Of marking the Positions. |
All the Marks which have been hitherto demonstrated, may be plac’d as well upon the half Positions or Positions, as upon the Steps, the sliding Marks only excepted. If there were, for Example, a sinking Mark upon a half Position, it would shew, that the Knee of that Leg only was to be bent; but if sinking Marks should be on the whole Position, then both Knees are to be bent at the same time. The same is to be observ’d for Rising, Springing, &c. The Marks on the Positions, have no appointed Place, as they have on Steps, excepting Points, which are to be plac’d in the same manner as on Steps. Sink on one Foot. | Sink on both Feet. | Rise on one Foot. | Rise on both Feet. | Spring on one Foot. | Spring on both Feet. | Caper on one Foot. | Caper on both Feet. | One Foot up. | Foot up, and then down. | To point the Toe. | To be on both Toes. | To place the Heel. | To be on both Heels. | To point the Toe, and then the Heel. | To be first on the Toes, and then the Heels. | To place the Heel, and point the Toe. | To be first on the Heels, and then the Toes. | To be on the flat Foot. | Both Feet flat. | A Turn on the Foot to the Rise. | A Turn on both Feet to the Rise. | Turn on one Foot to the Left. | Turn on both Feet to the Left. |