedimentary rocks which exist on our globe, a page of the In Shropshire and Wales three zones of Silurian life have been established. In rocks of three different ages Graptolites have left the trace of their existence. Another fossil characteristic of these ancient rocks is the Lingula. This shell is horny or slightly calcareous, which has probably been one cause of its preservation. The family to which the Lingula belongs is so abundant in the rocks of the Welsh mountains, that Sir R. Murchison has used it to designate a geological era. These Lingula-flags mark the beginning of the first Silurian strata. In the Lower Llandovery beds, which mark the close of the period, other fossils present themselves, thus greatly augmenting the forms of life in the Lower Silurian rocks. These are coelenterata, articulata, and mollusca. They mark, however, only a very ephemeral passage over the globe, and soon disappear altogether. The vertebrated animals are only represented by rare Fishes, and it is only on reaching the Upper Ludlow rocks, and specially in those beds which pass upward into the Old Red Sandstone, that the remains have been found of fishes—the most ancient beings of their class. Fig. 20.—Ogygia Guettardi. Natural size. The class of Crustaceans, of which the lobster, shrimp, and the crab of our days are the representatives, was that which predominated in this epoch of animal life. Their forms were most singular, and different from those of all existing Crustaceans. They consisted mainly of the Trilobites, a family which became entirely extinct at the close of the Carboniferous epoch, but in whose nicely-jointed shell the armourer of the middle ages might have found all his contrivances anticipated, with not a few besides which he has failed to discover. The head presents, in general, the form of an oval buckler; the body is composed of a series of articulations, or Fig. 21.—Lituites cornu-arietis. One-third natural size. Fig. 22.—Hemicosmites pyriformis. One-third natural size. During the middle and later Silurian ages, whole rocks were formed almost exclusively of their remains; during the Devonian period they seem to have gradually died out, almost disappearing in the Carboniferous age, and being only represented by one doubtful species in the Permian rocks of North America. The Trilobites are unique as a family, marking with certainty the rocks in which they occur; “and yet,” says Hugh Miller, “how admirably do they exhibit the articulated type of being, and illustrate that unity of design which pervades all Nature, amid its endless diversity!” Among other beings which have left their traces in the Silurian strata is Nereites Cambriensis, a species of annelide, whose articulations are very distinctly marked in the ancient rocks. Besides the Trilobites, many orders of Mollusca were numerously represented in the Silurian seas. As Sir R. Murchison has observed, no zoological feature in the Upper Silurian rocks is more striking than the great increase and profusion of Cephalopods, many of them of great size, which appear in strata of the age immediately antecedent to the dawn of vertebrated life. Among the Cephalopods we have Gyroceras and Lituites cornu-arietis (Fig. 21), whose living representatives are the Nautilus and Cuttlefish of every sea. The genus Bellerophon (Figs. 54 and 56), with many others, represented the The rocks of the Lower Silurian age in France are found in Languedoc, in the environs of Neffiez and of BÉdarrieux. They occupy, also, great part of Brittany. They occur in Bohemia, also in Spain, Russia, and in the New World. Limestones, sandstones, and schists (slates of Angers) form the chief part of this series. The Cambrian slates are largely represented in Canada and the United States.
Upper Silurian Period.
Among the fossils of this period may be remarked a number of Trilobites, which then attained their greatest development. Among others, Calymene Blumenbachii (Fig. 23), some Cephalopoda, and Brachiopoda, among which last may be named Pentamerus Knightii, Orthis, &c., and some Corals, as Halysites catenularius (Fig. 26), or the chain coral. Fig. 23.—Calymene Blumenbachii partially rolled up. The Trilobites, we have already said, were able to coil themselves into a ball, like the wood-louse, doubtless as a means of defence. In Fig. 23, one of these creatures, Calymene Blumenbachii, is represented in that form, coiled upon itself. (See also IllÆnus Barriensis, Fig. 25.) Crustaceans of a very strange form, and in no respects resembling the Trilobites, have been met with in the Silurian rocks of England and America—the Pterygotus (Fig. 27) and the Eurypterus, (Fig. 24). They are supposed to have been the inhabitants of fresh water. They were called “Seraphim” by the Scotch quarrymen, from the winged form and feather-like ornamentation upon the thoracic appendage, the part most usually met with. Agassiz figured them in his work on the ‘Fossil Fig. 24.—Eurypterus remipes. Natural size. Among the marine plants which have been found in the rocks corresponding with this sub-period are some species of AlgÆ, and others belonging to the LycopodiaceÆ, which become still more abundant in the Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous Periods. Fig. 28 represents some examples of the impressions they have left. The seas were, evidently, abundantly inhabited at the end of the Upper Silurian period, for naturalists have examined nearly 1,500 species belonging to these beds, and the number of British species, Fig. 25.—IllÆnus Barriensis.—Dudley, Walsall. Towards the close of the Upper Silurian sub-period, the argillaceous beds pass upwards into more sandy and shore-like deposits, in which the most ancient known fossil Fishes occur, and then usher us into the first great ichthyic period of the Old Red Sandstone, or Devonian, so well marked by its fossil fishes in Britain, Russia, and North America. The so-called fish-bones have been the subject of considerable doubt. Between the Upper Ludlow rocks opposite Downton Castle and the next overlying stratum, there occurs a thin bed of soft earthy shale, and fine, soft, yellowish greenstone, immediately overlying the Ludlow rock: just below this a remarkable fish-deposit occurs, called the Ludlow bone-bed, because the bones of animals are found in this stratum in great quantities. Old Drayton treats these bones as a great marvel:— “With strange and sundry tales Of all their wondrous things; and not the least in Wales, Of that prodigious spring (him neighbouring as he past), That little fishes’ bones continually doth cast.” Polyolbion. Above the yellow beds, or Downton sandstone, as they are called, organic remains are extensively diffused through the argillaceous strata, which have yielded fragments of fishes’ bones (being the earliest trace yet found of vertebrate life), with seeds and land-plants, the latter clearly indicating the neighbourhood of land, and the poverty of Fig. 26.—Halysites catenularius. Fig. 27.—Pterygotus bilobatus. The fragments thus discovered were, after examination on the spot, supposed to be those of fishes, but, upon further investigation, many of them were found to belong to Crustaceans. The ichthyic nature of some of them is, however, now well established. Fig. 28.—Plants of the PalÆozoic Epoch.—1 and 2, AlgÆ; 3 and 4, Lycopods. We may add, as a general characteristic of the Silurian system as a whole, that of all formations it is the most disturbed. In the countries where it prevails, it only appears as fragments which have escaped destruction amid the numerous changes that have affected it during the earlier ages of the world. The beds, originally horizontal, are turned up, contorted, folded over, and sometimes become even vertical, as in the slates of Angers, Llanberis, and Ireleth. D’Orbigny found the Silurian beds with their fossils in the American Andes, at the height of 16,000 feet above the level of the sea. What vast upheavals must have been necessary to elevate these fossils to such a height! In the Silurian period the sea still occupied the earth almost entirely; it covered the greater part of Europe: all the area comprised between Spain and the Ural was under water. In France only two islands had emerged from the primordial ocean. One of them was formed of the granitic rocks of what are now Brittany and La VendÉe; the other constituted the great central plateau, and consisted of the same rocks. The northern parts of Norway, Sweden, and of Russian Lapland formed a vast continental surface. In America the emerged lands were more extensive. In North America an island extended over eighteen degrees of latitude, in the part now called New Britain. In South America, in the Pacific, Chili formed one elongated island. Upon the Atlantic, a portion of Brazil, to the extent of twenty degrees of latitude, was raised above water. Finally, in the equatorial regions, Guiana formed a later island in the vast ocean which still covered most other parts of the New World. There is, perhaps, no scene of greater geological confusion than that presented by the western flanks of the Pennine chain. A line drawn longitudinally from about three degrees west of Greenwich, would include on its western side Cross Fell, in Cumberland, and the greater part of the Silurian rocks belonging to the Cambrian system, in which the Cambrian and Lower Silurian rocks are now well determined; while the upper series are so metamorphosed by eruptive granite and the effects of denudation, as to be scarcely recognisable. “With the rare exception of a seaweed and a zoophyte,” says the author of ‘Siluria,’ “not a trace of a fossil has been detected in the thousands of feet of strata, with interpolated igneous matter, which intervene between the slates of Skiddaw and the Coniston limestone, with its overlying flags; at that zone only do we begin to find anything like a fauna: here, judging from its fossils, we find representations I. Beds of mudstone and sandstone, deposited in an ancient sea, apparently without the calcareous matter necessary to the existence of shells and corals, and with numerous traces of organic forms of Silurian age—these were the elements of the Skiddaw slates. II. Plutonic rocks were, for many ages, poured out among the aqueous sedimentary deposits; the beds were broken up and re-cemented—plutonic silt and other finely comminuted matter were deposited along with the igneous rocks: the process was again and again repeated, till a deep sea was filled up with a formation many thousands of feet thick by the materials forming the middle Cambrian rocks. III. A period of comparative repose followed. Beds of shells and bands of coral were formed upon the more ancient rocks, interrupted with beds of sand and mud; processes many times repeated: and thus, in a long succession of ages, were the deposits of the upper series completed. IV. Towards the end of the period, mountain-masses and eruptive rocks were pushed up through the older deposits. After many revolutions, all the divisions of the slate-series were upheaved and contorted by movements which did not affect the newer formations. V. The conglomerates of the Old Red Sandstone were now spread out by the beating of an ancient surf, continued through many ages, against the upheaved and broken slates. VI. Another period of comparative repose followed: the coral-reefs of the mountain limestone, and the whole carboniferous series, were formed, but not without any oscillations between the land and sea-levels. VII. An age of disruption and violence succeeded, marked by the discordant position of the rocks, and by the conglomerate of the New Red Sandstone. At the beginning of this period the great north and south “Craven fault,” which rent off the eastern calcareous mountains from the old slates, was formed. Soon afterwards the disruption of the great “Pennine fault,” which ranges from the foot of Stanmore to the coast of North Cumberland, occurred, lifting up the terrace of Cross Fell above the plain of the Eden. About the same time some of the north and south fissures, which now form the valleys leading into Morecambe Bay, may have been formed. VIII. The more tranquil period of the New Red Sandstone IX. Thousands of ages rolled away during the Secondary and Tertiary periods, in which we can trace no movement. But the powers of Nature are never still: during this age of apparent repose many a fissure may have started into an open chasm, many a valley been scooped out upon the lines of “fault.” X. Close to the historic times we have evidence of new disruptions and violence, and of vast changes of level between land and sea. Ancient valleys probably opened out anew or extended, and fresh ones formed in the changes of the oceanic level. Cracks among the strata may now have become open fissures, vertical escarpments formed by unequal elevations along the lines of fault; and subsidence may have given rise to many of the tarns and lakes of the district. Such is the picture which one of our most eminent geologists gives as the probable process by which this region has attained its present appearance, after he had devoted years of study and observation to its peculiarities; and his description of one spot applies in its general scope to the whole district. At the close of the Silurian period our island was probably an archipelago, ranging over ten degrees of latitude, like many of the island groups now found in the great Pacific Ocean; the old gneissic hills of the western coast of Scotland, culminating in the granite range of Ben Nevis, and stretching to the southern Grampians, forming the nucleus of one island group; the south Highlands of Scotland, ranging from the Lammermoor hills, another; the Pennine chain and the Malvern hills, the third, and most easterly group; the Shropshire and Welsh mountains, a fourth; and Devon and Cornwall stretching far to the south and west. The basis of the calculation being, that every spot of this island lying now at a lower elevation than 800 feet above the sea, was under water at the close of the Silurian period, except in those instances where depression by subsidence has since occurred. There is, however, another element to be considered, which cannot be better stated than in the picturesque language of M. Esquiros, an eminent French writer, who has given much attention to British geology. “The Silurian mountains,” he says, “ruins in themselves, contain other ruins. In the bosom of the Longmynd rocks, geologists discover conglomerates of rounded stones which bear no resemblance to any rocks now near them. These stones consequently prove the existence of rocks more ancient still; they are fragments of other mountains, of other shores, perhaps even of continents, broken up, Fig. 29.—Ischadites Koenigii. Upper Ludlow Rocks. Note.—For accurate representations of the typical fossils of the PalÆozoic strata of Britain, the reader may consult, with advantage, the carefully executed “Figures of Characteristic British Fossils,” by W. H. Baily, F.G.S. (Van Voorst). OLD RED SANDSTONE AND DEVONIAN PERIOD.Another great period in the Earth’s history opens on us—the Devonian or “Old Red Sandstone,” so called, because the formation is very clearly displayed over a great extent of country in the county of Devon. The name was first proposed by Murchison and Sedgwick, in 1837, for these strata, which had previously been referred to the “transition” or Silurian series. The circumstances which marked the passage of the uppermost Silurian rocks into Old Red Sandstone seem to have been:—First, a shallowing of the sea, followed by a gradual alteration in the physical geography of the district, so that the area became changed into a series of mingled fresh and brackish lagoons, which, finally, by continued terrestrial changes, were converted into a great fresh-water lake; or, if we take the whole of Britain and lands beyond, into a series of lakes. Mr. Godwin Austen has, also, stated his opinion that the Old Red Sandstone, as distinct from the Devonian rocks, was of lacustrine origin. The absence of marine shells helps to this conclusion, and the nearest living analogues of some of the fishes are found in the fresh water of Africa and North America. Even the occurrence in the Devonian rocks of Devonshire and Russia of some Old Red Sandstone fishes along with marine shells, merely proves that some of them were fitted to live in either fresh or salt water, like various existing fishes. At the present day animals that are commonly supposed to be essentially marine, are occasionally found inhabiting fresh water, as is the case in some of the lakes of Sweden, where it is said marine crustacea are found. Mr. Alexander Murray also states that in the inland fresh-water lakes of Newfoundland seals are common, living The red colour of the Old Red Sandstone of England and Scotland, and the total absence of fossils, except in the very uppermost beds, are considered by Professor Ramsay to indicate that the strata were deposited in inland waters. These fossils are terrestrial ferns, Adiantites (Pecopteris) Hibernicus, and a fresh-water shell, Anodon Jukesii, together with the fish Glyptolepis. The rocks deposited during the Devonian period exhibit some species of animals and plants of a much more complex organisation than those which had previously made their appearance. We have seen, during the Silurian epoch, organisms appearing of very simple type; namely, zoophytes, articulated and molluscous animals, with algÆ and lycopods, among plants. We shall see, as the globe grows older, that organisation becomes more complex. Vertebrated animals, represented by numerous Fishes, succeed Zoophytes, Trilobites, and Molluscs. Soon afterwards Reptiles appear, then Birds and Mammals; until the time comes when man, His supreme and last work, issues from the hands of the Creator, to be king of all the earth—man, who has for the sign of his superiority, intelligence—that celestial gift, the emanation from God. Vast inland seas, or lakes covered with a few islets, form the ideal of the Old Red Sandstone period. Upon the rocks of these islets the mollusca and articulata of the period exhibit themselves, as represented on the opposite page (Plate IX.). Stranded on the shore we see armour-coated Fishes of strange forms. A group of plants (Asterophyllites) covers one of the islets, associated with plants nearly herbaceous, resembling mosses, though the true mosses did not appear till a much later period. Encrinites and Lituites occupy the rocks in the foreground of the left hand. The vegetation is still simple in its development, for forest-trees seem altogether wanting. The Asterophyllites, with tall and slender stems, rise singly to a considerable height. Cryptogams, of which our mushrooms convey some idea, would form the chief part of this primitive vegetation; but in consequence of the softness of their tissues, their want of consistence, and the absence of much woody fibre, these earlier plants have come down to us only in a fragmentary state. IX.—Ideal Landscape of the Devonian Period. The plants belonging to the Devonian period differ much from Fig. 30.—Plants of the Devonian Epoch. 1. AlgÆ. 2. Zostera. 3. Psilophyton, natural size. In the woodcut (Fig. 30) we have represented three species of aquatic plants belonging to the Devonian period; they are—1, Fucoids (or AlgÆ); 2, Zostera; 3, Psilophyton. The Fucoid closely resembles its modern ally; but with the first indications of terrestrial vegetation we pass from the Thallogens, to which the AlgÆ belong (plants of simple organisation, without flower or stem), to the Acrogens, which throw out their leaves and branches at the extremity, and Let us now take a glance at the animals belonging to this period. The class of Fishes seem to have held the first rank and importance in the Old Red Sandstone fauna; but their structure was very different from that of existing fishes: they were provided with a sort of cuirass, and from the nature of the scales were called Ganoid fishes. Numerous fragments of these curious fishes are now found in geological collections; they are of strange forms, some being completely covered with a cuirass of many pieces, and others furnished with wing-like pectoral fins, as in Pterichthys. Let any one picture to himself the surprise he would feel should he, on taking his first lesson in geology, and on first breaking a stone—a pebble, for instance, exhibiting every external sign of a water-worn surface—find, to appropriate Archdeacon Paley’s illustration, a watch, or any other delicate piece of mechanism, in its centre. Now, this, thirty years ago, is exactly the kind of surprise that Hugh Miller experienced in the sandstone quarry opened in a lofty wall of cliff overhanging the northern shore of the Moray Frith. He had picked up a nodular mass of blue Lias-limestone, which he laid open by a stroke of the hammer, when, behold! an exquisitely shaped Ammonite was displayed before him. It is not surprising that henceforth the half-mason, half-sailor, and poet, became a geologist. He sought for information, and found it; he found that the rocks among which he laboured swarmed with the relics of a former age. He pursued his investigations, and found, while working in this zone of strata all around the coast, that a certain class of fossils abounded; but that in a higher zone these familiar forms disappeared, and others made their appearance. He read and learned that in other lands—lands of more recent Fig. 31.—Fishes of the Devonian Epoch. 1. Coccosteus, one-third natural size. 2. Pterichthys, one-fourth natural size. 3. Cephalaspis, one-fourth natural size. Among the Fishes of Old Red Sandstone, the Coccosteus (Fig. 31, No. 1) was only partially cased in a defensive armour; the upper part of the body down to the fins was defended by scales. Pterichthys (No. 2), a Fig. 32.—Fishes of the Devonian epoch. 1. Acanthodes. 2. Climatius. 3. Diplacanthus. Other fishes were provided with no such cuirass, properly so called, but were protected by strong resisting scales, enveloping the whole body. Such were the Acanthodes (1), the Climatius (2), and the Diplacanthus (3), represented in Fig. 32. Among the organic beings of the Devonian rocks we find worm-like animals, such as the Annelides, protected by an external shell, and which at the present day are probably represented by the SerpulÆ. Among Crustaceans the Trilobites are still somewhat numerous, especially in the middle rocks of the period. We also find there many different groups of Mollusca, of which the Brachiopoda form more than one-half. We may say of this period that it is the reign Fig. 33.—Atrypa reticularis. Among the Radiata of this epoch, the order Crinoidea are abundantly represented. We give as an example Cupressocrinus crassus (Fig. 35). The Encrinites, under which name the whole of these animals are sometimes included, lived attached to rocky places and in deep water, as they now do in the Caribbean sea. Fig. 34.—Clymenia Sedgwickii. The Encrinites, as we have seen, were represented during the Silurian period in a simple genus, Hemicosmites, but they greatly increased in numbers in the seas of the Devonian period. They diminish in numbers, as we retire from that geological age; until those forms, which were so numerous and varied in the earliest seas, are now only represented by two genera. Fig. 35.—Cupressocrinus crassus. In Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Gloucestershire, and South Wales, the Old Red Sandstone is largely developed, and sometimes attains the thickness of from 8,000 to 10,000 feet, divided Fig. 36.—Trinucleus Lloydii. (Llandeilo Flags.) Some of the phenomena connected with the older rocks of Devonshire are difficult to unravel. The Devonian, it is now understood, is the equivalent, in another area, of the Old Red Sandstone, and in Cornwall and Devonshire lie directly on the Silurian strata, while elsewhere the fossils of the Upper Silurian are almost identical with those in the Devonian beds. The late Professor Jukes, with some other geologists, was of opinion that the Devonian rocks of Devonshire only represented the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland and South Wales in part; the Upper Devonian rocks lying between the acknowledged Old Red Sandstone and the Culm-measures being the representatives of the lower carboniferous rocks of Ireland. Mr. Etheridge, on the other hand, in an elaborate memoir upon the same subject, has endeavoured to prove that the Devonian and Old Red Sandstone, though contemporaneous in point of time, were deposited in different areas and under widely different conditions—the one strictly marine, the other altogether fresh-water—or, perhaps, partly fresh-water and partly estuarine. This supposition is strongly supported by his researches into the mollusca of the Devonian system, and also by the fish-remains of the Devonian and Old Red Sandstone of Scotland and the West of England and Wales. CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD.In the history of our globe the Carboniferous period succeeds to the Devonian. It is in the formations of this latter epoch that we find the fossil fuel which has done so much to enrich and civilise the world in our own age. This period divides itself into two great sub-periods: 1. The Coal-measures; and 2. The Carboniferous Limestone. The first, a period which gave rise to the great deposits of coal; the second, to most important marine deposits, most frequently underlying the coal-fields in England, Belgium, France, and America. The limestone-mountains which form the base of the whole system, attain in places, according to Professor Phillips, a thickness of 2,500 feet. They are of marine origin, as is apparent by the multitude of fossils they contain of Zoophytes, Radiata, Cephalopoda, and Fishes. But the chief characteristic of this epoch is its strictly terrestrial flora—remains of plants now become as common as they were rare in all previous formations, announcing a great increase of dry land. In older geological times the present site of our island was covered by a sea of unlimited extent; we now approach a time when it was a forest, or, rather, an innumerable group of islands, and marshes covered with forests, which spread over the surface of the clusters of islands which thickly studded the sea of the period. Fig. 37.—Ferns restored. 1 and 2. Arborescent Ferns. 3 and 4. Herbaceous Ferns. The monuments of this era of profuse vegetation reveal themselves in the precious Coal-measures of England and Scotland. These give us some idea of the rich verdure which covered the surface of the earth, newly risen from the bosom of its parent waves. It was the paradise of terrestrial vegetation. The grand Sigillaria, the Stigmaria, and other fern-like plants, were especially typical of this age, and formed the woods, which were left to grow undisturbed; for as yet no living Mammals seem to have appeared; everything indicates a uniformly warm, humid temperature, the only climate in which the gigantic ferns of the Coal-measures could have attained their magnitude. In Fig. 37 the reader has a restoration of the arborescent and herbaceous Ferns Everything announces that the time occupied in the deposition of the Carboniferous Limestone was one of vast duration. Professor Phillips calculates that, at the ordinary rate of progress, it would require 122,400 years to produce only sixty feet of coal. Geologists believe, moreover, that the upper coal-measures, where bed has been deposited upon bed, for ages upon ages, were accumulated under conditions of comparative tranquillity, but that the end of this period was marked by violent convulsions—by ruptures of the terrestrial crust, when the carboniferous rocks were upturned, contorted, dislocated by faults, and subsequently partially denuded, and thus appear now in depressions or basin-shaped concavities; and that upon this deranged and disturbed foundation a fourth geological system, called Permian, was constructed. The fundamental character of the period we are about to study is the immense development of a vegetation which then covered much of the globe. The great thickness of the rocks which now represent the period in question, the variety of changes which are observed in these rocks wherever they are met with, lead to the conclusion that this phase in the Earth’s history involved a long succession of time. Coal, as we shall find, is composed of the mineralised remains of the vegetation which flourished in remote ages of the world. Buried under an enormous thickness of rocks, it has been preserved to our days, after being modified in its inward nature and external aspect. Having lost a portion of its elementary constituents, it has become transformed into a species of carbon, impregnated with those bituminous substances which are the ordinary products of the slow decomposition of vegetable matter. Thus, coal, which supplies our manufactures and our furnaces, which is the fundamental agent of our productive and economic industry—the coal which warms our houses and furnishes the gas which lights our streets and dwellings—is the substance of the plants which formed the forests, the vegetation, and the marshes of the ancient world, at a period too distant for human chronology to calculate with anything like precision. We shall not say—with some persons, who believe that all in Nature was made with reference to man, and who thus form a very imperfect idea of the vast immensity of creation—that the vegetables of the ancient world have lived and multiplied only, some day, to prepare for man the agents of his economic and industrial occupations. We shall rather direct the attention of our young readers to the powers of modern science, which can thus, after Let us pause for a moment, and consider the general characters which belonged to our planet during the Carboniferous period. Heat—though not necessarily excessive heat—and extreme humidity were then the attributes of its atmosphere. The modern allies of the species which formed its vegetation are now only found under the burning latitudes of the tropics; and the enormous dimensions in which we find them in the fossil state prove, on the other hand, that the atmosphere was saturated with moisture. Dr. Livingstone tells us that continual rains, added to intense heat, are the climatic characteristic of Equatorial Africa, where the vigorous and tufted vegetation flourishes which is so delightful to the eye. It is a remarkable circumstance that conditions of equable and warm climate, combined with humidity, do not seem to have been limited to any one part of the globe, but the temperature of the whole globe seems to have been nearly the same in very different latitudes. From the Equatorial regions up to Melville Island, in the Arctic Ocean, where in our days eternal frost prevails—from Spitzbergen to the centre of Africa, the carboniferous flora is identically the same. When nearly the same plants are found in Greenland and Guinea; when the same species, now extinct, are met with of equal development at the equator as at the pole, we cannot but admit that at this epoch the temperature of the globe was nearly alike everywhere. What we now call climate was unknown in these geological times. There seems to have been then only one climate over the whole globe. It was at a subsequent period, that is, in later Tertiary times, that the cold began to make itself felt at the terrestrial poles. Whence, then, proceeded this general superficial warmth, which we now regard with so much surprise? It was a consequence of the greater or nearer influence of the interior heat of the globe. The earth was still so hot in itself, that the heat which reached it from the sun may have been inappreciable. Another hypothesis, which has been advanced with much less certainty than the preceding, relates to the chemical composition of the air during the Carboniferous period. Seeing the enormous mass of vegetation which then covered the globe, and extended from one pole to the other; considering, also, the great proportion of carbon and hydrogen which exists in the bituminous matter of coal, it has been thought, and not without reason, that the atmosphere of the period Fig. 38.—Calamite restored. Thirty to forty feet high. Every one knows those marsh-plants with hollow, channelled, and articulated cylindrical stems; whose joints are furnished with a membranous, denticulated sheath, and which bear the vulgar name of “mare’s-tail;” their fructification forming a sort of catkin composed of many rings of scales, carrying on their lower surface sacs full of spores or seeds. These humble Equiseta were represented during the Coal-period by herbaceous trees from twenty to thirty feet high and four to six inches in diameter. Their trunks, channelled longitudinally, and divided transversely by lines of articulation, have been preserved to us: they bear the name of Calamites. The engraving (Fig. 38) represents one of these gigantic mare’s-tails, or Calamites, of the Coal-period, restored under the directions of M. Eugene Deslongchamps. It is represented with its fronds of leaves, and its organs of fructification. They seem to have grown by means of an underground stem, while new buds issued from the ground at intervals, as represented in the engraving. The Lycopods of our age are humble plants, scarcely a yard in height, and most commonly creepers; but the LycopodiaceÆ of the ancient world were trees of eighty or ninety feet in height. It was the Lepidodendrons which filled the forests. Their leaves were sometimes twenty inches long, and their trunks a yard in diameter. Such are the dimensions of some specimens of Lepidodendron carinatum which have been found. Another Lycopod of this period, the Lomatophloyos crassicaule, attained dimensions still more colossal. The Sigillarias sometimes exceeded 100 feet in height. Herbaceous Ferns were What could be more surprising than the aspect of this exuberant vegetation!—these immense Sigillarias, which reigned over the forest! these Lepidodendrons, with flexible and slender stems! these Lomatophloyos, which present themselves as herbaceous trees of gigantic height, furnished with verdant leaflets! these Calamites, forty feet high! Fig. 39.—Trunk of Calamites. One-fifth natural size. The margin of the waters would also be covered with various plants with light and whorled leaves, belonging, perhaps, to the Dicotyledons; Annularia fertilis, Sphenophyllites, and Asterophyllites. How this vegetation, so imposing, both on account of the dimensions of the individual trees and the immense space which they occupied, Fig. 40.—Trunk of Sigillaria. One-tenth natural size. But, we might ask, for what eyes, for whose thoughts, for whose wants, did the solitary forests grow? For whom these majestic and extensive shades? For whom these sublime sights? What mysterious beings contemplated these marvels? A question which cannot be solved, and one before which we are overwhelmed, and our powerless reason is silent; its solution rests with Him who said, “Before the world was, I am!” The vegetation which covered the numerous islands of the Carboniferous sea consisted, then, of Ferns, of EquisetaceÆ, of LycopodiaceÆ, and dicotyledonous Gymnosperms. The Annularia and SigillariÆ belong to families of the last-named class, which are now completely extinct. Fig. 41.—Sigillaria lÆvigata. One-third natural size. The AnnulariÆ were small plants which floated on the surface of fresh-water lakes and ponds; their leaves were verticillate, that is, arranged in a great number of whorls, at each articulation of the stem with the branches. The SigillariÆ were, on the contrary, great trees, consisting of a simple trunk, surmounted with a bunch or panicle of slender drooping leaves, with the bark often channelled, and displaying impressions or scars of the old leaves, which, from their resemblance to a seal, sigillum, gave origin to their name. Fig. 41 represents the bark of one of these SigillariÆ, which is often met with in coal-mines. Fig. 42.—Stigmaria. One-tenth natural size. The StigmariÆ (Fig. 42), according to palÆontologists, were roots of SigillariÆ, with a subterranean fructification; all that is known of Two other gigantic trees grew in the forests of this period: these were Lepidodendron carinatum and Lomatophloyos crassicaule, both belonging to the family of LycopodiaceÆ, which now includes only very small species. The trunk of the Lomatophloyos threw out numerous branches, which terminated in thick tufts of linear and fleshy leaves. Fig. 43.—Lepidodendron Sternbergii. The Lepidodendrons, of which there are about forty known species, have cylindrical bifurcated branches; that is, the branches Fig. 44.—Lepidodendron Sternbergii restored. Forty feet high. Fig. 45.—Lepidostrobus variabilis. Fig. 46.—Lepidodendron elegans. Carboniferous Limestone. (Sub-period.)The seas of this epoch included an immense number of Fig. 47.—Lepidodendron Sternbergii. Crustaceans are rare in the Carboniferous Limestone strata; the genus Phillipsia is the last of the Trilobites, all of which became extinct at the close of this period. As to the Zoophytes, they consist chiefly of Crinoids and Corals. The Crinoids were represented by the genera Platycrinus and Cyathocrinus. We also have in these rocks many Polyzoa. Fig. 48.—Pecopteris lonchitica, a little magnified. Fig. 49.—Neuropteris gigantea. Fig. 50.—Lonchopteris Bricii. Fig. 51.—Odontopteris Brardii. Fig. 52.—Sphenopteris artemisiÆfolia, magnified. Among the corals of the period, we may include the genera Fig. 53.—Producta Martini. One-third nat. size. Fig. 54.—Bellerophon costatus. Half nat. size. Fig. 55.—Goniatites evolutus. Nat. size. Fig. 56.—Bellerophon hiulcus. Fig. 57.—Orthoceras laterale. Fig. 58.—Lithostrotion basaltiforme. Fig. 59.—Lonsdalea floriformis. X.—Ideal view of marine life in the Carboniferous Period. On the left are other corals: the Cyathophyllum with straight cylindrical stems; some Encrinites (Cyathocrinus and Platycrinus) wound round the trunk of a tree, or with their flexible stem floating in the water. Some Fishes, Amblypterus, move about amongst these creatures, the greater number of which are immovably attached, like plants, to the rock on which they grow. In addition, this engraving shows us a series of islets, rising out of Fig. 60.—Foraminifera of the Mountain Limestone, forming the centre of an oolitic grain. Power 120. Fig. 61.—Foraminifera of the Chalk, obtained by brushing it in water. Power 120. Fig. 62.—Producta horrida. Half natural size. It is of importance to know the rocks formed by marine deposits during the era of the Carboniferous Limestone, inasmuch as they include coal, though in much smaller quantities than in the succeeding sub-period of the true coal-deposit. They consist essentially of a compact limestone, of a greyish-blue, and even black colour. The blow of the hammer causes them to exhale a somewhat fetid odour, which is owing to decomposed organic matter—the modified substance of the molluscs and zoophytes—of which it is to so great an extent composed, and whose remains are still easily recognised. In the north of England, and many other parts of the British Islands, the Carboniferous Limestone forms, as we have seen, lofty mountain-masses, to which the term Mountain Limestone is sometimes applied. In Derbyshire the formation constitutes rugged, lofty, and fantastically-shaped mountains, whose summits mingle with the clouds, while its picturesque character appears here, as well as farther north, in the dales or valleys, where rich meadows, through which the mountain streams force their way, seem to be closed abruptly by masses of rock, rising above them like the grey ruins of some ancient tower; while the mountain bases are pierced with caverns, and their sides covered with mosses and ferns, for the growth of which the limestone is particularly favourable. The formation is metalliferous, and yields rich veins of lead-ore in In France, the Carboniferous Limestone, with its sandstones and conglomerates, schists and limestones, is largely developed in the Vosges, in the Lyonnais, and in Languedoc, often in contact with syenites and porphyries, and other igneous rocks, by which it has been penetrated and disturbed, and even metamorphosed in many ways, by reason of the various kinds of rocks of which it is composed. In the United States the Carboniferous Limestone formation occupies a somewhat grand position in the rear of the Alleghanies. It is also found forming considerable ranges in our Australian colonies. In consequence of their age, as compared with the Secondary and Tertiary limestones, the Carboniferous rocks are generally more marked and varied in character. The valley of the Meuse, from Namur to Chockier, above LiÈge, is cut out of this formation; and many of our readers will remember with delight the picturesque character of the scenery, especially that of the left bank of the celebrated river in question. Coal Measures. (Sub-period.)This terrestrial period is characterised, in a remarkable manner, by the abundance and strangeness of the vegetation which then covered the islands and continents of the whole globe. Upon all points of the earth, as we have said, this flora presented a striking uniformity. In comparing it with the vegetation of the present day, the learned French botanist, M. Brongniart, who has given particular attention to the flora of the Coal-measures, has arrived at the conclusion that it presented considerable analogy with that of the islands of the equatorial and torrid zone, in which a maritime climate and elevated temperature exist in the highest degree. It is believed that islands were very numerous at this period; that, in short, the dry land formed a sort of vast archipelago upon the general ocean, of no great depth, the islands being connected together and formed into continents as they gradually emerged from the ocean. It will simplify the classification of the flora of the Carboniferous epoch if we give a tabular arrangement adopted by the best authorities:—
Calamites are among the most abundant fossil plants of the Carboniferous period, and occur also in the Devonian. They are preserved as striated, jointed, cylindrical, or compressed stems, with fluted channels or furrows at their sides, and sometimes surrounded by a bituminous coating, the remains of a cortical integument. They were originally hollow, but the cavity is usually filled up with a substance into which they themselves have been converted. They were divided into joints or segments, and when broken across at their articulations they show a number of striÆ, originating in the furrows of the sides, and turning inwards towards the centre of the stem. It is not known whether this structure was connected with an imperfect diaphragm stretched across the hollow of the stem at each joint, or merely represented the ends of woody plates of which the solid part of the stem is composed. Their extremities have been discovered to taper gradually to a point, as represented in C. cannÆformis (Fig. 64), or to end abruptly, the intervals becoming shorter and smaller. The obtuse point is now found to be the root. Calamites are regarded as Equisetaceous plants; later botanists consider that they belong to an extinct family of plants. SigillariÆ are the most abundant of all plants in the coal formation, and were those principally concerned in the accumulation of the mineral fuel of the Coal-measures. Not a mine is opened, nor a heap of shale thrown out, but there occur fragments of its stem, marked externally with small rounded impressions, and in the centre slight tubercles, with a quincuncial arrangement. From the tubercles arise long ribbon-shaped bodies, which have been traced in some instances to the length of twenty feet. Fig. 63.—Sphenophyllum restored. Fig. 64.—Calamites cannÆformis. One-third natural size. In the family of the Asterophyllites, the leaf of A. foliosa (Fig. 66); and the foliage of Annularia orifolia (Fig. 67) are remarkable. In addition to these, we present, in Fig. 63, a restoration of one of these Asterophyllites, the Sphenophyllum, after M. Eugene Deslongchamps. This herbaceous tree, like the Calamites, would present the appearance of an immense asparagus, twenty-five to thirty feet high. It is represented here with its branches and fronds, which bear some resemblance to the leaves of the ginkgo. The bud, as represented in the figure, is terminal, and not axillary, as in some of the Calamites. Fig. 65.—Sigillaria reniformis. If, during the Coal-period, the vegetable kingdom had reached its maximum, the animal kingdom, on the contrary, was poorly represented. Some remains have been found, both in America and Germany, consisting of portions of the skeleton and the impressions of the footsteps of a Reptile, which has received the name of Archegosaurus. In Fig. 68 is represented the head and neck of Archegosaurus minor, found in 1847 in the coal-basin of Saarbruck between Strasbourg and TrÈves. Among the animals of this period we find a few Fishes, analogous to those of the Devonian formation. These are the Holoptychius and Megalichthys, having jaw-bones Fig. 66.—Asterophyllites foliosa. XI.—Ideal view of a marshy forest of the Coal Period. On the opposite page (Pl. XI.) M. Riou has attempted, under the directions of M. Deslongchamps, to reproduce the aspect of Nature during the period. A marsh and forest of the Coal-period are here represented, with a short and thick vegetation, a sort of grass composed of herbaceous Fern and mare’s-tail. Several trees of forest-height raise their heads above this lacustrine vegetation. On the left are seen the naked trunk of a Lepidodendron and a Sigillaria, an arborescent Fern rising between the two trunks. At the foot of these great trees an herbaceous Fern and a Stigmaria appear, whose long ramification of roots, provided with Fig. 67.—Annularia orifolia. In front of this group we see two trunks broken and overthrown. These are a Lepidodendron and Sigillaria, mingling with a heap of vegetable dÉbris in course of decomposition, from which a rich humus will be formed, upon which new generations of plants will soon develop themselves. Some herbaceous Ferns and buds of Calamites rise out of the waters of the marsh. A few Fishes belonging to the period swim on the surface of the water, and the aquatic reptile Archegosaurus shows its long and pointed head—the only part of the animal which has hitherto been discovered (Fig. 68). A Stigmaria extends its roots into the water, and the pretty Asterophyllites, with its finely-cut stems, rises above it in the foreground. A forest, composed of Lepidodendra and Calamites, forms the background to the picture. Fig. 68.—Head and neck of Archegosaurus minor. Formation of Beds of Coal.Coal, as we have said, is only the result of a partial decomposition of the plants which covered the earth during a geological period of immense duration. No one, now, has any doubt that this is its origin. In coal-mines it is not unusual to find fragments of the very plants whose trunks and leaves characterise the Coal-measures, or Carboniferous era. Immense trunks of trees have also been met with in the middle of a seam of coal. In the coal-mines of Treuil, Fig. 69.—Treuil coal-mine, at St. Etienne. In England it is the same; entire trees are found lying across the coal-beds. Sir Charles Lyell tells us In the lofty cliffs of the South Joggins, in the Bay of Fundy, in Nova Scotia, Sir Charles Lyell found in one portion of the coal-field 1,500 feet thick, as many as sixty-eight different surfaces, presenting evident traces of as many old soils of forests, where the trunks of the trees were still furnished with roots. We will endeavour to establish here the true geological origin of coal, in order that no doubt may exist in the minds of our readers on a subject of such importance. In order to explain the presence of coal in the depths of the earth, there are only two possible hypotheses. This vegetable dÉbris may either result from the burying of plants brought from afar and transported by river or maritime currents, forming immense rafts, which may have grounded in different places and been covered subsequently by sedimentary deposits; or the trees may have grown on the spot where they Can the coal-beds result from the transport by water, and burial underground, of immense rafts formed of the trunks of trees? The hypothesis has against it the enormous height which must be conceded to the raft, in order to form coal-seams as thick as some of those which are worked in our collieries. If we take into consideration the specific gravity of wood, and the amount of carbon it It was suggested long ago by Bakewell, from the occurrence of the same peculiar kind of fireclay under each bed of coal, that it was the soil proper for the production of those plants from which coal has been formed. It has, also, been pointed out by Sir William Logan, as the result of his observations in the South Wales coal-field, and afterwards by Sir Henry De la Beche, and subsequently confirmed by the observations of Sir Charles Lyell in America, that not only in this country, but in the coal-fields of Nova Scotia, the United States, &c., every layer of true coal is co-extensive with and invariably underlaid by a marked stratum of arenaceous clay of greater or less thickness, which, from its position relatively to the coal has been long known to coal-miners, among other terms, by the name of under-clay. The clay-beds, “which vary in thickness from a few inches to more than ten feet, are penetrated in all directions by a confused and From the circumstance of the main stem of the Sigillaria, of which the Stigmaria ficoides have been traced to be merely a continuation, it was inferred by the above-mentioned authors, and has subsequently been generally recognised as probably the truth, that the roots found in the underclay are merely those of the plant (Sigillaria), the stem of which is met with in the overlying coal-beds—in fact, that the Stigmaria ficoides is only the root of the Sigillaria, and not a distinct plant, as was once supposed to be the case. This being granted, it is a natural inference to suppose that the present indurated under-clay is only another condition of that soft, silty soil, or of that finely levigated muddy sediment—most likely of still and shallow water—in which the vegetation grew, the remains of which were afterwards carbonised and converted into coal. In order thoroughly to comprehend the phenomena of the transformation into coal of the forests and of the herbaceous plants which filled the marshes and swamps of the ancient world, there is another consideration to be presented. During the coal-period, the terrestrial crust was subjected to alternate movements of elevation and depression of the internal liquid mass, under the impulse of the solar and lunar attractions to which they would be subject, as our seas are now, giving rise to a sort of subterranean tide, operating at intervals, more or less widely apart, upon the weaker parts of the crust, and producing considerable subsidences of the ground. It might, perhaps, happen that, in consequence of a subsidence produced in such a manner, the vegetation of the coal-period would be submerged, and the shrubs But, has coal been produced from the larger plants only—for example, from the great forest-trees of the period, such as the Lepidodendra, SigillariÆ, Calamites, and Sphenophylla? That is scarcely probable, for many coal-deposits contain no vestiges of the great trees of the period, but only of Ferns and other herbaceous plants of small size. It is, therefore, presumable that the larger vegetation has been almost unconnected with the formation of coal, or, at least, that it has played a minor part in its production. In all probability there existed in the coal-period, as at the present time, two distinct kinds of vegetation: one formed of lofty forest-trees, growing on the higher grounds; the other, herbaceous and aquatic plants, growing on marshy plains. It is the latter kind of vegetation, probably, which has mostly furnished the material for the coal; in the same way that marsh-plants have, during historic times and up to the present day, supplied our existing peat, which may be regarded as a sort of contemporaneous incipient coal. To what modification has the vegetation of the ancient world been subjected to attain that carbonised state, which constitutes coal? The submerged plants would, at first, be a light, spongy mass, in all respects resembling the peat-moss of our moors and marshes. While under water, and afterwards, when covered with sediment, these vegetable masses underwent a partial decomposition—a moist, putrefactive fermentation, accompanied by the production of much carburetted hydrogen and carbonic acid gas. In this way, the hydrogen escaping in the form of carburetted hydrogen, and the oxygen in the form of carbonic acid gas, the carbon became more concentrated, and coal was ultimately formed. This emission of carburetted hydrogen gas would, probably, continue after the peat-beds were buried beneath the strata which were deposited and accumulated upon them. The mere weight and pressure of the superincumbent mass, continued at an increasing ratio during a long series of ages, have given to the coal its density and compact state. The heat emanating from the interior of the globe would, also, An experiment, attempted for the first time in 1833, at Sain-Bel, afterwards repeated by M. Cagniard de la Tour, and completed at Saint-Etienne by M. Baroulier in 1858, fully demonstrates the process by which coal was formed. These gentlemen succeeded in producing a very compact coal artificially, by subjecting wood and other vegetable substances to the double influence of heat and pressure combined. The apparatus employed for this experiment by M. Baroulier, at Saint-Etienne, allowed the exposure of the strongly compressed vegetable matter enveloped in moist clay, to the influence of a long-continued temperature of from 200° to 300° Centigrade. This apparatus, without being absolutely closed, offered obstacles to the escape of gases or vapours in such a manner that the decomposition of the organic matters took place in the medium saturated with moisture, and under a pressure which prevented the escape of the elements of which it was composed. By placing in these conditions the sawdust of various kinds of wood, products were obtained which resembled in many respects, sometimes brilliant shining coal, and at others a dull coal. These differences, moreover, varied with the conditions of the experiment and the nature of the wood employed; thus explaining the striped appearance of coal when composed alternately of shining and dull veins. When the stems and leaves of ferns are compressed between beds of clay or pozzuolana, they are decomposed by the pressure only, and form on these blocks a carbonaceous layer, and impressions bearing a close resemblance to those which blocks of coal frequently exhibit. These last-mentioned experiments, which were first made by Dr. Tyndall, leave no room for doubt that coal has been formed from the plants of the ancient world. Passing from these speculations to the Coal-measures:— This formation is composed of a succession of beds, of various thicknesses, consisting of sandstones or gritstones, of clays and shales, sometimes so bituminous as to be inflammable—and passing, in short, into an imperfect kind of coal. These rocks are interstratified with each other in such a manner that they may consist of many alterations. Carbonate of protoxide of iron (clay-ironstone) may also be Fig. 70.—Stratification of coal-beds. The frequent presence of carbonate of iron in the coal-measures is a most fortunate circumstance for mining industry. When the miner finds, in the same spot, the ore of iron and the fuel required for smelting it, arrangements for working them can be established under the most favourable conditions. Such is the case in the coal-fields of Great Britain, and also in France to a less extent—that is to say, only at Saint-Etienne and Alais.
The American continent, then, contains much more extensive coal-fields than Europe; it possesses very nearly two square miles of coal-fields for every five miles of its surface; but it must be added that these immense fields of coal have not, hitherto, been productive in proportion to their extent. The following Table represents the annual produce of the collieries of America and Europe:—
We thus see that the United States holds a secondary place as a coal-producing country; raising one-eleventh part of the out-put of the whole of Europe, and about one-eighth part of the quantity produced by Great Britain. The Coal-measures of England and Scotland cover a large area; and attempts have been made to estimate the quantity of fuel they contain. The estimate made by the Royal Commission on the coal in the United Kingdom may be considered as the nearest; and, Fig. 71.—Contortions of Coal-beds. Fig. 72.—Cycas circinalis (living form). The coal-basin of Belgium and of the north of France forms a nearly continuous zone from LiÉge, Namur, Charleroi, and Mons, to Valenciennes, Douai, and BÉthune. The beds of coal there are from fifty to one hundred and ten in number, and their thickness varies from ten inches to six feet. Some coal-fields which are situated beneath the Secondary formations of the centre and south of France The seams of coal are rarely found in the horizontal position in which their original formation took place. They have been since much crumpled and distorted, forced into basin-shaped cavities, with minor undulations, and affected by numerous flexures and other disturbances. They are frequently found broken up and distorted by faults, and even folded back on themselves into zigzag forms, as represented in the engraving (Fig. 71, p. 167), which is a mode of occurrence common in all the Coal-measures of Somersetshire and in the basins of Belgium and the north of France. Vertical pits, sunk on coal which has been subjected to this kind of contortion and disturbance, sometimes traverse the same beds many times. PERMIAN PERIOD.The name “Permian” was proposed by Sir Roderick I. Murchison, in the year 1841, for certain deposits which are now known to terminate upwards the great primeval or PalÆozoic Series. This natural group consists, in descending order, in Germany, of the Zechstein, the Kupfer-schiefer, Roth-liegende, &c. In England it is usually divided into Magnesian Limestone or Zechstein, with subordinate Marl-slate or Kupfer-schiefer, and Rothliegende. The chief calcareous member of this group of strata is termed in Germany the “Zechstein,” in England the “Magnesian Limestone;” but, as magnesian limestones have been produced at many geological periods, and as the German Zechstein is only a part of a group, the other members of which are known as “Kupfer-schiefer” (“copper-slate”), “Roth-todt-liegende” (the “Lower New Red” of English geologists), &c., it was manifest that a single name for the whole was much needed. Finding, in his examination of Russia in Europe, that this group was a great and united physical series of marls, limestones, sandstones, and conglomerates, occupying a region much larger than France, and of which the Government of Perm formed a central part, Sir Roderick proposed that the name of Permian, now in general use, should be thereto applied. Extended researches have shown, from the character of its embedded organic remains, that it is closely allied to, but distinct from, the carboniferous strata below it, and is entirely distinct from the overlying Trias, or New Red Sandstone, which forms the base of the great series of the Secondary rocks. Geology is, however, not only indebted to Sir Roderick Murchison for this classification and nomenclature, but also to him, in conjunction with Professor Sedgwick, for the name “Devonian,” as an equivalent to “Old Red Sandstone;” whilst every geologist knows that Sir R. Murchison is the sole author of the Silurian System. XII.—Ideal landscape of the Permian Period. On the opposite page an ideal view of the earth during the Permian period is represented (Pl. XII.). In the background, on the right, is seen a series of syenitic and porphyritic domes, recently thrown up; while a mass of steam and vapour rises in columns from the midst of the sea, resulting from the heat given out by the porphyries and syenites. Having attained a certain height in the cooler atmosphere, the columns of steam become condensed and fall in torrents of rain. The evaporation of water in such vast masses being necessarily accompanied by an enormous disengagement of electricity, this imposing scene of the primitive world is illuminated by brilliant flashes of lightning, accompanied by reverberating peals of thunder. In the foreground, on the right, rise groups of Tree-ferns, Lepidodendra, and Walchias, of the preceding period. On the sea-shore, and left exposed by the retiring tide, are Molluscs and Zoophytes peculiar to the period, such as Producta, Spirifera, and Encrinites; pretty plants—the Asterophyllites—which we have noticed in our description of the Carboniferous age, are growing at the water’s edge, not far from the shore. During the Permian period the species of plants and animals were nearly the same as those already described as belonging to the Carboniferous period. Footprints of reptilian animals have been found in the Permian beds near Kenilworth, in the red sandstones of that age in the Vale of Eden, and in the sandstones of Corncockle Moor, and other parts of Dumfriesshire. These footprints, together with the occurrence of current-markings or ripplings, sun-cracks, and the pittings of rain-drops impressed on the surfaces of the beds, indicate that they were made upon damp surfaces, which afterwards became dried by the sun before the flooded waters covered them with fresh deposits of sediment, in the way that now happens during variations of the seasons in many salt lakes. That such a state of things is not inconsistent with the prevalence of a moist, equable, and temperate climate, necessary for the preservation of a luxuriant flora like that of the period in question, is shown in New Zealand; where, with a climate and vegetation approximating to those of the Carboniferous period, there are also glaciers at the present day in the southern island. Professor King has published a valuable memoir on the Permian fossils of England, in the Proceedings of the PalÆontographical Society, in which the following Table is given (in descending order) of the Permian system of the North of England, as compared with that of Thuringia:—
At the base of the system lies a band of lower sandstone (No. 6) of various colours, separating the Magnesian Limestone from the coal in Yorkshire and Durham; sometimes associated with red marl and gypsum, but with the same obscure relations in all these beds which usually attend the close of one series and the commencement of another; the imbedded plants being, in some cases, stated to be identical with those of the Carboniferous series. In Thuringia the Rothliegende, or red-lyer, a great deposit of red sandstone and conglomerate, associated with porphyry, basaltic trap, and amygdaloid, lies at the base of the system. Among the fossils of this age are the silicified trunks of Tree-ferns (Psaronius), the bark of which is surrounded The marl-slate (No. 5) consists of hard calcareous shales, marl-slates, and thin-bedded limestone, the whole nearly thirty feet thick in Durham, and yielding many fine specimens of Ganoid and Placoid fishes—PalÆoniscus, Pygopterus, Coelacanthus, and Platysomus—genera which all belong to the Carboniferous system, and which Professor King thinks probably lived at no great distance from the shore; but the Permian species of the marl-slate of England are identical with those of the copper-slate of Thuringia. Agassiz was the first to point out a remarkable peculiarity in the forms of the fishes which lived before and after this period. In most living fishes the trunk seems to terminate in the middle of the root of the tail, whose free margin is “homocercal” (even-tail), that is, either rounded, or, if forked, divided into two equal lobes. In PalÆoniscus, and most PalÆozoic fishes, the axis of the body is continued into the upper lobe of the tail, which is thus rendered unsymmetrical, as in the living sharks and sturgeons. The latter form, which Agassiz termed “heterocercal” (unequal-tail) is only in a very general way distinctive of PalÆozoic fishes, since this asymmetry exists, though in a minor degree, in many living genera besides those just mentioned. The compact limestone (No. 4) is rich in Polyzoa. The fossiliferous limestone (No. 3), Mr. King considers, is a deep-water formation, from the numerous Polyzoa which it contains. One of these, Fenestella retiformis, found in the Permian rocks of England and Germany, sometimes measures eight inches in width. Many species of Mollusca, and especially Brachiopoda, appear in the Permian seas of this age, Spirifera and Producta being the most characteristic. Fig. 73.—Strophalosia Morrisiana. Other shells now occur, which have not been observed in strata newer than the Permian. Strophalosia (Fig. 73) is abundantly represented in the Permian rocks of Germany, Russia, and England, and much more sparingly in the yellow magnesian limestone, accompanied by Spirifera undulata, &c. S. Schlotheimii is widely disseminated both in England, Germany, and Russia, with Lingula Credneri, and other PalÆozoic Brachiopoda. Here also we note the first appearance of the Oyster, but still in small numbers. Fenestella represents the Polyzoa. Schizodus has been found by Mr. Binney in the Upper Red Permian Marls of Manchester; but no shells of any kind have hitherto been met with in the Rothliegende of Lancashire, or in the Vale of Eden. Fig. 74.—Cyrtoceras depressum. The crystalline or concretionary limestone (No. 1) formation is seen upon the coast of Durham and Yorkshire, between the Wear and the Tees; and Mr. King thinks that the character of the shells and the absence of corals indicate a deposit formed in shallow water. The plants also found in some of the Permian strata indicate the neighbourhood of land. These are land species, and chiefly of genera common in the Coal-measures. Fragments of supposed coniferous wood (generally silicified) are occasionally met with in the Permian red beds of many parts of England. Fig. 75.—Walchia Schlotheimii. Among the Ferns characteristic of the period may be mentioned Sphenopteris dichotoma and S. ArtemisiÆfolia; Pecopteris lonchitica and Neuropteris gigantea, figured on pp. 143, 144. “If we are,” says Lyell, “to draw a line between the Secondary In their stems, leaves, and cones, they bear some resemblance to the Araucarias, which have been introduced from North America into our pleasure-grounds during the last half-century. Fig. 76.—Trigonocarpum NÖggerathii. Among the genera enumerated by Colonel Von Gutbier are some fruits called Cardiocarpon, and Asterophyllites and Annularia, so characteristic of the Carboniferous age. The Lepidodendron is also common to the Permian rocks of Saxony, Russia, and Thuringia; also the NÖggerathia, a family of large trees, intermediate between Cycads (Fig. 72) and the Conifers. The fruit of one of these is represented in Fig 76. Permian Rocks.—We now give a sketch of the physiognomy of the earth in Permian times. Of what do the beds consist? What is the extent, and what is the mineralogical constitution of the rocks deposited in the seas of the period? The Permian formation consists of three members, which are in descending order— 1. Upper Permian sandstone, or GrÈs des Vosges; 2. Magnesian Limestone, or Zechstein; 3. Lower Red Sandstone, Marl-slate or Kupferschiefer, and Rothliegende. The grÈs des Vosges, usually of a red colour, and from 300 to 450 feet thick, composes all the southern part of the Vosges Mountains, where it forms frequent level summits, which are evidences of an ancient plain that has been acted on by running water. It only contains a few vegetable remains. The Magnesian Limestone, Pierre de mine, or Zechstein, so called in consequence of the numerous metalliferous deposits met with in its diverse beds, presents in France only a few insignificant fragments; but in Germany and England it attains the thickness of 450 feet. The Lower Red Sandstone, which attains a thickness of from 300 to 600 feet, is found over great part of Germany, in the Vosges, and in England. Its fossil remains are few and rare; they include silicified trunks of Conifers, some impressions of Ferns, and Calamites. In England the Permian strata, to a great extent, consist of red sandstones and marls; and the Magnesian Limestone of the northern counties is also, though to a less degree, associated with red marls. In Lancashire thin beds of Magnesian Limestone are interstratified with red marls in the upper Permian strata, beneath which there are soft Red Sandstones, estimated by Mr. Hull to be about 1,500 feet thick. These are supposed to represent the Rothliegende, and no shells of any kind have been found in them. The upper Permian beds, however, contain a few Magnesian Limestone species, such as Gervillia antiqua, Pleurophorus costatus, Schizodus obscurus, and some others, but all small and dwarfed. The coal-fields of North and South Staffordshire, Tamworth, Coalbrook Dale, and of the Forest of Wyre, are partly bordered by Permian rocks, which lie unconformably on the Coal-measures; as is the case, also, in the immediate neighbourhood of Manchester, where they skirt the borders of the main coal-field, and consist of the Lower Red Sandstone, resting unconformably on different parts of the Coal-measures, and overlaid by the pebble-beds of the Trias. At Stockport the Permian strata are stated by Mr. Hull to be more than 1,500 feet thick. In Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, and Derbyshire, the Permian strata are stated by Mr. Aveline to be divided into two chief groups: the Roth-liegende, of no great thickness, and the Magnesian Limestone series; the latter being the largest and most important member of the Permian series in the northern counties of England. The Magnesian Limestone consists there of two great bands, separated by marls and sandstone, and quarried for building and for lime. In Derbyshire and Yorkshire the magnesian limestone, under the name of Dolomite, forms an excellent building-stone, which has been used in the construction of the Houses of Parliament. In the east of England the Magnesian Limestone contains a numerous marine fauna, but much restricted when compared with that of the Carboniferous period. The shells of the former are all small and dwarfed in size when compared with their congeners of Carboniferous times, when such there are, and in this respect, and the small number of genera, they resemble the living mollusca of the still less numerous fauna of the Caspian Sea. Besides the poverty and small size of the mollusca, the later strata of the true Magnesian Limestone seem to afford strong indications that they may have been deposited in a great inland salt-lake subject to evaporation. The absence of fossils in much of the formation may be partly accounted for by its deposition in great measure from solution, and the uncongenial nature of the waters of a salt-lake may account for the poverty-stricken character of the whole molluscan fauna. The red colouring-matter of the Permian sandstones and marls is considered, by Professor Ramsay, to be due to carbonate of iron introduced into the waters, and afterwards precipitated as peroxide through the oxidising action of the air and the escape of the carbonic acid which held it in solution. This circumstance of the red colour of the Permian beds affords an indication that the red Permian strata were deposited in inland waters unconnected with the main ocean, which waters may have been salt or fresh as the case may be. “The Magnesian Limestone series of the east of England may, possibly, have been connected directly with an open sea at the commencement of the deposition of these strata, whatever its subsequent history may have been; for the fish of the marl strata have generically strong affinities with those of Carboniferous age, some of which were truly marine, while others certainly penetrated shallow lagoons bordered by peaty flats.” In England, the Silurian archipelago, now filled up and occupied by deposits of the Devonian and Carboniferous systems, would be covered with carboniferous vegetation; dry land would now extend, almost without interruption, from Cape Wrath to the Land’s End; but, on its eastern shore, the great mass of the region now lying less than three degrees west of Greenwich would, in a general sense, be under water, or form islands rising out of the sea. Alphonse Esquiros thus eloquently closes the chapter of his work in which he treats of this formation in England: “We have seen seas, vast watery deserts, become populated; we have seen the birth of the first land and its increase; ages succeeding each other, and Nature in its progress advancing among ruins; the ancient inhabitants of the sea, or at least their spoils, have been raised to the summit of lofty mountains. In the midst of these vast cemeteries of the primitive world we have met with the remains of millions of beings; entire species sacrificed to the development of life. Here terminates the first mass of facts constituting the infancy of the British Islands. But great changes are still to produce themselves on this portion of the earth’s surface.” Having thus described the Primary Epoch, it may be useful, before entering on what is termed by geologists the Secondary Epoch, to glance backwards at the facts which we have had under consideration. In this Primary period plants and animals appear for the first Fig. 77.—Lithostrotion. (Fossil Coral.) But, among all these beings, those which prevailed—those which were truly the kings of the organic world—were the Fishes, and, above all, the Ganoids, which have left no animated being behind them of similar organisation. Furnished with a sort of defensive armour, they seem to have received from Nature this means of protection to ensure their existence, and permit them to triumph over all the influences which threatened them with destruction in the seas of the ancient world. Fig. 78.—Rhyncholites, upper, side, and internal views. 1, Side view (Muschelkalk of Luneville); 2, Upper view (same locality); 3, Upper view (Lias of Lyme Regis); 4, Calcareous point of an under mandible, internal view, from Luneville. (Buckland.) In the Primary epoch the living creation was in its infancy. No Mammals then roamed the forests; no bird had yet displayed its wings. Without Mammals, therefore, there was no maternal instinct; none of the soft affections which are, with animals, as it were, the precursors of intelligence. Without birds, also, there could be no songs in the air. Fishes, Mollusca, and Crustacea silently ploughed their way in the depths of the sea, and the immovable Crinoid lived there. On the land we only find a few marsh-frequenting Reptiles, of The vegetation of the Primary epoch is chiefly of inferior organisation. With a few plants of a higher order, that is to say, Dicotyledons, Calamites, Sigillarias, it was the Cryptogamia (also several species of Ferns, the Lepidodendra, LycopodiaceÆ, and the EquisetaceÆ, and some doubtfully allied forms, termed NÖggerathia), then at their maximum of development, which formed the great mass of the vegetation. Let us also consider, in this short analysis, that during the epoch under consideration, what we call climate may not have existed. The same animals and the same plants then lived in the polar regions as at the equator. Since we find, in the Primary formations of the icy regions of Spitzbergen and Melville Islands, nearly the same fossils which we meet with in these same rocks in the torrid zone, we must conclude that the temperature at this epoch was uniform all over the globe, and that the heat of the earth itself was sufficiently high to render inappreciable the calorific influence of the sun. During this same period the progressive cooling of the earth occasioned frequent ruptures and dislocations of the ground; the terrestrial crust, in opening, afforded a passage for the rocks called igneous, such as granite, afterwards to the porphyries and syenites, which poured slowly through these immense fissures, and formed mountains of granite and porphyry, or simple clefts, which subsequently became filled with oxides and metallic sulphides, forming what are now designated metallic veins. The great mountain-range of Ben Nevis offers a striking example of the first of these phenomena; through the granite base a distinct natural section can be traced of porphyry ejected through the granite, and of syenite through the porphyry. These geological commotions (which occasioned, not over the whole extent of the earth, but only in certain places, great movements of the surface) would appear to have been more frequent at the close of the Primary epoch; during the interval which forms the passage between the Primary and Secondary epochs; that is to say, between the Permian and the Triassic periods. The phenomena of eruptions, and the character of the rocks called eruptive, are treated of in a former chapter. Fig. 79. a, Pentacrinites Briareus, reduced; b, the same from the Lias of Lyme Regis; natural size. The convulsions and disturbances by which the surface of the earth was agitated did not extend, let it be noted, over the whole of its circumference; the effects were partial and local. It would, then, be wrong to affirm, as is asserted by many modern geologists, that the dislocations of the crust and the agitations of the surface of the globe Fig. 80.—Terebellaria ramosissima. (Recent Coral.) |