She hath done what she could / A Discourse addressed to the Ratepayers of St. Marylebone, urging the adoption of The Public Libraries Act, 1855 |
A DISCOURSE ADDRESSED TO THE RATEPAYERS OF ST. MARYLEBONE, URGING THE ADOPTION OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACT, 1855. BY MATTHEW FEILDE, ST. DAVID’S COLLEGE. Late Member of the Committee of the Newspaper Press Association, for obtaining the Repeal of the Paper Duty. But it is to Free Libraries and News Rooms, and NOT to high-priced Institutes, that you must look for the spread of knowledge and intellectual culture. It may be argued that 1s. 6d. a quarter, or 6s. a year, is not much to pay to a Working Man’s Association. I contend it is exactly 4s. 4d. too much, as a halfpenny rate in the pound on a £40 house would amount to only 1s. 8d. a year. LONDON: J. BUMPUS, 158, OXFORD STREET. 1860. Price Sixpence. “She hath done what she could.”