@files@25773@25773-h@25773-h-2.htm.html#Page_63">63, 64, 130, 131 —— on Shenstone, 150 Masson de Blamont, xviii. Mathias on Boileau, xxiv. —— on Pope, 127 —— on Mason, 164 Mavor, Rev. Mr. 34 —— his admirable edition of Tusser, 6 Meader, 17 Meager, Leonard, 34 Mignon, his skill in painting flowers, 55 Miller, Phillip, 138 Milton, 20, 21, 49, 94, 130, 132, 197 —— his great poem now magnificently printing in letters of gold, 133 Mollet, Andre, ix. Mollet, Claude, ix. Morell, xiv. Morin, the florist, xi. Mountmorris, on Sir W. Temple, 111 Morris, Rev. I. G., his powerful appeal on horticultural pursuits, 122 Morris, onornamental scenery, 77 Mountain, Didymus, 12 N. Nicol, Walter, 82 Nichols, John, 54, 60, 110, 121, 143, 174, 178 ——his friendship for Mr. Cradock, 180 NÔtre, le, tributes to him, xi., xii., xx. Nourse, 58 O. Ockenden, 65 Only, Rev. Mr., a lover of gardens, 54 Opium, 168 Orchards, 21, 23, 64, 202, 203 Orrery, Lord, xxvi., 126 P. Parkinson, 89, 90 ——testimony to his works, 18 Pastoral Scenes, 30 Paulmier de Grenlemesnil, viii. Percy, Bishop of