THIS chapter we shall devote to a review, necessarily incomplete, of the principal sites in which tics are to be met with. We do not pretend to have collated every known case observed up to the present, and we foresee the likelihood, moreover, of new tics coming into being. Their numbers are as unlimited as is the diversity of functional acts of which they form the pathological expression. We must content ourselves, then, with the consideration of the most familiar and most recent examples. A rational classification would entail discussion of the various modes of derangement to which functional acts are liable, and this would demand in its turn a preliminary tabulation of function. How onerous such a task is, is patent from the uniform imperfection of the attempts already made, and the equivocal nature of their conclusions. We have studiously avoided the designation of a tic by the muscle or muscles that determine it. To specify the precise muscle involved is sometimes attended with no little difficulty, while if several, as is customary, are concerned, their association is rarely anatomical; indeed, this is one of the chief aids to diagnosis between tics and spasms. Should the convulsion chance to follow an anatomical distribution, neighbouring muscles are apt to participate as well. Hence it is advisable to name a tic after its morphological This is the plan we shall pursue in our successive examination of the different parts of the body disposed to be the seat of tics. FACIAL TICS—TICS OF MIMICRYOf all tics, those of the face are the most frequent, and the most easy to see. No other part is as rich in muscles whose functions are so diversified—nictitation, mastication, suction, respiration, articulation, etc. Moreover, the face is the abode of the mimic expressions, each one of which is the revelation, by muscular play, of some sentiment, or passion, or emotion. Hence the idea has been entertained of adopting a physiological classification. In the smiling tic of Bechterew, for an instance, the muscular contractions are framed into a smile in the absence of any provocative to mirth; in a similar fashion, the sniffing tic brings to mind the inhaling performances of snuff-takers. Facial tic is frequently unilateral. It is rare to find the whole muscular distribution of one facial nerve involved, however, this being a property rather of spasm, as is also the restriction to a particular branch. A common event is the simultaneous abstention of some facial muscles and implication of others belonging to a different nerve supply. If the condition is bilateral, as a general rule only those muscles on each side co-operate that are wont to act in concert for the accomplishment of some function. In a case reported as bilateral facial spasm by Claus and Sano, The contractions of the facial muscles are usually associated to produce a more or less complex grimace. Movements of forehead, eye, nose, or mouth, may succeed each other or be superimposed one on the other without any preconceived order, or the tic may consist in the synchronous activity of two or more muscles. Of course any and every facial tic may occur by itself, but careful investigation will often reveal concomitant reactions of other muscular groups. The sniff that accompanies puckering of the nose indicates the engagement of the muscles of inspiration. Facial tic, moreover, may be tonic as well as clonic, instances in point being closure of the eyelids, wrinkling of the forehead, twisting of the nose, distortion of the mouth, etc., of longer or shorter duration. Any of the facial muscles may be attacked by tics. These commonly furnish an illustration of functional disturbance of mimicry, as in Oppenheim's cases of tic limited to the frontales, whereby astonishment or dismay was expressed, or in contraction of the superciliary muscles, which conveys a look of pain or of mournfulness. Spread to the scalp muscles may take place, causing a perpetual to-and-fro movement of the hair, of which O. and Miss R. supply examples. The platysma is sometimes the seat of a tic. One of Oppenheim's patients was a child with alternating twitches of his two platysmas; it is of interest to note he was able to contract either voluntarily. This condition is generally associated with similar contractions in other facial muscles, as in a case of facial and palpebral tic A not infrequent accompaniment is a shrug of one or both shoulders, due to synergic contraction of the trapezius. The resulting complex may be considered an act of mimicry in so far as it is an expression of disdain. TICS OF THE EAR—AUDITORY TICSThe muscles of the external ear come often into play. One of our patients had a tic of the left ear, consisting in visible elevation of the pinna. A case of tic of the ear muscles has been described by Romberg, and another by Bernhardt, in the distribution of the occipital and posterior auricular nerves. Reference is made by SeeligmÜller It is quite conceivable that certain middle-ear phenomena are comparable to the tics. O. used often to complain of hearing noises in his right ear, which came and went with his tics of face and neck. Now, it is well known that the probable explanation of the humming sound attending forcible closure of the orbiculares palpebrarum is the variation in labyrinthine tension due to the synergic contraction of the stapedius. TICS OF THE EYES—NICTITATION AND VISION TICSFor the sake of precision, tics of the eyes may be subdivided into eyelid tics and eyeball tics. A. Eyelid Tics.—These, perhaps the commonest of all tics, may be either unilateral or bilateral. They consist simply in a palpitation of the upper lid, repeated at irregular intervals, and differing from ordinary blinking only in augmented frequency and abruptness. The form they usually assume is that of a wink, attributable in the first instance to contraction of the orbicularis, but supplemented by the zygomatics and muscles of the nose. The tonic variety of the same tic is constituted by a contraction of inordinate length, the outcome of which is the all but permanent maintenance of the eye in a half-closed position. The suspension of this tonic tic by volitional effort accentuates its distinction from contracture. In one of our patients a tic of this nature, which gave a singularly sleepy cast to the features, was easily relieved by suitable gymnastic treatment. The converse condition obtained in another case, where excessive gaping of the palpebral fissure contributed an unwonted fixity to the expression, which simultaneous contraction of the corrugator supercilii served to heighten into one of wild anger. These two tics corresponded to two diametrically opposed traits in their subject's character—viz. nonchalance and impatience respectively, and it is interesting to recall in this connection how the varying moods depend for their physiognomical delineation chiefly on the degree of curvature of the palpebral arc. Valleix, The terms blepharospasm and blepharoclonus, sometimes applied to tonic and to clonic involuntary palpebral contractions respectively, ought to be strictly reserved for spasms and contractures properly so called. For example, von Graefe's case of blindness consequent on permanent closure of the eyelids in a child is undoubtedly one of blepharospasm. No tic could have been attended with such a result, whereas compression of branches of the trigeminal at their points of exit might determine reflex tonic contraction of the orbicularis, and so, for that matter, might a central lesion. Hence in these circumstances it is correct to use the word spasm. Palpebral tics are among those that ordinarily begin by a spasmodic reaction to an extraneous source of irritation, such as that yielded by a foreign body, a speck of dust, an eyelash, or by any form of conjunctival inflammation. Eyelid tics (says Parinaud It is only when the blinking abides in spite of the suppression of the exciting cause that it can be comprised in the category of tics, otherwise the fact of its being contingent on the continuance of the irritation shows it is a spasm. A bright light sometimes suffices to initiate these conditions. During a course of sittings for her portrait, G., a little girl eleven years of age, acquired the habit of drooping one eyelid slightly to shield the eye from the somewhat glaring light of the studio, but the persistence of this movement in other surroundings was evidence of its degeneration into a tonic tic. Noir quotes the case of one of his colleagues who was for a long time inconvenienced by a most disagreeable blinking, which he held to be a tic; but a simple explanation was forthcoming in the unusual length of some of the eyelashes on the outer part of the upper lid having caused their entanglement with others in the under one, and when they were cut off the spasm disappeared. In the following instance, reported by Toby Cohn, The protracted use of a magnifying glass in the left eye was the means, in a watchmaker, of inducing occasional localised twitches of the orbicularis, which were not slow, however, in spreading to the whole of the left half of the face. They may at first have been an involuntary motor response to nipping of palpebral twigs of the trigeminal, but at a later period their independence was constant and pronounced. With certain associated movements such as articulation or deglutition, or during the act of wiping the nose or shutting the eyes, the form they assumed was tonic. There were neither subjective nor objective sensory phenomena to note. We have recently had the opportunity of observing a genuine case of eyelid tic, of obscure origin perhaps, Brif., a metal polisher, forty-seven years old, came on March 10, 1902, to Professor Brissaud's clinic at the Hotel Dieu, complaining of involuntary closure of the eyes, especially when out walking. In his family and in his personal antecedents there was little or no neuropathic or psychopathic tendency. The sole trouble for which he sought advice was this spasmodic shutting of his eyes, rare enough under most circumstances, but aggravated instantly by a walk of even a few paces. The onset had been quite insidious eighteen months previously, and at the first the average frequency was scarcely more than thrice or four times daily. Whenever Brif. passed into direct sunlight the movement was particularly liable to occur. As long as he remained seated at his work he was free from it, while he had but to rise and take a step or two for it to reappear and forthwith commence to repeat itself. At home any effort engaging his attention inhibited the tic, nor was there any sign of it in the course of our interrogation and examination of him. Even when he was on his feet, the incidence of the act was not always uniform; if promenading with his wife and children, or fishing along a river side, or running to catch a tram, he was not hampered by his affliction. When he rose in the morning, it made its appearance ere he could reach the window to look out. During his journeys to and from his place of business, he was generally unable to moderate the spasmodic movements, particularly towards evening, whereas his professional pursuits in the daytime, and any occupation—such as reading the newspaper—when at home again, wholly counteracted the inclination to tic. The production of this untimely gesture of his Brif. was disposed to attribute to the action of sun or wind, though he acknowledged the regularity of its occurrence irrespective of either. In its actual nature the contraction was tonic in type and of several seconds' duration, so that he used to cover some yards with eyes shut. From the outset the will had always exercised a marked influence on it, so much so that on certain days and for a certain space he could check the convulsion, and even when it was prolonged he contrived by volitional effort to open his eyes sufficiently to pilot himself in avoiding obstacles. Careful search by the ordinary tests at the Quinze-Vingts hospital failed to reveal any abnormality whatever in his eyes. On our part, we satisfied ourselves that there was no restriction of the visual fields. As far as his mental state was concerned, its chief peculiarity was a somewhat childish turn of mind, a soupÇon of that psychic infantilism so common in the B. Eyeball Tics.—The extrinsic muscles of the eye occasionally participate in the tics we have just discussed. Assiduous observation of patients suffering from blinking tics will enable the physician now and then to detect movements of the eyeball behind the lowered upper lid. In the case of F., for instance, with each tic of the lids the eyeballs deviated briskly upwards and to the left. Similarly Miss R. turned her head from right to left at the same time as the eye moved obliquely to the left and in an upward direction. A patient mentioned by Otto Lerch The eruption of these tics may equally be attributed to some foreign body or minute conjunctival granulation, as was the case with a small child of ten years under our care, who, in spite of the withdrawal of the irritating particle, acquired the trick of tickling the inner surface of his upper lid by rolling his eye about whenever he happened to blink. The delight he took in this trivial manoeuvre led to its mechanical reiteration, and was the means eventually of its developing into a tic which required a sufficiently delicate muscle exercise and drill for its repression. Defects in the visual apparatus sometimes induce Tic of the eyeball is generally associated with other tics, ocular or facial, but it may occur alone and bear a resemblance to nystagmus, a peculiarity we have noticed in a patient perfectly free from any cerebro-spinal disease. It is almost always bilateral, but in some cases of unilateral palpebral tic it is more pronounced on the side of the latter. Fixity of the eyes is characteristic of tonic tics of the extrinsic ocular muscles, and gives a somewhat haggard or maybe merely attentive expression to the countenance. Very frequently it escapes observation, and indeed cannot be considered a tic unless there be an incongruity between it and the ideas at that moment uppermost in the patient's mind. Reference has already been made to the historic example of an ocular tic in the person of Peter the Great. A series of interesting discussions has taken place recently at the Neurological Society of Paris in regard to the question of a tic of elevation of the eyes. The patient, who had come to consult Professor Marie at BicÊtre in December, 1899, was presented to the Society in the first instance by M. Crouzon. In this connection the significant observation was made by Joffroy that in the recumbent position the patient's eyes assumed their ordinary place, suggesting a comparison with those dolls whose eyes open or close according as they are held vertically or horizontally. In his opinion, the eye mobility negatived any idea of contracture consequent on central lesions. A few months later the same patient was submitted a second time to the Society, on this occasion by M. Babinski, M. Parinaud expressed himself as being in accord with M. Babinski, and recalled certain rare forms of associated ocular palsies occurring with paralysis of convergence, a combination manifest in the subject in question. Curiously enough, in these cases the disturbance of function is always ushered in by a stroke, which justifies the belief in the focal nature of the lesion. On the other hand, it was noticed by M. Ballet that the range and facility of downward deviation varied inversely with the attention devoted to the patient by the examiner. On yet a third occasion this identical case provided a subject of discussion at the Society, after being under the observation of Professor Pierre Marie in BicÊtre. Professor Marie Of the subsequent history of the case some information was forthcoming at a later date, In the subjects of tic, and especially in cases of mental torticollis, we have noted an analogous symptom, consisting in inability to look down at the feet, except perhaps by the aid of innumerable contortions, in contrast to the consummate ease of upward glances. By making the person write at a blackboard, and observing his action according as his hand is above or below a horizontal plane through his eyes, one can soon convince oneself of the reality of the occurrence, yet search will fail to discover any sign of ophthalmoplegia. Patients of this class evince a remarkable aptitude for elevation movements, and the trouble they experience in depressing the eyeballs is not of necessity to be construed as denoting paralysis of the depressors, but rather indicates the presence of a tic of the elevators, as Professor Marie says—a tic born of a habit, and nourished perhaps by the dread such persons feel of witnessing an exaggeration of their convulsive movements whenever they cast their eyes down. Our object in summarising this discussion has been twofold: at once to note the existence of tics of extrinsic eye muscles, and to illustrate the intricacies of their diagnosis. A case not unlike the preceding, recorded by NoguÈs and Sirol, It is conceivable that some cases of strabismus in children are nothing more than vicious habits transformed into tics, since, as a matter of fact, attentive supervision is frequently sufficient to effect a cure, although no doubt in other cases some visual abnormality is responsible for the condition. Finally, since accommodation is a function subservient to the will, tics of accommodation are theoretically possible. Our information thereanent must be sought from the ophthalmologists. We have met with genuine professional cramps of accommodation in those who use the microscope, as well as in opticians, watchmakers, etc. TICS OF THE NOSE—SNIFFING TICSThe form these tics commonly take is a puckering of the nostrils to the more or less noisy accompaniment As for the pathogenic mechanism of the sniffing tic, it is simple enough. Some little passing obstacle in the air-ways, some minute, irritating sore, supply the occasion for an expiratory reaction, in the first instance, with wrinkling of the nose and dilatation of the nostrils, the repetition of which with each fresh sensation of discomfort or of pain speedily becomes automatic, and persists as a tic when mucus or abrasion has disappeared. So far from being obstinate, these tics are eminently amenable to treatment if they are uncomplicated. We have remarked on their occurrence, by the way, in the case of O. and his sister, in young J., in G., in the wife of S., etc. TICS OF THE LIPS—SUCKING TICSThe diversity of movement of which the buccal orifice is capable warrants the statement that the tics of this class are almost too numerous for detailed description. At times only the orbicularis oris is involved, unilaterally or bilaterally; at others, concomitant implication of the elevators and depressors of the lips, or of the chin muscles and the platysma, furnishes the basis for all sorts of pouting, biting, and The action of the muscles of the lips is manifold: whether in the expression of the emotions, or in the discharge of different functions, they come into play in miscellaneous modes that may be the forerunners of a multiplicity of tics. Of these, two types may be distinguished, according as expansion or occlusion of the labial orifice predominates. Under the one heading; come the caricatures of ordinary smiling or laughing, under the second those that exaggerate the pursing or pouting movements whereby we are wont to indicate chagrin, repugnance, disdain, etc. Labial tics of this nature may be styled tics of facial mimicry. In the infant that has long been weaned, and a fortiori in the adult, the continuance of the act of sucking must of course be considered a functional anomaly; and while no doubt it is true we use our lips in imbibing a beverage through a straw, or in extracting the juice from a fruit, the action is different from that of the infant, and in any case not to be compared with incessant sucking of tongue or thumb, or of some object devoid of all nutritive value—merely a bad habit, perhaps, but frequently indistinguishable from tic. The most fruitful source of the tics under consideration is to be found in labial cracks and dental mischief. More especially in children, towards the end of the first dentition, the torment of loose teeth calls forth interminable devices for relief, in seeking which tongue and lips pleasurably co-operate. Once the tooth is out, the lacuna it leaves provides a new sensation and a new reason for muscular activity. Irregularity of the permanent teeth may also be referred to as a potent factor in the causation of tic. It is therefore not superfluous systematically to examine the teeth of all patients suffering from tics of the mouth, and to extract any offender. TICS OF THE CHINThe muscles of the chin collaborate with other facial muscles in expressional movement, and are similarly liable to be the seat of tics. Massaro TICS OF THE TONGUE—LICKING TICSTics confined exclusively to the tongue are of rare occurrence. Moreover, they must be strictly differentiated from the tonic or clonic contractions of the Functional polymorphism is no less marked in the case of the tongue than in that of the lips; it participates in suction, mastication, deglutition, as well as in respiration, phonation, and articulation, while to "put out the tongue" at any one is equivalent to an expression of contempt. It is, accordingly, no surprise to find the number of tongue tics very considerable. Such, for instance, is the licking tic, where the tongue is constantly being passed over the free border of the lips, moistening them to excess; or the chewing tic, in which its perpetual motion inside the mouth in every direction conveys the impression that the subject is chewing something. Further, its contact with the palate or the upper lip may yield different clucking, whistling, or crowing sounds. Letulle remarks that the trick of producing a little inspiratory whistle by the passage of a column of air through an incompletely closed labial commissure—a common habit among people suffering from dental caries—is not slow in developing into an actual tic. It has not fallen to our lot to observe the tonic variety of tongue tics, none the less must we believe in the possibility of their occurrence. Convulsive lingual movements, consecutive to disease of mouth or teeth, or to lesions of corresponding nerves, are in all probability spasms properly so called, to which disturbances of sensation and of nutrition are often superadded. The tonic contractions of tongue, lips, and masseters, which have been described in cases of hypochondriasis and puerperal psychosis, are much more Generally speaking, however, it is particularly in tics of language, and in the various kinds of stammering, that the tongue muscles are concerned. TICS OF THE JAWS—BITING TICS—TICS OF MASTICATIONWhen the muscles of mastication are the site of tics, a medley of nibbling and mumbling results, from which convulsive movements of the same muscles consequent on cerebro-spinal mischief must be scrupulously separated. A. von Sarbo's The masseters are chiefly but not exclusively affected. Unilateral implication of the pterygoids has been noted by Leube in a young girl who was also an hysteric and a choreic. A patient of ours prefaces every conversation by rapidly raising or lowering his inferior maxilla four or five times, and blinking at the Chattering or grinding of the teeth is a frequent accompaniment of the tics we are considering, and may have a disastrous issue in the loosening, cracking, or breaking of these structures, as in the case of O. A still more common incident is injury to the buccal mucous membrane, a significant instance of which is furnished by an episode in the history of young J. One day in June, 1900, J. experienced a feeling of discomfort in the articulation of the lower jaw—the sequel, as a matter of fact, to a slight alveolo-dental periostitis in the neighbourhood of a bad tooth—and, interpreting the sensation as a new and grave symptom in the march of his malady, forthwith proceeded to investigate its development by playing with his maxilla. Then ensued a perfect debauch of masticatory movements, in which agreeable repetition of every conceivable grimace was joined to protrusion and retraction of the jaw in the search after articular cracks. He became so wholly preoccupied with this tic of mastication that ere long he had begun to pinch the mucous membrane on the inside of the right cheek between the hindmost molars, and this fresh object of absorbing attention in its turn led quickly to some excoriation of the mucosa on both sides. No halt was called by the lower jaw to give the abrasions time for repair, with the natural outcome that they suppurated and paved the way for an attack of infective stomatitis with pain, fever, and malaise, which necessitated the application of the thermo-cautery to the ulcerated areas for its relief. The explanation given by the patient of the evolution of the process was controlled by interrogation of the parents, and no doubt was left as to its genuineness. In the attempt to dispel the articular discomfort, he had accidentally bitten himself, but the consequent pain did not deter him from repeating and continuing the act until its execution was irresistible. In these and similar cases, the infelicitous rehearsal of the movements of mastication is practically always associated with an imperative desire to experience a sensation at the place actually bitten. Cheilophagic children, who bite their lips unceasingly, usually commence by nibbling at some half-separated fragment It is still more frequent to meet with onychophagia, a condition rightly held to be a stigma of degeneration, and acknowledging the same pathogenic mechanism as all biting tics. So much for the clonic tics of mastication: we pass on to review the tonic forms, the most curious of which has received the name of mental trismus. MENTAL TRISMUSThe characteristic feature of this tonic tic is an all but permanent contraction of the masseters, which may, however, be completely relaxed by making the subject put out his tongue, show his throat, etc. It may be maintained during the act of speaking. Its intensity and its persistence alike stand in rigorous relation to the nature and degree of the mental affection that provides its occasion. In the insane it may become so absolute an obstacle to nutrition that recourse must be made to nasal feeding. Mental trismus resembles mental torticollis in that any proceeding to which the patient attributes a special inhibitory virtue is adequate to correct it, as, for instance, the insertion of a cork It must of course be clearly understood that the diagnosis of mental trismus can be arrived at only after previous elimination of every possible source of confusion, such as tetanus, more rarely tetany, meningitis, and acute bulbar paralysis, in addition to other mesencephalic and perhaps also certain cortical lesions. One is inclined to be less dogmatic where tonic or clonic convulsions of the jaws succeed violent fright, as in a case of trismus of nine months' duration recorded by Billot and Francotte. For that matter, trismus is met with in hysteria, and may be regarded as a manifestation of that disease, although this cannot always be invoked as its cause. We are not attracted by Kocher's idea of assigning it to an "idiopathic spastic neurosis," preferring to ally it to tics of the tonic variety. Among the crowd of circumstances that reflexly give rise to trismus may be enumerated abscess, caries, alveolo-dental periostitis, eruption of the wisdom teeth, disease of the maxilla and the neighbouring soft parts, and less commonly myositis or injury to the masseters. But so long as any one of these causes is in operation, and especially if the affection be attended with pain, we are dealing with a trismus spasm, not a trismus tic. S., whose psychical imperfections have already formed the subject of remark, supplies an example of the combination of mental trismus and torticollis, the former being the outcome of an inopportunely reiterated voluntary act, and therefore comparable to the tics. S. speaks with clenched teeth. His masseters are generally in a state of contraction, yet when he is requested to put out his tongue or to open his mouth, and when he is eating or engaged in an animated One of us has had a recent opportunity of examining a young woman whose obsessions and fixed ideas, and tics of face and neck, indicated an extreme degree of mental instability, in spite of intellectual power above the average, in whom trismus of this type was very obvious during eating and speaking. No effort, however concentrated, to open the mouth was then of any avail; yet, on the other hand, she could sing to perfection, and she could yawn, or show her tongue or her throat, in an entirely easy and normal fashion. The appearance of this trismus during the performance of certain functional acts, and of these alone, is unequivocal evidence of its mental derivation. TICS OF THE NECK—NODDING AND TOSSING TICS—TICS OF AFFIRMATION, NEGATION, AND SALUTATIONRegionally considered, the neck is second only to the face in furnishing the greatest number of tics. Convulsive movements of the neck muscles produce displacement of the head in all sorts of ways and directions, giving rise to clonic tics of affirmation, negation, and salutation, and to nodding tics, as well as to an important group of tonic tics which find expression in differing forms of torticollis. The latter are so distinctive in symptomatology and evolution, and have been the centre round which so much discussion has raged, that a chapter must be set apart for their special study. Restricting ourselves for the present to such as Certain convulsive affections—for instance, the spasmus nutans of young children, the salaam tic, and what are known as "baboon movements"—are still rather obscure and in many cases seemingly not equivalent to tics. Their occasional association with strabismus or nystagmus constitutes a plea for their possible dependence on some encephalic lesion. In two cases under Oppenheim's observation the nodding spasm appeared solely in the hours of the night and during sleep. From want of more precise knowledge we must confine ourselves to the remark that conditions analogous to, though not identical with, the tics, in addition to others more specifically hysterical, have probably been incorporated with them. It is a task of peculiar difficulty to determine the share in the final product to be apportioned to individual muscles, of which the sternomastoids, as being the most superficial and the most obvious, are apparently comprised the oftenest, though the trapezius and the muscles of the underlying strata, such as the splenius, complexus, and other smaller ones, may also assist. According to Guinon, isolated contraction of one sternomastoid, whereby the head is rotated and inclined once or twice or several times consecutively, to the usual accompaniment of facial contortions, is very frequently to be noted. If there occur simultaneous contraction of the platysma, its fibres will be seen to line the cervical integuments longitudinally from the chin to the infraclavicular fossa. Synchronous involvement of the two sternomastoids will flex the head Extreme variability characterises the exciting causes of these tics. It has been remarked more than once that insecurity of the headgear the subject happens to be wearing ought to be blamed; instead of readjustment with the hand, a little toss of the head will make the hat sit properly, and one need not search further afield for the germ of the patient's tic. We have been able to trace this mode of inauguration quite as conspicuously in young men as in young women. Prohibition of unstable head coverings and resort to exercises of immobilisation suffice for the tic's correction in early cases. A not infrequent accessory symptom—viz. elevation of the corresponding shoulder—may have a similar origin in peripheral excitation connected with the patient's clothing. To escape the annoyance of a high and narrow collar, or, on the other hand, to experience an agreeable sensation by rubbing the skin, it is a very simple and a very easy matter to lean the head on the shoulder, and to raise the latter at the same time. The automatic reproduction of this gesture eventually ends in the formation of a tic which removal of the collar entirely fails to suppress. The first therapeutic indication, nevertheless, is to interdict the wearing of the unsuitable collar, and to recommend the adoption of others softer and more ample. Whatever be the opinion one holds on the mechanism of tic, the influence of peripheral stimuli is, according to Pierre Marie, In one of our cases, a girl A., suffering from a nodding and rotatory tic of the head, examination of the cervical region revealed the existence of a line of cicatrices along the margin of the sternomastoid, the vestiges of a previous operation for a severe tuberculous adenitis. Some nerve filaments entering the sternomastoid and trapezius had no doubt been cut, since these muscles presented a minor degree of atrophy, and the irritation arising therefrom, as well at that due to dragging on the adhesions between the cicatrices and the underlying tissues, had been the starting-point of a motor reaction primarily convulsive and involuntary, but eventually habitual and automatic, and therefore, with the subsidence of the excitation, a tic. In another case From another point of view, some of the tics of this class are merely the exaggeration of certain functions destined for the expression of the ideas of affirmation and negation. The nod of the head with which little G. used to punctuate his "yes's" was logical enough, but he soon began its repetition irrespective of his topic of conversation, and even when saying "no"—a veritable tic of affirmation. Numbers of people are in the habit of emphasising their words with those to-and-fro movements of the head that we call gestures of approval. Now, if the gesture be strictly appropriate to the thought present in the mind, it cannot be identified with the tics. On the other hand, its execution may be inopportune, in which case, provided the form remain normal, it is merely a stereotyped act, and must exhibit the additional features of abruptness and exaggeration ere it rank as a tic. It is chiefly among the mentally infirm, such as idiots and imbeciles, that the phenomenon of salutation occurs, and as its rhythm is an element which is foreign to most ordinary tics, it is not likely to be confounded with them. These conditions apart, however, there is one highly specialised clinical type that merits separate study—viz. mental torticollis. MENTAL TORTICOLLISThe medical world has long been familiar with various kinds of permanent or intermittent torticollis presumably unconnected with muscular, articular, or osseous lesions of the neck, and been as long divided on the question of their tabulation. Instances of this affection, bearing such widely differing names as "hyperkinesis of the accessory of Willis," "spasmodic torticollis," "functional spasm of the neck muscles," "rotatory tic," etc., have abounded in medical literature ever since the days of Duchenne of Boulogne, Trousseau, and Charcot. Some twelve years ago now, the term mental torticollis was applied by Brissaud As a matter of fact, mental torticollis is a tic which the patient can ordinarily curb by some procedure of his own invention. It has its raison d'Être in his mental imperfection. To obviate misunderstanding, we must premise that the latter term is not synonymous with mental alienation. It merely signifies that lack of From the motor aspect the tic under consideration may be characterised as a functional disorder, consisting in the ill-timed, inapposite, unceremonious, and exaggerated repetition of the function of head rotation. Notwithstanding the large number of muscles involved, the various modifications of movement possible, and the consequent complexity of clinical types, each individual case is recognisable as a tic. Let but momentary cessation of the muscular spasm be effected, and the torticollis disappears without leaving a trace. Instantaneous and total prevention is in practically every case attainable by resort to some subterfuge, however vehement be the patient's contortions. This device, whatever it be, may be called the "efficacious antagonistic gesture," of which the simple placing of the index finger on the chin may be cited as an example. Its field of operation is not limited to mental torticollis, and we shall have opportunities of observing its working in greater detail in other tics; but in the former affection the constancy of its occurrence and the facility of its detection combine to enhance its diagnostic value. We hasten to remark, however, that conditions other than those we have just mentioned are capable of producing convulsive movements in the muscles of this region. In addition to such osseous, articular, and muscular alterations as may determine a more or less permanent torticollis, certain nervous lesions are apt to be succeeded by the development of the spasmodic form, no longer as a tic, but as a true neck spasm, the due recognition of which may be a matter of no little perplexity. Confining our attention for the present to torticollis tic—the mental torticollis of Brissaud—we notice, in the Among personal antecedents may be noted hysterical attacks (Sgobbo), emotional unrest (de Buck [*] Cited by BOMPAIRE, ThÈse. At the Congress of Limoges a case was reported Mental torticollis consecutive to anthrax of the neck has been described by Briand. Other conditions that have been invoked as possible causes are the intoxications and infections, alcoholism, saturnism, mercury poisoning, typhus, pneumonia, paludism, etc. Oppenheim has signalised the reappearance, after several months of respite, of a torticollis secondary to an attack of influenza. Overwork, accident, occupation, have in their turn been suggested. In some cases, as a matter of fact, it does seem that the last is of some import, since the incidence of the torticollis is to a certain extent on those muscles that have been actively employed in the pursuit of a profession, and they thus acquire a sort of functional hyperkinesis. Graff's In some quarters no little importance is attached from the pathogenic point of view to the actual state of the muscles, and in particular to atrophy or hypertrophy of the sternomastoids. FÉrÉ holds that sometimes unilateral atrophy may occasion abnormal contraction of the opposite muscle, but such muscular changes are, in our opinion, much less likely to be the cause than the consequence of reiteration of movement or conservation of attitude. Legenmann's case was one of The rÔle played by ocular affections, by troubles of vision and of accommodation, in the genesis of wryneck is frequently no insignificant one, and it is curious how often patients attribute the mischief to the strain of overwork in bad light. Strabismus (Walton) and ocular palsies (Nieden) have also been known to lead to lateral deviation of the head and permanent torticollis. There has been described a variety ab aure lÆsa. Albeit these factors have a share in determining the gesture and attitude adopted by the patient, the resulting torticollis is not of necessity mental. That which, according to Romberg, is provoked by compression of supraclavicular nerve filaments is unmistakably a spasm. To establish the diagnosis of mental torticollis, the existence of those psychical anomalies that are common to all who tic must first be substantiated, and then must one essay the reconstruction of its mechanism. The inquiry may at first prove fruitless, of course, but continuation of the search can scarcely fail to elicit tokens of mental infantilism. In pursuance of this quest we shall find ourselves face to face with the "big baby," the personification of childishness, obstinacy, and caprice; we shall encounter the peevish, the sulky, the whining; we shall see how their impotence in presence of their tic turns their nonchalance to profound despair, how their failure to adapt themselves to their malady convicts them remorselessly of volitional imperfection. The utter weakness of their will, according to DÉjÉrine, justifies their being ranked as neurasthenics; but in the latter class of case obsessional ideas are both fugitive and fluctuating, whereas mental torticollis is dependent on a fixed idea of peculiar tenacity. There can be no doubt that such patients, however undimmed their intellectual powers may remain, ultimately fail before the everlasting obsession of their disease, and if in some cases interest in daily life and work continues unabated, a multitude of others become indifferent and apathetic, and sink into a state of physical and moral infirmity. To retrace the steps in the evolution of mental torticollis is a task not always easy of accomplishment. Very commonly the affection supervenes as the sequel to the unhindered repetition of a once voluntary purposive act, a repetition become tyrannical through volitional debility. One or two extracts from published cases will serve to illustrate the truth of our contention. 1. To escape the pain of a dental abscess on the right side, of only four or five days' duration, the patient had acquired the habit of turning the head to the right and maintaining it so for as long as possible at a time. Very shortly after the healing of the abscess, the head commenced to move involuntarily towards the same shoulder (Souques 2. Occipital neuralgia and pain in the neck led the patient to try various positions to allay the agony, in the course of which he found that rotation to the right brought transient relief. By dint of repetition the movement became involuntary (Brissaud and Meige 3. In this case the subject used to spend the whole evening inert, arms folded, without reading or working, tilting his head forwards or backwards to rediscover a "cracking" in his neck from which he suffered—a proceeding that gradually developed into a tic (Brissaud and Meige). 4. A schoolgirl was dissatisfied with the place allotted to her in the schoolroom, and pretended that she felt a draught on her neck coming from a window on her left. The initial movement was an elevation of the shoulder as if to bring her clothes a little more closely round her neck, then she commenced to depress her head and indicate her discomfort by facial grimaces, and these eventually passed beyond voluntary control (Raymond and Janet 5. In order to deceive his friends, the patient assumed a forced 6. A woman used to pass the day sewing or knitting at her window and amusing herself from time to time by pensively looking out into the street. Not long afterwards she noticed how much more pleasant it was to allow her head to turn to the right, and how troublesome it was to keep it straight. At length she found this impossible, except with the aid of her hands (Sgobbo 7. Worried by severe occipital pains, an individual became so concerned to find they were being replaced by a feeling of great weakness, that he let his head rest by inclining it now and then to the left, an act which he is certain was the cause of his torticollis (Feindel One further instance may be cited from SÉglas, Multiplication of examples is unnecessary. It is abundantly evident from the above that the repetition of a deliberate and voluntary functional act, co-ordinated and systematised, is the first step in the genesis of mental torticollis. The mere memory of a frequently repeated movement, especially if the latter occur in the prosecution of one's avocation, may determine the type of torticollis, as in Grasset's "post-professional colporteur tic," to which reference has already been made. In the case of one of our patients, N., the prolonged and almost exclusive use of certain muscles in the We cannot do better in this connection than recall the cases referred to by Brissaud Here is a patient with energetic contraction of the muscles which depress the head on the neck. She holds her head in her hands to inhibit the movement, and succeeds. And she is quite convinced that the force requisite for rectifying the vicious attitude is not simply the power of her will acting on the muscles concerned, but the strength of her hands. She has unconsciously doubled her physical personality; her hands obey her will, her neck does not. At least, this would appear to be the key to the situation, for it can be well understood how much easier it would be to readjust the position by action of the antagonist cervical muscles than by the hands. The contraction, moreover, is entirely painless. It is a trivial act of obsessional insanity, provoked by some or other insignificant psychomotor hallucination. Take this next man, who also must needs keep his head straight by means of his hand—obviously no irritation of the spinal accessory can be accused of originating the mischief, else would he be unable himself to replace his head. It is merely the idea that is urging him to its rotation. Try by force to prevent him from twisting his head round, or try to twist it against his will, and the difficulty of the thing will be at once comprehended. Or try to pull your own two hands apart to see which is the stronger, and you will never succeed, for the simple reason that abstraction of the will is impossible. One hand can prevail over the other only if both consent; the left cannot be in ignorance of what the right is doing. A "partial" or "local" will is inconceivable; there cannot be one for the head and another for the arm. Here is a third patient, presenting an identical muscular spasm. He is content to apply two fingers to his chin to overcome the otherwise irresistible bend of his head to the right. Such has been the situation for the last five years. No line of treatment has made any impression on this neurosis, to which two factors contribute, though one cannot say which predominates—an unconscious, imperious, motor impulse, and a conscious though ill-informed volition, powerless to arrest the convulsions by simple and normal media, and obliged to resort to a puerile artifice, to a sickly sort of deceit. The opposition furnished by two fingers only cannot be of any avail, yet, however feeble be the succour, the patient's imagination is thereby appeased. Such (adds Brissaud), fashioned in the same mould, are the "mentals" of whom I have been speaking. Recollect the ungovernable impulse they feel to execute a convulsive movement that their will might thwart; remember, therefore, at the same time, their volitional enfeeblement. Brissaud's earliest observations were followed at no long interval by various articles, first of all the thesis of his pupil Bompaire, The view that considers of prime importance the psychical phenomena of this affection has received general confirmation. We have seen protracted cases of "spasm of the accessorius" cured, exactly as with the tics, by widely differing therapeutic agents. In numerous instances, according to Oppenheim, torticollis is not consecutive to any peripheral or central change in the nervous system, but rather indicates irritability of nerve centres. It is probable that the kinÆsthetic centres in the cortex for the neck muscles are the seat These and similar facts are well calculated to corroborate the opinion that mental torticollis is nought else than a form of tic. The subjects of the disease are satisfied of two things—that no one and no circumstance can hinder their torticollis from asserting itself, and that their own antagonistic gesture is the sole efficacious preventative at their command. The attempt to put the displacement right evokes acute pain and stimulates opposition on their part. They prefer the display of considerable resistance to the renunciation of their satisfaction in their tic, and follow up any momentary restraint by a riot of inco-ordination, in recompense for the brief sacrifice they have made to preserve immobility. The muscular contraction that deviates the head may be either clonic or tonic, bringing it to one side by a series of convulsions and allowing it to resume its original position in the intervals, or forcing it to maintain a vicious attitude for hours. Innumerable variants may occur, indeed are the rule, even in the same patient. In short, though mental torticollis may generally be classed as a tic of attitude, it matters but little whether the adoption of the attitude or the attitude adopted constitutes the tic. They are simply two successive phases in the same abnormal muscular act. The most elementary movement is rotation of the head; it may equally well be inclined on one shoulder, or be both inclined and rotated to one side, or it may be inclined in one direction and rotated in the other. There may be accompanying elevation of the shoulder, or the act may become a much more complex one, involving neck, shoulder, and arm. Each and all of the neck muscles may take a share in the torticollic movement, but some are more commonly There are other instances where it would be more accurate to speak of retrocollis, as in a case recorded by Brissaud, or procollis, the two sternomastoids contracting synchronously, as in another case due to Duchenne of Boulogne. The extreme degree of flexion induced in this way was neutralised immediately by supporting the head; the adoption by the patient of a reclining position sufficed to inhibit the tic's manifestation. Intensity and frequency of movement, duration and deformity of attitude, all alike may vary in the same individual at differing times. Solitude, tranquillity, and repose favour the diminution and even the entire disappearance of spasmodic movements which fatigue, anxiety, and emotion are prone to exaggerate. An instructive Distraction is a valuable sedative. A patient of ours used to pass the day in twisting his head round with ever-increasing violence, while at night, amid the smiling gaiety of the theatre, hours slipped by without his betraying the least suspicion of his malady. Occupation, on the other hand, may provoke the condition. Duchenne has a reference to a case where rotation of the head to the right commenced whenever the subject started to read, and ceased only with the laying down of the book. In one of our cases the head kept turning whenever and as long as the two hands were simultaneously engaged in some pursuit. If one hand was disengaged, there was no torticollis. As a general rule, excitement invites or increases movement, whereas sleep frustrates it, and after a good night's rest several minutes or even an hour or two may elapse ere the convulsions reassert themselves. Acute pain is rarely met with in the disease we are considering, but sensations of discomfort, of tension, of strain in the muscles, form a common subject of complaint. By way of example may be cited the case of one of our patients: L. is eighteen years old, and has been suffering from torticollis for the last six weeks. The chief movement is abrupt rotation and very slight inclination of the head to the right, and the muscles principally concerned are the left sternomastoid and the right splenius. The head is sunk between the shoulders, of which the right one is elevated synchronously with the rotation, and remains so as long as the latter persists. The displacement is effected by a moderately brisk muscular contraction that rotates the head to the right on its vertical axis, and succeeding contractions only serve to accentuate the deviation or to maintain it when the head is beginning to revert to its original position. There are none of those upward or downward oscillations, those hesitating, tentative little jerks that some patients make before assuming a fixed torticollis attitude. In L.'s case the duration of the wryneck is exceedingly variable; sometimes the head returns spontaneously to its place, and deviates afresh immediately after, but its periodicity changes with the days, and even with the minutes. The torticollis is accompanied by a rather disagreeable sensation, a feeling of fatigue in the muscles concerned, of "dragging" in their bellies as well as at their insertions. The site of this sensation is over the left sternomastoid, on the right half of the posterior aspect of the neck, and deep in the right shoulder, whereas the upper parts of the trapezii, the left half of the neck and its anterior surface, and the right sternomastoid, are areas that are free from pain. Here, further, as in all cases of the same nature, the subjective sensations differ from day to day, and moment to moment. It is just as perplexing to localise these pains exactly as to fix the topoalgia of a neurasthenic. The lack of precision of the answers is no doubt explicable by the variability of the muscular contractions. Emotion, apprehension, the presence of strangers, tend to intensify the spasm, which tranquillity and rest will attenuate. On the other hand, the most trivial incident—a sudden noise, an unexpected question, the act of swallowing saliva, of putting out the tongue, etc.—will reawaken the latent torticollis; any surprise, any movement, or even the idea of a movement, suffices for its ebullition. Under the influence of the will, particularly after a time of rest, the head may sometimes reoccupy the mid position spontaneously, a result unfailingly obtained by distraction also, as when the patient is hearkening thoughtfully to her father's conversation. On her "bad days," however, the use of even considerable force fails alike to hinder the head's turning and to effect its replacement. That is to say, the resistance offered by the torticollis to reduction may at one moment be nil, at another, feeble, or forcible, or even insuperable. Some patients affected with mental torticollis seem to have lost the sense of position of their head, others evince a want of precision and assurance in the execution of different limb movements. Speaking generally, it may be said that downward movements of the arms are less good than upward ones, and that their synchronous The debut of mental torticollis is usually insidious. Whether head or shoulder be implicated first, the incipient motor reaction is infrequent, inconsiderable, and transitory. Little by little its frequency increases and its duration lengthens, till the end of a few months sees the torticollis established. It may happen that the onset is so stealthy that it eludes the subject's own notice, and attention is called to his peculiar attitude by the members of his circle. Not seldom the earliest localisation of the condition in a particular muscle is abandoned in favour of some other, and resumed at a subsequent stage. Occasionally the torticollis passes from right to left, or vice versÂ; occasionally, too, the clonic variety may give way to the tonic after a few weeks or months. It has been already remarked that at the outset the tic is infrequent, and may depend for its manifestation on certain predetermined circumstances, as, for instance, the exercise of the faculty of writing. Such was the case with S., with P., and with N. N. was a patient forty-eight years old, with a left torticollis dating back twenty months. His account of its origin was to the following effect: for some years he had been employed in a commercial office, where from seven in the morning to eight at night he was occupied in writing, head and body being turned to the left. At the beginning of 1900, consequent on a succession of troubles, he noticed that his head was twisting round to the left in an exaggerated fashion while he was writing, and the rotation gradually began to assert itself at other times, when he was reading, or eating, or buttoning his boots. Even apart from any other act, the rotatory movement soon became incessant, continuing while he was on his feet, but vanishing completely if he lay down or if the head was supported. At present he has the greatest difficulty in writing, for his head at once deviates violently to the right. The spasmodic movements sometimes spread to the shoulder, arm, and trunk, and, in one of our cases, to the A case of this nature was shown at the Neurological Society of Paris by Marie and Guillain The patient, forty-nine years of age, was suffering from muscular spasms that kept turning his head first to one side and then to the other. Fixation of the head between the hands assured a few moments' respite, but the convulsions were quick to reappear. The left hand was constantly being brought up to the face in the endeavour to procure immobility, while the arms were the seat of abrupt jerking movements intermediate between tremor and chorea. The various reflexes were normal; stimulation of the sole of the foot evoked a flexor response on either side, and no symptom of hysteria was forthcoming. The disease had made its appearance in 1879, when, without discoverable motive, the head had commenced to tremble and to work round to the left. Section of the tendon of the sternomastoid did not impede the development of the affection, which two years ago increased in intensity, when the above-mentioned movements in the arms were superadded. The likelihood seemed to be that they were of the same nature and origin as the torticollis itself. In reference to this communication, the following remarks were offered by Professor Brissaud: It is true of all forms of functional hyperkinesis, that the indefinitely prolonged repetition of the same act leads finally not merely to muscular hypertrophy, but to a ceaseless over-activity of contraction in all the muscles affected. That this hypertrophy and hyperexcitability depend on some organic central lesion is not the necessary sequel. A purely functional exasperation may entail visible augmentation of movement, the cause of which is not central, but lies in the external manifestation of muscular over-activity. The antagonistic gesture is, in some instances, contemporaneous with the wryneck, although more usually it is not in evidence until months or years after the distortion has become inveterate. Mental torticollis is characterised by remarkable chronicity. We have seen cases of ten or fifteen years' duration and more. Temporary remissions have been known, however, and alternations with other tics or with psychical affections. At the Congress of Limoges, the following case was reported by Briand: As the result of a bicycle accident, a young man developed a torticollis which ordinary treatment was sufficient to cure, and it remained in abeyance until he entered a government school, when its place was taken by a tic of the shoulder, with twitching of the mouth and eye. At the approach of the annual vacation the tic disappeared, and the torticollis, for some simple reason or other, became obvious again. The latter had once more been got under control by the time the holidays were over, but on the patient's re-entering school the shoulder tic again manifested itself, and this sequence recurred several times. A permanent cure was eventually effected, but he continued as psychasthenic as ever. In another of Briand's cases torticollis alternated with astasia-abasia, a sort of "mental paraplegia." The patient could not walk at all without crutches, or without a little minerve, which he used either to steady his gait or to keep his head straight. No doubt facts such as these just given are rather uncommon, but there is abundant reason for considering mental torticollis one of the most tenacious and intractable of all tics. TICS OF THE TRUNKThe rarity of isolated involvement of the thoracic muscles, and the frequency of their inclusion in tics of the neck and limbs, arise from the fact of their insertion into the bones of the extremities, and consequently conditions affecting them will be dealt with in another place. Omitting for the present all reference to the muscles of respiration, we have to consider only the vertebral and abdominal groups. These pass into activity in the rhythmical salutation and balancing movements so common among idiots, movements bearing Tonic contractions that find expression in attitude tics of the body are generally associated with tonic tics of the neck and limbs, and in some cases of mental torticollis the deformation they produce is extensive. The material part played by the abdominal muscles in the function of respiration explains their implication in respiratory tics. A curious case of this kind has been published by Pierre Janet A woman thirty-two years old had been afflicted for three years with a respiratory tic that consisted in imitating with the lips the neighing of a horse, and with a still more extraordinary tic of the abdominal parietes. She appeared to "swallow her stomach"; in other words, her abdomen, prominent enough in its ordinary state, was flattened and retracted, and the skin so stretched and dragged upwards that the umbilicus approached the costal margin. Just as it seemed to be disappearing, to be "swallowed," relaxation of the abdomen slowly took place, and this procedure was repeated ten or twelve times a minute. Pressure on the epigastrium inhibited the abdominal movement, but was accompanied by immediate renewal of the neighing, whereas with the relief of the pressure the sequence of events was inverted. TICS OF THE ARM AND OF THE SHOULDERIn the upper extremity tics may affect the various muscles of the shoulder, arm, or forearm. Shoulder tics are of frequent occurrence, and often owe their origin to the discomfort of a tight sleeve or of a badly fitting collar. They are generally a concomitant of neck tics, in particular of mental torticollis. In this connection we may recall the case of O., and supplement it by a description of another—viz. young J. This boy J. had always been "nervous," and affected with "nervous movements" of face or limbs. At the age of thirteen years, when playing in the house one day, he knocked himself against an open Two months after this little accident was over and forgotten, it was remarked that at the seat of the contusion there was a slight swelling, quite painless and scarcely even uncomfortable, but disquieting enough to the parents and thought to require applications of neapolitan ointment and the actual cautery. This line of treatment effected no alteration in the local condition, but it had other far-reaching consequences, for the boy noticed the anxious interest aroused by the singular exostosis, and began to devote attention to it himself. From the moment that his parents manifested their apprehension by words of pity and by solicitous examination, his tics developed a preference for the left shoulder, though continuing to exhibit themselves in the face and the right arm. He would unexpectedly elevate or depress his shoulder, would shrug it forwards or brace it back, accompanying the performance with inclination of the head or abduction of the upper extremity. He was very positive as to the painless nature of his affection; his sole complaint was of a certain stiffness in the joint, and at the thought of it came an impulse to move the shoulder which there was no resisting. The twitching would disappear for a time for no fathomable reason, and reappear again. By the exercise of a little circumspection he could temporarily overcome it, and during sleep it subsided entirely. The facts—duly controlled and confirmed by the parents—that involuntary shoulder movements preceded not merely the application of the counter-irritants, but the accident itself, and that the unique difference lay in the similarity of his shoulder tic to all his other tics before the trauma, and in its marked preponderance in degree and frequency after, especially subsequent to the treatment, are of weighty diagnostic significance. Plainly the injury and its sequelÆ did not exert any causative influence on the tic, and while it is conceivable that the clavicle may have been cracked and an exostosis ensued, we must repeat that the pre-existence of the movements in question negatives the possibility of their being attributable to nerve irritation from a periosteal overgrowth. The only effect which the accident and its consequences had was to intensify the patient's preoccupation and to determine the incidence of the tic. By the month of October, 1900, the latter was at its height, and had reached a state where differentiation of the movements and of their muscular counterparts was attended with no little difficulty. They could be resolved into four principal groups, whereby the shoulder was raised, lowered, advanced, or drawn back, respectively. The first of these presented no unusual feature except that with it the head was commonly inclined to the same side; but the act of depression was rather peculiar, inasmuch as it was achieved by a sudden contraction of the inferior Ordinary arm movements were, without exception, unimpaired, nor was any bony malformation discoverable. The two shoulders were practically symmetrical, though the upper border of the trapezius on the left side was, if anything, thickened and more prominent than its fellow, and the same applied to the left scapular muscles. Horizontal extension of the left arm revealed a slight tremulousness, quite distinguishable from pathological tremor and from fibrillary twitching, and wholly comparable to what is seen when, by reason of a fracture or otherwise, a limb is for a certain length of time prevented from executing movements of extension. [Beating or striking tics (the patient using his own fist against himself) arise from the attempt to alleviate some insignificant pain or irritation; but tics of this kind are in their turn the exciting cause of local discomfort, and so of fresh tics. In spite of the obviousness of this, it is often difficult to convince the patient that his movements are prior, not consecutive, to the unpleasant sensations. Finally, tonic tics of the upper extremity find expression in attitudes that vary with the localisation of the contraction. We have already had occasion to observe this, which is an almost constant phenomenon in mental torticollis, in the case of young J., in Madame T., and in N., where, it will be remembered, the all but permanent elevation of the right shoulder seemed traceable to the habit of cutting stuffs with a pair of large scissors. TICS OF THE HANDS—SCRATCHING TICSScratching movements are infinite in their variety, and since the co-operating muscles vary in each case, the question of muscular localisation is of secondary interest. The object in view in the act of scratching is relief from some such source of cutaneous irritation as a pimple, an abrasion, a burn, the bite of an insect, etc., and so long as the cause persists, the function is being rationally exercised; but to persevere mechanically, involuntarily, immoderately, in the absence of pruritus or of other parÆsthesiÆ, is a sign that the functional act is growing into a tic. Innumerable tics are thus developed, and they are intimately associated with biting tics. S. passes his hand every instant over his forehead, O. over his eyes, T. over her lips, P. over his moustache, young J. over his budding whiskers, etc., etc. These elementary tics are scarcely more than stereotyped acts, and may maintain the semblance indefinitely, though there is also the likelihood of their becoming immeasurably more pronounced. M. scratches his lips with his nails till they are bleeding; E. suffers from a facial tic, and scrapes at his forehead and temples to such an extent that his complexion is perpetually blooming with a crop of little bleeding excoriations; in some places, as a result of ceaseless rubbing and tapping, the skin is thickened and discoloured—a condition that might be known as "scratchers' corns." Madame W. used to tear at her toe nails with her fingers whenever she had retired for the night; and at the present time, as a result of incessantly passing a fine gold chain between the pulp of her fingers and the nails, she has succeeded in half detaching the latter from their bed. A case reported by Raymond and Janet A little girl ten years old was covered from head to foot with scabs and sores, some of which on the body were several centimetres in diameter and looked very ugly. These she had contrived to inflict on herself, in spite of every precaution and admonition. It appeared that successive attacks of measles and of whooping-cough at the age of five had entailed long rest in bed, and had been followed by a tardy convalescence, in the course of which the development of a few pimples on the forehead was the signal for her to commence scratching them and any other part of her body where there was the least discomfort, or where the skin was at all roughened. This merciless self-mutilation ended in the production of large and painful excoriated areas; nevertheless a tic had sprung from the habit, and it remained inveterate. Another analogous case is quoted by the same observers In this instance, apart from the obvious existence of a confirmed tic, the patient had a curious look about the eyes which a nearer glance showed was caused by complete absence of the eyelashes. He had a trick when speaking or talking of lifting his right hand and running his finger carefully along the margin of the lids, and if it encountered an eyelash projecting beyond the skin, he promptly plucked it out. The endless repetition of this toilette rendered the eyelids barren of lashes. TICS AND WRITINGAre writing tics to be recognised? Tricks and turns of writing, however ridiculous, involuntary, and ingrained they be, scarcely deserve to be called tics. Those flourishes and ornaments that some people take delight in adding to their letters can no more be considered the expression of a pathological state than the superabundant gestures, the redundant words, the exuberant mimicry, of which others are so prodigal. They are simply modes of exteriorisation peculiar to the individual, and if in their superfluity More akin to the tics is stereotypy of written language, so common an appanage of mental disease. The term is intended to include such habits as repetition of a particular formula, underlining of words, constant use of hyphens in the same way, writing of certain pages in a hand differing from the rest of the manuscript. SÉglas De Senez de Mesange, great Prince Napoleon, great Prince of the Blood Royal and Imperial of the Universe, great Admiral, great Marshal of my armies, ... great Procurator of the Republic, Royal and Imperial, great President of the Republic, Royal and Imperial, great Pope, great Duke, great King, great Emperor—Jupiter, Louis XIV. and Louis XV. Another would write after almost every sentence: Dieu et son droit, let him be cursed in all that is most cursed qui mal y pense. This was a sort of exorcism, a cabalistic formula enabling the persecuted unfortunate to defend herself against the wiles of the evil spirit. A tic of writing, however, is of a totally different nature. He who, without pen or pencil, is constrained by irrepressible impulse to go through the movements of writing with his fingers, convulsively, impetuously; and he who, without rhyme or reason, feverishly traces characters utterly at variance with the ideas he would Among those who are affected with tics, disorders of writing are very infrequent, even where the tic's exhibition is displayed in the upper extremities. One of the distinctive features of tics, in fact, is the brevity of the interruption they cause in the performance of any voluntary act on the part of the patient. Tics of arm or hand effect but little modification of his writing. He is rarely taken aback by his tic's convulsive demonstration. He can permit the co-existence, on a perfect understanding, of two automatic acts, normal and abnormal, writing and tic. One of Guinon's patients was wont to proceed in the following way: if asked to write, he would lean on the table, pick up his pen, and just ai it was about to touch the paper, make several little movements of circumduction with his right hand, as a child does. Thereafter, he would sometimes pass on at once to trace the letters; at other times he would have to grind his teeth, contort the right half of his face, put out his tongue, pucker his nose, or dip his pen spasmodically into the ink ten consecutive times—ejaculating ahem! ahem! the while—before being able to commence. He would often cease altogether, to make one or two grimaces, or to wave his hand about. As far as the actual writing was concerned, its distinctness and evenness were no less praiseworthy than its style and content, and though a glance at his gesticulations led one to expect blots and irregularities in his manuscript, he conducted his task with assurance and correctness. Of course, if the tic, whatever it be, exceed a certain limit of frequency and violence, accurate writing may amount almost to a physical impossibility, in which case the patient usually discontinues, although if called on to exercise his will he can always pen a few words While, then, disturbances of the function of writing are seldom ascertainable in those who tic, we have convinced ourselves on more than one occasion of the truth of the converse, that the exercise of the faculty is sometimes intimately combined with the evolution of tics of neck and shoulder. S. dated his mental torticollis from the time when he used to copy figures for several hours a day. As a matter of fact, he wrote an excellent hand, and experienced no difficulty in performing the necessary movements, but continued writing increased the rotation. N.'s torticollis was the sequel to long spells of office work, during which he never laid down his pen. In the case of L., the wryneck and the convulsions of the right arm were preceded by a sort of writers' cramp of the right hand, and subsequently of the left. In the accompanying instance, the development of which one of us has had the opportunity of observing, the appearance of the torticollis was at first confined to occasions of writing, but gradually it came into evidence with other arm actions, and eventually established itself in a permanent fashion. P., fifty years old, occupies a responsible position in a big railway company, is director in a large office, and performs his duties with peculiar conscientiousness and zeal. Naturally an emotional man, he was much distressed by an unusually sad family bereavement about the middle of 1900, which coincided with a period of great overwork. As he was obliged every day to arrange innumerable papers and affix his signature to them, he began to notice that each time he wrote his name his head turned to the right involuntarily, and he felt a sensation of discomfort in the neck and right shoulder. He tried to remedy the faulty position by holding his chin with his left hand; nevertheless, in the October 14, 1901.—Whenever P. proceeds to write, his head is immediately rotated to the right and maintained in that attitude by successive contractions. Simultaneously, the right side of the face is distorted by a grimace, the right eye blinks, and the right corner of the mouth is drawn down by a strong effort of the platysma. The state of affairs is unaltered so long as he is handling a pen, though, curiously enough, his caligraphy itself is flawless. The more firmly he grasps his pen, the more violent the spasms; the substitution of a pencil abates them somewhat, as does writing on the floor with a cane, while if he traces letters in the air in front of him with his finger, they do not occur at all. When both hands are occupied in writing, the head still turns to the right. He was advised to incline his head on his right shoulder as he wrote, and to force his right sternomastoid to contract, in carrying out which instructions he managed to form several hooks and rods correctly without any torticollic movement, and was both elated at the success of the experiment and dejected by the thought of his infirmity. Accordingly all writing was prohibited, all signature making reduced to a minimum, and he was recommended a simple pencil exercise, to be performed with slowness and deliberation while the head was kept in the position just mentioned. Identical rules were to be observed when eating, etc, and a tepid bath was prescribed night and morning. October 21.—Some improvement has taken place. The patient is less uneasy and less discouraged. Dissociation of the movements of writing into their component parts and isolated execution of each are accomplished admirably at the first trial, less well the second, and at the third, rotation recommences. Fatigue rapidly increases, and P. sinks again into impatience, enervation, and despair. Occasionally his anguish is so extreme he is covered with perspiration even after the most elementary pencil drill, and is forced to mop his brows. November 21.—Improvement is maintained. He can now write various letters and short words at his ease, though he still feels uncomfortable in anything requiring a more sustained effort. Otherwise, he is conscious of greater control over his head. December 15.—The amelioration has not persisted. While he was paying a visit to the barber's, and having his hair cut, rotation to the right began again, and when lifting his hat in the street to salute a friend, he repeated the movement. At table, too, he noticed it as he was in the act of bringing his glass to his mouth. P. is consequently upset, and often plunged into tears. December 24.—The patient's condition is more than ever deplorable. On the slightest provocation—indeed, on no provocation at all—furious torsion movements force the head backwards and to the right, while the right shoulder rises. Complete rest in bed was ordered, yet after two or three days of this repose the torticollis manifested itself even in the recumbent position. As a result, he was quite unnerved and talked of suicide. Another physician called in consultation agreed with what had been done, confirmed the integrity of all the reflexes, including the plantars, and recommended a course of electricity. January 20, 1902.—There has been no further change. P. stays abed all morning, inventing endless arrangements of pillows and dictionaries to prop his head. When he goes out for a walk, he turns up the collar of his coat and leans his head on the point of it. January 27.—The electrical treatment has been relinquished. He has also taken one douche at a hydrotherapeutic establishment, but expressed his dissatisfaction and vowed never to return. He then departed to undergo a "water cure" in the country, since when he has vanished entirely from observation. More than once we have had occasion to notice that the degree and extent of such neck and arm convulsions as are provoked or exaggerated by the act of writing vary with the level at which the patient has to write. With elevation of the arm the movements are weak and easily mastered; conversely, lowering of the arm augments them in a marked manner. We repeat, however, that in all these cases the handwriting itself is not interfered with. It is quite otherwise with writers' cramp, the so-called "graphospasm" or "mogigraphia." This condition is purely and exclusively a disorder of the function of writing, depending for its exhibition on the exercise of this function, else is its existence concealed. For this reason it ought to be differentiated from the tics, although, by its development in obvious neuropathic or psychopathic subjects, it is closely linked to them. One of Oppenheim's cases was a lady whose husband suffered from paralysis agitans; in her case, fear TICS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES—WALKING AND LEAPING TICSTics of the lower limbs are infrequent, and seldom isolated. One of the most habitual of these is the "kicking tic." Sometimes one leg knocks against the other, as in O.'s case, or it is kicked out in front, or to the side, or even backwards, after the manner of a horse. Tonic convulsions of the leg muscles have been observed to give rise to phenomena analogous to tonic tics. Tonic contractions restricted to a particular muscle, or group of muscles, and accompanied by relaxation of the antagonists, have been christened by Ehret In Ehret's view the fact of loss of volitional control argues the psychical nature of the affection, and a similar opinion is held by Thiem, Jacoby, and Wolff, who attribute the analogous cases they report to a sort of traumatic neurosis in which the psychical In this connection ought to be recalled the cases described by Raymond and Janet The first was a woman thirty-seven years old, who as she walked used slightly to invert her left foot, forcibly dorsiflex the great toe, and separate the remaining toes widely one from the other. Notwithstanding its painful nature, the condition had persisted for seven years, and had originated in a very interesting way. She happened to be undergoing a course of mercurial inunction at the same time as she was troubled with a corn. The idea struck her that perhaps the application of the ointment to the corn might prove efficacious, but while trimming the latter some days later, she had the misfortune to cut herself. Dread of the possible evil effects of the injury was followed on the morrow by an accession of cramps in the foot, the continuance of which led to the deformity that ever since had made walking a misery. The other patient was a young man twenty years of age, whose gait used to be arrested, after a walk of ten minutes, by sudden and vigorous plantar flexion of his right toes. Momentary repose sufficed to make the spasm disappear, but it constantly recurred. Re-education and psychotherapy effected a cure in each instance, so that their psychical nature cannot be called in question, nevertheless the painful character of the affections must not be forgotten, and since the occasions of their manifestation were confined to the act of walking, they correspond rather to "functional" or "professional cramps." In any case, they cannot be confounded with the painful cramps of the calf muscles that characterise certain toxÆmias and infections (alcoholism, cholera, etc.). On the other hand, there can be no doubt of the existence of definite tics of walking—widely varying functional derangements of tonic or clonic type, distinguished by the unexpected interruption of ambulatory rhythm. We have met with a patient (says Guinon) who would abruptly halt and bend his knees at though he had just received a violent blow on the hock for which he was unprepared. To see him, one would have thought he was about to sink to the ground. Such tics of genuflexion are not particularly uncommon. Oddo A little girl, Th., ten years of age, takes four or five perfectly normal paces when she starts to walk, then bends down quickly to the right, flexing her knee to an acute angle and inclining her trunk forward with the deflection of her pelvis, just as a child whose genuflexion in front of an altar has become mechanical by repetition. The performance is sometimes so altogether sudden that Th. actually falls on to her right side. One striking feature of the case is that if she makes a tour of the room in order to be observed at leisure, the inclination never fails to occur at exactly the same point in the circuit—namely, when she is opposite the observer. It is useless formally to interdict her from this routine, for before one has time to notice any irregularity in the gait her knee suddenly flexes at the bidding of an invincible impulse, and a moment later, without any deviation from her path, she has resumed her rhythmical step round the apartment. This movement is not her only one, however. While she lies in bed she can, by flexing her thigh on her pelvis, crack her joints loud enough to be heard, and when she has been up a little while the same action is exhibited. The absence of these cracking sounds during ordinary walking, and their occurrence in the act of genuflexion, very properly explain, as Oddo thinks, the origin of the tic. It seems that the articulations at hip and knee on the right side were affected as the result of successive attacks of scarlatina and diphtheria two years ago, which necessitated a prolonged sojourn in bed, and were accompanied with severe pain. It is interesting to note that the tic made its appearance only after the latter had considerably subsided. Raymond and Janet Leaping tics are met with also. Sometimes when walking, but more usually when standing quietly, according to Guinon, the patients make little jumps or leaps in their place, looking rather as if they were dancing than really springing into the air. Some actually bound along, others run for a yard or two. Still more bizarre and complex tics have been described, in particular by Gilles de la Tourette. One patient used to commence to run, then kneel suddenly, then rise with equal abruptness. Another was in the habit of stooping down, as if to pick something off the ground, and smartly rising again. The kinship of these and other similar conditions to the tics is undeniable, and such seems to be the case with the yet more extraordinary phenomena of jumping in Maine (Beard), latah among the Malays (O'Brien), myriachit in Siberia (Hammond). All these affections show, among others, this peculiarity—that unexpected contact produces a spring (Guinon). In a recent thesis Ramisiray has depicted the dancing mania (ramaneniana) of Madagascar, a condition allied to the latah of the Dutch Indies, but more intimately connected with hysteria, perhaps, and with the saltatory choreas, the saltatory cramps of Bamberger, St. John's and St. Guy's dance, tarentism, etc. The exact nature of these convulsive disorders is still sub judice, but in any case they present more than a mere resemblance to the tics. SPITTING, SWALLOWING, AND VOMITING TICS—TICS OF ERUCTATION AND OF WIND SUCKINGIn some tics the palatal muscles are found to contract, but this contraction must not be confused with the spasmodic twitches of the same muscles associated with facial spasm and due to central or The occurrence of palatal spasm in intracranial lesions has, of course, been recognised—in cerebellar tumour (Oppenheim), in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, in aneurism of the vertebral artery (Siemerling and Oppenheim). It is occasionally associated with the emission of clucking sounds, and with convulsive action of hyoid and tongue muscles. In such cases the distinction between a tic and a spasm is not always easy to establish. We may, however, readily recognise that we are dealing with the former if the contractions of tongue, palate, and larynx are contemporaneous with the execution of a functional act, such as expectoration. Among those who labour under obsessions, tics of expectoration are well known. One of Guinon's patients, while making forced expirations, used to bring his hand up over his mouth convulsively as though he were afraid of spitting on some one in his neighbourhood. A case of SÉglas', from whom stigmata of hysteria were absent, was possessed, among other things, with the fear of having swallowed certain objects, such as pins, knives, etc. The obsession eventually became so vivid and so intense at certain moments, that it began to be accompanied with a sensation as of a foreign body arrested in the oesophagus, and the anguish thus created revealed itself by various reactions, one of which consisted in excessive salivation and ceaseless expectoration, entailing the carrying about and use of numbers of handkerchiefs. It is scarcely possible for the mechanism of deglutition, the orderly succession of muscular contractions, to be interfered with by the will, but increased frequency of these movements may constitute an abnormality. Hartenberg's Rossolimo Some people are afflicted with eructations so continual that they amount to tics. One of us is acquainted with a family several of whose members present this peculiarity in different degrees, yet none of them suffers from hysteria. Otto Lerch Of course, the prominent place occupied by these signs in hysteria is well recognised: the demonologues of old regarded them as an index of the departure of the devils that dwelt in the possessed. In a case of hysteria that came under the notice of Raymond and Janet, In the same category of facts are included those to which the name of aerophagic tic has been applied. Various cases have been narrated by Pitres and by SÉglas, I was consulted (says SÉglas) by a man thirty-four years of age, who was sent to me as a hypochondriacal neurasthenic. No sooner had he entered my consulting-room than I was astonished to find he was giving vent to repeated sonorous eructations at very brief intervals. His story was to the effect that several weeks previously he had been suddenly seized in the middle of a meal by a sort of vertigo, and had lost consciousness. A consideration of subsequent events made it more than probable that he had had an ictus; the patient, however, was for no apparent reason persuaded that he had been poisoned by badly cooked food, and from that moment became despondently preoccupied with the state of his stomach. A few days later the eructations made their appearance. A closer examination very soon dispelled the idea of their gastric origin, seeing that the digestive functions were in every respect normal, whereas the symptom in question occurred at any moment, independently Of this series of phenomena the patient had conscious knowledge only of the last—viz. the eructations—and affirmed their involuntary nature and his desire to be rid of them. The influence exerted on them by various circumstances is worthy of notice. Any emotion, or any reference on the part of the patient to the condition of his stomach, tended to exaggerate them, while, inversely, it was remarked by his wife that the distraction of conversation, or of a promenade, or of musical sÉances—to which he was passionately devoted—served to banish them instantaneously and for as long as the distraction endured. Sleep suspended their activity, but at any interruption of it they scarcely ever failed to reassert themselves. These considerations determined my view of his trouble as a peculiar form of tic, which consisted in "muscular spasms systematically harmonised to produce the alternating deglutition and expulsion of a certain quantity of atmospheric air" (Pitres), which therefore might be denominated an aerophagic tic. Different varieties of this tic exist, according as the air swallowed is derived from the exterior or from the lung, and depending on its penetration into the stomach or simply into the pharyngo-oesophageal canal; and further, the physiological mechanism of the condition varies with them. Let us suppose that the swallowed air comes from the lung. In this case, a certain quantity of air is imprisoned at the beginning of expiration in the pharyngo-oesophageal cavity, whose orifices are firmly closed by simultaneous contraction of the muscles of the palate, glottis, and base of the tongue. At this moment a brisk contraction of the constrictors of the pharynx drives the accumulated air out by the mouth, setting the membranes surrounding the supero-anterior opening of the cavity into vibration in so doing, whereby the air escapes as a more or less noisy eructation. Should the mouth not open at this juncture, however, the air is compressed and crowded back into the lower part of the oesophagus, whence it passes through the easily dilatable cardiac ring into the stomach, The deglutition of external air is preceded by an aspiratory thoracic effort; closure of the glottis forces the oesophagus to open under the stress of increased negative intrathoracic pressure, and to suck air down. When aspiration ceases, this air is either driven out forthwith, or gathered in the stomach, as we have just seen. One may sometimes notice that the act of suction is succeeded by movements of swallowing, in which case the probability is that at the moment of aspiration the closure both of glottis and of pharynx prevents the penetration of atmospheric air into either the trachea or the gullet, in spite of the differences of pressure, and that these movements allow its passage through the oesophagus. Aerophagia is by no means, therefore, a simple involuntary movement, but a combination of systematised muscular actions. In fact, it is a tic, and as such has both a physical and a psychical side. From the material point of view (to quote SÉglas again), the predominant symptom is the eructation, and the object in determining the accessory symptoms is to distinguish it from gastric eructations properly so called, the consequence of improper fermentation. In our case the appetite is good, and the digestion normal—tympanites, splashing, and abdominal pain are all absent. The gases evolved are inodorous, and their analysis in different cases (Ponagen, Hoppe-Seyler, Pitres, SabrazÈs and RiviÈre) has shown that so far from containing any abnormal constituent, they have almost the same composition as atmospheric air. Application of the ear to the vertebral column at the level of the stomach enables one to detect a noise that appears to correspond to the passage of air into that viscus, and less than a second later comes the eructation. Facts of another kind indicate the participation of a psychical element. The activity of the tic increases under the influence of the emotions and decreases or disappears momentarily at the bidding of the will. Distraction, concentration of the attention on some particular thing, speaking, reading aloud, are also calculated to suspend its manifestations. In some cases, especially where there is an association with hysteria, support is given to the theory of its psychical origin by the observation that prolonged opening of the mouth, and the administration of mica panis pills or of distilled water tinted with methylene blue, have had a definite effect in controlling the spasm (Pitres). Moreover, the co-existence or pre-existence of intellectual troubles or mental peculiarities is often incontrovertibly proved by a painstaking psychological examination. In reality this aerophagic tic is a symptom-complex encountered in It is often found in cases of insanity of the obsessional or of some other type. I have had an opportunity (says SÉglas) of observing an instance of aerophagia in a woman of fifty-four years, who for the last fifteen years has been suffering from hypochondriasis in a delusional form. She believes she has a hole in her head, and that her brain is gangrenous; she is no longer conscious of her body, nor of her food as it passes through. "It is like a cupboard empty of everything but air." Grafted on this delusion is an aerophagic tic, upon which the patient relies in support of her contentions. So little is she able to withstand its ceaseless repetition that the sequence of muscular actions continues though the tongue be held outside the mouth or fixed with a spoon. I have seen the same phenomenon in another woman, forty-six years of age, afflicted with fixed and systematised delusions of persecution. She imagined that she was being pursued by sorcerers, who had cast a spell on her and were about to poison her, torture her, break her on the wheel, etc. In addition to very distinct and frequent verbal hallucinations and disorders of general sensibility, she exhibited several tics, one of which consisted in spasmodically closing her eyes, brandishing her right arm, and uttering a string of incomprehensible words; the other was this aerophagic tic, characterised by a jumble of quick swallowing movements, pharyngeal grunts, and long-drawn-out, sonorous eructations. All this performance was rehearsed two or three times a minute as a sort of convulsive discharge, which she alleged the sorcerers forced her to emit in spite of herself, exactly as they coerced her into uttering a jargon she did not understand, and wagged her tongue at their own sweet will. To quote SÉglas again in conclusion: The air-swallowing tic is merely a syndrome common to various pathological conditions differing widely enough, but all alike in being associated with some degree of mental impairment, in which perhaps may be discovered the actual cause of the condition. It cannot therefore be looked upon as a simple spasm, based anatomically on a reflex arc, but must be regarded as a reaction whose substratum is a cortico-spinal anastomosis—that is to say, it is a tic. Tics of vomiting may be produced if the diaphragm be affected. NoguÈs and Sirol It is possible, as NoguÈs and Sirol think, that the trouble may have originated in a reflex spasm, and that with the disappearance of the primary irritation a new psychical factor operated to effect its repetition and prolongation. The designation of all these functional disorders as tics is not always justifiable, and their separation from the corresponding normal act is frequently a task of delicate diagnosis, but patient search for the exciting cause and study of the concomitant mental anomalies will supply the necessary indications. TICS OF RESPIRATION—SNORING, SNIFFING, BLOWING, WHISTLING, COUGHING, SOBBING, AND HICCOUGHING TICSRespiratory tics are exceedingly numerous. They concern the diaphragm and the muscles of inspiration or expiration, and are accompanied by synergic movements of the muscles of the nose, lips, tongue, palate, pharynx, as well as by laryngeal noises or by tics of the face and limbs. They embody disturbances of various functional acts, and may be subdivided into inspiratory and expiratory tics. It is only as regards their frequency that such reflex mechanisms as yawning and sneezing are liable to be modified by the intervention of the will. Saenger "Rhincho-spasm," a snoring tic, has been observed by Oppenheim in a case of neurofibromatosis. In certain tics of this nature, and in sniffing tics, the onset is sometimes attributable to the presence of adenoids. Among various expiratory tics may be enumerated the habit of blowing through one's nose or mouth. Schapiro has reported a case of expiratory "spasm" due to contraction of the buccinators. Whistling ought to be considered a stereotyped act, rather than a tic, as Letulle maintains. Spasmodic troubles of respiration, defined indifferently as "spasmodic dyspnoea," "spasmodic asthma," "spasmodic cough," "asphyxial spasm," "nervous cough," etc., ought not to be classified as tics; in many cases they are genuine spasms, arising from some irritation in sensory paths. At the instant of any contact, or under the influence of a sudden noise or a bright light, a patient of Edel's used to become distressingly dyspnoeic. Evidently the condition was one of spasm. Coughing tics also are of remarkably common Clonic contraction of the diaphragm gives rise to conditions imitated or caricatured by the tics, in particular sobbing and hiccoughing. It must not, of course, be forgotten that these are apt to occur in hysteria, as well as in organic disease of the nervous system, and in grave infectious states. Careful and searching inquiry must therefore precede any expression of diagnosis. Tonic diaphragmatic contraction is of very much greater rarity. In such cases abdominal respiration comes to a momentary standstill, whereas thoracic respiration is accelerated. The patient is in imminent danger of being asphyxiated, and the insertions of the diaphragm sometimes become painful. What is known as acute pulmonary eructation is occasionally the sequel to this convulsive affection. Tonic contraction of the diaphragm is nearly always of an hysterical nature, and is doubtless akin to the aerophagic type. |