h@39723-h-5.htm.html#Page_126" class="pginternal">126. „ in Upper Cretaceous Period, 300. „ Reign of, 126. Brachyphyllum, 249. Bracklesham Beds, 332. Bradford Clay, 250. „Encrinites, 252. Branch of Banksia, 318. „Eucalyptus, 317. Bray Head, 101. Breccia, Ossiferous, 432. Brecciated Limestone, 174, 176. Bridlington Beds, 460. Bristow, H. W., on Formation of Bone Caves, 475. „on Brixham Bone-cave, 473. „on Penarth or RhÆtic Beds, 207. British Islands at close of Jurassic Period, 274. British Strata, Section of, 244. „Table of, 493-499. Brixham Bone-cave, 473. Brongniart, Ad., on Upper Cretaceous Fauna, 301. Bronze Age, 478. Brumberg Cavern, 432. Buckland, Dr., on Kirkdale Cave, 380. Buffon and Voltaire, 6. „ on Man, 470. „ on Fossils, 6. Bunter Sandstone, 187. Burrh Stone, 355. Butterflies, 255. Caithness Flags, 128. Calamary, 215, 259. Calamite restored, 135. Calamites, 134, 152, 177, 193, 202. „arenaceus, 194. „cannÆformis, 154. „Trunk of, 136. Calcaire de la Beauce, 355. „ Grossier, 325, 332. Calceola Sandalina, 127. Calderas, 70. Calymene Blumenbachii, 110. Cambrian Period, 101. „ Fauna, 101. Camper, Pierre, on the Mosasaurus, 304. „ „ „ Œningen Skeleton, 368. Camptopteris crenata, 239. Canstadt Excavations, 386, 396. Cantal Group of Mountains, 43. „ „ „ a peak of
blic@vhost@g@html@files@39723@39723-h@39723-h-12.htm.html#Page_300" class="pginternal">300. Crematopteris, 163. Cretaceous Period, 275, 306. „„ Fauna of, 282, 285, 300. „„ Flora of, 282, 300. „„ Reptiles of, 285. „„ Fishes of, 285, 294. Crinoidea, 127. Crioceras, 288, 297. „ Duvallii, 274. Crocodile of Maestricht, 184, 303, 326. Crocodilus Toliapicus, 326. Croll, J., on Till, 457. Crust of the Earth, Composition of, 96. „„Thickness of, 87, 89. „„Temperature of, 88. Crustaceans, 107, 110, 141, 286. „ Predominance of, in Lower Silurian Seas, 107. „ Rarity of in Carboniferous Period, 141. „ of Eocene Period, 326. „ of Miocene Period, 350. Cryptogamia, 187, 194, 203. Crystalline Action, 71. „ Limestone, 174, 176. „ Rocks Defined, 28. Cucumites, 315. Cupanioides, 315. Cupressocrinus crassus, 128. Cuvier’s Account of Plesiosaurus, 233. „ Account of Pterodactyle, 33. „ on the Restoration of Extinct Animals, 7. „ on the Destruction of Species, 381. „ on the Mammoth, 396. Cyathophyllum, 146. CycadeaceÆ, 266. Cycads, 239, 249, 270, 283. Cycas circinalis, 168. Cypress, 240, 249. Cypris, 272. „ fasciculata, 318. Geysers of Iceland, 16, 67. Giants’ Causeways, 49. „„ in the ArdÈche, 48. „ Legends of, accounted for, 5. Gigantology, 384. Glacial Action during Permian Period, 174. „ Deposits of Northern England and Wales, 457. „ Period, 372, 378, 435. „ Evidences of, 463. „ Regions of Europe, 451. „ Theory of Martins, 462. Glacier System of Wales, 106. „ Systems, 440. Glaciers of Scotland, 454. „of Switzerland, 449. „of the British Isles, 457. Glauconie, or Glauconite, 300. Glaucous Chalk, 300, 310. Glenroy, Parallel Roads of, 456. Globe, Modification of Surface of, 26. Glyptodon, the, 401. Glyptolepis, 120. Gneiss of Cape Wrath, 32. „ Laurentian, 74. „ Composition of, 96. Goniatites, 127. Goniatites evolutus, 145. Goulet, Great and Little, 299. Granite, 182. „Mineral Composition of, 32, 96. „How Formed, 33. „of St. Austell, 39. „of Christiana, 36. „of Dartmoor, 79. „of Cornwall and Devon, 36, 38. „Eruptions of, 90, 92, 98. „Stratified or Foliated, 97. „Qualities of, 32. „How Formed, 33. „Veins of, at Cape Wrath, 32. Granitic Eruptions, 92. Gran Seco, 410. Graptolites, 107. Gravesend Chalk, under Microscope, 278. Great Animal of Maestricht, 304. Great Oolite, 243, 250. „ Reptiles of, 2
#Page_199" class="pginternal">199, 293. „Rock Salt in, 199, 204. Kilauea, Volcano of, 56. „ Eruption of, 69. „ Crater of, 56, 59. Kimeridge Clay, 19, 243, 266, 269. King, Prof., on Permian System, 174. Kirkdale Cave, 380, 398, 429. KjÖkken-MÖdden, 477. Koessen Beds, 208. Kupfer Schiefer, 170. Labradorite, 44. Labyrinthodon, 190. „ pachygnathus, 12. Labyrinthodon restored, 193. La Coupe d’Ayzac, Crater of, 45. Lacunosus laciniatus, 184. Lacustrine Habitations, 472. Ladies’ Fingers, 216. Lake Dwellings, 472. Lamellibranchs, 266. Landscape Stone, 208. Land-turtles, 190. Laplace’s Theory of the Earth, 17, 80. Lasmocyathus, 146. Laurentian Formation in Britain, 10, 79. „ Gneiss, 74. Lava Formations, 39, 51, 59. „Streams of, 59. Lecoq, on Triassic Vegetation, 194. „Keuper Flora, 202. „Cretaceous Flora, 282. „Tertiary Flora, 316. „Flora of Miocene Period, 336. „the Vegetation of Pliocene Period, 357. Leibnitz’ Fossil Unicorn, 386. Lepidodendra, 134, 138, 157, 173. Lepidodendron carinatum, 134, 138. „ elegans, 140. „ Sternbergii, 139, 141. „ Sternbergii restored, 142. Lepidoptera, 255. Lepidostrobus variabilis, 140. Lepidotus, 266, 272
an>Colour of, 201. „Fauna of, 201. New Zealand, Birds of, 184. Newer Pliocene, 372. „„ of Alps, 377. „„ of Sicily, 374. Nicol, Prof., on Ben Nevis, 90. Nilssonia, 194, 239. NÖggerathia, 177. Norfolk Forest Bed, 372. Northern Deluge, 424. Norwich Crag, 372, 478. Nothosaurus, 190, 196. Nummulites, 313, 326, 333. Nummulitic Formation, 334. „Limestone, 326. NympheaceÆ, 315. Odontaspis, 294. Odontopteris Brardii, 144. „ Cycades, 212. Œchmodus Buchii, 217. Œningen Formation, 338. „ Limestone, 367. Ogygia Guettardi, 107. Old Red Sandstone, 119. „„ Colour of, 120. „„ Period, Vegetation of, 120. „„ Fishes of, 124. „„ Rocks of, 128. „„ Conglomerate of, 129. Older Pliocene, 372. Oldhamia, 101. Oldhaven Beds, 331. Olivine, 44. Oolite, 243, 272. „ of Solenhofen, 273. „ Upper, 243. „ Lower, 243, 244. „ Middle, 243. „ Great, 243. „ Conifers of, 249. „ Rocks, 249. Oolitic Fauna, 244. „Mollusca, 246. „Echinoderms, 247. „Insects, 255, 266. „Period, 243. „Flora of, 248, 371. PlombiÈres, Alkaline Waters of, 64. Plutonic Rocks, 31. „ Theory, 6. „ Eruptions, 31. „ Ancient Granite, 31. Podophthalmus vigil, 353. Poecilopleuron, 265. Poikilitic Series, 199. Polyphemus, Supposed Bones of, 384. Polypodium, 315. Polyps of Carboniferous Period, 141, 246, 255, 286, 301. Polyzoa, 141, 143, 175, 307. Pontgibaud Mines, 64. Porphyritic Granite, 33. Porphyry, 33, 37. „ Definition of, 37. „ Components of, 37. Portland Isle, 270. „ Dirt Bed, 271. „ Sand, 243, 266. „ Stone, 243, 269. Posidonia, 189. Post-pliocene Period, 378. „Animals of the, 382. „Birds of the, 417. „Carnivora of, 417. „Deposits in Britain, 417. Post-Tertiary Epoch, 378. Potamogeton, 315. Pravolta, 447. Pre-glacial deposits, 418. Preissleria antiqua, 202. Prestwich, J., on Glacial Deposits, 459. Primary Epoch, 99. „„ Retrospective Glance at, 180. „„ Vegetation of, 182. Proboscideans of Crag, 372. Producta, 173, 175. „ horrida, 149. Producta Martini, 145, 205. „ subaculeata, 127. Protogine, 35. Protopteris, 283. Psammodus, 141. Psaronius, 174. Psilophyton, 123. Pteraspis, 129. Pterichthys, 39. Trail, 461. Transition, or Primary Epoch, 99. Transported Blocks, 449. „Rocks, 27. Trapa natans, 315. Trappean Grotto, Staffa, 47. Travertin, 333. Tree Ferns, 174, 240. Tremadoc Slates, 109. Treuil, Coal Mine at, 160. Triassic Period, 185. „Flora, 187, 193, 202. Trigonia, 12, 205. „margaritacea, 314. Trigonocarpum NÖggerathii, 177. Trilobites, 104, 107, 110, 126, 141, 181. Trimmer, Joshua, on Moel Tryfaen, 459. Trinucleus Lloydii, 129. Trionyx of Tertiary Period, 326. Trionyx, a Turtle, 319, 326, 329. Tropical Vegetation, D’Orbigny on, 337. Trunk of Calamites, 136. „Sigillaria, 136. Tunbridge Wells Sand, 286. Turbaco, Mud Volcanoes of, 61. Turonian Series, 309, 310. Turrilites, 289. „ communis, 290. „ costatus, 289. Turritella terebra, 289. Turtle, 187, 237, 272, 319, 326, 329, 331, 356. Tyndall’s, Professor, Theory of Heat, 24. Uncites Gryphus, 127. Under Clay, 161. Unicornu Fossile, 386. Unio, 266. Upper Cretaceous, 300-306. „ Greensand, 300, 309. „ Oolite, 265. „ Lias, 212, 273. „ Lias Clay, THE END. CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN, BELLE SAUVAGE WORKS, LONDON, E.C. 773 MESSRS. CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN Publish, uniform with “The World before the Deluge,”New and Cheaper Editions of the following Works, containing all the Original Illustrations, with the Text revised and corrected:— The Insect World.—A Popular Account of the Orders of Insects. By Louis Figuier. Revised and Corrected by P. Martin Duncan, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Geology in King’s College, London. With 576 Illustrations 7s. 6d. The Vegetable World.—A History of Plants, with their Botanical Descriptions and Peculiar Properties. With a Glossary of Botanical Terms. By Louis Figuier. Revised and Corrected by an eminent Botanist. With 470 Illustrations 7s. 6d. The Ocean World.—A Descriptive History of the Sea and its Inhabitants. By Louis Figuier. Revised and Corrected by Professor E. 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