1 | Day calm; 1 shell at night. | 2 | Bombardment 1 to 3 P. M., 19 shells. | 3 | Bombardment 11 A. M., 2 shells; artillery at night. | 4 | Some shells. | 5 | Some shells. | 6 | Calm. | 7 | Calm. | 8 | Nothing to note. | 9 | Bombardment 5 to 5:30 P. M., 16 shells. | 10 | Almost complete silence. | 11 | Nothing to note. | 12 | Calm. | 13 | Calm. | 14 | Bombardment 12:15 to 1 P. M., 12 shells; heavy cannonade on front to next morning. | 15 | Intermittent artillery in day; more active at night. | 16 | Some artillery; continued in night. | 17 | Nothing to note. | 18 | Nothing to note. | 19 | Nothing to note. | 20 | Nothing to note. | 21 | Bombardment 12:30 to 3 P. M., 15 shells; renewed 3 to 4 P. M., 24 shells. | 22 | Bombardment 5:30 to 6 P. M., 8 shells. | 23 | Bombardment 7 A. M., 1 shell; renewed 10:30 to 11:45 A. M., 10 shells; again 4:30 P. M., 1 shell; again 5 to 6:30 P. M., 10 shells. | 24 | Bombardment 9 A. M. to noon, 26 shells; renewed 12:30 to 2 P. M., 19 shells; again 2 to 4:30 P. M., 13 shells; again 7 to 8 P. M., 14 shells. | 25 | Various bombardments in day; 10 shells, 5 to 6 P. M. | 26 | Relatively calm; some shells. | 27 | Kaiser's birthday. Bombardment 11 A. M. to 5 P. M., 77 shells; renewed 9 P. M. | 28 | Bombardment 12 to 5 P. M., 24 shells; renewed 9 to 9:45 P. M., 10 shells. | 29 | Bombardment 10:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M., 4 shells; renewed 3 to 4 P. M., 4 shells; again 10 P. M. to 3 A. M. | 30 | Bombardment continued to 3 A. M.; intermittent bombardment in afternoon. | 31 | Bombardment 4 to 6 P. M., 82 shells. |