and in India from what race, ib.; when introduced in the East in its rude form, and in its polished form, ib.; ditto in the West, ib.; age of introduction of tumuli or barrows unascertained, ib.; as also of Cave men and stone implements, ib.; uses sepulchral or cenotaphic, 509; or for battle-field, or offerings to spirits of the departed, ib.; connexion with relics of the dead, ib.; whether dedicated to God, sun or moon, &c., or serpents, ib.; twofold principle of erection of such structures, ib.; North America, 511; civil and sacred, royal and monastic, 514; animal, gigantic earthen forms, 515. Ard-na-Raigh, place of execution, 233. ArdÈche, remains of Cave men in, 321. Arfin, Prince of Norway, 250. Argyllshire dolmens, 273. Arles council, 24, 25. ArnbjÖrg, wife of Sandulf, 272. Art, King, where buried, 212. Arthur, King, his existence doubted by some, 114, 132; round table, 62; contemporary history null, 114; his round table, 128 (seePenrith); probable history of Arthur, 133; his defensive war against invaders, 134; his supposed Scottish career, 134; ill-founded, 135; localities of his twelve battles, 135 et seq.; of his last battle, 86-7; views of the author, 152; fables respecting, likened to those about Alexander, 133; Arthur's pike at Shap, 130; Arthur's Quoit, 170. SeeBaden Mound, Bas Lowe, Caerleon, Caledonian Forest, Gain, Salkeld, Stanton Drew, Woodcastle Lyn. Arrichinaga dolmen, 388. Arroyolos dolmen, 377; described by Borrow, 389. Aryans a progressive race, 18, 19; occupation of Greece, 39; when they crossed Indus, 445; penetrate into North America, by what route, 516; Aryan, non-Aryan, equivalents of what, 506. Aschenrade, singular arrangement of circles, 317. Ashdown, Sarsen stones at, 121-3; drawing of, 122; contrasted with Carnac, ib.; Druidical, 123; or monument of battle between Saxons and Danes, ib. Asia Minor, dolmens not yet found in, 445. Asoka, King, monument of, 47; introduction of stone monuments in India, 48, 455; his rock-engraved edict, 498; convocation, 501. Aspatria, 155; compared to Herrestrup, 304. SeeCircles. Asser cited as to battle between Sa