THE question whether in cases of tic there is any alteration in superficial or deep reflexes can be decisively answered only by an appeal to statistics, the information afforded by which has hitherto been too scanty and too incomplete. Judging from our own observations in about thirty cases, we feel compelled to admit that disorders of this kind are altogether exceptional. Careful and repeated examination has convinced us that in patients suffering from tic the knee, ankle, wrist, elbow, and other jerks, the plantar and fascia lata reflexes, as well as those of the pharynx, eyes, etc., are all but universally normal, and any trifling exaggeration or diminution not only varies from day to day, but also in no wise exceeds the differences met with in health, and is therefore symptomatologically negligible. In the manifold varieties of tic represented by R., S., P., N., M., B., etc., whose cases are quoted here in part, our inquiries have always been negative. Noir's research on the state of the reflexes in idiocy complicated with tics failed to expose any abnormality, and even where the knee jerks were increased no departure from the usual manifestations of the tic was discoverable. It is of course permissible to suppose that a combination of the latter with organic disease of the nervous system might explain the modification of We have enjoyed the co-operation of M. Babinski in the examination of one of our patients, L., in whom we were able to determine a definite and symmetrical exaggeration of the patellar reflexes, a slight increase in the right triceps jerk, and, in making the subject rise from a prone to a sitting position with the arms folded, a very minor degree of flexion of the thigh on the trunk. The first of these symptoms is of no pathognomonic value, and while the others no doubt are characteristic of organic disease, their development in this instance is too imperfect to warrant the deduction of pyramidal involvement. For the last ten years L.'s motor control has been very defective. The muscular activity of the right half of his body takes the form of irregular contractions, badly timed and inaccurate in range; in spite of the absence of pain, the timidity with which they are executed hinders their ever attaining a normal amplitude; and at the same time his inability to appreciate the direction and intensity of the motor reaction, the outcome of excessive muscular vigilance, illustrates a certain loss of the sense of position of his limbs. The existence of an actual irritative lesion is therefore problematical, and it is scarcely conceivable that From the pathogenic and diagnostic point of view, the detection of conspicuous and persistent alterations in the reflexes is of deep significance. It is an important factor in the differentiation between tic and spasm. Sometimes the task is unusually arduous, as when the unilateral distribution of the motor troubles recalls the clinical picture of lesions of the pyramidal paths. In L., for instance, the hemichorea and the torticollis were on the right side, and in a case published by Desterac a similar condition obtained, the writers' cramp, hip spasm, and head rotation being all confined to the right. Notwithstanding the fact that this patient had exaggerated knee jerks, ankle clonus, and a double extensor response, an opportunity for examination given to one of us made it clear that the untimely movements and bizarre attitudes were similar to what has been noted in certain cases of tic. At the Neurological Society of Paris a case was shown by Babinski More recently still, another patient was exhibited by the same observer, ELECTRICAL REACTIONSThe examination of the electrical reactions of the muscles concerned in a tic is a clinical method seldom, if ever, resorted to, and we can scarcely expect it to yield decisive results from the symptomatological aspect. As with the reflexes, it may happen that we cannot afford to neglect its diagnostic significance in certain cases. For example, we have had occasion to test its worth in studying the case of young J., whose trouble consisted in a clonic tic of elevation of the left shoulder, and a tonic attitude tic of the left arm whereby it was firmly applied against the body. No important alteration in electrical contractility was discovered, although the response in the upper part of the left trapezius—which, by the way, was more voluminous than on the right—was brisker than in its fellow. On the other hand, the right deltoid, sternomastoid, and pectoral, were more excitable than on the left. Here, of course, the evidence supplied by electrical examination only served to confirm the knowledge gathered from other clinical sources. VASOMOTOR AND SECRETORY AFFECTIONSDisorders of the vasomotor system rarely fail to assert themselves in the subjects of tic, but they do not in any wise differ from such as are met with in the majority of "nervous" individuals. The average sufferer from tic is emotional, and apt to betray his emotion by blushing for the most childish reason. This symptom may be in itself trifling enough, yet it may afford the earliest indication of mental instability the nature and extent of which subsequent research will determine. It is even conceivable that fear of blushing—the ereutophobia of Regis—may be at the bottom of In regard to secretory affections, we have frequently observed the concurrence of hyperidrosis and emotional phenomena in those who tic. Young J., S., P., are cases in point. The slightest exertion, the least effort of attention, are followed by an extraordinary secretion of sweat, entailing constant carrying of a handkerchief in the hand, and ceaseless mopping of the forehead or temples. This performance becomes stereotyped, and is gone through even when there is no perspiration at all. Suppression of the handkerchief sometimes causes actual malaise, but this injunction must never be forgotten if a cure is to be effected. [Persons afflicted with tic often develop a sort of visceral instability which betrays itself in indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhoea, and in every variety of dietetic and alimentary caprice. It is rare to meet with troubles of micturition, nocturnal enuresis scarcely deserving mention owing to its frequency among all young degenerates and to its being so commonly the outcome of neglect. Oppenheim, AFFECTIONS OF SENSATIONGenerally speaking, objective disturbances of sensibility do not occur, and while subjective changes are more frequent, they may be entirely lacking even in long-standing and aggravated cases. What the patients usually complain of is a more or less persistent, disagreeable, uncomfortable sensation, rarely described as painful, and often compared with a feeling of stiffness or fatigue. Or, again, they may be conscious of a sense of constriction or of dragging in the affected muscles, either at their insertions or in the muscle belly, or sometimes in the joints concerned. These subjective sensations are characterised by extreme variability in time and in degree. Moreover, the accounts given by patients of their own sufferings ought to be accepted with reserve. Not merely are they ready to exaggerate and incapable of accurately depicting and localising their sensations, but they also exhibit a curious tendency to false interpretation: they attribute an erroneous pathological significance to their feelings, and proceed to elaborate a thousand ridiculous variations, thereby inviting in a sense the eruption of fresh tics. In all this behaviour their mental imperfections are abundantly manifest. We may remind ourselves in this connection how O.'s various inventions had no other effect than that of provoking new tics, and another illustration is to hand in the case of S., an account of whose mental torticollis will be found in a previous chapter. Any trifling item of passing interest used to make S. forget altogether the more or less acute pain he experienced in his neck and shoulders, and reacted no less successfully on his torticollis. When systematic and methodical exercise of the muscles was ordered, nothing was more natural than that their long period of inactivity should have the result of causing a vague feeling of stiffness in them with the unwonted action. Yet S. never dreamed of such an ordinary explanation, but pessimistically exaggerated the sensation, and deemed it an infallible sign of the spread of the disease. It proved to be a simple enough matter, however, to convince him of its harmlessness, for it was sufficient to remind him of the corresponding stiffness he had felt after his first attempts at riding and fencing, and from that moment he ceased to pay any attention to it and therefore to complain. With spasm, on the other hand, pain is more frequently, though not always, associated. It may be said, of course, that since a tic may be evolved from a spasm, the pain of the latter is really the exciting cause of the former, but in the tic as it is constituted all these initial disturbances have disappeared, and what the patient does feel is the consequence of excess of muscular action or of articular displacement. His dolorous sensations form the sequel, not the prelude; they are not symptoms, but, so to speak, complications. |