There are two Sorts of Figures in Dancing, viz. a Regular, and an Irregular. A regular Figure, is when two or more Dancers move contrarily, the one to the Right, and the other to the Left. A regular Figure. An irregular Figure, is when two Dancers move together, both in the same Figure, on the same side. An irregular Figure. By the Mark representing the Presence of the Body, you will distinguish the Tract for the Man, from that of the Woman; in that for the Man, the half Circle is single, and that for the Woman, is double. The Distinction for two Men, or two Women Dancing together, is known by a Point plac’d in the middle of the half Circle of one of them, that wherein the Point is, representing the Tract for the Woman Side.
If a Number of Dancers figure together, the Mark for the placing the Body will not be sufficient to distinguish them, (as in a Dance for eight:) On this Occasion therefore, you may make Use of Letters, of which AA may represent two which figure together. BB two others. CC two more, and DD the other two; each of which, will also be distinguish’d by there figuring, and which the following Example will demonstrate.