Chapter I.
Formation of Battery H—Camp Mauran—On to Washington—Camp Barry 1–10
Chapter II.
Camp Barry—Artillery Drill—March to Fairfax Station—First Death in the Battery—Union Mills 11–14
Chapter III.
Battles of Chancellorsville and Salem Heights—Battery H Ordered to Chantilly and Afterwards to Fairfax Court House—Return to Camp Barry—Picket Duty at Fairfax Seminary—Moved to Vicinity of Fort Scott 15–27
Chapter IV.
Again in Camp Barry—Batteries Reviewed by President Lincoln—Battery H Assigned to the Ninth Corps 28–34
Chapter V.
Battery H with the Ninth Corps Moves towards Fairfax Court House—March to the Rapidan—Battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania—Battery Ordered to Washington 35–46
Chapter VI.
Life at Fort Richardson—Moved to Fort Smith and Stationed there—Battery Equipped again and sent to City Point 47–52
Chapter VII.
Battery H Proceeds to Petersburg and Encamps near Fort Tracy—Life in the Trenches—Rebel Attack on Fort Stedman Repulsed 53–61
Chapter VIII.
Forward Movement of the Army of the Potomac—Capture of Petersburg and Richmond—Pursuit of Lee’s Army—Battle of Sailor’s Creek 62–72
Chapter IX.
Pursuit of Lee’s Army still continued—Surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House—Sixth Corps March to Danville 73–84
Chapter X.
Return to City Point—March to Richmond—From thence to Washington—Returning Homeward—Muster-out 85–95
Memoirs 97–156
Roster 157–192
Roster of Temporarily Attached Men 193–196
Mortuary Record 197–199

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