Transcriber's Note: The following linked table, covering the index, has been added for convenience.
, 35 " avow, 69 " confess, 114 admittance, entrance, 154 admixture, alloy, 36 admonish, reprove, 312 admonition, reproof, 311 adolescent, youthful, 375 adoration, veneration, 366 adore, admire, 23 adorn, 23 adroit, clever, 109 adroitness, address, n., 20 adulation, praise, 280 adulteration, alloy, 36 advance, v., allege, 31 - " amend, 41
- " promote, 291
- " quicken, 297
advance, n., progress, 289 advancement, progress, 289 advantage, profit, 288 adventure, accident, 14 adventurous, brave, 85 adversary, enemy, 151 adversity, misfortune, 242 advert, allude, 36 advertise, announce, 46 advised, conscious, 116 advocate, abet, 4 aerial, airy, 27 affable, friendly, 178 affair, battle, 74 - " business, 88
- [511]" transaction, 360
affect, assume, 61 affectation, hypocrisy, 204 affection, attachment, 63 affectionate, friendly, 178 affidavit, oath, 254 affinity, analogy, 43 affirm, allege, 31 affirmation, testimony, 355 afflict, chasten, 103 affliction, grief, 187 affix, add, 7 annul, abolish, 6 anomalous, absurd, 11 answer, 46 antagonism, antipathy, 48 antagonist, enemy, 151 antecedent, a., previous, 285 antecedent, n., cause, 98 antepast, anticipation, 48 anterior, previous, 285 anticipate, 47 - " abide, 5
- " prevent, 284
anticipation, 48 antipathy, 48 antiquated, antique, 48 antique, 48 anxiety, 49 anxious, eager, 142 any, every, 158 apathy, 50 - " stupidity, 344
- " stupor, 344
aphorism, proverb, 293 apiece, 51 apocalypse, revelation, 316 apologize for, palliate, 261 apologue, fiction, 170 apology, 51 apothegm, proverb, 293 appal, frighten, 180 appalling, awful, 70 apparatus, tool, 358 apparel, dress, 140 apparent, 52 appeal, address, v., 19 appear, 52 appearance or semblance of, have, appear, 52 appearance, air, 27 appease, allay, 31 appellation, name, 247 append, add, 18 appendage, 53 appendix, appendage, 53 appetency, appetite, 54 appetite, 54 applaud, admire, 364 border, bank, 72 bordering, adjacent, 22 both, 84 bound, bank, 72 - " boundary, 84
- " end, n., 148
boundary, 84 boundless, infinite, 216 bounteous, plentiful, 276 bountiful, generous, 182 bounty, benevolence, 80 bourn, boundary, 84 bourne, boundary, 84 bout, battle, 74 bow, bend, 79 box, blow, 83 boyish, youthful, 375 brain, mind, 241 brand, v., burn, 87 brand, n., blemish, 82 brandish, shake, 330 brass, effrontery, 144 brave, 85 bravery, prowess, 294 brawl, feud, 170 break, 86 break off, end, v., 148 breastwork, barrier, 74 breathing, alive, 30 breeding, behavior, 79 bribe, gift, 184 bridle, restrain, 315 bridle-path, way, 372 brief, a., terse, 354 brief, n., sketch, 334 brigand, robber, 320 bright, clever, 109 brim, bank, 72 bring, carry, 96 bring about, do, 135 bring into being, make, 236 bring low, abase, 2 bring over, persuade, 271 bring to an end, cease, 98 bring to pass, do, 135 brink, bank, 72 brisk, active, 17 - "
les@28900@28900-h@28900-h-5.htm.html#Page_94" class="pginternal">94
- childish, youthful, 375
- childlike, youthful, 375
- chimerical, absurd, 11
- chirp, sing, 333
- chirrup, sing, 333
- chivalric, brave, 85
- chivalrous, brave, 85
- choice, alternative, 38
- choke, obstruct, 257
- choler, anger, 44
- choose, 104
- chronicle, history, 200
- chum, associate, 60
- churlish, morose, 245
- circle, class, 106
- circulate, announce, 46
- circumlocution, 105
- circumscribe, restrain, 315
- circumspect, vigilant, 369
- circumspection, care, 94
- circumstance, 105
- circumstantial, minute, 242
- citadel, fortification, 176
- cite, allege, 31
- " arraign, 56
- " quote, 298
- city, capital, 94
- civil, polite, 277
- civilization, refinement, 305
- claim, allege, 31
- clamor, call, 91
- clan, class, 106
- clarified, fine, 172
- clash, collision, 109
- clashing, collision, 109
- clasp, catch, 97
- class, 106
- classes, lower, mob, 243
- classic, pure, 296
- classical, pure, 296
- clay, body, 84
- clean, cleanse, 107
- cleanly, neat, 249
- cleanse, 107
- clear, v., absolve, 9
- clear, a., 107
- " evident, 7
- compendious, terse, 354
- compendium, abridgment, 7
- compensate, requite, 313
- compensation, pay, 266
- competency, power, 279
- competent, adequate, 21
- competition, ambition, 40
- competitor, enemy, 151
- complain, 112
- complaint, disease, 134
- complaisant, friendly, 178
- complete, v., do, 135
- complete, a., perfect, 268
- " plentiful, 276
- " radical, 299
- completed, perfect, 268
- completion, end, n., 148
- complex, 112
- compliant, docile, 136
- complicate, involve, 223
- complicated, complex, 112
- compliment, praise, 280
- comply, agree, 25
- component, part, 264
- compose, allay, 31
- composed, calm, 91
- composite, complex, 112
- composition, metrical, poetry, 277
- composure, apathy, 50
- compound, complex, 112
- comprehend, catch, 97
- comprehension, knowledge, 227
- compulsion, necessity, 250
- compulsive, absolute, 8
- compulsory, absolute, 8
- compunction, repentance, 310
- compute, calculate, 90
- comrade, associate, 60
- conceal, hide, 197
- concede, allow, 35
- conceit, egotism, 145
- conceivable, likely, 232
- conceive, perceive, 267
- concept, idea, 206
- conception, fancy, 167
- concern, anxiety, 49
- " <
- cudgel, beat, 75
- cuff, blow, 83
- cull, choose, 104
- culpable, criminal, 120
- cultivated, polite, 277
- cultivation, agriculture, 25
- " education, 143
- " refinement, 305
- culture, agriculture, 25
- " education, 143
- " refinement, 305
- cultured, polite, 277
- cunning, a., astute, 62
- cunning, n., artifice, 58
- curb, govern, 185
- cure, recover, 305
- cured, be, recover, 305
- curious, inquisitive, 221
- currency, money, 244
- current, authentic, 67
- curse, abomination, 7
- cursing, oath, 254
- curve, bend, 79
- custody, fetter, 169
- custom, habit, 187
- customary, general, 181
- cut, blow, 83
- cutting, bitter, 81
utenberg@html@files@28900@28900-h@28900-h-7.htm.html#Page_134" class="pginternal">134 - detriment, injury, 219
- detrimental, pernicious, 270
- develop, amplify, 43
- developed, real, 301
- development, education, 143
- deviate, bend, 79
- device, artifice, 58
- devoted, addicted, 19
- devotion, allegiance, 32
- " attachment, 63
- " enthusiasm, 153
- " friendship, 179
- " love, 235
- " religion, 307
- dexterity, 129
- " address, n., 20
- " power, 279
- dexterous, clever, 109
- dialect, language, 228
- dialog(ue, conversation, 118
- diaphanous, clear, 107
- dictatorial, absolute, 8
- diction, 130
- dictum, proverb, 293
- die, 130
- diet, food, 175
- difference, 131
- differentiate, contrast, 118
- difficult, 132
- difficulty, impediment, 213
- diffidence, modesty, 244
- diffuseness, circumlocution, 105
- digest, abridgment, 7
- digress, wander, 371
- dilate, amplify, 43
- dilatory, slow, 337
- dilettante, amateur, 39
- diligence, industry, 216
- diligent, active, 17
- dim, dark, 122
- diminish, abate, 3
- diminutive, minute, 242
- dip, immerse, 212
- dire, awful, 70
- direct, govern, 185
- direction, 166
- distinguish, abstract, 10
- distract, abstract, 10
- distraction, perplexity, 270
- distress, grief, 187
- distribute, allot, 34
- distributively, apiece, 51
- distrust, v., doubt, v., 137
- distrust, n., doubt, n., 138
- disturb, displace, 135
- disturbance, anxiety, 49
- " perplexity, 270
- " storm, 343
- disused, obsolete, 256
- diurnal, daily, 121
- diverge, bend, 79
- divergence, difference, 131
- diversify, change, v., 100
- diversion, entertainment, 153
- diversity, change, n., 101
- divert, abstract, 10
- divide, allot, 34
- divine, v., augur, 66
- divine, n., holy, 200
- division, part, 264
- do, 135
- docile, 136
- doctrinal, dogmatic, 137
- doctrine, 136
- document, record, 304
- dodge, artifice, 58
- doer, agent, 24
- dogged, morose, 245
- dogma, doctrine, 136
- dogmatic, 137
- doing, act, 16
- " transaction, 360
- " work, 374
- domicil, home, 201
- domineering, absolute, 8
- donation, gift, 184
- doom, condemn, 131
- door, entrance, 236
- essay, v., endeavor, v., 149
- essay, n., endeavor, n., 150
- essential, inherent, 218
- " necessary, 250
- " necessity, 250
- " radical, 299
- " real, 301
- establish, confirm, 114
- esteem, v., 156
- esteem, n., 157
- " attachment, 63
- " friendship, 179
- esthetic, tasteful, 352
- esthetical, tasteful, 352
- estimate, v., calculate, 90
- estimate, n., esteem, n., 157
- estimation, attachment, 63
- eternal, 157
- ethereal, airy, 27
- eucharist, sacrament, 321
- eulogy, praise, 280
- euphony, meter, 240
- evanescent, transient, 361
- even, horizontal, 202
- event, 158
- " circumstance, 105
- " consequence, 116
- everlasting, eternal, 157
- ever-living, eternal, 157
- every, 158
- everyday, general, 181
- evict, banish, 72
- evidence, demonstration, 127
- evident, 159
- evil, a., pernicious, 270
- evil, n., abomination, 7
- exact, minute, 242
- exacting, absolute, 8
- exaggeration, caricature, 95
- exalt, promote, 291
- exalted, high, 198
- example, 160
- exasperate, affront, 24
- exasperation, anger, 44
- excellence, virtue, 235
- food, 175
- foolhardiness, temerity, 353
- foolish, absurd, 11
- foolishness, idiocy, 207
- footmark, trace, 359
- footpad, robber, 320
- footprint, trace, 359
- footstep, trace, 359
- for, because, 77
- forage, food, 175
- forager, robber, 320
- forbearance, mercy, 239
- forbid, prohibit, 290
- force, v., compel, 111
- force, n., army, 56
- forces, army, 56
- forcible, racy, 299
- forebode, augur, 66
- foreboding, anticipation, 48
- forecast, v., anticipate, 47
- forecast, n., anticipation, 48
- forego, abandon, 1
- foregoing, previous, 285
- foreign, alien, a., 29
- foreigner, alien, n., 29
- foreknowledge, predestination, 282
- foreordination, predestination, 282
- foresight, anticipation, 48
- forestall, prevent, 284
- foretaste, v., anticipate, 47
- foretaste, n., anticipation, 48
- foretell, augur, 66
- forethought, anticipation, 48
- " care, 94
- " prudence, 294
- forgive, absolve, 9
- forgiveness, mercy, 239
- forgiving, humane, 203
- form, body, 84
- formalism, hypocrisy, 204
- former, previous, 285
- formidable, 176
- form or system of government, polity, 278
- formula, law, 229
- forsake, abandon, 1
- forswear, abandon, 1
="@public@vhost@g@html@files@28900@28900-h@28900-h-6.htm.html#Page_109" class="pginternal">109
- gigantic, large, 229<
ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@28900@28900-h@28900-h-11.htm.html#Page_219" class="pginternal">219
- hurtful, pernicious, 270
- husbandry, agriculture, 25
- hygienic, healthy, 195
- hypocrisy, 204
- hypocrite, 204
- hypothesis, 205
class="pginternal">36 indication, characteristic, 103 indict, arraign, 56 indifference, apathy, 50 [537]indifferent, abstracted, 11 indigence, poverty, 279 indigenous, native, 248 indignation, anger, 44 indispensable, inherent, 218 indispensability, necessity, 250 indispensable, necessary, 250 indispensableness, necessity, 250 indisposed, reluctant, 308 indisposition, disease, 134 indistinct, equivocal, 155 individually, apiece, 51 indoctrinate, teach, 353 indolent, idle, 208 indomitable, obstinate, 256 indubitable, evident, 159 induce, draw, 138 - " influence, 217
- " persuade, 271
induction, 215 industrious, 215 industry, 216 indwelling, inherent, 218 ineffectual, vain, 364 inelegant, rustic, 321 inequality, difference, 131 inert, idle, 208 inevitable, necessary, 250 inexorable, severe, 329 inexplicable, mysterious, 247 infallible, necessary, 250 infatuated, absurd, 11 infect, defile, 124 infection, contagion, 117 inference, demonstration, 127 infidel, skeptic, 334 infirmity, disease, 134 infinite, 216 infixed, inherent, 218 inflexible, severe, 329 influence, 217 - " bend, 79
- " govern, 185
- " operation, 258
- " persuade, 271
inform, state, 285 intrusion, attack, n., 64 intrusive, inquisitive, 221 intrusiveness, impudence, 213 intuition, knowledge, 227 intuitive, transcendental, 361 invade, attack, v., 63 invariable, continual, 117 invasion, attack, n., 64 inveigle, allure, 37 invent, discover, 133 invention, artifice, 58 inventory, record, 304 invoke, pray, 281 involuntary, spontaneous, 340 involve, 223 involved, complex, 112 inwrought, inherent, 218 iota, particle, 264 irate, bitter, 81 ire, anger, 44 irons, fetter, 169 irony, banter, 73 irrational, absurd, 11 irreconcilable, incongruous, 214 irresolute, faint, 164 irresolution, doubt, n., 138 irresponsible, absolute, 8 irrelevant, alien, a., 29 irritate, affront, 24 irritation, anger, 44 issue, v., rise, 318 issue, n., consequence, 116 item, circumstance, 105 - jabber, babble, 71
- jade, tire, 357
- jam, throng, 356
- jar, shake, 330
- jealous, envious, 155
- jeer, sneer, 337
- jeering, banter, 73
- jeopardy, danger, 121
- jest, wit, 373
- job, business, 88
- jocularity, wit, 373
- jocund, happy, 190
- joggle, shake, 330
- join on, add, 18
- joint, mutual, 246
- joke, wit, 373
- jolly, happy, 1
g@html@files@28900@28900-h@28900-h-4.htm.html#Page_70" class="pginternal">70
- malady, disease, 134
- male, masculine, 237
- malediction, oath, 254
- malevolence, enmity, 152
- malice, enmity, 152
- malign, abuse, 12
- malignity, acrimony, 15
- maltreat, abuse, 12
- manacles, fetter, 169
- manage, govern, 185
- manageable, docile, 136
- management, care, 94
- mandate, law, 229
- maneuver, artifice, 58
- manful, masculine, 237
- mangle, rend, 309
- mania, insanity, 221
- manifest, clear, 107
- manifestation, revelation, 316
- manifold, complex, 112
- manlike, masculine, 237
- manly, masculine, 237
- manner, air, 27
- " behavior, 79
- " system, 350
- manners, address, n., 20
- mannish, masculine, 237
- manufacture, make, 236
- marauder, robber, 320
- marches, boundary, 84
- marge, bank, 72
- margin, bank, 72
- marine, nautical, 248
- maritime, nautical, 248
- mark, aim, 26
- " characteristic, 103
- " sign, 332
- " trace, 359
- market-gardening, agriculture, 25
- marriage, 236
- masculine, 237
- mask, v., hide, 197
- mask, n., pretense, 283
- mass, throng, 356
- massacre, 237
- masses, mob, 243
- massive, large, , n., 302
motto, proverb, 293 mourn, 246 mournful, pitiful, 273 mourning, grief, 187 move, v., carry, 96 - " convey, 119
- " influence, 217
- " persuade, 271
move, n., motion, 245 movement, act, 16 mover, agent, 24 moving, pitiful, 273 muddy, obscure, 255 mulish, restive, 314 multiform, complex, 112 multitude, army, 56 munificence, benevolence, 80 munificent, generous, 182 muniment, record, 304 muniments, history, 200 murder, kill, 226 murky, dark, 122 murmur, babble, 71 music, melody, 238 muster, convoke, 120 mutation, change, n., 101 mute, taciturn, 351 mutinous, rebellious, 304 mutiny, revolution, 317 mutual, 246 mysterious, 247 mystic, mysterious, 247 mystical, mysterious, 247 myth, fiction, 170 - naive, candid, 93
- name, 247
- narration, history, 200
- [543]narrative, history, 200
- natal, native, 248
- nation, people, 266
- native, 248
- " inherent, 218
- " radical, 299
- natty, neat, 296
- placid, calm, 91
- plagiarize, quote, 298
- plague, abomination, 7
- plain, clear, 107
- plain-spoken, bluff, 83
- plan, design, 128
- plane, horizontal, 202
- plant, 274
- plaudit, praise, 280
- playfulness, wit, 373
- plea, apology, 51
- plead, 274
- pleasant, 275
- " amiable, 42
- " comfortable, 110
- " delightful, 126
- pleasantry, wit, 373
- please, entertain, 152
- pleased, happy, 190
- pleasing, amiable, 42
- " delightful, 126
- " pleasant, 275
- pleasurable, delightful, 126
- pleasure, entertainment, 153
- pledge, contract, 118
- plenteous, plentiful, 276
- plentiful, 276
- pleonasm, circumlocution, 105
- pliable, docile, 136
- pliant, docile, 136
- plunderer, robber, 320
- plunge, immerse, 212
- poem, poetry, 277
- poesy, poetry, 277
- poetry, 277
- point, v., allude, 36
- point, n., circumstance, 105
- poisonous, pernicious, 270
- policy, polity, 278
- polished, fine, 172
- polite, 277
- politeness, address, n., 20
- polity, 278
- pollute, defile, 124
- pommel, beat, 75
- pomp, ostentation, 192
- product, harvest, 192
- production, work, 374
- profane swearing, oath, 254
- profanity, oath, 254
- profess, avow, 69
- profession, business, 88
- proficiency, progress, 289
- proficient, skilful, 335
- profit, 288
- profitless, vain, 364
- profound, obscure, 255
- profundity, wisdom, 372
- profuse, plentiful, 276
- profusion, excess, 160
- prognostic, sign, 332
- prognosticate, augur, 66
- progress, 289
- progression, progress, 289
- prohibit, 290
- prohibition, barrier, 74
- project, v., send, 327
- project, n., design, 128
- prolixity, circumlocution, 105
- prolong, protract, 293
- promise, contract, 118
- promote, 291
- promoter, agent, 24
- prompt, v., influence, 217
- prompt, a., active, 17
- " alert, 28
- " nimble, 253
- promulgate, announce, 46
- prone, addicted, 19
- proneness, appetite, 54
- pronounce, speak, 339
- proof, demonstration, 127
- prop, support, 348
- propel, drive, 140
- propensity, appetite, 54
- proper, becoming, 77
- property, attribute, n., 66
- " characteristic, 103
- " money, 244
- prophesy, augur, 66
- propinquity, approximation, 55
- propitiation, 291
- propitious, 291
- proportion, analogy, 92
repeat, quote, 298 repel, drive, 140 repentance, 310 repine, complain, 112 replete, plentiful, 276 replica, duplicate, 141 reply, answer, 46 report, v., announce, 46 report, n., 311 repose, rest, 313 repossess, recover, 305 reprehend, reprove, 312 reprehension, reproof, 311 representation, model, 243 representative, delegate, 125 repress, restrain, 315 reprimand, v., reprove, 312 reprimand, n., reproof, 311 reproach, v., abuse, 12 reproach, n., blemish, 82 reprobate, v., condemn, 113 reprobation, oath, 254 reproduction, duplicate, 141 reproof, 311 reproval, reproof, 311 reprove, 312 repudiate, abandon, 1 repugnance, antipathy, 48 repugnant, incongruous, 214 repulse, drive, 140 repulsion, antipathy, 48 reputation, character, 102 repute, fame, 166 request, v., ask, 59 require, ask, 59 required, necessary, 250 requirement, necessity, 250 requisite, a., necessary, 250 requisite, n., necessity, 250 requital, pay, 266 requite, 313 rescind, cancel, 92 resemblance, analogy, 43 resembling, alike, 30 resentful, restive, 314 resentment, anger, 44 - " hatred, 185
- rule, n., habit, 364
shady, dark, 122 shake, 330 sham, hypocrisy, 204 shame, v., abash, 3 shame, n., abomination, 7 shamelessness, effrontery, 144 shape, make, 236 share, v., apportion, 54 share, n., part, 264 sharp, astute, 62 sharpness, acrimony, 15 sharp-witted, sagacious, 322 shatter, break, 86 sheen, light, 231 sheer, pure, 296 shelter, v., 331 shelter, n., defense, 123 shield, v., shelter, 331 shield, n., defense, 123 shift, v., change, v., 100 shimmer, light, 231 shine, light, 231 shining, light, 231 shiver, break, 86 shock, blow, 83 shocking, awful, 70 shore, bank, 72 short, terse, 354 should, ought, 260 shout, call, 91 show, array, 57 - " ostentation, 259
- " pretense, 283
shred, particle, 264 shrewd, astute, 62 shrewdness, acumen, 18 shriek, call, 91 shudder, shake, 330 shun, abhor, 5 shyness, modesty, 244 sickness, disease, 134 sight, array, 57 sign, 332 - " characteristic, 103
- " e
file, 124
sponge, cleanse, 107 spontaneous, 340 sport, entertainment, 153 spot, v., stain, 341 spot, n., blemish, 82 spotless, innocent, 220 spousal, marriage, 236 spread abroad, announce, 46 sprightliness, pertness, 271 sprightly, active, 17 - [556]" airy, 27
- " happy, 190
- " nimble, 253
spring, v., rise, 319 spring, n., beginning, 78 spruce, neat, 249 spry, active, 17 spy, 340 stable, permanent, 269 stain, v., 341 stain, n., blemish, 82 stainless, innocent, 220 stamp out, abolish, 6 stanch, faithful, 165 standard, example, 160 stand by, help, 195 stare, look, 234 start, beginning, 78 state, v., 341 - " allege, 31
- " announce, 46
state, n., people, 266 stately, awful, 70 statement, report, 311 statute, law, 229 stay, abide, 5 steadfast, permanent, 269 steal, abstract, 10 steep, 342 stern, severe, 329 sticking, adhesive, 22 sticky, adhesive, 22 stiff, severe, 329 stigma, blemish, 82 still, v., allay, 31 still, a., calm, 107 transmit, carry, 96 transmutation, change, n., 101 transmute, change, v., 100 transparent, candid, 93 transport, carry, 96 - " convey, 119
- " enthusiasm, 153
trappings, caparison, 93 travel, journey, 223 travesty, caricature, 95 treachery, fraud, 177 treason, fraud, 177 treasure, cherish, 104 treat, transact, 360 tremble, shake, 330 trembling, fear, 168 tremendous, formidable, 176 tremor, fear, 168 trepidation, fear, 168 trespass, attack, n., 64 trial, endeavor, n., 150 tribe, people, 266 tribulation, grief, 187 tribute, subsidy, 345 trick, artifice, 58 trickery, deception, 123 trifling, idle, 208 trim, neat, 249 trip, journey, 223 triumph, happiness, 189 trivial, vain, 364 troops, army, 56 trouble, anxiety, 49 - " care, 94
- " grief, 187
- [560]" misfortune, 242
true, authentic, 67 truism, axiom, 71 trunk, body, 84 trust, v., commit, 110 trust, n., assurance, 61 trustworthy, authentic, 67
blic@vhost@g@html@files@28900@28900-h@28900-h-7.htm.html#Page_131" class="pginternal">131 unlimited, infinite, 216 unmanageable, rebellious, 304 unmannerly, bluff, 83 unmatched, queer, 297 unmeasured, infinite, 216 unmingled, pure, 296 unmistakable, evident, 159 unmitigated, severe, 329 unmixed, pure, 296 unobtrusiveness, modesty, 244 unoccupied, idle, 208 unparalleled, rare, 300 unpolished, rustic, 321 unpolluted, pure, 296 unprecedented, rare, 300 unprejudiced, candid, 93 unpremeditated, extemporaneous, 163 unprofitable, vain, 364 unquestionable, real, 301 unreal, vain, 364 unreasonable, absurd, 11 unrelenting, severe, 329 unremitting, continual, 117 unreserved, candid, 93 unrighteousness, injustice, 220 unruffled, calm, 91 unruly, restive, 314 unsatisfying, vain, 364 unselfishness, benevolence, 80 unserviceable, vain, 364 unsettle, displace, 135 unsettled, precarious, 282 unskilful, awkward, 70 unskilled, ignorant, 208 unsophisticated, candid, 93 unsoundness, disease, 134 unspiritual, brutish, 87 unspotted, pure, 296 unstable, precarious, 282 unstained, pure, 296 unsteady, precarious, 282 unsubstantial, vain, 364 unsuitable, incongruous, 214 unsullied, pure, 296 untainted, pure, 296 untamed, barbarous, 73 untarnished, pure, 296 untaught, ignorant, 208 untenanted, vacant, 363 untoward, perverse, 272 untrained, fierce, 171 untruth, deception, 123 untutored, ignorant, 208 un
m.html#Page_15" class="pginternal">15 virulent, bitter, 81 viscid, adhesive, 22 viscous, adhesive, 22 visible, evident, 159 vision, dream, 139 visionary, fanciful, 167 visit, avenge, 69 visitation, misfortune, 242 vitiate, defile, 124 vituperate, abuse, 12 vivacious, alive, 30 vocabulary, diction, 130 vocal, verbal, 368 vocation, business, 88 vociferate, call, 91 void, vacant, 363 voluntary, spontaneous, 340 vow, oath, 254 voyage, journey, 223 vulgar, the, mob, 243 vulgarism, slang, 336 vulgarity, slang, 336 Transcriber's Endnotes: Significant amendments, invalid links and further notes have been listed below. p. 45, ANIMAL, synonyms re-ordered (fauna originally last); p. 45, ANIMAL, 'individal' amended to individual; p. 70, AWFUL, 'mein' amended to mien; p. 75, BEAT, invalid reference: 'SHATTER', see INDEX; p. 78, BEGINNING, '1 John 1' amended to John i, 1; p. 82, BITTER, 'quinin, or strychnin' amended to quinine, or strychnine; p. 98, CAUSE, 'conseqeunce' amended to consequence; p. 128, DESIRE, 'concupisence' amended to concupiscence; p. 148, END, v., 'synonymns' amended to synonyms; p. 148, END, v., invalid reference: 'BEGIN', see INDEX; p. 149, END, n., 'CONSEQENCE' amended to CONSEQUENCE; p. 153, ENTHUSIASM, 'ecstacy' amended to ecstasy; p. 167, FANCIFUL, 'arangement' amended to arrangement; p. 190, HAPPINESS, invalid reference: 'COMFORT', see INDEX; p. 196, HETEROGENEOUS, 'heterogenious' amended to heterogeneous (twice); p. 202, HONEST, 'fradulent' amended to fraudulent; p. 212, IMMERSE, invalid reference: 'BURY', see INDEX; p. 214, IMPUDENCE, invalid reference: 'ARROGANCE', see INDEX; p. 227, KNOWLEDGE, 'or' amended to of—'... perception of external objects ...'; p. 276, PLENTIFUL, '(Compare synonyms especial reference to giving or expending.', amended, using a later edition, to (Compare synonyms for ADEQUATE.); p. 278, POLITE, 'devolopment' amended to development; p. 297, QUEER, 'an' amended to as—'... and so uneven, as an odd number ...'; p. 305, RECORD, 'deposito' amended to depository; p. 316, REVELATION, 'mistery' amended to mystery; p. 334, SKETCH and p. 335, SKEPTIC, out-of-sequence entries re-ordered; estimated new placement of p. 335 marker; index amendments include: p. 511, agnostic; p. 513, atheist; p. 523, deist; p. 525, disbeliever; p. 526, doubter; p. 532, freethinker; p. 537, infidel; p. 555, skeptic; p. 560, unbeliever; p. 400, ASSUME, 'and' amended to or—'Unless he do profane, steal, or ——.'; p. 418, DEXTERITY, 'imimitable' amended to inimitable; p. 431, EXTERMINATE, added is—'... what is the original meaning ...'; p. 433, FEAR, 'right' amended to fright—'How does it compare with fright ...'; p. 434, FEUD, 'contentention' amended to contention; p. 443, HAPPINESS, 'ecstacy' amended to ecstasy; p. 487, PROVERB, 'apothem' amended to apothegm; p. 515, INDEX, because: 'therefor' amended to therefore; p. 516, INDEX, bodily: page number added to physical; p. 530, INDEX, fancy: sub-listing ordered alphabetically; p. 535, INDEX, 'immeasureable': amended to immeasurable; p. 535, INDEX, imagination: page number corrected for idea; p. 539, INDEX, kind: sub-listing ordered alphabetically; p. 540, INDEX, loving: 'friendy' amended to friendly; p. 543, INDEX, nutrition: oath removed from sub-listing and listed separately; p. 546, INDEX, plan: horizontal removed from sub-listing. |
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