A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, V, W
Aerophagia, 199 et seq.
Affirmation tics, 163
Antagonistic gestures, 168, 236 et seq.
Aphonia, 211
Arithmomania, 87
Athetosis, 288
Attacks, 128
Attitude tics, 63, 122
Auditory tics, 145
Automatic movements, 41, 43, 259
Beating tics, 185
Beggar's tic, 248
Biting tics, 11, 159
Blepharospasm, 147
Blinking tics, 3, 148, 149
Blowing tics, 303
Catatonic aptitudes, 124
Cheilophagia, 160
Chin tics, 157
Chorea, Dubini's, 284
—— electric, 252, 284
—— fibrillary, 251, 284, 285
—— gravidarum, 283
—— HÉnoch-Bergeron's, 251, 284
—— Huntington's, 281
—— hysterical, 282
—— of degenerates, 230
—— paralytic, 285
—— polymorphous, 230
—— rhythmical, 283
—— Sydenham's, 279
—— variable, 119, 228 et seq., 281
Clonic tic, 118
Colporteur tic, 106, 173
Complications of tic, 242 et seq.
Consciousness and tic, 63
Convulsion, 39
Convulsive tic, 31
—— —— clonic, 31
—— —— tonic, 31, 63
Co-ordination and tic, 46, 126
Coprolalia, 13, 219 et seq., 258
Coughing tics, 203
Curability of tic, 298 et seq.
Definition of tic, 260
Degeneration, 28, 29
Diagnosis, 264 et seq.
Diaphragmatic tics, 205
Diet, 302
Ear tics, 145
Echokinesia, 103, 124, 217
Echolalia, 216 et seq.
Echomimia, 124
Echopraxis, 124
Electrical reactions, 138
Electrolepsy, 284
Electrotherapy, 303
Epilepsy and tic, 251 et seq.
Eructation tics, 196
Etiology of tic, 96 et seq.
Etymology of tic, 25
Evolution of tic, 221 et seq.
Expectoration tics, 197
Eye tics, 146, 151
Eyeball tics, 150, 323
Eyelid tics, 146, 322
Facial spasm, 110, 111, 143, 268, 270 et seq., 312
—— tic, 143, 220 et seq., 312, 323
Fixed tics, 130
Folie du pourquoi, 87
Function, 70
Genesis of tic, 48 et seq.
Geniospasm, 157
Habit, 56
Heredity, 98
Hiccoughing tics, 203
Hydrotherapy, 302
Hygiene, 302
Hysteria, 246 et seq., 282
Idiocy, 256
Imitation, 2, 101
Immobilisation of movements, 317
Impulsive tics, disease of, 227
Insanity, 256
Isolation, 341
Jacksonian epilepsy, 38, 251, 263
Jaw tics, 169
Krouomania, 258
Laryngospasm, 212
Latah, 103
Leaping tics, 193
Licking tics, 157
Lip tics, 155
Massage, 303
Mastication tics, 159
Mechanotherapy, 303
Medicinal treatment, 301
Mental condition of the subjects of tic, 74 et seq.
—— infantilism, 76 et seq., 133, 171
—— tic, 94
—— torticollis, 121, 137, 167 et seq., 257, 267, 307, 313, 323, 324, 331, 333
—— triamus, 121, 161 et seq., 240
Mimicry, 60, 103
—— tics, 143
Mirror drill, 335 et seq.
—— writing, 335 et seq.
Monoclonus, 287
Motor reaction, 41
—— —— classification of, 44
—— —— localisation of, 130
—— —— study of, 118
Movements of immobilisation, 317
Mutism, 211
Myoclonus, 30, 116, 252 et seq., 285 et seq., 288
Myokymia, 288
Myospasm, 290
Myospasmia spinalis, 288
Myotonia, 288
Neck tics, 5, 163, 323
Negation tics, 163
Neurasthenia, 250 et seq.
Nictitation tics, 146
Nodding tics, 163
Nose tics, 3, 154
Obsessions, 82 et seq.
Occupation neuroses, 70, 72, 159, 291 et seq.
Onomatomania, 87
Onychophagia, 161
OrthopÆdic treatment, 314
Palpebral tics, 147
Paramyoclonus multiplex, 252, 285
Para-tics, 6, 7
Pathogeny of tic, 36 et seq.
Pathological anatomy, 108 et seq.
Phobias, 20, 88
Polyclonus, 116, 117, 252, 256, 287
Polygon, 65
Procollis, 177
Professional acts, 69, 71, 291
Prognosis, 293 et seq.
Psychical tic, 29, 94
Psychomental tic, 68, 94, 250
Psychotherapy, 343
Re-education, 315 et seq.
Reflexes, 15, 134
Relapses, 332
Respiration tics, 203
Respiratory drill, 325 et seq.
Rest, 340
Retrocollis, 177
Rhincho-spasm, 204
Rhythm, 70, 127
Rhythmic tics, 127
Salaam tic, 164
Salutation tics, 163
Scratching tics, 186
Secretory affections, 138
Sensation, affections of, 140
Shoulder tics, 9, 183
Sniffing tics, 154, 203
Snoring tics, 203
Sobbing tics, 203
Spasm, definition of, 36
Spasms and tics, 36 et seq., 267 et seq.
Spasmus nutans, 127, 164
Speech, tics of, 206 et seq., 324
Sphincter tics, 140
Stammering, 208 et seq., 324, 325
Starting tics, 291
Stereotyped acts, 57, 122, 188, 264 et seq.
Striking tics, 185
Sucking tics, 155
Swallowing tics, 196
Thomsen's disease, 288
Tic and function, 68
—— idea, 59
—— will, 55
—— writing, 187, 190
Tic douloureux, 112, 275
Tic non douloureux, 110
Tics of idea, 94
—— idiots, 53, 256
—— wind sucking, 196
Tongue tics, 157
Tonic tic, 118, 121
Torticollis tic and spasm, 136, 137, 275 et seq., 307
Tossing tics, 163, 323
Tourette's disease, 92, 223, 228, 251, 258, 296
Treatment, 298 et seq.
Tremors, 290
Trunk tics, 182
Variable tics, 130
Visceral instability, 139
Vision tics, 146
Vomiting tics, 196
Whistling tics, 203
Writers' cramp, 69, 72, 192, 292
These typographical errors have been corrected by the etext transcriber: |
which may be situate in peripheral end organ=>which may be situated in peripheral end organ |
tennis without protuding his tongue=>tennis without protruding his tongue |
The sectio showed a hÆmorrhage of the dimensions=>The section showed a hÆmorrhage of the dimensions |
since the twitches are limited perferably=>since the twitches are limited preferably |
Weiner medic. BlÄtter=>Wiener medic. BlÄtter |
like a statute in a position conducive=>like a statue in a position conducive |
Unforeseen complications, a again, may arise once a cure is affected.=>Unforeseen complications, again, may arise once a cure is affected. |