Acropolis of Sikyatki 638, 640, 643-646
Adobe plastering in cavate houses 542
[Adobe], see Masonry, Plastering.
Agave fiber used in Tusayan 629, 630
Aguato, an Awatobi synonym 594
Aguatobi, an Awatobi synonym 594
AguatuvÍ, an Awatobi synonym 594
Aguatuya, an Awatobi synonym 594
AguatuybÁ, an Awatobi synonym 594
Aguitobi, an Awatobi synonym 594
Ahuato, an Awatobi synonym 594
Ahuatobi, an Awatobi synonym 594
Ahuatu, an Awatobi synonym 594
Ahuatuyba, an Awatobi synonym 594
Ah-wat-tenna an Awatobi synonym 594
Alosaka idols in Awatobi shrine 619
Anawita, traditional information given by 595
Ancestor worship at Sikyatki 732
Antelope valley, see Jeditoh valley.
Apache depredation in Tusayan 585
[Apache], late appearance of, at Tusayan 581
[Apache] occupancy of Verde ruins 550, 565, 570
[Apache] pictographs in Verde valley 550, 556, 567, 568
Aquatasi, an Awatobi synonym 594
Aquatubi, an Awatobi synonym 594
Archeological expedition to Arizona, 1895 519-744
Arizona, archeological expedition to, 1895 519-744
[Arizona], see Navaho.
Arrowhead kilt worn by man-eagle 692-693
Arrowheads from Awatobi 618, 625
[Arrowheads] in Sikyatki graves 731, 740
Arrowshaft polishers from Awatobi 611, 731
[Arrowshaft polishers] in Sikyatki graves 731
Art remains in Palatki and Honanki 569
Asa people join the Hopi 578
[Asa people], migration of 622
[Asa people] settle at Sichomovi 578
Ash-heap pueblo, former site of Walpi 635
Atabi-hogandi, an Awatobi synonym 594
Aua-tu-ui, an Awatobi synonym 594
A-wa-te-u, an Awatobi synonym 594
Awatobi and Sikyatki pottery compared 659
[Awatobi], arrowshaft polishers from 611, 731
[Awatobi], etymology of 594
[Awatobi], legend of destruction of 602
[Awatobi], population of 637
[Awatobi], reasons for excavating 591
[Awatobi] ruin discussed 592-631
[Awatobi] ruin examined 535
[Awatobi], settlement of Sikyatki people at 634
[Awatobi] settled by KÜkÜchomo and Sikyatki people 589
[Awatobi] visited in 1540 596
AwatÛbi, an Awatobi synonym 594
Á-wat-u-i, an Awatobi synonym 594
Awls, bone, from Awatobi 627
Axes, stone, in Sikyatki graves 730, 731
[Axes] from Awatobi 625
Badger people settle Sichomovi 578
Baer, Erwin, with archeological expedition in 1895 527
Bancroft, H. H., on destruction of Awatobi 601
Bandelier, A. F., Cibola identified by 595
[Bandelier, A. F.], on record of Awatobi destruction 610
Baptism opposed by the Hopi 601
Basins, see Pottery.
Basketry found in Honanki 572
[Basketry] not found at Sikyatki 649
Bat-house, ruin of the 590
Beads from Awatobi 628
[Beads] in Sikyatki graves 733
Beams of mission in Walpi houses 586
[Beams] of Palatki ruin 557
Bean-planting ceremony of the Hopi 702
Bear clans, early arrival of, at Tusayan 582
Bell, clay, from Awatobi 628
[Bell], copper fragments of, from Awatobi 609, 631
[Bell] used in Hopi ceremony 628
Berries in Sikyatki graves 733
Bessels, Emil, on affinity of cliff-dwellers and pueblos 532
Bickford, F. D., on cliff houses in Walnut canyon 532
Bird figures on Hopi pottery 660
[Bird] figures on Sikyatki pottery 658, 682-698, 714
[Bird] ornaments from Awatobi 628
[Bird] ornaments in Sikyatki graves 733
[Bird] vessels from Awatobi 624
Bloody Basin, cliff houses of 549
Bodkins, bone, from Awatobi 627
Bone beads from Honanki 573
[Bone beads] in Sikyatki graves 733
Bone objects from Awatobi 627, 628
[Bone objects], from Honanki 572
Bonilla, —, on Sandia population in 1749 584
Bourke, J. G., identifies Tally-hogan with Awatobi 602
Bowls, Sikyatki, decorations on 705
[Bowls], see Pottery.
Boxes, earthenware, from Sikyatki 655
Bracelets from Awatobi 628
Butterfly figures on Sikyatki pottery. 678-680, 698
[Butterfly] symbol on Hopi pottery 687
Calako in Hopi mythology 700
[Calako] katcina, origin of 666
Campbell, Geo., cliff houses discovered by 533
Camp Verde, ruins near 534
Cardenas, G. L., visits Tusayan in 1540 595
Cardinal points in Hopi ceremony 613, 628, 678
Casa Grande ascribed to the Hopi 531
Casa Grandes, pottery from 624
Casa Montezuma, see Montezuma Castle.
CasteÑeda, P. de, account of Tusayan 596
[CasteÑeda, P. de] on Cibola hair-dressing 661
[CasteÑeda, P. de] on early pueblo warfare 588
[CasteÑeda, P. de] on Hopi fabrics 629
[CasteÑeda, P. de] on pueblo kivas in 1540 575
[CasteÑeda, P. de] on visit to Tusayan in 1540 596, 597
Cavate dwellings, function of 544
[Cavate dwellings] in Verde valley discussed 536, 537-545
Cemeteries of Sikyatki 646-649
Cemetery of Awatobi 593, 618
Ceremonial circuit of the Hopi 681
Chairs tabooed in Hopi kivas 626
Charm stones from Sikyatki 729
Chavero, A., on Nahuatl water symbol 569
Chaves pass, ruins at 532, 573
Chelly canyon, cliff houses in 578
[Chelly canyon], see TsÉgi.
Chimneys, absence of, at Sikyatki 646
Chukubi, ruin of, discussed 583
Cibola, identification of 595
[Cibola], see ZuÑi.
Cigarettes of reeds in sacrificial caves 736
[Cigarettes] in Hopi ceremony 735
Cinder cones, ruins in 532
Circular ruins absent in southern pueblo area 576
Cist in Awatobi kiva 612
[Cist] in cavate lodges 542
[Cist] near cavate houses 543
Clans formerly occupying Sikyatki 636
[Clans] of Awatobi 610
[Clans] of KÜkÜchomo and Sikyatki 587, 588
Cliff dwellers defined 531
Cliff houses, age of, in Red-rocks 545
[Cliff houses] and pueblos similar 537
[Cliff houses] formerly occupied by Hopi 578
[Cliff houses], human hand figures on 668
[Cliff houses] in Walnut canyon 532
[Cliff houses] of the Red-rocks 548, 549
[Cliff houses] of Verde valley classified 536
Cliff Palace and Honanki compared 552
Cliff's Ranch, pictographs near 548
Cloud, see Raincloud.
Clown-priest figures on Hopi pottery 659
Colander fragments from Tusayan ruins 624
ComupavÍ identified with ShuÑopovi 599
Concepcion, Cristoval de la, at founding of Awatobi mission 599
Copper found in Awatobi 608, 609, 631
[Copper] bells in Arizona ruins 628, 629
[Copper] unknown to ancient Tusayan 741
Corn attached to prayer-sticks 739
[Corn] found in Awatobi 606, 619
[Corn] found in Honanki 572
[Corn], Hopi symbolism of 662
[Corn] in Hopi ceremony 628
[Corn], sweet, introduced in MishoÑinovi 604
Corn-maid dolls of the Hopi 704
[Corn-maid] figures of the Hopi 661
[Corn-maid] figures on Hopi pottery 657, 658, 662
Corn mound, symbolic 740
Corn pollen in Hopi ceremony 628
Cornado, F. V. de, route of 530
Cosmogony of the Hopi 647, 666, 732
Cotton cultivated by the Hopi 596, 629
[Cotton] fabrics in Verde ruins 573
[Cotton] garments of the Hopi 599
Coville, F. V., on identification of ancient food remains 741-742
Cremation not practiced at Sikyatki 649
Crooks in Tusayan ritual 703
[Crooks] on Sikyatki pottery 703-704, 714, 724
Cross figure allied to sun symbol 623
[Cross] on Sikyatki pottery 702
Crystal, see Quartz crystal.
Cuanrabi mentioned by OÑate 599
Cups from Sikyatki described 654
[Cups], see Pottery.
Cushing, F. H., on affinity of cliff dwellers and pueblos 532
[Cushing, F. H.], on southern origin of ZuÑi clans 574
[Cushing, F. H.], ruins visited by 534
Decoration of Awatobi pottery 623, 624-625
[Decoration] of Honanki pottery 570, 571
[Decoration] of ladle handles 624
[Decoration] of pottery by spattering 650, 668, 671, 677
[Decoration] of Sikyatki pottery 650, 652, 655, 657660
Human remains in Awatobi ruins 610, 612, 618
[Human remains], see Cemeteries.
Idol, see Alosaka, Doll, Fetish.
Insect figures on Sikyatki pottery 658
Irrigation represented in pictography 545
[Irrigation] ditches in Verde valley 538
Jacob's Well described 546
Jakwaina, farm of, at Sikyatki 640
Jaramillo, Juan, on "Tucayan" 595
Jars, see Pottery.
Jeditoh valley, ruins in 581, 589, 592
Judd, James S., acknowledgments to 527
Kachinba ruin described 589
Katci, a Hopi folklorist 637
[Katci], farm of, at Sikyatki 641
Katcina cult in Tusayan 625, 633
[Katcina] defined 661, 732
[Katcina] figures on Hopi pottery 624, 658, 665
Kawaika, application of name 622
[Kawaika], pottery from 622
[Kawaika], ruins at 590
Keam, T. V., excavations by, at Kawaika 622
[Keam, T. V.], idols removed and returned by 619
Keam's canyon, ruins in 581
Kinnazinde, ruin of 534
Kintiel ascribed to the ZuÑi 534, 591
[Kintiel], location of 533
Kisakobi, former site of Walpi 578
[Kisakobi] ruins described 585
[Kisakobi], settlement of 635
Kishyuba, a Hopi ruin 591
Kisi and cavate house compared 544
Kiva-like remains at Honanki 560
Kivas, absence of, in Sikyatki 642
[Kivas], absence of, in southern cliff houses 574
[Kivas], ceremonial replastering of 645
[Kivas], distribution of 561, 574
[Kivas] of Awatobi 611
[Kivas], platforms characteristic of 541
[Kivas], round, evolution of 575
K'n'-i-K'Él, see Kintiel.
Kokopeli, a Hopi deity 663
Kopeli, services of, at Sikyatki 641, 643
KÓyimse of the Hopi 659
KÜchaptÜvela, former site of Walpi 578
[KÜchaptÜvela] ruin described 585
KÜkÜchomo ruins described 586
Kwataka, a Hopi monster 691
Ladles from Awatobi described 624
[Ladles] from Sikyatki described 655
[Ladles], see Pottery.
Langley, S. P., acknowledgments to 528
Lelo, farm of, at Sikyatki 640
Leroux, A., Verde ruins discovered by 530
Lightning symbol on Hopi pottery 673
Lignite deposits near Sikyatki 643
[Lignite] gorgets in Sikyatki graves 733
Lines, broken, on Sikyatki pottery 704
Lummis, C. F., on Montezuma Well ruins 546
MamzrÁuti ceremony introduced at Walpi 604
Man-eagle, a Hopi monster 691
[Man-eagle] on Sikyatki pottery 683
Marie, Aug. Sta., an Awatobi missionary 600
MasauwÛh in Hopi mythology 666
[MasauwÛh], see God of Death.
Masiumptiwa, Awatobi legend repeated by 603
Masonry of Awatobi 616
[Masonry] of Honanki 563
[Masonry] of Palatki 554-555
[Masonry] of Sikyatki 644
Meal, sacred, trail closed with 596, 597
Meal sacrifice by the Hopi 739
Mearns, E. A., on Verde valley ruins 535, 544, 546
Medicine bowls of the Hopi 681
Medicine bowls of the ZuÑi and Hopi 655
Meline, J. F., on settlement of Sandia 584
Mescal in Verde valley caves 550
Metal not found at Honanki 571
[Metal] not found at Sikyatki 649, 741
Metates found in Awatobi 625, 626
[Metates] found in Honanki 571
[Metates] found in Sikyatki graves 731
Mica, see Selenite.
Middle mesa, ruins at 581, 582
Migration of Hopi clans 577
Miller, Dr, pottery collected by 675
Mindeleff, Cosmos, Homolobi ruins examined by 532
[Mindeleff, Cosmos], on absence of kivas in Verde ruins 561
[Mindeleff, Cosmos], on cavate houses 543
[Mindeleff, Cosmos], on function of cavate lodges 544
[Mindeleff, Cosmos], on origin of circular kivas 576
[Mindeleff, Cosmos], on similarity of cliff dwellings and pueblos 537
[Mindeleff, Cosmos], on Verde valley ruins 535
Mindeleff, Victor, Awatobi described by 602
[Mindeleff, Victor], groundplan of Chukubi by 583
[Mindeleff, Victor], groundplan of Mishiptonga by 590
[Mindeleff, Victor], on Awatobi kivas 612
[Mindeleff, Victor], on distribution of Tusayan ruins 577
[Mindeleff, Victor], on former sites of Walpi 585
[Mindeleff, Victor], on Horn-house and Bat-house 590
[Mindeleff, Victor], on origin of circular kivas 576
[Mindeleff, Victor], Shitaimovi mentioned by 582
[Mindeleff, Victor], Sikyatki described by 632
Mishiptonga, ruin of 590
MishoÑinovi in 1782 579
MishoÑinovi, Old, discussed 582
Mission, ruins of, at Awatobi 606
[Mission], when established at Awatobi 599
Missions among the Hopi 595
Moki, see Hopi.
Montezuma Castle and Honanki compared 563
[Montezuma Castle] on Beaver creek 549
Montezuma Well, ruins at 534, 546-548
Mooney, James, cited on Kawaika pottery 590
Morfi, Juan A., on Hopi pueblos in 1782 579
[Morfi, Juan A.], on settlement of Sandia 584
Mortars found in Awatobi 626
Mortuary customs of the Hopi 648, 656
[Mortuary] objects in Sikyatki graves 650, 656
[Mortuary] remains in Awatobi 617
[Mortuary] slabs from Sikyatki 732
[Mortuary] vessels, food remains in 741
Moth figures on Sikyatki pottery 678-680
Mountain-lion fetish from Sikyatki 730
[Mountain-lion] figure on pottery 671
[Mountain-lion] in Hopi mythology 545
Mountain-sheep figure on pottery 669, 671
MÜyinwÛ, a Hopi deity 647, 667
Myth, see Cosmogony, Genesis.
Mythic origin of Kanelba 638-639
[Mythic] personages on pottery 665
Nahuatl and Hopi pictographs compared 569
Naiutci injured by stick swallowing 664
NakwÁkwoci defined 662
NampÉo, a Hopi potter 660
NasyuÑweve, a Hopi folklorist 637, 640
Navaho and Hopi intermarriage 658
[Navaho] ceremonial circuit 681
[Navaho] depredations in Tusayan 585
[Navaho] in Antelope valley 592, 593
[Navaho] katcinas on Hopi pottery 658
[Navaho], late appearance of, in Tusayan 581
[Navaho] name of Awatobi 594
[Navaho], recent advent of, in New Mexico 658
[Navaho], shrine robbed by 612
Naybi identified with Oraibi 599
Necklaces in Sikyatki graves 733
Needles, bone, from Awatobi 627
New-fire ceremonies of the Hopi 586, 602
New Mexico, see Navaho.
Niel, J. A., on Tanoan migration to Tusayan 578, 584
Nimankatcina of the Hopi 593
Niza, Marcos de, on Totonteac fabrics 629
Nomenclature of Awatobi 594
[Nomenclature] of Sikyatki 636
NordenskiÖld, G., on affinity of cliff dwellers and pueblos 532
[NordenskiÖld, G.], on evolution of pottery design 716, 727
[NordenskiÖld, G.], cited on Mesa Verde villages 555, 563, 678
[NordenskiÖld, G.], on origin of round kivas 575
[NordenskiÖld, G.], on platforms in Mesa Verde kivas 541
[NordenskiÖld, G.], prayer-sticks found by 736
NÜshaki, etymology of 578, 586
Oak creek, ruins on 533, 550
Obsidian objects from Sikyatki 732
Offerings by Indian excavators 641
OÑate, Juan de, Awatobi visited by 594, 599
Openings in Honanki walls 565
[Openings], see Doorway.
Oraibi, age of 607
[Oraibi] in 1782 580
[Oraibi] legendary origin of 634
[Oraibi], site of 578
Orientation of Awatobi mission 609
Ornaments in Sikyatki graves 733
Otermin, Ant., attempted reconquest by 584
Owens, J. G., acknowledgments to 646
Padilla, Juan, visits Tusayan in 1540 596
Paho, see Prayer-stick.
Paiakyamu figures on Hopi pottery 659
Paint, see Pigment.
Palatki, art remains found at 569
[Palatki], population of 567
[Palatki] ruins discovered 534, 551
[Palatki] ruins described 553-558
Palatkwabi, a traditional land of the Hopi 529, 531, 568, 672
Paleography, see Decoration.
Passageways in cavate dwellings 542
[Passageways] in Honanki 565
Patki people, early migrations of the 574
[Patki people], southern origin of the 529, 568
PatuÑ phratry, southern origin of 529
PayÜpki, a ruin in Tusayan 578, 583
[PayÜpki], possible origin of 584
Peaches cultivated near Sikyatki 646
[Peaches] introduced in Oraibi 604
[Shrines] at Walpi 586
[Shrines] near Tukinobi 589
[Shrines] robbed by Navaho 612
[Shrines] unearthed at Awatobi 613
[Shrines] of the Hopi 613
ShuÑopovi in 1782 579
[ShuÑopovi], Old, discussed 582
Sichomovi compared with Walpi 642
[Sichomovi], Tewa name for 642
[Sichomovi], when established 578, 636
Sikyatki and Awatobi pottery compared 623, 659
[Sikyatki] and modern Hopi pottery compared 649
[Sikyatki], destruction of 633
[Sikyatki], etymology of 636
[Sikyatki] inhabitants settle at Awatobi 596
[Sikyatki] people harrassed by Walpians 588
[Sikyatki], prehistoric character of 592, 632
[Sikyatki] ruins described 631-742
[Sikyatki], reasons for excavating 591
[Sikyatki] ruins examined 535
Sites of Tusayan pueblos 578
Sitgreaves, L., on ruins near San Francisco mountains 532, 533
[Sitgreaves, L.], cited on selenite deposits 643
Slipper-form vessels from Sikyatki 652
Smoking in Hopi ceremony 734
Snake represented on pottery 671, 677
[Snake], see Plumed snake.
Snake hunt, taboo of work during 639
Snake people, absence of, at Sikyatki 740
[Snake people], early arrival of, at Tusayan 582
[Snake people], northern origin of 575
[Snake people] settle at Walpi 617
Snake-rattle in Sikyatki grave 740
[Snake-rattle] used for ornament 740
Sorcery, Awatobi men accused of 603
Spanish objects found at Awatobi 606, 623, 631
[Spanish objects] unknown to early Tusayan 741
Spattering, pottery decorated by 650, 668, 671, 677
Spoons from Sikyatki described 655
[Spoons], see Pottery.
Squash indigenous to the southwest 621
[Squash] flower, symbolism of the 661
Squaw mountain, cavate dwellings near 534
Stalactites in Sikyatki graves 730
Star figures on Sikyatki pottery 702, 724
[Star] symbol on Hopi pottery 696
[Star] symbols on Sikyatki pottery 680, 690
Stephen, A. M., on Awatobi kivas 612
[Stephen, A. M.], on Horn-house and Bat-house 590
[Stephen, A. M.], on Mishiptonga ruin 590
[Stephen, A. M.], on occupancy of KÜkÜchomo 587
[Stephen, A. M.], on origin of certain katcina 666
Stevenson, James, ruins discovered by 532
Stevenson, M. C., on Keresan cannibal giants 665
Stick swallowing by the Hopi 664
Stone implements from Awatobi 625-626
[Stone implements] from Honanki 571
[Stone implements] from Sikyatki 729
Sun figure in PowamÛ ceremony 702
Sunflower symbols on Sikyatki pottery 702
Sun symbol, cross allied to 623
[Sun symbol] on Sikyatki pottery 699-701
Sun worship of the Hopi 699
Supela, Awatobi legend repeated by 603
Swastika figures on Sikyatki pottery 703
Taboo of work during snake hunt 639
Tadpole figures on Sikyatki pottery 658, 677
Talla-hogan, meaning of 594
[Talla-hogan], Navaho name of Awatobi 594
Tanoan migration to Tusayan 578, 600, 636
Tapolo, an Awatobi chief 603, 611
TataukyamÛ, a Hopi priesthood 611
Tatcukti, a Hopi clown-priest 659
Tawa (sun) phratry, southern origin of 529
Tcino, garden of, at Sikyatki 638, 640, 646
Terraced figures of Mexico and Tusayan 705
[Terraced figures] on Sikyatki pottery 701, 703
Tewa people occupy PayÜpki 584
[Tewa people], progressiveness of, in Tusayan 580
Textile fabrics from Awatobi 629-630
[Textile fabrics], absence of, at Sikyatki 649
[Textile fabrics] found in Honanki 572, 573
[Textile fabrics], Sikyatki dead wrapped with 656
Tinder tube from Honanki 572, 573
Tobacco, see Smoking.
Tobacco phratry in Awatobi 611
Tobar, Pedro, visits Tusayan in 1540 578, 595, 596, 631
Tonto, origin of term 534
Tonto Basin, ruins in 534
Totonaka, a Hopi deity 647
Totonteac identified with Tusayan 534
[Totonteac], suggested origin of 534
Toys of pottery from Sikyatki 656
Trails ceremonially closed 596-597
Trincheras defined 550
[Trincheras] in Red-rock country 549, 550
Trujillo, JosÉ, probably killed at ShuÑopovi 600
TsÊgi canyon and Tusayan pottery compared 623
[TsÊgi canyon] formerly occupied by Hopi clans 658
[TsÊgi canyon], see Chelly canyon.
Tubes, bone, from Awatobi 627
Tucano, name applied to Tusayan 595
Tucayan, name applied to Tusayan 595
Tukinobi, ruin of, described 589
Turquois beads found at Honanki 573
[Turquois] mosaics of the Hopi 662
[Turquois] objects in Sikyatki graves 641, 733
Tusayan, application of term 577
[Tusayan] identified with Hopi villages 595
[Tusayan] ruins discussed 577-742
[Tusayan] towns in 1540 606
[Tusayan], see Hopi.
Tuzan, name applied to Tusayan 595
Tylor, E. B., cited on primitive sacrifice 738
Ute depredations in Tusayan 585
[Ute], late appearance of, at Tusayan 581
Vargas, Diego de, Awatobi visited by 594
[Vargas, Diego de], Tusayan conquered by 600
Vases, see Pottery.
Vegetal designs on Hopi pottery 698-699
Verde valley and Tusayan ruins compared 573
[Verde valley], archeology of 530
[Verde valley] ruins discussed 536, 576
Vetancurt, A. de, Awatobi mentioned by 594
[Vetancurt, A. de], on destruction of Awatobi mission 600
Voth, H. R., decorated bowl collected by 665
[Voth, H. R.], on ancient pottery found at Oraibi 607
Walls of Honanki described 559
[Walls] of Palatki ruin 557
[Walls], see Masonry.
Walnut canyon, cliff houses in 532
Walpi, ancient, pottery of 660
[Walpi] compared with other villages 642
[Walpi], former sites of 585, 635
[Walpi], gradual desertion of 586
[Walpi] in 1540 578
[Walpi] in 1782 579
[Walpi], origin of name 585
[Walpi], southern origin of clans of 529
Walther, Henry, pottery repaired by 682
War god symbolism on Hopi pottery 664
Water used in Hopi ceremony 689
Water-house people of Tusayan 672
[Water-house people], see Patki.
Water supply of Sikyatki 638, 646
Weapons of ancient Tusayan 596, 598
Whistles, bone, from Awatobi 627
[Whistles] used in Hopi ceremonies 628
Winship, G. P., acknowledgments to 527
[Winship, G. P.], CastaÑeda's narrative translated by 596
Wipo spring in Tusayan 639
Wood in Palatki ruin 555
[Wood], method of working, at Honanki 571
[Wood], remains of, at Honanki 562, 566
[Wood], objects of, from Honanki 572
Wood's ranch, pictograph bowlder near 545
XumupamÍ identified with ShuÑopovi 599
Yucca fiber anciently used 572
Zagnato, an Awatobi synonym 594
Zaguate, an Awatobi synonym 594
Zaguato, an Awatobi synonym 594
Zinni-jinne, see Kinnazinde.
ZuÑi and other pottery compared 623
[ZuÑi] origin of Kintiel 534, 591
[ZuÑi], Shalako ceremony of 700
[ZuÑi], snake figures on pottery of 677
[ZuÑi], southern origin of clans of 574
[ZuÑi], stick-swallowing at 664
Some illustrations have been repositioned to avoid breaking up the text. Page numbers in the List of Illustrations refer to the original printed report. The Index has been edited to list only the topics contained in this report.
Page 522, Table of Contents: Ornaments, necklaces, and gorgets (page 733) in original report changed to Necklaces, gorgets, and other ornaments to match the actual section heading.
Page 525, List of Illustrations: CXXXV, a in original report changed to CXXXV, b to match the actual caption.
(Fig. 270. Outline of plate CXXXV, _a_)
Page 526, List of Illustrations: triangles in original report changed to triangle to match the actual captions.
(Fig. 336. Double triangles) and
(Fig. 337. Double triangles and feathers)
Page 652: attemps in original report changed to attempts.
(The first attemps at ornamentation)
Page 688, Footnote 1 in original report, now Footnote 145:
annulets is possibly a typo for amulets.
(ceremonial paraphernalia, as annulets, placed on sand pictures)
Page 702: respresented in original report changed to represented.
(A large number of crosses are respresented in plate)
Page 706: Sityatki in original report changed to Sikyatki.
(animal figures are unknown in this position in Sityatki pottery;)
Page 709 in original report, now page 708: lines in original report changed to line.
(Fig. 288--Single lines with triangles)
Page 731: to-day in original report changed to today for consistency.
(tethering in use today.)
Page 737: offerigs in original report changed to offerings.
(ancient prayer offerigs)
Page 741: accompaning in original report changed to accompanying.
(is set forth in the accompaning letter)
Page 744: In Appendix, Plate CLXXIII, f, the 5th digit of number
is missing in original report; represented by a question mark.
(f, 1561 0;)
Plate CXL: SITYATKI in original report changed to SIKYATKI.
All other spelling and accent variations and inconsistencies have not been changed from the original document, except for minor punctuation corrections.