8. Wood-block Print by the Author 95
9. First Printing (Collotype reproduction) 98
10. Second Printing " 100
11. Third Printing " 102
12. Fourth Printing " 104
13. Fifth Printing " 105
14. Sixth Printing " 107
15. Eighth Printing " 109
16. Collotype Reproduction of a Colour Print by HiroshigÉ 111
17. Collotype Reproduction of a Portion of the Print shown on the preceding
Page, actual Size, showing the Treatment of the Foliage and the Expressive
Drawing of the Tree-trunk and Stems 114
18. Collotype Reproduction of another Portion of the Print shown on p. 111
Actual Size, showing the Expressive Use of Line in the Drawing of the distant Forms 116
19. Collotype Reproduction of a Colour Print by HiroshigÉ 118
20. Collotype Reproduction of a Portion (actual Size) of the Print on the
Preceding Page, showing Treatment of Tree Forms and Distance 120
21. Collotype Reproduction of a Colour Print by HiroshigÉ 121
22. Collotype Reproduction of a Portion, actual Size, of the Print on the
preceding Page, showing Treatment of Tree and Blossom 123
23. The Tiger. Collotype Reproduction of a Colour Print by J. D. Batten 125
24. Lapwings. Collotype Reproduction of a Colour Print by A. W. Seaby 127


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